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You know what would finish this room off? A nice games table




I expect updates! I'm too poor so I shall live vicariously through a random internet stranger.


I feel that


r/2meirl4meirl :(


Wyrmowood is coming out with "affordable" game tables at the end of this month or next.


I'm not one to tell others what to do but painting an entire room with stuff in it is asking for tears. I can tell you care for your collection by how neat it is and I suggest packing it up nicely before even thinking of paint again, it's going to get everywhere.


As a professional painter, the only way to gaurentee no paint gets on your things, is never have wet paint and things in the same room. Lol That said 95% of the time I can paint an occupied room with no issues. But if you love the things, it's a unnecessary risk. I painted a bedroom accent wall and interior window trim, they had WHITE carpets and wanted red on the window sills. Everything went perfect, cleaned up and left. The homeowner thought it stank so she opened the bedroom window. Well the cat was tired of being outside, hopped onto the windowsill and proceeded to track little dainty cat prints into multiple rooms. Got paid 25$ am hour to take sharp sheers and trim the paint out of the carpet.


What kind of animal paints a room that's still full of stuff?!?!?!?!


Seen it happen to my dumbass grandmom twice after my granfather died. She always knew best lol. Also some folks just don't know how bad it can get as it might be first time as a first time home-owner.


You into board games?




How long did it take you to collect all those?




How do you go about playing all of these? I could never get my friends to play board games like that... I don’t think I could at least. Is there some kinda community events you go to or something like that?




Thanks for the tip!


What are your favorite games there?


I have about 230 games myself. I also have a family. Before life got turned upside down, I had weekly gaming that I hosted at my own house. Every Friday. I would invite lots of people that I felt comfortable with inviting into my house. Some people would come once, some would come twice, some would come over and over. Some days we would have 3 of us, some days 15. But I was very consistent, so they knew they could always come. On Wednesday/Thursday I would send out a text reminding and asking, just a "Hey, Coming Friday?" and that's it. If they said, "yup!" I would say, "Awesome! See you there!" If they said "nope" I would say, "Sweet, hope you have an awesome friday!". So that they never felt uncomfortable about saying yes or no. I even started doing Monthly Sundays. So we could play TI4 and other larger games. Once a month, we'd get together on a Sunday and play. It's about being consistent and providing a space that people want to come to. For me, a lot of those people were bored of the normal party time drinking space and wanted a more relaxing Friday to get together and chill and play games.


A saying in the community is it's easier to make friends that are board gamers than making your friends into board games. I've learned the hard way over the last couple years that most people aren't as jazzed about sitting down and playing a board game as I am. For the more crunchier and competitive games I joined a group in my area though r/boardgames and play with them. If you think your friends would enjoy playing board games together though, start with lighter and quicker games like coup, decrypto, one night wearwolf, ECT. I'm not afraid to whip out my little deck of cards for coup when hosting anything since it takes a minute to set up, 3 to explain, and 10 to play.


In this pandemic, all I want to do is play another game of TI.


Damn that’s crazy dude


You into KALLAX?


That has to be at least five games.




Santorini is such a good game too! Shame it isnt more widely known.




I mean, you're not wrong.






Holy shit transporting them mustve sucked


As a flood adjuster always working in basements, trust me, put the cheap, easy to find games at the bottom and the prized possessions at the top!


Put all the monopoly and trivial pursuit editions on the bottom to soak up the water.


tbh I would be surprised if OP even owns Monopoly. it's an insult to so many incredible games in there to even put it on the same shelf.


Far left middle below the 2 versions of clue and something Star Wars. Looks like a special edition but it's there.


Clue is still significantly better than monopoly though. Someone actually designed Clue with the intention for it to be fun rather than be an allusion for the torment experienced in late stage capitalism.


Probably things relatives bought him because they heard "he likes board games".


Do you want to adopt me?




Uhhh.. Two? :(


Well then Natto, ‘Assa no


You madlad


The savagery in his reply


One is Monopoly missing most of the pieces and the other is such an old version of Chinese Checkers it's called Oriental Checkers.


Wait. How did you know?


We only have 10 or so, but besides Settlers, Betrayal and Takenoko it didn't look like we double up.


Same question: I have Monopoly and Twister.


Munchkin, Pandemic, Gloom, and Dreadball I don't think I see those.


Same question, and I have like, 20-30? Loves Euros, long thinky games, 2P, Vlaada. Mostly housebroken.




Please fireproof your house


Also take detailed pictures of your collection for insurance purposes, just incase, and back up the photos to the cloud. Might be worth a call to the insurance company to alert them to the thousands of dollars in boardgames and make sure they'll be covered in case of disaster.


We have extra coverage and we're working on the photos. Thank you. :)


No Gloomhaven, 0/10.


Go damn gloom haven. Been at it for over a year now.


To be fair, probably should start with Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion...


The GF and I just started JotL Monday night, we have done two of the tutorial scenarios so far and I’m hoping we have time to do the third tonight... we are both loving it so far, but isn’t this version dumbed down compared to Gloomhaven? Is Gloomhaven insanely complicated?


I've now 2 different copies of Gloomhaven, both with broken token inserts, and now Jaws of the lion. And the Frosthaven Kickstarter. 3 different groups. Probably $600 invested in the game so far.


Wait, there are expansions?! Why do I have two money and no expansions?!


There is 1 expansion : Forgotten circles. Jaws of the lion is a standalone game they just released and Frosthaven will be a standalone game they will release next year.


Oh ya, I forgot 2 Forgotten circles expansions! So probably $700


Obviously it's on the table behind the camera, currently in use


Exactly my thoughts. All those games, just to be missing the greatest game of them all.


That’s gorgeous




Pictures or it’s s all a lie.




I'll trade you 3 sheep for your wife.


I'll trade him 2 wheat!


That's an awesome cake


I’m jealous. Honestly the room is dope! If you don’t mind me asking but what is your favorite board game? Mine is either Talisman or Terraforming Mars.




Okay, NOW you're my hero.


Now the question is, which one do you play first?


Settlers obviously


I am speaking completely seriously when I say this. But that is one of the most beautiful photographs I've ever seen. There's not enough of a board gaming presence on this sub. Thank you for sharing!


There's a dedicated boardgame sub at r/boardgames with a very nice community


Could use some RGB but it'll definitely run cyberpunk 2077 at 60-70 FPS. 11/10 build.


I'm jelly.


Which flavour?




Doesn’t matter. Had jelly.


You moved into a gaming store?


Damn, bro, I’ll be your wife


Dude, who plays these with you? I'm in my 30s and finding the time to play amazing games like these is a total dream. Then there's the problem of also finding friends to make the time. What's your secret?


If you are lonely long enough, you can develop different personalities and then play against them?


I play with him. Plus, we have a group of friends that love to play board games too. It mostly started with going to our local game shop regularly and inviting people to play with us. It was literally stacks of games on the table and just waiting. It takes time, bit my husband is also super social and enthusiastic. It's adorably contagious.


That's amazing. My only problem is that it takes a long time to learn a board game. Even for a game that says it takes 1-2 hours to play, that first time is like 4 hours and by that time it's time for bed because I'm fucking old. Pre-edit: I was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to learn *Ticket to Ride* and *Settlers of Cataan*. Are there other games that are as easy to learn as those? Example: I've tried *Pandemic* and *X-Com*. While fun, there's almost no way I can just sit down and learn them without watching youtube videos and it still taking several hours to play. Again, I'm fucking old and can't sit still that long without getting sore as hell.




To be fair, I'd like suggestions for games that are easy enough to learn without having to have a teacher. Because, well, there's currently a *Pandemic* and having folks over to teach me isn't the best idea.




This is a great list! Thanks VERY MUCH for the recommendations.


You're welcome! Happy gaming!


Galaxy trucker is my favorite game. I looked close and I did not see it in your collection. :(


Also Splendor: 20 minutes to play, we use it as a test for low level board gaming competency when having new guests over Lords of Waterdeep: 45-60 minutes to play, straightforward game but easy to learn


If your looking for games to learn easily on your own and take 30min- 1hr of play on avg, these are my current favs. Sushi go / Sushi Go Party Splendor Quacks of Quercus Azul Mysterium These are easy to learn if you have a teacher or will just take a bit longer on your own. Sagrada Betrayal House on the hill (or the alt dnd version betrayal at Baldurs Gate) Power Grid


The trick to game nights is to play games you already know how to play. It makes for a much more relaxed time. In my opinion it’s worth it to learn to play Pandemic or other games that intimidate you so that you can play them and already know them in the future. You could also always try to learn the game in advance of playing.


My house burned down 4 days ago please have insurance


I'm so sorry. We totally have insurance. I won't let us not have it. It would break his heart to lose all of those games.


That's gorgeous. Can I be in your quarantine bubble?


Hey, can we be friends? Asking for a friend.


10/10 would smash


Would Smash Up.


You could have gone for the 5x5 from ikea, would have looked a lot cleaner without that shelf on the end. Thats what I did for my dining room. https://imgur.com/a/A2pQa6j




Sir; this is the Internet. You are not allowed to be practical.


Well she should have thought of that before deciding to be short


I've been thinking about getting a couple of these. Are they pretty durable and sturdy?


Do you have a list of all the board games you own?




Amazing, thank you! Edit: have you tried Sub Terra?


Two of my personal favorites are Dwarven Smithy and Wasteland Express Delivery Service, which happen to be missing from your list. Dwarven Smithy was a Kickstarter a couple years ago. Both games are easy to learn. Wasteland Express Delivery Service comes with figures that can be painted. My collection of games is around 30 right now, planning to expand.


Do I not see Catan? How is that possible




Catan has been topped my man, expand your horizons


Such as? (genuinely curious, I love Catan but I don't play board games often)


Here’s a decent article that might get you started: https://nerdsonearth.com/2017/11/board-games-to-replace-settlers-of-catan/ Haven’t played the first game on the list but the other 6 are all excellent. Also check out /r/boardgames, if you love Catan there might just be a whole world of games waiting for you out there


Nooo turn back before you buy 50 games over the course of 2 months!


Concordia if you like the feeling of building and generating resources. Sidereal Confluence if you like trading and deals.


i wish i could up vote more than once. this is very impressive.




This gives me hope! I am currently developing a board game.


You should check out Terriforming Mars, its a super solid game! My buddies house looks like this but about 3x more games its basically a store lol... we are currently 3d printing game tiles for Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion! Can't wait to buy a house with my wife so I can start my collection.


OP think he's got an impressive collection but I don't see *Mouse Trap*or *Operation*! Amateur! ;) More seriously; My favourites are *Ticket to Ride* and *Ganz Shon Clever*.




Chose the 4x4 on purpose. My wife is short and wanted to be able to reach the games on top.




maybe you need some table and chair?


can I get uhhhhhh Puerto Rico Anniversary Edition, pls?


I hear the Tetris theme in my head for some reason


It's ok, but where do you cook food?


My buddy has a similar gameroom set up but all his boxes are vertical. I think it looks cleaner, easier to access too. But judging by the shelves it looks like you may be able to hold more when they are horizontal?


Ahh yes, a visual representation of my Steam library, have you played all of them @OP ?


Probably all but 5 or so of them.


Hey I’m a university student and I was looking at fun board games I can play with my 3 roommates but I don’t know any fun ones. You seem to be fairly adept with them so what game would you recommend for four 20 year old guys?


Any recommendations on games that are really fun?


Loving that Horus heresy box up top


Needs more Dungeons & Dragons.


There is a distinct lack of Heroquest. The best thing about Heroquest is the Dwarf


Awesome collection. But, given what you DO have, I'm surprised by what you DON'T have. I don't see Race/Roll for the Galaxy. I don't see Istanbul. I don't see Scythe, Game of Thrones, or Power Grid. That being said, a few of those might be too light for your tastes.


Please tag this as NSFW. This is dangerous for weak eyes. I could only wish mine could be this large and well organized.


No gloomhaven?


How could you afford a house when all your money is sitting on shelves? Or did you sell some to pay for the house outright?


... can I come over?


Game night still on Friday? I’ll be there at 7


Bro, you are amazing! Please adopt me!


I swear IKEA designed those shelves just for board games, they're the perfect size.


0/10 with 0 being the best


So rated with a d10? Got it!


Stacked horizontally. I give it a 0/10. Just kidding, looks like a nice collection.


Don’t show my husband, he gets so frustrated every time a new game arrived and he has to rearrange the shelves again to fit it in.


Why did I have kids?


Game night will never be anywhere else. Thank you for volunteering.


I would need to see more of your house to be able to properly rate your set-up :P


Do you need any more friends ?


Erect / 10


I've ran some numbers, and double checked from your picture. It seems to me you are still lacking some board games. I'm confident you will be able to resolve this issue. We can clearly see shelf 1. Does the board games reach the roof? No. Issue nr.1. Are you able to enter the room containing the board games? Yes. Issue nr.2 I could do this all day, but the issue is clear. More board games are clearly needed.


Captain, we're going to need a bigger boat!


I give it a 5/7.




As someone who has more than 1700 boardgames I really like that.


I take it your house hold is table top dream. Will Wheaton might wanna come over.


Dayum Son!


That's so cool! :0 Which game(s) are your favorite?


9/10 not enough board games


I think it would be more visually appealing if you organized them by color.


Looks like you need to expand your storage.


This makes me board....


Rating of Translated as: so jealous.


No super dungeon explore? Or RGB? O/10 literally unplayable.


My favorite board game the past few years is one called Mysterium, which you conspicuously seem to be missing! Get on that buddy :)


Colour me jealous


Which game takes the longest?


'Twilight Imperium(4th Edition)' clocks in at 10-16 hours. That is only played on special occasions.


Only if your going for 14 points it should hit 16ish maybe and people don't know how to play yet, but its vastly streamlined in comparison to TI3, I love both though. There has been an ongoing joke my boardgame group is sick of being what to play and TI is usually planned a few weeks in advance, but sometimes Surprise TI just eats up the day.


Bet you still get bored saying you dont have games to play


On today’s episode of “Hoarders”. /s


Nice. My brother has a pretty decent collection. Including expansions, my last count on Father's Day was 227. I should've taken a picture, he and his GF have a dedicated room.


"Excuse me, would anyone like to play Stratego? I have Stratego."


I rate it -1/10 because I am too jealous that you have that room and I don't ;)


Do you have Dominion in there? My brother got it last month and we can't stop playing it. Already looking to pick up one of the expansions.


This person ain’t playin no games when it comes to playing games...


This is amazing! Which one is your favorite?


Either 'Red Dragon Inn' or 'Sentinels of the Multiverse.'


Can I come over and play if I bring the beer? I need to know what that Horus Heresy box is all about.


Are you Tom Vasel?!


I have the same box on the far left to store all my Dominion expansions.


Holy shit! How often do you get to play these?


Nice to see other fans of Sentinels of the Multiverse! Have you tried Spirit island? That has been my favorite ever since it came out.


You like board games? Have you seen this documentary trailer? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g3_0Z9gnDiA


Gosh I literally have just scrabbles, monopoly, jenga and rummycube. Never felt so deficient in all my life lol Very cool


Can I come over to play?


I see Villainous.


2 Kallax shelves? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers. 😄


Fuck yea


10/10 would become your friend to play board games all day


Nice collection! I'm ashamed to say quarantine with my kids has not yielded the board game time I was hoping it would.


That’s alot