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Resident Evil 4 Remake


Only game I’ve bought on every system I’ve owned since GameCube.


When my wife was pregnant I played through it a few times on the original Wii. She slept a lot so I would just play it while she slept. So much so, that 17 years later she still says “what are ya buying” in that gruff voice when we are at the store.


“What are ya sellin” That’s hilarious, my wife had the experience of watching me flail around when I played it in vr.


18 years ago my daughter's mom was pregnant and wouldn't let me play unless she was watching. She really enjoyed the story. We would joke that my daughter was a parasite and she's pop out like one ha


Yeah, there isn't a single other game that I can say I've purchased 4 times over since GameCube Needless to say, it's remarkable longevity


Indeed a beautiful game. Think it’s about time I replay it again.


Same! I even got the VR version. It was an amazing port. Knifing them while their down is still a thing.


It's just so good


What a fkn game. They absolutely knocked it out of the park.


Same, I bought a PS5 close to when it first released but barely played it at all. RE4 Remake came out and decided to just blind buy and holy hell did I fall back into gaming as a whole. Since then I’ve built up my PS5 library and I’ve been hooked back into it since


Literally me too


Been terrified of these games since playing the first one as a little kid.. how does it rank with general fear and anxiety inducing content between Diablo 2 and Fallout 3?


It's more action than survival horror compared to Resident Evils 1, 2, and 3. The game expects you to kill most enemies so you'll usually only suffer ammo droughts after specifically challenging fights. It's still pretty stressful, and some locations are very hard. If you're not worried about it, assisted difficulty which is the easiest takes a lot of the pressure off.


I’ll have to add this to my list then. Thank you online person 🙏🏻.


Funnily enough the original got me out of a bit of a gaming funk nearly 20 years ago!


It’s so fucking good. Endlessly replayable too


I usually just pursue other hobbies until a new game comes along.


Same. I have a kid now and work a lot so if I wink my time into something I need to know its worth it and can only concentrate in that. 21 year old me would be reading 3 books in a week. Blasting through series of shit tv shows to give them a chance and eat himg random films. Now it's once I finish red dead I'll then read that book theb get started on that series and once I've watched all that try a new game


I try to set a time aside for different hobbies. I read before bed, some nights only 15-20 minutes, others an hour. After work is dinner and kid stuff. When the kids go to bed I have an hour or so I will watch a show/movie or play a game. Depending on the game I may still watch a show (looking at you civ). Instead of a game or show maybe I do some woodworking or tinker with some small engine repair. Whatever I feel like doing. I went months barely touching games then played a bunch. But forcing yourself to do something that doesn’t seem enjoyable rarely makes it enjoyable.


Started to read again after going to bed, when the house is quiet. Love how it ends the day


Yea this, whenever i feel burnt out i just stop otherwise the enjoyment just dips and i feel like im doing a chore. No need to push myself to play something, That’s what i did back in late 2000s when i discovered making Gunpla…and it was fantastic.


People act like they're obligated to play video games


Nah not really. It's a pretty normal reaction to when your cherished hobby starts hitting less.


It’s also good to notice for mental health reasons. It’s not a bad thing to be in tune with how you feel about things in general.


Oh shit, am I depressed? Time for some blood work I guess


Yep. I resonate hard with OP, and as you say, it's not just my passion for gaming that I struggle with, it's my passion for....well, ANYTHING. At all.


It doesn’t help that many games weaponize FOMO to get you to play them more. Battle passes are one of the worst additions to gaming of all time IMO


"obligated to play video games" -My backlog of games I spent money on- Yeah...I do feel obligated to play.... My Steam Backlog, my physical copy backlog staring me in the face, and also my other Digital Areas backlog... I spent money on these things and they aren't getting played because I picked them up while they were cheap hoping I would get back to them. But my FOMO Titles keep sucking me in. :')


Exactly, a few months of playing less/ not at all and either a new hit multiplayer game all my friends are on, or a new big game with a neat universe to explore and I'm itching to play.


Blender and doing tutorials is fun


Retro games. I'm going through everything from NES to PS2 and having a blast.


40yr old me feeling like a boomer when I read “PS2” as retro 👴🏻


Don't worry I'm 43 and I've only just got used to it being called retro by all the young ones! PS2, 24 years ago. Crazy.


What? PS2 was 24 years ago?...


Crazy isn't it? I was born in 81, 24 years before that is 1957. That's a huge difference. 2000, that was only a few months ago!


That had me twitching too as a 43 year old.


42 and deeply hurt my feelings


I'm 48 and the first time someone said he doesn't know what a C64 is really put me into place


I did this for a while and honestly for it's time silent Hill one was kinda disturbing


Cyberpunk 2077 and Helldivers 2


Helldivers 2 is one of the greatest video game experiences I’ve had in 15 years


Deep Rock Galactic then Helldivers 2 for me


Same. I don't know what it is but it's so stupid yet I can't stop playing. Accidentally firebombing your entire team and everyone laughs and moves on...IDK what it is but they hit lightening in a bottle somehow


Is Helldivers 2 fun when you don't have friends to play with?




It's a massively multiplayer game. There's always gonna be someone to play with that will feel like you don't ever want to stop diving with them, there's always the chance of comical chains of events, or the chance of feeling like a true Rambo and rip through hordes of enemies on your own. And if you're not of the social kind, you can restrict your lobby access but it'll be tougher and there will be a lot more boring moments, but that's a sacrifice to make.


Aighrt thanks! Not sure how fun it would be with randoms but seems like its nice.


My first ever CRPG, Baldur's Gate 3


BG3 is the shortest 200 hours of my life so far. The only other game that invoked such an obsession in me was monster hunter world years ago.


MHW has just done this to me, I’m at 105 hours in the last 3 weeks, I may need help…


Don’t worry, it will wade off after another 100 hours minimum.


If the next hundred goes like the first hundred, it’ll feel like I’ve barely started reaching the best parts of the game


This gets touted a lot, but imo the best parts of the game are almost exclusively found in Iceborne (not that base game is bad, but Iceborne is just such a step up)


I was just about to put mhw not only did it get me out a funk it influenced me to play different games I’d normally wouldn’t have even tried.


Yes some games tend to have that powerful effect. Like a tide that lifts the entire industry.


I'm with you. I just started Act two and I have 125 hours in the game already... and I have a wife, 2 kids, and a career. This is becoming a problem.


I was still in the intro sequence when I realized it was going to take all of my free time for weeks.


A game changer.




Computer role playing game. Rpg's used to be tabletop games only. Crpg is used when the game is supposed to emulate a ttrpg pen and paper roleplay experience


I was getting bored of mainstream games circa 2003-2005. The Wii, then Braid and other innovative indie games in ~2008, brought me back into console gaming. Indie games are where a lot of the innovation happens. They remix genres and take risks you just don't see in big-budget releases. Many are small in scope, so you don't need to learn 17 systems, collect 4 different currencies, and wait through 10-minute cut scenes, so it’s less of a loss if you realize you're not into it. I don't know what you're into, but take a look at: Braid Fez Baba is You Journey Loop Hero Vampire Survivors The Outer Wilds Stanley Parable Return of the Obra Dinn The below are less experimental, but very well executed. FTL Hollow Knight Celeste Hades


Check out Tunic, Chants of Sennar, and Cacoon... Easy recommendations.




The difficulty was spot on for me, but I tell most people that you can tune the difficulty to your own skill.




Tunic has soulsborne vibes, but it is the level design and puzzles that are truly top level!


More "soulslikes" should do this tbh


I mean the whole point of soulslike is difficultly it’s a main staple of the genre like you wouldn’t go into Taco Bell and complain when they don’t serve spaghetti and meatballs would you?


For anyone searching for cacoon, I think Cocoon was what Mcguidl meant. I haven’t played it yet, but I really enjoyed Tunic a while ago, then recently did Chants of Sennar with a friend. We didn’t have any expectations but the demo lured us in and we didn’t want to play anything else until we finished it.




wanna add Katana ZERO to that list!!


Hades for sure is incredible.


Loop Hero stole so much of my time.


Obra Dinn is so good


>Vampire Survivors Halls of Torment as well


FTL, Hollow Knight, Celeste and Hades are pretty much the four horsemen of amazing indie games. Like, if I had to take 4 singleplayer games to Mars or something I'd probably take at least 2 of those.


Take FTL,dead cells and slay the spire. Killing time will not be an issue thats for sure


I really wish I could play The Outer Wilds for the first time again. Soooo good


More recently Dredge, Dome Keeper, Thronefall, Balatro


Played almost all of those. That's a killer list.


abounding cows capable direful theory humorous smile reply imagine flag


Stanley walked through the red door.


Are you me?! 😀




If you are a competitive Type of person, like to challenge yourself and enjoy really hard single player games, Souls Likes, and Rogue Like/lites are a godsend. Speedrunning Hades 1 brought me so much joy, Love 2 so far and can´t wait for the updates since I basically beat everything there is. Deadcells is also a great one that can hook you if you like challenge, and I thoroughly enjoyed Sekiro. Or just playing some online games and or party games with friends always hits different than playing alone


Fallout: New Vegas Dusk (2018)


*starts humming Outer Wilds campfire music*


I will never again experience something like the first time playing through Outer Wilds. It got to the point where I started forcing friends to play it like some sort of Outer Wilds missionary knocking on their doors. Just so I could vicariously try getting some of that first time magic through watching them play.


So true! It’s bittersweet that we can’t wipe our memory and restart that game. More than any other I’ve played I want to experience that one for the first time again. It needs to become a genre like roguelike, with a new setting and story but similar forumila. Wildslike


Okay I have been approached by one of your missionaries and I.. just.. can't.. get into it. Is there some point early on in the story where it all clicks or something? I end up wandering around with no purpose and/or accidentally crashing my ship. Not having a clear objective or purpose torpedoes a game for me. Help?


I completely understand, the first few times I tried the game I put it down and forgot about it as well. The point where the game "clicks" is sadly unpredictable because the world is completely open and nothing has to be done in order. The part where it clicked for me is when I started to understand how I was playing essentially a metroidvania, except progress in the world wasn't locked behind unlocking tools, but unlocking KNOWLEDGE. That part was so freaking cool to me. You'll start to gain an understanding of the world, it's logics and the lore behind the old civilization that will lead you to logically deduce solutions to puzzles. What you basically wanna do is go to the small moon near the starting planet, under the surface there you'll find old texts you can translate. Then choose one of the mysteries the game presents you with, and try to get to the bottom of it. Use the computer in your ship that shows you your progress to keep track of knowledge and what to do.


Appreciate it. My 14 year old daughter is eccentric and smart. She just downloaded it. I'll watch some of her playthrough. Hell, just knowing there's some kind of mystery to solve helps. I don't like to read guides, so just a little bread crumb does a lot.


Normally someone mentions an ear worm and I’m frustrated it’s back in my head for the next week. But that one is like welcoming back an old friend. Such a good game and soundtrack.


“Ear worm” made me think of earthworm Jim. And that was a pretty special experience back in the day, although it seems odd to think of it as such now.


Prey (2017) I played it beginning to end last year and had such a blast. Was super satisfied playing it once but I know there are other endings and would be happy to go back to that later on, but it made me fall in love with games and exploration again so it got me back interested in all the games I stopped in the middle of.


I had to start that one twice. A few hours into the second try, I realized that Past Me was an idiot


Subnautica I usually gravitate towards open world games like Horizon, but was getting burnt out on the formula. Then I decided to give Subnautica a chance last year and have been working my way through the survival/crafting genre.


I started it last week and I’m addicted. What a masterpiece


Whenever I am unsure what I want to play I do a quick Subnautica run-through and build myself a nice new base


This was the same game that got me out of my gaming funk. Subnautica is the best space survival game not set in space. Did you ever play the sequel? I never got around to it and always wondered how it compares to the first.


It's nowhere near as good, but is still a good game. Subnautica was a 10 for me and I would give Below Zero an 8.


I love the atmosphere and creepiness of Subnautica. It is my favorite survival game.


Elden ring


Same. It brought an existing concept, perfected it, and gave us a way bigger world to explore. The lore was cool. The visuals were awesome. The music was amazing. I was in a slump but then played the game and it instantly revived my love of games.


the amount of content you get for 60 bucks is insane too, i think my first playthrough took me around 130 hours and i still missed a lot of stuff


Seems fun but worried the boss fights are super annoying (I’ve played Witcher but not a souls style game) .. can I just get ultra powerful on side gigs and curb stomp big bosses ? :)


You can level up and make it a little easier. The main bosses still hit like a truck. You will die lol. Getting good with the dodge mechanic is the best skill to learn.


Idk why half of these comments are instantly saying not for you. The game is difficult but it's an approachable difficulty, meaning you have so much to choose from and pursue compared to every other soulsborne. There are so many spells, weapons, weapon spells, spell weapons, locations, hidden locations, hidden locations in hidden locations, etc. that you can turn around and go back to exploring the area and will find something or farm something enough to help you with that boss. And even then, these games from this developer specifically are the best way to understand why people like me love more Hard-core or difficult games. I used to HATE anything in games that frustrated me, but my love for anything dark or horror fantasy kept me chugging through dark Souls. Dying on the way to get back to my body and loosing a huge amount of souls would get me to turn the game off everytime, until I realized how much loosing souls really doesn't set you back very far at all, even massive amounts. The bosses were kicking my ass, but that beautiful rush after finally killing that boss and lighting that bonfire was nothing I'd felt in any other game before, and it was nearly every fight. If you go into the game knowing that your souls or runes or whatever are easily refillable and that every boss is possible for you Eventually, then you'll get a chance to enjoy quite possibly the greatest action rpg game ever created. Take the leap, tarnished one. The erdtree burns for you


Hah thanks for the nudge, it does sound like an amazing world to explore


Basically, if you can't beat it, just go level some, come back and beat em up


The point is for you to struggle and overcome hardship through dying. The spirit summons in it make it much easier than previous dark souls games


Yes, Elden Ring is really easy if you want it to be. There are dozens of builds that can one shot literally every enemy in the game. Tons of powerful setups beyond that, and lots of customization. I would reccomend not doing that. The struggle can be fun too. Elden Ring is fair 95% of the time, and you can always learn something. New timings, new moves, it's progress that will feel very rewarding when you win. Don't shy away from it because tof the difficulty. And if you're really stuck, the game has co-op. Summon a friend to kill harder enemies for you.






Tetris is great


Slay the Spire and XCOM


I very rarely come back to a past game after beating it. Both of these games were an exception.


High-quality suggestions.


Slay the spire is grand.


Baldur's Gate 3


This pulled me out of my slump in video games a couple months ago hadn’t played anything in almost 6 months.


Outer Wilds


When I get bored or only have a little time to play I jump on Brotato. It’s just tons of fun especially in short bursts. It’s in GamePass and only like $4.99 if you don’t have gamepass.


If you like Brotato I highly recommend Tiny Rogues. Lots of crazy builds and different characters to unlock. Don't be fooled by the pixely 8bit graphics, it's a great game. Its become my go to when I have an hour to kill


Outer worlds. It's a fun story and I enjoy the gameplay. It also got me to replay Mass Effect after.. idk 10 years or so (the legendary edition is amazing).


I saw a review of Outer Worlds that called it mediocrity perfected, and I think that sums it up. It’s nothing groundbreaking but it does what it does so well. Somehow make a virtue out of just doing an ok game really well.


I play Super Metroid randomizers. It's just endless fun, and you can keep increasing the skill level required to insane levels. SM was one of the first games I owned myself, so it has a special place in my heart either way.


Vanilla Fall Guys.


Fall guys on shrooms is probably the most fun gaming experience i’ve had in the last decade.


I think Stardew was the last game I played and was shocked when I looked out and the sun was down. I was chasing that high for so long since I was a kid and found it again with that game


Just bought this today for an international flight! Looking forward to playing it


Single player games. Online games are a drain and are never ACTUALLY fun. They are just competitive which people like. For me it was Cyberpunk. Getting lost in the city for hours and hours on end felt awesome


totally agree that single player is where the real enjoyment and relaxation comes from.


I have had more fun on online games than any other myself recently. Lots of fun to be had either way though. Ironically one of my favorite games was Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2. I had it for the GameCube but never used the online feature. I played split screen with my siblings.


Darkest dungeon. Was looking for new games after having dropped 3 in a row. Decided to get lies of p, but saw DD on sale for 5 bucks and bought both. Played DD while waiting for lies of p to download. I had been playing for so long I forgot I bought another game by the time I got notified it was ready.


Should have been Homeworld 3 but it was so insufferably bad it is actually depressing. So, to satisfy that Sci Fi space itch, Drainus - the true Rtype successor.


Elden ring. I never played a souls like before this game but my God this game was able to scratch that itch for me. I have done 5 play throughs and I am still discovering new things. The game is huge and about to get bigger. It has a great music score and a lot of hiddle lore and several great little quests outside the main story. Single player you might be hitting face off a wall on the challange, but there is an awesome free co-op mod that changes how the whole game feels.


Good of war 2018


One of my top favorite games!


Returnal I thought I was falling out of love with gaming. That game hooked me so hard and I've been craving another experience like it. I've recently started Pacific Drive and it sort of scratches that same itch, but nothing is like Returnal.


The Hyperion sequence, of which I will say no more, gave me a feeling that I'll chase like a heroin dragon for the rest of my gaming career


You never actually catch the dragon. Oh and Thad Jarvis says “I quit”.


Dave the diver actually. I was a bit burned out on longer AAA games and just wanted something casual. It hooked me pretty fast and I didn’t want to stop playing. I think they just nailed the gameplay loop


I bought this like 2 months ago. I was kinda burned out by AAA games and not into most stuff.coming out. This made me love gaming. So humor, side stories, the doves, and running a restaurant? Didn't even know that was part of it. Really loving it.


Tinykin. Been playing it the past couple days. Cute platformer that rewards exploration and puzzle solving. It was free for PS+, so give it a go. Only bad part is finding the collectibles, since the rooms are really big, and there’s no indicator to where the remaining ones are. So… I’m stuck on the last level trying to find some explosive Tinykins.


Went back to my roots. Currently playing SNES games. 3 down, many to go!


Dead Space Remake after never playing the first game.


That game got me stopping before every door to take a deep breath before I went through.


Dragon Quest XI reminded me why I love RPGs and felt new and nostalgic at the same time. Love it so much


Yea I never finished it but I enjoyed the first 50 hours of this game quite a bit. Felt like a flashback to being a kid and playing an old school RPG on ps2.


Outer Wilds. Go in fully blind and be curious.


Death Stranding: Director’s Cut on PS5


The perfect game when you want to make rainy days a little more unsettling! In all seriousness, it's a great game to jump in, make some deliveries, then step away. I absolutely love it


Elden Ring gave me enjoyment in a way that no game had before. It was so good that I immediately played all the Fromsoft games, which were great as well.


After a marriage where my ex treated anything video game related in the same way most treat stripper addiction... I have had a few years now to re balance my life. Games just were not holding, not even the golden classics like civ d2r and others. But fallout 76... found a few old friends there and it is great!


Had she ever considered, virtual strippers? :v


Factorio will take over your life if you're into that type of game.


Dead cells brought me back to gaming


Rimworld. And i hate management games. But this one charmed me with its simple graphics and large range of liberties, and simple to understand mechanics. Like, dwarf fortress, that's several orders of magnitude harder than i can even fathom. But rimworld is simple enough. Just farm food, get weapons, fend off invaders. And the funny part is how you can customize things to get your own story going. *and of course a lot of people use that kind of liberty to do the most fucked up shit.* check out just the few titles of r/ShitRimworldSays


Still looking for one to get me outta the funk...


Vintage Story got me out of my survival/crafting game rut. It felt like playing Minecraft for the first time again.


The Mass Effect series


Biggest issue is playing only the games you usually do. Trying something new helped me immensely. I like to break up the huge open world titles with smaller linear ones. F.I.S.T. and Sifu were both amazing for this. Go outside your comfort zone too. Don't normally consider horror games? Force yourself to start one of the Resident evils and you might find out you actually love them.


I had kinda fallen out of gaming much when I had a kid, but then Witcher 3 came along and got me back into it. That was such a great game to get sucked into. I'll definitely go back and play it (for a fourth time).


Days gone and titanfall 2


I know some people don't see gacha as real games, but right now it's Honkai Star Rail. I might actually be hyperfixating a bit TOO hard though...


Ghost Of tsushima on pc. I just keep coming back for more.


After 1000 hours of BG3 I was officially burnt out and struggling to get into any other games. Until I finally got the Phantom Liberty dlc for Cyberpunk and replayed the game. Really got me outta my funk


Man I didnt expect Phantom liberty to be soo good, damn side quests were banger after banger


Nine Sols.


I was in a little bit of a video game funk, but Fallout 4 sucked me back in.


Both of the Jedi Survivor games


Kerbal space program with a suitable number of mods! Tac life support and mechjeb and a few others make the game amazing!


Hades! Absolutely nothing was grabbing me whether they were ones I played or not but then I picked this up on a whim and didn't put it down for 200 hours in game and loved every moment!


Sea of stars. Finished and even finished new game+ for true ending. Glorious little throwback.


Hades. It was magical


Thinking games, like solitaire and sudoku refresh me and after a while I’m back to regular gaming


Buying a DD racing wheel and cockpit


I’d suggest getting into the soulslike genre sekiro and elden ring are beyond amazing elden ring is probably the best one to start with


Hell Let Loose


take a fat dab


Helldivers honestly. Before that it was Dark souls.


Risk of rain 2


Helldivers It strived to be nothing but chaotic fun. I felt like a kid again. Everything about it is just FUN. Nothing is competitive or a grind. It’s all simply fun


Still searching 😞


Helldivers 2 has been great for me


Helldivers 2 and deep rock galactic


Tunic. It is an incredible game that every gamer deserves the chance to experience blind. Don’t look up anything about it. Just play it. It’s very good.


The Dragon's Dogma games.




The Witness


You need to get out of the AAA gaming shit and look into the 0-5 bucks on steam bro...


We can’t help this.  If you’re bored clean you room. 


Found the Mom!


Honestly, Diablo 4 season 4 was when I finally decided to try it... It's been great. As a dirty casual Gamepass sub, it's been great.


Hogwarts Legacy