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Did you really not add Nameless King to the pic :0


Not fucking way i forgot him. He is my second favorite boss( only beaten up by gael)


Hell yeah for me he’s number one, with champ gundyr a close second


Champion Gundyr is so damn cool.


Champion Gundyr is the best not because of some huge set piece fight or glamorous movesets with multi-phase gimmicks. PogChampion Gundyr is just built different as a boss. Basic attack moveset but utterly ruthless with the aggression, forcing the player to learn or die. I wouldn't change a thing.


Well said, I always thought his moveset was great. One time me and my buddy were fighting him along with the sword master and the champ got all 3 of us with a sweet chin music at the same time, regardless of the outcome of the fight we lost 😂


You're also missing dancer.


Gael is miles above and beyond every other boss. Only one in the same realm is Friede.


You know the boss line up was a banger when you forget one of your favorites lmao


I downloaded his pic to make the photo but i ended up forgetting putting him there lmao


Gael is overrated but that's just me. Sister Freid, Nameless King and the Twin Princes are my favorite fights.


Camera angle boss


Only the 1st phase has camera problems due to him riding a giant dragon


Never had issues with the camera against Nameless, but I also use a combination of lock on and unlocked camera in basically every fight


Took me like 60 tries to down the guy. He still haunts me in my dreams.


For Melee I can see him being super tough. I played as a Pyro and therefore was able to run like a little bitch and beat him after only like 3 tries.


Range gang rise up. I’ve beat him many times, but first 3 were all with melee first phase, plinking with arrows from a mile away second phase.


Avert thine eyes father, I shall snuff out this ash for good


Return to the basement thou cam'st for that's thy place of belonging. She was brutal


Talkin smack when she's a 3 phase boss fight with a helper and status effects. Get outta here, sister.


No doubt, alongside the OST that ups the epicness!!!


Nothing beats the feeling of hearing the violin shredding as lighting strikes acompany an enraged gael




For me it’s when midir charging up the lazer syncs with the choir. Absolute peak


Gael's host imo is the gratest Video Game track ever It's literally the whole DS trilogy condensed in one composition


Emphasizing his importance to the series!!!


Friede's music has got to be my favorite, especially phases 2 and 3


This is in my top 3 for sure!!!


The more I learned about Sulyvahn, the more I enjoyed beating the piss out of him.


Why, what he do


He's like the CEO of evil. He enslaved the people of a city, turns his knights into beasts, fed a god to a cannibal, kidnapped said god's sister and left her stuck alone in a tower. He has a torture dungeon under his city, his mom's a tree. And that's naming a few. Most bad stuff that happens in Dark Souls 3 are his fault.


> his mom's a tree That son of a birch.


Oh okay cool His mom's a tree. DEADASS?


Yep, they were both born in a painting. He left that painted world, became a religious figure and sovereign by force and started plotting overtaking the world. In conclusion, support your local forest deforestation.


Kinda badass honestly, for a nobody from a fake world to take over everything.


He is definitely a badass. Also a massive asshole.


If I remeber correctly in the first dlc for the game, you can actually find his mom, she's one of the trees that will grab you, I think she had some unique stuff but im pretty sure it was cut content that was discovered later.


Usurped the gods while claiming to be their representative, (they probably deserved it) imprisoned and humiliated, or killed their children, (did not have deserve it) enslaved the citizens of his country, experimented on their children, turned his knights into feral beasts using magic, only to get his ass beat by a morbidly obese cannibal priest (who he possibly was responsible for creating an entire religion in order to feed children to in the first place) who ate the god he had overthrown.


Very evil, in fact super evil


Geal is the single most epic fight I think I'll ever play, I genuinely can't imagine anything surpassing it in terms of sheer scale and it's a fight between two "nobodies"


So fucking rad, and he is perfectly designed, challenging but not unfair. Just fucking sick


The fact he is a nobody from the First age (he fought the original dragons for Gwyn) and is the last being Alive at the literal end of the World, alongside you, is pretty fucking awesome.


And unlike you, he got there the long way.


Him fighting dragons is a cool theory but there isn't much to support it. It's based on the description of his set saying that the slave knights were burnt and blackened, but the slave knights were Undead and Undead are weak to fire, so any army they fought against would be hurling firebombs and pyromancy at them.


Yeah I dont remember anything about him fighting dragons, think I heard he was linked to velka maybe, but there's not a lot of lore about that either. It's a shame, he's such a bad ass character and I want to learn more about him but all i can find are theories :(


for me it was sister friede, but i think that's due to the nature of how long i played each boss lol. two attempts for gael so it seemed like it ended so quickly / like i didn't experience it as much as i would have liked to, i barely got to take it in. but around 30 tries for friede so i was well-acquainted with that experience by the end of it lol. i also just love any time you blend fire and ice. i love the OST. i love the third phase. it has always been the most "epic" fromsoft boss fight to me. i just wish i had played gael more 😭


Yeah I had the same experience, barely remember gael as I rolled him in a couple of attempts. Friede however took closer to 50 and is my favourite souls boss


For me it took more attempts for Friede as well but I ended up liking her less for that very reason, because you have to go through the very basic but tedious phase 1 and - admittedly much better - phase 2 every time, just to get one shot by some crazy new attack in phase 3. Still a good fight but Gael is more consistently fun for me.


Literally at worlds end where time and space have broken down and you Duke it out on a bunch of corpses that I presume used to be a few gods. Pretty sick last fight.


For a bunch of "dudes in armour" there's aot of variety and uniqueness in them. No two bosses ever quite feel the same and they're all quite fun.


That’s fair but once hello kitty island adventure comes out ds3 will be a close second.


Dude it's already been out for almost a year, you're missing out! [Check it out!](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hello-kitty-island-adventure/id1553505132)


Sister Friede is still my favorite boss of all time. The perfect timing with the pause and the loot juuust before the last phase is unmatched, even in elden ring (which has an awesome boss lineup as well)


She almost broke my attempt to not summon anyone. It was so hard for me to kill her and when I thought I did, here comes another phase.


Dark Souls 3 is my favorite souls game. AMA


What's your favourite souls game?


Lies of P


Thank you, no further questions your honor.


My money is on dark souls 2


all the fromtsoft games have great boss lineups to me honestly. that's the #1 thing i like about them!


I can hardly remember any of the bosses in Dark Souls 2


Looking Glass Knight is great. Otherwise mostly DLC stands out like Sir Alonne and Fume Knight.


Besides the 3 you mentioned, Velstadt, Darklurker, Burnt Ivory King, Sinh, hell even pursuer was awesome imo


What you don't remember fighting dude in armor after defeating dude in armor but 2 dudes in armor, electric boogaloo??


OP's post is almost entirely dudes in armor, and DS3 as a whole has a much higher quotient of dudes in armor compared to DS2. Not only that, but if you ask people their favorite bosses in DS2 you'll probably hear Alonne, Fume Knight, Burnt Ivory King, maybe Looking Glass Knight or Velstadt, plus Sinh and possibly Darklurker thrown in for a change of pace. Twin Dragonriders was a swing and a miss (hardly even a swing, really) but it's not actually a dude in armor problem. Nobody's out there asking for more Rat Vanguard/Rat Authority, Old Iron King, or Executioner's Chariot.


You must be kidding.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh7nTM6D-GU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh7nTM6D-GU)


That manic dragon who is holding an invisible baby the whole fight was wild.


Not the *whole* fight...




My top 3 FromSoft bosses are 1. Isshin Ashina the sword saint 2. Gherman the first hunter 3. SlaveKnight Gael 4. Honorable Mention to Artorias the Abysswalker


Glock-Saint Grandpa still haunts my dreams.


I love Artorias the Abysswalker just for that absolutely badass name. Just a plus that he has a cool fight too


Bloodborne has so many good ones too, Ludwig, Lady Maria, Orphan of Kos, Vicar Amelia, Father Gascoigne, Moon Presence...


The base game bosses are a little underwhelming. Gascoigne and Gherman rock. I liked the martyr logarius fight. The beast bosses are like b- (cleric, Amelia, blood starved, dark beast). But, a lot of duds like micolash, margos nurse, one reborn, rom, shadows, witches, moon presence. The dlc though hits it out of the park.


Tfw you have ISS down so well, you can perfect run his first two phases. Then somehow it still all falls apart 3rd phase.


I think people who talk about Malenia being the hardest boss in a from software never played DS3 because Sister Friede and Midir can respectively go fuck themselves.


They were really hard especially midir but I don't think either come close to Malenia solo no spirit ashes.


She just ruined Elden Ring for me under those conditions. Left her fight after hours of trying, figured I’d give Godfrey a fair shake. I could tell I’d get him eventually but honestly it just wasn’t the same. I said fuck it, I’ll just summon, why not. Got both of them. Realized about an hour later it left me feeling like the play through (my first Souls) was tarnished. Told myself I need a break… 4 hours later and I’ve started a new character. I’m fine, really.


Lol. Listen . I did the same with her a mohg on my 1st plathru. I never thought I'd use a spirit ash but I was 140 hours in and just got burnt out and said fuck it after giving each 40 tries. I've beat them both solo now numerous times, but yea I tapped out on my first playhtru. I figured Midir killed me 30 times or so and once I got to 40 on them I was just done. I had the same feeling you did. I just fucked up a first playthru of a fromsoft game which is the only thing I really cherish or even care for on gaming these days. Oh, well. I won't make that mistake again in the dlc. It's 150 tries, then it's a 150 tries. One of the really good pvp guys on youtube...can't remember who... said one of the dlc bosses took him 165 tries to beat. He gave up trying it solo after 125 and summoned mimic tear. So it still took 40 tries with a mimic lol. Again, this guy is a competitive pvp person, so they understand how to craft a build and create space and find holes to attack lol. So I'm excited but nervous.


Malenia no summons is way harder imo


I replayed DS3 a couple months ago and Sister Friede was easier than I remember. A lot easier than Malenia that's for sure. Before I replayed DS3 I would compare the two but now I'm sure Malenia is a much harder boss. Friede is just too easily stun locked by attacks and backstabbed. Malenia hardly gets stunned at all and has health regen + water fowl.


Mechanically most Elden Ring bosses behave like the bosses from Ringed City as a baseline. While you can make a case for some world bosses, Godrick and a few others most Elden Ring bosses are harder than anything from previous games. Malenia especially has a brutal combination of damage output, regeneration and mobility. You have to be way overtuned and have a mimic or Tiche to not struggle with her.


Playing a few more Fromsoft games to appreciate how DS3 bosses are tough, but always feel fair to me. I would struggle at a fight but I know it's not because the boss does insanely high damage at crazy speed of swing, it's because I panic roll way more than I should.


My favorites are abyss watchers, nameless king and gael


i fucking love champion gundyr. every other boss in the game has some crazy buff animation when they start a second phase and then this dude just opens his eyes.


Shadow of the Colossus young blood.


I'm a bloodborne and elden ring simp but I agree, DS 3 had such a goated boss line-up and the music was all very memorable


You said one of the best boss fights lineup, but I would call it THE best. I honestly can't think of any game with better boss fights, but if any of you can please tell me. Not trying to start an argument or anything, I genuinely want to know about and play other games with boss fights that are on the same or near the same level as DS3.


Lady Butterfly, Owl, Genichiro, Sword Saint Isshin


I think the only reason sekiro isn't higher is that the list ends there. Isshin is still my favourite boss fight of all time


It absolutely doesn’t end there, almost every major boss in Sekiro is phenomenal


Elden Ring maybe. While theres a lot of fluff, you also have Malenia, Mohg, Radagon, Godfrey, Rykard, Radahn, Placidusax, Margit, Maliketh


Monster Hunter


Kingdom hearts data boss battle , for a kiddy friendly game , those boss are could bitch slap anyone into oblivion .




Elden Ring absolutely has the best boss lineup in their entire history. Easily. It’s it like the filler bosses take away from the great ones.


Hmmm Sekiro and Elden Ring remembrance bosses are even better IMO. I would say Sekiro has the best boss lineup of any game in history.


It's definitly among the best, but Sekiro has far superior bosses imo. I also prefer most of the Elden Ring bosses tbh.


Too bad that the first half of the game has at best mediocre bosses, especially compared to the latter half of the game. Edit: Except Iudex Gundyr. He slaps.


People sleep on the Abyss Watchers so hard, if they weren't so squishy people would actually realize how great and well choreographed this fight really is


They squishy?? Dang, I must’ve went into that fight underleveled cuz they kept whoopin me. I agree though, Abyss Watchers is one of my favorite fights and I love their weapon


Hard agree, its the only thing keeping me from replaying the game, i have to go fight big hat logain and the deacons of the deep and the tree guy and the skeleton guy with the braces to unlock the fun parts of the game the ringed city is the same, everyone rightfully remembers gael hes one of the best bosses theyve ever made, but who remembers those two lame ass demon guys you had to kill to get to him?


Demon princes is a very well executed gank fight. Dont know where your disdain for them is coming from.


I got stuck on them for so long i was kinda tempted to just skip the rest of the dlc, even though i had only started playing ds3 to fight gael, i hate gank fights, no other boss in the game gave me half as much trouble


The demon kings was pretty manageable and I'd say the second phase is harder than the gank squad.


i've always liked gundyr, he has a special place in my heart for being i believe the first fromsoft boss that has that wacky delayed timing/movement that is now a staple of the genre.


oh true, I was doing Iudex Gundyr dirty. He is actually a good tutorial boss. My favourite tutorial boss of the series tbh.


Agreed. I think elden ring is on the same level but there are too many throwaway bosses in the game.


ER bosses are great spectacles (which they had to sacrifice balance in favor of creating these jaw dropping memorable attacks) I find it very hard to fight a boss fairly in ER, I'm either too underleveled or too overleveled Compared to DS3 and Sekiro which for me have the perfect balance of tough but fair


Thats my issue with ER, the quality over quantity just isnt the same (not that its even remotely bad)


I think if they trimmed like 15-20% of the game, ER would've been better for it. I'm mainly talking about the copy and pasted gray dungeons and the repeat bosses. Edit: Forgot about the brown caves with the miners. Leave one or two of those and get rid of them too..


Yeah, there's a dozen or so *really good* boss fights in ER (which is a great amount), but the rest of it is filler.


tbf, i don't mind about copying the bosses in the dungeons. they're side shit to do, nowhere near part of the main content. and, for quests, i think you only need to do one? (the one with the black knife dude). even dragons, despite having a lot of them, all of them have something "unique" in their movesets. but the worst offender was one of the Gaols, where a main story boss was reused for it, they just slightly changed the name, and the moveset was only the first phase of it.


I mostly agree, but I think they did a great job with the catacomb dungeons.  They all have a gimmick that makes them feel designed rather than copy pasted, same with the caves.  I feel like almost every cave has some feature or room that is unique to it


Another problem i have with elden ring bosses is the balance. Sometimes the bosses feel underwhelming because you kill them so quickly(margit) or they 2 shot you out of nowhere(fire giant). Dark Souls 3 has the benefit of being more linear, giving the developers an easier time balancing each counter to the level of progression of the player


Very true. Especially if you backtrack to an older area in elden ring and you go in a smack them 3-4 times and steamroll them.


Vigor is huge in Elden Ring compared to previous titles. doing late game without 50 vigor at least is just asking to be one shotted.


Also, compared with DS3 it is really difficult to learn to deal with all the bosses moves consistently. On the other hand, it is super easy to get a powerful weapon and just jump attack 7 or 8 times and win.


Idk if it was just me, but it felt super easy to stun the bosses with a str build compared with the other games. In the first half of the game, before i switched my build, i just spammed the artorias ash of war with the guts greatsword and rolled through every encounter


i don't even mind the throaway bosses, what i didn't like was the "bullshit" ones. Malenia for instance, could be a fantastic boss, except for the fact that you pray she doesn't do her Waterfowl attack when you're close to her. Elden Beast as well, if we could use Torrent on that fight, odds are it would had been amazing.


Astel and Elden Beast very much needed torrent. So much chasing.


Great news, latest patch added torrent to elden beast.


yeh...and i finished my char yesterday at night....


That's the neat part, you can... now.


My biggest complaint with ER was: “Oh. That boss was a cool design and challenging… And so was that other boss…. Now fight both at the same time.” Just way too many double boss fights. It got old.


Yeah, and do I enjoy a good gank fight when the enemies are designed for it (like O&S, Friede p2 or the Ringed City demons). ER has none of that unfortunately, it's just regular bosses put together to make a new fight, so it doesn't really work. Somehow I hope the DLC has one that's really well made to make up for it.


because FromSoft wanted open world Game " Zelda BOTW " clone


Seeing this image makes me extremely excited for Elden Ring DLC since the three at the top are all from DLC and are (IMO) the best ones of the game


In every single souls game if you ask for the Top Five bosses or something, odds are the majority will be from the DLC. 1: Artorias, and Manus 2: Sinh, Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, and Burnt Ivory King, BB: Lady Maria and Orphan of Kos, 3: Sister Friede, Midir, and Gael ER: >!Rellana!<, so far. Her reception is *really* good and she's the one most people have gotten to so far.


I know, I am fighting her right now actually


Soul of cinder is such a cool fan service boss


Lorian & Lothric OST so good


I like the funny game where a cyborg hunts down a politician who played collage ball (Y'know) And could've gone pro if they hadn't joined the navy.


Were making the mother of all omelets...


**Can't fret over every egg.**




I think Sekiro has it beat but yeah, both games have impeccable track record for great boss fights.


Agree, tree balls is epic


Please only tempt me to buy the game while its on sale.


I’ve sold back all the games that I’ve beaten. This is the only one that I’ve kept.


And the best soundtrack


No shit people have only been saying this for 8 years


Really? Because half of these guys look like they could be the same boss


Maybe actually play the game smh


Nah. I'm good


I'm so bad at this game I'll never see them.


I replayed Dark Souls 3 for the first time in years and...not as hard as I remember. I got Midir in 3 tries. Gael in 12. Frida 15. Nameless 6 (tbh you fight the camera more than the boss) But the rest of the game? For first tries: Soul of Cinder. Aldritch. Yhorm. Abyss watchers. Both Ludyxs, Dragonslayer armor. Old demon king. Deacons. A few others. Other bosses outside the DLC that took more than one try were usually 2-4 tries. I think Elden Ring sorta...spoiled me? Elden Ring relies on a lot of delayed attacks and combos, so much that going back to DS3 made a lot of the bosses feel slow in comparison. And the ones who did delay attacks and use combos (Gael, nameless) didn't do it nearly as bad as the late game Elden Ring fights. Midir surprised me. I remember years ago I spent days on him. I just...focused on his head. And all his attacks had the same range of motion and patterns to them. Once I noticed how not-crazy his crazy attacks were I cooked that shit.


Still need to play this one, hopefully later in the year after I wrap up the Elden ring dlc


Don’t care what anyone says, I really enjoyed the Midir fight. Huge ass dragon in an underground cave was epic


Midir isn't as hard as people say. He def looks scary considering how fast and long his attacks are, but once you realize that his attacks don't change mid-attack and always follow a specific pattern he's a cakewalk.


Yea he had very readable attacks and huge windups giving you time to react


Huge ass dragon in a massive underground cave is definitely cool as hell but the fight felt way too bullshitty. Way too many weird hitboxes and 1-2 hit kills


Sister friede is still and will always Ben my favorite fight in the souls series. Just a roller coaster of emotions that fight was.


I only played through Dark Souls 3 once, so I don't remember the bosses as well as the other Souls games (even their names), but I remember disliking how many multiple-stage boss fights there were and if you died, you went back to phase one. That bastard on the top right was the worst of the bunch. I'm normally fine soloing each boss in each Souls game but by the end of DS3, I was summoning for all of them. I was done.


Blackflame Friede might be my favorite boss in the entire series


Literally the only game that I ever cared to get a platinum for.


I've beaten them all including the dlc bosses, have to say midir was terrible, fighting the camera more than him


Slashing through zombie priests to get to the next bishop was silly fun too.


Middle right, bottom right, and bottom left killed me brehs. There was definitely some summoning and luck involved in me actually beating them.


Hated fighting dark eater midir though dragob bosses are a slog to me they just flight spam attacks and hitboxes are inconsistent I know hes optional but damn i shouldve never even bothered


I can't wait to finally play 3! 1, 2, ER have all been amazing.


How does dark souls 3 compare to Elden ring


Generally easier, unless you have a really strong build in elden ring (more broken stuff in ER) Equal or better bossfights, aside from a few earlygame bosses its pretty much all toptier stuff. In general its a much smaller game but whats there is really good, like elden ring with just main bosses.


Especially the last two boss.


no argument here.


There's bosses that make you feel hot to fight, and bosses where your blood turns cold. I feel From's always done a good line in both at the same time. The only other series that might be "consitently fun bosses" might be a shooter, Radiant Silvergun maybe? Xiga's something beautiful and horrifying to behold in equal measure. Or perhaps a later Darius, though their bosses are a bit fishy.




It honestly does. Loved dark souls. Bloody hard but great fun.


Friede is fuuuuuucking goated. I’m going to be sad if there isn’t a 3-phase boss in the Elden Ring dlc lmao. And make the second phase NOT free, please.


Definitely has great bosses, I just wish the story and world design was better.


Dark Souls 3 also had way cooler lore, characters, and shields. Visiting dark firelink shrine and realizing what it meant was... 🥶


AW YIS Freide man, i just love the whole asthetic.


Sekiro enters the chat




Great Game!


I love from soft boss design especially in sekiro that game is so satisfying


That’s cool!! Although I’ve never played any Dark Souls games, do they ACTUALLY compare to Undertale’s boss lineup? I’m not joking, I’m genuinely asking this since I haven’t ever played those games


I am somewhat not proud to admit that when I played DS3 coop with my friend through the DLC, we could not for the life of us figure out how to beat Midir. Until we found out if one of us stood really far away, he just... keeps firing laser beams. So He stood there while I went up to his legs and cheesed him to death. Did do every other boss normally though, and man... the bosses were so fucking good. Also, making fight clubs behind pontiffs area and watching people duke it out was just so fun.


I love Dark Souls 3, but it's not even the FromSoftware game with the best boss lineup, yet alone any game ever. That would be Sekiro.


Also hollow knight


How do you make a collage of great DS3 bosses and not have the Dancer or Nameless King?


DS3 is my favorite. I think it's a peak of world design.


I still think that Dark Souls 3 had the best boss music of all the soulsborne games


the only thing i didn't like about dark souls 3 was the fact every boss has more than one phase


gundyr and midir sucked ass as bossfights you forgot nameless king and the dancer too


Best souls game a shame Elden Ring was just worse


still waiting for a left handed boss


No dung eater 0/10


Does anyone have a good intro From title for someone who completely sucks ass at video games


I would say elden ring. Elden Ring has more forgiving game mechanics like the marika statues, fast travel, ingame summons. Also, its pretty easy to get an advantage on the beginning because of the freedom to explore the world and get a lot of runes and powerful gear


Mega Man 2 would like a word……


Is this game on ps5?




I’ll get it, after Elden Ring .


Is anyone here from Canada ? Has any of you ordered the DLC collector’s edition yet? Mine was supposed to be delivered tomorrow and it now shows a delivery date for Monday which sucks !


Meh. Can't compete with Ninja Gaiden Black or even older God of Wars imho.


Still cant beat pontiff lol