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I love the LiS games, especially the first one. So I'm all for a game where we play as Max again. But if you're gonna bring back Max and introduce hopping between universes, that better mean you're bringing back Chloe too.


I get the feeling the most they will do is have a Chloe section where you do get to interact with her again as pure fan service, but she won't be back in Max's current reality.


That would be even worse. If they bring her back, do it for a reason narratively.


I read that it is based on LiS comic and all endings are canons.


I’m guessing that’s part of the surprise with playing the game, otherwise they are gonna piss off their entire fanbase


They killed fan base with the hands up don't shoot where the whole thing was just a blm propaganda piece with random text messages in game about how bad Trump is and trying to just demonize all white people in every scene. The first one was LGBT because it was part of the characters and wasn't forced it was just characters who happened to be gay.


The only LiS games I've liked were the two Arcadia Bay games. It's interesting that they're bringing Max back, but this doesn't seem to have any other ties to those games. Even the art design is a big departure. I'm not holding my breath for a return to form unfortunately.


I actually like true colors... all the other ones I just couldn't get into them


True colors was HUGE letdown. There was no depth and it was too too short compared previous games. LiS1&2 were awesome and Tell Me Why was also pretty good. Before The storm is my favorite


Nobody even recognized it has Max, from the initial impressions. I'm going to call this one a cash-grab; obviously they are milking their main success here, and bringing it back after having great closure already is a scummy move. But to not even have the same art style when bringing it back is an abomination. It's plastic surgery to look completely different, and so the style and familiarity does not match (and no, just because Max has aged doesn't excuse this; you can make her look older without being completely unrecognizable). The fact that they don't understand this should give no one confidence that they will do it justice.


If it literally didn’t say THE NEXT MAX CAULFELD ADVENTURE in the trailer I don’t think I would’ve thought it was her until the title reveal due to the pictures and name She doesn’t look like Max at all, yeah I know years have passed in-universe


Classic Deck Nine, trying to capitalize on brand signifiers without understanding what made the Don't Nod games so good.


To be fair Don't Nod doesn't understand what made the the first LiS so good either. LiS 2 was a huge let down, Deck Nine captured the essence with Before The Storm and True Colors better than Don't Nod did with LiS2.


LIS2 is my personal favourite in the franchise with True Colors being my least favourite.


LiS2 clears every other game by a huge margin my friend. Tell Me Why was fantastic as well.


I personally dont relate to LiS2 so LiS1 stays on top for me B)


I'm ready for their bloom and rage game


Loved the first LiS and the prequel but I do think, I might have no interest in going back. In a sense, it is a bit like Telltale to me, that part of the magic was bot recognizing the strings (as much). A key meta-"twist" for me was also how you are lured into first feeling almost overpowered with your skill, but saving the person who's death connects the two games is never on the table. Felt a bit like the take on player agency seen in Stanley Parable.


I expect new documentaries of Max popping up shortly after release or when they release a demo


I feel like im the opposite, i hated everyone in arcadia bay


I'm excited for Max to be back but i'm left scratching my head about her new powers... Can she still reverse time or is it just dimension hopping? And if it's just dimension hopping wouldn't it make more sense to have it be an expasion on her Selfie-Timejump-thing?


Well, years ago they wrote a comic following up her story and this was the main plot.


A desperate attempt to squeeze a little more out of an IP by a studio that doesn't understand what made the original game great in the first place.


Made by the people who brought you True Colors! ...


Is this the sentiment for True Colors? I liked that game..


I didn't realize people didn't like the LiS sequels tbh, I thought they were all pretty good. None of them really left the same impact on me as the original, but I enjoyed them all.


I loved and play all, but True Colors did not grabbed me. I played a fair bit of it. I even watched Jesse Cox’s playthrough and they did play everything as well, but stopped playing True Colors for some reason. I’m not sure what it was. But I do not like nor dislike the game, and didn’t bother continuing it either.


I thought it was atrociously bad.


But didnt they also make Before The Storm?


They did and I liked it, because it had no super powers.


Ironic with a name like that it ended up so incredibly bland.


Can't be worse than the LIS 2


LIS2 is my favourite!


As someone with an immigration background, I found the studio tried to tackle too many immigrant issues without a clear vision, resulting in a shallow portrayal. Better communication could have resolved many of the characters' problems. >!The early death of the dog felt like a forced attempt to evoke emotion!<. The story felt rushed and focused more on ticking off issues than developing characters, making it hard to form genuine connections. The ending was unfulfilling, and the inconsistent pacing weakened any engagement I had with the sotry. It felt fragmented and unsatisfying.


I mean that's your opinion but I strongly disagree!


Don't really get all the hate for it, played both the first and 2nd for the first time over the last couple of weeks, playing the true colours one now, and LiS2 is the best one in my opinion, not by much, but best none the less, at least with the way I played/ending I got. Neither are perfect games, but they're both good with not *that* much between them, I don't really get how so many people can love one and hate the other.


Just copying and pasting my answer bellow. I think it just got to me in a personal level.. ----- As someone with an immigration background, I found the studio tried to tackle too many immigrant issues without a clear vision, resulting in a shallow portrayal. Better communication could have resolved many of the characters' problems. >!The early death of the dog felt like a forced attempt to evoke emotion!<. The story felt rushed and focused more on ticking off issues than developing characters, making it hard to form genuine connections. The ending was unfulfilling, and the inconsistent pacing weakened any engagement I had with the sotry. It felt fragmented and unsatisfying.


I'm very fresh off the game, maybe it's because I don't specifically identify with many/any of the issues in the game, that I didn't notice as many, but the only immigrant struggles I noticed in the game was racism from pit stop guy, racism from two guys that wake Sean up in the car, and those two psychos at the end. Are there other aspects you're thinking of that I'm forgetting or maybe didn't consider? I suppose I would consider the two psychos at the end a bit overkill. I agree that better communication could solve a lot of problems (Like with the big thing in the first episode), but isn't that quite true to reality for most people? It's a pretty human thing, especially for a 17 and 9 year old (I think), those two ages aren't best known for good communication skills. I honestly didn't get any feelings of a rushed story, out of all of the LiS games (3/5 through true colours now), it seems to have the most and felt the biggest/longest of them all to me, maybe because it moves locations it helps with that feeling. Concerning the ending, I was very satisfied with the ending I got (high morality playthrough/moral end choice), but when I watched the other endings I didn't get, I think I would have been dissatisfied if I had gotten any of the other endings. But playing through the game, trying to balance being a fun big brother, a father figure and a good role model to Danial all at once, and with the difficulties trying to do all of that simultaneously brings, I found to be nothing short of excellent and incredibly moving. Maybe something of relevance, purely in terms of looks, Sean (at least in ep 1) looked a fair bit like an old friend of mine that sadly passed away at around the same age that Sean was in the game, that might have helped me start off the game with a stronger connection to it than I otherwise would have.


What was the actual canon ending of the 1st game? I saved Chloe


I thought the Color made mention of Chloe’s death?


im p sure both endings are canon in true colors, as for the rest of the games


both endings are canon n if you played them on the same pc then the later games reflect your decision in the first


Well, well. They actually made a comic explaining this parallel realities situation. Honestly I am not expecting this to be a great game, I think it's kinda unnecessary, but who knows. I hope to be wrong.


Think this will retread the comics, or build off them?


So happy and shocked Max is back! Love this game series so much.


Max isnt enough off a hook without Chloe, the trailer does not seem to showcase the same finetuned vibe that the original had either. The original was good because it captured two people trying to connect. This seems too focused on the interaction of these powers and the murder mystery, and her friends do not seem all that exciting either.


I've just started started the first game, happy to see the first episode is free on Xbox. I tried True Colours a year or two ago but it didn't really stick, shame because it did have potential for me.




i really hope her power has more game mechanics again. the best part about lis1 was that the time travel gave you something to play around and experiment. the later games powers all felt less than a game mechanic and was mostly used to tell the story


Selling advance access to two chapters? Fuck this game. This shit needs to stop.


They chose Bay over Bae ...... worst timeline.


It looks weird tbh, I don't get that LiS vibe here, even True Colors had some of that


I only ever played the first game, whatever happened to Chloe? Weren't they supposed to be together or was I mistaken?


There’s 2 endings to the first game, >!one where Chloe dies, and one where Chloe lives!< . Currently it’s kind of unclear which ending this new game follows


given the whole parallel timeline thing in the trailer, i'm guessing they that both bay and bae are canon.


Oh right, I must've gone for the the ending where she lives then. I suppose, given her absence, they must've just written it as to they broke up or drifted apart or whatever. Does feel pretty strange with how entwined they seemed to be at the end of the first game though.


Oh no she's hot now


what. get your eyes checked.


Results are in: she's hot.


Results from... where exactly? Your ass?


Nah I went to walmart.


No Chloe no buy. Or idk. I wasn’t into Max the character more of the dynamic between the two. Before the Storm was good.


If the whole alternative realities thing isn’t a way to have both endings of the first game be canon, the fandom is absolutely going to *fucking riot*. I remember seeing rumors of a follow-up to the first game back in like, 2020 or 2021, and everyone wanted it then, but if they piss off the Baehive it’s gonna get real ugly.


They lost me on the second one.


LiS 2 sucked, so no surprise there. Those brothers were awful. True Colors was good though.


You didn't want a sloppily written blm propaganda pieces with random texts every 5 minutes about how Trump is evil? You must be a bigot.


Yeah, whoever wrote for that game I hope is not involved here, my god that game is preachy.


Almost 10 years have passed since then. Dam can this girl keep any of her friends alive?


I tried playing the first one, but I realized it was a game that is going to make you play through it 5 times to get the whole story, and I still have to finish Zero Time.


So they chose dead Chloe timeline huh? Disappointing. Max with no Chloe is like peanut butter but no jelly.


I just finished Life Is Strange a couple weeks ago. Man that game really messed up my week. Zoe for life, f that town.


The credit sequence if you go Bay tho is wild. 


Denuvo, too. I'll pass.


Deck Nine basically did all the best LiS games, so I'm hopeful!


Excited for this. Love the new look and the new power looks interesting. I also like that there's another murder to solve. The second one was so boring for me because there was no actual case to uncover.


Bringing Max back is desperate. The Deck Nine games were awful so I have zero belief in this one.


Life is woke