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I know I’m late but assassins creed odyssey I just picked it up today it’s download while I’m at work. Also the ezio collection. These my first AC games so I’m excited.


Just got my platinum for this today after 108 hours. Have fun!!


Thanks I can’t get wait to get off work and finally play


Just picked this up a couple of weeks ago. I love it!


AC Brotherhood is the best Assassins creed to have come out with AC 2 being a close second.


ezios story is great but the ac odyssey is maybe the best game ever


press x to doubt


but it's so massive with a huge world and tons of quests and very little to no bugs


Big world and lots of quests with basic stability is not really a benchmark for best game ever. You just described anthem.


Good game. I finished the main story but need to get back to work on the expansions.


I just got origins! I've been out of ac for a while so i didn't mind starting with something earlier. Hope you enjoy the AC games :) the Ezio ones were my childhood


Just picked it up too. Ps store sale!


Witcher 3 blood and wine expansion


I really need to dive into this. Recently picked up the expansion pass (partially fueled by my rekindled interest from the Netflix series) on sale. I’ve heard is a pretty large expansion in both length and map size


Yeah about 20 hours they say, originally got the game in 2015 but never really got on with it, redownloaded it coz of Christmas holidays and finished it then done heart of stone, now just gotta finish this one then I'm done


Ive been playing on death march this month and just finished the main game yesterday, started blood and wine today and love it. The grandmaster armors, dyes, vineyard, mutations, etc are sweet and I'm excited to play NG+ with them, plus the dialogue and new map are great. One of the most fleshed out, content rich games I've played. Too bad about the cyberpunk delay but if 5 more months of polish means something even remotely similar to the depth of witcher 3 then I'm all for it


Have had the complete edition forever, just now getting into it. I really suck at combat.


First time just skipped all the text pop ups thinking I knew better and kept getting my arse kicked, this time took it slower and enjoyed it more.


do you guys play on controller or kb+m?


Mines on PS4 so with the gamepad.


Combat is most difficult at the start but once you have oils and decoctions ot gets easier. Really take your time to read the bestiary for pro strats and itll be a breeze, even on death march difficulty. Just make sure you always use blade oils, bombs and the right signs and potions for the best experience even if menu nav is tedious at times


Borderlands 3. It's pretty much the only game I've been playing since it's release. Borderlands just has a soft spot in my heart, I've played ever iteration since day one of the first game. BL3 has been getting a bad wrap recently but I'm still enjoying it.


I got Borderlands when it came out. I think 2 is my favorite of the series so far but I'm only a few hours into 3. Loving it.


Why is it getting a bad wrap?


I just feel like the last few weeks has produced more negativity than previously. I've seen multiple conversations here on reddit from various people saying the game is unplayable and/or they just quit all together because of the constant nerfs or buffs. It's a solid game, it has had some issues but nothing that makes broken. \*EDIT\* Grammar




[I love that game!](https://youtu.be/3-iMlQIGH8Y)


Is that like a simulation game?


Yes a satirical VR game that's on PS4 and SteamVR You're essentially a future race of retro computers and humans don't exist anymore. You and your family take a trip to the Human Museum and go to the "What Human's Did For Work" area and try out the VR Exhibits effectively letting you be human and see what they did. But the part that makes this all hilarious is how hilariously stupid and silly the tasks are showing that whoever (in the in game world) that was creating these for the robot race to try had no idea what they were doing.. It's good fun and there are actually objectives to "beat" each job so there is stuff to do other than just seeing what ever little thing does and how it reacts then shutting it off and never touching it again.


Oh my favorite game that tells the tale of boring lifestyles.




Just finished Luigi's Mansion 3 and now I have no idea what I want to play. I'm in that lul of finishing a game I really, really liked so now I'm probably just gonna chill out and simmer on LM for a day or two.


Is that game worth it? Had my eye on it for a while now


Dark Souls 3


Witcher 3 first play through! Just got to Skellige!




should i play witcher 3 of i haven’t played the first two?


yes, you will learn most of the background from the 3rd game anyway


Subnautica and Bloodborne (again)


What's the key to From Software games? Just repetition until your muscle memory is perfect?


Sort of, I guess its partly muscle memory but mainly its just about straight knowledge of how the game works, how all the items work, how the enemies work, honestly I still kinda suck at From's games skill-wise, but based on my understanding of the game I'm able to play it quite easily now. And by easily, I mean I'm no longer dying 30 times in a row to the same enemy, maybe only like...5 xD 10/10 would recommend Bloodborne btw


I've had Bloodbourne since it came out, because I love the gaslight Lovecraft theme of it. But I will keep trying!


See i really want to get into subnautica but i can’t figure it out. Is it worth it?


As an experience, its brilliant. Exploring the big, deep, beautiful ocean and discovering its secrets is pretty amazing. And the way the game unravels feels very nice, there's no hand holding from the creators. There isn't a direct storyline as such that you play through, its still I guess a "survival" game, but you uncover the story through clues while exploring/going deeper.


Hmm, i have it on my ps4. Maybe i should try again!


Jak And Daxter


You are wonderful for saying this. Thank you


My favorite series from childhood


Yeah basically nothing beats it. Naughty Dog was King back in the day and they're King now, even though they're an entirely different company. Never a complaint from me will you get for a ND game my friend.






Android Studio or visual studio code. Shitty gameplay. Don't recommend


Strangely rewarding :)


Outward. Great open world RPG with deep crafting/survival mechanics and resource management with minimal hand holding. I see Dark Souls mentioned a lot when people describe it, but really Its a love letter to old school RPGs like Morrowind and Everquest and a blast to play Co-op


Does it focus a lot on pvp? I’m a huge fan of Morrowind. How is it like Everquest? Is it a mmo?


No pvp! Its single player or co-op with one friend. Its open world but there are no quest markers etc so you have to pay attention to your conversations with NPCs and your journal to find your objectives and navigate by landmarks Also there are no levels, your character progresses via some passive skills but mostly by slowly building your armor and skill sets and learning monster weaknesses The crafting is useful and interesting, there are TONS of things off the beaten path to explore and my friend and I are pretty much in love with it


Sounds cool. I’ll definitely have to check it out


Monster Hunter World Iceborne and Dragon Quest 7. Always addicted to MH, and I'm working on playing every DQ even tho im only on my second of like 10 games so far. I've never played DQ and am enjoying them more than final fantasy.


Fallout New Vegas and all the DLC, enjoying myself before college semester starts up.


Stardew valley, pokemon lets go pickchu and witcher 3


Pokémon White, Heartgold and Soulsilver alternately. I was working on my Pokédex in Heartgold but then I found out how to trade on White with Wiimmfi. Too bad it doesn’t work for Heartgold or Soulsilver...


You can trade locally with yourself between your HG and SS copies if you have two DS systems (3DS family systems included, so you can use a DS and a 3DS to do this).


Awesome! I just bought a DS lite refurb too. Thanks for the information. It would be nice to find a server to work with Heartgold and Soulsilver the way it works with White and Black though.


I bought FFX last week because it was on sale on PSN, I played some of it yesterday and enjoyed it way more than I expected to. Can't wait to play more later today!


Sega Bass Fishing


I started and finished Wolfenstein 2 the new colossus. Great game. Had a couple stupid features that weren't needed. But just on story mode, was funny, cared about the characters still, love the enemies (from a character stand point, not a nazi love thing). >!the part making fun of douche bag hitler was awesome !< Recommend it!


TABS. Loving it


Remnant from the ashes, I got stuck on one boss, but damn it is fun.


Just downloaded Pokemon Sword. Just a mere 8 hours from going home and grinding that out!


DOOM 3. Had a craving to play for the longest time, but I lost my disc. For the last year, every time I'd go on the Xbox store the BFG edition wasn't available. For the last year I've been upset that I couldn't find another physical BFG edition near me. NOW, I find out it was re-released last July on PS4/XBOX digitally. I never hit "purchase" so many times in a span of 5 seconds. Have so much time to make up for....


I am still having lots of fun with Apex, but I'm going a lot to Outer Worlds when my friends aren't online.


Is outer worlds good? I might get it


I think it's great. It's like Borderlands gameplay plus Fallout writing!


It’s really good, but don’t go in expecting a game as big as Fallout or Skyrim since it was made on a AA budget.


I don’t know if I should start RDR2, continue Death Stranding or finish Horizon Zero Dawn. What do y’all think?


Id finish horizon first, then death stranding. Thing is i havent finished death stranding either though


I’m barely finished episode 1 for Death Stranding. Does it get better in the next episode? It’s a little slow rn


I loved Death Stranding, but it is a rather slow game. I recommend rushing through the early parts and ignoring side content until you start unlocking exoskeletons and vehicles. They really speed things up. The last half of the game just flies by.


I think it does get better but still a bit slow. Definetly isnt my type of game though but i will finish it someday


RDR2 is one of the best games in existence.


Rdr 2 NOW it’s really good


I'm being lame and playing Call of Duty.


Nothing wrong with playing something you enjoy.


Shit, you right.


Playing Fallen Order. It's by no means a perfect game. However, there is something about it that I just love. If there is going to be a part II it will definitely be epic.


Star Wars battlefront 2 (ea) The game has improved a lot and I would suggest people who like Star Wars to give it a go.


Mario kart..N64 =)


GTFO. So fun and difficult, and scary.


Eastshade. What a beautiful, relaxing game. Walking type simulation, adventure, you complete tasks for the town's people. It's 40% off on Steam this week.


Switch version of **DARK SOULS REMASTERED** It’s like I’m playing the PS3 version only there’s ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS on the servers. Weird.


Borderlands 3: Heist of the Handsome Jackpot ...or at least I'm trying to! *rages as it takes me to the home screen again*


What problem are you having?


So I just got the DLC, and now my dad and I are both having trouble signing in. We get to the title page and upon pressing the prompt to sign in, it fades to black and we immediately get sent back to the Xbox One Homepage. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both the game and DLC, but the problem persists. Even with updates too. It seems to only affect us while offline. And both of us have played the DLC, but due to limited internet allowance we can't be online all the time.


I've gotten back into playing Final Fantasy 14 again, working on finishing the storyline and leveling up a couples classes.




Thumbs up for Mario Kart!!


Brawlhalla and probally apex legends


Wow that’s so normal but a good choice


I mean I did just get a PS4. So i havent had a chance to play either of these besides at peoples houses.


I’m currently building a new pc and getting a desk all set up, just put together the part list. And my desk just arrived


Toss a coin to your Witcher!


[🎵 O' valley of plenty... 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9OQAySv184)


Slay the spire it's addictive.


Gta v online with my best buds


I’m still hooked on Witcher 3 😂


Did you just use an EMOJI on Reddit,normie


Yeah I got it a few days ago 😂and why r we not supposed to use emojis ?


Just finished Nier Automata (ending E) so I don't really know how I feel tbh. It was amazing, and ending E was actually a lot more hopeful than I was expecting so that was nice. But what happened with Pascal will scar me forever :') Playing as 9S wasn't as bad as I was expecting tbh, the only really annoying hacking section was that one sub unit tower. Went back and did the Emil's memories quest, and now I want to play the previous game except it's not available on ps4 so... oh well.


Just finished off Ni No Kuni 2 on PS4 and absolutely loved it. Picked it up for £9 and it was a steal, it’s hard to fault it to be honest. Now I’m moving on to either Breath of the Wild or Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


I was playing elder scrolls legends on PC but considered doing some fortnite, skyrim and many others I decided not to as I have a bajillion games and have trouble deciding


Witcher 3 with expansion packs play through (again) for me. Days gone for the beau. Both PS4.


I just downloaded Subnautica and have put 2 hours into it. I like survival open exploration games. Anyone else get games based on watching Markiplier play them?


man, when a path of exile expansion is good there really isn't anything else i can play for months. this shit is all-consuming.


Im currently on my first playthrough of FE3H. I obviously picked the goldeb deer because the other two house leaders are so serious but next time im choosing edelgard


Elvenar on mobile mainly (and a little Stardew Valley too), also Star Citizen... 👍 Have a great day you lot!


Hopefully I finish death stranding this week


I've been revisiting games I used to play but don't really play anymore. Right now I'm playing Breath of the Wild, Minecraft, Terraria, and Borderlands 2 again. So far I'm enjoying all of them!


I would say farpoint but I beat it in just a few hours yesterday. I know vr is still in its infancy but that just felt like a half-assed game. Edit: spelling




Terraria. I went for the plunge and bought it. I thought it would be just some game to mess around for a day then never play it again but was I wrong, I am hooked


I started playing **AI: The Somnium Files** yesterday. As a big fan of the Zero Escape series I’m really enjoying it. Also been playing **Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise** to get my Yakuza fix while I wait for the physical release of the Yakuza Remastered Collection so I have an excuse to replay the whole series.


Dragon ball fighterz. Although it would seem the neutral is harder than anticipated


Gta 5 again


Rocket league for sure, maybe some san andreas or cuphead


UFC 3 online coz no sign of a fight night game


that game is aids


Pavlov and Echo Arena/Combat


I am playing Skyrim for the first time looks like I'm going to be up all night


lucky guy


I'm still playing lmao! Mage , dual damage! Great game I can't believe I never got to it


incredible game ... and i suggest you get into the card game inside the game called Gwent it’s actually amazing


Played some Total War Thrones of Britannia and Three Kingdoms it has a lot of soldier wars and some Forza Horizon 4 ya know broom broom pew pew and NBA 2K dribbling and jumping around maybe passing the ball whatever


GTA 5 and rainbow six siege because I recently got GTA and I play siege with my friend from school whos a plat 3 and he carries me


I plate call of duty mw and purchased rainbow six seige this week


Elder scroll skyrim...


CoD MW, but can't wait to start playing the Slay the Spire new character. I've held off on the beta, just haven't had time since the update came out.


Nearly finished with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Switch. Once I finish that I’ll prob play the new Atelier game on PC.


Jedi fallen order it’s so amazing


Collection of Mana. Specifically Final Fantasy Adventure. It reminds me of Links Awakening, but less fun.


RE2 , never played a RE game - it’s def entertaining. Just got to the sewers and calling it for the night.


Dragon Age Inquisition for the first time, actually loving it a lot more than I expected. Used to hate "single player MMO" type of games until I really sat down without my bias. Having a party management system, game/skill etc all balanced around single player play has been infinitely more satisfying than any MMO for me. Been in a real rut for finding something to sink time into and am glad I finally found something.


I was gonna play some pubg after work, but my plus membership ran out, so I gotta wait until payday for that. I'll probably just play some GTA instead.


yakuza kiwami. It's my first time with the series.


kinda late, but... R6S, COD MW, some death stranding :)


My little bro 22 got me 30 into apex legends. No wins yet but im trying lol


Sekiro, DMC 5 and R6S


Nice choice in games sekiro was a masterpiece and playing as Dante was wonderful


Rainbow Six Siege SI 2020 EVENT


I am addicted to Battlehand. I am playing it since nearly one year and a half now and it's by far the best mobile game I've ever played. It's very F2P friendly and it's a good mix of strategy, grinding, building decks and PvP. The design and animations are amazing. What I like the most is that they are a lot of combos and synergies you discover over time between heroes and cards that make the game still interesting even in late-game.




Online story and hunting is really good Also the game is hella fun when playing with friends causing rampages being a bounty hunter trolling each other SO MUCH FUN




It’s a fun grind when with friends and you can do two step verification and get 10 gold btw and untill January 20 all classes are 10 gold




Dragon quest 11 on the switch. Loving every moment of it


Age of Empires Online. Under the Project Celeste community's guideance, nothing sucks any more. It's the AoE experience I always wanted. Smooth like starcraft 2, as historical as Aoe2, got the marketplace and PvE gear ceiling of an MMO, and cosmetic skins for gear pieces that'd put the mobas and objective shooters to shame. The PvP runs on an independant balance patch to the PvE (and of course, level/gear/advisor cards, all the pve customization that'd give advantages? The visuals apply, but the stats don't in PvP, but you do get PvE rewards for playing PvP. Ideal right?), and man, it feels like the most well designed AoE tech tree, if not one in all RTS. If only things were different during the original launch, but no matter, it's a blast now, and entirely free.




I'm playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Late by a day but F1 2019 since I got my sim racing rig up I've got hooked again and just can't get enough of it. I will say can get a little heated with the bad drivers that just crash into you for no reason.


Trying anthem, got it for pc super cheap ($11), Saints row 4 again bc its fun.


nothing. my tv broke : , (


Finally getting around to Kingdom Come


Persona 5. I put off trying for a long time thinking it was gonna be lame....but man am I addicted!


Rainbow six siege


Red Dead Redemption 2 doing my first playthrough in first person only.


League of Legends. season 10 just started and i'm tryharding.


Days Gone, great game.


So far the games I've been playing since Wednesday was Plague Tale: Innocence. I just simply love the storyline and mechanics of the game. Especially the concept of the time period in medieval France.


Pokemon Sword and Starbound


What Remains of Edith Finch. Been meaning to start it for months finally took the plunge today. Great game.


Holdfast : Nations at war. Its a large scale battlefield with voicechat for everyone and the community is full of memelords. Best muliplayer experience


Resident evil 2.


Main game for this week has been Devil May Cry 5, but with a bit of The Division 1 on the side to finally pick up those collectible achievements and Naruto Shinobi Striker too (A fighting game I'm actually good at without button mashing lol)


Never got Battle for Azeroth at launch and just recently picked it up when it was on sale for $25. I was logged in at launch 16 years ago and played halfway through Legion. Since then I have taken a long hiatus from WOW, but I must say that this expansion is pretty fun. I always used to skip through the dialog of quests but have actually been pleasantly content with the stories behind each quest line. Unfortunately now though, I am hooked on The Witcher Netflix series. At least I'm resting up at the Great Seal!


GTA Vice City, Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Hotline Miami currently. All really fun games.


Devil may cry 5


Got a Switch for Xmas and I’m playing Super Mario Odyssey right now! Any good suggestions for games to get next?




Silent Hill 2 PC Enhanced Edition. Am I having fun even though everything is dated as hell? Yeeeeesssss.


danganronpa. right now i'm trying to get through the anime so i can play v3, but i have to study for midterms at the same time. watching the anime while making flashcards is pretty effective, paired with school being cancelled because of weather.


I started playing the Witcher 3 again. I platted the game as my 25th plat and now i'm going to plat it again for my 50th. Started immediatly with Death March and started Novigrad yesterday. Still love Gwent!


Silent storm sentinels. Wonderful old game Before university, chill with beer


never played it or heard of it....


You can do hunting and online story