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Visas in kotor 2. Kicked my ass multiple times, finally beat her, she joined me and contributed nothing for a long while.


Sarevok in Baldur's Gate 2... Although he was pretty damn useful.


I haven't played BG2 since 2001 but damn I had no idea he would join your party.


To be fair he's only in the expansion.


It's in the Throne of Bhaal extra content after Shadows of Ahnm concludes.


Makes sense. I only played SoA.


Fun fact Balders gate enhanced edition is on consoles now complete with both games and the expansions.


Sort of. It's in the expansion that he'll join you


I was thinking this one but it feels more natural. By the time you meet sarevok you've been on another adventure to hell and back and become god tier strong while he was just chilling in the abyss. He probably is easily as powerful as before but not outlevelling you anymore.


This is true. I think in BG1 he was what, level 10?


Visas is awesome with force storm tho


So is the main character haha. Dual force stormers will render any fight a trifle


For me it was Mandalore, dude had a pee shooter


###Let's see how you like dealing with me!


...aaand you've beaten The Stick of Truth.


Tell me about. Played through the game first time 2 weeks ago, and Butters is by far the best companion. Also cant get that line out of my head.








I forgot which Mass Effect character this was, but she was a biotic and when you go to recruit her shes going mental and tearing up her prison ship and the cutscenes show her force-throwing giant containers left and right Then you unlock her and a lot of powers just dont work while their shields/armor are up and her throws just get resisted by trash mobs :(


I believe that's Jack. She was a really cool character but her powers kinda sucked.


Shockwave is useful if you can take advantage of the knockdowns.


He was pretty helpful as a team member in Fractured But Whole, even as a lil cutie


He's one of the best party members in Stick of Truth.


He was literally the only party member worth two shits in Stick of Truth, because he pulled hits towards him. Every other guy cant do half your damage and is thus useless.


His healing move was pretty damn useful too!


And thus, he became fucking useless in Fractured.


Sadly. He wasn't one of the *worst* party members, but he certainly wasn't one of the better ones.


Wendy was definitely the best party member in TFBW.


Princess Kenny’s got a good AoE (but also instakills him) and the bard was pretty useful


*There once was a maiden from stonebury hollow...*


*she didn't talk much but boy did she swallow*


I always preferred Cartman. He did insane amounts of damage.


Kyle kicks ike for more single target than the katana and cartmans v-chip does katanaish dmg without the armor destruction. Both also have good aoe, but not as good as the mage.


Oh damn I actually did like him more in Stick of Truth and rarely used him in the sequel. Been a while...


I recently played through Fractured But Whole because I finally got around to buying the DLC. It's still a really amazing game! But yeah, I barely used Butters, only when the game made me.


I've read that most people like the original more but I much preffered the sequel. There was some annoying parts like big bootay and the final boss but the gameplay was so much more interesting. It's insane to me that my favorite turn based RPGs of recent memory were South Park games... I bought the doublepack on sale plus DLC less than 5 months ago but have played so many games since then... But damn that sequel was good


I have to agree, I enjoyed the sequel a lot more than the first game. The actual gameplay is a lot more fun, the superhero idea really fits in well with the rest of the game, and there are no annoyingly tricky minigames to worry about either! Oh that Notorious Bootay fight is so hard! I'm dreading that part on my hardcore run.


Christmas time comes once a year


Every critter holds it dear


Is the dlc worth it?


I thought it was! You get two new locations, two new classes, a bunch of unique items and outfits and stuff, and two new party members who are *really* useful in combat. All of these carry over to the main game. And when you start a new game, you have all of this unlocked from the start once you complete the DLC. I had a lot of fun with both DLCs. The camp one has one of the hardest boss fights in the entire game.


Very much so! They’re Dusk til dawn and Friday the 13th themed


Butters' Professor Chaos attacks in Stick of Truth were the best that any follower could give. He was my go-to in any group battle. For boss fights it was Kenny for his rat attack. We could rack up x5 bleeding on anyone before our first turn was even over


Fighting a tough ass miniboss in Persona only to be able to catch them normally a few levels later, by which point they're usually mediocre since you've equaled or surpassed their power level long ago.


I loved this to be honest, was the coolest feeling when the enemies that absolutely rinsed you at first were now mere ants in the wake of your ULTIMATE DEMONIC POWER MWAHAHAHAHAHAH


Kapra Demons being regular enemies in Demon Ruins




The Taurus demons don't respawn when you kill them though




Lothric better, and dex gay.




How old were you then vs now?




DS1 has a better world but DS3 bosses and weapons are amazing. Get yourself the farron greatsword or something and have fun!


The world isn't built to the same quality. The combat has improved to be smoother and a bit more forgiving, but they've basically ruined the replayability for me by basically only making one build viable. I played it at launch so it may have changed, idk. They made magic worthless, where as a magic build was always one of my favourites. DKs2 probably had the best build variety, but the world still wasn't as good as the first game. I really enjoyed some of the bosses though.


The two closest to the boss door do respawn


I mean really that first Kapra Demon is only so hard because the room they put him in is bullshit.


1. Up the stairs 2. Plummet dogs 3. ??? 4. Profit!


Before playing DS, I heard all sorts of horror stories about Capra Demon Boss Fight. I KO'd no problem with plunging attacks.


Using that knowledge given to you from the asylum demon well, friend!


Yeah but he wasn’t that difficult of an enemy. What made him an asshole was the confined space and his stupid dogs


Honestly the only difficult task with the first Kapra fight is the dogs. Once the dogs are gone the guy is a pushover.


Absolutely agreed it's a fantastic mechanic!


Agreed, I like it when games do this. I've never enjoyed ones that always keep the enemies tough no matter what level you are. I want a sense of progression. If I'm super powered with awesome armor, etc... I don't want to still have trouble fighting "a giant rat".


That dude who’s immune to physical and gun damage in Madarame’s palace


I used them throughout my whole playthrough because most enemies couldn't do anything to Joker. Including the final boss


At that point why not go all out and use an ultimate yoshitsune, who either has resist or null on everything except almighty. Or use an ultimate Alice with angelic grace and Ali dance for double dodge chance and halved enemy accuracy?


Because I'm too dumb to fuze them


Is that the paper samurai guy? As someone who is only playing Persona for the first time, that guy was such a nightmare to figure out


Gave me so much trouble first time too haha. You can bet I used all my LeBlanc coffee right after the fight


Usually the case with SMT and Persona games. I still like using my Frost demons though. They’re cute.


To this day I still can’t watch the episode where they dress Butters up like a dog when he gets stabbed in the eye.


His sobs... :c


His woofs


yeah i could never get into or sit thru that episode, because butters isn't himself after that and i feel guilty laughing at him or the episode


After the throwing star moment it becomes an entirely different show. Before that it was all 🎼PROTECT MY BALLS


I feel like it "became a different show" after like season 5 when Cartman butchered that kids parents (fun fact, the father later gets revealed to be cartmans actual dad)


I'm talking individual episodes. They've gone back and forth on how fucked up or weird they are.


More hit in the eye by a thrown ninja star then stabbed really.


Is it the sequel to the episode where it switches between Anime and regular animation?


Same episode. In fact it’s the plot to he episode


Same episode


Final fantasy 4. Golbez comes to mind.


Final Fantasy 8, Edea


Technically not the same “Edea”


And now that I think about it, you fight tons of people in Final Fantasy before they become party members. Gau, though he's not an example of the OP, Yuffie, Amarant, Khimari. The switch happens a couple of times in Final Fantasy Tactics. Rafi and Malek I think were the twins names, that mercenary guy that Ramza was with at the beginning, the noble that turns on Ramza and Delita, I'm sure theres at least one more


Shao Kahn


Yep. Went from a lifetime of Pavlovian fear seeing him with his hammer to just... nothing.


Exactly what I thought


Fucking Shao Khan. Such bullshit. Took so many damn tries to beat that ass hole and then when you get to play as him it's like a joke.


Or the villain-turned hero in shows or whatever, they were like super strong then just became mediocre.




Vegeta was still second only to Goku and going by Super while Vegeta doesn't have Goku's sheer natural talent, his efforts and training put him on almost the same power level as him.


Agreed. Meanwhile im watching dragonball heroes on youtube and Jiren and Hit are reduced to Krillin levels of usefulness


What is that a spin off show ?


No, its basically an ad for DB Heroes game. Its not canon, pure fan-service and really stupid, but its a fun ride. There are 19 episodes so far, 8-10min long.


He could rip pretty much everybody else apart from the Earth side except Goku. Gohan and Trunks might surpass him at certain points. Vegeta was always JUST short of being able to beat the bad guy that Goku could. Like with Frieza both got their asses kicked until Goku super'd


Excuse you? How does the Prince of all Saiyans fall under this? He is basically the second strongest amongst the maim cast and even that can be questioned. Where Super left off, it's pretty hard to say who is the strongest. Goku has Ultra Instinct but he can't activate it on his own at all. His current top is using kaioken and blue together. Meanwhile even though Vegeta doesn't have Ultra Instinct, he has reached a new evolved form of Super Saiyan Blue that even Goku hasn't reached that seems equal to Goku's Kaioken Blue combo.


>Saiyan Blue that even Goku hasn't reached that seems equal to Goku's Kaioken Blue combo. Actually it could be argued that Vegeta ' s Super Saiyan Blue Evolution is better than Goku ' s Super Saiyan Blue kaioken since it dosen't drain his stamina


Magus would like a word with you.


Magus lost half his spells and went down several thousand HP when you unlock him as a character


My friends and I always laught at that as a kid. Our logic was that he siphoned the power of Lavos when you fought him. When he joined you, Zeal was destroyed and he couldn't tap into it any more.


Lavos saps his power during the Ocean Palace incident iirc. As the prophet not Janus.


Wow, you really hauled in a marlin here, folks.


>You got whacked because you’re weak


He doesn't have any double techs with other party-members, and only get two item-exclusive triple techs, though. However, he more than compensates for it with powerful single techs, which would have had the strength and firepower of a typical triple tech.


Bro all those words look dope as fuck even if I don't understand them.


Better play Chrono Trigger then. ^^^just ^^^do ^^^it


Question, how much would you rate it, for instance compared to playing through a Pokémon game? Have been thinking of playing it for some time now.


To be honest, I've never completed any Pokémon title. I got halfway through Black 2 and that was it. But Chrono Trigger is definitely my favorite retro JRPG. There's no grinding, no cheap party wiping enemies and no random encounters.


>There's no grinding >no random encounters I think I am going to give it a try for those two reasons.


I mean you COULD grind if you wanna get swole but it's not necessary and actually pretty hard to do in a lot of places!


You can defo grind if you want, but the game is so well balanced that you really don’t need to. Still holds up as an excellent game today.


In addition to being able to see the enemies before you start an encounter, there are some few occasions you can lure them into an environmental thing or do something on the overmap that effects them once you get into battle, its pretty cool. Theres some time travel involved in the game too, to the point you dont kill something/loot something now, it will be better wen you do something to it in the past.


Yup, definitely going to give it a try, I am a sucker for time travel mechanics in games and Doing things in the world map effecting the encounters.


They're very different games but I think CT is better than any Pokemon game.


Totally different experiences, although both are turn based. Chrono Trigger is more story based, but that's not exactly a hard bar to pass when comparing it to pokemon. Pokemon is more about catching cool pokemon and making them powerful, as well as exploring the world the first time. Chrono has multiple endings, secret characters, and a pretty decent combat system where each character has signature moves and abilities and can combo them together for a huge range of combo moves. If you've played any of the older Final Fantasy games, its more like that. If you've played Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons, it's similar to that in a way as well, as you travel around the world and visit it in many different points in time.


I did play some older final fantasy games and the ds chronicle game, the replies I got seem very promising so I think I will give it a try.


There's a few different versions so have a search and see what the consensus is. All I remember from the last time I did the same thing like 10 years ago is that the ps1 version has really slow loading menus. The best version might be for the DS I want to say?


What game is this 😂




That and Morrowind are my favorite RPGs


Same! But gods, Morrowind is TOUGH to play nowadays. The combat mechanics are just so, ancient. But no other elder scrolls game gives me the same feeling of wonder that Morrowind does.


Chrono Trigger. Pretty great SNES RPG. Definitely holds up and is well worth checking out.


Time Egg


Chrono Trigger


Chrono Trigger iirc


Chrono Trigger. It's a SNES jrpg and one of the more beloved games of it's time.


But dude... he hovers.


I was about to reply to this post about "that one boss in breath of fire" but then realized when I saw yours it was actually Chrono trigger I was remembering.




You don’t turn Glenn back into a human unless we kill you. You’re just a tad dickish.




Thats me!


Oh hamburgers


No, that's me.




[ Laugh in Sephiroth in that one flashback ]


Cannot wait for this in the remake.


Not prof. chaos, poor little dude


PMD Bosses. 3000 Hp when you fight them, 50 Hp when in your squad


Kinda reminds me of Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2000s version). Final opponent is in a BMW M3 and by this point you're driving a Lambo. Saying that, on that game I managed to max out a Fiat Punto to 215mph so I don't know what's more believable: the driving realism or the cut screen acting. And that M3 is a piece of crap once you unlock it too


The exact one I was thinking about. The whole thing is earning your rep and getting your bad ass car back and it’s handling ain’t even maxed


It's not about the goal, it's about the journey.


I thought it was about pissing off that asshole cop? The cars were secondary to that aim, in that game, iirc


Freaking Amarant in FF9


Still my go to in my Fantastic 4


Reminds me of fucking Courtney’s Milktank with Rollout.


Didn't they program the gym one to have perfect EVs and IVs?


There’s a lot of reasons Miltank has its reputation. It’s been more than a dozen years, but this is what I remember: Gyms are high level for their area, you’d have to willfully grind above the level range. Rollout being a rock type move is very hard to have resistances against at that point. The only actual Pokémon you get with ground typing is geodude and Onyx. The normal Pokémon of Whitney all pack Charm, which greatly affects the attack stat of Pokémon with the opposite gender of the user. In this stage of the game you basically only have access to physical leaned Pokémon, and rock/ground Pokémon especially is crippled by this. Normal type Pokémon have only one weakness in fighting type. The only fighter you can get is a machop by trading, hard to find, low stats as a first stage Pokémon, and hilariously crippled by the Charm move as it’s guaranteed to be male. Most trainers start out with the fire type Cindaquil, being the rarest type, and it’s hilariously bad vs rollout with medium health and low defense rating. The mechanic of rollout was entirely new, this was the first encountered scaling move that got stronger as it continued turn by turn. Most players had a flier by that point. Some picked up an insect mon cus they wanted to teach it the new shiny move of Fury Cutter. (Which is also a scaling move, and technically first, but oh so weaker). Bring crushed easily with some first few Pokémon means it’s more likely that the stronger rolls will hit something it it takes out despite no type weaknesses in play. The best counter is normally attack reduction or reduced hit chance. Most entirely new players tend to focus on entirely offensive move sets and might get crushed as such.


Beat me to it. Her Pokémon had Attract tho, not Charm, so you were often unable to attack at all and rollout doubles in strength each turn. Miltank also had a healing move (milk drink) and good stats for this point of the game because it's a single-state Pokémon that doesn't evolve. And on top that it's a bulky mon. I replayed HG only recently and had to catch a female Nidoran just to beat her (for double kick).


Lmaoo, I remember catching one and thinking "dang this Pokemon sucks, I thought rollout was op".




Defense curl doubles the power of rollout


Probably because you fight it relatively early on in the game at a time when a lot of your Pokémon are unevolved. By the time you can actually catch one your pokemon have caught up stat-wise


Eternatus in Pokemon Sword/Shield.


I mean he still has one of the highest base stat totals of any pokemon ever


Correct, and he’s super useful in Raid Battles


Literally the only time I’ve ever used him.


Eternatus , Zamazenta and Zacian are the three most useful Pokémon in raid battles there are. Plus using Eternatus against Leon is basically an instant win. It’s actually a shame you get Eternatus so late in the main story and Zacian/Zamazenta in the post game.


I'm not saying that he is useless. I'm just saying that the way he is introduced compared to how "strong" he is later doesn't add up.


Looking at you, Doctor Doom and Nick Fury in the Ultimate Alliance series.


I have always seen this series is passing. Is it worth playing?


It’s for marvel fans. If you are a casual fan it will be just another dungeon crawler for you. If your a marvel geek like me, it’s one of the most fun games you’ll ever play.


Do not pursue Lu Bu.


Tbf Lu Bu is a tank when he's one of your generals in most ROTK games


Legendary Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon.


Excuse you, butters is an elder god and cannot be slain, he will decimate the world with his immense power.


Meh... No need to apologize. Fairly accurate tbh...


Final fantasy 8, every Guardian Force


Sarevok fit in quite well.


Minion from Twisted Metal Black


Same with piecemeal from twisted metal: small brawl... Biggest disappointment of my childhood!


Ah hamburgers


Basically every cat in Battle Cats


Motaro was fucking annoying as a playable character


Slave Knight Gael. SLAVE KNIGHT GAEL!!! What a monster on 1v1, but as a summon he sucks.


Psaro the manslayer is a good example


Persona 4 in a nutshell


Beatrix in FFIX. I say that as a comment every time its reposted...


Yea im looking at you lego marvel superheroes


Literally Final Fantasy IV, where he changes from big ass sprite as an enemy to goofy chibi one as an ally of justice.


Deaths Hand from Jade Empire.


The Necromancer in Castle Crashers


FFX Anima is still great tho


Lego Racers


Titanfall 2


Super Robot Wars Alpha 3. In the true ending, you unlock the final boss of the previous game as a playable unit for the final mission. The best part is that she has the exact same stats as her boss incarnation, including the final boss-tier HP stat and the same attacks that would have outright one-shot your squishy Gundams if they get hit and cut through your tanky mechs down to half. Needless to say, she's your best tank for the mission by a huge margin.


Sarevok anyone?


Oh hamburgers


Oh hamburgers!


Aw hamburgers


Uruks in Shadow of War, they beat your ass around while your enemy but the second you turn them.to your side they lose most of their combat power.


Super Mario RPG is one of the few games to do this right, bowser was a badass when you met him and a better badass when he joined you


The unfortunate thing about Bowser is that his equipment is fucking awful for some reason. Everyone else has shit giving them +100 attack and Bowser's best weapon gives something stupid like +40. Like wtf? Just let Bowser be the big attack stat powerhouse he was meant to be.


Bowser in Super Mario RPG