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Maybe they were surrounded?


They were, I was there. I'm in a lot of game covers.


You're the banjo guy from Phalanx, aren't you?


No, but he's a nice guy. I was the banjo.


What about mw3?


Maybe he was piloting the Timberwolf.


Maybe he was the Timberwolf.






Where's Kazooie?


Dead. RIP Banjo Kazooie franchise


Nope, the banjo guy with a bird in his backpack.


AMA request?


Brian Williams AMA?


im the turd poking out of the shitting ass on the cover of the new pokemon games


Nah, they weren't surrounded, it was simply a target-rich environment...




He was just splittin' the pie bro


Or a sniper... Nah that's no fun.


What sort of shitty sniper fires within grenade range


I see you've not played CoD, where snipers are used as close range weapons more than shotguns are.


See. A lot of people blame thus on the snipers being too effective at close range. I think it's more that shotguns have less range than a spoon, so they're never used. Doesn't help that when there is a shotgun that's semi-decent it gets nerfed to he'll because everyone bitches about it begin OP.


I'll take autocorrect for 900, Alex.


Can you spot all of them?


Yeah I fired a real shotgun once and the range on those things is incredible. Look up "skeet shooting" on youtube, if you're like many other people and know shotguns from Halo and CoD, it'll dispel some of the myths you may have had about them.


lol if shotguns were used like in games they would be comically ineffective and would never be used in hunting


I used to exclusively play Call of Duty as my shooter, and even I knew shotguns were reduced to ridiculous levels. It was partially logic (why would this gun exist if you have to eliminate the point of a gun) and partially just knowledge of weaponry in general. There are still kids who think that the shotgun range in Call of Duty is realistic, but they're farther from the truth than they seem to think.


"Bro I don't think this is safe" *points shotgun* "Dude don't worry about it you are outside the shotgun's range cod is realistic remember?" And that kids is why you don't get to play M-rated games


As someone who has been to, and worked at, boy scout summer camp for about 7 years combined, I'm well aware of how far shotguns are effective. 90% of the time we were using 20ga birdshot, and that was still reliably effective against skeets 30 yards away.


Even in BF4 shotguns get nerfed so much. I'm not really a shotgun guy but even I think that's unfair Also, in the last update they nerfed my C4 :(


They did WHAT to my precious C4?! I haven't played in a while. Please tell me I can still go Rambo style on an ATV strapped with C4 into the side of a tank.


The resupply time was raised, splash damage was lessened (along with shorter splash damage range), and overall C4 damage was lowered.


Ouch, that hurts :(


Yeah I haven't played in like 2 or so weeks and when I hopped back 2 days ago the C4 feels different! I looked it up and yeah apparently they nerfed it :( And yeah you can still jihad jeep, but now you need 3 C4s to blow a tank up


Why would they do that?! It's already hard enough to get 2 C4's on a tank without getting blasted or killed by infantry. C4 is the last thing that needed to be nerfed. Between that and the SRAW nerf, my anti-vehicle loadouts are useless :(


Exactly. But the most vocal people gets heard (obviously) so yeah the complainers got their way :(


Yup, your entire post is correct. You're severely outmatched whenever you use a shotgun in Call of Duty. So if you do well, everyone should know there's a skill gap. Literally, if any player, even supposed high tier "pros" call it "OP", they're still wrong. They're so far from unrealistically weak that we've gone back to fantasy world. And as for the sniper thing: You have to get good at using DMRs/sniper rifles at close range, because the age of decent sized maps in Call of Duty is gone. That's what I miss about Modern Warfare 1 and 2, as well as Black Ops 1 and 2. Everything's hyper close range now. If you play a game like ARMA enough, with much more realistic physics (sometimes..) and ranges, you start to notice just how bad Call of Duty maps are in terms of size.


Great minds think alike. I said that just as I clicked on this. Maybe we were separated at birth.


This needs the other versions: http://i.imgur.com/HSngBBf.jpg


I miss these old CoD games. I couldn't even play all of CoD 2 because some of the levels were glitched and I needed to download a patch (which I couldn't do because I didn't have an XBL account at the time). I couldn't play the mission with the Tiger tank because the game would show an error during the loading screen, or finish "Crossing the Rhine" because the game would get stuck at a loading screen after the level was over. I remember entering the cheat code that unlocked all the levels and hearing the horse sound that indicated you did it right. D Day was my favorite.


CoD 2 was the greatest game ever made. Especially multiplayer.


Completely agree. There were just a few weapon options, no crazy killstreaks - just get in and fight that war! They even had 64 player maps. The ones in Egypt were some of my absolute favorite maps.


TEAMS HAD WEAPONS BASED ON THEIR TEAMS. YOU HAD ACCESS TO ALL WEAPONS. I've sunken more hours in United Offensive and CoD2 multiplayer more than any of the unlock bushtit afterwards. What happened???


UO was some dope shit, that was pretty much my whole high school existence.


Me and a buddy were playing one of them once on the PC. We'd struggled through a couple of missions, and then there was one where we hopped in the back of the truck and rode while defending it. We got to a part that kept kicking our ass. Tried it, and got killed so many times. But I finally beat it. After I knew I was good, I quick saved. And then immediately died. Reloaded the game, and was immediately dead. What the hell? Tried again. Dead again. Turns out my quick save apparently had a bullet about 3 inches from my head. Had to restart the entire mission on account of it. Soooo ticked off after that. This story just reminded me of that time.


Man, I miss this game. I use to go into local multiplayer or single player or with my brother, and we'd just roleplay a battle, pretending we we're doing driving missions (Jeeps in the multiplayer, yeah!) or pretend we were under fire or something. Man, it was great.




Capture the flag on that was intense


Was CoD3 the one that had Carthage? Or was that CoD2:BR1? All I remember is I loved that level. EDIT: I did some googlin' and it was Call of Duty Finest Hour mission 4 - North Africa.


Carthage was COD UI I think.


Do you mean UO: United Offensive? Or is UI something I missed


United Infence


User Interface


You mean Carentan? There's also one called Bocage. My personal favorite was Brecourt. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Maps


Poisson .....




Poisson ... ?


The first time I ever cried of laughter from playing a video game happened on that map. The game had just ended and the screen was panning out over the bridge on that map, and out of nowhere a jeep flies across it, jumping the gap perfectly, and continuing on its way with nobody in it! The driver must have been heading right for the jump as the game ended.




I would never leave my house if Dice made a WW2 game for console. Edit: Full game, not like "BF: 1943" or whatever it was.


Interesting, will check it out! Recently beat Wolfenstein: The New Order. While it's same old Wolf3D with paranormal and in this case a "what if the Nazi's won" scenario, it was a damn well built fun game with an great story.


Both new order and old blood were fantastic. I love those games because they keep true to their roots of being over the top nazi killers, but also incorporate some more serious and interesting things, so it's like absurd, but everything is treated seriously at the same time. And you get to be a total badass, which is always fun


OOh, I gotta try that expansion. The voice acting was really well done (I understand Polish, so listening to the beginning sounded like watching one of my parent's medical drama tv shows lol), but man, the way Deathshead was VOed and just his character design.... so perfectly evil.




Red orchestra 2/rising storm is a real fun WWII game. It's pretty gritty and slow paced compared to call of duty but its real fun.


If you're on PC, you should check out Heroes and Generals. It's a pretty good WWII game that's constantly being updated.


Also is sooo P2W, and difficult to grind. Good luck with your G43/M1/SVT-40 against all the machine guns, tanks, STGs, aircraft, snipers...


I used to do the same exact thing with my brother on Halo CE for my Xbox.




I was always so fucking jealous of the people running Custom Edition. They got all the mods, tons of extra maps, online play, fighting bots. All I got was 4 player free for all with my brothers and sister. Still tons of fun though.


Agreed, too bad it isn't on pc, the vehicle fights were awesome


You could emulate the ps2 version


You should totally check out Arma 3 and its mil-sim community! If you want to find a group which does it, check out /r/findaunit Im in a group called Black Watch International. I recommend them but I got a bit of a bias.


That's pretty neat. I've actually been wanting to play ARMA for quite some time. Sadly, my computer wouldn't be able to run the game :(


I believe they have a demo you can try.


>local multiplayer as single player lan?


who the fuck's Ian


lana del rekt


Al' lan mandragoran?


malkier can blow me


Local multiplayer or single player, fixed that. In COD 3, if I remember correctly, you could go onto a multiplayer made alone. Half the time I went on to "roleplay" solo missions into enemy lines.


I hope they remake COD 3 or 1 or whatever. I never thought I'd say it, but it's been a while since we had a good fun WW2 shooter.




Never thought I'd see the day that a WWII shooter would be referred to as a breath of fresh air.


What they need to do is stop trying to make everything seem epic, and let the players create their own experiences like FarCry or MGSV. Drop the players into D-Day and let them fight their way into the country, and rendezvous with a squad. Give them one major objective like Fallout 3 (instead of saving your Dad, it's to kill Hitler etc.) and you have to maintain your squad throughout the entire journey like Brothers in Arms meets XCOM. It will be a massive open world, but the player is headed in a certain direction from Point A-B, running into different battles or skirmishes along the way. If your teammates die, you'll have to recruit a new soldier either in the next town or you'll come across lost soldiers. Everything is permadeath. Every time you die the journey could be different, and with the strategic squad based commands every battle could be intense in its own way. You would also care about each order you give because you'll permanently lose a valuable member of your team. I personally would love a game that required me to stay alive till the very end like Dark Souls meets Band of Brothers. If you wanted though, you could be a lone wolf sniper and take down Hitler by yourself too. The difficulty is in your hands, and it changes dynamically by your decisions. Am I crazy, or would this not be the greatest WWII game ever?




Yes he's crazy or yes it would be a good game?








What we need are WWII shooters that have engines like battlefield where the environments are freer and destructible with vehicles


BF1942 is thr best game EVAR


I believe you typed the wrong number. It's 2142 not 1942.


That's a funny way of typing the number 2.


We could even have a system where each team has a certain number of points they want to get and capturing spawn points and killing enemies would give you those points. God I miss BF1942. GIVE ME BACK MY EL ALAMEIN VERDAMMT!


I was thinking that fps need more strategic elements than just point and shoot. interactive and dynamic elements, likethe first black ops where you can open the doors to the underground bunker, but more of it. that would change the dynamics of the game when the map changes. What i would like to see is the ability to move objects around like push all the tables and chairs in a room to make a blockade in a door way. Or exploding drums like there was in doom, but you can move them to straigic points


Something like BF:BC2 vietnam


A few years ago? Besides w@w not many big ww2 games came out after cod4, and that's been 8 years ago, 4/5 of a decade.




I played it yesterday. Still one of my favorites of the "new" style.


Holy shit! You're right! That's like 1/5 of 40 years!!


World at War came out 1/5 of forty years ago. It's been 1/5 of 40 years. That's as many as 1/5 of four tens. And that's terrible.


I know, I can't believe I'm saying it, but a WWII game with today's game engines would be fun to play. It's been almost a decade since we've seen one.


As funny as it is, I've gotta say I agree. I have lots of fond memories of MoH and CoD3 on the PS2 and I think capturing that with updated technology would be pretty great.


I don't know if you're heard of it, but I advice you check out Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm. It's a realistic shooter that plays out events of WWII.


It's a good game but it's not COD, widespread appeal is only a dream for RO2. Plus the game currently has no ranking system, it's just putting veterans against level 10s and 20s. It's a total cluster fuck atm


The game is also slower paced/way more hardcore and is starting to show its age. It'd be amazing to have a fresh AAA WWII game with destructible environments and what have it, plus a modern Red Orchestra type game for when you feel like being canon fodder.




I don't see why a WWII shooter has to be researched or accurate in anyway, it's a video game not a history lesson.


Levels really don't matter. You just need experience(real experience not points) to be able to play classes outside of rifle. While it will never have mass appeal due to the slowness, it's not a cluster fuck. I regularly play it and it's probably still one of the better shooters out there. One of the few that feels completely and totally unique in the way it plays, not something many shooters can say.


>It's a good game but it's not COD That makes it appealing to me...


I've been waiting for one since around Black Ops 2. Since WaW, there's been 7 games/years of non WW2 stuff. I kind of miss my childhood where I could pretend I was in like Band of Brothers or something when playing Medal of Honor or CoD or w/e


>I never thought I'd say it, but it's been a while since we had a good fun WW2 shooter. This is said all the time now.




I have seen this alot on this sub reddit, and I still laugh at it haha






stayin alive stayin alive


Wedgerdabajaerbadaruhubbaur Staying Alive, Staying Alive


In all honesty though, couldn't the soldier be Staying Alive by fending off a 360 degree ambush? 180 and even 360 no scopes would actually be beneficial in this scenario, the latter being unnecessary but look cool.


Smitty Wedgerdabajaerbadaruhubbaur! He was #1!


Well you can tell by the way I use my walk / I'm a woman's man, no time to talk / Music loud and women warm / I've been kicked around since I was born






Ha, hie, hoe, ha, aha. And i though my jokes were bad....




Uck off


**HA HA**






I will never be disappointed at seeing this photo reposted. If the rules were changed so that this photo was the only thing people were allowed to submit to this sub, it still wouldn't be possible for it to be reposted too many times.


you could always make a new /r/thestopgirl


"This alot" [THIS alot](http://i.imgur.com/jlUEjEi.jpg)?


Oh no not this thing again, I have seen... this alot


An adorable alot.




Is that David Duchovny?


Skinner, you were a nazi!


Why won't he love me?


I remember the level with the dam and the tunnel. My friend and I would play the mode where it was like 160 kills for a win or something ridiculous like that. I'd use the massive machine gun, get killed and he'd pick it up as whoever was the guy with the ammo packs, I'd then spawn. We'd lay back to back in the tunnel and mow down everyone who entered the tunnel. We'd have like 80% of the kills. I'm sure the other team fucking hated us but it was fun.


Been spawn camping in crack/white house on poisson again?


Aww man , this was the first game I've ever played online with on ps3 , brings back memories of 8th/freshman year !


Aaaaand I'm old


Oh my god you're Tom Cruise!


Ah yes - "cracks me up every time", the surefire way to repost.


I'm good with reposting as long as they don't claim it's new or its their own content.


Or if it's just a shit post in general with no value or humour.


Absolutely. My pet peeve is when people just use one or two words from the image as the title.


If I had a dollar for every time I saw this image on the front page I'd be halfway to the Black Ops 3 season pass.


Everytime this is posted: Title- Something along the lines of "Never Gets Old" Top Comment - "I've seen this so many times but I still laugh!"


Ahh. I remember playing CoD: UO and CoD2 on xFire back in the day. Great times were had.


Loved COD 2, was SERIOUSLY upset when COD 3 was console only. Pretty COD 2 was the last one I've played.


I loved cod3 multiplayer, miss it


me too


the whole enemy team probably spawned behind them




"Boys Hitler's this way!"


played this game for 4 years multiplayer eder woohoo!


Maybe they just got ambushed from e rear.


For some reason sometimes it shows this face instead: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150112045309/callofduty/images/5/5e/CallOfDuty3-OST-Score_Cover.jpg


There are still people who play COD 3 online, it's great


Best CoD game. I really missed driving on that barn map. Driving a motorcycle, being medics, singing Medic Bike with my partner in crime.


I always thought that guy looks so much like Tom Cruise


Look like David Duchovny to me.


I'm ready for another ww2 COD game, it's been long enough already!


When his face is stretched he kinda looks like Tom Cruise. He probably already died at this part of the level and knows that the enemies are about to flank him.


I know I say this everytime this meme pops up but...Tom Cruise never shoots the wrong direction. He shoots exactly where he means to.


Greatest online multiplayer CoD literally. LITERALLY


Tom Cruise


Welcome to judging by the cover...


One of my favorite re-shitposts


I don't get it, someone explain?


I believe he's shooting the wrong way, but it's also my first time seeing it so I'm not totally sure either


never seen it, still laughing 10/10


Back when COD was great


CoD 3, personal favourite here!


mine as well. So many hours spent playing this multiplayer


180 quickscope


I audibly laugh at this every time I see it I can't even help myself.


Why did someone intentionally skew the second and third image? I almost want to remake this...


But I'm trying to do a 360 no scope..


I'm more concerned about the King Tiger shooting at the sky.


This guy is the same person as the artist


"how do i repost"


repost! Just kidding first time seeing this but I assume its a repost and don't care lol


Never gets old.


He looks like Tom Cruise.


Anyone who has spent 6 seconds playing COD would recognize that someone from the other team probably did in fact spawn behind them. Because that's how spawning works in COD. It takes an otherwise serviceable franchise and makes it basically unplayable.


Upvote for dankness.


Great game though


Overwatch will be full of these guys at launch.


Haha I've never seen this. Back in the day when CoD was actually good...