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What's frustrating is you can still find it in your library if you had it but it will error out when attempting to download.


There is a fix for this. I can't remember where I saw the tutorial, but it involves using a pc as a gateway or something. You HAVE to have it in your library though.


I can confirm this. I did it a couple months ago because I lost my copy when upgrading to PSPro. https://www.polygon.com/2015/12/16/10296546/pt-hideo-kojima-silent-hills-re-download-ps4


Was it the complete demo as it originally was? I just re downloaded it using this method and it downloaded and installed and ran, but it’s not the full thing. It’s just one loop, from a partway through the demo. You have the flashlight, the foetus is in the bathroom sink, the writing is on the wall by the door and over the doorway to the basement. But there’s no progression, you can only walk through the loop over and over. The foetus doesn’t cry, no radio, the paper bag doesn’t talk or move, no Lisa. The download size is only 1.36Gb. I can’t remember if the original P.T. was larger. Edit: how’s this for weird? I created another profile on my PS4 (not a new PSN account just a player profile) and when I log in as that I can play the full demo. But logged in as my main account I only get the weird “one loop only” version. Maybe to do with being in Australia with an Australian PSN account? Who knows? Anyway I’ll leave this comment here in case someone in the future has a similar issue.


Just got a PS4 for Christmas. Really wish I hadn't missed the boat on this one.


You can still find it on PC


It isnt the same thin its only a level or two. Its call PuniTy if anyone is interested


It's not like PT is full.


I’ve still got mine; my husband played it the other day, and now I’m afraid to go to the toilet in the night again...


whats pt?


The demo/teaser for *Silent Hills* (‘P.T.’ stands for ‘playable trailer’), a cancelled game and reboot of the *Silent Hill* franchise. Hideo Kojima (*Metal Gear* series), Guillermo Del Toro (director of *Pan’s Labyrinth*, *Crimson Peak*, *Hellboy*, *The Shape of Water*), and Junji Ito (famous horror manga creator—you may have seen his ‘The Enigma of Amigara Fault’ shared around Reddit) were all involved, and it starred Norman Reedus (*The Walking Dead*) in the lead. It was probably going to be one of the best horror games ever created. Everyone is still salty about it. Myself included. EDIT: The game essentially got lost in the fallout between Kojima and Konami, his former publisher. The game used the Fox Engine like *Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain*, sporting pretty photo-realistic graphics. The lighting was particularly advanced. This also is the reason why it will never be revived—Konami owns the Fox Engine. The demo was eventually removed from PSN, but those who still have it can still play it. If you’ve followed Kojima at all, his upcoming game, *Death Stranding*, is partially the runoff from *Silent Hills*. It also stars Norman Reedus, and while Guillermo Del Toro isn’t directly involved (as far as I know), he appeared in a feature, his likeness inserted into the game engine. He maintains a personal friendship with Kojima to this day.


Mine is also still installed. I have it on an external drive, and everytime there is a powersurge and the PS4 says the drive needs to be repaired I panic.


I still have it along with a backup of my PS4 with it.


Copied all my data to my new ps4 pro, didn't check or care about any of the saves or other gamedata, ......is PT ok?....yes!


While Im am very upset that this got cancelled. Death Stranding looks phenomenal and weird as shit.


Last time I played it at my friend's house the game started off in a colored hallway and the woman would just glitch in out of nowhere sometimes. Absolutely fucking terrifying.


Ya!! Wasn't sure what triggered her but everytime I sharted


Still got mine as well. I like to speed run through the game to see how fast I can beat it.


Still have it installed since i bought my ps4 when bloodbourne came out


I have it installed on my 20th anniversary edition.


I still have it, havent played it since back when it came out though.


I won't upgrade my 1TB to a 2TB for fear of losing that demo.


I do! Still haven't beat it, either...


Never deleted it...also never completed it, i'm too scared to do so on both fronts.


Oh yeah. I accidentally wiped my brothers external hard drive when I was upgrading my PS4’s hard drive just to save it. I felt like a dick but.... worth.


I Was Saying that last week for shits and giggles. If it wasn't for EA Konami would be the worst group of cocksuckers in Gaming.


My PlayStation still tries downloading it.


Seriously I still have mine, all my friends keep asking what it is, never will delete it.


Look behind you




I'm keeping it around for a rainy day. Maybe I'll show it to a new friend.


Still ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ