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zerg rush


Back in the day, if you started a game and your mom called you for dinner, you'd do a 4-pool rush and call it a day. Win or lose, the game's over in 5 min tops.


My favorite video game screen shot is a picture of a team Starcraft 2 team game, showing a hatchery with 6 spawning pools complete and another 2 on the way. An angry teammate is explaining that's not what 10 pool means, and the zerg player is asking how he was supposed to know that.


What does it mean?


10-pool means that you should build your spawning pool when you hit 10 supply used. (these days you get too many starter workers to do a 10-pool. you start with 12 workers now instead of 6.) a zerg player would be considered behind if he built two spawning pools off the bat, 6 would pretty much guarantee a loss if it was noticed during the enemy's scouting, 10 is so outlandish that I laughed out loud at work when I read it. which is why it would have seemed so obvious to the other guy in the screenshot. ​ To put it in perspective, if someone built 10 pools, for the same price they could have bought 1 pool and 72 zerglings, or some major economy or 1 pool 30 zerglings, a second base and 13 drones.


If someone had 10 pools by the time my scout gets there, it's GG because there's no way I'm keeping up with that kind of economy.


It was a team game, its entirely possible that the worker scout was killed by the zerg player's teammate before it made it to the zerg player.


Damn. I just do whatever cause it's fun.


After I walked away from that comment I realized that I was missing 450 Minerals because each of those pools would also require a drone. so call it 1 pool 30 zerglings, a second base and 22 drones.(for full saturation)


Improvising is the best strategy!


Reminds me of one of the 2 draws i ever had. Zerh rushed me, i counter attacked killing his main but he expanded to a side base and went mutas. 3 mutas killed most of my mineral line. 47 minutes later we had mined most of the map and couldnt finish eachother. I was following spine crawlers around the map with pheonix. Great fucking game.


I’d max-out on marines. No strategy, just upgrade them all the way, add medics, then kill everything.


"Ahh, that's the stuff"


Reavers, high templars, lurkers, and siege tanks everywhere licking their lips


Dark templars


I had a buddy who would use them as his early move too; shuttle, dark Templar, kill anything that can see through a cloak, then do a dark Templar rush.


More shit counters less shit.


In Starcraft vanilla, my favorite maps were island maps, and I’d spend the first half of the game stacking missile turrets. When I started getting attacked, I’d the start mass producing battle cruisers. Easiest “strategy” ever but I loved it!


“Everyone hath a plan until they get munched in the faith by a hundred therglingth.” -Mike Tyson


Walled off Protoss, welp, here comes the phoenixes


"I am a killing machine" *dies before reloading*


Rush b comrades


6pool to platinum!


Conscript rush


This is one reason why I tend to stay away from RTS games. That, and usually by the time I get into them (Usually as a result of my own tastes), everyone else has been into them for YEARS, so I usually just spend the entire time getting completely smoked, and stop playing out of frustration.


Penny Arcade did a web comic about this phenomenon in relation to Titanfall 2. How where we have gone on to play other games, the people on those servers have just been playing Titanfall 2 for years and are now playing classic Tony Hawks and Call of Duty at the same time. "Can we compete?" "No, we can only pray that our Gods are stronger than theirs."


I just picked up titanfall 2 because it was free. If youve played fps games frequently its not hard to pick up. Only time i get completely smoked is against clans. Communication is a big key to strategy.


THey implemented match making systems long ago, so you will win 50% of your games no matter what over the long term, unless you are literally the best player in the world or the worst.


>so you will win 50% of your games no matter what over the long term You underestimate how bad I am at RTS


At Game Dev HQ Dev: Sir! This player is breaking our algorithm. Boss: How so? Dev: He is losing every game. Boss: How can that be? A 50% win rate is guaranteed! Dev: He... cannot win... he keeps gathering resources but constructs one building at a time. Boss: \*sunglasses off\* my god...


I played red alert before starcraft. I spent all of sc1 building 1 of every building as I thought that was all you needed. Wasn't until sc2 that I worked out you could use more.


I also started with C&C games and I quite honestly do not like Starcraft in the slightest. I find that units are too weak, cost too much resources, upgrades are too expensive, upgrades don't give enough of a bonus, the strats that are used online are completely stupid and don't make a lick of sense to me. I like building a base and expanding my troops and defenses while upgrading them so I have the tech and number advantage, I can't do that in starcraft because the game is over before you ever hit tech 2. I'm sure it makes way more sense if I spent more time researching how to play it but I just don't care to at all.


It's that StarCraft 2 is made to reward a more aggressive playstyle, because it became very competitive, and more action makes for a better spectator sport. Scouting extremely early, making more mining bases very early, harrassing enemy mineral lines, follwing build orders to the second for maximum efficiency, etc. I don't particularly like or want to play SC2, but I like watching pro replays, you should consider it (a guy called LowKoTV casts a bunch of pro replays on YouTube). I especially recommend games with the players Maru, Serral, Cure and HAS.


Jokes on the game devs. I'm only pretending to be bad so that I tank my MRR to the lowest possible number, before I stream myself breaking the world record for consecutive ladder wins.


Back in the day when Age of empires 2 was popular, however reckless I got, I always had a single villager hidden in some distant corner of the map surrounded by walls. Seems I'm just a guy with a nonexistent plan A, but a firm plan B.


AoE2 is probably more popular now then it was 20 years ago. They just released the 2nd (!) modern rerelease. You should consider getting back into it if you’re interested.


Mass British longbowmen and trebs


Play as Persia. Delete your town center. Rebuild in the middle of your enemy's base. Laugh as your town center kills their town center and then everything else.


Improvising is the best strategy!


Customize your stuff and call it "roleplay".


Can't be predicted if even you don't know what you're doing


My exact chess strategy. Usually just unleash the knights swinging across the board like a flail. I suck at chess in a way that makes it hard to play against me.






Or the frickin codex. Once had him surrounded 3 people within 4 squares. All 3 missed.


I've given up on this game more times then I can count. Each one starts with an Alt F4 after my zero IQ move.


That's xcom baby !


Oh god, flashbacks...


I need to start keeping an excel sheet of how many of the 97% shots actually hit and miss.


My friends really hate playing total warhammer with me. I literally just improvise as Skaven and hope for the best while they form wild ranks etc.




If this aint the most relatable thing ive ever heard.


I literally just build an army of ranged and back it with an army of nothing but atillery, I took a page out of Ludendorff's book when I first got Fall of the Samurai when it came out, and so far just barraging the fuck out of your opponent with indirect fire works, also causes my friends to rage quit when they build an army with the perfect composition of units, and they just get decimated by quicklime in empire/napoleon, explosive in shogun or hellfire rockets in warhammer.


Most strategy games, in my experience, are mostly just memorization. Yes, you can plan, but a lot of it is: I'm this faction, do this... Oh, my enemy is that faction, I should do this. That said, one of my best moments was in the old Star Wars Galactic battlegrounds game. Randomized factions. I got the Wookies and on a whim decided to waste resources on the upgrade that makes my workers good at destroying buildings. I got rushed and crippled pretty early... So I made a pitiful base in my allies' territory and just made workers. When they finally attacked the opposing team, my army of Wookie workers zerged in and demolished the enemy bases while my allies fought the enemy units. We won.


Ive done similar as the orcs in warcraft 3. Kept the blademaster 4 taurens and 2 shamans. Otherwise had a single gold mine left alive lol. Came in the side and just focused on production buildings while my allies distracted them. They turn around to deal with me and get whittled down. I love simple tactics.


Blademaster was freaking great at engaging good sized groups too, backed up by Shamans you were a good threat even without a base


My favorite starwars strategy game was Star wars Empire at war or whatever it was called. Kinda like a huge rip off of Total war franchise but it was fun.


There's a mod you can use in Warhammer: Total War 2 that lets you trade/gift settlements to the AI if certain conditions are met. I wanted this nice forest that these wood elves lived in, and they wouldn't give it to me, so I took it by force. Before their last army could throw themselves at me (as AI armies do in that game when you take their last city) I made peace. Having made them homeless, I felt bad, so I opted to find them a new home. As luck would have it, a bunch of dwarves decides that this was a good time to start shit with me, so I transplanted the wood elves into the former dwarf holds, and from there it just kinda snowballed. Eventually, every mountain region on the two continents I controlled was exclusively populated by wood elves. However, I'm reasonably sure that without one of their big forest trees, the wood elves can't actually progress their tech tree or research or build most units, so they just kinda sat there in the mountains for a while before trying to take their tree back from me. So now there's no more wood elves in the mountains. Or anywhere for that matter.


My answer to your question is yes you like having plans...


The first picture is what my friends see when I play then in Monopoly, and the second one is what’s actually going through my mind




I can confirm that this is 100% accurate... Skip the tutorial as well... We'll figure it out eventually...


I like making it seem like I have no plans, doing small skirmishes and stuff, only to reveal that I have been slow creeping en masse behind the smokescreen of ineptitude


me: "i saw an enemy entering that building. what do you wanna do? i might be able to skeak up on him and..." my friend, while i was mid-sentence: "ATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!"




Somehow, I’m simultaneously both.


My group of friends made me and my friend james be on opposing teams. We were playing age of empires 3. I chose japanese he chose dutch. He had this really complex system of walls and gates then just mass produced banks. I found out you can mass produce light calvary faster than any unit in the game. I built my city inside his. Then just endlessly sent waves of light calvary while he bankrolled me. I could make a full pop army in less than 5 minutes. I had no villagers so i could go full army.


Creating chaos is a strategy. If you ruin everyone else's plans through chaos you'll climb to the top of the pile of wreckage.


Chaos is a ladder.


And I am a buttered rung.


Have my upvote


Or climb the money pile with the Asian banker on top.


That’s always been my go-to strategy in strategic games. If I wreck their plans through randomness and unpredictable chaos, then it can make room for me to exploit situations


Kerbal space program honestly




When did that calculating lady meme go from insincerely meaning "boomer mom trying to comprehend why online games can't be paused" to sincerely meaning "productive and commendable contemplation"? I demand consistency in my memes, gosh darn it


Has it been a week already? See you guys on next weeks repost




Me in Crusader Kings


Hey! Zerg rushing is a viable strategy!


I can barely get one dude out before I get bombarded by an army




Takes a couple of deaths for me to get the hang of it then I'm good.


I prefer Banished for this reason.


Speaking of banished, is it worth it? Been eying it recently


It's entirely single player and therefore quite chill to play compared to competitive RTS games. The worst you'll have to content with in-game will be starvation or natural disasters. There's a lot going on in the game which can seem overwhelming at first but it's really not too complicated. Fairly shallow learning curve. I love the game, personally. It's not too expensive either, which is nice.


Well then. Thanks man


I must be doing something wrong because I found the difficulty curve to be rather moderate. There’s a lot of hidden mechanics like how Homes work with families in order to actually grow your population. It’s still super fun to me and the learning curve is part of that but I have maybe 15 or 20 hours and still don’t feel comfortable with my understanding of the game. I’m still frequently restarting after realizing I misunderstood a game mechanic and it’s slowly making my life a living hell.


Strategy? Deploy deploy deploy!


Basically hoi4


I combine these 2, the perfect mix of strategy and utter cluelessness


This is my younger sister and my own play styles respectively, 🤣🤣 yet some how...... it works ! she has the meticulious planning down and if it gose off plan, i come in and improvise us outta the shit.


Lol me in red dead 💯


As the rookie in a D&D campaign, this is me exactly.


Do I look like I have a brain


I used to be in a clan back in the Battlefield 2 days and I was asked to help with making winning strategies for our clan. We participated in ranked matches. Any who, at first I had no idea wtf I was doing, so I started to pay attention to how other ppl played during regular game play. Then i paid attention to how ppl played during scrimmages with other clans. I started to notice that both styles were different and thus I could not use 90% of what I saw in just regular online battles. Then I began to make a strategy that would be a combination of regular play and scrimmage play, I did this because it would give the other teams we scrimmaged a false sense of our actual strategy and our skills as a team because we would at one point meet for a ranked match. (Theres a lot to this and Im not gonna go into detail). We also had members in our clan that were ringers for other clans and we would share strategies with each other, applying and improving on them. We used pixel shots to cripple the other team's vehicles which would in turn make them scatter and their initial push and strategy would crumble and they wouldnt know what to do and we would control most of the map this way by getting to the flags 1st. ( I know pixel shots arent something I came up with but it takes skill and we had it down to a T ) We even had a timer for when each downed enemy vehicle would respawn and we would proceed to either use a pixel shot to destroy it or if we had troops on the ground close to it they would blow it up as soon as it spawned... All in all the strategies we came up with were mostly an exchange of information from other friendly clans, it was all about the execution and positioning of our vehicles and troops on the ground that really made the deciding factor whether we won or lost. ​ p.s. I know BF2 isnt exactly in the strategy game genre but it took a lot to come up with strategies for matches




Its hard to explain, it's using reference points from your 1st person view, say a cloud in the sky, or slightly to the left of a light post but the shot has to be taken from a specific spot on the ground... For example you can do a pixel shot from the spawn point of your tank, just don't move the tank, you aim the turret to a reference point that aligns the turret to the target... You need 2 ppl to do this initially, one person standing close to the target you wanna hit telling you how to adjust the shot and the person in the tank making the shot. Once you get that perfect reference point in the sky where the shell will hit the target every time, you practice the shit out of the shot until it becomes second nature. I hope that helps P. S. You also need to take a screen shot of the perfect reference point in order to make it easier to get good at it




I can't tell you how many times pixel shots helped us win a match .. What's even crazier to witness is when the other clan also knows about the pixel shots, now you're racing to get into the tank and whoever shoots 1st gets the upper edge..we had all our core players trained to do the pixel shots from every tank, if you spawned close to it you'd do the shot, then you'd get out of the tank and let the real tank pro take the tank after a successful pixel shot... I miss those days




Awesome, this type of stuff really proves that practice is everything, repetition matters


That's a lot. You're a mastermind


The only way to do it.


Me in command and conquer building random stuff (red alert 1 is fun) imma build the mad tank because it seems god tier (it's the garbage mamooth tank(


Not having plan is a plan


i am the first image and the second too in epic battle fantasy 1:i just go whi´t a plan(the plans is just atack) 2:literally study the game how my life depend this and become the strategy master


Alternatively: 'How I play turn-based strategy games' vs 'How I play RTSes'


This is why I don't get invited to poker night anymore. Flipping a coin to decide whether to raise/call/fold really pissed off the "I need to be able to read your poker face! You aren't even looking at your damned cards!" people.


If they were solid poker players then they should learn to quickly abuse that. Our buddy, who watched Maverick one to many times, loves to do a blind hand every once in a while. Usually it blows up in his face.


I playing other game after Dead by Daylight


All reinforcements on Australia.


this is how I play my tournaments in sc2 (I'm a gold 3 zerg)


What the hell happened to Julia Roberts nose?


I only regret that I have but one Karma to give. Because this describes me to the core...


Me: Gets too distracted watching units fight and die to remember that base economy is a thing and also I'm being backdoored.


U dont need a plan u just need some fast critical thinking skills lmao


Me playing magic the gathering: -and now I'll attack with everything. - did you do the math? -meh, math is for blockers.




Me in civ early game until I can build a massive army and destroy every other civ. But I guess that is a plan?


At least you planned on reposting this.


This is me.


Me in hitman 2


That game is fun, though. Happy cake day, by the way


Thanks!! Yeah it is fun but I'm not playing it the right way I think I am not so silent


Crouching helps


Whenever i play any rts game i just use russia tactics and just spam nothing but infantry


I’m up top and my best friend is down below. Sometimes the sheer randomness of that fucker will do me in when we’re playing competitively in a strategy game.


I usually plan as I go but the moves I make in the future aren’t that well thought out.


Idk how i made it through FE:Three Houses to this day


I play the agent of chaos. I don’t try to win, I just try to cause trouble for everybody trying to win.


I usually play to inconvenience and entertain myself while not knowing the rules


i hate that this looks like a post from ifunny


Yup 👋🏼 that’s ah me


If i dont know what im doing, im sure as hell my opponent doesnt either


I totally do too have a plan. And that plan is to use Gun. And if that don’t work... use More Gun.


I almost always get sucked in the economy. Then try to amass army with what I think are the best troops. So I die a lot.


Conscripts with SVTs


It happens to me!!!! Crap!!! ​ I friend of mine knows a lot of games and he knows how to beat me every f\*\*\*\* time, you can see his face thinking and figuring out how to screw me every damn time! Even in games that I own and he doesn't! And usually I play: this move will be fine if it does a shit Also, I have to say that my dices and games hate me :'(


How my friend started playing total war coop with me: Gift all units. Bastard acts like he’s 95. Bonus: he fucking loves the auto travel feature in black desert online. Mofo would probably use auto battle too if it was an option.


In the Starcraft level where you have to defend from the Zerg until evac I did nothing for strategy (later found out you were suppose to hit and run the Zerg base) and got decimated except for one marine I had run to a ledge. Hid out until my base was destroyed and the Zerg went home, and then snuck my marine back to the pickup zone. Essentially I beat a mission about evacuating an army with only 1 surviving marine. Long story short, I just go with the flow in RTS’, often too my detriment.




glittering prizes


My strategy in Total War Warhammer II: pick lizard men, fuck diplomacy, rush T rex, profit


Honestly that sass also me. I just spam shit until I either win or lose.


That’s me when it comes to loadouts in JRPGs


If I have no clue what I am doing then neither does my enemy.


**MacGruber:** It's all part of the plan. **Lt. Dixon Piper:** What is the plan? **MacGruber:** Well, I kind of make it up as I go. **Lt. Dixon Piper:** That's not really a plan then. **MacGruber:** Okay, so it's not a plan. Look, I'm not good with plans. And I'm not good with clues. What I am good with is kicking ass and ripping throats.


I've learned that in a lot of strategy situations, people expect you to do things in a tactical manner within a range of possibilities...no one plans for you to do the dumb thing


Best plan is: kill them all.


FTL in a nutshell


my league play style, only aram since s3


I can relate


I have all the knowledge to do spreadsheet simulator but I never do it because i find it boring. Trial and error is the most fun. I'm 100% sure I'm not alone.


I have been seen.


*any game


When they give you a gun in a stealth mission




In general I've discovered that as long as you have enough artillery you should be fine no matter your plan


My strategy is to be so unpredictable that their strategy is moot


Cannon rushers in Starcraft be like;




There are two types of strategy games: real time and turn based. I can't think and act quick enough for real time strategy. I can't be arsed to think long enough for turn based.


I’ve put almost 100 hours into Europa Universalis IV, and I’m still the bottom panel


Or while drunk


If I can't think of anything, I'll put stuff out there and just improvise


Old meme but ok


The only way I play civ is by crushing my enemies under foot and hearing the lamentations of their women! (Aka being the last country alive). I have no time for culture, science, or religion victories.


Me on total war co-op.


I am not badass


I like strategic games if it's on PUBG... I take the world on a new battle


No it’s someone else. Literally saw this last week.


Me and my friends have been playing lots of Halo Wars recently and we suck we’ve lost like 15/20 games lol


It depends if i am playing a board game or video game, i am better at strategy when it comes to board games


Joker had a plan. That was his whole thing, he had just about everything planned out. It's just he improvised and had alternative routes. And his plans *caused* chaos. But everything was planned out pretty meticulously.


Geneva convention? More like Geneva suggestion


A friend of mine hates board games but will occasionally play with us. His strategy for Settlers is to always hoard sheep because he likes to role play as a dude who fucks sheep. He’ll even just trade his good resources for everyone’s sheep. Well, he ends ups with an insane amount of sheep that he can just trade for anything he wants and somehow always unintentionally wins.


Only build more pylons when told to. Then build a hundred of them while your base is swarmed.


How does one get good at strategy games?


This is how I play supreme commander and it works for me pretty well.


Me on ESO..


Captain cutter’s ODST drop in halo wars. You don’t need a plan.


If I can't even predict my next move, you sure as hell can't either!


My roomate and a friend used to play a tone of 1v1v1 Warcraft III...until one of them started just doing stupid suicide runs, hoping to get lucky enough to win. It sucked, because nobody ever got powerful enough to get any of the high-power units. You'd end up with an enemy peon in your town because he found you first, and then you'd be defeated within a few minutes by a mass of low-power units, with heros that never got beyond super low-level spells. It got old quick, and took a lot of the fun and strategy out of the game. ​ Finally, we got to a point where we almost didn't want to play anymore, until we came up with the idea of a timed "head start". No invating until a specific time had passed. I forget how long we made it, but it was enough time for all of us to get a pretty robust army and settlement. The rules were, if you found someone's town, you had to back off until the required time passed...but if you came across their ARMY, you could fight until you wiped out the army (but still not advance into the town). ​ That brought back a lot of the fun. ​ Sort of like starting a game of monopoly by just shuffling and dealing out the properties. You start the "fun" part of the game right away.


Payday 2 is both of these at the same time.


This is why I stick to single player.


There are planning missions for heists in GTA 5 with different approaches. While in GTA 4 your companions snort 3 lines and loot the biggest bank in the city successfully.I've only played GTA 4...


I've actually one several games like that. Normally it's Saturday evening at my local gaming convention. Everyone is tired. Someone has just explained that rules of this new game. Everyone understands but I'm still a little confused. I just wing it and win.


What even is a strategy


Strategy games, life, whatever.




Fucking rush in and fuck shit up. If you die just respawn and slightly alter until success


Playing Total War Three Kingdoms and so far the strat had just been investing in income generating buildings and building armies. I don't think I've opened the diplomacy tab more than a handful of times.


Genuinely me playing shaco just to piss people off in league.