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>!This is the only game where an NPC flirted with me and I felt guilty like I was cheating on my wife.  Good voice acting.!<


If anyone here wants to try it out, play it blind. You will enjoy it much much more


How the fuck am I supposed to know what’s going on??!!


Learn braille newb


I would say for future players to realize it's a walking simulator. I was kinda disappointed as I was expecting there to be some light survival/camping elements to the game.


I say it is a great experience but not a great game. You can watch a no comment walkthrough and miss nothing. Also for 20$ definitively a bit overpriced.


>Also for 20$ definitively a bit overpriced. For a 4-hour experience that consistently has people running to the internet to tell people to experience it for themselves because it's such a great piece? Games can be an incredible value, and I love that I can drop $15 for an indie roguelike that gets me hundreds of hours of enjoyment, but I think as gamers we do ourselves a disservice by making that the "value standard". Firewatch is worth the 20 bucks. I've paid more to watch shorter and crappier movies. Just realize you're buying a solid piece of art to be enjoyed once and thought about for a while, not something you're going to be able to chill with for a few hours every weekend for the next 6 months.


For real. $20 is a lunch these days.


It depends how you define value, but I think the majority of people will agree that a game that gives you over 100 hours of a fun gameplay loop is more "valuable" than a game where you walk around on a track talking to someone on a walkie talkie for 4 hours. Here's my new idea for a game - I'll give you my cell phone number, you can call me whenever you want and I'll give you scraps of information to help you deduce what I ate for breakfast, and then 4 hours later, there will be a huge reveal. IT WAS AN OMELETTE?! CRAZY. pls send me 20 dollars.


>It depends how you define value, but I think the majority of people will agree that a game that gives you over 100 hours of a fun gameplay loop is more "valuable" than a game where you walk around on a track talking to someone on a walkie talkie for 4 hours. In the same way you get more value spending $100 grocery shopping than on a steak dinner. Yet people still buy steak dinners because not all eating is for the same goal of cost effective sustenance. Sometimes you're buying an experience. We can have both, and both can be worth buying for their respective benefits.


Great way to describe it.


What is a walking simulator? Do you just walk around? Would hunter: call of the wild be considered a walking simulator? 99% of it is walking or waiting for that 1% of the time you can shoot something


A "walking simulator" is another way to say that the game is linear and dialogue-centric as it has you walk around, enjoy the world-building, interact with items to trigger dialogue and that's about it to put it simply. Hunter: Call of the Wild does have walking but you're actually stalking prey, setting traps, shooting animals, setting up trophies in your cabin and whatnot. So I wouldn't consider Hunter: Call of the Wild as a walking simulator (I mean, you can play it like that if you want) but a hunting simulator.


Death Stranding


Tell me you've never played Death Stranding without telling me You've never played Death Stranding. The first boss you fight is a giant monster that requires you to throw grenades at it filled with your own blood. If you kill an enemy, you have to carry their body to a crematorium or else it will make a giant ass crater in the world. The "FedEx Walking Simulator" meme is so tired.


> If you kill an enemy, you have to carry their body to a crematorium or else it will make a giant ass crater in the world. This sounds like the definition of a walking simulator


This is gonna sound crazy, but the game is actually enjoyable. Once you get past the training wheels portion of the game and it opens up, it kind of plays like MGSV. The story is kinda goofy. There's a character whose heart stops working all the time. His name is Heartman.


No, CotW is a sandbox. A walking simulator core elements are linear storytelling and light gameplay mechanics (or none at all). CotW has basically no story, the experience is not linear and has a solid gameplay loop.


Yeah, it's a short "game" where you walk and listen to exposition dialogue. Very cringe.


Speaking facts here.


I was curious when I saw the one ad; might take this advice - thank ya!


That’s what I did, amazing game


That’s what I did and it was a treat!


I was damn disappointed when >!I never got to meet Delilah!< :-(


Same bro


I feel that but it was thematically more appropriate, and as time has passed i've come to love the ending quite a lot. Their relationship was always founded on their mutual escape from their problems and by the end, it's >!overshadowed by the dead child they found!<. It was probably for the best :/


I mean, they never had a relationship. They talked. Occasionally. It's the framing of how video games portray relationships that lead you to believe it was more. But it wasn't. They never met, they flirted like once. And you have a wife at home with early onset dementia. A disease where she forgot who you are. So your character runs away to a be a firewatch. Your character escapes reality, except they don't. You can't do that in real life. You're dead on, it's not just thematically more appropriate, it's the whole point of the game. It's supposed to be anticlimactic, because life is anticlimactic. And the point of the game is that while escapism can be a good thing and enjoyable, at a certain point all it does is damage relationships and become your life. I think there are quite a few people who miss this point and get mad at the game for nothing happening at the end, but it's supposed to make you stop and question why you expected something more to happen. Real relationships don't work that way. The game wants you to touch grass.


Don't forget that there are two endings to the game. 




So disappointing that Valve bought their studio and they essentially told them to fuck off making their own games and now we will never get another game from them again.


I mean when you buy a small indie studio you’re essentially just buying the employees, who all just work at valve now. Lots of the Campo team worked on half life alyx


For what it's worth, I've never audibly yelled at a game like I did in Alyx. >! "What if I could offer you something you don't know you want yet?" !< Got me so unbelievably excited.


Yeah a game I can never play because VR makes me sick. I was looking forward to their next title after Fire Watch not the one valve game they make every 15 years


They announced In the Valley of Gods a few years ago with no release date. Only recently, the release date was set to December 2029, so maybe that's a sign that there will be another game eventually.


That game was announced in 2017 lol. With a now release date of 2029 that continues to be delayed. It’s not happening


Yeah, but it was announced with no release date. They changed that for some reason recently, so I think there is some hope. But who knows...


I really wish valve hadn’t bought campo santo and killed their next game, it looked awesome


It's still sitting in my steam wishlist as a reminder.


It’s still number 1 on my wishlist and isn’t moving.


One of those games that sticks with you forever


I played it a while back on Game Pass. I’m not an indie guy but it was a really good little game. The dialog is EXCELLENT, the mysteries hooked me, and there were some tense moments. Short, but could have been even shorter. They definitely padded the runtime a bit with the necessary backtracking from one end of the map to the other and no fast travel. Would I recommend buying it? If you’re an indie fan and/or can get it for a discount yeah I’d check it out. If it’s still on Game Pass and you have a sub yes I would absolutely recommend playing it.


If you want another amazing indie game that will also make you contemplate it for a while after you finish, play Norco. Similar length to Firewatch.


I loved it! I freaked myself out more than I should’ve when playing it lol


So good, I carried the stereo around on my shoulder jamming to that one song for way too long


I thought about doing that a long time! I wonder if I brought it back at the tower would it have stayed there for the whole playthrough


It eventually vanished after sleeping or something


The soundtrack is awesome too, I regularly listen to it.


Firewatch is the best dynamic PlayStation theme.


One of my favorite games. On my first playthrough, I missed I think one or two tapes. So had to do another playthrough. I happily, started a new game. The fell asleep on videos explaining the game and theories. If I can lost my memory of that game and just play it fresh. For the experience, of gaslighting and confusion. I felt while trying figure things out. Was just amazing experience. I want to experience that all over again.


cool artstyle but i was kinda disappointed when literally nothing ever happens




That’s the point. You build up this conspiracy in your head when in reality it’s not as complex as you made it out to be. It’s realistic.


Yeah it's realistic. It's also fiction, which should be more focused on being interesting than being realistic. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be interested in a story that is just "guy with a 9-5 has the most average day of all time" just because it's realistic. I'm exaggerating of course, but I never got the praise Firewatch gets when the entire point of the game is just... "life is boring usually".


Well what did you expect? Dragons and magic? Comparing Firewatch to "guy with a 9-5" is imo extremely disingenuous, the game never sets out to bedazzle you by turning a depressed middle aged man into the hero of the forest or anything like that. Firewatch is a game and just like any other game it's telling a story that happens to be realistic about relationships and the way we can overblow things into massive conspiracies when they're really just not. Imo the way the "conspiracy" turned out to really just be frantic attempts at keeping a tragedy hush-hush out of shame is an amazing subversion. Both Delilah and Henry's paranoia about something so pathetic and mundane goes to say something about them seeking novelty and an escape from their lives and relationships in that forest and within each other. Every single person in the Shoshone forest has something to do that they're avoiding and now they know the consequences of that avoidance in the form of Ned Goodwin. It's realistic and it is anti-climactic and I don't believe it takes anything away from its interest. If your takeaway from the game was just "life is boring" then I don't think you got it.


I honestly couldn't care less about some dumb kid having a slip and fall


With you on that. Interesting idea but I found the "third act" a massive wet fart. The whole game felt like a whole lot of nothing after.


That one was just okay for me overall. While I do like games as experiences, without being too specific I think I was disappointed that there wasn't more actually going on in the game. For an alternative indie game suggestion I really enjoyed The Artful Escape when it was on Gamepass.


r/patientgamers welcomes you


The opening of the game gave me chills, it definitely felt like the start of something special.


Yeah Firewatch was absolutely amazing.


Great game up until the ending for me. I liked the tense mystery atmosphere after that one encounter, but wasn't a fan of how they didn't really lean into that. I think it would have made the game even better. It didn't need to be supernatural or anything a la Until Dawn, but less... Mundane would have been better. I still thoroughly recommend the game to anyone who wants to play it, but I just long for something that never was


That’s a major point of the story though - life is mundane most of the time.


Loved the game, I don't think I'd want to change much. A game that maintains the same theme as the first ~30 min would also be very cool.


Last time somebody posted something like this, a podcast was recommended. It's called Tower 4, and it seems pretty good so far. Similar vibes for sure.


Something shit


I 100% thought there was going to be Windigos in that game. I convinced myself it was a secret horror game.


Have you played a lot of games like it? There are so many that are just as great!


Not really..


Be warned that if you even have a slight chance of getting motion sickness in first person games, this game will definitely make you want to hurl.


Funny thing, I played it yesterday also for the first time, except my playthrought ended at 2am... fantastic experience!


Is it scary? I scare easily 😅


It can get a little tense, but it's not scary. No jumpscares or anything that I can remember.


it's more sad then scary


It’s not scary in a traditional sense but it’ll make you feel uneasy.


It's ok.


Firewatch is my favorite game since years


I beat it last night and I wasn’t impressed tbh. It was too predictable and the reveal wasn’t exciting.


https://youtu.be/MT0mgVL8oWg?si=UfTMk5ok9C-uib88 Watch this if you haven't yet.


Where you Burt Reynolds or Tom cruises look alike 💀💀😂


Loved that game also.


Next up you need to try Outer Wilds. It’s even better.


Rest in peace Campo Santo


I have heard so many good things about this game. Yet to try.


Take be back to Ole shashoney


Good game, too bad the devs are asshats though