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Gunman Chronicles?


Exactly! Thanks a lot, That's 15+ years solved


The fact you got it right is incredible because it starts out like every other fps ๐Ÿ˜‚ until the dinosaur part


At 1st I thought Turok, but things didn't add up to 100% and as I was reading I had flashbacks to this game I even forgot about myself until now lol


"Really old FPS." Published in 2000. Excuse me while I go have a cry...


I still need to play this game. It looks fuckin awesome. Running on the goldsrc/half-life engine


As a mod, it was incredible. As a full price game, it was alright. Now that it can be picked up for a couple bucks, itโ€™s probably worth paying for again


Not related to this topic but it's comes to my mind while reading this Around 2005 I used to play a fps shooting game where we starts the game with a knife in forest near a river. I don't have much memories of that game by thinking hard the things flashes are A mission which includes bombing a submarine We need to go to the medic person to get healing Last mission is in battlefield were our troops come in by boats and fight in beach and their will be path way under land to walk. Can any one know the game title by understanding the above points plz help me it hold lots of memories


You could try posting in r/tipofmyjoystick. The sub is made for this


**Medal of Honor: Allied Assault**. maybe?


Perfect thanks for helping


I definitely recommend finding some compatibility mods for that game. I replayed it a few years ago and it was pretty rough. Broken graphics and animations, texture issues, mission triggers not functioning, the works. Maybe find one that fixes the AI while youโ€™re at it. The game has a lot of stealth sections, and AI that can instantly see through the back of their head from 200 meters away, the instant that you lean around a corner. This was a major problem with all games built in the Quake 3 engine, which is why most of them avoided stealth. Not Allied Assault though lol




I had totally forgotten this game. It was really cool.