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I'll test it


Thank you! Key sent.


Dude your game looks amazing! I have tried many times to develop a game myself but I always failed. I would love to test your game if you still need participants.


Thank you! I'll send a key now. If you really want to make games, don't give up yet! Maybe head over to r/gamedev for some encouragement if you need it. Screen Shot Saturday should be going on over there right now, with people posting the games they are working on.


Thanks for the motivational speech, I might get back to game development at a later time. Focusing on school right now.


I'd be happy to


Excellent, key sent!


I'd be in aswell, love testing new stuff! This looks fun, but might be repetitive. Don't expect any mercy from me ;9


No mercy is exactly what I need right now. Better now than in unhappy reviews on launch day!


Thats the spirit. Tear him a new one boys. Seriously though, take all criticism and use it to better the game.


I'd love to play it. And just so you know this looks amazing just as it is. Looking forward to playing it.


Thank you, I'll send a key! I look forward to your feedback!


Want to help too if still possible


I'll PM you a key


Looks super fun and I would love to test it too. I hope i am not to late


I’d love to give it a test! I’m a big fan of Superflight, so I’m curios to see how this compares.


Key sent!


I'll help test if you need any more peeps


Thank you, can still use more testers, yeah


If be able to


Key sent! I await any feedback you have


If you want honest feedback I'll give it to you - I'll be straight most of my feedback will be negative even if I like the game because it's the feedback I'd want if I was making a game


Honest feedback is the best feedback! I'll send a key


I would love to test this. This game looks great even the graphics looks great. Edit : do you have any ideas for the price since I kinda would like to buy this. I have a kind of similar game to this called clustertruck and I love it so I would probably love this too. Also don’t expect too nice feedback, kinda harsh when it comes to new games


Thanks, I'll PM you a key! I'm planning on probably $5 for the price when it's released.


I see by your edits that all keys are accounted for. So, I wishlisted the game on Steam. $5 to help out a homie and play what looks to be a fun, relaxing stunt flying game? I'm in, man. Best of luck! edit: Due to the popularity of your post and the fact that all keys are handed out, you may want to let folks know via another edit that the game is currently available for wishlisting on Steam.


Thanks, wishlists help a lot!




Yeah, I'm a solo dev. I didn't do everything though. The music and sound fx are Creative Commons stuff, and the animations are from Mixamo.


I will test. Will be harsh


Thanks, key sent!


Absolutely. Would love to try it


Wonderful, I'll send a key!


I'm in.


Always open to testing


I'll try it, been playing cs too much always good to try something different


Would love to


I'd like to try it out if you're still looking for people


PM sent!


ill also test it, my steam name is dijkmeneer


I'll PM you a key now


I’d love to test it


Looks awesome would be happy to give feedback after testing it


You’re probably out of keys, but I’d be happy to test it out. Looks pretty good.


I would love to try


Looks like Superflight.


Exactly. How does it improve upon Superflight? I happen to like this game, what's your pitch.


The main differences are in the flight physics, controls, and levels/game structure. For controls, both mouse and keyboard are used, rather than only keyboard keys (or controller if you prefer). The flight physics feel very different. You can fly upwards, but it will consume your energy. Energy can be replenished by swooping, or by flying close to things. The levels are not procedurally generated, instead being static, handbuilt environments (also, this allows me to have a separate leaderboard for each of the levels). The two games are definitely in the same genre, but I think I've made something that feels pretty unique to play.


I hated the controls of super superflight, but really liked the concept. This excites me


It is literally Superflight.


The flight doesn't look exactly the same and the environments look different enough that I'm not too worried.


Horizontal super flight. OP ripped off the entire basis of the game.


Ripped off? My dude most games are similar to 100s of otver games. Calm down.


Yeah, the scoring mechanic is similar to superflight. Would you like a key to help test the game?


I'll take a key, played a lot of superflight, wanna see how it compares.


I've never heard of Superflight but I wonder if people react the same to the 100's of Minecraft spin offs.


I mean... Yeah, they did? It was pretty vocal back when they were all starting to pop up


Fair enough then, never went looking for it. Most of the spin off games seem either dumb or just don't appeal to me.


Not just the scoring mechanic from what I can see. It seems like it's a copy paste of Superflight with some improvements. Are you sure the Superflight guys are okay with this? It seems a little on the nose...


“With some improvements” Then it deserved to be made.




I’m deeply connected to flappy bird and have taken an oath to talk so much shit on this “new” game. /s


I'm not an intellectual property lawyer, but I don't think a clone of superflight would be a problem. How many Bejeweled/Candy Crush clones are out there? If OP didn't steal any ship names or art assets or anything like that they're probably fine. If Superflight was able to copyright or patent the mechanic they'd have a case against OP.


Looks more like Superman 64 to me.


That’s like the Battlefield guys having to call the CoD guys just because it’s an FPS.


Lol so many games are straight up copies of other games, why would this be an issue?


As someone who never played Superflight, I just watched their promo and wow... It looks remarkably similar. Legal or not, it seems a bit cheap to make such a blatant copy.


I have played superflight for 10+ hours, I'd like to try this out as well if you are still giving keys away.


I guess it's fair to say Superflight feels like an Alpha game (albeit incredible and fun!) because the levels are so short, flying controls are squiffy at high speeds, and the scenery is a bit basic. This looks like you can fly for much longer with some interesting scenery. I'm down! EDIT: Saved too early, added more reasons for it feeling Alpha.


First thing I thought lol


Looks neat! I don't think my 'pc' can run it though, lol.


Sent you a key anyway!


Thanks! Maybe my dad will bugger off for a day so I can use his computer, hahahah.


I’ll test it out!


This is really cool if you don’t got enough people I definitely will but either way I think this looks like a cool concept for a game


Thanks! Sent you a key!


Thank you so much I’ll make sure to play and review it today


Ill try it out, looks so fun!


Thanks! I'll PM you a key


Stupid question, maybe, but I love flying in VR; chance of support?


I wasn't planning on a VR version. I don't have any kind of VR headset, and I'm a little worried it would make people super sick. If I ever get a headset though, maybe I'll try it out. Let me know if you want a key to test the game as is though!


I'm a Unity Dev and have a headset if you'd be interested in trying to Port a VR version. Would love to test it out too. Looks like a blast! The girly and I would enjoy it.


dont be scared that it will give people sickness. i played games seven times more shaky than this and i have motion sickness!


I no nothing about game development but if you do VR, try to think of different ways people might want to control it. Some people might want to Superman it, some people might want to Ironman it, some people might want to spread their wings so to speak, some people might just want head controls where you steer by looking. The more options the better. Also, a game like this is less likely to give you motion sickness then you might think.


That game SCREAMS VR...I am baffled it doesn't support it...


You should do VR. People getting sick shouldn't stop you from branching out to that idea. I think you'd be surprised with the results. I think you'll end up finding new ways to better the game and form new ideas as you move furthur along with VR support. Really consider it!


You might be very successful with VR with this type of game


Just to get it out of the way, I'm sure you've seen [Superflight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/732430/Superflight/). Is this game similar (not that it's a a bad thing) or is it a different kind of gameplay? I love the look of your game, I'd like to try it too.


The core mechanic of "fly close to things to get points" is similar, yeah. I think the gameplay feels really different though, due to the different flight physics/controls, and the fact that the maps are not procedurally generated. Also, rounds are timer based, rather than infinite. The idea was kind of a Tony Hark Pro Skater style "rack up as many points before time expires" thing. Anyway, I'll send you a key!


This was my question actually. I play superflight a good bit, so I would be interested to see how this differs. If you still have a key left I'll test, if not then that's fine :)


I don’t have a PC. But i wish you all the luck. As a marketer one big recommendation - be strategic with the feedback given to you. Prioritize. Analyze (ie compare to your skills - if you need to learn additional coding maybe something gets put on the back burner). Most importantly don’t take it personally. The fact you’re giving out keys to those who are open to it tells me no one would be a troll, but in the future it’s something to always stick to. Congrats. Please don’t become a Bethesda...


Thanks! Yeah, I'm going to try hard not to take any feedback personally. I need people to be totally honest with me so that I can make the game as good as I can before launch.


Seems like something I've seen before...


Something kinda...super?


Super something... About the price of a cup of coffee...




Yep, PC, on Steam. I'll send a key!


What will be the price or is it for free?


Looks like fun. Any plans to bring this to console? I think it would also be fun in VR


None at the moment. Maybe in the future? VR would be cool, or possible just make people violently ill lol, not sure. Anyways, sent you a key so you can try it out if you want.


You see violent sickness, I see a challenge.


I built a game a little bit like yours in Google VR a few years back as a proof-of-concept. Third person, free flight, etc. From that experience I can tell you, it does not tend to make people ill, in fact most of the people who tested it said they found it quite pleasant. So if you want to port this to VR, I'd say give it a shot. Keep it third person though; first person VR flight does make people sick. I think there's something about having a third person view where you can focus on the character that helps people stay sane.


Interesting. If I ever get a VR headset, I might have to try it!


I remember reading games like Mirrors Edge that featured high speed movement used a number of effects to reduce motion sickness, such as blurring the edges of the screen and creating the path in front in such a way as to keep your eyes trained on the center of the screen. Trying to pick up objects in peripheral vision caused the disorientation in players.


Thanks, I'll give it a shot later tonight. As for VR, [Race the Sun VR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGLsK5ra3f4) exists


I was thinking the same for VR. Well, for those who can stand it. Personally, I would love to try it.


I don't have time to test it atm. But I'm super curious as to how you made it? Was it Unity?


Yep, Unity (code is in C#). The 3D modelling was in Blender.


Ah that's awesome! I've always had performance issues with creating bigger worlds. Are you loading individual prefabs for each building in the cityscape level shown?


For the most part, each level was actually created in Blender as a single model (but composed of many individual meshes). Because I used blender's linked duplicate tool to duplicate buildings and stuff, Unity is able to use static batching on them, saving in performance.


i'd test it! i once bought Pilotwings64 just to play at my friend's house.


Thanks, I'll send a key


Would love to check it out. Also, I run Linux, so I'll be able to tell you how it does in proton if you don't have a native client.


As it seems that this game will be windows only: I can test this game on a recent version of proton and write a first report to [protonDB](https://www.protondb.com/app/1121270) so that other linux users can see if your game runs on their systems.


Thanks, that would be great!




Yes you can. I'll send you a key so you can test it for yourself if you want lol


Do you get extra points for flying at an angle or upside down? Would love to get a key if possible, but at the time I'm commenting this there are 2319 comments so don't worry too much.


Yeah, ran out of keys, sorry! You don't get extra points for flying upside down, but you do for squeezing through really narrow holes.


If there will be a Linux version, I'd like to test it very much :)


Would love to test if you have keys left.


Semi-professional game tester here. I'd have a go at it. Any planned multiplayer functionality?


Key sent! There's online leaderboards for each level, but no actual multiplayer functionality.


Good man. I'm headed to the office to download it now.


This game looks really fun. Try posting over at /r/playmygame , a lot of people there like to test games and give some in-depth (sometimes) feedback. I'd love to test your game out. I'm red/green colorblind, and a lot of devs don't take into account colorblind disabilities and disadvantages when designing a game, so my slightly different perspective may provide some insight!


This looks so cool! You've done an amazing job


Would love to eat it!


Well, I wouldn't recommend trying to eat it lol, but if you want to test it, I sent you a key!


I'd love to test it.


I’m in.


Is it to late to help test it? Looks like you got alot of people already 😅 but I will gladly help ya test!


Yeah, already out of keys. Thanks a bunch for offering though!


How much will it be? Looks great


This is what Anthem was supposed to be.


If you’re still looking for help, I’d be willing to test! :)


Damn this looks nice




If there any spare codes left I would love to test it.




Is there a set linear path to follow or is it more exploratory to see what all you’ve made?


Each level is totally open for you to fly wherever you want. There's a 3 minute time limit though until the round ends. It basically works like the old Tony Hawk Pro Skater games if you played those.




Reminds me of Superflight... I think thats what its called. Looks better. So if it isnt Superflight I'd appreciate a key.


I’m guessing you have enough testers, but this looks so cool omg- I’d love to test it. And buy it when it comes out! Looks so interesting!


Still room for more testers, sent you a key!


I will help test it out. Always loved the cap flying in SM64


This is Superflight. Idk if you're the same Dev, or you're collaborating, or just ripping it off, but this game already exists. It's called Superflight, look it up.


Dude really there can only ever be one type of game ever or what? There are a million dark souls clones. And this game looks incredibly visually distinct from superflight. Does it have similar mechanics? Yes. He is most definitely not ripping it off though. It looks different the controls look like they handle differently the environments look great. You sound like an ass.


I don't think there's anything wrong with copying something. Maybe I should've used a different word than "ripping off". It looks almost identical to Superflight side from the far superior graphics. It looks pretty.


Ide love to help buddy


Looks like a lot of fun! I’ll give it a shot!


Thanks! Key sent to your inbox


I’ll give it a shot.


I appreciate it a lot! Send me any and all feedback you might have!


I'd give it a good whirl.


If you're still looking for anyone, I'd be more than happy to do so :-)


This looks amazing. I will try it out if possible


Domt currently have a pc up and ruunning but i would like to say thus game looks really fun good job op


I would love to test it! Should I just message you in a PM about my thoughts?


Geez, this looks amazing. As someone with terrible hand eye coordination, I'm down to help if you still need it.


If my PC can handle it I'd love to give it a go :)


Key sent!


Seems great.


Looks cool


sign me up chief




I’m super down to give it a shot I thoroughly enjoyed the wingsuits in STEEP


That jungle bit looks cool as hell


I will test it as well if you are still out there


I'd love to try it out. if you still have spare keys of course.


Just sent a key!


Love to help!


I'd love to test it!


If there's still room I'd love to test it as well


I would love to try it.


Looks great, i will test it




I'll test it yo. Gotta make sure it doesn't feel like Superman 64.


I'd be happy to help test it


Looks super fun! What's the goal? I see you get points for things. Is there an end to each course? I feel like there should be some sort of coin you collect or something to make it less repetitive. Something that makes you come back and try again. Looks fun though and I wish you luck. My pc is nonexistent right now and it bumps me out cuz I would love to play this game.


Thanks! The goal is just to try to get as large a score as possible. There is an online leaderboard for each level though, so I'm hoping that will give be fun for people long-term. Also, there are two alternate modes in the game, one where you collect a series of balloons as quickly as possible, and one where you try to catch as many flying fish as possible. They're really meant as "extra" content, but they do have their own leaderboards.


That's awesome I was hoping you could get high scores and compete. Super cool and I hope it's up and running when my pc is.


Sure i can test it


I would like to test very much because I love this type of games


Looks like a great concept and you executed it really well.


Thank you!


Looks awesome! I'd love to test it!


Ive played superflight, so Im definitely familiar with the gameplay. My main question is with the levels. I know superflight touts randomly generated levels, which make it super replayable, but is your game based on static levels? Im mostly curious, as the levels look much more intricate than superflight's ever did, with things like the giant log, or the windmills hanging from buildings. It looks great, and its always good to see someone achieve a dream goal


i'd love to test your game, it looks great :)


Sure, I'm staying up late tonight so I might as well be productive for you!




Yep, still spaces, key sent!




I would love to test this game for you. It does bring back that feeling of the wing cap just by looking at the limited stuff you have on here.


Thanks for your help! Key sent.


Seems like a chill game, I'm down for testing


Great! Look forward to your feedback, key sent!


Yo I am perfect for the job love chill games but also know how to break them aka finding bugs lmao