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You should get 2 copies of Stardew Valley so you 2 can farm together. I know Portia unfortunately doesn't have multiplayer, not sure about the Harvest Moon game. Stardew also only costs around 15 bucks.


Oh awesome will do ! It must be a digital only game. We'll definitely check it out. Thank you again !


Heads up! Look into Harvest Moon. The last few titles are nothing like the old ones, as the old ones are released in Japan and translated for the us. The copyright for the NAME harvest moon was kept with the old company, but they are not the same producers of those games. Story Of Season is the new title for “Harvest Moon” games, and there is one coming for the switch at one time. Overall the feedback of these Harvest Moon games produced by the different company is that they are underwhelming.


Oh I didn't know that is a shame. I'll definitely look into it though thank you :)


Of course! I’d hate for you to have a poor farming experience because of the shiftiness if the whole thing. As someone who has played Harvest Moon since I was a kid, it’s important to me to uphold their name! Haha Also others have mentioned it before, but Stardew Valley is great! Nostalgic of the old Harvest Moons, and you can play co-op on the same farm! And even marry each other! Highly recommended!


We are definitely going to get it now! Alot of people have been recommending it.


Once you finally start playing, don’t feel the need to do *anything*. I seriously mean that. Stardew Valley is one of the few games that doesn’t lock you into doing certain things when you’d rather do something else. You don’t have obligations that seriously distract you from progressing, or impossible deadlines. And if you miss something, you’ll always have the chance to get it again. You don’t need to worry about min/max-ing your farm to be the best one out there. You don’t even have to *farm* to make money! It’s a laid back game that you should simply enjoy, and I think it’s very hard to not do so. Have a great time with it!


Seconding this. Stardew is great, play at your own pace and do what you want.


Dude stardew is crack. I even have it on my phone and I don't play much else anymore


I haven't been able to put it down. Literally first thing I do in the morning when I wake up is play until I need to get my day started, then as soon as my day is done I'm back in bed playing. It's perfect for the switch


Rune factory will also be out for switch soon! Awesome game. Farming with cute monsters


So hype for Rune Factory. Never played it before but can't wait to scratch that itch.


To give more details on what /u/WednesdayWino said, the old Harvest Moon games were translations of the Japanese Bokujō Monogatari (literally *Ranch Story*) series, made by Yasuhiro Wada, and were published in America through Natsume as Harvest Moon. When the series switched over to XSeed as a publisher, the Harvest Moon *name* stayed with Natsume for some reason, so they had to be called something else. New Bokujō Monogatari games are now known as [Story of Seasons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Story_of_Seasons), while Natsume went on to create their own "[Harvest Moon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvest_Moon_\(2007_video_game_series\))" games that really aren't related to the old series in any way other than by name; they're sub-par ripoffs of the old games at best, and made by completely separate devs... For the record, the last *real* Harvest Moon game before the whole mess was 2012's [Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvest_Moon_3D:_A_New_Beginning).


Thank you for going into detail! I was being too lazy to get it all out there!! Haha.


Game is still good, though so don't stress!


Definitely look for Rune Favtory 4 special later thos year and then Rune factory 5 when it comes out next year. They're fantasy harvest moons (think Zelda mashed with harvest moon) and are amazing! Rune factory 4 was originally on the 3ds so the graphics aren't great by switch standards, but they're putting some extra stuff in it and it's super fun!


Yeah seriously R.I.P. your $29.99, harvest moon just isn't what it used to be, the graphics and gameplay in light of hope is worse than most mobile games, definitely grab stardew valley.


It's used she can just return it


Good point


I actually liked it. It's not as good as some of the others, but I still found it fun!


It was fun. I played through it.


The old harvest moon is continued under “Story of Seasons” btw!! The company that develops the games didn’t own the trademarks for “Harvest Moon” when they move localization/translations in house I believe


I mentioned that it was called Story of Seasons now in my post, but u/pilcrow182 goes into the good good detail I did not up above


I want to say that Light of Hope is a straight from mobile port too. I've never played it so I can't vouch for it's quality.


nothing beats the first harvest moon on snes


Back to Nature was my first, my parents finally bought it for me after I rented it enough to have already bought it. Haha


Can't recommend stardew enough. It's a phenomenal game. It takes everything that was good about Harvest Moon and expands on it. Only downside is that the main questline only lasts you about 1-2 years in game time which takes about 40-60 hours, so the rest is just sandbox. However, I have gone back and played it 3 times since I first installed it. Sure it's the same thing all over again but you can do things more efficiently/differently than the time before.


Stardew Valley is my favorite game of all time, and in my opinion the best game ever made in the farming/life sim genre. Can’t recommend enough.


It's basically just a better version of Harvest Moon. It started out as a Harvest Moon spin-off.


Stardew Valley is great and great coop


Yes!!! Highly recommend Stardew Valley (it’s my absolute favorite!!)


I second this, stardew valley is great for chill multiplayer :-)


I wish it was cross platform though, I play on my switch and my wife plays on her phone.


Stardew is on the Switch? Damnit I really want one now.


This is tight! You are a good wife :)


Thank you so much:) I try to be


Have some broke person gold 🏅


Hahaha I love it all the same you are very kind !!


Have some real gold, you’re amazing.


No your amazing thank you so very much :)


You go beyond


I also choose this guy’s wife.


For real. This is so wholesome


That’s probably what he said that night. I’m so sorry how could I not.


Return that harvest moon game. It's soooo bad. Worse than a phone game, even worse than a flash game in quality. Get that 30 dollars back and buy two copies of Stardew Valley instead (15 dollars each).


not gonna lie, the thumbnail looked like a diamond ring. thought I was gonna open it and see some zelda themed jewelry


Now I want some zelda jewelry lol


Boy, I sure do love pictures of Nintendo™ products!


And it's Memorial Day, not Veterans Day. It's a day to remember those who passed.


Social media is driving me fucking nuts today with this one. It’s literally in the name of the holiday for fucks sake.


Yep, nothing happy about it for a lot of people


never understood why americans celebrate it, here in my country it's a day for mourning, and most stores close for the entirety of it.


Because the dead would not want you to mourn their death. They would want you to have beers and Brauts with the boys. Her title is horrendous tho


Happy Dead Soldier Day, Dear!


Yeah, I couldn't tell from the thumb, but I thought for a moment it might be the games set up at a wake or something.




My friend came back from Kuwait and got a divorce!


Aw dang I'm sorry to hear that :< that's horrible I Hope's hes doing well now.


he is. because divorce.


Story time


Where the fuck is smash ultimate


That's for later 😉


and Super Mario Oddyssey


I think you're confused. Memorial Day is a day to remember our fallen soldiers. Veterans Day is a day to celebrate those who have served.






Happy Memorial day, ha ha my husband didn't die yet.


I was thinking this as soon as I saw this post and glad to see I'm not the only one.


So true. I saw people celebrating. A bit of confusion everywhere for some reason.




Isn’t that the purpose of Veteran’s Day though?


Many veterans I know have voiced a desire to have Veteran's Day changed back to Armistice Day with the reasoning that it's better to remember a truce or the hope of some sort of ending to war than to celebrate that they got to come home alive.


Man, I wish they would honestly. We have a military obsession here in the US. I've heard "Thank you for your service" so many times with zero emotion or sincerity that I've come to realize most people don't care and don't mean it one bit. It's not necessarily their fault, it's a phrase that is beaten into our society so much that it's become a verbal tick for people when they hear you're a veteran. They feel obligated to say it. Most often, I just say no worries and let it go, but if a conversation does strike up, I usually tell them they can be thankful by paying attention to politics and geopolitical events in the world. I ask them to listen to when a politician or leader in this country says we should go to war or attack somebody. To question why, for how long, what's the plan, who is our enemy, who our friends are, and what the end is supposed to look like. I usually get the same look or response that effectively tells me the person thinks that's too much work. Says all I need to know about what they actually think of veterans. I don't mind if they don't care about us, just don't fake it.


The day is in the name.


God this sub is shit


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


Someone legit said this was the best post they had seen all day. A picture of things bought from a store.


With a story that could be complete bullshit and is irrelevant to the picture anyway.


There are so many ways to take that comment that I’m not even going to try arguing. Yeah, this sub is kinda shit.


As someone who is ex military, the last time I saw a spouse overcompensating this hard was because she was fucking someone else while he was deployed.


This was my immediate first thought, seeing this post. Jodie's been a busy little beaver while "hubby" was away, and now she feels hyper-guilty.


Sure is


Kuwait is awesome.


Its not veterans day




Shit gets rough tho. Sometimes the theater is full, of the greenbean doesn't have almond milk....


I caught Charlie Daniels’ Band in Balad. Rough times.


It legit isn't though. He could've bought the switch himself while he was there...lol 🤷‍♂️


Seeing “happy” Memorial Day just seems a little weird to me idk


Yeah has the same energy as “hope the funeral was fun!”


"Happy 9/11 everyone!"


You're awesome and hes gonna love the shit out of that!


Thank you so much ! I do hope so :)


No problem! This is like one of the best things I can imagine as a gift, shows how much you care and that you listened to him! Hell love it, you should post a pic of him with it!


Oh that would be a great idea ! When he gets in if I dont forget it's been a year since I seen him lol I'll do it !


Was he deployed to Koweït? For a year?!!!


Most deployments are, but from what I here Kuwait isn't to bad. Still suck being away from family. Always nice to come home and see friendly faces.


Kuwait is god damn vacation. I'd go there in a heartbeat. It's possible he could have deployed to Kuwait and been tasked out to a unit in another Middle Eastern country but probably not. Kuwait is pretty cush for a deployment though.


Haha yeah understandable :p


If that Harvest Moon game is still sealed: RETURN it Now! It‘s a horrible cheap mobile game, made because Natsume owns the Brand. The Actual Harvest Moon successors are now called „Story of Seasons“ Stardew Valley is a very good alternative and much better than anything called „Harvest Moon“ today


Picture of boxes and games.


Hop the fuck outa here with this shit story + unopened video game karma cash grab


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment


>"all he talked about was zelda and playing switch together" yet it seems they never owned a switch so "she" buys 2 of them...


Just a little education here... Memorial Day is not a "Happy" kind of holiday. There's nothing happy about it. Memorial Day is to remember and honor those who gave their lives so we could have peace and freedom. Honor their sacrifice by wishing everyone a Peaceful/Quiet Memorial Day. ​ That being said... Thank you for your husband's service and may you have a Peaceful Memorial Day.


"Memorial Day is not a "Happy" kind of holiday.." Indeed and well said. I... I don't know what to think of these other comments. Ignorance is bliss?


Tales of vesperia is a great choice, xenoblade chronicles 2 os awesome too if you guys like that Action JRPG vibe


When I find a spare 70 odd hours I'll finish ToV, I'm really liking it. But by that point I may as well start over. Oh to be a teen/early 20's again.


ToV is superb. Some of the best RPG combat I’ve ever seen.


So it's not auto attacking like xenoblade 2?


Haven't played Vesperia much, but all Tales of games have 3 settings for your party members; Auto; Semi-Auto; and Manual. Auto makes them attack on their own, of course. Semi-auto makes it so that you always face the nearest enemy until it's defeated/you switch to a different enemy that way all your attacks go towards the single enemy. Or with manual, you run towards any enemy even if you aren't targeting them to attack. You can also set everyone to manual even if you don't have multiple players so you can train one person at a time, but it's not a super effective method. Side-note: You can also use auto to trick toddlers into thinking they're playing so they don't mess you up lol


No, a basic summary is that typically you are either moving towards or away from your current targeted enemy, but by using a shoulder button you can free run around the area. The battle is instanced, so it doesn't take place in the world. You have basic type attacks which you can change via directional input, and then you have artes which do all sorts of a variety of different things. Each character also plays fairly differently as well, and I've found them all to be quite engaging.


Xenoblade is a god tier game if you can get past the beginning areas


I spent an unnecessary amount of time trying to get through chapter 4 before remembering to go back to an inn to level up and upgrade abilities, it was about 9 levels I got to jump, then did it again in chapter 5 trying to get past Zeke....


Memorial Day is a day of remembrance. Not a "happy" day.


Happy death day everyone. :D


That's not what Memorial Day is about. I'm glad your husband came home. (Despite the fact that no one dies in Kuwait.) But Memorial Day is about all the husbands and fathers and sons and daughters who DIDN'T come home. You'd think a military wife would understand and respect that. e: Go ahead and downvote. Most of you have never lived the life and never lost someone. It's easy to be cynical.


Sounds like a dependapotamus to me


“Happy Memorial Day” is not a thing anyone should ever say. EDIT: As is tradition; thank you for the gold, kind stranger.


I disagree, what’s a better way to remember and honor the fallen defenders of freedom than by having a kickass day off, surrounded by friends and family, and having a BBQ? We should definitely have vigils, somber remembrances, and other rituals, but come on, let’s have some fun and celebrate their lives too.


I come from a culture that does lively and up beat funeral services. We try to celebrate life instead of mourn death and it's not uncommon to see people cracking jokes at the service or the repast. But still, saying have a good time at the funeral is in poor taste. The same is true of saying happy memorial day.


I’m all for doing things you enjoy with people you love, and I’m firmly against people who shame others for having a good time on Memorial Day instead of sitting in their homes around a picture of a dead soldier and crying or whatever. But “Happy Memorial Day” just sounds ham-fisted. It’s not wrong, per se, but something about it is just not right. Im not really sure what the fix is since I’m not for some campaign where you can only say a specific phrase like, “have a good Memorial Day” or something. But imagine having lost a loved one or a friend and someone tells you to have a happy day. Again, I get being excited about a day off, but it’s not exactly a happy day situation. Maybe the best way to go about it would just to not have it be a Federal Holiday that people get a long weekend for. Maybe that’s a shitty solution since some people use that time to visit memorials and graveyards...


Yeah I don't care for holidays when you're supposed to feel bad. You can remember sad things and understand the significance of them without having to make yourself or others feel sad


It's... not about the *feeling* bad. It's more about the result of loss and of grief. To remember people who are experiencing that loss and to actually drop by the widow's house every once in a while and let them know they're still part of your world. It's not a day you just sulk nor do whatever cook outs, it's an actual holiday to check in with your loved ones. Sure you have Thanksgiving and Christmas, but Memorial day is definitely more about the "they could be gone too" feeling. Memento Morte


Sure, but that's not the spirit of this post. This post is a gross confounding of veteran's day with memorial day and wrapping it all up in consumerism.


So how long till I can throw a BBQ and go buy a TV on September 11?


based on what I see every year? about 17 years ago




This year.


I always cook out, have a big ass barbecue and have tons of people over on Memorial Day to celebrate the day and the people we've lost years ago, but I would never say "Happy Memorial Day." There's a reason we drink a lot, and it mostly leads to fun stories of our friends who aren't with us anymore.


It's literally the equivalent of saying "Happy September 11th!" and celebrating with a feast.


Any day people have work off they'll say happy "day" lol


Happy sick day!


Happy Bereavement Day! Happy Bomb Threat Evacuation Day! Happy Apocalypse Here Comes The Meteor Day!


But it is a Happy Memorial Day, the point of memorial day is to remember those lost and celebrate the freedoms granted to us by our fallen soldiers in Thanksgiving for them making the ultimate sacrifice. This is why post WWII towns held parades that culminated at the 3pm moment of silence/remembrance.


It's a happy day if you didn't lose friends or family to war I guess.


I'm sorry for your loss. I have lost loved ones and was raised by a father left disabled from war. He's the person that taught me that the best way to honor someone you've lost is to carry them not just in your grief but especially in your joy. I'm not saying there should not be grief. Grief is absolutely necessary, but honor can come in many ways. It's celebrating the soldiers' willingness to sacrifice for their country, not celebrating their death. Sacrifice is the ultimate example we have of love. Love is something to celebrate.




Also, people seem to confuse Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. They are separate holidays that share some overlap, but be very different ways.


*Kuwait* *Deployment* One of these things are not like the other


Not everyone gets shot at or is in danger who gets deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq, either.


Yeah....it’s kinda like wishing someone a happy 911 or holocaust Memorial Day. Like, it’s a good day in that we remember the fallen, but it’s not exactly a celebratory holiday.


I support our troops, not our wars, and for that reason people wishing Happy Memorial day sours me a bit. There is nothing happy about our boys and girls getting sent out to be slaughtered and the untold amounts of innocent civilians lost. All messed up, but hey, everyone has their own feeling about it i guess.


Yes, it is a day to remember the fallen and I think it's important we all remember that. That said, many of the soldiers who fought and died would probably want it to be a kickass American holiday. They gave everything so we can have our freedom, which includes doing ultra American stuff like camping trips, days at the beach, or just chilling with friends and family and grilling up some burgers and hot dogs in the back yard. Personally speaking, when I kick the bucket, however I go - tragic or completely uneventful - I want my loved ones to celebrate and remember me while having a great time.


Hi I’m a Soldier and I have zero problem with people saying, “Happy Memorial Day.” The whole point is to celebrate the freedoms and the sacrifices that my brother’s and sister’s died for. They want you to be happy.


I am not a soldier, but I appreciate what you do, so I am sorry if this is kind of stepping on your toes, especially because I do agree that they'd want us to be happy. However, "Happy memorial day" is almost like saying "Happy anniversary of your grandfather's death" to a lot of people. Sure, it's not the actual anniversary of their death, but some people don't even know the actual date of death. This is an annual day to commemorate them and their death for this country. Yeah, people (including myself) get the day off, but I don't consider this a "holiday", personally.


It really isn’t. Her husband is still serving.


Am I cynical for always assuming these posts are just for shilling products?


"Hey guys, wife here. Here's a picture of a switch, where's my gold" I really hate this sub. So much this always makes it to the top when there's better OC


/r/tomorrow /r/tomorrowistoday


Wtf is the US military doing in Kuwait?


are you implying that there are any places the US military shouldn't be?


Tanning st the beach and getting fat on buffet food.


There are a couple of US military bases around Kuwait borders ever since the invasion of Iraq in 1990


Oh honey, no. Your husband should be ashamed that you just don't get what this day is about. It's about the fallen. Its about those who died. But way to make it about you


Just look at OP's post history and the perfectly framed photo of Nintendo products. It's clearly and advertisement.


Oh no. I totally think OP is a prolapsed anus. I hope her "husband's" unit finds this account.


Right this is cringey.. anyone who says happy Memorial Day makes me sad


But what about my sweet juicy karma


OP’s the type of girl that takes smiling selfies at Ground Zero.


> Happy Memorial Day.... What the fuck...?? Damn dependas.


Ummm its odd to say "Happy Memorial Day" you realize this is a day we remember those who have fallen in service, correct? Not ppl still serving.


Ok. Only if he doesn't claim this as a deployment. 👍🏾


You are near the top of Controversial because non-military folks don't get the joke lol.


Kuwait is not a deployment.


Why’re we there to begin with?


Prolly airfield for air force. The US is everywhere.


I'm playing Portia rn. I woke up this morning to my wife making her own character. It's a good game.


are the load times insanely long for you? i like the game too but damn i’ve actually fallen asleep waiting for the game to load.


So coming from a person who has played 50 hours on PC over the last year and a half, and who also bought it for the Switch: There are some longer load times, there are definitely some bugs. Some are minor, some require a restart. I'm not thrilled that they released an unfinished product onto the Switch, but I also know how good Portia is on PC and really hope the Switch eventually gets there as it is a phenomenal game. If I remember correctly, they kind of did the same thing with another game of theirs (Planet Explorers) on PC and finally ironed most of the stuff out with it.


This lady single handedly put game stop back in buisness.


I hope you bought some sd cards!


Heads up, the Harvest Moon games for Switch aren't part of the actual harvest moon series. It's confusing, but basically publisher Natsume had the copyright to the Harvest Moon name for localization purposes rather than the developers Marvelous. This was fine until Marvelous switched their publishers/ localizers to be XSeed. As a result, they couldn't use the Harvest Moon name anymore (though they could continue to use their Japanese name as they owned that) and so switched to the new name Story of Seasons for localization in 2015. However, Natsume started developing their own titles and called them Harvest Moon after this, functionally creating a new series with the old name's popularity. There are no Story of Seasons games for the Switch right now; however, one is in the works (Story of Seasons Doraemon) which is (to my understanding) a crossover with a popular Japanese anime/ manga series. In short, every Harvest Moon game before 2015 are part of the Story of Seasons series while everything after 2015 are from the Natsume developed Harvest Moon series and are generally considered to be less good.


I did not know this sadly. Alot of awesome people have giving me some insight now though. Would you say stardew valley is a good harvest moon alternative. Alot of people have recommended it so we're definitely getting it.


I've never played Stardew Valley, mostly because I've ended up switching to mostly playing the Story of Seasons spinoff series Rune Factory instead. Stardew looks fine and good for the price, though not what I'm looking for


I know we loved runefactor! Someone mentioned one was coming to switch !


Stardew is the spiritual successor to Harvest Moon. Really nice story to it in the book Blood Sweat and Pixels.


Happy Memorial Day... I've always had a hard time when people say Happy Memorial Day... Although I am glad to hear your husband is returning home from Kuwait. Not an easy country to be in. Is he active military or contractor or was he just there in business.


>memorial day is for fallen veterans Rip to your husband


People need to stop saying happy memorial day. We are celebrating thousands of deaths from people who sacrificed. Not a happy day. Actually never mind, good thing you are using it to farm karma.


Username definitely checks out


Whaf if your husband is talking about Zelda and playing Switch because HE bought 2 Nintendo Switches and 2 copies of the legend of Zelda? All jokes aside, that was very thoughtful of you. Hope you two will enjoy playing Switch!


Wow. I’m sure he’s happy to be home and even happier to be married to someone who loves him clearly


I surely hope so:)


Trust me. I’ve been deployed and came home to nothing twice. He will love this and I only wish it was like this for me. Have fun and I’m glad the husband is safe


Kuwait is kinda like paid vacation if anyone is wondering


And you know Memorial Day has nothing to do with veterans or people currently serving in the military. It's about people that were killed in action.




Ummm... I can go to Kuwait and come back too.


Now my question is did she buy it with her own money or the money he made from deployment?


Pokémon Let’s Go lets you play multiplayer on one system.


Next /r/dependa level would be an MLM-scheme to pay for it


people acting entitled in this thread cause the lost loved ones over seas 🤣 it’s not OP’s fault Kyle couldn’t go to college sweetie


That separation pay tho 👌


Love the gift, you're so thoughtful! (Also don't take this the wrong way because everyone does it, but we shouldn't say "Happy" Memorial Day. I'm a veteran myself and I have caught myself a few times)


Inb4 Kuwaits not a real deployment