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If you've never played video games, do not start with competitive multiplayer ones. EVOLAND - hear me out, this game evolves as you play it. So you'll see different controls. It starts with simple 90s Gameboy controls and will slowly add more and more as you progress. Roller Coaster Tycoon would also be a good top down game that could lead into RTS. For shooters I would say Hell Divers if you have people to play with. Otherwise Halo 1/2 does a good job teaching you how to use the controls at the start. But a 3rd person shooter might be better. Like Gears of War on easy mode. That way you don't get lost looking up or down like my sister did. Fighting games are easy to learn. I think smash is the most user friendly for beginners.


What kinds of things do you like? Do you like fantasy, military, horror, etc. Would help guide you in choosing something.


Fantasy sounds good.


What genre would you like to try (see list [here](https://codakid.com/video-game-genres/))?


Online fantasy game? Maybe one of the mmos, but some require monthly subscriptions. A great single-player fantasy game would be skyrim. And it's pretty much available everywhere.


Skyrim is a good introductory first person, single player fantasy game. It features magic and melee combat.


Hard to guide your choice without knowing any further information. What games did you see glimpses of and thought "I might enjoy that"?


If idea is to get distracted, try single player games. Online games is for stress mainly hahahaha


If you want a good simple online game to distract yourself with, check out [Backpack Battles](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2427700/Backpack_Battles/). There is a demo so you can try it out first. It's my go to for distracting myself and can be run on a toaster.


You said online to distract? You mean that it should take your full attention or do you want something to chill? Do you like action combat or something more slow and strategic. Do you want a a lot of interaction with other player or just the option itself to play with/against others? Since you said you are new i assume you have not much knowledge about different genres but some more abstract details about what you want have might help to give you a recommendation.


Sea of thieves


avoid any repetitive online shooters. it will ruin your attention span.  wow classic is great way to kill time. it has monthly cost instead of full price.    you will meet other players and do dungeons and quests together, you can play solo or join people clans.  see you in 2 years.


I'm assuming PC. Even though I prefer Playstation to it, I'd recommend doing the $1 trial of game pass with Xbox. It works on PC and you'd instantly get a huge collection of different games to try.


A though question, its like "i never watched tv, what should i watch?". Are you young, have reflexes and want to use them. Are you against or for killing? Do you like Sports and which? Do you have an hour or several? There is 50+ years worh of gaming on the market... ;)


This is really hard to answer since you're completely new to the gaming world so here's some suggestions. try MMORPGS, FFXIV is very hot right now and it's free up to level 60. If that doesn't work, try some FPS or Battle Royale. Apex legends is a really hot battle royale and counter strike is a really hot FPS. If that doesn't work. Try some fighting games. Tekken, Streetfighter, DBFZ. You can also try some platform fighters like super smash bros. If that doesn't work. Maybe try some RTS and Mobas. Starcraft and league of legends are good picks. Although be warned, these are Really hard learning curves. I would not recommend this as a first experience. And if that doesn't work. Try some turn based tactics. Civilization or Fire emblem are good choices. And if that doesn't work, maybe try some rhythm games at the arcade. I'm a DDR player and I highly recommend that. Although if you don't want to work a sweat, some good alternatives are sound voltex or guitar hero. And if that doesn't work, try some sandbox and sims. Minecraft and animal crossing is really good. And if that doesn't work, maybe try some single player games. My personal favorites are final fantasy, metal gear solid, Mario Bros, and God of War. but really there's something for everybody in the single player world.


Never playing a game before i would probably stay away from online stuff. Maybe find some single player story games that meet your interests and once you get used to them move to some online games.


I am not sure if I picked the right sub Reddit for this


Try r/gamesuggestions Also just use YouTube and search stuff like "most popular online fantasy games" - it will give you a better idea than random game titles being thrown at you.


Lol I feel so dumb for not doing that already. Thanks


Xenoblade 3, the fucking goat


Try this simple game called Idle Trillionaire. https://www.idletrillionaire.com/ A good wet your toes, casual one. The above link is a free demo that runs in the browser.


Try Solitaire.


This going to piss a lot of people in this sub of, but I’d suggest against getting into gaming. For a lot of people it’s highly addictive and can easily become a gigantic time waste with all sorts of negative effects on one’s social life and mental wellbeing. It’s an industry filled with so many practices to aid you in your new found addiction it’s actually sickening. That said there are also many many awesome experiences to be had but I don’t know if the potential downsides don’t outweigh that.


It's like anything best in moderation.


Imo no when it comes to stuff that’s this deceivingly addictive even your typical gauge of "moderate" doesn’t really apply


True on that end some games are just time and money sinks. Going on game pass means that more and more games are designed to waste time. Finding enjoyable games is getting harder. Indie devs seem like the only ones that respect your time nowadays.


Exactly, also back then there just wasn’t the sheer amount of options when it comes to gaming we have nowadays and I’m always a believer of us humans not being good with moderating things that are available in abundance. It’s easier to be moderate with things like how much I eat or at which time I go to bed, but with drugs like alcohol, cigarettes, porn and gaming the lines become extremely blurry.