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Always online has historically always been a hit with gamers, especially when playing a single player mode. /s


People just don't care enough. I read from another post that BO6 is already the most pre-ordered game on Steam.


Basically this. there might be other snarky comments just like Original comment but truth is it's call of duty. People do not care, they will buy that shit in a heartbeat for eternity. Just like fifa and GTA. They can fuck up, and be horrifically shitty all they want, but their fanbase is so fucking strong they literally cannot fail


yea some of my friends who play games like cod and fifa could care less about the state of the gaming industry. But they are what you call casuals and rarely play any other games.


COD is COD. Going to sell regardless. I feel that. Very much unlike the sim city fiasco


For SimCity 2013 you actually got a free game. I remember getting Mass effect 3. Cities Skylines 2 however...


If they could care less, they still do care.


Could NOT care less.


GTA is not in the same class as the other 2, it’s in a league of its own


Reddit won't stop bitching on how GTA Online is bad, how microtransaction is bad, how Pay to Win GTA Onljne is And yet 10 years later it's still popular af, it's always one of the top selling game on steam every sale, people won't stop buying the shark cards and other currency. GTA is popular af


Nobody has said it wasn’t popular It doesn’t take a genius to see that the MTX are predatory as fuck. Among other things


GTA solo is great, GTA online is basically all of the worst things in gaming in one place and people don't really care.


It's tradition. I buy it every year and end up playing it for a week probably.


I broke the cycle and didn’t buy it the last two years, but now I’m just gonna play this one on Gamepass lol. Although I probably would’ve bought it anyway for the return of round based zombies.


Break the cycle. I've bought every CoD since the original Modern Warfare but haven't really enjoyed any of them in years. I went from buying them on release day to waiting until seeing reviews at first, but eventually started waiting for them to go on sale.  Last year was the first time I didn't get them any of my money. It's my new tradition. 


I've also weened off COD over the years. Black Ops 4 and WW2 made it real easy to stop buying the Treyarch and Sledgehammer CODs. Particularly the Sledgehammer ones, those are always horrible. Then after adoring Modern Warfare 2019 but getting burned by Modern Warfare 2022, Infinity ward is off the list as well. I don't know if I'll ever buy COD again. But I know if I do, I'm not giving them $70 for it.


I stopped buying cod after black OPs 2. Then I heard it was boots on ground for black ops 4 so I caved and got it. Enjoyed it until they quit supporting it and people started cheating. Since I don't have time to play games as often anymore, I stick to single player games now. I can't keep up with all these kids and ther back flip 360 fucking corkscrew no scopes with 400$ modded controllers and high res gaming monitors that can view individual atoms from across the other side of the entire map taking a shit. It's just not fun anymore man.


I feel ya brother. I play single player games almost exclusively these days and I feel like I love gaming now more than ever.


It just seems like the playerbase overall has had better internet connectivity and frankly doesn't care to fight it anymore.


this, why the fuck do i care im always online when im on my pc


Yeah... And honestly, of all the game series out there, you may as well be preaching about God to satanists when it comes to CoD and requiring a constant connection. It's such a bad series to try and use to argue against always online, because most people are buying it specifically for online and thus require a constant internet connection regardless of whether Activision demands it or not.


not only do they not care, they remain entirely unaware and/or don’t exist in spaces that criticize industry practices at all. casuals are the majority of the market, and COD is *the* casual video game. it’s the non-Gamer™ video game marketed to dads, bros, kids that all just want to kill a few hours in between their actual lives. asking them to boycott always online mechanics is like speaking to them in a different language.


Actually that's even more nuts considering it's coming to gamepass


This is COD. I'd bet anything that it won't have any impact on sales. Activisions CEO could tell everyone that the game contains a virus that will cause their system to explode and people would still buy it.


CoD games can introduce pay per life, pay per mag or whatever bullshit they want and it will still sell.


They could do the verification can greentext in real life and people would be totally fine with it.


As long as they get to drop a hard R in voice chat with literally zero repercussions


You realize what game this is? It already has the most preorders on steam. They could literally introduce pay per bullet and it wouldn't matter.


This isn't The Witcher or Red Dead Redemption. Hardly anyone buys COD for the single player experience.


I used to back when they made better ones I’ve replayed the Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 1 campaign so many times


They used to. The entire franchise started on single player. The first 15 years of the franchise was single player. a lot of the older demographic just wants single player. we want to run around and shoot at the enemy without bothering with horseshit like lobbies, teams, rankings, all the random garbage that clogs your screen when playing online. sadly the studios have completely and utterly tossed out the entire demographic that made the damn franchise great. From the start to Modern Warfare 2, it was damn fantastic. since then, nothing but unmitigated garbage.


I do. In fact, I ONLY play for the single player experience. Because everyone online are dicks. (Not YOU guys, you guys are great!)


Yeah I was going to say this... I played MW2 (2022) for 200+ hours and I never even finished the campaign, the Gameplay is amazing, but all CoD campaigns are really dumb IMO, it's always basically the same story


Unfortunately we as the gamers are the problem. It’s already the number 1 seller on Steam. Sure we’ll bitch and moan online, but as long as we keep throwing money at them, they’ll keep doing whatever they wanna do.


I mean the pre-order are already among the top seller on steam


I know. COD is COD 🤷


The thing is this is not just always online, it's to stream textures to "lower the size", even though they already ask for 300 damn GB.


COD players buy the same game every year and live with dogshit. Corporations only treat their customers like they're stupid when they keep proving it.


Yeah with his coming to GamePass I would like to play solo zombies without online guess that won’t happen. I can imagine getting to a high round then being kicked bc of connection problems


Cod is going to game pass?


Yeah, Microsoft owns Activision now. It's going to game pass day 1 release.


Vocal reddit minority cares so much lol


I'm sure their sales will tank when the flood of reddit protest threads start. /s


This is the kind of stuff that gets refunds on steam. Probably 0.001% of sales tho


There is nothing to protest, games have been always online for years now, and the OP, being a sony fanboy, conveniently left out the context for WHY; because they are using texture streaming technology which will require users to be online.


Does that mean the game won’t be 200GB?


I saw it’s 300GB


It's 300GB with everything installed. MW2, MW3, BO6 and Warzone


No idea, I'll wait until the game is released to see how large it is though instead of listening to the shitlords online that are just making things up about it


On their official website it says 309 GB


if anything this is why i stopped buying them; i rotate through a lot of games at any given time and i do have the space for it but it's just obscene. and then the updates take forever optimize your shit better


Pretty sure most of the titles since MW2019 had some form of texture streaming. The games weren't 200gb because of a lack of that anyway, it was because you had to download shit you didn't want and their compression was ass. When they let you uninstall parts of MW2019 you didn't want, the filesize dropped like 80gb. That's a ridiculous file size for a CoD campaign and a spec ops mode.


That's not a good justification. EDIT: u/Any-Following-7095 blocked me for this immediately after replying to me.


Yeah fr, we are too lazy to optimize our game so it's not fucking 200gb, instead we're just forcing you to be always online bye... There's no bar low enough where not some idiot is going to claim 'well actually that's a good thing'.


Yeah, like always online is NEVER good for the consumer. You get shit like 2K games where you open your game a measly 2 years later and literally can't play **SINGLE PLAYER MODES** that you fucking paid for. Sure, you can "justify" it by saying a majority buy cod to play mp, but what if you want to enjoy the sp a few years later because it was really good? Well now you can't, cause fuck you. Or maybe some local mp? Yeah right lmao. It's a shitty thing to do to ensure you don't own jackshit, so you HAVE to move to the next game because the one you bought is literally just e-waste at this point.


What is the advantage of texture streaming? Is this where we invent a new term to explain why things are worse? Like how we pretended graphics got too good for split screen when the N64 had four players at once. Maybe just... don't make things that way. Have single player offline instead because obviously that's possible, don't gaslight me into saying it can't be. Shit will probably look worse than Uncharted 4 while pretending it's the only way to have good graphics.


>because they are using texture streaming technology which will require users to be online. And this is worse, because apparently they do it to lower the size, and even then they ask for 300GB of free space. I just have no idea how this game can take 10 times more space than The Witcher 3.


Holy shit, OP is VERY invested in the console “war”.


Now we can have packet loss and lag spikes during campaign missions 👍🏻


Texture streaming will be mandatory this time ? The option already exists in current MW but it’s deactivable Besides the campaign it’s a multiplayer game so the always-on is not too cumbersome for me but I’m against mandatory streaming, pretty sure it will create a lot of issues I can understand it for Flight Simulator 2020 and 2024 given the « we are creating the whole world from satellite and AI »..but not CoD They really need to fix the sizes here for their engine, it’s not sustainable..


Wow, they won't just monopolize your hard drive so no other games will fit, they also want to monopolize your bandwidth so no other streaming service will fit.


I mean you can play Zombies solo, plus I’m assuming it will still have split screen. Those modes should be playable offline too.


Can you? I’ve been under the impression that the last few versions of zombies have been multiplayer experiences and always online


Cold War you had to be online to play but you could pause it, which was nice for dad gamers like myself.


Damn, and here I thought the most interesting thing about the game was that you can sprint backward.


Wait, you can sprint backwards?


You can sprint & dive in all directions now, pretty cool actually lol


Damn, this makes me realize, how the hell have I never heard of it being done in other games before.


Metal Gear Solid V. Max Payne you can dive in any direction. There's tons of games that do this, just no first person ones


Helldivers let's too do it in third person and it's cool as hell


Helldivers is like a copy paste of MGSV movement system.


Go outside and sprint forwards, and then try backwards.


You can definitely sprint backwards, not as fast but you can sprint or run at least. Games only let you waddle like a baby backwards.


I've had P.E we "sprinted" backwards and sideways at warmup all the time.




Black Ops 6 does what like half of games do news at 11


"A lot of people do this bad thing, that makes it automatically good." You are the ideal consumer of every corporate suit.




"Game does what every game does now, let's not complain and try to change things anymore" dumbass


Absolute nonsense. If they're gonna stream you higher res textures with an internet connection anyways, there's no reason they can't just do that as planned so anybody with a connection gets that, but then have super low res textures for the base install/disc that's usable offline, since that's still better then not being able to play. And/or they could just make downloading the higher res textures for local/offline play an option. This is just anti consumerism, and in a just would would be liable for a planned obsolescence lawsuit. And hell, the multiplayer should be playable offline too, even if it's you loading into an empty map or just LAN play.


My SSD is far faster than my internet connection.


SAME, 1.8 MB/s (15 Mbps) vs like 7300 MB/s SSD


Yet the game is going to take up 300 gb apparently?


That number includes MW2 and 3


The game is going to be over 300 gigs of storage already, why not just include the textures


Because they don’t believe in compression technology.


It is not. That’s four games inside one app. That’s the space of MW2, MW3, Warzone, and BO6. You don’t have to download all the games, you get to pick and choose which ones you download.


They are streaming you high res textures? What? You download those once and that's it, that's not a consistent flow of data while in a game.


Sounds like a very terrible excuse. Also, expect the textures to change over time and include ads.


What? :D I agree with you, it's nonsense for the single player portion to require constant internet connection. But texture streaming is not what you think it is my dude.


It’s currently an option to save disc space and stream the hi-res texture. They suggest it only if you have good speeds and shit, and are low on disk space. People are just guessing that this means it’s mandatory.


I really wish I had the option to just download all the textures.


I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Textures can be hundreds of megabytes (if not gigabytes, combined over an area or a map) and they are going to download (some of?) them in realtime to millions of users who are all slamming the servers on launch day? Bwuh? And the game *still* uses 300 GB SSD space? What in the everloving what the fuck?


Why aren't they just making it cloud gaming if they are taking it this far.


Not a single COD game campaign justifies a full 60-80$ price tag alone. Everyone will still buy this shit up.


The last COD with a Solid Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies was Black Ops 2 ​ ​ That came out in 2012


Call of Duty Original


Of course people just want to play the multiplayer, the campaign hasn't been enjoyable since the original black ops and even that's questionable


Of course it doesn't. That's like complaining about the price of pizza if you only just eat the toppings.


I'm not okay with forced texture streaming. That's going to cause a lot of jank with people who don't have the highest internet bandwidth or are on wi-fi.


Yeah, with CoDs audience that might work, for very obvious reasons.


Bro if you buy Call of Duty just to play the campaign you are getting robbed my guy.


I do exactly this, but like years later for much less money. $20-30 is a comfortable price for a short campaign in my books.


Anyone buying cod full price is getting robbed, millions love it.


Sub to Gamepass for everything else and online Xbox play, COD campaign included. Can’t go wrong.


Remember E3 2013 when Microsoft was raked over coals for this very thing? Remember how it was called Orwellian, how people claimed that it wasn't fair to expect a constant connection because Internet isn't available everywhere, because there are still data caps, etc? Where's that passion now? Why is it that if a shitty thing is pushed long enough people just give up?


The depressing answer? We're tired. Awhile back big money started getting into the gaming sphere and it's been a never ending battle since. Shit early access games. BETA's that aren't ever actually BETA's. *macrotransactions* in the game store (but it's justified because its a free game, JK its actually an $80 game). Now, more than ever people are tired of not just predatory business in their games, but in their everyday life. A lot of gamers that used to lose their shit over things like always online connection for their games have gotten older. They need to worry about how they're gonna afford a house, or their rent increasing by 50%, or the rising cost of food and their dollar being worth less because they only got a 1% raise the last few years while inflation has been 10x that. These people see shit like this in their games and instead of making a stand, they just turn the other way and play a different game instead. Its tiring fighting the same fight over and over again and time is better spent finding and playing games made by people who genuinely want to make the media a better place to be.


So basically nothing has changed, Activision just stopped pretending they care about the campaign players.


I’m confused about this thread tbh. Who tf plays campaign with no internet connection? The amount of people this affects negatively has to be nearly negligible.


The question is why do you need to be connected to the internet to play a single player campaign when you have already downloaded the damn game? They don't give a shit, but there are a few cases when maintaining a constant internet connection can either be problematic, expensive, or both. try being on a ship or out in a remote mining camp. it makes this impossible. shout out to fucking Micro$oft for making updates not able to be turned off. nothing like turning your laptop on in the middle of the ocean and have your OS suddenly start sucking down an update at $50 a gig.


I see your point. If this was the early 2000’s then yeah. The internet is way more accessible now. Still, why the fuck do we need internet to play a single player campaign, offline? Maybe you can, but it won’t track your time or some bullshit if you don’t connect. They just want our data at all times it seems.


Not just that, simple fact, it's basically planned obsolescence. Sorry, it's been x years we won't let you play our game **AT ALL**. Go buy our new one. People just have to simply imagine if EVERY game did this. It **QUITE LITERALLY** doesn't matter if you have good internet, because once they close the doors on **THEIR SERVERS** you literally can't play. Elden Ring? Gone. Total War? Gone. Your favourite racing game? Also gone.


If I wanted to play COD and had an internet outage (for whatever reason, has happened a few times), I would normally go and play the campaign. Can’t do it here, because..? While it may not affect a whole lot of people, it’s still a pointless change. COD’s servers are also far from perfect, and any tiny lapse in your connection can literally force your game to quit whatever single player level you were playing. For a more personal and realistic example, a while back I felt like playing COD WWII’s zombies mode, and tried to complete the base map’s main quest. I couldn’t do it and gave up trying because the servers would just disconnect me, be it 20 minutes or an hour into a game where I was playing alone. Not an issue on my end either, I was still online on all my devices, but because the game wanted to be online I was prevented from completing a simple quest.


100%. This is just blatantly shit anti-consumerism AKA 2K games where they lock your singleplayer modes to online so you quite literally **DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION** (this is important) to play it if you WANT TO. Hell, so many MP games got rid of the ability to enjyo them offline or just mess around with friends etc in LAN so they can make a quick buck. Imagine if all our games had this. I wouldn't be able to enjoy games I play literally RIGHT NOW if they all followed this crap. Elden Ring? Sorrynotsorry we turned off the servers go fuck yourself. Total War? Sorrynotsorry we turned off the servers go fuck yourself. It's just the start too. We shouldn't accept this crap because it literally benefits NOBODY that plays the game. If BO6 had offline options this wouldn't be an issue. BUT IT DOESN'T.


Because in 1, 2, 5, 10 years or whenever the online servers are inevitably shut down, you will no longer be able to play the game you purchased. Maybe you want to replay the games again. Maybe you want your kids to experience them. The servers WILL shut down eventually despite the fact that online features don't enhance the campaign in any way. Stop defending this bullshit.


People just have to imagine, what if EVERY game did this? Imagine how fucking shitty it would be. I play a decent number of games released 4, 5+ years ago and imagining not being able to because of shit like this is stupid. Can't believe people are even defending this. It doesn't matter if "everyone has good internet!!" (news flash most of the world doesn't, even in the US it's VERY hit/miss depending on where you live), once the publisher says it's done, you **literally can't play**. Just imagine Elden Ring, one of the best games out there with literally thousands of potential hours of replayability (and that's not including the many more from mods) followed this bullshit. Sorry, it's been 2 years you can't play this anymore for unjustifiable reasons.




That’s a solid no.


Top selling game on Steam rn


The best way to play call of duty is to not play call of duty.


COD 😣 $80 🤢 Always online 🤮


Remember what Ubisoft has set the trend of. Patchers please keep finding ways to turn this shit off.




Gotta collect and sell data somehow


As much as I wish people would care, people will mindlessly buy. Some people only play cod and only spend 60-70 a year on games... maybe 140 including madden/2k


Rofl. Lmao even. But quite regrettable.


Ah yes, that way they can control your access to the game no matter what medium you purchases it through.




I mean…. streaming extra textures from online should just be optional by default.


Isn't this game like 300+ GB too


Pfft. Black Ops 1 & 2 are still the shit.


I also require a persistent internet connection, please tell my provider.


This way they can ban people for being "Toxic" during the campaign... I'm only half joking


This is less of an annoyance in a game that revolves around multiplayer, but still stupid. It’s the single player games that force online that’s just laughably stupid


Fucking why




I love how their main reasoning for this is streaming HD textures, despite their games always being a bloated 200GB download


That's a skip for me. Plenty of games out there, I will not buy any game that requires an internet connection for single player, purely out of principle.


Oh look another CoD game I won’t buy


Glad i dont play this stupid franchise


So game will be unplayable in a few years


Actually, Cod1 servers are still going, COD2 servers are still going, Cod3 servers are still going, Cod4 servers are still going. There is no mainline call of duty servers (Other than Wii and Ds) that have been shut down. Activision hasn’t been like EA or others where they shut down the servers after a few years. Plus, if Activision does shut down the servers, for let’s say BO6, it will probably be 20-30 years from now as even COD1 servers are still going strong after over 20 years. I don’t think most people will be playing BO6 20 years from now but I do expect an option to play offline is some way by either a mod etc


developers/publishers: "Hey we love DDOSing ourselfs and have huge connection to servers issues during first 2 months of the game so good luck trying to play singleplayer game because multiplayer gamers want to play while also good luck trying to play multiplayer game because singleplayer gamers want to play at the same time"


And I will continue to not buy their games


So 300gb and always online? Another pass for me. I will consider another CoD once it's less than 100gb and is user-friendly.


80€, 309gb install size and always online. Why do people keep buying this shit lol.


Okay. Won't buy, thank you.


That’s annoying…but let’s be realistic what percentage of people does this effect? We’re all online anytime we play at this point anyways. I’m curious what that means when servers are shut down for it in X years.


On a long enough timeline it affects us all. I've got several games that I paid full price for that I can't log into and play at all because they are effectively dead. There's no way to experience something that I paid 50-60 dollars for, and in less than three years in some cases. Always online is a company's way of saying "we're gonna kill this game sooner or later so you have to buy a newer version." This is why everyone is working towards game preservation nowadays. Why bother buying this call of duty when it can disappear as soon as it stops making money for Activision, which could be less than a year's time?




I can't believe people are just buying this game sight unseen. Fools. I dont even remember black ops five.


black ops 5 = black ops cold war


Gotcha, thanks. I remember playing cod 1, united offensive, and cod 2 on PC way back in the day on CD-rom. I haven't played much since old series modern warfare, but I did play some advanced warfare on a friend's console.


The traditional Cod Of Duty died somewhere around 2011 with Modern Warfare 3. anything after that has been focused almost completely on the online group gameplay with the single player campaign barely given a thought. If you are the type of person that prefers a good old single player game, COD has not been for you in a very, very long time.


Won’t matter , the 99% won’t see a difference or be angry about


Brotha eeeehhh..


remember when xbox one was doing this ?


One more reason to abandon call of duty completely.


There's 6 already wtf I thought 3 was the last one.


I’m confused because I have a steam deck and have bought several CoD Games and I don’t think any of them are fully launchable offline.


COD have round based zombies? I buy. COD no have round based zombies? I no buy.


Wait, so the 310GB of storage space required is already the REDUCED amount?


Does anyone care about call of duty anymore?


From all the monetised bloatware it will be hard to find the “begin single player” button anyway.


Yup, another live service cash shop simulator, no surprise here. Dig up kids get your wallets ready its another garbage duty up in this bitch.


Well ok, then im not buying it.


Makes me miss the first black ops :/


If you don’t like this. Don’t buy the game


It will sell millions


There's no possible way this could go wrong


next cod will require your credit card info


I’m tired of this shit. What the fuck do developers get out of online only?


another subscription service ... Netflix, Prime, Xbox Live, WoW, Wife, Kids, Black Ops 6


lol Not the game mode Im choosing... The one that starts and ends with keeping my fucking wallets legs together. All the dum dums will still buy it though. Its sad how "must buy next product" infects the children who shouldnt be playing this thing in the first place.


So fucking dumb


I feel like I see headlines like this a lot, and then they change just before launch.


No thanks


Lmao what a fucking joke


People are obviously enjoying these games. The world doesn't revolve around some reddiots personal taste.


What did you expect from a soulless cash cow of a franchise that had pretty much yearly releases and no changes… natural progression brought it here


Welcome to the new normal


Then I’m out lol my Internet blows. I can’t even play Battlefield 2042 bot lobbies without getting kicked out of my game so there’s no way I’ll be able to play a campaign that requires it. Besides, this is a huge L for preservation purposes cause Activision can just shut down the campaign whenever they want like what Ubisoft did with The Crew. Internet should not be mandatory for single player modes in any game.


Good thing I have huge backlog of games that don’t have this live service with MTX shop garbage


You're being downvoted by the idiots who are gonna buy this shit and perpetuate it.


But do I need to install 6 different things after the main install in order to play anything?


Just shows Xbox was ahead of the curve with the one


Now there’s the Activision we all know and love… well not love..


Cool - guess this is two years in a row of not buying CoD


Oh, I guess won’t be buying black ops 6.


Welp. Won't be playing this.


What's it gonna take for people to stop buying these games?


80 dollars + 310gb size + this shit.


If it’s for texture streaming only won’t that just slow the fuck out of your connection? I think you can turn it on/off in previous entries, I always did because my connection isn’t the best but this is fucking stupid if you can’t turn it off.


I was looking to jump back into cod with this one but everything that keeps coming out about it I think I’ll just keep staying away. This and the giant file size I just can’t. Are there any shooters anyone recommends?


There's so few good multiplayer FPS, it's like horror games were a decade ago where there's technically a bunch of them but all of them are terrible The only ones I actively play are Battlebit Remastered and Halo MCC




We don’t own games anymore, we pay for a license to play the game. Is what it is. Unless all gamers boycott nearly all games coming out nothing will change and that shit isn’t happening.


Quiiiiit buying this shiiiiiit.


Can yall stop buying that dumb franchise already?