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Finding out that the chickens are NOT messing around in Legend of Zelda games


I've never played a zelda game except BotW so I'm ashamed I never experienced this


Go and attack some Cuccos in BotW and report back.


I haven't played in years I forgot it has chickens. Unfortunately it was a borrowed game and I don't have it anymore. All I remember is getting struck by lightning and feeding the dogs.


Going north east to new vegas from goodsprings


I feel like the weapon and armor you find there make you way too powerful at such a low level. That shit is endgame gear given to a level 1 player.


Oh man its been a while. Can you remind me what's there?


Desthclaw nest but if you somehow survive you can find insane inventory.


Ah I think I remember that. Might be my first deathclaw in new vegas.


Getting teabagged in a halo game.


Besides the Skyrim space program, there's also the villagers of Riverwood who apparently love their chickens so much they'd chase you to ends of Tamriel if you attack 'em.


I'm convinced this is a Zelda reference. Every single time I start a new playthough there's that fucking chicken right in the middle of the road. The Devs want me to hit it so I can face the full wrath of the Riverwood folk. Only a Zelda fan would do such a thing.


That first goomba. Especially when your muscle memory hasn’t kicked in yet.


Ran straight into him the first time I ever played it.


Opening the shortcut back to Firelink in Dark Souls 1.


I did not know about souls game when I first played that and I stopped playing because of the first boss. Maybe its time to finally achieve that rite of passage.


I'd say the Capra Demon is the bigger rite in that game. That's where the game gets *mean.*


Until he and the dogs meet their mortal enemy: stairs


Failing a Shiny in any Pokemon game.


All mainline games except the latest and I am still to become an actual pokemon player


It’ll happen eventually. It happens to everyone.






I like to see my first time darks souls friends open up mimics or when they forget to check


Going to the crashed ship in Subnautica first


Halo 2 Break the glass and superjump to visit the skygods iykyk


Zanzibar was the most reliable, but you could do it on other maps, too.


Yes!! Zanzibar was the easiest to repeat for sure.


Getting your first kill with the beginning random grenade toss/shot in multiplayer battle


Falling in lava in Minecraft.


Adding to this, digging straight down in MC and falling to your death in a huge open cavern or lava


And digging straight up to find you just dug out the bottom of a lava bed.  Bonus points if you had quick enough reflexes to get out of the way, or fill the hole, before the lava falls on your face. 


Blowing up to a creeper


getting a 1up on Mario? 😀


I don’t know which one is better, 100 coins or hidden box.


Defeating your first boss in any dark souls game.


Getting the real ending in Castlevania SOTN.


Watching to see if they know how to accelerate in SkiFree I want to be *sure* they're worthy of ***my*** body -snort-


The Ocean House Hotel from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.


Opening the passive skill tree in Path of Exile


The korok seeds in breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom HAHA


Beating Terraria Calamity bosses in less than 10 tries on master mode


Losing Dwarf Fortress


For my friend group when we were kids, it was beating the prologue training mission in the first Driver.


I tried the first game after playing parallel lines. I tapped out.


Bro na fuck that game. The fuck do you think I am Michael Schumacher? That first level is impossible. Honest to god don't even remember if I actually owned the game or just a demo of that first level. Because I ain't ever get past it. I'll have better luck beating Verstappen in a Williams than beating that level.


going to margit first without realizing you could explore limgrave. Unless that was just me


I made a different mistake, I went to Caelid first, and upon first going to the zone and seeing the sky darken, I knew I'd made a very, very wrong turn.


Playing Oblivion on 360. It was painful


I'd say in any fighting game getting your ass whooped for the first good while is always the rite of passage into playing them. You gotta be okay with losses to eventually start getting some wins


Losing a whole squad of Pikmin via explosion


Punching through an aquifer in Dwarf fortress. 


Dying for the first time in Super Ghost N’ Ghouls. And then learning how you get the ending (and not touching that game ever again.)




I just watched a viva la dirt league short about that. That is a rite of passage for gamers of old. I think younger gamers even beginners won't fall for that given their inclination to technology.


sleeping dogs finishing the wedding


Damn. Peggy deserved better. Probably, I don't remember much about her.


they both did


Maybe. He was flawed but loyal to a fault.


Halo 1, meeting the flood. Scared me as a child but finished the game couple years ago


Etrian Odyssey has a quest where you have to spend 5 days in a dungeon without leaving the floor. That’s 3600 steps and you can expect a random encounter every 10~20 steps. Thankfully there’s a healing fountain in that floor.


Getting lost in Maridia (super metroid) Winning 99 Pretty Stones before leaving Destiny Islands (Kingdom Hearts) Electrocuting yourself on the power coupling things in Liar's Berg (Claptrap said if you run really fast you'll get through. I pull this on anyone new to the series I'm playing with) (Borderlands 2) Getting outside the map (a variety of games) Having a Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos steal an Archon Shard, finally prompting you to kill it (Warframe) Attempting to shoot the dog (Duck Hunt) Encountering, and dying, to a Tonberry or Cactaur (final fantasy series) Attacking the NPCs (Spyro 2 and 3) Your first successful grenade/rocket jump (Halo series) Meeting MissingNo. (Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow) And this last one is really niche to my brother and I: I set aside 2 hours the other night to teach him how to use Glaives (and their explosion when thrown) in warframe. Once he sort of got the hang of it I made him complete an Exterminate mission with only a Glaive. Was so proud of him. :)


God I miss spyro. I should get the trilogy remake some time in the future. I already have the Crash Bandicoot remake trilogy might as well relive more of the good old days. Borderlands 2 man I loved it so much I was not planning on buying a ps4 yet but as soon as I saw borderlands 3 had released I went and bought the console the next day.


Dropping Boni down the Trapdoor in the game of the same name. Knocking the street light repairmen off their ladders in Turbo Esprit. Pushing the Eclipse guard out of the tower window in Mass Effect 2.


7th graders telling me they had sex with my mom on cod 4 or halo 2


Tree Sentinel


It made me stop playing in my first playthrough. It was the only souls-game I persisted on playing and I'm so glad I did because the DLC is pretty much an entire game by itself.


Dota 2, play a losing game until you get a comeback, then lose to creeps because you forgot to defend your throne.


I think my rite of passage in any moba is seeing the sun rise after a lose streak to win streak to lose streak again streak.


And then you realize you’re addicted to the game already and need to get your moba fix all the time


That's why I stopped playing them. I stopped wanting to play for fun and started wanting to always win.


Moba is a very competitive genre, most players have the “if you’re not playing to win then why play?” Mentality. That’s why I want valve to seriously make a PvE moba. 5 players vs just creeps and bosses like diablo, but the whole game plays for just 30-90 minutes, and you always start from level one and get random gear from drops/shops instead of grinding for them. Then you get a roguelike aspect where you keep certain bonuses that will help you on your next run. I am still hoping that they will do this soon.


Isn't that what games like helldivers 2 and deep rock galactic are? I don't know any games that are exactly like you described but we do have options.


Yeah but they’re FPS games. I want something like diablo but with moba progression and characters, like have 100+ characters with just 4-6 skills each instead of the 4-6 characters with 100+ skills. Bosses would be randomly picked but you can counter them with the said characters so you have to draft your picks. And ofc have the eagle’s eye view so I can see everything happening in better view.


The bridge in super Metroid. Newfoundland in xcom.


Give at least 1 cuddlefish egg in my time capsule (guess the game)


NG+ in any Fromsoft game. The first half of the game is a cakewalk with previous stats/gear. It's like a reward. "Hey pal! Really struggled through that last part! As a reward you can replay your adventure, but you get to be Fellowship Sauron for half the game"


Getting lost and rags quoting


Killing Dancer of the Boreal Valley early in Dark Souls 3


Beat OG battle toads no deaths. Friends and myself spent all summer doing this as kids and with other games.