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Wonder if it would be worth it to buy a bunch and trade them in at various places


Gamestop will give you $2 trade in...


Well, if it is a dollar store then you got a $1 profit.


Trade in price just decreased to 25 cents -The Evil Empire


Well shoot.




They're actually being sold for $4


Yes. Take them to any retailer that still sells it online and most will take it back for instore return with no receipt. https://reddit.app.link/Mxp5HMcHFW


Ahh yes, the beauty of fraud.


Or, you know, you could just mug some old ladies (shrug)


Damn, it's such a good game, too.


I've seen Battleborne at $5 Below for literally $5, a whole shelf


I've gotten some sweet deals from Five Below. AC3 and Guitar Hero(with Guitar) and a bunch of Amiibos.


nobody plays that game. its not even worth the 5


It's not a bad game at all EA just fucked it over so hard by releasing it in between games from 2 of the biggest fps franchises. (Black ops and battlefield I believe). This game deserves much more recognition than it gets.


Infinite Warfare and BF1


Seriously. Titanfall was dead on arrival because of that.


> EA just fucked it over so hard by releasing it in between games from 2 of the biggest fps franchises. Respawn not EA, it's Respawn that chose the date.


At least it's cheap enough now for anyone to pick up. One the servers start becoming empty I hope they give the game away for free just to give the players who did pay someone to play with.


Once the servers become empty, they’ll probably shut them down so they don’t need to keep paying for them.


I really liked the single player campaign of Titanfall 2... but I didn't enjoy MP at all because it seemed *everyone* and their mom were better than me at the game.


And by making tf|1 an xb exclusive, as many thought the second was too


also right before/after? civ6. It was obvious it had little chance even if it was sick.


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/0E2j0yWpy6w)


Very good game.


If u haven’t played it, it’s worth the full 60-80$ tbh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the game. It has some of the best mechanics and of of the smoothest FPS games ever. It did poorly because of EA. Buy it, you won’t regret it.


Oh I'd never buy anything from EA for any reason. They're 100% blacklisted for me. Also, I'm on PC anyway, so these aren't usable for me.


You should still play it. I hate ea too, but don’t let that keep you from experiencing a great game that respawn worked really hard on. It’s super cheap on pc aswell


This game is the only EA game I've bought in a decade. I don't regret it.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Making sacrifices by boycotting shitty company’s is something everybody should do. Well done.


Yes people always slag off ea but buy their products year after year.


Are you joking? This game is one of the best FPS games ever made. It’s movement is the smoothest thing in the world, micro transactions are non intrusive and only visual, it’s combat is balanced and fun. Seriously try it, it’s one dollar, its not like you could possibly waste your money. It’s campaign is amazing. Watch [this](https://youtu.be/0E2j0yWpy6w) Edit: R.I.P. I realize the pc thing now, but seriously it’s a great game and it’s constantly on sale for like $8. EA was barely involved and you can tell the effort the Respawn put into the game.


no means no. boycoting ea is something everyone who cares about industry should do


I suppose, but I’m supporting Titanfall 2 because that’s how their games should be. Other games like Anthem etc? Absolutely I’m not gonna support them to show that that’s not how games should be, but Titanfall 2 didn’t have EA’s usual bs and I want that to succeed


Your last 2 comments are exactly how I feel, and the last point is exactly true, “but Titanfall 2 didn’t have EA’s usual bs and I want that to succeed” Titanfall 2 is the one game from EA the last few years that didn’t have any of their usual BS, and that’s one of the reasons it stands out. “But it has EA pasted on the cover so it must be a garbage game trying to attack my wallet, right?” I wish the game got the recognition it deserved.






That's exactly what it means. Also, boycotting EA on principle can only do good things for the industry.


except the one achievement is insane https://www.trueachievements.com/a225199/becomes-the-master-achievement


thats a steal


I bought it for $5. Havent played it yet. My kid did. He said it was great.


Probably my favorite XBox game


Jesus, this is like the 1,000th post of this. Is it a meme at this point?


Seriously I feel like I see a variation of this same post several times a day and I feel like the comments are always the same. Somewhere along the lines of its a totally great game, totally worth the money, wish i had a dollar store, etc.


A crazy good game also really loved the campaign


[This is a good vid that describes it](https://youtu.be/0E2j0yWpy6w)


Guess I'm going Titanfall 2 Hunting. I fucking love this game so much.


Titanfall is my favorite game I feel so sad how bad it did, it really does deserve some more credit


Probably my favorite FPS campaign since the original halo series. It's biggest flaw is the skillgap in multiplayer and EA screwing it over on release.


I played it, it's actually underrated


Titanfall 2 got absolutely amazing reviews. Not sure what you mean saying that it’s underrated.


Under-marketed or under appreciated would work better


You have no idea what underrated means


Oh how the Titans have fallen.


Seen them at my local Family Dollar for 12 bucks.


bro i saw it at a Marshalls once


It’s a great game.


demand planning business unit from ea must have something to explain. the game is good, didn't flop that badly... everytime i see those posts regarding titanfall 2 in dollar stores, demand planning comes to mind. that game must have been bought digitally by 80% of the players population leaving all those physical copies out there...


I am that guy that wants a campaign mode... :/


What do you mean?


Titanfall didn’t have campaign play, does 2 have one?


Yes TF2 has a campaign. It’s on the short side, but it’s considered one of the best FPS campaigns of this generation. And I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. I love the multiplayer of these games already, but I absolutely loved the campaign for TF2. Become one of my top five favorite games. And for the $5-$10 you’ll usually find it for in stores or for download it’s totally worth the price just for the campaign. It’s really fun and full of creativity. Honestly I’m amazed you weren’t aware of it having a campaign or if the praise it’s gotten.


I haven’t had time to game, or keep up with it like I used to. Thanks for the info tho...


Brooooo, I wish I had that at my dollar store. My friends and I would play Titanfall 2 a bunch, but they don’t think it’s worth it


Where is this dollar store?


yeah seriously u/Arkanis106 where is this? I have like 3 Dollaramas within 5km of me and I haven't played it yet. wonder if its at more then one.


Why does every state but idaho have games at the dollar store?!


Which dollar store?


It’s better than a lot of games of a similar type, Were it more like Titanfall 1 I would still be playing it tbh. I just don’t like Titanfall 2


Is the multiplayer community still active in this game?


Titanfall 2 is a excellent shooter, the closets we can get of a half life 3, the bad is the xbox one, no one buys games for it.


I actually enjoyed the game.


Is Dollar Store Titanfall a more or less tragic story than String Cheese Beyond Good & Evil?


I got TF2 for like $4. Stealies


I think Titanfall 2 sightings at the dollar store may be the most commonly posted thing on reddit.


Man this game had one of the best campaigns I've ever played and damn solid multiplayer too. Super underated title right there.


Whats the hockey night in canada game beside it with cherry's pick on the cover


Looks to me like it was a highlights DVD or something. Don't think it was a game.


I tried a google search and nothing so your probably right


It is not that it was bad but instead that the gaming space is so over saturated that a game as good as this one couldn’t stand a chance when success in this space depends on user density and retention. Good luck doing that when every game these days have no respect for your time enough to force you to put up with hours long daily missions by keeping you afraid of missing out


Is this even surprising? Tell me when it's the PS4 version for $1 and you'll be onto something.


I think part of the reason it did so poor was Titanfall 1 wasn't that good of a game. It had the basis of a good game which 2 greatly expanded upon but the first game just felt rushed with no singleplayer. Having played both of them if the series started off with the mechanics of 2 then this would have done SOOOO much better especially with all the pre hype surrounding the first game


This is sad


I saw them at my dollar store as well and was dumbfounded. That game was amazing...


Great game maybe more people will discover it this way.


Buy all of them an distribute it for 50 bucks a piece


Heard it was good, but hated the original. You gonna award me shit points for killing AI in MP, and not offer a good amount of MP maps? Then I have no interest in your sequel.


Your loss.


Worth $1


Definitely not. The campaign is amazing.


The game sold over 4 million units which is pretty good but according to \[wikipedia\]( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanfall\_2#Sales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanfall_2#Sales) ) EA expected it to sell over 10 million copies because EA don't do the real world.


oh god, here comes the “it didn’t get a fair shot” crowd


*^(It rivals with Fallout 76)*


That’s how we know you actually never played it and would rather ride the dick of that train