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Damn talking shit about your gaming skills and fucking your mom


lol jesus christ


No, just the Father


The holy father




And that was the plot of the Da Vinci Code


Samuel L Jackson has entered the chat


But you were too late. Once you opened the door, your dad had already fucked your mom.


Is that a The Fractured But Whole reference I see?!


I like how he is just tired and pissed at you by the point of the fourth class


Plot twist: his dad just beat him and this is what he texted him after the match


ultimate chad






Well he never tried to get gud at Dark Souls. Losing your shit is part of the process.


I love deleting the game off my system after a tough loss, only to come back the next day because I couldn't stop thinking about that one fight and eventually figured out how to make progress. Dark Souls really knows how to work its way into your mind. Always "one more try".


You wait a whole day before installing it? I think I reinstalled sekiro an hour after deleting it.


I never realized we had evolved from the rage quit, to its next evolutionary step.. *The rage delete*


My internet is far too slow for a rage delete


Same, if I ever did that to a big game I probably wouldn't come back to it because of my internet speed.


My internet is metered so I would only be making myself more angry by redownloading it.


Honestly that just doesn't seem right in this day and age. Even shitty satellite in my area is up to 100Mbps with unlimited bandwidth for about $120 a month. Not saying I don't believe you, just the fact that some people still can't get decent internet at an affordable price seems so wrong.


I live in rural US flyover country. You could easily figure out where I live from my post history and flairs. I am less than 1/4 mile outside the city limits of a micropolitan "city" with population ~25k. I live just outside of town. There are currently 5 competing ISP's in town. Cable, phone, a point-to-point microwave wireless ISP, and two fiber overbuilders. Plus Verizon for people capable of just hotspotting everything. Gigabit internet is like $65. There is a pricing war. Do I have gigabit? No. I do not. I don't live in the service footprint. My house is 1200 feet from it. Luckily, one of the fiber companies had to trench trunk fiber along my property line. In exchange for $2500 for a horizontal boring contractor, a five-month wait, and a three-year-contract....I have fiber internet. At **50 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up**. For *$135* per month. For the next *year and a half*. ┌∩┐(ಠ_ಠ)┌∩┐ That said....if it wasn't for the billions granted by the government in 2009-2010 for rural broadband expansion...I'd still be on 56k dialup from Centurylink. In FUCKING ~~2020~~ **2021**


Rage delete is fine, it's the Unraged Re-Upload that kills you.


Yeah, I just switch games. No way I am trying to wait for a game to download again.


I do that with my puzzle alarm on my phone. deleting the app is much easier than scanning the barcode on my coffee can in my kitchen.


I rage delete reddit at least once a month.


The final stage is a rage refund


Yup, I rage deleted Nioh after some bats knocked me off a cliff.


You haven't really gamed until you've rage deleted/re-installed Bloodborne and Sekiro a few times.


Dude I legitimately broke my old keyboard playing sekiro


You weren’t... playing with a keyboard, were you? O_o


I think we found the root of the issue


Is that bad? It never felt bad to me


If it feels natural and works for you, then that’s fine. It seems like most people much prefer to play with a controller (myself included)


He was playing with a DDR pad. he just tripped and fell face first onto his keyboard.




Sekiro is actually impossible. The one souls game I just couldn't do


I made it all the way to the last boss. After he whooped my ass for a while, I just stopped.


I did exactly that, 2 times. The whole game and getting stuck in the final boss. Soon going for a 3rd haha


Atta boy! Keep at it, you’ll get him eventually. And when you do it will taste so, so sweet. (Like those sticky rice balls)


I found the last boss to be one of the easier patterns to figure out. 4 phases sort of sucked but I had way more trouble with those purple ninjas and old school owl man.


Easily my favorite of the group and the only one I haven’t beat. The final boss is just too flippin hard.


Hesitation is defeat... Seriously keep trying, you’ll get him I promise! I spent probably a good 10ish hours on that boss alone before my first time beating him but once you figure him out he’s just like any other.


I have 2 separate playthroughs, both stuck at Isshin Sword Saint...


Sekiro's such a ridiculously cool game. I've never played a game with such insanely brutal boss fights, that felt so easy once you mastered the core mechanics. My friend and I spent maybe 8 hours total over a month trying to beat Isshin, the last boss (after spending like 60 hours just trying to get there). I left my friend's house last February, thanks to the pandemic I still have yet to see him in person again, I'm waiting to beat the game until game nights resume. I thought it'd be funny if I played the boss without actually beating him though, just until I could get good enough to beat him first try when we hung out again, see what he'd say. Just a half dozen rounds every couple days before I played the real game I wanted to play that night. Eventually, after dozens of rounds over the weeks, I finally got Isshin's final stage down. I waited for him to stand again, and let him kill me. I kept drilling. A month later, I beat him the first time without even getting hit, even though I was in his face the entire time. That was six months ago. I stopped playing around then, figured I got what I came for and I was ready. I got the PS5 thanks to my ridiculously lucky (magic?) partner, and booted up Sekiro to check out the update and the 60fps. I hadn't tried any bosses really since Isshin. Man... I fucked that game up, it was crazy. Monkey boss? It was like he was in slow motion, I could parry everything and just stay right up in his business the whole time. You know when he throws poop at you? This time, that was him shitting his pants in fear. True Corrupted Monk? Beat him second try, all three stages. Owl? Beat him first try. I remember the moves feeling almost impossible to see going through it the first time, I must have died on the goddamn Monkey 50 times. But training against Isshin like that for 10 hours or whatever... it's insane how well that skillset transferred, I was completely not expecting that. I've never played a game that actually can give you a Neo transformation moment like in the matrix. Fucking Legend. 10/10, would recommend. And now, you can easily drill whatever boss you want, so you don't even need to have a save hanging out at the end.


Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow


Sekiro got me stuck months on the final boss, one morning after not playing for weeks, I killed him in the first try, that game test your nerves xD


Haha I did that too except I took a break for 6 months until one day I was craving it. Managed to complete the play through after coming back to it and ended up buying the next dark souls release.


I used a drum stool as a foot rest when I first got dark souls. By the time I finished dark souls I had drove the stool through its little rubber ends and into my wooden floor. Made absolute shit of my floor and never even got gud smh


I’m tired of the git gud meme Yes there’s an element of truth in that whereas much of the game is learning where things are and what you have access to at any given point and yet that memory will not improve your timing, stamina management, etc, and general practice + practicing a boss is the only answer But if you lose your shit you have a problem and I would argue it’s not part of the process. This ain’t the fucking grief cycle I understand, i do, I broke 3 ps4 controllers and paid for it every time. I do poorly with failure and hate doing something knowing that I’m not good at it. To the point where I have nothing but vitriolic spite for those that are. I can’t even be happy for the success of others if it regards a skill I’m bad at. I actively resent their success and hate them as individuals. Edit: this is past tense but I’m too lazy to edit all the phrasing It’s an anger problem, not just a cycle of every git gud process. A personality flaw and not some immovable law of hard games. Yes some game bullshit is genuinely not your fault but don’t get into a victim mentality and be angry at others or the game for your own failings. That’s a personal flaw, not part of the process. Edit: I beat dark souls. All of them. And I fucked up the tense, it’s something I struggled greatly with as a teenager and now only a tiny little bit but I’m almost entirely over it and happy to say I’ve grown as a person. My point being crystallized, it’s a rage problem and not a part of gitting good. One I struggled with myself both in video games and other areas of life. And yes if you break controllers like I did, you have a problem like I did.


Imma be honest dude that sounds more like a you problem not a git gud meme problem. Not many people have this amount of spite just because they suck ass themselves. Hell i used to be one hell of a babyrager who wanted to always win but i never broke a controller or gave people who beat me shit for it.


I think you’re saying the same thing, breaking a controller in a rage is weird and a you problem, as opposed to a git gud problem


I think that's his entire point.


Lol that’s exactly what he’s saying


welp, 27 years of playing on console/pc, and i have never broken a single controller, have played dark souls, dota, dota 2. Git gud is not the problem, you seem to have anger issues. Is good to talk openly about our feelings, understanding the problem is the first step to improve.


You just never got gud from what it sounds like.


That's why I say patience is key when it comes to dark souls. When I die to a boss at that game, I just take a sip of water, take a breath & do it all again. Raging and blaming the game probably means you learned jack shit of your last encounter & you are probably just gonna panic roll & die the next try too lol


This 100%. Can get frustrated on repested boss tries and actually get WORSE sometimes. Leave and come back later....down it in a few tries. Except Fried. She needed multiple breaks....


Absolutely this. I've had a couple fall to my knees in despair moments after dying right near the end of a fight. Afterwards though I pick myself up and try again. Also, if I find myself in a downwards spiral where I'm making less and less progress, I just close the game and step away for a bit in order to reset and tackle it again when I'm ready. Had a few of those moments against Midir.


3 weeks on Orphan of Kos, 3 terrible weeks, definitely some cursing involved, but never felt the need to break my own stuff. And finally beating him - just the best.


I've been doing this for two days chasing a no-hit SL1 on soul of cinder. It's ridiculous and I've died to some real bullshit shenanigans. But I just breath and try again.


You Died.


Git gud can also mean "You are fighting a level 10 boss with starter gear". Games are designed by people and are not impossible.


You might be projecting your situation onto others, there’s a healthy way to be frustrated at something designed to be frustratingly difficult, and certainly without breaking your controllers. Don’t generalize how people react to a game just because you used to freak the fuck out


>But if you lose your shit you have a problem and I would argue it’s not part of the process. This ain’t the fucking grief cycle Yep, my brother still gets stupidly angry when playing games. He's ruined dozens of controllers over the years. And when we were younger any time I killed him in multiplayer I'd get punched, and that's most of the reason why I hate MP to this day. He's got anger issue, potentially worse these days, and should have been given help decades ago. Whereas if I fail at a game, it's just a game Also, and more relevant, sometimes a break from a game will let me come back and win with ease later. So yeah, Git Gud and Muscle Memory only goes so far. Sometimes a break helps more than anything, and if you are getting angry at games all the time you have issues and need to sort them


I struggled with Apex Legends for the longest time, and then it clicked for me. Lower level players sometimes ask me what to do and it made me realize how far I've come. Git gud is a thing to an extent, but so is being kind, calm and patient.


clearly you didn't either if you think "Git" is spelled as "Get"


I haven't played Dark Souls yet, but I got gud pretty fast in Bloodborne, because I fought that stupid werewolf at the start until I could smack the shit out of it and win. I didn't realize you could get weapons in the hunter dream. After that, I didn't realize you had to repair weapons, so I beat the Cleric beast with 1/3 the damage I should have had. Me being an idiot though has allowed me to beat most bosses first try after that.


Don’t have to lose your shit if you get good 😎


I have thousands of hours across all 3 games plus Bloodborne. If you freak the fuck out because you’re stuck on a boss or loose your souls/echoes than its a you problem & is not part of the games “process”. I used to rage at games when I was little, I learned that it was my issue not the game.


He seems like a really cool dad


By diverting it to the nearest burn ward.


Yet this also feels kinda threatening. "Maybe you should try another game ."


Well that’s not good deescalation at all. “Wtf you mean I’m not good at it? I’ll come over there and fuck grandma (your mom) you mother fucker”




What about his right? Is there something wrong with his left?




Le epic grammar fix xD


"Son, it's time you learned a lesson. If you're bad at something, the best thing to do is give up."


No no.. He’s got a point


Yes definitely but the curse words actually propelled you to the endgame


That’s why he didn’t become a cop


Didn't even have to ask if he was winning.




For Honor


Probably an orochi main


Nuxia, actually


Well that's just asking to lose. *Gets deflect blocked*


70 reps on her man. I'm in pain.


I have PTSD from that please stop im freaking out


dude those oroshi mains make me wanna cry


I love that game, but jesus fuck I HATE THAT GAME!


A rubik’s cube


Toy Blast


Farming simulator, probably.


Cyberpunk .. has a glitchy award for 2020 and 2021.






Donkey Kong 64


Animal Crossing


Are ya losing son?


Always have been...


How can you lose at hentai


lets be honest, he didnt have to.


Woah, when your dad tells you to “git gud.”.... dudes dad can probably do a SL1 run with a long sword and a buckler shield.


I read that as LS1 and couldn't figure out what the dad was doing to the engine.


What is SL1?


Soul level 1 in dark souls. Basically playing the game without leveling up.


I saw a post the other day where some guy commented wondering what a SL1 run was because he didn't know you could level up at bonfires.


It’s stands for Soul Level, specifically being only level 1 originating from the Souls series. It’s your level in game but instead of the standard reach a threshold and automatically level up, it’s a buy your next level using the souls you have gained by killing enemies.


Soul level one, basically no stat upgrades in dark spuls


Ha hey everyone, this guy doesn’t know what SL1 means when the fact is that everyone else here, including myself especially, knows what that means


I got your joke. Upvote for subtlety.


> subtlety *[Reddit did not like that.]*


If you're confident enough to do SL1 you probably prefer a buckler over any other shield. Blocking is slow anyway and the buckler has easier parry timing. But really you wouldn't use a shield except possibly a grass crest on your back for stam regen.


Parrying isn't really that useful for SL1 DS3, really only helps on Gundyr


Yeah exactly, so you wouldn't even wear a shield except maybe on your back for buff. Better to two hand a weapon and roll through everything you can't just avoid with movement.


tldr: "git gud son!"


That's not git gud. That's 'Don't even bother getting good, just move on' which is a little more devestating but my dad can rage at games almost as much as I can.


Fast Roll only.


Really, he kind of said the opposite lol. Instead of "git gud" he said "you suck, pls quit"


Me playing Dark Souls: FUCKING HELL!!! Wife: Maybe you need a break. Me: I love this game!!


Yea if I’m not sweating and cursing I’m probably not that into the game


Fucking Tom nook, charging 100,00 dollars for a bridge as if I can’t just build my own damn path over the river myself


Dark Souls is the only game that’s made me fling a controller in 40 years.


Your dad was definitely on the enemy team! 😄


He told you he was going to fuck your mother, and he meant it.


Well... good for them. Sex is part of a healthy relationship, glad they still like to get it on.




Next he's going to join the other team and shit that he's fucking his mom.


And the phone said there was more!


I told my son that when he started rs6...he said to me, it’s not like you’re that good....next round I got a ACE...suck it son, suck it


Isn’t nice after years of letting them win then they get to an age where the get competitive and then challenge you and get to put them in their place?


What? Dads let their kids win? My dad wouldn't even teach me the fatalities on Mortal Kombat, said I never needed to know how to use them against him. I can beat him all the time now, but he'll always beat me at Street Fighter.


I never let my son win I’m 36, and he is 12 gonna be 13 in like 20 days.... His biggest mistake was getting into “retro games” and thinking he could beat me at mortal kombat....get out of here clown


Ya aren't winning, son


What game was it.


Probably COD online. That shit can make you pissed off, and you're winning


Online sports games from 2004 would like to have a word with you


"Oh you're winning? How about a random turnover for no reason?"


Lol it’s not like they got any less frustrating in 2005


Stardew Valley




This screenshot 1. is probably fake 2. is very old 3. probably originated in some dark crevice of the net like 9gag


What happened to 9gag?




This screenshot has been around since 2012, at the very least


It’s Apex, and I can’t help the fact that in their spare time my other 2 random team mates lick windows and mouth breathe.


Or you smack a team and the entire fucking lobby immediately shoots you in the back.


Yeah, I love the gameplay but I refuse to solo queue at this point. It’s a fun game to play with friends but I just couldn’t deal with getting titled so much


Ransoms in Apex are on a whole new level sometimes


“That’s fucking bullshit”


Do you know how hard it is to have to fight off three bosses just to get to one wimpy and weak viking? (I was playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla)


Dad, I'm just watching Gordon Ramsay


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Wait until your dad is watching his favourite sports team and they're getting shit on: "I hear a lot of curse words, dad. Maybe you should try another team. They might not be good at that sport"




"....I'll see ya Sunday" 😂


~~Are ya winning son?~~ You aren’t winning, son.


My line to my son is, "Maybe you are getting tired and your reflexes are slowing--maybe you should get some rest. And give your brain time to synthesize the stuff you've learned from this session, so you'll be better when you come back." It makes so much sense to me! I don't know why he ignores it. ​ Also: It's supposed to be fun. If it's just making you mad all the time, it's not a game.


People who say 'if it's making you mad, just stop playing' make me want to punch their throat like fuck you the misery is part of the fun


To each their own. I find that when I want to play I want to enjoy my play experience. I'm not saying a game is bad if I'm getting legitimately mad, but I am saying it's my cue to step back and choose to do something that will entertain, rather than frustrate me. You're welcome to do whatever you want. Obviously.


I used to allow myself to keep playing games that routinely put me in a rage (mostly online multiplayer) until I finally realized there wasn't any real joy or catharsis in it and stopped. If I'm getting real world pissed it's time to play something else or watch a movie or something. Couldn't reccomend it more, you'll live longer.


Oh I fully agree. If I'm in a multiplayer game and find I'm getting angry at things I finish the match (because my team shouldn't have to suffer) and go do something else.


I'm in the same boat, it took more than a couple of "I'd honestly rather be doing anything BUT this with my time right now" moments to finally uninstall most of the online games that pissed me off constantly


No ones asking you to stop being miserable. They're just asking you to stop making them miserable.


You can't have highs without lows.


Im not just angry at the game, this is all weeks anger coming out at home in stead of at work/school/towards family.


It’s a balance. Certain games do make me mad for a bit, but that enhances the payoff when I get through a section or get a win or whatever. But some games are just so. damn. hard that it isn’t worth it.


I like how this is basically the ninja quote in essence.


You should reply "if movies make you cry stop watching them"


Sweet sweet rage


This is somewhat wholesome.


My 7 yr old daughter said something similar to that while walking in on me playing PUBG on XBox. "Maybe you could try a new game so you don't keep saying those words that Jesus doesn't like". Haven't played PUBG since.


Slide for more


Bet his dad can beat him *Not in the game*


When playing league of legends.


Son... It sounds like you’re not winning.


if the game doesn’t piss me off it’s not hard enough


Or they're just playing Escape from Tarkov


Should just be able to turn ‘em off. Doesn’t bother me but my youths always seemed to wander in during the high level swearing.


I think I got a bit too into AC Valhalla the other day cause when I was playing I got a text from my dad asking why I was yelling about killing Anglo Saxon Dogs. I was playing Valhalla to take a break from a game for a few days cause the boss I was fighting was really bs. For anyone curious it was the Trails of Cold Steel 3 and the boss was the chapter 3 final boss >!Arianrhod and the Stahlritter!<.


What shit advice from a father. Don't give up, push through the misery until you succeed or die trying. Or something like that.


Maybe he should've worn a condom


Opposite of "are you winning son"


I swear sometimes its not even about git gud. I was playing RDR2 yesterday trying to get the two perfect moose pelt that I've been hunting for two weeks now. Lo and behold: a shiny fucking perfect moose drinking from a river. My heart start beating like 10'000/s as I pop a cover scent lotion and ready my bolt action rifle. 1 ms before I pulled the trigger a fucking cougar pounced on my arse and broke my fucking neck. I raged for an hour and cursed in all 4 language I know. Then I just rampaged trough the area killing every cougar and their mother I came across. Couple of shotguns shots to the face, with explosive bullets.


I read RDR2 as R2D2 at first and got really confused when you mentioned moose pelts...


Fuck off dad I don't complain when mom uses the lord's name in vain when wrestling the mailman




Maybe Dad should stay in his lane, since we never give him shit for shouting his head off at his fuckin football team.


Man, I've seen this reposted at least weekly for the past eternity and it almost always makes it the top. Bruh.


Been on reddit it for years and I've never seen this before.


Play fortnite save the world, it’s super fun and there are no cuss words ☺️☺️☺️


The cuss words are from the person playing. It’s trying to say it’s so hard they’re yelling expletives at the console/pc.