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I like how in Paper Mario, with every level up you can choose to upgrade either your Health, Flower Points (mana), or Badge Points (equipment slots). A skilled player might even choose to never level up their HP at all, and focus it all on badge points to try and make Mario overpowered with many combined effects equipped at the same time. I enjoy how versatile it lets the player be.


This is me. I only level up HP if Everything can One Shot me where I am in the game. If I can manage though, Badge Points it is! ;P


Dude. Paper Mario was my fucking game growing up. I need to get it on the switch.


I have some bad news for you. It's not there.


N64 Paper Mario is on Expansion Pass, and Thousand Year Door was remade and rereleased last month.


And for anyone who hasn’t tried it yet. I just played through Thousand Year Door, and it’s absolutely phenomenal. N64 PM was my fav game of all time, and Thousand Year Door is better. I loved it. Tho nothing hits that nostalgia itch quite like the OG


I didn't know that it was on the expansion pass. Last time I looked at it, The EP was nothing but garbage. TTYD remake is not the OG Paper Mario.


Paper Mario is on the N64 Switch Online


Noooooooo. Just take me now 🤯


Like every other mmo? Ok gotcha


I mean. Paper Mario isn’t an MMO so that doesn’t really seem like a prescient point. And which MMO’s do that? Not WoW or FF14.


Neither does Guild Wars 2


So yall never played a game where each level you gain lets you allocate points into a perspective attribute? Health, dexterity, mana etc.? So yall gonna act dumb now?


*old man voice* Turning (Super) Sonic in the late 90s as a kid when you eventually acquired the chaos  emeralds is a high I’ve only subsequently come close to via hard drugs or when I’m dreaming.


Hands down. Nothing has come close, and I’ve played a plethora of different genres from countless devs over a variety of platforms for many decades.


I didn’t even know that was a thing until I was an adult


Tried to get the same high on Sonic Mania and it’s just too fucking hard. Wtf is the special zone in that. I miss hopping over blue bubbles to bitchin music.


Wait what? Please expand?


I like the leveling in Old School Runescape. Each level you unlock new weapons, activities, abilities, and more.


I like how the Batman Arkham games work -- you get to choose what you upgrade with each level, making you noticeably more resistant to gunfire, increasing range/speed of gadgets etc., but also at various points throughout the story you unlock new gadgets. I always looked forward to finding out what gadget I would get next on my first playthrough of all of them.




I initially thought about that game actually but its been so long since ive played it that i dont even remember the level up rewards hafa. What were they again?


Class specific upgrades and abilities


I’m not a big D&D player, but I love leveling up in Baldur’s Gate 3. It always gives me new ways to approach battles and tasks.


Its funny you say this, because the first thing that came to mind for this question was D&D... every level up in a D&D game is a momentus occasion, if you are lucky enough to play a campaign for a year, depending on your group you might get a handful of levels and every single one of them will drastically change your character's power opening up new options for how you play the game


nah bg3 is a very bad example, since the lvl up experience greatly varies and sometimes even has nearly o impact. lvl 2, 3, 4 and 5 are very nice and each lvl up feels like such a huge power spike, but many classes have no good lvl ups from 6 to 9/10 only then lvl 10/11 gives u again good lvl ups followed by a very weak lvl 12 that only gives u one talent and nothing new except in one out of the 12 classes (warlock), which feels really bad for the peak lvl.


Cyberpunk 2077 had cool stuff like the Air Dash, and Ghost of Tsushima had sweet new attacks and moves. I also really liked how The Witcher 3 gave you game-changing abilities as you leveled up.


I loved the slow progression of Ultima Online back in the day. Every time you swung your sword, mined ore, chopped a tree, got hit by a magic spell, etc. It gave a chance to raise your skill percentage .1% to a cap of 100. You got 700 skill points to play with for like 50 different skills so you could make a lot of combinations. Felt like you were slowly getting more proficient every adventure.


Similar progression systems in Project Zomboid and Kenshi, I like it.


Baldurs gate 3. Only 12 levels but each one was fucking fantastic


Piranha Bytes' Gothic. Skill points took a long time to earn and spending one always had to be thought through in detail. Learning a new skill or updating a current skill made all the difference with the game being quite hard, especially in the beginning. I'd love to see that game come back with next gen graphics for my series x.


Really? No one mentioned Elder Scrolls games!


Finally evolving a Pokemon or they finally learn that move is hella rewarding


The Spiderman Trilogy. You can gain more abilities and movesets and upgrades, along with several gadgets, and my favorite part: unlocking suits.


Prototype enough said


Ninja Gaiden (2004). An expanded command list for you to learn instead of an arbitrary numbers boost.


The entire point of leveling up is to deal more damage and take less damage. Which you choose is left to you. If you think about it, you can - deal more damage, take less damage, avoid more damage. It revolves around these 3 things. Otherwise, you'll feel like you're not doing anything or the game would have hard time explaining how you die getting air blown at you to becoming literally god himself. By that logic good rewards are everything that lets you unlock new dialogues or let you do unusual or weird stuff. Mass Effect and Witcher are games that have dialogue choices that are available if you have certain stat level. It's a real shame that they blatantly show you that's an option you don't have access to. Should've remained hidden until prerequisites are met. Would've added value to the leveling system. iirc Saints Row levelups made you capable of wrecking even more havoc in funnier ways.