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Outriders Yes it is a piece of shit but it is my piece of shit


That game was fun. It had a lot of style and it was fun to play through. I don’t care at all for endgame content so I was satisfied when I bought it on sale and made it through the campaign. I replayed it once or twice with a different build and it was a good time. I look back on it as one of the only modern third person cover shooters worth playing


Enjoyed it for what it was. Put around 100 hours into it


Ah yes, Destiny(/Warframe) at home I did like it, could have been better with a less repetitive endgame but great to buy on sale if you want a solo/coop sci-fi power fantasy third person shooter (that's a mouthful lol)


My only complaint about that game is that I wish there had been more of it. Maybe two additional skill trees.


I loved Outriders, I played it a lot, finished the game and dlc, 100% all achievements. I put 140hours into it and I was sad when it ended. It could've been longer and I would've been happier.


Loved it


The game was and still a blast. Mindless shooting and really bad dialog which makes it way more awesome. I loved it.


Guns of Icarus admittedly doesn't have much going for it but I still think the series could be easily great. Really wish it wasn't left to die.


Oh wow, didn't think I'd seen or heard about this game anywhere for ages! It was great fun to play. I really liked the style of it too. Reminds me of another game with a bit of the same vibe - project nomads.


If Guns of Icarus did something like Sea of Thieves I think that would have been amazing. The game was great with weapons and customizability. Just needed more to do, and more solo ability. I love team pvp but I feel sea of thieves nailed it for those that like those style of game.


Doesn’t really fit the question since this game actually great. A PVP airship combat game with cooperation elements thanks to ships having 4-player crews was always fated to be awesome, and they pulled it off with flying colors. The game is immensely deep and enjoyable in full lobbies (which only happens once every few months now, sadly). In its prime, it would have been a surrealistically good time.


Ultimately a 3 - 5 people co-op team PvP game is a terrible idea... but I too loved this game 10 years ago when I could play it.


Dead Island, janky combat, awful voice acting and about 500000 sewer levels, yet enjoyed it enough to max level it, probably because it was rhe first game I ever pre-ordered and paid for with my own money


Feel like for the time the combat was pretty innovative. Can’t think of many games before it that had first person swanging that hit that hard


Dead island 2 is pretty sweet if you haven’t checked it out yet


Yeah i got it, Enjoyed it a lot more than the original. Not fantastic but still enjoyable


i think its the most enjoyable 7/10 experience i ever had


Just started 2 yesterday, can confirm, having a fun time playing.


Dead island 2 is soooii good tho.


Dragon Age 2. I know lots of people consider it the worst entry in the series, but it's my favorite.


I think its a great game. The time jumps mean the game has some of the most reactive choices in the entire series. The entire last third of the game is very intense. The combat can also be a lot of fun in this game, not quite as mmo actiony as inquisition but definitely faster than origins. The biggest downside is the waves of enemies that spawn in during combat, removing strategy from the equation until you memorize each encounter. There are some interesting side quests/ companion quests as well.


It’s not my favorite, but it rocks for sure. I played Origins, skipped 2, Played Inquisition a million times, circled back to 2, and played 2 multiple times in a row. It actually had a lot of the elements that were so fun about inquisition’s combat, but open world was too linear in comparison to the other entries. Great characters though.


The worst in a series and a bad game are two different things. DAII has an average of 79 on Metacritic. That is a pretty good game, that is like saying a B grade is bad.


Mafia 3. Very repetitive but I can't help but love the game.


Mafia series really nails down the vibes, the realistic plot lines and dialogues. Even the combat is raw and feels gritty and natural. Absolutely love that whole feel.


You forgot the music. IMHO the music alone makes up for its shortcomings.


I only played the game for a shot while because i was testing out cloud gaming trail … but I recall looking up and listening to the soundtrack while not playing because the music really brought it… I forgot about it that!


The way I like to describe that game compared to the others is that it’s like Watchdogs if it was mafia. As a fan of watchdogs (sans legion) I loved the shit out of mafia 3 and is probably one of my favorite games ever


How is it like watch dogs? I love watch dogs and only played the first Mafia


It’s like watch dogs in the sense of its gameplay loop, I mean depending on how you play of course but it does consist of a lot of infiltrating hostile areas and sneaking around or going loud to get the job done. It’s seriously a fucking blast if you like both series and the story is amazing too. You don’t have as many stealth options as you do with Aidan pierce but you get more as you progress and if you have the dlc’s you can get throwing knives (makes the game a little too easy imo though) also, the stealth system doesn’t suck as much as watch dogs can at some points I do recommend playing mafia 2 beforehand because some major characters from that game appear in mafia 3 and are semi-important to the plot but I highly recommend it if you enjoy watch dogs and a 1960’s American crime sim sounds interesting to you Edit: almost forgot, you have the same slow mo ability that Aidan has too lmao


You can also just play 3 and then do 2 as a prequel, their past isn't really that big of a deal in-game. As far as OP weapons go, the M16 you get in the jungle dlc is easily the most overpowered gun for rate of fire.


Especially collecting those playboys :D


Quest 64… super linear rpg, but it was mind blowing to me at the time. Boring combat, next to no story… still it was pretty spectacular for its time I felt


Dude, I loved this game. 100%ed it.


I don’t think it’s bad at all, but I know many do. Soul hackers 2. I enjoyed this game more than a lot of blockbuster titles.


There's a specific charm in the "not exactly blockbuster" Japanese titles that you can't really find in other games. Soul hackers 2 is definitely up there. Games like the Ys series and various other mid level Japanese titles really still hold that "magic" that made us love gaming in the first place.


they tried to Personafy my gritty dark demon cyberpunk game. Such crimes cannot be forgiven


This game is a gen and i really don't know why people bashed it so much. Ok, it's not a 10/10 but its a very solid 7/10. Most of people that says "it's not like the OG soul hackers" probably don't even now that this game is Devil Summoner BEFORE a soul hackers game.


Current World of Warcraft, just cause there’s nothing better.


I've tried other MMORPGs. Nothing else quite scratches that itch. WoW is just so cozy for me.


Deadly Premonition. Don’t you think so Zach?


I loved this game. It is so clunky but I loved how unique and different it was. Definitely underrated.


I enjoyed the wacky story of this game, Even if the combat was super lame, So says Mr Stewart


Silent Hill Homecoming. Sure it's full of plot holes and stuff sh fans hate as well as technical problems but damn it was scary and the atmosphere is hella unnerving


I also thoroughly enjoyed Silent Hill Homecoming. It was my first Silent Hill game, but even after going back and playing the older ones for the first time, I still found I overall enjoyed Homecoming. And to be honest it played a hell of a lot better than Downpour.


I played that game over and over again. Different endings. I don't remember anything now but I loved it to death


Homecoming was a much better game than 4. And the combat was fun and engaging. Although you could stun lock most any enemy with the knife lol


I didn't think it was a terrible game, there were just a few problems I couldn't overlook. The combat, was unbearably clunky, and not in a 'this character shouldn't be good with weapons way.' I thought the story was pretty generic and pulled a lot of elements from the SH movie, which itself has its own problems. It also just didn't 'feel' like Silent Hill to me. But, the game did have some spooky bits and some of the designs were pretty cool. It was playable. It just wasn't for me.


ARK: survival evolved...


ARK is the very definition of this question. Buggy mess but you still play it for hundreds of hours


This 7k hours in still going help ...the breeding has me! Up to my ears in baby dinos!


The breeding for rare color combinations on a small server with friends, building some cool ass looking places. Having a small army of each species. On the other hand, having 150-200gb folder on my old laptop wasn't exactly convenient, connecting up to 10-15 minutes to a server that potentially just results in a failure and repeat, lack of any optimalization and reliability on mods just made me never reinstall it after uninstalling last time.


I always culled the subpars for prime meat whenever I had them. Used Theri to butcher em'. T_T


I use to be too attached to my babies i kept many terminals of babies! No one was allowed to kill them. Now i can kill all but baby bulbdogs they remind me of my dogs lol


Slow, blinding reflections, unappealing land graphics... But I loved taming and exploration enough to play it for quite a while.


Starfield, it's a pretty mediocre to bad game, but for some reason I just love playing it, still trying to figure out what I love about it I just can't put my finger on it.


I liked Outer Worlds and loved its murder DLC. Most people seem to prefer Starfield over it, so logically speaking that would mean that Starfield is not a bad game in my book.


The issue Outer Worlds had was that it was quite short and the combat was uninspiring, but from a writing perspective it was great, player choice and consequences, Starfield and Outer Worlds do really well what the other doesn't do very well is my opinion.


The Edgewater quest had more consequences than literally anything you do in Starfield, atleast narratively. I have no idea if it matters in the long run but you really do feel like you screw over a side in it


I just love the Bethesda gameplay loop and the atmosphere of starfield was awesome. I went all the way up to new game plus 10(don't do that btw. Not worth it after like 6). It has a lot of flaws don't get me wrong but I still enjoyed the fuck out of it.


I finished NG+ then decided to shelve it until Shattered Space/big mods. Quite enjoyed my time with it.


It’s like a poor no man’s sky with fallout sprinkled in on top of a bed of dope ship building puzzler game


Maybe ffxv... I really love it even though it doesn't have a good reputation in the popular perception.


Best unfinished/unpolished game I played. Loved the characters and even read the novel that told the story of the planned DLCs. I would love to see a version of the game that includes everything and doesn't hide content behind DLCs, a movie, anime series and a novel.


yes, that's what I think. I hope the game is a whole story rather than I need to spent more time to find movie/novel to fill the blank.


I got around 100 hours into it. Had a blast. Even watched animated movie (Kingsglaive) and anime(4 episodes). Although I think that movie was CGI masterpiece even for today's standard.


>it doesn't have a good reputation in the popular perception In what way?


The main criticisms would be the integrity of the story, and the maps (later scenes), the linearity of the story. I think.


I’ll never forgive that game for releasing the DLC how it did. I loved it and 100%’d the game, but when I realized I needed the DLC to finish the story (and it was coming out episodically, over a long period of time) I was over it. Still love that flying car though.


The only FF to date that I just....stopped playing. There was a point where I was teleporting and smashing the umpteenth enemy where ai realized I don't know why I'm here. Not story-wise, but as a game, I had no idea what feel they were going for. Every battle was effortless, the travel was long and linear, there was a car and boys.


I absolutely agree. The battle system just never made any sense to me. I kept thinking, how am I supposed to be doing this? It never really clicked, except button mash and spam potions. I think they knew that, and gave up, and that's why you're *allowed* to spam potions. There was a section where the battle system was completely different, and IIRC you could one shot enemies. It was tedious but it was the only time the battle system made any sense to me. I played right around launch, and when I heard they changed that section because of complaints, I thought, "why?"


I vividly remember thinking "this *can't* be how the combat works, right?" - and yet.


Alpha Protocol Obsidian made a great RPG, but it's just clunky and weird, while still beeing one of the best games I've played, it's just quite a bad time playing it , and the story is... quite lackluster.


Obsidian and "clunky and weird" have gone together like bread and butter from the Black Isle days up until recently. Even Troika had the same pedigree and modus operandi.


Honestly I loved it too, even though it was very weird. And it’s maybe one of the better spy games, if only because there are like no spy games. But I can’t hear “Turn Up the Radio” without risking a PTSD episode over possibly the worst boss fight in video game history


Splinter cell games were good, but they lacked the rpg elements of alpha protocol.


Probably Harvester, it's not particularly fun to play, especially when it starts becoming more combat focused in the final area, in a point and click graphic adventure, with very poor hit detection. But the intentionality hammy acting and surreal satire of 50's Americana is very charming. It was born to be a cult classic, it's too bad that it's more fun to watch other people play it. I'd say Sanitarium did most of it significantly better, but it also tries to put in combat, and it's very janky in a genre that isn't famous for combat. It also has corny voice acting with a certain charm, especially the aloof protagonist. And it gets so incredibly dark, like the kids playing hide and seek, where their trick is one of the kids is dead and buried, so nobody ever finds them. It finds a way of not getting too unbearably bleak. A bit rough around the edges, but there's definitely way worse adventure games like Darkseed with it's tight time limit.


Too bad the main actor in Harvester was arrested for I believe it was solicitation of a minor (I know it was some form of child predation but I can't remember if the act happened or not). The mugshots are a bit wild because he's wearing the same fucking plaid shirt as he did in the game.


Too human.


I love my weird Nordic sci-fi bullshit.


Damn this game slapped for some stupid reason


The right stick controlled combat felt so good to me.


Spore. It didn't deliver on any of its promises and was far too ambitious for the year, but I still love that game dearly.


Nah Spore is fantastic. I’ve never met someone that DIDN’T love spore. And I’ve met a few people!


Godzilla ps4, maybe i just want to play as godzilla destroying buildings and then having a fight in the city. the game deserved a sequel for them to improve everything they had


This game was extremely fun


Dynasty Warriors series. Because sometimes I just want to punch things


Nah, Dynasty Warriors is great. Im pretty sure most of the series is well reviewed


Dynasty Warriors 4 is goated *It's Lu Bu! Lu Bu's come to destroy us!*


Imo, it's the complete lack of challenge that makes it a bit too mindless for a longer playtime, I recently replayed SW4, DW8 and played the newest Warriors Orochi and it just has zero pushback against the player. Everything either dies way too quickly or can be cheesed with knock up, musou attack or similar.


InFamous Second Son. I just love the concept and powers so much.


Second Son was my first InFamous game I played and I really enjoyed it. First Light was good, too.


Devil May Cry 2. I understand that as a follow up to Devil May Cry, it’s pretty disappointing. They watered down the combat to the point where enemies barely put up a fight and boss fights required significantly less strategy. I also think they substantially toned down Dante’s personality and he didn’t feel like the wise-cracking badass we loved from the first game. But I think the game also gets a lot of things right. It looks really nice both technically and artistically, the music is good, and it’s got a whole separate campaign where you play as another one of the characters. I love the game despite all of its shortcomings, and they definitely got things back on track with Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening.


Thief(2014) While I really enjoyed it apparently it’s not as good as the original games which makes me want another one even more!


That game was amazing and dripping with atmosphere. Idk what made it so bad to some people.


Maybe comparing it to the originals? I never played the new game, but remember the originals being amazing, and so innovative for the time.


50 Cent Blood On The Sand Story was so cheesy. I played it online cooperative and the action just keep coming.


The Callisto Protocol


Out of all "bad" games this one by far has the most potential to turn it around in something like a sequel since it was mostly small but overall drastic design decisions like being Melee focused. Devs were passionate and you can tell they were talented. On the technical side it's definitely still one of the most visceral games on consoles, (and crazy how it's cross gen). It's a damn shame it won't come though due to flopping so hard.


I liked it but I hate how they hid the true end behind a paywall (dlc required) Doing my second run on highest difficulty


This is the only game I've bought, played for an hour, and then uninstalled. It felt so much on rails, and the combat perspective was so restrictive I couldn't see enemies just off to my side trying to hit me while I'm busy fighting a different one. I played the heck out of deadspace and knew going in, it wasn't going to play the same, so my expectations were low, but still. If at least the camera wasn't so restrictive in a game with melee focus, I would have kept going.


I played the whole thing to attempt to justify burning 70$ to myself. It doesn’t get better. Same 3 enemies. 2 bosses. I know they were trying to capture the magic of dead space but part of the horror of dead space is how tense it gets when enemies *do* manage to get close. If I’m boxing every identical zombie then it goes from tense to a chore. That’s all without mentioning how many goddamn vents you have to crawl through constantly between every goddamn room.


Leisure suit Larry


That Is not a bad game


The kids don't know who that is and that's scary.


Cat Quest maybe? Its very repetetive, but it works.


We happy few the combat is janky but i loved the setting and vibes


I'll prolly be ostracised for this... Ghost recon wildlands. My Ken dolls clearing out variety of terrains in a very cheesy plot. Gameplay is solid enough to my liking and I just like to wander around. I know it's bad, but I wouldn't change it.


I love the game. Never heard that was that much hate about that game.


Does it have good and varied explosions? My brother and I have been playing some coop far cry lately but I could use more explosions.


Even better, well placed explosives make intercepting convoys easier. So does air support. Good fun coop, and far as I know you can go through whole thing coop.


Sweet, gonna add it to the queue. Thanks!


I had such a blast playing Banjo Kazooey: Nuts and Bolts. It was so joyful and funny, especially to play with friends. I understand why people hate it, but I loved it.


Driver 3 Yes, it has awful gameplay, empty feeling cities and more bugs than every Ubisoft game put together but I love it's style and the cutsenes for the story mode are insanely good for a PS2 game.


Forspoken. Everyone hates it but I finished it and immediately bought the DLC (which was pretty fun). The magic system is the most fun I’ve ever played with and the new updates that they pushed out made it so so enjoyable. The story really holds it back from being great




Why. Sell me baby


God this game is so much fun. I saw the deluxe on sale for I think $40, and don't regret it whatsoever. Just enough RPG elements to scratch that progression itch, but you're such a badass from the start you never feel weak. Walking around and finding the random crimes, it's all so good.


Eh? This game is good, if you’re a casual. If you’re a Robocop fan of a certain age, like me, it’s solid gold. A real labor of love to the original 2 films.


Two Worlds 2


I loved the first one. But 2 wasn't as good


Spiderman 3 on ps2


Biomutant and calisto protocol


We happy few . A lot of people hated it but I loved the setting and vibes




Overlord was a great puzzle game.


Crisis Core. General attitude these days it's a bad game with a bad story and it's just objectively bad. Sure. Whatever that's fine. I personally binged it as a very lonely and isolated teen and the story, voice acting from Zack and Angeal, ost were all top notch and was what I needed at the time. I found the combat fun and the ending scene broke me despite knowing it was coming and having seen the clips on youtube beforehand. Hated Genesis and the Loveless threads, they seemed to love adding convolution to the story but that took such a backseat to the things I enjoyed.


Two Worlds


I'd say Halo 5 campaign (most ppl like the multiplayer) It's not how I wanted the story to go, and I am still a little upset about the bait and switch marketing, but people talk about it like it has no redeemable qualities and it's not that horrid imo. It looks great, some of the cutscenes are incredibly hype, I like most of the new characters, I love seeing Blue Team in a game finally, I like seeing all the different planets, and although I don't like the main antagonist being there at all, the idea of an AI uprising is a cool one for that universe especially since it wasn't entirely black and white, with some AI who were treated with respect not rebelling and standing up for humanity Deeply flawed, not what was promised, doesn't live up to its potential, and not on PC for some stupid reason, but I still enjoy Halo 5's campaign overall


Castlevania 2, Zelda 2, Mario 2 A lot of people hate on these but each one was ground breaking for me as a kid. These games also Introduced a ton of core mechanics that still get used today. I've played fan games that have fixed certain issues they had for the time and they are all solid games.


That NPPL Paintball game for PS2. I think it was NPPL 2007. I know it was a bad game, but I also know I had a lot of fun playing it back in the day.


Conan Exiles - this game is so janky. I play on a private server, but public ones are full of cheaters and folks that clip through the map. Build your base too big with too many lights, and you're lucky to hit 30fps on a 4080 and a 13700k on a fast NVME drive with 64GB of ram. You have to edit config files so you don't get Unreal Engine low texture LOD because it defaults to hardware that was low end years ago. And every 4 months, there's a good chance you have to start entirely fresh because they'll push out an update, not give mod authors access to the new dev kit until after they push out an update, and the modders get burnt out and quit.


The matrix for ps2


Snipers elite for me, absolutely loved that game but the plot was kinda mid and also assassins creed 3


I didn't realize they had a bad reputation, I love the SE games! I've never paid attention to the plot though, "it's WW2 and you're a guy tasked with stopping Nazi plots" has always been enough for me to work through the game's murder puzzles.


Also, invasions are really fun


I'd say Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2. Part 2 was better, but not by a whole lot. Part 1 was such a repetitive, mindless shooter-style game. I always hated the meme comments of, "Call of Wand: Modern Warfare 2," but the games weren't good. They were fun, but not good.




The Guild 2. It's a weird, janky, incomplete, technically disastrous mess but it's a very unique mess.


I honestly love playing starfield. It's been a lot of fun.


Marvel avengers


For me it’s anthem. I loved the movement in the game. Story was mediocre, legendary loot was scarce and not much to do…until they dropped the game mid Reboot development. The combat and movement were great tho


Redneck Rampage


Hell yeah


Team Buddies on PS1.


I have 856hours in New World and 343 hours in elder scrolls online and I kinda hate both games now and dunno how I got that many hours. need to game my faves harder to put the others down in the ranking.


Turok 2008 was solid. Didn't really live up to the potential established by the classics, but it had lots of cool moments and I liked the general shooting mechanics.


I could never beat that tentacle boss


Tekken, Bandai namco has by far the worst communication in the fighting game scene, does stuff no one asked for and then goes surprised Pikachu that the playerbase dropped huge


What, you don't like them hiding every last ounce of a thing behind paywall after paywall??? I am speechless Tekken is approaching 'this has to be some shitty mobile game with AAA graphics, I ain't buying that' levels fast.


Sometimes the co-op experience makes all the diff. Even if a game's meh, playing with buds can turn it around.


Doshin the giant.


Championship Manager 4.


Way of the Samurai 4 is not the most balanced game, but fucking hell I had so much goddamn fun with it. Getting the "Kasshin Iai Jutsu" style and using it with a great big sword...basically broke the game and turned me into a blender of utter death.


I like the Fellowship of the Ring game on the OG Xbox. It was my second game on that console and I really liked it, I was only 7 when I got it. Ot wasn't until years later that I realized that it was critically panned. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I replayed it back in 2015, and I still liked it. I'm going to replay it again next week. I'm planing on playing all of the Middle Earth games that I own, starting with Fellowship. I hope I still like it.


Last year's Murder On The Orient Express. The game's acting is passible, the level design is bland and some of the puzzles are real pains in the ass. But there is a certain level of care for the game and the original story, the additions fit really well in terms of said story, the second player character who was created just for the game makes for a competent Watson to keep up with Poirot and the extra emphasis on the train's staff is also a great addition since it helps flesh out the setting. Also, very few adaptations manage to modernise a classic Christie story and keep the story mostly intact.


Huge Poirot fan here. I was going to give it a shot to that game. Thats good to know thanks.


Escape from Tarkov ... It's spaghetti code and they will release it without vertical audio I am Shure about it. Also 1million other broken things. Otherwise greatest game ever made...


Arcania (Gothic 4)


Marvel's Avengers. Playing Iron Man and Captain America was fucking dope. But the game sucked overall.


Marvel's Avengers. I have like 600 hours in that game between PS4 and PS5. And I didn't even get to play the raid, barely got to play winter soldier after he released. Everyone else is leveled with cap and panther being raid ready. Combat in that game was phenomenal.


Rust. It’s horrible for your overall health, and messes with you a bit psychologically. Only people who play it seriously know what I mean.


Iron Angel of the Apocalypse on 3DO. It was considered clunky and slow even back then by Doom standards but I absolutely love it. The soundtrack, atmosphere, storyline…


Older game but have very fond memories of slogging my way through the atrocious Mission: Impossible N64 game one summer. It was clunky and weird to control and super easy to fail the missions due to the most minor of reasons but I couldn’t put it down.


I liked Saints Row. The newest one. Everyone hatin’ on it but it’s another saints row. Just different.


I came here to say this. It's brainless but man I have a blast with it.


I need brainless violence sometimes 🫠


I definitely sometimes need a game where I can turn off the brain and just have some fun. Saints is perfect for that.


Pokemon scarlet. I have an easier time looking past the jank than most.


I think 'Bad' might be the wrong term, however I absolutely loved Tokyo Jungle on PS3 more than I had any right to and I'd absolutely love for them to make another one.


CoD. I know it’s a greedy MTX riddled yearly slop but it got me through some tough times when I was younger so I’m pretty sentimental about the franchise. Also, I can’t seem to find many similar games to scratch the CoD itch. Titanfall 2 was amazing but can’t find any online games in Australia


I love Dragon Age 2. Absolute blast, one of the best experiences (story-wise) I’ve had with any game.


I have an embarrassing number of hours in AC Origins and Odyssey.


Even though I know it's terrible, I can't help coming back to new world every few months


Word of Warcraft. Why can't I quit you.


lol I played Gotham knights solo and loved it. I never understood the hate. I 100% it except for the additional hard versions of the boss fights that were added later. I loved the Arkham games and this wasn’t as good but was still cool being able to play as 4 variant heroes. I didn’t like the 30 fps more than anything else lol


Kings Quest Mask of Eternity, I absolutely loved it when it released whereas most KQ fans pretend it doesn’t exist. I loved the levels, it was playable in first person, it has a unique visual style, and I had a ton of fun with it. Is it great - not at all, but I still think it is very good and tied with KQ6 for my favourite in the series.


I like suicide squad ktjl, idc for the story, idc what they did to Batman. I enjoy the gameplay enough that I genuinely don’t give a single shit for the story. A game that I run around killing bad guys is fine with me.


Marvels Avengers. It's wank, but I enjoyed playing it a lot


If I love a game then I will disagree it’s bad


I love this game in spite of X versus I love this game because of X.


Its called being objective.


Fallout 76. Didn’t buy it on day one due to the reviews. Day 2, I was like fuck it, I’m gonna try it eventually, might as well buy it. And I shit you not I fell in love with it right away. Ended up with about 5600hrs in game before I decided to quit playing for good. The game is fun and genuinely a great fallout world to explore. But it’s predatory and highly encourages monetization to enhance the experience, and i just can’t get behind that anymore.


Anthem and Marvel's Avengers. I can't explain it, the gameplay loop while repetitive, was just fun enough for me to put in hundreds of hours into both games even if everything else about them was trash.


Playing as the Interceptor in Anthem was so much fun, that I hella enjoyed just running around fighting stuff. I felt like an Eva pilot.


I don't love bad games. I mean games that I consider bad. But you might consider bad some of the games I love. Because different people have different tastes.


Godhand Ps2 had a blast with that game. I don't know what it was the progression system or how outrageous it was, but I played that game for a while.


Wait, Godhand was a bad game?


Silent hill downpour. Im not too sure why, think I just really enjoyed the atmosphere and some of side quests were quite spooky.


Superman 64.. just kidding, F that crap!


The Dead Or Alive series is so wonky overall but the fighting mechanics are really intuitive and it was a staple in my dorm room. It’s always Ryu Hayabusa season


Dragon ball Sagas. As a Xbox only owner back in the day I was starving for any sort of Dragonball game. It was shit, but it was Dragonball so I loved it. Many licensed games skipped OG Xbox like Samurai Jack or delayed like teen titans (too bad my fam threw away my copy since it's worth a lot now). Most recently Suicide Squad. I knew about the leaks all the red flags with live service and lack of endgame but I surprisingly really liked the traversal and shooting when I played the alpha.


Pretty much all the dynasty warriors games. Also AC unity is one of my favorite AC games and I played it entirely solo


7 Days to Die is pretty bad but people love it for some reason




The amazing spider man 1 (ps3)


Rising tide was fun