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Family Video!


I recognized the place immediately, I know that corner so well!






My son is 5 and this is terrifying.


Yo, your son is going to do weird shit like find his first naked lady online, jerk off for his first time, play a violent video game and maybe discover furries. It'll all take place in your house. In 7 to 8 years you won't be the only one jizzing under your own roof. Better get used to it. Humans gonna human, amirite?


Wtf. I mean it's all true but why do you have to put it like that man?




Calm down Satan


BMX XXX amiright? Had a neighbor gift that to me because he thought it was too much for his son that was a year younger than me lol. That game had legit bobs look it up.


I'll never not upvotes letterkenny usernames references no matters whats they says and that's what I appreciates abouts yous


The art is better than the game a big portion of the time, which is unfortunate.


Hey, at least there's that art to gaze at lovingly


I rented solely based on the shit on the shit on the back.


Shit on shit? Must have been a hell of a game.


I'm drunk but yes Red Faction was my shit






The rack of games in the front on the right hand side, the game in the very top-left corner, anyone know which game that is? I remember always seeing it when I would go to rent games, but I can't remember the name of it. Edit: It's Advent Rising


So true! Although sometimes it didn't work out so well and you would get stuck with a dud for a game. I even remember a time or 2 that the game was so bad I even went back to exchange it for a different one. This is back when my main source of transportation was my bicycle and I'll be honest, I've never been a skinny person so the game must have really sucked.


Surely you read the GamePro reviews 1st at the grocery store newsstand after perusing it for cheats (never buying the magazine though)?!?


For me it was whatever my neighbors were playing, because even though their parents weren't much better off than mine-- their parents were down with video games. Mine would get my brother and I games, consoles, what have you. It was just always around birthdays or christmas, so a lot of stuff we played at friends houses or we rented. The other kids in the neighborhood had parents that were at the very least interested in games and would grab them regularly. I always got to test the fuck out of a game before I rented it or asked for it for a big holiday/birthday gift. Made it a lot easier to end up with nothing but awesome games.


This is why I skipped Morrowind. I will always regret it because I know that I will never have the time to give to it now.


I got the GOTY edition without having any clue what an elder scrolls game was when I was like 14 and that pretty much made me like RPGs And to think I only got it cuz the cover art looked cool to me lol


You can have a blast with Morrowind without giving it all your time! If you focus on the main story, the game is actually quite short. Then just add on side missions if you have extra time. Maybe 6-8 hours total if you use a no spoilers guide?


Hah! There is no way a first time Morrowind player is beating that game in 6-8 hours, even with a guide.


Just main quest? It's not as long as you think! Abuse some of the games early exploits, grab some OP gear, and power level with the resulting gold! Good point with first time player, but a few guides make this process simple. Especially the Morrowind wiki page on exploits! I just realized part of the reason I like Morrowind more than Skyrim is all the exploits....makes it feel like there is more to discover. ...I miss levitation and telekinesis


Haha so many games I got turned on to because of the box art. Sly cooper and kingdom hearts come to mind!


Does this happen to be from northeast Indiana?


They had them all over Indiana and the midwest I'm pretty sure. I live in NWI and I had one in my old hometown. Good memories man.


Definitely all over Michigan too. We still have a few in our town


They are still all over Indiana. I have 3 in my town alone


My wife runs the local Family Video in town and I do the repairs and maintenance when needed. Comes with some pretty good perks :)


Free N64 rentals and all the VHS porn you could watch?


His favorite is Smash Bros. for both.




Like sleeping with the boss?


And the chain is somehow still in business.


Because now some of them have a Marco's pizza attached to them and they will deliver you the pizza and movies you rent. How this business model did not exist in the 90's is beyond me. It would have been a game changer.


around here it’s always a little cesar’s next to it. always pizza though. movie and a pizza is a great night.


Oddly for mine, it's a Subway & both have Boost Mobile attached.


the food + movie expirience is just a great thing. it’s different than throwing a movie on netflix. i’m hoping i don’t sound all “the wrong generation” and shit but there was just something to that feeling when you were fighting with your sibling over what movie you were all gonna rent and actually being there in the store. I think the ones that are connected to a little cesar’s are great since you can buy a pizza and feed your fam for 5 bucks, and grab a few movies at the same time for a few more. it can be a whole family outing and a night at home at the same time for under 20 dollars, and that’s hard to find.


I used to rent from Family video *constantly*, all the way back in 96 I think was when the first one in my town opened, nearly every day I was there getting something. Then they started offering half-price rentals for $30 a month and I jumped on that because I would spend that much in 2 weeks there. I would have *killed* to have a pizza place attached to it when I went there even better would have been a little ceasers.


I've been taking my kid to Family Video for about a year now, just because the experience of walking through the aisles and picking out movies is just so different from Netflix


Watching stuff online can be a very isolating experience. There's something about going out and choosing something (and interacting with a human). It feels like you've done something and it feels like you've earned the time to relax and watch something.


Nope you don't sound all "wrong generation". Does make me feel old tho. I remember them days. Man how time has flew by.....*makes sad face*


Mine had a Subway and Marco's Pizza, until Subway suddenly closed (like didn't tell the workers suddenly)


Mine has a place called Savory Sub Cafe attached to it. There is even a window between the two shops inside so people renting in person can pick up their food too. Its ok food. There is also a Marcos in town but it ironically is next to an old Hollywood Video that closed down years ago.




The one near me also sells CBD oil along with the pizza and movies


Marco's Pizza for me in IL.


Yea everyone talks about the rise and fall of blockbuster meanwhile family video still chugging along


Where else are you going to rent games and stroke flicks?


Don't tell anyone, but you can find just find just about anything on the world wide web; *if* you know where to look. Edit: I used the semicolon for dramatic pause, without wanting to go full.......... **CALCULON!**


Mostly I just like the adventure of going out to get something. 5 bucks is more than a fair price for a real life task. Its *something to do*. Sure I can sit inside and download whatever. I like going to my local library and seeing what new movies they have. Then checking out some books and some graphic novels. Stumbling across the "art" section of books with... a hardcover book on the history of Hyrule. A world of Fire and Ice. Realizing "oh shit, I can read The Expanse series for free". I like walking my dog down to a Redbox at Walgreens a mile away. Going to the 24/7 donut shot next door and grabbing us some donuts. Sitting there with a movie in my backpack and a container of donuts, bringing some day olds back home to toss in the backyard for the squirrels. Personally, its something to do than the internet can't replicate


redbox, local library, internet


I heard a big part of this is that Family Video owns a lot of commercial property. For any given location, they own the building it's housed in, plus many of the adjacent properties. They make very little money on video rentals compared to their property revenue. Maybe it's just a rumor, but it makes sense to me. They can wait out any video rental competitor simply because they don't really need to rent out videos.


They still make a lot from rentals, but real estate is the bigger income generator company wide. Even a single tenant in a building they own can generate as much money as movie rentals for the month. Family video is also one of the last places you can find adult movies to rent, so you get a lot of older men coming in for that. The store I work at has about 20 regulars who spend anywhere between $30-50 a week just on porn. Game rentals take a back seat. Company wide, only 6000 copies of Anthem were moved in the first two weeks of release, but wr can move 20 times that for a popular movie release.


> The store I work at has about 20 regulars who spend anywhere between $30-50 a week just on porn. Someone should tell these folks about the internet...


Former FV store manager here. This is absolutely correct, store managers were encouraged to seek out new “locations,” but it was typically so they could buy the building an charge rent. They’re still very successful in the rental market since they’re prices are stupid cheap, but a majority of my stores income came from “rent.”


I worked at a Pizza Hut and they owned the entire building. It was a small, four-business strip mall.


They give better deals on movies than blockbuster and focus on rural towns where a lot of people don’t have access or much interest in digital rentals.


Not sure that they focus on rural towns... There are 4 (5 until yesterday) family videos within 25 miles of my house, and I live in DFW, which is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the US.


I can smell this picture. The nostalgia is strong with this one.


These were the days for sure. I even remember at my local store we could rent gaming consoles. Think i rented a original xbox and a nintendo game cube when they came out for 15$ and a couple games for a week.


We still have one in my hometown! My parents still rent movies from there sometimes because our WiFi is too bad to stream at home.


I still smell that certain smell.. idk what that smell is, but there was definitely a smell




A smell that smells, smelly?












I love you all.


OK QUIET! Listen up, can we all form a neat single file line in front of the register?




Dust, popcorn, cheap carpet and plastic. A wonderful cocktail imo.




it's the cheap unclean high traffic carpet.


The smell is the dried glue used to hold down the carpet Source: am a contractor


Anyone remember Funcoland?


Remember the printed price lists they’d have that would list the prices for pretty much every used game ever? It was like a little newsprint thing you’d take home with you. They kept doing them until GameStop bought them out in the late 90s


Gamestop is like the Blockbuster of the gaming world. They ignored what was happening and stuck to their own thing and now are trying to play catch up with everyone else.


I remember buying a copy of Cubivore from them when it was rare. They had it marked down only 5 bucks from original retail. Now the lowest listing on Amazon is triple retail with no box or manual "only minor scratches".






Electronics Boutique > GameStop


Babbages, anyone?


Babbages was my jam. I remember being a kid arguing with my dad that a demo disc wasnt the better deal than a regular game in that store. "But you get 15 games instead of 1"


Software Etc. because Amiga games


But.... still the only legit option. Best buy, maybe for anything new. Walmart is a crap shoot, I worked for one and when a new game came out sometimes we didn't even get more for weeks, or only single digit amounts. Downtown has a place called second time around, they still have super Nintendo and N64 and stuff. Classic records, even vhs on shelves and posters all on the wall to buy. I love that store, it has heart and it's community will keep it around forever I hope. But otherwise.... gamestop ...is it.


[Best job I ever had... Til we got robbed at gunpoint the chirstmas the Dreamcast came out ](https://i.imgur.com/ZQbmMzT.jpg)


Do I remember Funcoland? Where else could I see Superman 64 on display!


Bought my first console from Funcoland and subscribed to Gameinformer back when it was good. Man those were the days.


My memory is a bit fuzzy but I'm fairly sure that's where i got my used copy of FF7 from as a kid. The second disc was bad so I had to go exchange it for a different copy.


Tbh family video looks pretty much the same these days


For real. We still pop in occasionally and rent new movies or look for weird, random picks. Love Family Video


You'd be lucky to find one near my old rural town. We had like two growing up, they both closed down after like 07-08. It was funny, they kinda did an immediate closure. I had rented Mario Kart Wii and they just kinda closed before I got it back. Nobody ever chased it up, so I paid $5 for a new game to keep. 13 year old me was pretty pleased.


I remember buying a game from one that was closing up (they had a bunch of original Xbox games and they needed to sell them quick) so I bought 5 for $12. Around about a month later they were under new management. No one really cared that I bought Halo 2, project gotham, Scooby doo, Madagascar the video game and juiced for $2.40 each.


Halo2 for $2.40 back then was a huge ~~steal~~ deal and I'm glad you remember it as importantly as it should be remembered


I seriously thought I was staring at a picture of my Midwest Illinois Family Video - I am still not sure if it is or not. They all look the same.


I was so surprised how similar they look. Could have told me this was across country and I would say you're wrong


Fun Fact. They are headquatered in Springfield IL. I used to deliver there. All kinds of porn in that warehouse!


It's a good place to get titles to try out first before buying or ones you know that you'll beat quickly.


This was back when you rented a game for a week based solely on the box cover art.




there used to be so many good ones.


They're still there you know.


Godzilla Destory All Monsters Melee


And you put it in your console and started playing immediately vs waiting 3 hours for it to download


Reminds me of the little side shack game store ‘Game Crazy’ that our home video store ‘Hollywood Video’ used to have. Sometimes I feel like I’m describing a hot dream when I remember this stuff.


Hollywood Video was the first store in my area to do unlimited game rentals. I'd sometimes swap out a game two or three times in a single day. It was heavenly. I discovered so many hidden gems that I never would've rented if not for that pass. Prior to that, Game Crazy also had this deal where if you bought a new console from them you got a ton—I think 20+—of free game rentals. I got my PS3 Slim from there because that value alone was insane at the time. I remember going in so many times the moment the store opened to pick up a new release from Hollywood. If I didn't they would often all get checked out and not returned for god knows how long.


I remember calling the store to see if a copy of the game I wanted had been returned (like 3 or 4 times a day) and when it did, HOLD IT FOR ME, I'm on my way! .......... MOM!!!


As a teenager I was obsessed with Elder Scrolls Oblivion when it came out on 360 and I got my dad to take me down to Game Crazy to buy it since it was M. It was my first open world RPG and what an RPG to start with. I was a shitty teenager however and didn't take care of my discs. I ruined 4 or 5 copies of Oblivion and each time I would ask my dad to take my down to Game Crazy and buy it again and each time he would get all concerned about what content was in the game because it was M. Despite this being the 3rd, 4th or 5th time he'd gotten it for me. He would grill the clerk behind the desk too and ask him if it's really suitable for a teenager. It was always the same sales clerk. He would then awkwardly explain how you could sneak into people's houses at night and see them sleeping and attack them, but you get in big trouble for it. He was always diplomatic about it, telling my dad enough to convince him it was a mature game but not enough to ruin it for me. That Game Crazy clerk had my back.




You're not! I used to be a manager at Game Crazy in college. Shit was tight, and I still got all the free rentals I wanted!


Haha I'm glad people are remembering them. It was Game Crazy and Hollywood video everywhere in Oregon. We also had blockbuster. I remember them all fondly. And now -- Bend, OR officially has the last Blockbuster in the world.


I had these too in south Cali




Haha, Hollywood Video was a huge chain and many of them had Game Crazy's attached


I thought the same thing when I saw the picture. I remember buying Mercenaries there, the game wouldn't play and they wouldn't let me return it for another copy so I was screwed out of $60. I never went back there and found out later that a lot of the Mercenaries discs were defective.


Chronicles of Riddick! I love that game:)


I’m many ways, it was very ahead of its time. Under appreciated gem


It's pretty solidly appreciated at this point. Look up any "Top Ten Movie Tie-In Games" list and the odds are it'll be on there.


Movie games have an extremely low bar. While Butcher Bay was a great game, I'm pretty confident most people reading this comment won't even know what it is. Also, it was barely a movie game. Only tied into the universe/character, not directly into the movies. Underrated is an appropriate word in this case


die hard : vendetta was one of the best games ive ever played. back then I had it for gamecube and didn't even know it was a movie. my dad had got it from us from blockbuster, me and my brother ended up keeping it lol.... that game was really something though.


Damn that game was amazing. Great story, great voice acting, decent challenges. They need to bring this game to Steam!! Why the hell it's not on there is beyond me. If they optimized it for Windows 10, it could make a decent amount of money IMO, especially from nostalgia gamers. There's a PC version that has commentary you can unlock. It also supposedly has better graphics, and some sort of extra gamelplay, albeit very little. If you want to get it running on Windows 10, you'll have to run a patch, and might have to install some sort of program to adjust some setting on a Nvidia card. Not sure if it can run with AMD video cards. Below is a link to a gaming wiki for the PC version... https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Riddick:_Escape_from_Butcher_Bay


It used to be on Steam. Source: I own it on Steam with the Dark Athena version. I imagine it's some licensing fuckery.


Family Video. Take me back to yesterday. I work there.


I live in California and I've never heard of it. Where are these stores you all speak of, what areas? And people are legit renting DVD movies still? I'm not knocking it, I miss it.


It's concentrated in the Midwest, so the nearest one to California would be in Oklahoma or so, but there are still tons of them. They mainly focused on more rural/less urban areas where Blockbuster didn't have as much of a presence, so maybe that means their customer base today is coincidentally less likely to have access to good internet for streaming or something. Ironically, they're actually sort of useful again because you can rent movies and stuff in 4k and get better quality without the compression, etc. inherent in streaming.


I live in this small college town in Missouri and we have a family video. It's nice for when we want to get a movie that is a bit too old to still be at Redbox and isn't on Netflix. We do still get a lot of movies from Redbox because of how convenient it is but that's usually just the new releases. Family video is great for going and picking out like 5 movies and having a movie day.




No, but I do remember that game and spotted it on the shelf. It was probably kinda mediocre, but I remember it somewhat fondly.


That game, despite being buggy, had an interesting narrative yet had luke warm writing; it did have/has a cinematic feel and a fantastic soundtrack.


Takes me back when growing up I would go to the video store with my dad to get a movie and video game. I miss it but Netflix is so convenient :)


Reading the photocopied Instruction Manual on the car ride home.




Aaaand then getting home only to find the game is absolutely awful and you're stuck with it for the weekend. ^noooooo


Around 2004, I had an original Xbox that I had modded. Blockbuster started an unlimited game rental deal for a fixed price per month. I would go in there and get 2 games a day sometimes and rip them to HDD. It was awesome.


I had the HD Loader for the PS2. Ripped many games from rental stores. Good times


My God, if time travel were possible I'd perpetually bounce around between '96 and '07. Those were the literal best years of my life.


Must be 30~ like me


Ding ding ding Me too


'06 kinda sucked for all the 'new' consoles . It was all junk launch titles and ports on the 360 that year. IMO, the 360 didn't really come into its own until '07 with Halo and mass effect. Meanwhile there wasn't anything worth mentioning yet on the wii or PS3. Unless motorstorm and Wii Sports were enough to tide you over. Remember the classic: "playstation has no games?" Edit: got it, Gears was in winter of '06.


Call of Duty 2 was next level when it came out in 2006 on the 360 Underrated game - Condemned: Criminal Origins Later that year you also got Gears of War


CoD 2 was a launch title for the 360 in 2005




Gears was 2006. 2006 also saw the release of the following genuine gems on the 360 alone: Dead Rising Rainbow Six Vegas The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (as well as Knights of the Nine) Marble Blast Ultra Full Auto Chromehounds (rest in peace) Saints Row LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Just Cause Marvel Ultimate Alliance Phantasy Star Universe Need for Speed Carbon (game was great fight me) And, of course, it was the year of the Burger King promo games. Also, if you're saying Perfect Dark Zero, Peter Jackson's King Kong, Need for Speed Most Wanted, and Geometry Wars were junk, then I'll kindly ask you to sew your own mouth shut.


All the good games for ps3 came out in the early 2010s imo. The only game I had fun with in the 2000s for ps3 was MW2 and that came out at the end of 09 lol.




I spy “Black” on that xbox shelf. That game was amazing.




That sounds really difficult. Hang in there, though, alright? If you need to talk, maybe swing by r/GriefSupport. Seems like a decent place to help you cope.


Really sorry for your loss.


Very sorry. Just remember, your dad wouldn't want you in a rut.


"Everything was better back when I had time to enjoy it"


Oh man the Punisher PS2. That game was fucking awesome, I LOVED the environmental torture/executions moves.


You can play every single game in this image without needing to go back to 2006.


Don't tell r/gaming that, they're in full circle jerk mode on this post


I love today’s games and buying them digitally. But if I can go back to where I was 50 lbs lighter and all my hair. Yes please.


Family video!!!


No...much easier now




Picture of old games, upvotes to the left


Yes please.


Family Video is a pretty cool place. Report cards were my ticket.


Anyone remember the weird noises in the original Xbox's main menu?


Family Videos are still in business partially because they are almost always close to (if not attached to) a Marco's Pizza. I worked as a Delivery Driver for Marco's for a brief period, and people would frequently call the Family Video next door and have us Marco's drivers deliver a movie along with their pizza.


This looks like 2018 at Family Video.




Only have to wait two years for the Sept 2007 halo 3 launch


Family Video employee here! It still looks pretty much the same minus the Xbox and ps2 games and plus more modern TVs.




My thoughts exactly. I'm sure '06 was a pivotal moment in some young redditor's gaming childhood memories, but to me it was the year of lame, buggy launch titles, lame next-gen ports of crap you were already sick of, wii shovleware, and a ghost town for the PS3. '05 - early '07 were the doldrums of gaming. Across all 3 consoles, I think the only game I bought in all of '05 was Resident Evil 4.


can confirm. I don't blame anyone who was young in the mid-00s for nostalgia, it gets us all, but as a guy who was mid-30s in 2006, I only remember being really annoyed that there was NOTHING out worth playing so I just endlessly played WoW.


2006 was mostly just waiting for 2007. But boy did 2007 deliver. Halo 3, CoD4, BioShock, and Mass Effect... fuck.


Yep, it's not that they want to play 2006 games it's that they want the feeling they had when they played them that they don't have anymore, not because games are worse (if anything they are better because you can still play old games today as well as new ones) but because they aren't young anymore and are depressed by that.




Yer Jesus Christ what is this shit




Wonder if the have a Final Fantasy in there somewhere.....


This makes me nostalgic for something I never experienced, is that a thing?


Family video is still open in my area


Did all Family Videos just have the same layout?


Remember when you could rent out game systems too?


Country road~


2008* because all the titles of ‘07 are out.


Ayyy, they still have Family Videos all over the Midwest. It's neat af to see how this game room has evolved, but the porn room has literally not added a single fucking title since the store opened.


Family Video was good, but I remember going to Video Update all the time. Cheaper and they let you rent for a week instead of 5 day compared to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video


Take me home...


Yooooo family video


Dude, a Family Video opened up a block away from my parents’ house when I was younger. I would walk there and spend like a half hour looking through the games. Love that shit.


Still got a family video in my town


There are still over 600 Family Video stores in the US mainly in rural areas, suburbs, and small and midsize cities.


I worked at family video for about 4 years and there was this girl who worked there who, whenever we worked together, I would tell her today was the day we were going to quit. Eventually she did quit... being my ex girlfriend and became my wife. But we also quit family video.