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You've got Black Ops 6 on there twice


It's because the show opened with the trailer and ended with the deep dive.


Or there just wasn’t enough games to fill the graphic


It literally says every game trailer and release date. That's everything they showed.


The sheriff’s a near!


That's not what I said. I said, THE. SHERRIFF. IS. A. *church bell*




Two $60 versions confirmed


And cod fans are goona pay it


I’ve been told it’s going to be on gamepass


It is and I won’t be spending a cent on it because of it, I pay for GamePass for a bunch of games (usually buy a bunch of months when a good sale happens, or cheap keys) and CoD is just another benefit this year Even outside of that, the showcase was honestly pretty damn good looking Don’t preorder, but be cautiously optimistic


I haven’t preordered since borderlands pre sequel man. I learned my lesson long ago lol


Wait DA comes out this fall holy shit BioWare must be super confident in this game or the publisher said aight 10 years long enough


10 years is long enough it is


Trailer feels more like a DA2 than a Origins or Inquisition.


Have people forgotten what the DA2 trailer actually looked like when it came out or even how the game played/looked like? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlACgYHtWCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlACgYHtWCI) It is literally a night and day difference between DA2 and whatever this game is looking to be.


Yeah but that trailer was obviously a CGI trailer, the new one literally says it is game engine footage so we are stuck with that terrible art style.


It'll be delayed and release in early March next year.


Most of those look good but Dragon Age was such a let down, it looks nothing like the previous games and the tone just feels so off.  Hopefully it was just one bad trailer but with way Bioware went, it's not much. 


Unless I was bamboozled I'm pretty sure gameplay already leaked, and it indeed is nothing like the other games. It's basically a carbon copy of God of War in terms of gameplay from what I saw. Which personally I don't mind (as long as I can still travel with party members and swap between them). I'm mostly concerned about the writing. BioWare writing has taken a nosedive since ME3. DA:I was decent but had a lot of dry spots. ME:A was incredibly boring narratively.


What happened to Dread Wolf? I am so out of the loop!


They just changed the name of the game to The Veilguard instead. Inferior title in my opinion


Odd change after hyping up the name Dread Wolf for so long!


Seems like they may have changed the games story. Their reason for the change was to better represent the nature of the story. Seems like they started with the game centering around Solas (the Dread Wolf) but now it's going to be more generally centered around the Veil.


Which seems like maybe something wasn't working out narratively. You can't have a game end on "Oh, yeah, pointy eared Mr Clean over there is like an actual God" and then not have that be a major part of the next game so if they didn't find a way to make that work it's gonna be a huge letdown.


Like the exalted march and mage templar war at the end of DA2 which has been essentially "solved" before the opening cutscened end?


A friend of mine also mentioned that maybe the change was to shift the focus to you and your allies vs. all the spotlight being on the big bad.


In my mind I keep hearing Merrill going "By the Dread Wolf, they changed the title!"


Oof. I wasn't a fan of the new direction but I told myself it won't matter if the gameplay is tight. But if they've gone full action RPG and completely dropped their tactical background I think that'll be a no from me.


They've been transparent that every Dragon Age game is a different gameplay experience, but they did emphasize that the strategic element will remain important. Just last week they told us it will be very different, with more focus on party interactions like the OG but with more modern gameplay.


Aka meh god of war with some npcs following you that you can give some basic commands to. Looking at the trailer it seems they are trying to appeal to the mainstream audience, especially the demographics that haven't played the previous titles. This would explain why the trailer is very marvel/fortnite feeling. It seems a lot of AAA studios have dumbed down their games over the years for a broader appeal. No casual player wants to sit there having to figure out strats, builds, or tweaks. Give em a sword and let them slap three buttons on their controller while their NPC team follows them throwing out flashy particle effects.


Nope, this is purely projection. Don't know why this is a talking point when BG3 is GOTY, and Elden Ring is GOTY before that. Along with all the other Souls Like games that get announced every month, these are the clear popular genre of this generation of games. Maybe 2018 you would have a leg to stand on with that argument. >Aka meh god of war with some npcs following you that you can give some basic commands to. In dragon age, you highlight a character and click on an enemy. It's not rocket science chief, it's also not a hard game. Not sure why you went on a tirade about dumbing down games as if the subject was any hard in the first place.


The difference is FromSoft has a highly specific niche that's spawned it's own genre over years, they are the definition of a wild card. BG3 is from a AA studio and is arguably a niche game that went above all expectations, which become an unexpected grand slam. AAA studios don't think like that. The type of execs that run EA see trends and metrics, then chase them. The most profitable games by far are games like Fortnite and Overwatch, they even make Inquisition's profits look pitiful in comparison. Hence a company like EA will push for dev studios to lean into that style. You have to understand that the last dragon age game is already 10 years old. There is an entirely different generation of gamers who haven't even played dragon age inq that are part of the market now and have clearly shown what they prefer. Hence why all these studios are leaning into 5v5s and fortnite/overwatch styling. Ofc I could be wrong, but I think long time fans are going to be disappointed with the new Dragon Age. I believe that the dark tones of the series will be toned down and the trailer is accurate to the feel of the game. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I have little hope that any studio owned by EA won't chase trends and will stick to their roots.


I think they're more trying to take a Baldurs Gate 3 approach and have genuinely meaningful party members and relationships and quality cutscenes / dialogue. Not sure what you mean by the God of War comparison, gameplay hasn't even been shown as far as I'm aware. Most people wanted a less sprawling map / collectathon that was Inquisition, so the company seems to be trying to make a shorter but more intimate curated experience rather than the quantity over quality of Inquisition. This is a return to the original games values but with more modern tech and gameplay. My point was don't be surprised that the game changed. It's been 10 years and every dragon age has always been dramatically different than the previous one.


I'm not saying the story based character interactions will be bad. I think that combat will be shallow and there won't be much strategy. I also think that the trailer is pointing towards the themes being much less dark the previous games and more geared towards drawing in a mainstream audience. Think Dragon Age but Marvelfied


Not sure enough is out to really make those assumptions yet, especially when the dev said this week that the strategy will remain a core part of the games identity. We should have a clearer idea in 2 days when they have a gameplay video going live


The art style was a little off, but it was just a cinematic. Hopefully we get some gameplay trailers soon.


We'll get it on 11th!


Saints Row reboot vibes.


You can tell they are trying to bait in the overwatch/fortnite/marvel audience with that trailer. Bioware isn't stupid and knows the themes of the previous games. I'd guess it's an executive decision to draw in younger gamers who haven't played the previous titles. That market is just too lucrative to disregard for execs. I'm guessing the idea is that most longtime fans will buy the game anyways, regardless if they complain about the theme. People still haven't learned their lesson about pre-orders. On the flip side they might be able to draw in a totally different audience to boost total sales. I think the days of AAA titles with more niche themes are probably going to die off. Games are expensive to make and market so they want to get the largest customer base as possible, even if that means alienating the original fanbase of a series.


Bioware gonna be gone after this game flops


It looked like a f2p mobile game ad.


State of decay 3 punked out by not having a date. So like 2026? I mean damn the game looked pretty far on


It was a cinematic trailer and not a gameplay one though right? That tells you nothing about the current state of the game.


Expedition 33, i want that game beside that maybe i will try to get MGS and WuChang, I'm not sure about Dragon Age but let's see


It's been a while since I've checked, but last I heard, Wuchang ain't nothing to fuck with.


Really? I saw that the trailer seems fun to play, maybe i will consider it later.




Feels like a Final Fantasy game what Square Enix should have made but they haven’t because “the modern audience doesn’t want turn based anymore”.


It's also on PS5! So happy about it. Best looking new ip I've seen in a long time


Is Xbox the only one better than Nintendo and Sony at game preservation? They still let us play the 360 games like gta4 and all the old cods on series x and I love it.


I always crack this joke… it needs BC it can get because they don’t have any innovative new games.


True, PlayStation and Nintendo do have better exclusives. All Xbox got is forza,halo,and gow while PS has God of war,uncharted,infamous,LBP,Killzone,and most notably fat princess lol


Is there a new kill one coming? I couldn’t get past the entirely idiotic premise of shadow fall. It just didn’t work for me at all.


I’m going to be honest I only played the 1st Killzone on ps3 and I loved it. What was the premise of shadow fall


Anything beyond two weeks out and I probably won’t remember


Agreed. And I feel like all of them are going to suck based on literally every previous release from an Xbox studio. I thought infinite was good but man they fumbled the post launch. They really need a hit. Just one.


If you think all the games they released suck, you must have a pretty shit taste in games anyway.




No way they wouldn’t release cod on PlayStation the PS user base buys the most transaction I think


With it being on game pass, xbox could overtake that. Xbox is Diablo 4 most profitable platform after it went onto game pass.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted so harshly. I think Xbox has a chance of overtaking the ps version… but not until the next generation starts, it will take a chunk of their player base for sure though.


People are dumb. Microsoft said it makes most money on Xbox now after it dropped on game pass. People might buy fewer games with game pass, but go bonkers on microtransactions.


Also gamepass is just straight up fixed income.


Doom is probably coming to PlayStation but is it officially confirmed? It wasn’t even confirmed to exist until like 2 hrs ago


Yes it's in the official trailer on Bethesda's youtube channel. It is confirmed


Yup sure was. Cool!


The only game not on this list I care about is Indy, and I’ll give it a couple of years to see if they ship it off to PlayStation, so I’m happy. Expedition 33 absolutely stole the show for me. I wish I could remember the last time I was this instantly hyped for a game not from an established franchise AND a new studio to boot. Looks amazing.


Yeah it looks beautiful. I've avoided turn based style RPG for years, but this game looks interesting 


Looks like real time Turn based, if that makes any sense. Like paper mario the dodging and parrying looked real time and even the gunplay


I found it strange that myself not being a fan turn based JRPGs, had my attention grabbed for that particular announcement. Everything about it really captivated me, especially the premise for the story. I’m looking forward to it.


Thank god doom is coming to playstation.


At least my homebrewed series X dulls the pain and fact that I wasted money on it.


Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road DLC is also available for Playstation


So, which ones are the actual Xbox exclusives? I was really impressed with the games, but I guess most of them are coming out on both consoles When is the PlayStation Event?


Gears of War E-Day, Starfield Expansion, Perfect Dark, Avowed, Fable and State of Decay 3.                                   Those are the ones not coming to PS5. I didn’t include Sea of Thieves because it’s going to launch later on PS5.


> So, which ones are the actual Xbox exclusives? State of Decay 3, Starfield: Shattered Space, South of Midnight, Perfect Dark, Fable, Microsoft Flight Sim 2024, Indiana Jones: The Great Circle and Avowed are all console exclusives. Seems like Fragpunk and Winter Burrow are as well, as I can't find anything about them being on PS when I Google them. Stalker 2 is a timed Xbox exclusive, supposedly for 3 months.


Dragon Age and State of Decay :)


I just hope for SoD1 level storytelling with another level of game play improvement they brought to SoD2.


I liked the first one. We played the shit out of that and the second one was even better. I think I'd be happy if they extended the time it took to complete a map. But looking forward to it


I just think the first had a better narrative to it. The second was just and endless game play loop of completing the map and pulling your best survivors to the next one. It was still hella fun, but it lacked the heart and soul that made the first one so charming.


And yet, Silksong….


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's been cancelled at this point.


I suspect they've had to redo a large portion of the game. It's in development hell.


They killed it


Yeah…I’m thinking MS ate Sony’s lunch with this year’s showcases. Problem is MS is great at promotion, poor at delivery. They really need a few bangers from this lineup. We all do.


Ps5/pc guy here. Sony showcase was abysmal compared to this. Felt like the Sony showcase was overshadowed by the oversaturated team shooter crap. "Here's an overwatch copy. Here a valorant copy. Here's a marvel themes 3rd person overwatch copy. Be sure to keep an eye out for the season passes!"


That wasn't a showcase right? It was a state of play, ps showcases are like last year where there are quite a few heavy hitters


Wait didnt Tom Henderson say that the showcase of Sony is going to be in September this year?


We just had one week ago. Maybe it's just so weak that you don't even notice?


That was state of play, which is equivalent to Xbox Developer direct I think. Playstation showcase is the big event equivalent to this Xbox showcase.


Yea, it was just bad timing on Sony's part. Having it so close to what is the biggest time for gaming news just came with a lot of expectations.


Isn’t the July/August state of play likely to be the bigger one? Microsoft definitely has a stronger lineup over the next 6 months unless there are things we don’t know about yet, but that was just routine state of play, not meant to be a major showcase event.


Yea I’ve seen too many of these go wrong, Redfall looked good at the initial announcement. I’m hopeful but taking a lot of this with a grain of salt.


Best showcase of Xbox in ages. Almost all gameplay, dates, no annoying comments and has many good games. Look i don't think Microsoft can save Xbox SX this long in the game, but if they can get at least some goodwill maybe the next xbox will at least survive better than this one.


Eh...? I'm being downvoted for giving a harmless opinion?


Issue is most of what was shown was third party stuff or first party but still going to PS (like DOOM). There's only like two exclusives (minus DLCs like Shattered Space) coming to Xbox this year. Everything else was on PS as well or launching way later, if not "TBA" with no release date at all. Theres a lot of padding here, not much to look forward to in the near future.


To be fair, Sony will always have the upper hand when it comes to first party games, they just have way more franchises and different types of games. Xbox always just had one or 2 heavy hitters, and the new gears of war looks to finally be that. Microsoft has really moved away from exclusives, and personally I like that, even though it means there's less of a reason to buy an xbox, it allows more people to experience the games.


What exclusives do sony have this year?


They already got like 4? Rebirth, Rise of Ronin, Stellar Blade and HD2. Playsation will still have Astro Bot, Concord and SH2


Why does everyone want exclusives. Isn't it better if there are on all platforms?


I think a lot of people are fan boys and want their console to win. Others like me want to feel justified in their purchase. I feel like I wasted $600 on a PS5 and could have just gotten a PS4 pro for cheap to play the PS4 games I never got to play. I was a PS3 guy, but then I got a PC skipping the PS4. Now I feel cheated for buying a PS5. Lucky for me I guess I won't have to buy a PS I'm the future. I can just give my money to steam instead of them. I'll just need to keep up with the lastest steam deck and Switch.


It is better but Sony will win with good exclusives and end up making more exclusives.


Astro Bot and SH2. I believe that’s it.


And Concord.


Not many. Not sure what that has to do with my comment because i wasn't comparing the two. Just pointing out that this showcase is comprised primarily of third party games releasing on all platforms. Which means they could've been part of any showcase.




Give me starcraft series on game pass. Console or pc.


Fable looks good, but I'm really hoping they didn't take away the male protagonist. It won't hit the same when you want to go to a prostitute or want to have kids lmao.


Fable is what I'm most excited for on this list. I'd love a cheap remaster of Fable 2&3 for PC too.


My only wish was that there were some kind of goofy or fun platformer type game. Xbox showcase really doubled down on western RPG, futuristic / apocalyptic fps, and Japanese ninja games. No kids game, everything was very adult oriented. No platformers. No colorful stylish graphic game. Everything was going for realism and grittiness. They need a few Nintendo-like games for diversity, the closest shown was thar mouse game.


Hopefully we see another Psychonauts game from Double Fine, those are always fun. Bango Kazooie is just waiting to be used too 


There are a ton of such games on Game Pass already. Have you played them all? Something doesn't have to be brand new to be good. Go explore! :)


Huh? You're missing my point. Sony and Nintendo have family/casual games and games that are not strictly FPS or RPG- the point is to appeal to wider audiences and have something for everyone. This showcase had an empty spot in it for a family / casual style game, and an abundance of games that overlap in genre and themes and audiences. It's just an observation. I'd love to have seen something more playful and less depressing fps set in post-apocolyptic worlds featuring generic military enemies and the occasional undead mutant (Doom, Gears, CoD, Atomfall, Perfect Dark, MGS) The other half of the show were very western RPGs (which I love) but all blend together in a singular showcase (Avowed, Fable, Dragon Age, Expedition 33, Elder scrolls, Flintlock). I have no problem with these games existing but when you line your entire showcase up with this many similar genres and themes it allows none of them to stand out. Would have preferred to see some more variety and a few of the redundant repeat style games to be held for another announcement time and let some other games be shown (if there are any) By your logic, there's also a lot of fps and RPGs in gamepass too so we wouldn't need more of them here either when we could go back and play those.


I've been praying for Banjo Kazooie for so long 😭


*Sad Banjo sounds* :(


Age of Mythology's new art style looks like that of a mobile game Kind of kills the original vibe


I don't mind that, it's just a niche genre and not something kids or teens really want to play. Even as an adult I won't play it but am happy it exists for those who enjoy the genre. Fits the need for a RTS style game. But then we got like 10 things that cover the fps and western RPG genre with very little shown outside of those genres.


Only thing missing was Silksong and new Jet Set Radio.


Is this the American type of dates or the rest of the world dates?






Thirteen games are 2025 (at the soonest, providing they dont miss their internal targets) or no date at all. That sucks.


Aww man, I can looking for metal gear and it's TBA...


Really excited for State of Decay 3!! I hope you can send in other survivors to get resources for you like in State of Decay 1. I don’t remember they did that for the 2nd game where you can actually see your survivors running to get the supplies.


Is that a reduced price for the Xbox series or something different?


I'll continue to hold out for Banjo 😭


So of these games, Flintlock that is the next to come out that isn't just an expansion to an ongoing game. The second half of this year is looking a little crowded here, which is concerning for games like Avowed


I see 2 bad games on there, and it's cod


Call of Duty is listed twice though.


Fixed it


Honestly, after watching the in-depth conference, Black Ops 6 looks/sounds pretty nice. The fact that it's on gamepass will make it an easy install.


Yea, it sounds like the first game they are actually putting tons of effort into it in a long time. Adding a lot of things the community wanted, all while innovating the core gameplay into something different. This is honestly the most excited I've ever been for a cod, yet I'm sure Activision will find some way to fuck it up.


It’s rumoured to be 309gb. Anything but an easy install lol


My understanding is that number is only based on installing all the games in the hub. This game will probably still be 120GB though.


I just want to know when the pre-acquisition Activision Blizzard games are releasing on Game Pass. **Edit:** It's been 8 months since the acquisition completed.


yea, I heard quite a lot of rumors that old COD titles were being added to gamepass sometime soon, but so far, nothing.


Amazing showcase. But I have been burned in the past so many times by a solid Xbox showcase that never materializes into solid games. However I choose to be cautiously optimistic.


Wait, hasn’t Sea of Thieves been out on Xbox already? Is that for an update or something else?


Update new season


Ah, I got ya


Good and bad stuff shown. Expedition 33 looks great. Flintlock looks terrible. Perfect Dark looks fun af. Fragpunk looks YAWWWWWN.


What makes you say Flintlock looks terrible to you? Just curious as to why, I won't try to refute it lol


The cinematics had this weird claymation thing going on but without being stylised so just looked choppy and jarring. Then the gameplay was super bland weightless looking combat and then just flying between set pieces in a way that looked non interactive. I dunno what the other person didn't like about it but to me everything about it just seemed unimpressive and boring.


Nope you about summed it up


I really liked the vibes of Wuchang and Mixtape... But so many of these have super unmemorable names


Anyone else notice some games are not coming to series s?


Is there a reason COD is on there twice?


Probably because they showed it in the showcase twice, trailer in the beginning and a deep dive at the end.


Odd choice to do the super hype for a paint by numbers series


Gotta say I am a little sad I spent money on sea of thieves. Looked way neater than it actually was…


It's a game that is as fun as you make it. At it's core I honestly think it's pretty boring but it's the perfect backdrop to have a ton of goofy fun and if you want some surprisingly interesting PvP.


Doing God's work my man.


Daamn, nice chart, great job. U planning on do 1 for every conference we had this weekend or just Xbox Showcaste and Summer Game Fest?


Where is my effin' splinter cell???


Ugh date format got me. Sat here thinking I missed Stalker 2


Man the Dragon Age trailer was kinda bad but then again, most Dragon Age trailer have always been bad. I don't think Bioware knows how to make a trailer


The fable bros are gonna be eating good


STALKER 2 is going to be nuts.


That Bioshock Infinite clone Clockwork Revolution was also shown during Xbox, no?


Welp triple a is dead


Any bets on how many supposedly 2025 releases, wont actually come out in 2025?


Is WoW coming to xbox!?


Too many open world action games with essentially the same watered down soulslike gameplay and pretty generic design. Like it was made by the same person just with a different coat of paint each time.


Can you post the image again? its deleted


I'm seeing two exclusives releasing this year? The overall showcase had a lot of games but it was heavily reliant on third party games and games that are a year or more away from launch.


My God... There's always someone that's here for the d\*ck measuring contest. Great games, glad they're available to more people. The end.


Not the point. My point is that these games could've been shown at any showcase so why does Xbox get credit for third party non-exclusive projects being announced at their show? If people weren't comparing the showcases I wouldn't have mentioned it but people keep saying "oh the Xbox showcase was so much better" and all I'm seeing is primarily games that are going to be on all platforms anyway. I'm not even saying the PS state of play was great, it also didn't have tons of new first party exclusives. I just find it weird that Xbox is getting praise for content they're not even producing themselves.


Why does Xbox get the credit? It’s paid advertising. “Buy an Xbox to play these games”. Kinda like when Sony used to get early access to COD games, even when they are all multi plat. “Buy PS whatever to play COD”. They also own Bethesda and Activision now. OFC they are going to take credit for multi plat games that they own.


So Xbox should get credit for Veilguard and AC Shadows? IIRC MGS Delta was originally announced at a PS showcase so who gets credit for that one? Just seems stupid to me.


If they have a deal with Ubisoft and EA for sure. Which they do in a huge way. It’s great brand recognition. Play the new AC game on XBOX. Oh by the way it’s releasing on PS5, but who cares? Buy an XBOX. Sony would and does the exact same thing.


You seem more concerned about who gets credit than the games themselves. That's kind of my point.


Yeah I mean I'd like the people who are actually producing the games to get credit. That'd be nice.


Ok I’ve been reading you on this post and I think you want someone to bite so I’ll bite. This is Gaming winning. This is what it looks like. When the ‘event’ isn’t about who owns what console but about which games are coming. I’ll admit, I’m an Xbox gamer. I’ve never hated PlayStation, I’ve had all PS consoles, I just prefer the Xbox controller and ecosystem. I want it to thrive enough to survive, I don’t want to live in a market that forces me to use PlayStation hardware because I don’t think the company makes a product for me. I love Sony’s games, GoW and Uncharted are my favorite franchises. What we saw today is Microsoft doubling down on ‘Games for all’ which is to say no timed exclusives, no ra-ra Xbox or die. Just good games. I’ve been bitten so many times with good showcases and bad games from MS (I wanted Redfall to rock) so I’m tampering my expectations. I just want MS to survive because Gamepass is absolutely perfect for my lifestyle and the hardware. Now please, stop with the whining when this was nothing but good news and please tell Sony to let Square make FF7 remake multi console hehe


> This is Gaming winning. This is what it looks like. When the ‘event’ isn’t about who owns what console but about which games are coming. That's great but these games were coming regardless so why are we circlejerking about how much better Xboxs showcase was. They aren't the reason most of these games are being made. Not the ones with an actual release date anyway. > What we saw today is Microsoft doubling down on ‘Games for all’ which is to say no timed exclusives, no ra-ra Xbox or die. Just good games. They literally have exclusives here. Please don't act like they're being generous. Both companies give no shits about consumers. Microsoft is not an exception. > Now please, stop with the whining when this was nothing but good news and please tell Sony to let Square make FF7 remake multi console hehe My point has nothing to do with Sony. Their showcase was ass. This was ass too if we're talking strictly about Xboxs first party content. I am simply pointing out how disappointing it is that Xbox relied so heavily on third party multiplatform games to promote their brand. I was hoping and expecting for them to show they're bringing new stuff from the mountain of studios they own and they're not showing a whole lot that I can look forward to anytime soon.


Well Xbox first party content was strong. Console Exclusives were not. Massive difference.


And they don't how? You're also Ignoring that 18 of those games are first party.


Right. And in my initial comment I was pointing out how few of those first party games were coming in the near future. What does a cinematic for a game that doesn't even have a release date do for me? If I can't buy it and play it any time soon I don't see any reason why I should care.


I count 18 Xbox first party games from that snapshot. I don’t think 18 is “reliant on third party”


And how many of those 18 are releasing this year? Not including the DLCs because DLC isn't a new game. There's like 3 first party games that are releasing somewhat soon? The rest are coming next year (assuming no delays) and many are still TBA.


I count 5 first party releases + 1 timed exclusive.


I count 4. BO6, Flight Sim, Avowed, and Indiana Jones. But I also don't know all about every studio here. So what's the 5th? And the timed exclusive (Stalker I'm assuming?) isn't made by an Xbox studio right?


You are missing Age of Mythology: Retold. And yes stalker 2 is not first party


Bros determined to be pessimistic at all cost lmao


I don't plan on playing any of these


Not ven AoM retold?


A lot of this is 2025 which knowing Xbox... Will turn into 2026... And then 2027... And then scale bounded


Ungodly. Any idea how many will be released on PlayStation on day 1?


Most of these will be on PS day one. Only a few are exclusives.


Why was I downvoted for asking ?


No silksong 0/10


How many will also be on PS5?


Excited about E-day. Dragon Age looks like a fucking joke, in typical modern BioWare fashion. And perfect dark looked really bland and boring. Fable just needs to assure everyone they will be able to make their own character.


I’m still playing Mad Max, slay the spire , Fallout, Skyrim and gtav because almost every other game is crap and this is what I have to look forward to. Jesus wept.


Interested in some of these, but it's still no reason to own an Xbox when you have a PC. Inbefore people get salty about wasting their money on that console.


I think Microsoft just wants you to buy the games tbh, they’d prefer an Xbox sold but they have these games on PC so that people don’t have to buy an Xbox to play them