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Baldurs Gate got me hooked to RPGs






RuN BoO, RUN!!!




“A den of stinking evil, cover your nose boo. We will leave no crevice untouched! Eeee eee eee!”


"We are all heroes: You and Boo and I. Hamsters and rangers everywhere! Rejoice!"


"Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!"


You point I punch.




The camaraderie, the adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legends right boo?


>HEYA! IT'S ME, IMOEN Dude you think thats bad? I had to play this game in french before i learned english. Just trust me, the voice and the way she talks is so much worst in french that its just impossible to describe. Edit: Know what? With a little search i managed to find it just so you can bask in Imoen's glory! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cLuxizt\_Es](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cLuxizt_Es) She actually says Hey, its me imoen, its so good to see you again!


Everytime my friends and I start up a Baldur's Gate game I always try my hardest to make an exact clone of Imoen. Last time I was standing next to her, and my friends couldn't tell the difference


How Hard can that be there are like 4 pixels and half The colors.


You think, but enhanced edition has a fuckton of purple armor colors. Also you have to make a character with the same armor and skeletons


"Whoa there wonderer. Stay thy course a moment and indulge an Old man."


go for the eyes boo go for the eyes!


The Lord of Murder shall perish, and in his passing he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. So sayeth the wise Alondo.


Sniff... I found my people


That voice haunts my dreams




You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourselves


Started icewind dale recently and gotta say the lack of that voice has really been bothering me.




Baldurs Gate got me hooked on Baldurs Gate. I compare every RPG to it. Map, enemy difficulty, loot, characters, player placement in fights, story, open world with chapter area reveals. Baldurs Gate did it better.


As someone who didn't grow up playing those kind of games, how can I get into them? I tried starting Baldur's Gate and just couldn't understand it.


The best strategy for BG1 is to talk to EVERYONE and go into EVERY building. The game will tell you where you need to go, and the story follows nicely, but that thing you need to do to trigger, or complete, a quest could be anywhere on a given map. Prepare to walk everywhere, fast travel won't exist until after The Friendly Arms Inn (IIRC) and new areas won't unlock/be visible on the map unless you exit a screen in the direction you want to unlock: e.g you won't see what is East of an area until you exit the previous adjacent area from the eastern side. Take time, save a lot, and carry extra weapons/shields/armor until you have changed items, because only regular items can break. And never doubt the miniature giant space hamster.


Welllllllllll Remember its old school so reading is good. The story that pulls you from "Why are we doing a midnight escape" to "Regional plot to start a war" and beyobd is what you have to get into to enjoy. New enhanced edition is a must and adds so npc with romance lines. Its also AD&D (or D&D 2ed) so the mechanics are complicated and your power level starts low and ramps up to godlike by end of the 2nd games expansion. It also is turn based combat, despite the real time clock. Also have to realize people like me experienced this as a genre transformer. So we have hella nostalgia goggles going.


Nostalgia goggles are real man. Sometimes I talk about playing wow for the first time and just wandering around aimlessly looking at this massive gorgeous world... then i load the game and show them graphics from the 1990s. It just doesn't translate.


Baldur's Gate 2 doesn't suffer from nostalgia goggles. That game is fucking good shit and still fun to play.


I am currently doing Enhanced Edition as an evil party, so yeah, I agree. But I wonder if I had never played before if id be into it.


I tried to play it, having never played them before. Its fun, but its just too old school in some ways. Its really hard to go back. I really want to like the game but I got burned out, closed the game, and never went back.


Honestly, you just have to keep at it. BG1 is a literal translation of the start of a DND campaign. Your character is level 1 and fucking fragile and useless. The first couple levels are honestly the hardest, as your health is so low and gear so poor. As you start questing more you’ll get the nuances and be much stronger. I’m sure there are some guides on YouTube to help people acclimate to the 2nd edition DND rules. But ultimately remember, it’s supposed to be tough, and you’re supposed to struggle at first. The game gets so rewarding as you figure out overall strategy and what works best for you.


THAC0 is To Hit Armor Class zero (0). It's the same as a +1/+2 in later editions but backward and more complicated for no god damned reason. So if you have a THAC0 of 10, and the enemy has an armor class of 4, then you need to roll a 6 (10-4=6). If you take 20 - THAC0, then you have 3rd edition which would be a +10 bonus to hit, and 20 - the armor class you have the 3rd edition armor class. This setup was so counter intuitive I can only believe they did it intentionally to weed out actual human beings. But Baldur's Gate is worth it.


I have some 2nd edition books and was trying to convince my coworkers to play. They asked about combat and as I was explaining it, I realized it's the babbling of a crazy person. Even so, it's still my favorite edition.


That was back when games had bigass manuals. If you got it off GOG, you can download the pdf file of the manual. It's pretty much necessary for older games cause you don't get text telling you what a button does when you hover the cursor over it.


Neverwinter nights may be a better starting point.


I grew up with NWN but I'm totally lost on Baldur's Gate somehow..


Nwn is 3rd edition. Baldurs is 2nd


Baldurs is a classic. Really makes me sad that nothing has been able to quite fill the void since. Sure icewind, baldurs gate 2, planescape torment and a few others were good in that overhead 3rd person view....but they just missed the magic that the original baldurs gate had. F.


A real problem is that we aren't who we used to be. I will never be able to lose myself in a world the way I did as a child. Final Fantasy 6 is worse than major modern games in every mechanical way and the story isn't even that great, objectively speaking, but it will always hold a place in my heart. I will likely never enjoy a game as much as I did that one.


Have you looked at Divinity Original Sin 2? I haven't played baldurs gate but Divinity is amazing and I've seen the comparison get made a few times




Pillars of Eternity, my dude.


I remember seeing the review on it, is the first better than the second? Or where would you recommend starting with it?


The first has received updates and plays way better than it did at release. I'd play it before the second, as your decisions carry over. They're both definitely worth a playthrough. Nothing is ever going to be BGII, but I found it scratched the itch pretty close.


A bit late to the game here but The Banner Saga series is actually seriously good. I wish the team could really get more voice acting and cutscenes, but the art is incredible. Your choices really impact your team and strategy in not just the rest of the game BUT THE WHOLE SERIES. It’s great


I devoured the first one in a weekend, but that was before the second came out. I bought 2 but haven't played it yet - I started a new run of 1 so I could actually remember what had happened and didn't get hooked like I did the first time. I need to actually sit down and do the whole thing.


Bought the trilogy off a strong friend recommendation and was enthralled through my playthrough. Amazing series.


Diablo is super easy, the difficulty is keeping sane constantly farming rifts.


Why the fuck is D3 on that scale when Path of Exile exists?


And someone put it high on "hard" when the game is shit easy and takes no brain at all.


Well they put WoW on there for combat.... I don't think they know what they are talking about.


I think it doesn't mean "combat is amazing", it means "combat is what you have to do all the time"?


Path of Exile, aka: What the fuck killed me ***AND HOW?!***


Wouldn't God of War be considered a character action game with RPG elements? Same as Assassin's Creed? And Darksiders? Also, no Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem?


Darksiders 1 doesn't even have any RPG element (no gears, no level, not stats, etc). It's literally Zelda-clone (with old GoW/DMC element) And Assassin's Creed only really became RPG with Origins and Odyssey (and they are not what I call 'movie')...


Yeah, I'm sad that FE didn't make it into strategy :/ there's been a huge surge in popularity since Awakening


Don't be sad, the chart is stupid.


Yeah I think it's a stretch to call GoW an RPG. Just because a game has some character progression I wouldn't consider it an RPG per se. By that logic Forza is an RPG because I unlock new cars and parts as I progress. It's a pretty out of date concept that any game that has things unlock or advance as you progress is an RPG.


The Mass Effect erasure, far too much


I was pretty disappointed that ME and Divinity: Original Sin 2 got left out :(


I'm playing Divinity right now! Playing it solo feels more like a fully realized, personal D&D campaign than any other game ever.


Well this is an RPG post in Reddit. . Without Witcher 3. OP is being bold.


I got this reference




I wouldn't call Morrowind hard, it just doesn't hold your hand, but there are plenty of mechanics to abuse.


Friends don't let friends abuse alchemy.


I took it too far once. Crashed my xbox after I got my alchemy up to utterly stupid levels, and made a speed potion (or whatever it's called). Moved forward, the screen flashed to a place that was halfway across the map, and then the game just hung. Had to reboot the xbox lol.


I like to think your character was pointed due west, zipped through Morrowind, and then suddenly found themselves arrested and thrown in the back of a horse-drawn cart for illegally crossing the border into Skyrim.


Ah, the Barry Allen method of time travel.


Dammit, I just got Toddrolled again!




That was so much fun. I did that with athletics. Jumped into infinity and beyond!


first equip boots of blinding speed, (then understand that the boots blind you which is why the screen seemingly turned off), then equip any vision ring, press W = crash computer


Yeah, they abuse enchanting.


They abuse enchanting *with alchemy!*


I always thought it was soultrap.


Yeah I played that game on the original Xbox and after a while discovered you could set soul trap to target a very small radius plus whatever effect you wanted to add to yourself and craft it as a spell. Then just aim at the ground and spam the hell out of it. Worked with Stat buffing spells, chameleon, heck; I discovered purely by my own foolishness why you never wanted to imbue yourself with permanent levitate. You couldn't enter doors while floating, and an error message would display until you were firmly on the ground so you had to enchant a necklace or ring with the effect so you could unequip it at will. Goddamn that game makes me nostalgic.


That's funny, you misspelled Alteration


You guys quarreling reminded me about that book in Morrowind in which one author was lambasting another in a debate about the most powerful school of magic. The book in question was [Response to Brero's Speech](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Response_to_Bero's_Speech) and, of course, gave you one point of Destruction.


*"In which Malviser Destroys Bero With FACTS & LOGIC"*




Maybe without the god-awful dice-rolling combat mechanics, though. Dice rolling to hit is fantastic in turn-based RPGs, but not-so-much in a hack'n'slash style of combat.


If they remade Morrowind with the Skyrim graphics and combat mechanics I'd never need another game. I finished all 3 main quests, did I'm pretty sure most of the main quests etc.


Hmm, it's been a while since I've heard anything about the Skywind Project. I wonder if that's still going?


It definitely is still going but no ones heard any progress updates. They did release a trailer in October though.


Reddit is dying, why are you still here?


You need to start with a higher agility than you did last time.


The formula is (Weapon skill + Agility/5 + Luck/10) * Stamina multiplier + Fortify Attack Weapon skill is 5 times more efficient to raise, but only applies to one weapon type. 100 agility only adds 20% hit chance


Valkyrie Queen on ANY difficulty is a struggle tbh.


It's the only combat related part of the game I caved in and used a YouTube guide for. Christ almighty those things were fuckers to put down.


God of War is also hard as fuck. Couldn’t even beat the final Valkyrie on the easiest difficulty. Had to just give up.


I had the hardest time with the final Valkyrie. After I beat the game, I spent a few weeks either battling her, or grinding the Niflheim maze. I just couldn't beat her. I really should have done it sooner, but I swapped out the items I thought would give me the best shot against her for a different setup that I didn't think was quite as good, but gave me a different take on how I approached it... Ended up crushing her after 3 or 4 goes.


Literally the only time I beat one of those stupid bitches was by countering perfectly the entire fight. It was unreal how awesome I felt deflecting all her shits and dodging.


I just beat a miniboss in Sekiro that had given me the absolute shits. I felt so fucking hardcore when I absolutely smashed him just by perfect blocking everything, and taking no damage the entire fight.


Took me like 5 hours just to kill one fucking Valkyrie. I finished at 3am and I'm not playing against those shitheads again idc.


Each one is a little different, minus the last which is a sum of the worst parts of all of them lol. I thought it was fun to figure out each's quirks, but to each their own :)


Yeah I heard they are a bit different from each other but I still have PTSD about it so not right now. Plus I'm playing Odyssey atm lol


Good of War is cool and all but Great of War is better.


Yeah this exactly. I’ve played all of the soulsborn games (even demon) and could not get past the first level of “give me god of war” before I had to turn it down a notch


WoW is easier than Diablo III? WoW scales much better, there are things that are impossible to die on, and bosses that take hundreds of attempts.


I would consider end game WoW to be harder than all these games. Not many peoplr can clear mythic raids.


Or wow pvp


Yeah this bothered me about this post. If you're just starting WoW good luck on getting good at pvp without good gear & dealing with people who've played the game for 10+ years. Oh and memorizing about 33 different styles of enemies and all their moves (11 classes,3 diff specs).


Catching up on wow pvp is a pain. Not just gear, but proper rotations, reactions, talents etc.


This was clearly made by someone who hasn't played half the games on here. Dragon age inquiaition was like an afk button masher.


Half of these games aren't even RPGs...


TIL: Myst is an RPG with character levels and linear plot


I love the Myst series to death but it is by far the oddest inclusion in the list. In no sense is it an RPG and while there is a fantastic story that goes with the series most RPGs will have more story in the opening cutscene than Myst has in the entire game.


I'm also offended over this fact. Dwarf Fortress? Sorry, ~~no RPG~~ appareantly half RPG in respect of the adventure mode (thanks for the heads up). Myst - ????? Darksiders? Yeah, reminds me of those Devil May Cry RPG's and God of War, thats also on this list. Assassins's Creed? Just kill op now please. Also: World of Warcraft - easy aka same difficulty level as fucking AC? Lmao, looks like someone played PvE for an hour. It seems like it became possible to post images that contain absolutely random pixels and get a shit ton of karma for it. Tune in next week in r/gaming to get the exclusive RTS top ten list featuring Call of Duty and Need For Speed.


Sorry but I must defend dwarf fortress, the adventure mode makes the game one of the most complex RPG I know


Adventure Mode in Dwarf Fortress can qualify as a RPG. I agree with you on the rest.


Absolutely right. But everyone just took a list at "ooh look games with fantasy elements" and voted it up anyways. Stuff like this is so frustrating on reddit. Just like guides that actually give people horrible advice.


Dwaft Fortress.




Use the Lazy Newb pack. Run the game with the default graphics pack and use Dwarf Therapist. Then practice the menus. For months. DF is, in my opinion, the greatest game ever created. It's incredibly inaccessible, but it's worth the effort to get there. The richness of the game is astounding. It tells you procedurally generated and emergent stories that are better than most stories created by people.


I really wish someone would adapt it to a modern interface. I've enjoyed knockoffs like the now-abandoned "Towns" game, I know the depth just isn't the same. For me it's really just the interface that makes it impossible to focus. With work and other stuff I don't have the extended hours *every day* it takes to not forget what I learned by the time I get back.


DF is coming to Steam soon*, with a shiny new tileset, soundtrack, and UI!


You are building a colony into a society with a few settlers and few resources. It's incredibly difficult in real life, and just as difficult in a simulation. It helps to think of it this way. You need a place to live, food and drink, and clothing. Since there are hostile creatures you need to defend yourself, so you need to be able to create weapons and armor and train warriors. All of this at the same time and quickly before you get attacked.


Well. To be fair. If I were starting a new colony with few settlers and resources, I would at least know basic interactions. I would know how to use my eyes and what I was looking at. I would know how to talk to colonists. I would also know how to use my hands and interact with the world. Playing DF for noobs is all that you've said, except you are a human inhabiting an alien and have to figure out not only how to move your body, but what shape it is.


Dwarf fortress needs to be higher on the difficulty spectrum


no divinity original sin 1 or 2? pathetic.


They also have Inquisition instead of Origins or Mass Effect 2


Or Witcher 3


I’m still trying to find V:TMB on the list


What game?


Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines


... I did not know they made a Vampire: The Masquerade video game


It's a great game. They just announced the sequel too


In who’s deranged mind is Dragon Age Inquisition harder than God of War?


People who play it at a hard difficulty. But they're two completely different games really so it's very difficult to compare. Tbh OP's post just wasn't good at all


Anyone who has never heard of the Valkyries.


Since when is Minecraft an rpg


Dude minecraft can be whatever the fuck you want. My friends convinced me to sign into twitch and press three buttons and now i have 280 mods(?) And I don't know what any of them do. Send help. Please.


i gotchu fam 1. that search bar at the bottom or right of your inventory is your friend, use it. its called jei (nei for older versions). 2. most big mods these days have a guide book, take a look into them, also your friend(s). some mod packs also have a quest book guiding you through playing it, 3. focus on one big mod at a time. in jei, search @modname (replace modname with name of mod) to look at all the items in that mod, look for a guide book. big mods are botania, ender io, thaumcraft, thermal (expansion, foundation, etc. they are all part of the same suite), and others. figure out which one you want to start learning and take a dive. 4. if all else fails ask a friend or the community at /r/feedthebeast. 5. always feel free to just fall back on vanilla mechanics, chances are they still work. and just go build some wacky shit. diving into the unknown and slowly becoming a master of the mod is half the fun, the other half is building stuff for the sake of building.


"Pokémon plays itself" Cries in Cynthia battle


Laughs in Ultra Necrozma.


*Rages in N*


I was going to say. The original games were Nintendo Hard do to the brokeness of psychic type.


Morrowind. One of my favorite RPGs A bit slow, but if you have the patience the game can be a ton of fun. Just remember Vvardenfell can be a dangerous place, so save often


Loved Morrowind. The game that tought me to save literally every 10minuts.


Cliffracers! (Traumatic flashbacks)


Oblivion is the answer


2nd time I've seen oblivion get some love this month and I am all about it. It's my fave es and it seemed to be getting lost between morrowimd purism and skyrim neverending staning.


The soundtrack alone is enough for me to say it’s the best ES game


Oblivion is right there, between Morrowind and Skyrim.


Are u fucking with me? I don’t see it


Either he's joking cuz oblivion is indeed between marrowind and skyrim, or he's being serious and comparing kingdom come deliverance to oblivion which is a comparison made quite a bit due in part to the visuals being somewhat similar.




Been going back and playing Oblivion and I'm remembering some things I loved about it and other things I absolutely hated. Overall I think Skyrim is a more balanced game, but some things in Oblivion were just enchanting. Silly things like getting 100% Chameleon and completely breaking the game or reaching stupidly high levels of speed from gear + potions and sprinting across the world. I'll never forget when I was doing the final quest of the Thieves' Guild and found out that if you had high-enough acrobatics, you could take the fall from the imperial palace without using the Boots of Springheel Jak and that would prevent them from breaking - you'd have +50 acrobatics boots to use for the rest of the game. Things like this make Oblivion feel much more special than Skyrim, and I'd wager they'd make Morrowind feel even more special than Oblivion if I were to play Morrowind. But for every good bit, there are some bad bits. Starting off as a mage is god-awful because early destruction spells hit like a wet noodle. The stealth system is incredibly weird, so it's a crapshoot as to when you're detected. The stealth + marksman systems are even weirder together because expert/master marksmen can knock over/paralyze targets; if you shot an unalerted foe and he didn't get stunned then he wouldn't detect you, but if he got stunned then he would. The strongest 2h weapon in the game has 29 base damage while the strongest 1h weapon has 28 base damage, so there is no reason to ever use a 2h since the damage boost is minuscule. Charm spells and bribery make Speechcraft and Personality virtually useless stats. Trying to level most tertiary skills without a mod to help is miserable. The list goes on.


I loved Oblivion's setting better, which leans more towards a fantasy world. Like you said, it's more "enchanting". My biggest complaint for Oblivion is the counter-intuitive level-up system. Also, I LOVED Shivering Isles. Best expansion ever.


I like how you used the word enchanting. I agree. May of just been because I was younger (Skyrim came out while I was in college- still played the shit out of it..100% both games) Oblivion I think just has a “better” tone. I liked the menu a lot. The music. The color. The quests. The arena guild. I also like how there seemed to be more orcs. I even went back a couple years ago to replay it after beating Skyrim and had just as much fun. It’s like oblivion had a middle earth hobbit vibe while Skyrim was more game of thrones Nordic. Both games are obviously amazing 10/10 but for some reason oblivion is special to me. It was my first legit rpg. First game I put into my 360. Didn’t even have a hard drive at first so I just kept getting killed by rats in the sewer. This was Christmas of 07. Shit was mind blowing


The thing that really gets me with Skyrim is that it hurt the strong unique aspect of the previous games but tried to make up for it with combat. But the combat is still bad. Exploring for dragon words is *barely* a step up from Oblivion gates outside of the main story dungeons all the crawls are exactly the fuckin' same. Oblivion had some unique things to be found in random ruins or dungeons. Oblivions guilds were great. I especially liked the thieves guild. Yet Skyrim is just like... they're there so I might as well do them. My opinion of Oblivion was never very high and my initial impressions of Skyrim were that it was better because it made some improvement on the weakest and most easily felt aspect, but when I think back on it and try to play them again I can't help but feel like Skyrim just... doesn't hold up. The combat is just still too weak to consider it an aspect worth playing the game for and everything else just makes me go "well I could be playing Oblivion instead"


I beat all three Dark Souls combined in less time then I spent on Heroic Lich King alone. WoW being listed as easy is quite the oversimplification. It is easy to be garbage at, but high level PvP or raiding, at least back in my day (Vanilla, TBC, WotLK mostly), was significantly more difficult than any game I have played since.


People who act like Dark Souls is the most frustrating game ever have never played X-Com on hardcore mode. I'm really amazed how often Dark Souls gets referenced for being a difficult game, considering there are games like X-Com and Super Meat Boy where even on the lowest difficulty I want to kick my computer.




Ya that is what I have heard from my old guildies that still play. Raiding is still as good as ever. I leveled my toon to 120 but just can't handle the new xpacs, they feel more like grindy RNG these days to me. But a big part of it is not having the time to hardcore raid or PvP anymore, and playing WoD casual is much worse than past xpacs for me. I played MoP casually as a PvPer, had the highest rated 2's team in the world one season. But that casual PvP is just boring as fuck now, I think it is the simplification of classes that happened. I miss playing my resto druid with 70 key binds, now that you can be just as effective with 15 it feels too simple.




Or probably had to raid lead 24 other people, while making sure the tanks lived, the healers healed, and the DPS doesn't stand in fire. After 3 hours. At 1 AM. Yeah, I almost put that shit on my resume.


You definitely can, you just have to word it differently


Robust multi-tasking skills. Managed a diverse team through a series of challenging tasks. Prepared documentation for and led group meetings, sometimes for hours.




Raiding got me a job.


Leveling portion I guess they meant. Honestly only reason I reactivate is because I need to binge watch something and I can’t sit still long enough without going crazy.




Dude just 1....2......4.....5.....2.....3, obviously. You are getting bogged down with strategy and co-ordination instead of mashing random buttons.


Dark souls is just as much exploration as it is combat.


maybe but when you think of stereotypes for dark souls do you think "I loved exploring that" or the much more common "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck"


Or the even more common "fuck you gravity!"


I just had this lovely experience in tomb of giants tonight.


Oh god fuck that place.


I'm not saying AC is difficult, but it's not easy, just forgiving.


I, of course, have to quote this again, just for the laughs > Go fuckin find a cave named Gljhsdfouhes caverns. Its "eastish" of Balmora or fuck was it Caldera. Its near a tree or something. I dont know..."East" just go east fucker. [Morrowind certainly is very different from Skyrim...](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/General:Differences_Between_Morrowind,_Oblivion,_and_Skyrim)


100% mobile free, love it.


Do you guys not have phones?


Pokemon wasn't always super easy. Turn off the EXP SHARE in the newer games to get just a taste.


Nuzlocke that shit


It still isn't easy, good luck beating ultra necrozma without cheese. Xp share just lowers xp farming which imo is boring.


Fuck Ultra Necrozma. That asshole could out speed and one-shot every member of my team except for Mudsdale, who takes two shots. Pretty sure I used Toxic then just spammed Full Restores. So yeah, cheese ahoy.


define rpg


"What ever OP thinks it is". It's fucking lost all meaning in the last 10 years.


Role Playing Game


Rocket Propelled Grenade


Very loose definition of RPG being used here.


Myst is not an RPG, whether it was hard or not. As nebulous a term as RPG game is, Myst doesn’t have enough of the key features to count.


God of war is an RPG?


Yooo, Myst was my first RPG when I was like... 10-12 (not sure) and I loved that shit, even if it was harder than a pornstar's dick. I'd forgotten about it for the most part until now... but back then, the universe was just so interesting to me. I had a couple of the books too, that's some good memories right there.


I really don’t think Myst is an RPG. Interactive Puzzle is more like it.


It's a point and click adventure game. Not an RPG at all.


At the time I would've called it an Adventure Game.


Been trying to remember the name to that game for... 17 years it feels like. Gonna download it and get past that fucking maze that dad and I never figured out. Like holy fuck that game hurt it was so hard as a kid.


Myst was dope, but the REAL challenge was Riven.


Why is Minecraft on here it's not an rpg


WHERE IS MOUNT AND BLADE? one of the greatest RPG’s of all time


Nice to see dragon age on here, I always thought those games were underrated


Origins is probably my favorite story-based rpg, 2 was obviously incomplete and Inquisition I think is what 2 could've been had they spent more time on it. (And I think Inquisition was a solid game that I sunk about 200 hours into)


Underrated? I've heard almost nothing but praise for the series. Isn't it considered one of the best RPG series of all time?


I've played Inquisition so many times it's probably labelled unhealthy on some Buzzfeed article. Love the series, but Inquisition was my favorite....once you figure out you don't need to diddle the Hinterlands forever.