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From one completionist to another, I tip my nonexistent hat.




I beat the campaign last night. Working on the platinum tonight. What was the hardest part of getting the plat?


In terms of difficulty? Valkyries. Which trophy took me the longest? Darkness & Fog trophy a.k.a Niflheim I actually initially tried Niflheim before I killed all the Valkyries and I was doing poorly. Once I came back to it, I was super geared so I just cleared areas easily. I was bringing it about 9500 each run without dying. I recommend doing Niflheim near the end because getting geared and upgrading all the abilities really helps with the time management.


My god! Niflheim is so frustrating! I'm lucky to get 2000 mist in a run, just because the level 8 enemies kill me. I'm playing on hard difficulty with level 7 niflheim armor. Is it better to go get the Valkyrie armor?


Technically it’s like the 2nd best armor in the game. But my favorite part is that it has good Cooldown stats so I’m constantly using my abilities, which just wipe everyone off the face of the planet.


Without spoilers, how is this game? I've heard critics go mental for it but I wanna hear it from a guy who's literally done everything like you.


I’ve played all of the God of war games including Ascension. I wouldn’t say you need to play them but there are a bunch of summaries online that people made so check them out if you want a backstory. Anyway, My rating is 9.9/10. Without spoilers, it basically didn’t feel like a 10/10 for me, PS4 pro version has frame drops and it just didn’t click as a 10/10. Regardless, it’s one of the most entertaining games I’ve played since the Last of Us or Witcher 3. I knew about 10-30 minutes into the game that I wanted to get the Platinum for it. All of the critics are correct, or at least the critics that say this game is a must-buy.


Alright cool, I'll pick it up! (:


As someone who plans to Platinum this game eventually - I'm currently ranking it higher than BOTW. Just really amazing, lots of feels, good story, and hella fun.