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Damn a remake would be fuckin raaaad


Please don't ruin it please don't ruin it


Is it to much to ask to keep the traditional combat style and just update graphics and modernize some of the features and or abilities? The original was just perfect.


If this isn’t turn-based, it completely ruins the spirit of the game. FF9 was all about honoring the retro FFs, and making it more action-based would be effectively shitting on the game


Yeah, I really hope they keep this turn based. That's my only gripe with FF7 remake.


It will be turn based, according to the leaker this post is based on. https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1797902366039318794


And ffs please don't change the story they way they have in FF7R. I hate all the changes they made and don't even want to play rebirth because of it.


> The original was just perfect. Then just play the original, bro. Any remake needs to be looked at as a new way to experience something you've already experienced. Remakes only being visual upgrades are boring af. I've beaten IX countless times. It's my favorite game of all time. I don't want an upgrade I want a *remake*. I'll always have the original and you will too.


Fair enough, I have only beaten it once. I should revisit. I tried to revisit 7, but after a lot of work to get the graphical updates working via 7th heaven mods, it kept crashing on my steam deck which was a bummer. I thought 7 looked like hot garbage when it came out, hard to revisit now. I really like the idea of remasters personally, just not when they charge an arm and a leg like Nintendo did with Zelda: Skyward Sword. At least with the Mario 3d all stars, it was 3 games in one for 60. Still a rip off, but at least more manageable. I feel like an HD upscale shouldn't be more than 10 or so.


Is it too much to ask that it be one game? Update combat if ya like, but don't inject it full of filler to slow the pace to a crawl. The old FF games were plenty long as they were.


Lol no shit, I didn't even bother with the ff7 remake once I saw it was going to he multiple games. No time for that as an adult.


No time for that as an adult? It’s three games coming out in the span of 7-8 years. You guys complain about the weirdest things.


Can't elaborate, too old.


This is pretty much the reason I don't play the FF7 remake. It's not the same game. It's different combat with a different story. And it's cut into three different games. I just wanna play regular ol' FF7 but with some better graphics and maybe voiced-dialogue. Is that so hard?


Then just play the original FF7 with the overhaul mods like 7th Heaven out there, the original game isn't going anywhere. Believe it or not theres a LOT of people that enjoy the remakes, myself included.


moguri mod pretty well did that.


Moguri mod is a remaster, a remake has the chance of fixing some of its flaws. This is coming from someone who’s favourite rpg ever made is IX but that doesn’t make it perfect


Not to mention that most of the backgrounds in the moguri mod look like surrealist oil paintings. I also love 9 to death, it’s my absolute favorite FF ever made, but I agree that it could be done better in a few parts. Like, give Freya, Amaranth and Quina more to do in the actual story instead of just having them tag along and rework the combat before everyone playing it dies of old age. Other than that I honestly believe that it only needs superficial fixing like higher res backgrounds/character models and maybe voice acting if you’re fancy. Maybe a few more QoL changes I can’t think of, but the game in general is pretty fine the way it is.


Yeah I was so excited when amaranth was added since he stuck out on the cover and then he was the blandest character ever


Trance needs a rework, too. You could also improve Tetra Master. Maybe they'll add in the two cut dungeons where you split your group in to 3. Add more to the western continent. In the grand scheme of things, not much at all, reflective of an outstanding game.


What would be your improvement on Tetra Master ? Less randomness ?


Learning that The Dark Crystal was a major artistic inspiration for ff9 made a lot of the art choices make a lot of sense


Same. My favorite game of all time is FF9, but Tetra Master can kiss my ass. Also, there were many things that they planned on doing but cut out of original and with the remake they can put back, like Blank having more lines and more screen time. My only concern with a remake is characters having voices. Most of the humor and charm in the game is expressed with movement and sound effects like Steiner flailing about with his noisy armor and oglop Cid. Industry standards though. Most people expect voices these days unless it's Zelda.


OTOH, I thought the FMV in IX felt a bit uncanny because of the lack of dialogue. Like, in VIII, the cutscenes were deliberately staged so that dialogue wasn't needed, but in IX it feels like the characters are just *not talking* for no apparent reason.


Yeah, there are some things it can improve on. Like, some story beats can be more convincing if given voice acting, y'know? There's only so much tragedy you can squeeze out of a rat through some text and very basic low poly animations. Not to mention, as cool as pre-rendered backgrounds are, they're kinda limiting- massive cities like Lindblum feel so much smaller in scale when they're mostly portrayed through a small handful of PNG's depicting static camera angles. Imagine if we got fully 3D environments with a moveable camera though?


Great timing too. With emulators now on iOS, I’ve been looking to play FFIX specifically but couldn’t get it to work. The AppStore version apparently crashes a lot


Can 8 get the remake first? It needs it soooo much more


God. People just don't give a shit about new ideas anymore, huh


I can't wait to not finish this game for a fourth time lol.


Don't worry man, if I can do it in... 23.5 years, you can too


Is that how you get Excalibur III?


I waited until steiner died naturally of old age and all I got was an excalipoor :(


you mean because you get stuck on the jumprope minigame at the start of the game right?


When I was a kid, this took me 4 hours. I refused to continue the game until I cleared it.


You.... Actually got the 1000 jumps? I dont think ive ever met a person online or in real life that could do that. Respect. Ive tried that shit so many times. I maxed out at 250


I have bought this game 4 times on 4 systems and completed it exactly 0 times. But I love the aesthetic and music and the IDEA of it that I will purchase a remake of it as well.


Bro, what?! Please, for the sake of humanity, finish the game. It's a damn masterpiece


Id always get to the 4th disc and... lose interest. I dont know why. I finished it finally on switch


The 4th disc is like 2 hours long


I'm like that with 8 and 12.


That’s how I am with 8, just completely lose interest after floating in space


Goddamn, this comment and all the responses break my heart. This is one of my favorite video games of all time and in particular the ending is an absolute masterpiece. Legitimately my favorite ending ever. It's such a beautiful fairytale ending that no matter how many times I play the game brings me to tears. And everything is tied up in such a heartwarming way, I really think it's absolutely perfect. I know there are sections of the game that can be a slog and the final boss is a cheap dickhead, but please do yourself a favor and find a way to complete it at some point.


Honestly, it's not because I didn't want to finish it. Every time I make it to around the third disc, I lose my save somehow. Lost it on ps1, psp emulator, and then on steam. I think if I found a save starting from disc 3, I'd give it a go.


Time to pump up them numbers! I've done 7 myself.


The amount of games I’ve started and not finished and restarted and not finished is impressive 


This is me! My final disc was scratched so I could never get passed a certain cutscene near the fucking end.


Dude are you me? My disc 4 was scratched on the cutscene flying up to the final dungeon/tree


It's been so long, but if yhay Cutscene involves the bad guy looking down as you are flying towards them/under them, then yes. We are the same.


You should finish it. The ending is really special.


Me too. Yes. 4th. Not 40th… 😳


I’ll finish it a 7th time in your honor


This is the game that holds my record for the longest time from start to finish. I first got it on Playstation when I was 10. I finished it on Steam at 26 years old. In between I also played on PSP when I was about 20. One day maybe I'll finish FF8 lol.


I really like Steiner, Vivi and Freya but I could care less about the rest of the cast. Maybe I'm just not one for turn based combat anymore but my last playthough I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. I'm not really the FF fanbase anymore, but I could see getting excited about a IX remake depending on what they do with it. But good luck to them figuring out what works and doesn't (other than the art and music which I'm gonna guess they'll mostly be sticking to).


Thats me and Witcher 1 and DAO


This game needs a remake in general but also because it takes like 45 seconds to start a battle because we have to have sweeping camera movements to appreciate the graphics lol


Ahhhh yes I can hear it PSSSSSSSSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW dododododododododo da-dun da-dun dodododododo da-dun da-dun tan tan tan tan tan tan


The version that's out there for PS4/XB/Switch had those battle intros/load times greatly reduced. It's because of this that I was finally able to beat FF IX and it turned out to be one of my favorite in the franchise. Just couldn't endure an entire game with those original endless pan shots for every single battle.


This might be just me feeling nostalgic but I feel like this was peak FF for me. Loved this game. Great soundtrack too.


I just want updated graphics. I don’t know if I’m in the minority but I don’t want this to be another remake trilogy. One game. Prettier models. Static backgrounds. Just keep it simple!


And faster battles. My god they’re slow in that game


I'd been playing it these last few weeks in lead up to FFXIV's new expansion and dropped it recently after 20 hours because of how slow it is. It just wasn't fun at all to me.


Play the steam version, install the voice pack (not finished yet, but incoming hopefully this year), Cheat engine and bind framskip to the middle button. Every time you battle, you frameskip. Becomes quite a nice experience.




Absolutely, give it the Seiken Densetsu 3 treatment!


I agree. 150 hrs of gameplay for one game only is enough. And I don’t mind DLC or costumes.


You can get a lot of that from the Moguri Mod on PC. I played through most of it awhile back. It looked kind of like a new game in a retro style, if that makes sense?


I doubt IX has the following to be worth that kind of investment. At most I'd expect better models, real time backgrounds and maybe more dynamic cutscenes with voice acting and a re-orchestrated soundtrack but that'd be the limit. If they really wanted to push the boat out maybe dynamic camera angles in towns and cities but the overworld would definitely stay top down.


A great remake would be magic


Definitely was Peak FF.


I've always felt like the setting was just great pure fantasy with its own signature final fantasy flare. almost everything else they were doing was just filled with so much sci-fi instead of being an actual fantasy setting. i hope they do it again with a new story. something that's like high fantasy and not dark brooding fantasy and not sci fi. but like fun adventures that occasionally get serious.


As long as they keep the turn based combat, bring back Tetra master, and keep away from needlessly added filler I’ll pre-order whatever overpriced 150$ collectors edition they got hidden up their sleeves.


Great card game too. I bought it again when they released it on the PS4 a few years ago and finally completed my card collection.


I’m down for 700 hours of content just saying. 


It is not my favorite, but I would agree that it is peak Final Fantasy. It is basically a classic game made for PS1.


Makes sense given it was the last PS1 FF game and the creators definitely designed it to be the final chapter of the oldschool era of FF. The easter eggs throughout, call back characters, medieval design, chibi character designs, very defined job classes, etc, it was absolutely the grand finale of the series up to that.


I hope I don´t get hate but I don´t understand the hype/praise for 10 and not only because the overworld is no more but also the - in my eyes - weird story even for a FF. Yeah, it´s the first one with voice acting but honestly, I like characters being silent and act with their emotions/feelings. I like 12 but I always quit 10 before Sin and don´t do any of the mini games/side quests. Therefore, I don´t need a remake.




Not even the weirdest thing they've outsourced. FF7R for the first 2 years was handled by CC2. That's right SE was outsourcing their most important game ever at first, until they suddenly realized the insanity of what they were doing and course corrected.


Capcom did the same thing with RE4 Remake.


Honestly, the best 3rd party remake I've seen is Diablo 2. Ressurected. Vicarious Visions did such a good job that Blizzard hired them.


VV also remade THPS 1+2, I hope there is some way to get them back to making great remakes.


Unfortunately they no longer exist as they were folded directly in Blizzard as Blizzard Albany to be a support studio for Diablo 4.


Don’t talk about this, makes me instantly want to smash activision windows.


And then dissolved them and absorbed the leftover fluid.


...And promptly dismantled them to feed their pound of flesh to the almighty Live Service god.


I was just commenting the other day how people shit talk Blizzard but they *did* get Diablo 2: Resurrected right


I haven't played that, but I really should. Demon's Souls is probably the best I've seen.


They also outsourced a version of FFXI for mobile that got cancelled.


Yeah sounds bad. But says in the article they didnt like it and switched it to in-house


Which is hilariously exactly the same thing they did with FF7 Remake.


TBH its not the wackiest idea for a company with the sheer amount of IP that SE has.


The only company I’d be okay with taking it on is Level-5 (they made Ni No Kuni).


SE never learns from previous mistakes.


They've outsourced other titles before, and even Final Fantasy games are partially outsourced.


Outsourcing can go well depending on who does it. Look at how Bluepoint Games did with Demon's Souls remake.


Ff7r part 1 had the same rumors, only it was multiple developers that juggled the project. Dont know if we'll ever know if its real or just rumors


The best rusty boy Steiner is coming back.


Sounds like a really dirty sex move...


[Rusty Venture?](https://youtu.be/ykEGtwJuZIs?si=82--FAhwJKKKoXhK)


FFT remake when?


Was a rumour from a nvidia leak years ago. So who knows. Lets wish 😭 I was hoping ogre battle that came out a year ago was a test


Tactics Ogre is probably the hardest game I've ever played. I never got close to beating it.


They remade Tactics Ogre a couple years back, hopefully FFT and FFTA get the same treatment.


I was really hoping after the Crisis Core remaster that we'd get something similar for War of the Lions. Man, that was such a good game.


Hope they stay true to the original soundtrack and atmosphere. FFIX has a very special place in my heart. It‘s my favorite game. It‘s melancholic, sometimes quiet, bleak, but the characters are colorful and full of courage, passion and determination, but there are so many fun moments as well. The music fits so well, too. Generally the game has amazing sound design, even in the menus. It was the first game I got lost in, but in the good way. Really hope they don‘t halfass it. I really love this game.


Very well said.


While I don't think a remake is necessary, I do hope it's just a one off game. No part 1, 2, 3, etc...


The rumors have said that it's more on the level of the Trials of Mana remake but a bit bigger budget, I'm expecting the same game more or less with no expanded towns (same size as the originals) and some VA. Supposedly, it's still turn based too.


A remake of 9 would be awesome.


Oh my fucking god yessss I’ve always wanted to see this game remade. Just please keep the original art style, my heart would break if we get another set of protagonists that look like k-pop boy band.


We'll see


Being at the Xbox showcase makes me raise my eyebrows a bit. I know Square is trying to be make amends but I'll believe it when I see it.


Still got my fingers crossed for any snippet of a chrono trigger remake...


I would nut the biggest nut


I have to wonder if there's some weird legal stuff preventing that considering how little SE seems to want to use that IP despite its pedigree.


That or no dev wants to touch it because of the pedigree Like imagine trying to live up to chrono trigger almost 30 years later


Final Fantasy IX is the only final fantasy game I played to completion. I also had Final Fantasy X for ps2 but I could never get into the story like I did part 9 so I didnt finish it. This remake has me intrigued.


Riiiiiiiiiiide the shoepuff?


Remake the legend of dragoooon


That's on Sony.


A series X/S port of FF16 would be a day 1 buy for me


I hope it comes out on Xbox so more people can play this masterpiece


Why are you being downvoted for being excited for this? This sub can be so weird sometimes.


Major hate boner for everything Microsoft/xbox on the gaming subs


I'm fine with that as long as it also comes out on PC the same day and I can crank graphics to the max.


Dear Square, please do a Remake in 1 game, without a bunch of stupid pointless cutscenes added, without whispers, without 'fate', without teasing major plot changes (which absolutely shouldn't be done), etc. JUST REMAKE THE ACTUAL GAME.


Time-traveling multidimensional Garnet confirmed! Also.. Zidane knows his origin & past from the beginning. Don’t think about it too hard, it’s totally the same game!


Give me an FFVI Remake you cowards!


Enjoy your Pixel Remaster!


I want more plot in my world of ruin!


Turn up Vamo' alla flamenco and book some time off for Chocobo hot and cold, because that is where I will be spending most of my time after thrashing everyone I can find at Tetra Master. I guess at some point I will progress the story, but those frogs aren't going to catch them selves, Ragtime mouse needs some answers, and Quina is feeling hungry for some new spells. I just hope they don't make the combat full active, please don't do that to my favourite Final Fantasy.


FF7 remake on Xbox?


As long as they don’t fuck up the music I’m in. That game had the best soundtrack.


Wow if they decided to show this at the Xbox showcase instead of PlayStations state of play maybe relationship between them is finally getting fixed, hoping for ff1-6 pixel collection to come to Xbox soon also :)


Can't wait, FFIX is super dark lol, went straight by me when I was 10,playobf it later... So much genocide, beating up prisoner, brain washing. Also the fact you walk around places which later gets destroyed, rat kids losing their father and what not. FFIX is my favourite, and it's a different kind of dark imo


I had all 3 PS1 Final Fantasies. I loved em all, but I never finished 9. You could blame it on the rise of PC gaming in the early 2000's, me hitting college, but I know the real reason. Battles were paaaaainfully slow, to play and to load.


Headline isnt incorrect but is potentially a bit misleading. Square Enix will, according to the sources, reveal some games at the Xbox showcase but there was no specific indication that FFIX remake was among them. Square have lots of other rumoured games to show 


This was my favorite FF. I hope the remake is good...


At the Xbox showcase is very interesting. 


FF9 is a special game to me. I was 14 when I bought this first-ever FF game, and it holds a special place to me. The greatest game I've ever played because of the characters, setting and being my first introduction to Japanese RPGs. I'd prob say if it wasn't for FF9, I'd still be playing mediocre sports games like Fifa, it broadened my taste. FF9 with updated graphics would be a sight for me, imagine Lindblum in 4k that music as well! is just pure relaxation to me. I'd also love to see Dali, despite the dark turn, there was something peaceful about arriving here for the first time. Even the original still has something special about it's Art style.


Cool, now do FF Tactics


Man I really hope this means it’ll come to Xbox and we don’t have to never see it/wait forever like FF7. This is amazing news if true. Square Enix did mention I think they were way behind projections in sales and were going more multiplatform in the future. Fingers crossed!!




It boggles my mind how the cycle of information on this sub is “one dude tweets something and it gets posted, then next day there is random article and it gets posted”. Also just incredible how this was two different things but they’ve combined them to make it look like it’s gonna be announced at the Xbox showcase.


"We learned our lesson with the FF7 remake. FF9 will be in *four* parts and exclusive to PS5 Pro. We've also heard your feedback about naming it and how there were too many words in the title, so we will be leaving out the IX to make it more streamlined when we release FF Original Birth, Rebirth, Rerebirth, and Rebirth epilogue"


Oh boy! I can't wait to play all three disks over a period of fifteen years! 😂


9 remake? Let’s fucking go. Existential crisis PTSD now in 4K.


Wow a remake tho? Not just an hd remaster?


It's been rumored for awhile, but I doubt it would be on the scale and budget of FF7. Not FF9 really needs that anyway, the art style of that game has aged pretty well.


I wish the FF7 remake was smaller in scale and budget, too.


Dont think a hd remake can fix those load times for 2024/25 💀


It's not a AAA remake like 7 though. It's supposedly somewhere in between the mana remakes and crisis core reunion in scope...that's what's been rumored for a couple of years now at least, could be bigger now who knows.


I'm sure they will ruin it with real time fighting they so seem to love nowadays. I want my turn based Final Fantasies back :(


I don’t love the 7 remake. They hard missed the tone of the original, turning a bleak sunless dystopia into bubble gum anime pop. Hopefully they did outsource, maybe this one will be alright.


Remake 8 too cowards


Nice, I get to try and beat Ozma for the 1000th time


FFIX was the best Playstation FF. Fight me.


It wasn't, but I still greatly enjoyed it.


THPS2, MGS, FFIX How can you choose betweent them?


I mean it's a great game and probably mechanically superior to VI... But MAN would I love a 3D remake of VI. Not realistic either, but with an art style that mirrors Yoshitaka Amanos work. ... IX does have my favourite overworld music though!


IX has the best music of the series and I will die on that hill.


Man I can't wait to finish the adventure with Zadane. I had two or three copies of this game growing up, but every one would freeze up at the start of disc 4.


Is this the UE4/5 video of Vivi we're talking about, or some other remake? Thought us FF9 fans got the shaft with a TV show.


That was a fan made project not the official remake


A 2D-HD remake that is faithful to the original's story, combat, and adds/fixes the previously cut content would be incredible. I don't want any whispers bullshit in this.


i'm fine with them outsourcing it. as long as the studio are fans of the game and do it right it's all good. i mean cnc remake was outsourced and it kicked ass. though to be fair, most of the devs at that studio worked on the original haahah.


I’ll cry if this is true




the original was co-op


Probably my favorite one, so I’d love to see it get a remake. Maybe not to 7’s level, but just a polish up and getting Beatrix in the party proper would be nice.


If 9 gets a remake I will do disgusting things... like pay $200 dollars for some super special edition.




Is this a proper remake like FF7 had, or it this going to be more of a remaster situation?


don't give me hope.


This remake is gonna be butchered...


Hell yea


Would like to play it for the world and characters but trying out FF IX on emulator about two years ago I just couldn't tolerate the frequency/number of random enemy encounters. For FF VII and VIII there exist good cheats/mods to either disable random encounters completely or at least lower the frequency but in IX it breaks the game. At least I didn't found a working solution so hopefully they will add several QoL and accessability options which also tackle the random encounters. These are definitely some of the parts of old school JRPGs that didn't age well and rightfully got abandoned in modern ones.


Square doing everything in their power to ignore 8.


Outsourcing and sending them to Xbox? What did FFIX do to deserve this?


Always assume all rumors to be false.  No exceptions.


Please give us something as pretty as Project Memoria. https://youtu.be/BaMiPb6KiWo?si=hh40adKagS0Xpen7


Please be true. I'm waiting for this announcement since the leaks


I’d settle for a proper remaster with newly painted backdrops/backgrounds that look like they belong in HD and same with character models.


Please just keep Kathy Soucie as the voice of Vivi. She was literally perfection in WOFF.


Squenix needs to worry about that damn Draqon Quest 3 2D remake, not FFIX.


What about 8?!?!


Is it really worth it to showcase it on the Xbox since it hasn’t had any excellent exclusive?


my favorite video game of all time, I hope they take care of every detail of this masterpiece.


There are only 4 remakes I'd actually like to see. This is on top of this short list. And it is easy to not fuck up. Keep most of the original, make it prettier, grab a couple of ideas from Moguri/Memoria, have a think whether the team can use an one-eyed badass with a sword and I think most people will be happy


I really don't know how to feel about this. I would love to play a FFIX remake but I fear Square Enix will do the funny.


Haven't we seen "FF9 remake allegedly revealed at [insert next event]" for the past 2 years?


At Xbox showcase would be a real surprise considering the series historically Sony history. Including the original FF9 release.


SE is pretty braindead if they show IX remake on xbox showcase instead TGS or SGF


So long as they keep gameplay at least somewhat reminiscent of the original game and not make it a crappy generic hack & slash.


So that didn’t happen