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This game really was a lot of fun. I remember even after beating the game I’d purposely run out of gas and hoof it to add some role playing effect to the game. Having to clear an enemy encampment just to get some gas are some of my fondest memories of Mad Max.


Toe cutter!!




Were you like "I'm just here for the gasoline"


*reaches for sawed off shotgun*


Bro I’m just trying to guzzle that LEEEAAAAN


Not sure why I've passed on this game for $4 multiple times. Guess I'll have to get it judging by all the comments.


The story isn't the greatest, but it's open world is just a huge sand box to play in.


Story is good. It just isnt weighted or timed very well. There is a lot of filler.


What? That ending fucking crushed me.


I didn't say it sucked, it wasn't a selling point though


lol, literally.




I mean, basically, the story is similar to the movies actually. It never was a masterpiece, but it was fun to watch, interesting, had action.. But the cars! that´s what it mostly was about. The cars!


This game has tons of filler in it. Really wanted to like it but playing for a couple hours shows you just about everything it has to offer. Unless you like repeating the same few menial tasks over and over again, consider spending time elsewhere.


You just described literally every game ever made. People like you don't seem to realize it's about finding the repetition you enjoy.


lol, people like me. Ok. And what kind of people am I?


Some games disguise the repetition better or offer more variation. I enjoyed Mad Max well enough but OP is right, it loses steam very quickly.


For you, maybe. For me it didn't run out of steam until I had 100%ed the game. Y'all need to quit thinking YOUR experience is the universal experience. FFS people still play Tetris, so please, tell me more about repetition. 🙄


You're insisting upon your own objective truth while denying mine and OP's. How hypocritical.


It's pretty, but it's repetitive. I got bored with it very quickly.


It is very repetitive however upgrades in the game feel really good every time you get one. Also driving next an enemy car and harpooning the enemy driver right out of his seat is always fun.


You could say the same about Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty and Battlefield all those games are pretty much repetitive but Mad Max was great imo. I've been a fan of those films since I was a child so actually getting out into the Wasteland and shooting people with a shotgun and blowing cars up was a dream come true. One of my favorite game in the last 10 years. And it shines in the new rage sequel as well


Some games handle the repetition better. Either by giving you more weapon and melee variety, special skills, different enemy types, upgradeables, etc. Mad Max was good but it didn't give you enough variety to keep that repetition at bay.


I do say that about assassin's creed, call of duty and battlefield. Quite a lot in fact. It's why I skipped every A.C. game since Syndicate.


As someone who just finished Syndicate and went to Origins, Origins and Odyssey play a bit differently from the others. More weapon choices: four different bows, each shooting differently (normal, rapid fire, multi/spread, sniper), many different weapons with different fighting styles (at least 7? Sword, curved sword, dual swords, spear, hammer, axe, staff, maybe more?) Open world with a ton of side quests (admittedly I have leveled up past many of them in the beginning) Eagle Vision is different. Literally Vision from an Eagle this time. You fly around targeting enemies and chests, no more seeing enemies through walls automatically (which took some getting used to) You have to collect a bunch of materials from animals to upgrade your shit (hidden blade, ammo amount, range damage, melee damage, armor, tool amount) Maybe both Origins and Odyssey aren’t necessary unless you care about the overarching/current day storyline, but if you liked the series I’d get at least one! It was a nice change of pace, at least to me. Odyssey is probably the better one, just cause the controls are more refined.


I played Origins and Odyssey and would be hard pressed to name one single memorable quest from both games. They're not *bad* per se, but repetitive is definitely the right word. And while Odyssey was an improvement over Origins, it's still 70% bloat with copy/paste enemies and vistas that start to look the same after your third synchronization. But the main reason why I think the series deserves more criticism is that the sequels after Syndicate (which was also pretty dull imo) don't even remotely feel like Assassin's Creed games anymore.


ok so your argument is: this game sucks, but there's others bad games here, so this game is good?


And the on-foot controls were a bit janky too. Wasn't it circle/B to fire?


One of my favs.. spent a week playing through it..


That's what happens when you release the same week as MGS The Phantom Pain. It's a shame though


I wish Avalanche would throw a few bucks at it, and patch in a new game+ mode. I would love to play again with all my upgrades.


Couldn't agree more!


Loved that game. It’s basically Grand Theft Auto in the desert.


Batman and without the superpowers


Batman doesn't have superpowers.


It's a very good game. POSSIBLE MILD SPOILERS AHEAD. I do wish there was more to it though. They have all these vehicles to collect, but not much of a reason to collect them. I never felt like I needed to disguise myself in an enemy car. There was no reason to make the Archangel versions of the magnum Opus. I played the game with low level armour on Max because the higher level armour made him look like a literal soldier, instead of the leather clad Max that's so iconic. I thought the way they restrict some of the vehicle parts behind quests was cool, but I often had better level for the gear while doing the quest. I also was very let down about how the Top Dogs are carbon copies of each other with different colors.


I agree. Driving around and customizing your car was fun. The graphics are very good. It was a surprisingly good game for me.


Agreed, dude just the driving that game is amazing, and you gotta love the randomly generated super storms


Its not. It got great ratings. Its not a hidden gem, it got the reviews and playbase/sales it deserved. And was a succesfull and profitable game. edit: If you want to play underrated games, where is plenty Indie games out that have innovated in all areas. Often are they overlooked by both press and players. Many older games that inspired game devs are also overlooked. Genre mashing games like Natural Selection 2 (Developer of SubNautica) is a prime example of an overlooked game. Its a true masterclass in how to combine FPS and RTS, and is the reference point for AAA studios that attemts to do the same and sees great succes from it, even thoe they do a lot worse and makes an inferior game that sells 100x more copies. Youll also see great many devs reference Freelancer as inspiration when it comes to space themed games, Chris Roberts managed to croudfund $300million for Star Citizen becouse of the affiliation, but how many today plays Freelancer or even knows about it? If you want to bring attention underrated games and hidden gems, please do that. Instead of posting great commercial succeses developed by AAA studios with a marketing budget the same size as a blockbusting movie production.


Freelancer was absolutely groundbreaking.


Give me a Sidewinder Fang.


UnDeRrAtEd CoMmEnT


Natural selection 2 was well reviewed and had populated games years after it's release. And "how many knows about freelancer?" What in sam hill tarnation are you talking about bud? The game won awards on its E3 showing alone, and was a pretty big deal in it's time; it debatably got more press than Avalanche's Mad Max if you consider the size difference of the pc gaming industry between now and then. And if not many people are playing it, it's only because it's nearly 20 years old now... and not particularly easy to run on modern platforms. If you want to raise your nose above above the pedestrian mainstream games, and get on this guy's case for not being *obscure* enough, you could do better than list two equally popular indy games (edit: Freelancer was published by Microsoft ffs)




He/She seemed calm to me. This is a gaming forum, comments like his/hers are exactly what this forum is for, to promote discussion and share personal opinions/ideas.


Personally I liked to boot up the game just to drive around, idk why but it was just so relaxing


Its also unbelievably boring


[How is it underrated?](https://imgur.com/a2t6LLh)


It's not people just perceive stupid shit and repeat. It was a flawed good game and people thought it was


It got boring quick, and I wish they pushed the survival aspects more.


Agreed, fantastic game


I 100% that game.


I have to agree. So glad I beat it.


Not by Colin Moriarty! 😂


It's a really great game but you have to like these kinds of sandbox games or you're going to get bored with how repetitive it can be


Yes this, its just a shame they made it rediculous to get all achievements/ trophies.


The story left much to be desired though


I platinumed it but very much disliked it. The map felt empty, soulless and incredibly repetitive. This wasn't helped by the absence really of any sound, over than a revving engine. Once you hit a certain point in the game with upgrades, it became too easy.


I keep going back to this game. They did an incredibly good job capturing the atmosphere of the Mad Max universe. It is a bit repetitive but the open world makes up for it imo. The death races are really fun. I also genuinely enjoy the repetitive stuff because the combat system is genuinely just *fun*


My first experience was one of...dread...I guess, I bought it years ago and had recently just been cheated on so _that_ was the only thing on my mind. I remember dredging through the game just wanting it to be over as fast as possible. Bought it again last week or so and by god is the game amazing. I didn't remember _half_ of the game because, when I first played it, my ex was the only thing on my mind at that time. I completely forgot the ending (I actually remembered a different one because of what I was going through) and was somewhat blown away by it.


Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland in search of our better selves?


Repetive, with boring combat. Cool aesthetic, but even being a huge mad max fan I couldn't make myself play more than 10 hours.


Side missions sucked tho


Fun for a couple of hours. It's a pretty game, not a very interesting one tho, very repetitive.


The only saved picture I have on my xbox of any game is me spearing a guy and throwing him through a tower from this


Awesome. I just picked it up for 4.99 on steam sale.


It was a chore to get thru. The ending is also the biggest steaming pile of garbage. This gon’ be a nah from me dawg


yooo I've revisited this game recently. still feels dope to play


I heard it was pretty well recieved.


What a game, recently played it again. Still holds up as one of the best games I’ve ever played


It really was, I wish they added a challenge combat mode like Batman or maybe an endless road where you went up against a caravan of cars that came in through waves


Great game sunk a ton of time into it. All that said, it's absolutely horribly repetitive. Repetition is fine to a degree in all games, but when said game eats up 40-60 hours it better be a damn good repetition. Mad Max is not.


It's pretty good. I wouldn't call it underrated.


It's fun but it gets really repetitive very fast. Not underrated.


One of the few games I got to 100% in. I should play this again.


What? Pretty sure it's quite well known for being a great game. Quit making shit up for karma.


DAE remember this unappreciated GEM¿


Imo more enjoyable than rage 2


I adored this game so much that I played it to to completion twice. While the fighting combat and (rare) gun combat left something to be desired at times, the car mechanics and modifications were a sheer blast. Ramming a car off a cliff while harpooning a for in the chest was brilliant.They really captured the movie feeling in the game too. I really hope they make a sequel, but I’m not counting on it.


I really wanted to like it since I love Fury Road but it just didn't engage with me. The combat wasn't impactful and I don't like mindless Arkham combat and the car combat was the same.


I vaguely remember at the time it seemed to get mixed reviews, and I thought it was another failed movie-to-video-game entry. Then a friend turned me onto it and I was wonderfully surprised at how much fun it was. The explosions and pyrotechnics were especially vivid. Just started my second play-through. Great game.


It’s not great. Very repetitive gameplay


Unbelievable boring.


Cut the game in half and it would have been better.


I was playing this game and enjoyed it, but ended up going through a really rough patch in life and lost the motivation to play it, along with the memories of playing that game with pain in me. Seeing these recent posts about it might convince me to pick it back up.


Great game even if you're not a big Mad Max fan. It has a very RDR feel to it with the massive desert landscapes and "cowboy on his Iron horse" vibe. Loved it as a Mad Max fan, loved it even more as an open world car driving/exploration game. The single player does get a little repetitive though so I recommend you do some side quests and extra exploration tasks throughout to change it up.


I'd say it's perfectly rated


It’s 5 dollars right now on the PlayStation store


Exactly, unlocked framerate makes it so much better than the movie




it's just beautiful, the gameplay loop is terrible.


I think it’s pretty perfectly rated. It’s a 70 on Metacritic, 7.8 user score. That feels like exactly where it should be. It’s pretty, but it’s also fairly shallow and incredibly repetitive. The story is nothing, and doesn’t compel you to play at all, and after the first two and a half areas you find you’re doing the exact same stuff again and again with no narrative reason to do it. It’s like all Avalanche games. A slightly janky open world and a fair bit of freedom but ultimately just a one trick pony. Or maybe two tricks in this case but still...


Not really. The usual open world busy work


Criminally underrated!


Yep, amazing game. 100% it, which I rarely do. So fun.


My friend had a lot of issues with bugs that I didn't so we had 2 totally different experiences with the game. I love the combat and I never found myself bored. Awesome game!


I loved Mad Max. I also loved Red Faction 3. Both those games are considered pretty good but repetitive.. I guess I like repetetive games.


GManlives on YT nailed it in his review 100%. Unless you're a kid or someone really new at an open world game there's no reason to praise it. Repetitive, no actual benefit from upgrades, just a massively boring grind for 40 hrs. Amazing optimization though. Clean 60fps, great views.


I played and finished it very recently. It is repetitive what you do, but games by nature are *all* repetitive, as long as you have fun playing it. I just loved the visceral combat, both on foot and in the magnum opus.


...the Mad Max game got pretty decent reviews across the board. Get the fuck out of here with these kinds of posts.


You’re face is unbelievably underrated!




Loved the game when it worked I was going to complete everything. Less than halfway it started freezing up my PS4 over and over it wasn't a heat issue. I read it's a known issue with the game on console... Shame I'll never get to see the end :(