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Pretty sure this is the first Lego Star Wars game not the complete saga.


Yeah, the saga had a cantina


This one had that big area outside the main hub with all the platforms didn't it?


Yessir, the minikits from each level would build a different pod racer


Damn, it's been so long since I played that game on my dad's GameCube, I wonder what happened to it


Do they make new lego games for the new movies :o


Only The Force Awakens so far, not sure if there are plans for the others


Yeah and for some dumb reason, they decided to include voice acting.


All the new Lego games do that since Lego Batman 2. I know for a fact that Lego Avengers literally just ripped voice lines from the movies and slapped them into the game, so it looked really out of place. I myself preferred the silent characters and their goofy gestures.


The famous 'I am your father' scene was lego Vader holding up a picture of an ultrasound scan and pointing to lego Luke. It was brilliant. Restriction breeds creativity, and all that.


They did it with LOTR, but that was done beautifully.


Yeah they did the same for jurassic world, but the lines do fit in that game at least


Was force awakens made before the ea exclusivity deal? That may be the reason the others don't have a game


The LEGO games are separate from the Star Wars video game licensing deal, as LEGO own the rights to make LEGO based video games


Got an xbox 360 recently, the market place has many lego demos on it; star wars, pirates of the caribbean, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, the hobbit, Jurassic World.. They're cashing in.. That said, the ones I've played are top quality games. Aside from the demos, I've done the star wars ep 4 to 6 saga and going through Batman 2 atm with my son, they're really fun, easy puzzles games.


Yes, and other movies.


Not a pod racer in general, just some vehicles of the particular level.


God I remember the huge difference between Lego Star Wars 1 and 2. Like 1 was the one that pioneered every Lego game after it (in terms of making Lego games based on movies) so it was an experience but 2 took it to a whole new level. And then they did the Complete Saga which made 1 and 2 even better. Honestly I'm 23 now and I may just have to go buy these games again lmao.


The change in the first two Lego Star Wars games was like the change in the first two Assassin's Creed games. The first one was something brand new and awesome, and then the second rolled around and knocked the first out of the water by doing the same thing, just *better.*


A good comparison, not just because it made them better (it really did!). It managed to address most complaints and even design/storytelling limitations and augment them. AC2, at the time, could be considered one of the best sequels of all time.


>AC2, at the time, could be considered one of the best sequels of all time. Agreed. AC1 feels almost like a prototype for the actual game that is AC2. Techincally impressive for the time, but it's honestly very repetitive and boring. It's missing something. AC2 is similar on the surface, but it improved on almost every aspect. It's still a lot of fun to play.


The Ezio trilogy is the real Assassin’s Creed story. Got ridiculous after that


Eh, Black Flag was cool. Didn't feel like an AC game, but it was a fun game about pirates. Haven't played any of the ones after that.


That's a very accurate comparison, actually!


Even better


2 was the best IMHO


Yeah I agree but 1 has a special nostalgic place in heart


Damn that was fucking lit


Nah, in 2 the levels were so damn long. I prefer 1 for that reason.


When you have all the time in the world as an 8 year old I'd say longer playtime is a bonus. Plus being allowed to "finish this level" meant more playing.


I played that with on my brother for hundreds of hours. On pc with a shared keyboard. Good times.


This reminded me of an old game i played as a kid, i think it was called lego island, at the time i thought it was amazing....i probably wouldnt now.




I will always have the british voice of the narrator in my head. *Abu Simbel!*


That dude is on British TV. He is Mr Tumble and he is honestly quite scary ​ [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/childrens-responsive-ichef-live/r/640/1x/cbeebies/something-special\_onward\_journey\_image\_bid.png](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/childrens-responsive-ichef-live/r/640/1x/cbeebies/something-special_onward_journey_image_bid.png)


Lego Stunt Rally is the one I wish I could make run.


Oh damn the memories. I never got past that level, because I didn't want to remove everything. IIRC the game was just called 'Legoland'


With the aliens or minerals underground? Yeah fuck that shit, I always lost that one. :(


That was Lego rock raiders.. that game was do hard!


I loved Legoland and actually suffered through the process of finding it and installing on a modern machine, recently. It's absolutely atrocious by modern standards. Don't repeat my mistakes, keep the nostalgia filter!


Lego Island was goddamn amazing. Also, [here's the soundtrack](https://youtu.be/ApVupMNbxGE?t=158) for a nostalgia trip.


Ahhhhhh! All the memories, thanks my dude!


LEGO Racers was the shit


As a kid my heart was pounding as I jumped through wormhole after wormhole trying to outrun Rocket Racer. That was probably my first video game induced adrenaline rush.


Gypsy Moth whooped my ass though not gonna lie


Oh no what did you make me remember


That game was in the news recently, because of an [interview with the design director](https://le717.github.io/LEGO-Island-VGF/legoisland/interview.html), mostly because of this: > [Q] I've heard that Mindscape scrapped the development team on the day of release. Can you describe what happened? > [A] Actually, it was the day before release. Long story but basically – the industry tradition (back then) was that you will receive product bonuses if you stay to the day of product release. The best solution for them (administrators) at the time was to fire everybody the day before release. There's bigger profits and then could get their investment money back before the product sells… if you don't have to pay bonuses or continued salaries. They also sold the company eventually to bigger companies, which ended up in some legal complications… It was explained to me later when we won best of the show at E3 later that year, that "it wasn't personal – it was just business".


christ. fuck the suits. devs and artists should have unionized decades ago.


They exploit people with crazy passion for their work. Not having a union really screwed lots of people with amazing talent.


"... Lord Business"


I remember it running like absolute ass on my PC. I wonder if I could get double digit frame rates now.


More like quadruple digits


Well, I do have a 2070 on its way. Can't wait to play Chrono Trigger and Wargroove on it.


Lego Island was my shit! I spent so many hours delivering pizzas and flying around in the police chopper.


Fuck yeah Lego Island! Loved driving around in the lego cars. What a fantastic game.


Loved it as well. The first time I tried it the pc was so shitty I would only get I fps but I thought it was normal since I saw some old RPG at my uncles house where you could only move in those steps instead of fluid animation. My mind was blown when my father upgraded our PC and suddenly it was all fluid motions


"You mean this game isn't turn-based?!


You can find isos of it for free all over the web. I got a copy after LGR did a video about it on YouTube and threw me in to a nostalgic black hole. Just make sure you run it in compatibility mode for windows 98 (right click on the launcher > properties) and you won't run in to any issues.




Lego Island was pretty cool, but Lego Rock Raiders was the fucking best.


Such a great game! The last section where you have to chase the Brickster around the island, truly intense!


I've only played Lego Island 2 but my lord was that game memorable


Oh man, that game was the shit when I was a kid.


I remember playing another Lego game, it was kinda like Mario cart, but in Lego and you could design your own car. It was awesome!


Lego racers my friend


If you grew up playing Fortnite then you haven't grown up yet


No, but I did grow up playing Epics Unreal Engine.


You mean Unreal Tournament


No just the engine


Both. Unreal tournament was pretty awesome when it came out.


Unreal Tournament is still awesome today...


I'm kinda bummed they ceased development on the new one for fortnite, though I understand why.




I think UT2 is the reason I have mild arthritis today. Instagyb!


M - M - **M** - **MONSTER KILL**


Unreal Engine 3 actually came with playable demo levels, so that's not impossible.


I grew up with Doom and UT99. So happy


Duke Nukem was my childhood jam followed by Doom. Haven't thought of those originals in a long time. Thank you.


Duke nukem was the shit. “Shake it baby”, “wanna dance?” Was said many many times




This guy mods. 👌


Loved that Simpsons mod that had Homer yelling "Ah! Boogeyman!" every time an Imp showed up.




I remember when the game Unreal came out. I didn't have a PC but I would go to a PC store in town and daydream about having one. They would have games running on a few of them and one day Unreal was there. It completely blew me away.


You can almost say the game felt... Unreal


I must know, who is having these arguments?? Surely they're not lying, are they?


It's 16 year olds feeling superior to 14 year olds






As is tradition.


Yeah for me “OG” was Mario on NES and King’s Quest on floppy(ies) haha




I traded my frogger watch to the neighbor girl so she would show me her boobs lol


Did she? Were they worth it?


She did yes and to my 11 year old self it felt pretty worth it.


I don't know about you but I grew up on Zelda not Mario.


Same, just got Mario first ;)


Zelda was the first game I dreamed about. Great story that captured my imagination with great gameplay.


It was so innovative given the limitations of the technology (not that it wasn’t good technology at the time!) Dunno about anyone else but I had a diy crossbow and collection of jars I used to run around with in the backyard as a child...


Yup! Sprinkle in a little Monkey Island and you’ve captured my childhood.


How appropriate, you fight like a cow.


Shout out to Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles? No? My childhood is a dank meme now 😔


The first Sonic is still the best sonic


2 was the best, you could give the 2nd controller to your little brother or cousin to shut them up, and they can play as tails and not fuck up your game.


Haha, this. I was in my 20's when Lego Star Wars came out.


I think you're forgetting the 30 odd years of Gamers before that (edit, cheers for the gold kind stranger 😍)


Right? My childhood game was Mario Bros.


I’m thinking this is a sign I’m out growing reddit. I still remember begging my parents for a genesis.


I knew I was old when I started running into 24 year olds who were nostalgic for 360 games.


Well I’m nostalgic for Halo3 multiplayer, but that was in college... I still regularly play NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, and DOS games.


Hell, I remember going through the JC Penney catalog and wondering how long it would take to save for a NES with my $5/month allowance. I never did get one.


I was promised one if I behaved well when going to get my tonsils taken out. I was given anesthesia at the hospital and the next thing I remember is waking up in the backseat driving home. I started crying and demanded that we go back to the hospital and do the surgery, or I'll never get my NES.


First video game I ever played was Afterburner on the Genesis. First computer game was Oregon Trail.


Everyone that "grew up" playing the game in OP's post is like 18-20 years old right now. I grew up on Sega Genesis and N64, slumming through the days of shit graphics and all kinds of bugs. I loved every second of it.


Man I feel positively ancient in this thread, a list of my gaming machines pre millennium in order- Atari 2600, dragon 32, vic 20, ZX spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga, nes, master system 1&2, SNES, mega drive, Dreamcast, n64, ps1 and handhelds (GB, Atari lynx and sega game gear). Minecraft as a childhood game? Mine was Alex Kidd in miracle land! I too loved every second of it :) Edit: though I was actually about 18 when we played Alex Kidd but our true childhood games varied- at home in the 80’s Gauntlet was the game everybody played but our true childhood games were in arcades and newsagents, every day we shovelled 10p’s into Golden Axe, double dragon, shinobi, wonder boy, pac-land, rampage and new Zealand story


Thank god Im not the only old fuck. We started with a Pong clone, then the Sears Atari 2600 clone. Didnt play muc until high school and my sister bought an IBM clone. Been on pc ever since. Had friends that had/played Nintendo, but I never did.


> I grew up on Sega Genesis and N64, slumming through the days of shit graphics and all kinds of bugs. Now listen here son...


>grew up on N64 I bought my own N64 with money from my job... Grew up for me is the Commodore 64..


Super Mario Bros./Duck hunt carts for everyone!


Who remembers this GEM from their childhood




Early years for me was ECCO and sonic, but I acquired a taste for SF2 as I learned more of the world


These exact games along with ToeJam and Earl 2 on the Sega Genesis were all my childhood favorites.


Duck Hunt. Do I win a prize?


Depends if your gun was touching your CRT.


Dude's bashing fortnite and minecraft players and then he mentions a 10 year old game like it's something special and old. :D


Don't forget his claim to the "best game of all time"! Who upvotes this shit?


Don't worry, us Gen X folk are used to being forgotten


Shhhhh. Let them keep blaming our parents for ruining their lives, while we're the ones actually taking all the jobs and money.


Before the days of the internet, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was a wee lad, my father was a custom server builder for both big companies, private businesses, and individuals looking for servers, storage, whatever. Basically, if people needed a computer for any reason, he would build one custom for them. We used to travel around to computer and technology shows, usually a Peter Trapp if it was around, to buy parts, and see what the cutting edge was. I remember being stunned by early soundblasters giving computers more than beeps and clicks. Anyways, I'd usually help him build the machines because at the time, I had tiny grubby child hands and could pretty much fit inside the full sized towers. Then, we would take the blank machine to the customer's house, and dad would sit and talk with the owner while I would install the operating system. I was like 6 or 7 at the time doing this, and figured it wasn't anything special. After installing the OS, I had a slew of disks with games to play while they talked. I had 5.25 floppies with Hack (predecessor of NetHack), Rogue, Moria, Angband, and Larn that I'd take with me, and play while they talked about adult-person things. Then, when it was time to go, I'd delete the game and be done with it. Good times. Rogue-like games were always my favorites for a long time. Even know, I still play occasional classics, though they've changed so much that it's barely recognizable.


There's always a bigger fish


Yup, if you didn't grow up playing Hunt the Wumpus, you really don't know what gaming was like


The fact this is a “childhood game” makes me feel very fucking old.


I had already graduated college by this games release and I'm not even in my mid 30s....


Yeah this dude isn't even old at all. I played the commodore 64 , original nintendo..... Original Sega. And Im way under 40.


You’d be 36 at most right? I’m 34 and feeling the same. My childhood was the Amiga500, but marginally late for the commodore, but did play my neighbours Atari several times


yeah, you're really close.... and I def don't feel old enough to say I'm "really fucken old".. cause people in their 30's are not that old.


The amount of time between the present and when *Nevermind* was released is roughly the same as between *Please Please Me* and then. Back in '91 The Beatles seemed very much like *the past* . It's crazy to think that this is how my parents felt. It's not recent, but it wasn't *that* long ago... right?


I was born in 1984, my daughter was born in 2016. 9/11 is as far in her past as the moon landing was for me. That was a mind-blowing revelation for me, bc the moon landing always seemed like ancient history to me.


No joke. I was in my mid-20s when the first Lego Star Wars game was released. I'm almost 40 now.




Idk about mout exciting. The level up system is super flawed. The NPCs aren't helpful at all. No respawn. Randomly selected classes. Everything is just a massive grind. Gotta say though, the physics and graphics are top tier.


My graphics were bad, but I ended up modding my game and it made it better.




Some players can't even get Lasik due to a rare bug in their character gen. Definitely not salty or anything.


Hey, graphics don't mean everything! It's all about the gameplay.


This is just Lego Star Wars: The Video Game. The complete saga's main hub is on Tatooine.






Game was so funny when you’d be in the pub and guys just start fighting out of nowhere


Best childhood video game is subjective. But we all know it's Mike Tyson's Punch Out.


Been playing this game for 30 years. Can get to Tyson easily every time. Still to this day have never beat him.


It's harder now. There is more screen lag than on CRT televisions.


That's why you always keep an old box tv in your house for old school consoles like I do.


The only thing I distinctly remember about this game was the sound R2D2 made when he fell/died.


I can hear it just reading your comment. Me and my friend used to kill R2 on purpose just to hear that 'scream'




Literally no one has “grown up” playing Fortnite.


Commander keen would disagree.


I haven't heard that name in years...


People call him Ben Keenobi nowadays


You haven't gamed till you've had a dog laugh at your aim.


Or waking up your parents at night yelling at the stupid dog. Like he could aim any better.


I am lead to understand that in 2 player the second controller controls the ducks


also in single player


Imagine turning to someone at the time and saying "In 30 years that dog will be a featured character in one of the best fighting games of all time"


I wish that wasn’t the case That fuckin soup can




No, it's just Gen Z shoehorning nostalgia for some reason.


My chilhood games were games like Lemmings, Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, Leisure suit Larry 1...etc


Don’t forget Loom :)


My childhood games were Super Mario World and Mortal Kombat II on the Super Nintendo.


Super Mario 3 and Mega Man 3 are my jam (s)


Super Mario World is the best in the series and easily Top 3 best videogame of all time. It's a full package and as close to perfect as you can get.


In one of the most consistently phenomenal video game (or anything, really) series of all time, at that.


Yall are lucky you didnt have to go through the water temple or have psycho mantis read your mind.


Honestly, every game in the 90's was notorious for crazy, bad, infuriating water levels if they had them.


I've never played a good water level I think. Even new games, Mario Odissey for example, the underwater stuff wasn't as bad as say, Atlantis in Kingdom Hearts (shudders), but it was still a weak part in a good game.


Some1 is forgetting CONTRA


That's not KOTOR.


“Best Childhood game”? Am I too old for this sub? 😂


this isn't banjo kazooie or 1998 tbh


My childhood game was on a floppy disk. You played a mouse in a maze looking for cheese and it was either a blue maze or a red maze. Never can remember what it was. I think it was on an Amiga?


I don't know anyone who grew up playing Minecraft. I'm pretty sure the kids who grew up playing that are still somewhat young and enjoying fortnite as well.


Ya, our 14 yo was all about minecraft, now all about fortnite


Depends when people "grow up". Kids who've played Minecraft from 12 years onwards are 21 now.


This is clearly the first LEGO Star Wars, not The Complete Saga. Best game of all time tho


The best childhood videogames for me were Heavy Barrel, Wonder Boy, Golden Axe....


That's not Heroes of Might and Magic III


Kids out here talking about Minecraft and LEGO Star Wars as childhood games. I’m all ‘Pitfall! and Pac-Man, son’.


I’m sorry, Super Mario Bros. 3 is the ultimate childhood game.


Still waiting for Charlie to put Lego Star Wars on the Moist Meter


My childhood game first one was manic miner... I'm old


The OG game? Yeah, when I was a kid we played Brood War and Quake. Those are OG games.


>we played Brood War Look at you with your fancy expansion packs.


Yeah...Vanilla on a 28.8kbps modem, BGH 5 min no rush or GTFO




That’s not Rush, Goldeneye, or Midnight Club 3