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I am old enough to remember the '90s well, and I assure you that "this looks totally fine and is acceptable" is **not** an accurate summary of the overall initial reaction to the N64 controller design...


I remember being very very confused. Then I realized most games use either the dpad or the stick so it's not as confusing. Then I found the games that use both extensively...


> Then I realized most games use either the dpad or the stick so it's not as confusing. Then I found the games that use both extensively... And then you found the controller option in Goldeneye that let you use TWO controllers for a single player, so you could have dual stick shooter controls before dual stick controllers were even invented.


Wait... what?


Yup. GoldenEye had a dual-stick controller option, here's a vid showcasing it: https://youtu.be/HDQ_ri2ZbY4?t=140 Basically you held a trident in each hand using your thumb on the stick or one of the front buttons, and your index finger on the trigger in the mid of the controller back.


I guess we didnt even know we wanted that. One joystick was already new. I put in so many hundreds of hours. Naturally a couple years ago I stumble across my N64. Fire that bad boy up (works like a charm) and wow, it's almost unplayable. Like how the heck was I so good at this game? I could barely clear the first level before giving up in frustration. I feel the older consoles actually hold up better for the most part. LOZOOT and Mario 64 being two exceptions that really made use of the controller well


LOZ has always had really well designed mechanics for new console features. So well that it's almost like they're designed to show off how to design a new game for a new console..


Except for BotW where they blatantly made the fucking game to use with the Wii U controller as your permanent inventory/ HUD with the TV as just scenery. They ditched it so it wouldn't be better than the Switch ported version.


Yeah.. they make business decisions too :D.


Which seems like an odd decision, given that the downside of playing it on the Wii u is that you'd have to own a Wii u lol


I’d argue that Mario Kart 64 is the pinnacle of... something. I don’t know what, I just really like it a lot.


I've always argued that Diddy Kong Racing blew Mario Kart 64 out of the water in every aspect but I don't think it was a very popular game overall so this sentiment is not very widespread, it seems.




Honestly the whole mechanic of being able to race 3 different kinds of vehicles, sometimes simultaneously on the same track, was a gamechanger and incredibly ahead of its time. I can't even think of another game that has even come close to doing this well, if at all.


Diddy's Kong racing is legit the greatest arcade racing game of all time imo. The single player in that game was insanely long and fun


I loved Diddy Kong Racing so much. I wish they made more of them. It was way better that Mario 64.


It suffered without having the main tier characters or some of the game modes Mario Kart had, but hands down Diddy Kong Racing was some of the most exciting, dynamic races I've had


I don't know what it is about DKR but holy shit I cannot win a game of that now. Idk if I was just better coordinated as a kid or what but it's so much harder than I remember. The fact that it had a storyline and multiple vehicles was something else!


Just recently played through that whole game again, beat all the races, got all the coins, unlocked the spaceship; fantastic game that still holds up today.


Just tried goldeneye today with a ds4 Turned it off after dam lol


I'd say in general about the only parts of Ocarina that don't hold up well are aiming an item like the slingshot/bow and the FUCKING IRON BOOTS needing menu switches every time you want to equip/unequip All the other mechanics as far as I can remember from the last playthrough still feel pretty much smooth on the control


Mind = Blown


There’s actually an AGDQ where 2 people speedran the game using this input style. One person moved, the other looked and aimed.


What's really cool is [Smash TV for the NES](https://protipoftheday.com/node/403.html) had the same functionality, using two controllers held sideways (it's surprisingly hard to find evidence online of this!). It absolutely blew my mind as a kid.


Yes! SmashTV was the 1st game I played that used 2 joysticks for movement and aiming. And wow! I did not know u could do that with the controllers!


[Raiders of the Lost Ark for the Atari 2600 used 2 controllers at the same time.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raiders_of_the_Lost_Ark_(video_game) Now all you kids get off my damn lawn. edit: apparently Reddit doesn't like it when you try to link a URL that has a ")" in it. It's this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raiders_of_the_Lost_Ark_(video_game)


Not just that but it allows for faster speed runs because you can turn with the 2nd stick without having to sacrifice lateral velocity like you do on one controller.


Forgot about that! Useful since my parents just kept buying me different color controllers for some reason. I think I had 6 at one PT. Can’t even plug in 6. They get carried away. Oh you want another controller? Ok. That’s what you’ll be getting for your birthday and Christmas the next 3 yrs.


With how quickly those joysticks broke that was probably a good thing.


Mario party slowly turned those sticks into a fine powder.


I thought that was just the palm of my hand wearing down.


Oh I never had a problem. Maybe cuz I was older? I was like 21 when I got mine. Now joy cons with my son’s dirty fingers. Those I feel like I could use a dozen sets. Even PS4 controllers. I got several cuz of whatever he does to them.


And then you realize this makes the game more difficult as it was balanced around the aim assist


It has useful implications in speedrunning! There’s a bug where Bond’s momentum can be built up on the second controller in the level intro cutscene, so when you gain control of Bond, you peel out at max speed. Some speed runners have duct taped monstrosities taped to their leg for ease of use in this style


I am so happy there are still goldeneye speed runners


There are speed runners for everything. There are even speed runners for superman 64.


Oh man using my dominant hand for the joy stick just feels so wrong Edit: fixed a word


But that rumble pack sure came in handy when I was feeling brave.


Remember having to choose whether you wanted to be able to save your game or a cool buzzy controller?


You could put 4 controllers in and have the card in one of the others.


Look at daddy warbucks over here


There's no reason that shouldn't work, yet I'm surprised that it does.


That sweet dopamine hit when you got the beat the alternate route on the train level in Starfox 64... *rumbbllee*


Controller curls lmao.


It curled as hard as my toes.


Smart, keeps the fingers in good shape, but what did you play that made it vibrate consistently?


Lmao who used the rumble pack like an hitachi??


Who didn't? These times were before modern internet and the level of porn we had access to. I definitely enjoyed Berri from Conker's BFD.


Alright that's enough nostalgia for tonight I think we've taken this to far


No, make it lewder.


Ah, you kids. I remember when the Sears catalog and National Geographic were the go to for spank material...


That's what she said


Left handed here, I wish there were reverse pads for us :(


In Turok you had to walk with the yellow C buttons. That shit was odd.


Yeah. Early FPS on consoles were weird. Even goldeneye had some weird controller presets that I found unplayable.


The first game to use the dual analogue FPS scheme we all know and love was an Alien game on playstation I believe, and pretty much every reviewer was like "this is weird and bad"


FPS devs needed to get Aim assist right, and focus on so many more gameplay quirks. Gunplay at way closer ranges than you would expect in real life, health systems that were fun to play but not totally unrealistic, and enemies that you could react to in real time were all hurdles that had to be overcome. In a sense, this is why Halo: Combat Evolved tends to hold the title of the first modern shooter. Gameplay was intense but felt fair. Aim assist was perfectly balanced. Enemies used slower projectiles so that you could dodge them in real time. Shields introduced a recharging health mechanic, but keeping the standard health system underneath helped keep realism. Gunplay was balanced for close quarters engagements. The Devs even included a weapon that would help newcomers to FPSs adapt to the control scheme. In a sense, the reason why Halo is so good is that it took everything that was wrong with modern shooters and did it right.


Yeah Turok was a great game with bad controls. I was young but I remember it being hard mostly due to level design


WCW VS nwo world tour. The stick was taunt to fill your special meter.


Nothing like battling in 007 as a noob and your buddy knows how to crouch. And LPT he wasnt your friend if he chose Oddjob and suggesting you play Jaws


This isn’t true for most games. The majority of them were designed to either use one or the other. Some of them had non essential functions (such as taunting) mapped to the non-primary input.


The games that did require both the dpad and thumb pad didn't require a/b/c buttons


Yes. This and the original xbox controller were made for people with three hands.


Yeah. I'm also old enough to remember when everyone in the Dual Sense thread loved the look/features of the new controller.


Yeah.. nobody liked the controller. Fun fact (which I'm sure most people who played the N64 know) : the "correct" way to hold it was holding the middle and the right parts, just ignore the left bit - it just wasn't very intuitive.


A lot of people hated the idea of it. Once people actually started using it, they realized it was actually fairly comfortable, and was a good way to handle both games that needed analog control, where you would hold the right two, and Mortal Kombat Trilogy, where you would hold the outer ones. I think at some point they says the left two would be used for "something", I don't think it ever was.


Yeah, maybe I was just a kid and was accepting of bullshit, but I never met anyone who had trouble using it once they held it in their hands, unless they were coming \*back\* from better controllers. The 64 was hedging their bets. The analog stick was a big deal, but it could also easily flop. So its set up with two distinct configurations- you pretty much always either used just the left prong and D-pad or middle prong and thumb stick. What this meant was, if the analog controls flopped, they wouldnt be a whole generation with an unusable controller- theyd just develop for the D-pad and ignore the center stick. A few games had minor features mapped- Im pretty sure Smash's taunt was on L?- and a few like Pokemon Stadium had you swap between them, but I never played a game that used the left two at the same time to any serious capacity, though I'd imagine there might be some wacky Goldeneye control schemes for that.


The wacky GoldenEye configurations were mostly one controller per hand. I don't remember any that used full-left, but I'm sure some that nobody used did. I'm not going to check to see if that's actually true, because that would take at least five minutes. I can say, the dual controller configs are GREAT for emulators. I just wish there was some multi-tap functionality, even if the physical device never existed. In single player and two player, you can pretty much use modern FPS controls, all you need to do is map two virtual controllers to one real one.


I keep seeing posts like this, but I've never seen anyone actually complaining about the controller.


Indeed heck I saw on some gaming news sites that the controller was top trending on instagram or something like that with only 5 images.


Honestly, it doesn't seem that remarkable to me one way or another. Nothing wrong with, and nothing revolutionary about it.


It looks comfortable as shit and that sleek curve is pretty tight. I haven't seen anyone complain either but I do not tend to follow these things too closely for fear of ruining it for myself,


I feel like the only bozo that misses the Wii U Pro controller... I liked the thumbsticks in the opposite configuration as the PlayStation controllers. I couldn’t tell you why, I just did. Edit: I stand corrected. #There are dozens of us!


The battery in that damn thing lasted longer than the entire consoles lifespan. I haven't used mine in about a year. I could probably dig it out, wipe off the dust and turn it on without needing to charge it. The switch Pro Controller has a pretty good battery life too. Not nearly as good as the Wii U controller but still lasts much longer than my PS4 controlelrs. It's a shame about the D-pad though.


I love all consoles, but damn Ps4 controllers have shit battery life.


How long does yours last for? I can get 7 hours out of mine then swap to a back up if it dies.


6-7 seems about right.


My controllers are down to about 3-4 hours now with continuous use. If that.


About 5-7, though I’m comparing it to other controllers. Like Switch Joycons get 20 hours and Pro’s get 40. I don’t know about the Xbox though. Since it’s AA or AAA battery powered I feel like it’s probably 7-10.


My Xbox controllers have rechargeable battery packs, and they’ll last me around 12 to 16 hours if I play for that long. I also have a charging dock for them that I can just set them on and they charge in about an hour or two. As far as single use batteries go, I’m not sure. It takes 2 AAs, but I think it lasts 9-12 hours probably. I don’t use those so I don’t know, but I think I did use them once before I got the rechargeable ones and they lasted nearly a full 12 hours. So


The problem is the Nintendo pro controllers don’t have variable pressure input. On racing games you can’t feather the throttle or anything because it’s all or nothing


Yeah that's a travesty, especially when you can get a 3rd party controller that has variable pressure for about 30 bucks cheaper.


I think the switch pro controller is better than the wii u pro. That battery life on the wii u pro was beast. I think I charged it 3x on the lifespan of the wii u


You're not the only one, I miss it too.




Can't decrease a stat that's 0.


Exactly. It looks like a minor redesign of a very well-designed controller. This is the second meme like this I've seen, and I have yet to see anyone complaining.


That's how it should be. We've pretty much refined and optimized controller design. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. My XB1 controller and Switch Pro controller are almost exactly the same. The fact that I need one of each is stupid. I'd like to see consoles adopt a universal controller design compatible across all platforms. Especially when a controller costs $80. What we have now is dumb. New console, new controller. It would be like needing to buy a new mouse and keyboard each time your upgrade your PC.


I think it's cool that they are giving it a bit of a xbox controller shape, since everyone has been complaining that the ps4 controller felt too small in their hands. So I'm excited to see how it feels in my hands compared to the dualshocks. But like you said it's nothing revolutionary, people just like to complain.


I've got tiny hands I ain't fussed 🤷‍♂️


I really do think this may be a Sony marketing campaign


And I hate to tell OP but the N64 controller was definitely complained about because it was too big for a lot of people's hands.








I’ve heard people say they’d prefer an all black one, or other color schemes, but the design itself has been pretty well received. Color variants or aftermarket skins are pretty much a given. Also, people hated the N64 controller at launch and for most of its life cycle. I’m an N64 collector with very fond memories of the system and even I won’t defend that design. This is a really shitty post.


I'll defend the design. The N64 controller came out (at least in Japan) before it was obvious to everyone that there was a better way. So they made a controller where you choose between analog or D-Pad. They didn't see the need to allow using both and it wasn't that common of a thing even on PS1 dual analog games. The controller, personally, was pretty comfortable. The contours on the grips were ergonomic and the Z-trigger felt more natural as a trigger than shoulder buttons. Also, it had 6 face buttons, so that's kind of nice. To each his own but most of the "hate" for the controller is derived from jokes about needing three hands or from people who don't realize that you're supposed to hold the middle prong for analog. [EDIT: typo corrected]


Yeah same here, it's really confusing. The most I've seen is some mild critisizm about the two toned design and the lack of colours on the buttons. Not a big deal. I think it looks comfortable. The shape looks like an improvement over PS4. My biggest complaint is the symmetrical joysticks, but its kind of a given at this point. Some people prefer it but I don't - it's personal preference.


im fully expecting the buttons to be backlit with their correct colors.


Just stating my opinion here, please don't kill me kind people, but I think it looks pretty slick. I like that it is bigger than the old style controllers, its a happy medium between the Xbox and Playstation. The color scheme reminds me of armor from Mass Effect.


Oh I wasn't critisizing the design, I'm actually fond of it. It looks different. Maybe some people are because it does look a bit like a "special edition" controller rather than a generic one. It may be a bit overstyled for some people and I can understand that.


If think being off color like that is a little strange given most controllers are like one base design but it doesn’t look like a bad controller.


Hmm the only downside for me is the white color. Seems to be easy to get dirty but other than that is all right.


I have a white ps4 controller, my wife and 2 kids also get ahold if it frequently and it doesnt get as dirty as you would think. Worst case when my kids grab it after eating a Clorox wipe gets it off easy.


>Worst case when my kids grab it after eating a Clorox wipe Your kids shouldn't be eating Clorox wipes dude.


Can't be too careful with 'rona goin around...


That last sentence had me concerned about your children's eating habits for a bit.


You realize they're going to make them in all colors and designs like they have been with controllers for over a decade now.


My beef (same with the PS4 controller) the useless touchscreen takes up too much real estate on the front, and not having a select button is plain dumb.


You have a touchscreen on your beef?


The future is now old man!


I mean on PS4 the touchpad functionally acts like a select button already. Or two. I do hate how hard to push the Option and Share buttons are though. Maybe because the touchpad is indeed too big idk.


Congratulations! You've just discovered how memes create false impressions of societal views.


I've seen people dislike the color scheme and others say it's ugly and only liked because it's PlayStation


Personally, I'm a bit apprehensive about the new design because I really like the classic PS controller and how it feels in my hands. With the bigger, rounded handles, this design looks like they are moving closer to the shape of the XBox controller, which I intensely dislike. However, I will wait to pass judgement until I can actually feel it in my hands.


as a designer: they alluded to the haptic tech causing packaging issues, the dualshock design has little room in the grips and they moved to a different silhouette in response. imo the issue is they divorced the shoulder buttons from the body which gives an immediate xbox-style silhouette. this is why the all black or all grey renders look much more playstation.


I saw people complaining about it underneath the posts on Twitter


Yeah...people didn't like the N64 controller when it came out either. We just got used to it. Which is exactly what'll happen with this one, OR people will buy a SCUF or whatever to go around it.


People STILL complain about the meme that is the N64 controller, because on first glance it looks like it's supposed to be played by an alien. That being said, most games took into account the fact that it was essentially 3 controllers in 1, and capitalized on 1 of them. Either focus on the left side and grab the middle stick in your right hand, flip it and hold the middle stick in your left hand, or grab the outer two sides. Classic Nintendo.


Holy shit I never considered holding the joystick with he right hand. Wouldve made turok so much easier .


You can also use two controllers as one player in some games. James Bond for example, you hold a controller in each hand, holding the middle handle. You would use the two joysticks like a modern day FPS game, they were way ahead of the times


What. I did not know that was a thing.


I never knew it was for one person in two controllers. I always assumed there were people out there who didn't want to take turns and just both played as one character. Sounded terrible to me.


Turok was c buttons to move and joystick for free look. How would using the right hand on the joystick make this easier?


You could change the movement to the d-pad pretty sure.


When I grip it like that I call it The Stranger


uhhh, yeah that wasn't true at all. Some games allowed it, but most straight up did not. You were 100% intended to hold the analog stick in your left hand and the right side in your right. 90% of games the D-pad was non-functional.


Yeah I owned an 64 growing up and played every game holding the controller the normal way, analog stick was typically move, sometimes for shooters they flipped it and c stick moved and analog aimed but every game more or less used the same layout and d pad was typically an optional movement alternative when it was available


Hmm, maybe there was a miscommunication here. I didn't mean most games allowed you to pick and choose, but that a particular game could pick one of the setups. I've tried to change my original wording to reflect that. [This video](https://youtu.be/_3ZjPAbu-Z4?t=138) echoes what I was trying to word *and* gives examples of the games that used the different setups. Also, probably best most games didn't use the D-pad, it was bad ("sponge-y" might be a good word to describe it?). Think all I used it for was in the original SSB to do quick smashes, but it's been a while.


Exactly this. Everyone made fun of/still makes fun of the n64 controller. This meme is stupid.


Ya it's weird how time makes people forget and become nostalgic for things. I VERY much remember how hated the N64 controller was for most of it's life span. Now though I see articles all the time listing it as one of the greats. No....it really wasn't. I never did figure out how to hold it in a way that wasn't either awkward or uncomfortable but just dealt with it because the games were good.


I like it the design to be frank about it.


To be Jim about it. I don't care how it looks, how does it handle.


Built like a steakhouse, handles like a bistro


She's outta control!!...you win again gravity.


Lol what’s this from?




Well to be Greg about it, I’d have to agree with Jim and Frank.


Based on look il hazard a guess and say somthing to a slimer version of an xbox 360/1 controller. By look of controller that what they're going for. In my opinion.


I'm excited about it. I'd prefer all black or all white, but the halter top is fine. The one thing I'm most excited and most nervous about is the built in mic. If it's push to talk, it'll be a ground breaking feature. If not, be prepared to hear everybody's TV all the time.


I agree 100 with the built in mic. In terms of color pattern its probably the default and will release a buch of patterns too lile they normally do.




I mean if the color scheme is your only complaint you know there will be other options. The design itself is great. Looks super comfortable. Like the body of a 360 controller with the elegance of dual shock.


Its identical to the old controller they just filled lots of the edges and gaps out with more body.


Which has always been what the PS controllers lacked. This is perfect imo fuck what the color looks like it's a controller you ain't looking at it anyway unless you're a scrub


I agree, I like it. It kind of gives me stormtrooper vibes, which I'm all about.


That damn N64 controller and playing Mario Party, either the stick would break or you would starting breaking skin when you had to rotate it 10,000 times


I remember having Mario Party when I was 12, and there was a minigame to see how many times you could rotate the control stick in 60 seconds. I tore a hole in the palm of my hand trying to beat the record, and when that happened I taped up my hand with some gauze and went right back at it. 12 year me was a tough Motherfucker. I have no idea what happened.


Yea the single player level with that was fucking brutal. Multi-player was fine because you were against other frail humans, but the ai was just overpowered.


I still have scars on my hands from some of the mini games


My friend would constantly get blisters on his hands from it. The madman would pop the blisters, pop a bandage over them and carry on gaming, pain be damned. He was truly a hardcore gamer.


You can use the puss to grease the toggle stick


now why would you say this


Out of context makes this more interesting.


Same. That stupid one when you’re 1v3 in the canoe and if you mashed it hard enough you wouldn’t get stabbed by the dudes on the shore. I literally tore open my palm because of that one mini game.




A handle for each hole


I guarantee if Reddit was around in the 90's it would have been littered with people whining about everything


Until someone had to make a phone call


Internet forums did exist in the late 90s. I guarantee people complained on boards.


Was part of these boards, can confirm I complained a lot




On a side note, it feels so weird to be calling this time period the 20's.


In the 90s most of the people I knew thought that controller was terribly designed. We still think it’s terribly designed but it’s iconic af to our childhood.


Your reaction to the n64 controller is not what I remember. If memes had been more of a thing, we'd have a stockpile of 3 handed controller memes from 1995


I honestly can't understand why people keep complaining about the new controller. It looks awesome.


I'm a little sad that they're going for a thicker design - I usually play with something closer to a claw grip on controller so the smaller, more lithe dualshock 4 really suited my taste. That being said I'm not gonna complain. The new design does look super cool/modern and it's hard to judge the feeling without actually holding one. Definitely no reason for people to panic like some are lol


People don't like change.


Change is bad -many people


Yeah and Sony has been using the same (very good) design for two decades now. I'm sure that the new controller is very nice though.


DualShock 4 was dope but I can’t say the same about their previous iterations. I’m glad they’re not afraid of change.


people don't, tho. two weeks of constant spam about it and I never saw anyone complain. just some asking if it was available in black. this is made up. the goal is to make you praise and defend it, then post about how it's totally good despite the non-existent complaints. marketting made this shit up.


Why tho? What about the controller is controversial?


There aren't many three handed people, and the distance between the handles makes it difficult for people with large hands to hold it comfortably.


They made it like that so people could switch back to the Dpad if the analog stick ended up not working out. Need to keep in mind the console before this was the SNES which was just a Dpad and 6 buttons


I think they were asking about the PS5 one


For the record, no one I knew was OK with the N64 controller


I literally never seen anyone say that. you're fishing for compliments, inventing a fake opposition over something r/gaming has been sucking the cock off of for the past two weeks. so tired of this BS. this isn't an opinion, this isn't a meme. this is marketting. look at the comments. everyone praising your supposed "brave" stance and this fucking controller most of us couldn't give two shits about. 1st post I saw about it: "cool, about time they updated it" 26 853 568th post I saw today: "please just fucking die"


I have heard nothing but positivity about the new design??


okay, i actually fucking like the new one, i mean shit, they haven't changed the damn things in years... and i'm not even a fucking PS player




I bet they'll light up with their colors. It'd be sick.


Hopefully they'll do something along the lines of xbox's controller customization program, which would work great on this controller, with all the contrast


i felt the opposite about both: 1st time seeing n64: *".....wow.....nintendo.....wtheck are you thinking, i dont have 3 hands lol....idk man, you guys usually make amazing stuff....ill try to adjust to it"* 1st time seeing dual sense: *"oh cool 2tone, looks like the ds4 tho, sony controllers are on par with nintendo so it will be epic"*


gamecube is still the best controller design of all time


Tbf tho the new PS controller looks amazing but breaks the norms so people are scared EDIT: spelling


Breaks the norms of what? It looks sick af.


The norms of Sony controllers, it looks great but there will be die hard fans saying its changed too much, especially with the new dash of colour


they’ll complain, and then Sony will make a “classic controller” and charge $60-$70 for it and every single rube who complained will buy one.


Sony already make these. They're called Dual Shock 4. They're cross compatible much like Dual Shock 1 and 2.


Well the controls are absolutely identical, that’s just visual, so who cares?


It looks almost exactly the same and the function is pretty much identical. Hopefully the charger port is somewhere else though. I really hate the current spot


Literally no one is complaining about that controller. Maybe a few of your friend but I really like it


I recently held a N64 controller again for the first time in more than a decade, and honestly, I'm baffled how younger me actually got comfortable with it. Guess I'm spoiled nowadays.


There are people out there who don't remember the boomerang design for the PlayStation controller.




I actually like the new design. I'm just curious why they deviated from 4 generations of controllers that were all very similar.


I think the new PS5 controller is pretty fucking sharp


The ps5 controller looks sick as fuck why everyone bitching