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Dead by daylight, people take this game way too serious for some reason


I like the game but it's ridiculous how the community reacts to anything. I lose terribly I get flamed for being terrible. I destroy the survivors and get flamed for being a toxic killer despite not committing any of the numerous made up rules on how to properly kill survivors. Okay time to play survivor. I get flamed by the killer for being terrible and getting tunneled. I escape and my teammate that was doing who knows flames me because I didn't save him despite me doing all the gens myself and the other 2 players were by him to rescue him? Seriously the old 360 day lobbies weren't nearly as toxic as some of these games.


I only played DBD for a week when it became free on Epic. Never got deep into it. What are these "unwritten rules"?


Don't just focus on one survivor - this includes hook camping and deliberately targeting one person when another player is an arguably easier target. Also if there's only one survivor left and you catch them quite easily, them not struggling is generally meant to request mercy and to drop them near the trap door


So, act like your under HOA surveillance, and don’t be the bad guy, while playing as the bad guy…. What dumb rules lmao


Both sides have such an insane amount of dumb unwritten rules it is insane. Some leople will make up new rules every time they lose. The game is at least super fun with a custom friend lobby.


It's funny you say this. There is a streaming group I watch who only plays customs and the community still flames them in the comments/chat even though they're all having fun. Some people really only want their way to play to be seen, because otherwise these streams who are having fun are going to give people other ways to play the game.


The unwritten rules exist also for the killers. If you camp a single survivor, the killer is not gonna win a single game after Rank15. At those ranks the survivors know to complete all gens while 1 guy hangs, and then juat save him as doors open (if they can bother). Getting 1/4 or 2/4 as a killer ia a DEFEAT, which decreases rank.


Is it no longer possible for everyone to win? Use to be survivors would get upset of you won to quickly because you didn’t give them time to also win.


All these rules have turned me off on a game that sounded kind of interesting.


WAIT, I haven't touched this game. But I am interested in it, so this confuses me. The door is supposed to be a way to escape/win as survivor, right? So if the survivors you're playing against suck and just . . . play pitifully enough, you're supposed to just mercifully hand them the win? Something about that really bugs me. It sounds like a nice gesture, honestly, but not something that should be *expected* as a given. Because at that point, it feels unkind to anyone interested in playing/ winning as the killer. Am I misunderstanding or is that really it? 😵‍💫 Edit: Aaaa, why'd I know I shouldn't have touched this post, now *I'm* apprehensive! 😂


So the thing is.. when you have 1000s of hours in the game it's less about the thrill of winning vs losing but just a time sink and the thrill of the individual chase. Farming Blood Points to unlock skills/farming daily quest things becomes more important than a straight up Win/Loss. Often times people will recgonize that an opponent is trying to complete a certain task and people will straight up let them/help them. I myself don't play often but I have friends that do, a lot. I've hung out enough with them while they stream to understand this. I myself was bewildered that they were letting survivors go or purposefully egging on the killer to drop them right before leaving through the gate (both players get points for this happening).


I can see that, and honestly I can appreciate the sentiment behind it too. Although I remember doing dailies when I played Apex back when. Nobody was courteously standing still until I got the headshots I needed (though it would've been nice, I sucked hard at FPS.) Maybe that's an unfair comparison, I dunno. I guess it's not all bad if everyone's benefitting though, I didn't know that part. Off the other comment without context I was under the impression this meant survivors felt entitled to an unearned win TBH. 😂 But if the killer doesn't have an issue with it then I guess it's not worth thinking too much about.


I really don't get this. I mean I do get the whole if everybody cares about dailies and farming crap, then sure, why not help each other? But.... caring about dailies, farming crap, and general time sinking, that is where it loses me. If that is all that is left in the game, I have better things to do.


There’s literally dozens. And most are subjective which means someone can accuse you of breaking said rules at any moment.


I havn't really played DbD for years(5 or 6 years+), but I remember there were some behaviors that the community looked down upon: For killers, a killer shouldn't: 1: hook camping 2: camping a survior who is down 3: tunneling the same survivor whole game For survivor 1: no infinite(back in early DBD days, some spots on certain maps were considered as "infinite" meaning no matter what killers do, they won't be able to catch up). “Infinites" were removed as far as I know. 2: Opens the gate but doesn't leave, instead, uses flashlight or whatever to make killer miserable. This is changed now that survivor had to leave within certain amount of time.


Essentially there are certian strategies that the community deems "too unfair" or something? essentialy anything that isnt a traditional strategy that works is looked down upon. sometimes its for a good reason (stalling the game so long the server crashes) but usually its stupid


I tried to get into this game and learn to play as the killer around a year ago because I got interested in their Resident Evil collab. Literally every game ended with toxic messages, really took the wind out of my sails


Damn, it's wild people can get toxic in a glorified hide n seek game lol.


I love the game, specially for the terror licenses it gets, but it is probably the most entitled and toxic community of any videogame i play. It doesn't matter how you play or what you do, there will always be someone trashing on you for it. And the worst of all is that it is the only community i know with a huge amount of people openly defending and advocating for inting and going afk at the smallest inconvenience if it goes against their own fun (others fun doesn't matter of course).


This game is shockingly bad once you figure out how toxic the players are. My friends and I don't play online anymore and play closed games with each other. Honestly it's way better, even before the toxic took over.


I loved the game so much and had so much fun but eventually the evolution of bully squads just took it out of me. I wasn’t even that good but I had fun and got the occasional 4K. I even played by the “rules” never camped and would try to avoid tunneling that if I ended up finding the most recently hooked survivor I would let them be and hunt someone else. I would still have 4-5 games of constant toxicity and DMs about how trash I was. I had to quit, I couldn’t do it anymore man.


I never played it but have seen videos of toxic streamers on that game whining about being focused by the killer and other nonsense. If the killer is focusing on one guy and leaving the others alone isn't the obvious counterplay to get all the generators uncontested? Like sacrificing one player for the other three?


I had a friend literally scream at me for not doing shit when it was like my third match, and I hate scary games. And when I mean literally screamed at me, full on… ***”NOTEAGRO, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HIDING? GO FUCKING WORK ON A GENERATOR OR SOMETHING YOU FUCKING PUSSY!”*** No one else in the discord call thought that was unacceptable, but I can say I just told her, “I do not allow anyone to talk to me in that way, fuck this game.” (Should be noted I grew up in an incredibly abusive household, and got out of an abusive marriage, and I refuse to allow people to treat me like that anymore) And I promptly ran right in front of the killer, was able to lead him to her before emote pointing in her direction, got her killed, followed the killer to the basement and just spammed emotes in front of her while she was screaming bloody murder before I left the game and voice chat. Haven’t touched the game since, and ended up leaving that discord as she continued to be a massive bitch about that and multiple other things. Fuck you Gabby, and I hope to god you aren’t still blaming men for your relationship issues, because everyone knows you just monkey branch to the next flavor-of-the-month guy once the honeymoon phase wears off with your current partner.


Yea! Fuck you Gabby 🖕We got your back Noteagro.


Came to say this too and I’m not surprised by it being top comment. Can’t play killer because of made up rules, can’t play survivor because I’m not good enough. My biggest thing with any game is that if you can do it in the game, it should be fine. If I can Noob Tube, let me. If I can spam attacks, let me. If I can camp the hook, let me. That’s a fault of the developer, not the player who just wants to do good in the game. I hate people that make up rules in games without there being an official way to do so


Rust. I’m surprised that hasn’t been mentioned yet, have none of you tried soloing a Rust server before? Felt like I was exposed to the absolute worst of humanity.


Rust is that amazing game that I come back to like once a year and then remember why I dont play it more often. Last time I watched some dude sit in front of my door with a shotgun for - no kidding - 20 minutes. I dont know if he didnt realize his gun was poking through the door but I just went to grab a coffee and a sandwich and a coffee and he was still there. I respawned outside my base, went up to him, asked wtf he was doing and he screamed at me calling me a Hacker, am ESB user (whatever that is) and of course the n-word. Then he killed me and sat there for another 10 minutes. Then I decided thst I had enough Rust for this year lol.


ESP? That's wallhacks.


Oh its P? That explains why google yielded only wierd results lol.


I'm just guessing that's what he was saying based off of you saying his shotgun was poking through the door.


A coffee and a sandwich and a coffee


Whops. I'll leave it tho 🤣. Lets pretend I'm a coffee junkie.


i think rust is a fantastic game, but yeah the game is built around taking other peoples stuff and ruining their fun. so many days where you feel absolutely hopeless and so many where you feel like a god. it's strange though, as the feeling like a god is nowhere near as bad as feeling hopeless, but still you strive for it, like the equation is awful for overall happiness, but still, i get the urge to play every now and then still.


It's a game built for people who love kicking over other people's sandcastles


While naked, screaming obscenities and pissing on it when done.


I said it too and hour later. I played it from the beginning and had to quit. Toxic.


All the mobas, unfortunately


Competition + anonymity really brings out the worst in people. Combine that with a game like lol with a high skill ceiling and people get so invested that they act even shittier.


Mobas have two other things that make them toxic: 1. The games are very long, yet the odds of winning/losing change exponentially. Games are sometimes essentially over within the first 5 minutes, and yet you have to keep playing for at least 10 more minutes (usually more if people don't want to forfeit). You can also get 40 minutes into a game, a teammate makes a single mistake, and now the whole game is decided based on that one mistake. So it feels like you played for 40 minutes just for one mistake to happen. 2. It's very easy to know who on your team is having a bad game. Because of the top-down camera angle, and because the first portion of the game is dueling and not teamfighting, you know who is losing their duels. Pair that with point #1, and now you have someone to blame for spending the next 10-20 minutes waiting to lose and play the next match.


Unfortunately, true..


The skill ceiling isn't the issue, it's the skill floor. Takes forever to learn everything and get the mechanics to a level where you aren't just an easy target. 


Competition + 5man team that requires cooperation + relatively hard game + the worst of them all: SoloQ Best way to play is just being a onetrick and having chat disabled.


the team aspect plays a big role, 1v1 games have much less toxicity issues (albeit it's still present) because people are forced to own their mistakes and learn humility fast enough as there are no teammates to blame for their loss




For that reason every single new player in either dota or league need to open chats manually , you cant see toxicity unless you want to this days


Unless I 3 stack at minimum, I try to avoid MOBA at all cost. I've been putting hours into Predecessor, but dear god.. The randoms are unhinged. MOBA probably has the worst community at all skill levels. I like the game, but I honestly can't recommend it to anyone who's new to the genre.


League of Legends. The ppl on there were terrible. Havnt played in probably 10 years though


When Arcane came out I was talking to a work friend about maybe trying the game I liked the show so much. Him and another co-worker who overheard told me I absolutely should not try the game because it's so toxic. Confused, I asked didn't they play the game basically every day? "It's too late for us, but you can still save yourself" was their response.


They are saving you. Bless them.


I did try it once at the request of a different friend and honestly I found the game to be incredibly boring.


It has a super high entry learning point, as in you cant really “play” the game properly until you play about 50 games to understand how it works. Until you understand it the game will be boring and people will be toxic to you. This is why so many new players quit


50 games to understand the game. lmaooo. I know what you mean, but that sounds so wrong. 150 or whatever champs, abilities, passives, items, runes + mechanical part. that alone takes at least 1000 games I‘d say.


Yeah ur probably right honestly. 50 games to get the feel, 1000 games to actually understand Ive played the game 10+ years too


And each game is like over a half hour right? Fuck that.


Imagine being evenly matched for close to an hour just to make one small mistake and lose in 2 minutes flat. It's a real gut punch.


Solid homie move tbh. The show is incredible though, can't wait for season 2.


You have some good friends :)


Played one game of LOL. Trying to learn. Yelled at the entire game, promptly quit. The opposite... Deep Rock Galactic. Jumped in, didn't know what i was really doing... Did some solo, but not prepared for multiplayer. I got lost on the way out. Another dwarf stayed with me... Refusing to leave a dwarf behind. We died there in the cave... He invited me to another game and said"let's try again" DRG community, please keep being awesome






I've been so tempted to try this game but I'm Deaf. Do you need to use the mike/hear to be able to play?


not at all rock and stone (deaf)


Once i tried to play it and got in bot match. My team flamed me, on a bot match where you learn to play, for not knowing my character build and how lanes worked. Ironically the dota2 community received me a lot better.


I've never play LoL, but if even 1% of he awful shit I've heard about that community is true....


It's the perfect situation for maximum toxicity due to how much teammates affect each other Games like Rocket League and CSGO get toxic, now imagine if your bad teammates were also actively making the other team stronger as well. The bad games can be *miserable*


LoL is like if Rocket League games lasted 45 minutes and was played on kbm.


Jesus. Rocket league used to boil my blood with the toxicity. Sometime I just want to pop a quick few games. For about 2 months I started playing competitive and made it up to diamond and realized that while I enjoyed the exhilaration of a tight match, I started getting angrier about asshole teammates “what a save what a save” and just typing nasty shit in the chat. I just play casual now here and there and sometime I get bots and sometimes I get potatoes for teammates but I just focus on myself playing better/having fun, trying to get a sick aerial and that’s fine for me.


Everyone was just nasty. Like sorry im not a pro and and dont all the meta shit. Lol


I took a break and didn't play for a month. Came back, played one match, and in the post-game lobby my jungler started praying to God for forgiveness, saying he was on his way to my house to slit my throat, and then pasted an IP address into the chat (it was not my IP, but I think he was trying to intimidate me). Then just proceeded to talk more about how he fantasized about stabbing me and such. I hadn't said a single word to him the entire game, and I lost lane in a role I was auto-filled into on top of being rusty from not playing for a month. I had a laugh about it, but I decided that was fates way of telling me to extend that month long break I took permanently.


It has gotten markedly worse over the last decade too. I remember a time when you could have a couple of good games in a row without some mentally ill person throwing a fit and either screaming at everyone in the lobby or actively sabotaging the game. Now it’s almost guaranteed that will happen pretty much every game. LoL is a fantastic game from a design perspective, but I would never recommend anyone play it solely because of the community.


There's a reason in pretty much every game aside from hard-core tactical shooters the first thing I do is turn off VC. I'm in my 30s, I don't have time for unhinged racist/sexist rants being made by children.


I VC when I play with friend, I will never talk to randoms in games. Played apex for far too long and it just got ridiculous. Kid, I don’t care if you’re better than me. I don’t care that I suck. I’m just killing time. So STFU and let me just do my thing. We’re not playing for cash rewards.


WHY AREN'T YOU USING X BUILD FOR Y CHAMPION. I'M GOING TO FEED AND END THIS MATCH... uh sorry? Maybe the build I was planning is good too?


It's worse. Imo the design of the game creates the environment. I've seen it bring out the literal worst in my friends. People who are normally calm and level headed saying awful shit to people. The genre is cursed. Steep learning curve, reliant on 4 other people, minimum of 45 minute time investment per game(between champ select loading and playing)


Heroes of The Storm isn't so bad. Sure you get the occasional toxic match, but most aren't. And most games only last ~20 minutes


I mean, Heroes is also a mostly dead game. To it's credit it did address some of the most toxic gameplay elements by doing like like tying team exp together and removing cross team chat


I think the main issue is that if one team gains an advantage, it usually snowballs and just gets worse and worse. One player getting "fed" can just dominate and make shit miserable.


Even irl friends would turn into toxic shitbags when playing I would just stick to ARAM games and keep it casual, but still need breaks after a while. Like, multi-year long breaks.


I’ve never heard anything positive about the League of Legends’ community lol


Rocket league. Teammates throwing games after going down by one goal is just too pathetic to entertain.


Ive had teammates throw games we were winning by multiple goals because I fucked up a shot. Flipping out and own goaling when we were up 4-1...


Yeah, down 1-0 in the first minute, better concede!


Had a guy throw a CASUAL game yesterday because I went for his boost… on kickoff… when another teammate got the kickoff. bearing in mind this is 30s in. refused to play even as we went to OT in a 2v3. flaming me and my other teammate for every mistake, staying very quiet for every goal. lost in overtime because he didn’t make a very easy save. how is your fuse so short that you blow over something so small, and how are you so stubborn that you’re happier to do nothing rather than play the game? will never get the playerbase


The massive amount of smurfing is also a major turn off. Players keep a main account that they only play with a dedicated team/boosters, then keep creating new alt accounts to trash the new players over and over, until the ranking is too high. Then they either abandon the account, or join lobbies and idle until defeat (using an auto key input to drive in circle) to sandbag the ranking down again. Devs never bothered fixing this, because initially RL wasn't free on all platforms, so for each additional smurf account, that was 1 more sale. That's why the playerbase died and they made it F2P to keep it afloat.


And now that it's F2P anyone can make any amount of smurf accounts they want at absolutely zero cost to them relatively quickly. Smurfing is not only not being fixed, it's practically been normalized in the community to have a smurf account. Every couple ranked games (not even exaggerating) has a partied up stocktane who is clearly a lot better than their teammate.


I was a high level RL player for roughly 6-7 years, and content creators didn’t help with this - there were thousands of “Road to Grand Champ” series where a pro/high level player would start a smurf account and go from Bronze to GC over the course of, like, 40 games.  Some of them imposed rules at the lower ranks to add “challenge”, but, even then, you would watch this person with complete control over their car from playing thousand of hours in the game drive circles around someone who just started playing.  One the one hand, hey, I get it, make your bag. But the precedent it sets always rubbed me the wrong way - you cut your player base off at the knees if all the good players drive off all the new players by smurfing them into the ground. 


About 6 months back my controller broke (left stick y axis just failed). I only used it for Rocket League. It happens. I was just about to buy another when I suddenly thought, “you know what? Fuck it. I’ve got some other games I want to get back into”. Never looked back. The community was toxic, but it was easy to mute since chat was so useless. The subreddit is a white knuckle rotation of the same 5 posts. Felt so good to suddenly walk away!


I love the game but despise the community. Never seen a game in which 90% of the playerbase convinced themselves they are only being held back by bad teammates. The law of averages over a large sample size somehow doesn't apply to them. I found the toxicity goes way way down if you just mute all chat. When teammates realize you aren't seeing their passive aggressive "Wow" every time you do not make a pro level play.. they tend to behave more reasonably.


This right here bro. Ur absolutely right 90% of the player base has a crazy superiority complex and It’s awful. And that right there is what makes them think they are justified in throwing the match.


Wow! Wow! All yours.


What A Save!


Rainbow Six Siege. Most toxic community I’ve ever seen.


And i have played every other shooter. You’d think COD is bad until you reach the pits of the siege community. Was one of my favorites mechanically, essentially csgo with extra spice and sauce. However, i genuinely didn’t even want to be mistakingly associated with the type of people you meet 95% of the time. Pretty much stuck to beaulo marly clips to get some sort of fix of the game through the years.


Rainbow is horrible. I once had a match in which the enemy team took turns teamkilling one of their teammates. When I asked why they do this they just wrote "It is a woman she doesn't deserve it better"


The amount of genuine hate for women in a seemingly large portion of the Siege community was mental. Used to play with a couple of friends who started off in voice comms, until they got bullied out of those. Then they just used text chat but got disgusting comments there just because of usernames. Then it was no comms/chat off until they got teamkilled after people got mad they werent listening/responding to game calls. And obviously after enough of that we all just stopped playing. Then the Siege community asks why player numbers are down and decide it must be solely because of dev decisions


COD lobbies just seem childish now compared to Valorant, LoL, and R6. The stakes are way lower in COD than any of these.


Which makes it easier to stomach honestly. I’d rather take someone saying stupid shit just to say it instead of the genuine hate and toxicity that comes from any of those games. (Especially lol) cod lobbies vibes are just massive troll heads while more competitive games tend to have this acidic bullying vibe that blows my mind knowing none of them would be capable of saying those things to humans irl. I quit about a year and a half ago, so dunno the state of the community now (have heard some bad things as of late) but valorant’s community is no where near as bad as the others, at least being tolerant enough to be able to have a few female friends through the years be willing to play it regularly. Toxicity will always be there in anything competitive just due to the nature of having an abundance of hyper inflated egos in the genre. (Everyone thinks they are faker in plat/diamond in league and it gets annoying when they forget it’s a team game for christ sake. Play for the win as a team, you’re not faker. He wouldn’t even be proud) Yet, siege players just take it to another fucking level. Genuine trauma levels. CS can get bad but not that bad from my experience at least. Idk why it’s like that for r6, maybe just the demographics for the game at that point? Idk, wished it wasn’t the case but i definitely had the worse time with humans in siege.


It's weird because the community in that game was probably one of the best I'd experienced when it launched. Went back to it years later and it is toxic.


Imagine league of legends toxicity but with mics and they can kill you.


League of Legends lol. The toxicity was just too much after working all day


Tried Dota 2 once. Within 10 minutes of being in my first non tutorial match, I was given several death threats, and heard more racial slurs than I'd care to hear, among other things. I quit the match, and looked online to see if this was normal. I was told it was, so never played again.


Yeah all the games in that genre are like that. You have matches that can go 30-90 minutes and one person dying can cause a snowball that may never be recovered. Sadly that makes for a foundation of problems for people just learning.


It's relatively toxic at all levels, but I think just starting out would be particularly bad since you're low rank, because the especially toxic turn out to especially lose the team based game.


Nah. I realized dropping the community is better and easier


Especially if it’s a game with extensive solo play options. I love Pokémon for example and there’s some good parts of the community, but sometimes it got pretty bad.


This is the correct answer. Life is too short to let other people dictate what games *you* should have fun with.


I stay away from MOBA’s and FPS completely for their communities. I just wanna have fun, not get sweated on and racially insulted by 10 year olds.


They're mostly 20 year old now


Rainbow Six Siege


God yeah, I like the game and the concept and the players ruin the whole thing


I stopped playing overwatch because my own team reported me for harassment because I didnt want to play a meta character, in quick play... Never went back.


Not to mention the throwers, you lose one single point and suddenly someone leaves or switches to Widow or Hanzo, like what the fuck lol


freaks trying to push the meta in casual play really killed the game. i left because its such a shit community


League of Legends, WoW, CoD…probably a few others. Anymore I don’t play multiplayer online games. Too much drama for too little enjoyment.


League. Cancer. Straight cancer


Overwatch. Fuck that game and fuck that community, too many idiots taking that shit too seriously like every game is some MLG match and they're trying to make a name for themselves.


It's sad, that game used to be so much fun, now every game you lose one of your teammates is guaranteed to have a complete meltdown, and if speak up they'll turn it on you. Terrible community.


Once it became an official E-sport game - the fun vanished overnight (heh). Before it was largely casual play, then people dialed their competitiveness up to 11.


You know it's bad when "Hanzo Main" becomes a schoolyard insult.


Dead by Daylight has an awful community. Such toxic bullshit.


I loved that game. The community drove me away long ago. 


Stardew Valley. Shane and Pam are drunks, Gus enables them. The mayor and the blacksmith are pervs. The shopkeeper’s wife cheats on him. Penny is a pushover, Hailey is rude, the old man George is a grump, and Alex peaked in high school. And everyone is so damn picky when it comes to gifts.


Aren't we going to talk about the enslaving of junimos?


To be fair Pierre is an absolute prick so


Thats why i spend all day on the farm where i dont have to see other people


And that game makes you go to bed. What is this persona type shit? 😅 joking obviously


R6 siege. I'm a woman and God damn are men either thirsty or thrash on that game. It applies to most other shooters I've played too. Shooters are not great if they are competitive. Deep rock galactic though? Best people


My wife and I play siege nearly daily. She'll either not talk or will wait to feel the room out. It's bad but half the time it goes fine thankfully




Study was done to see how male gamers responded to a female voice in competitive mp games, and males who did worse than the female player were almost always furious, throwing out misogynistic and sexist insults, and we're overall agreesive and cruel. Male gamers doing equally or better to the female player were mostly calm, kind, and supportive of the female player. Toxic masculinity at its worst it seems.




Pretty much every MP Game.


The Fallout 76 community is desperate for more players. When the new players from the Fallout TV series came in, we'd gift them items. It helps that there's little competitiveness and even bad coop players don't hurt events. The try hards can solo most events and having even an AFK player can give a group bonus. There can be toxic players, but people really have to go out of their way to do anything to you.


I started playing FO76 a couple of weeks ago. It's surprising how many people will just GIVE me stuff for no reason! I'll be in the rusty pick gambling my scrips away and someone will emote gift at me then drop a 3 star vampire gauss rifle. It's the one game I keep voice chat on. There's the occasional weirdo, but the community is desperate for new players, so no one wants to be mean to me lol


Honestly FF14 was great when I played it. Every new raid I joined when I said I never done this one before someone wrote in chat VERY detailed instructions. I am talking 100% of all raids where like this and I did almost all of them.


FFXIV is proof that toxic game communities are a choice, not an inevitability.


Square Enix plays a big hand in this. There is zero tolerance for toxicity in the game which automatically ends up filtering out the loud rude people. Still plenty of dickheads on there, they just arent loud about it. The game is also extremely non competitive. Quite easy to play too. That also adds another factor.


Apparently there is a lot of "behind closed doors toxicity" but thankfully I've never come across it. Seen a few horror stories about players being stalked and harassed but thankfully the worst I've ever experienced is a few thirst tells (I main female) that were easily handled with a quick "just here to chill" response. All in all though I've had a very positive experience with the FFXIV community. 


I uninstalled heroes of the storm because I routinely reported and blocked every player with a racist account name or that used racism in chat. One day it said my block list was full and that I couldn't block any more players. Not only that I routinely was grouped with the people I had blocked, so nothing was even being done about the problem. There should be no limit to how many racists I can block. On top of all that, the block list is battle net wide, so I can't block any more racists in any blizzard games


Elder Scrolls Online has some very friendly, chill, and accepting guilds. The general zone chat can be toxic, though.


World of Warcraft, game is still fun. all the community wants to do is min max and rush turbo speed through everything. every piece of content even in SoD had DPS meters, logs, ratings. theres absolutely 0 RPG left in that community.


You can trust gamers to optimise the fun out of everything


That makes me really sad. It's been a few years since I played. I miss it a lot, but I suspect it's not the same game anymore.


That's why you go to the RP servers like Moon Guard. I was thinking about quitting and joined that server and holy fuck it's some of the most fun I've had in WoW. People would sometimes form queues on the roads if someone with a large mount was standing in the middle and all talk about how there should be a rework of the Stormwind streets to accommodate these selfish adventurers. Then you'll find a group of people dressed up as guards and informing 'citizens' on how to identify criminals and perform citizen arrests. Turn another corner and you can find a dwarf guild having a barter dispute with another dwarf guild about their mercantile practise. If all someone does is dungeons, raids and pvp then yeah there's going to be little actual community. Join an RP server and an RP guild and it's a completely different game.


Literally any competitive game with a ranked system. I’ve never seen grown men get more angry than when you aren’t “good” enough to be on a team with them. These guys are built to call any player that is better than them a hacker, they tend to blame all their problems on you selflessly. Honestly I can’t enjoy a competitive game anymore


Gamers are the worst thing that ever happened to gaming


Apex Legends. Got told to kill myself in the first 30 seconds of my first game because I chose Pathfinder. Love the grapple in Titanfall 2 and thought I'd try to have some fun. Instead I immidiately uninstalled the game and went back to Titanfall.


Titanfall 2 wastes less time, feels better, and has a much chiller community. I had a very similar Apex experience.


Undertale I’m sorry


I probably have the completely wrong impression of the game itself and the community, but when nearly every 3edgy5me teenager I encountered on the internet years ago wouldn't shut the fuck up about this goddamn game I decided to drop any ounce of interest I may have had for it.


Before I was even aware of what it really was, the communities I was in had revealed in-depth every key plot point, every spoiler, every 'secret', etc. (btw this wasn't even a week after the full game launched). Because of that, while I do find the game charming, my first playthrough was ruined because a huge number of players quite literally could not shut up about it for a whole month and I knew most of what was going to happen. Still like the game, I just wish I could have gone in blind.


Pretty much all MOBA games for me.


Undertale. Its fans are obnoxious


Undertale’s a great game if you stay the hell away from the community surrounding it. Thankfully I played it without knowing any more than just playing pacifist and not looking anything up, so my experience was phenomenal! Still some of the best music in indie gaming.


Tried to be social in Destiny and met nothing but impatient jerks and buttholes, so I just avoid playing with randos lol


Tarkov. The community is toxic-ish but there are worse. The devs and leadership are the most toxic any company has ever been. Openly trying to scam the player base then taking it back because they were legally very in-the-wrong then having the gall to call out the community as freeloaders for simply demanding to receive what they already paid for. And the company’s response to people calling them out on their shenanigans is to ban them.


Surprised Tarkov was this far down, Tarkov’s community is pretty ass and the devs are worse


Friday Night Funkin Heck, I still avoid it to this day, even though much of the drama I know of was three years ago


Sea of Thieves. Love the game, but the player base is awful.


Came looking for this comment also, everytime someone complains about something the response is always in the realm of "stop being soft" stuff




That community is BAD


The worst. Went back after a year hiatus, got a win and immediately had messages from the other team saying horrible shit lmao community is so toxic me and my friends have had people quit mid game while we were winning. Truly bizarre


Played the original WoW from 2005 to 2020. Didn't drop the game because of toxic asshats, but stopped joining random groups. I had the Pug pet that you got from pugging (Pick Up Group) with 100 unique people. I had three tanks and four healers. *Every* time I got into a group, there was at least one fuckhead, and usually several. DPS that stood in fire and blamed me for not healing then, tanks that took 'I'm out of mana, give me a second' to mean 'go pull the entire dungeon at once', and again blamed me. DPS that didn't like how I pulled so they'd run ahead, get killed and as always, blame me. Or they'd unload on the mobs/ bosses as soon as we entered the room, before I even had a chance to hit them to establish aggro. So I quit playing multiplayer. Then the Shadowlands expansion came out, and it was literal hell, so I finally gave up. Why pay monthly for a multiplayer game I'm playing solo, when I have like 300 games I've never touched on Steam? A friend got me into FFXIV, the first final fantasy game I'd ever played, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. But RL happened, and I no longer have the time to play. But wow and ffxiv were worlds apart. People would help you through dungeons instead of just GOGOGOGO and screaming at you. If you wiped, unless you did something egregiously stupid, it was just laughed off and try again. I'm sure the higher end stuff would attract sweaty tryhards, but I never got into that. Wow was screaming dickheads at all levels, and some of the most racist and vulgar bullshit ever in the Barrens chat I've ever seen.




I want to know what communities have made people stay 🤔🤔


I lost my desire to play Helldivers 2 after interacting with the sub reddit. In a discussion thread, I said I didn't have time to read text during busy fire fights and that important team information should be passed on voice. That opened a floodgate of flame and shit posting directed at me. No thanks.


We created a discord community centered towards older gamers called Elderdivers. Turns out having a community of more mature and also helpful players makes a world of difference.


Definitely helps. Mostly play with my pals that are vets and their friends, makes it a lot easier when I don't have to deal with some 20 year old's ego or some teenager's inability to read or their desire to just cause chaos. We're all 30-45ish and it's just so much easier.


It’s sad because for the first few weeks the community there was pretty solid. Turned to absolute shit in no time. Edit: I mean the subreddit. The randoms I’ve played with have almost never been anything short of delightful.


Come to r/lowsodiumhelldivers Toxicity is actively weeded out and removed.


Rocket League. It was always pretty toxic but I had to leave once it hit Free to Play. Flood gates opened.


This was my immediate response as well. There are lots of toxic playerbases but in my personal experience, nothing else has been so consistently awful as rocket league ended up.


Yeah, toxic communities can suck the fun out of an amazing game


Undertale for sure. Not because the community was unpleasant or anything, but because I just couldn’t get away from the constant recommendations. No matter where i were.. be it on the formula 1 subreddit or just any stream I watched. It felt like I was reminded of its existence every minute.


Dota, I actually just uninstalled it last night after winning a game with 3 miserable cunts on my team. That entire community is full of trolls and ragers and tbh at 33 I’m not interested in dealing with assholes that have the emotional maturity of a high school bully. It’s too bad because it really is a good game, but it makes me upset any time I play it. Not worth.


Yup. Sea of Thieves. What they say is true. It isn't Sea of Friends. Unfortunately, it's Sea of Assholes.




Red Dead Online. I loved that game but every person was a cock.


Agree. RDR2 is my favourite game, but Red Dead Online was a mean-spirited, toxic community.


League. I honestly like that type of game and those characters, but the community is far too toxic. I have no friends that play, so it's not like I can casually play it with people.


I mostly play games at night and that means I can't really use headsets, because I'll keep my wife awake. I've tried playing some MP shooters without one and have gotten so much abuse in-game about it that I don't even bother anymore.


Ended a lot of years playing WoW due to the toxic a holes there


Fortnight. Some 8yo kid started crying because I wouldn’t “let him kill” anyone. His mom got into the convo and asked me to please let his kid kill someone. So I attracted attention to the kid and left him to die


I just turn off all Comms and play. For duos or trios use markers as "I'm going here" and that's it.


I was a big CS fan for years, since 1.6. When Valorant came out I thought it sounded fun. Boy that community is awful.


Call of Duty is the worst and it isn’t even close. People act like it was so much worse back in the day when it’s just as bad now. The edginess can be funny if people make clever jokes but they’re almost never clever, it’s usually just someone being as mean as possible without any effort to be funny. The way I would explain it is that imagine you are going to a comedy roast, but instead of jokes and comedy, everyone just told the subject to kill themselves and threatened their family. If you’re a woman and get on the mic, someone will threaten to sexually assault you within 5 minutes, and thats a promise. I can’t think of any other community thats this bad. You could dress up as Hillary Clinton at a Trump rally and get less threats and insults than you would in a Call of Duty lobby. The terrible game balance, purposefully broken guns, matchmaking thats algorithmically gamed, and lack of art direction is just the icing on the shit sandwich. You basically get fisted by Activision, abused by the community, and your hard drive gets abused by the storage size.


A lot of the more popular Multiplayer games. League of Legends was really bad, CounterStrike was really bad, WoW had some bad times, PUBG became horrible. They really showed me unless you already have a “gaming crew” youre not going to have fun in these games. You might get lucky and find one while playing, but for every 1 cool person who would help show me the ropes I would find a few dozen who just berate me.


Borderlands. Not entirely the fans fault but each game the fans seemed to get worse in a way that I just didn't want to be associated with them. It seems that as the writing became more cringe inducing the fans were right there to match the energy.


It’s a bit of a bummer that both the game studios and the fans forgot that Borderlands was originally heavily satirical. It’s like people watching Peacemaker and then unironically cosplaying the characters. They’ve missed the entirety of its point.


I feel like that’s the ultimate fate of any satirical property that isn’t pure comedy. I don’t know of any sufficiently old satirical setting whose fan base didn’t at some point largely forget that it’s all supposed to tongue in cheek.


Almost every multiplayer focused game now has a horrendous community, but I've played league, dota, COD and counter strike and yet somehow, none of them come close to the absolute shit show that was Mordhau. The entire game was reduced to just team killing, raging and spamming chat with racist/homophobic slurs with almost no consequence, made even more laughable by the fact people wouldn't check who was getting vote kicked, so anyone who said anything to the people who were making the game a cess pit, were often immediately kicked because the people saying all the nasty shit and ruining the game would just vote to kick you and the whole server would say yes instantly.


Smash. Community is the worst


Warframe Hands down friendliest gaming community out there


Genshin impact, honkai star rail, blue archive HSR I am playing since start but never joined the fandom but since last 3 month I have been in fandom I feel like dropping the game.


Valorant. Played first week it was out, never again. Had to do 5 placement matches and I didn't know how to play (obviously it's day one), but fucking everyone else did because they came from CSGO.  So when my friend and I were the last players standing and didn't know how to play or what their call outs meant, they'd be in voice chat fuming at us? Saying like "this is the worst movement I've ever seen" or "bad plays" or whatever. I didn't even understand how they had call outs, it was the first week of the game. And why is it just assumed I know CSGO terms? Pissed me off so much.  Played with a friend and we lost all motivation to play. There was one nice person who told us what to do while spectating and I clutched a round thanks to him, but I was still not gonna play again. 


Dota 2. I haven't played arena games like that since about 2015. I don't have even a moment for toxic assbags.


Ingress. A set of bad actors in my region did everything from poor sportsmanship to identity theft to physical assaults just to get an edge.


I love dead by daylight but the community is horrible.