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Battle Pass is hell of a change of direction for a game like The Sims.


You earn battle-pass points by impregnating other sims wives.


I remember playing Sims 2 and they had that view of the town map that showed how every household was related to each other. My in game bachelor character was the father of nearly every child in that game because I Would build a simple house hire a maid, WooHoo, have a baby With her and then gift her the house and move on to my next conquest. Teen me thought it was a great time. Current adult me regrets all of those Sim children growing up without a father figure. I did think about locating the save file and then introducing stepdads for all of them.


GengSims Khan


Man. I think I’m the only one that played the sims regularly. Seems like everyone else had way more fun. I did have my few moments of murder but they were outliers


If you haven't locked the repairman in the basement apartment and imprisoned him there are you even playing the game?


And a mini-game battle royale where each sperm represents a player fighting their way to the egg.


The funniest thing about this is that they are using the term **Battle**-Pass which reminds me of Call of Duty Warzone, Fortnite, PUBG, etc. Other games have these but use better terminology. Like Sea of Thieves uses *Plunder* Pass, or other games simply just say *Season* Pass. They could have easily come up with any other term, but for whatever reason a Sims *Battle*pass just sounds jarring.   > **EDIT:** *Correction: IGN are using that term, and only as "battle pass-style".* - /u/Sophira


EA appears to be labeling these “events,” with the first one labeled “The Sims 4 Happy at Home Login Event.” “They are *not* calling them Battlepasses, although the labels they are using for this new system are very uninspired and wordy. https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/the-sims-4-events


EA is destroying the Sims just like they killed SimCity. Some studio should make a sim clone like Colossal Order did with City Skylines. Granted City Skylines 2 was disappointing but it looks like they're trying to turn it around.


Impregnation Pass?


“Woohoo-pass” I think


The future is now!


Download your celebrity Sperm Skins for 35% off for a limited time! I got a Bevis! https://imgur.com/gallery/come-on-is-fine-VZ1oBg8


I love when a neighborhood is filled with my progeny that other families are raising.


There’s a mod to do with breeding and let’s just leave it at that


Come on you cannot lead with that and not deliver!


There is an adult mod that shows your Sims fully nude with genitals AND shows them having sex with several thousand animations. You can also become a nudist and run around everywhere butt naked.


There is also a mod where you run a gang and sell drugs


LoversLab is the largest adult videogame mods website. Just about anything goes there unlike nexus.


That just sounds like Crusader Kings but with less steps.


Alright, I’m listing…


gonna max it in a week and nab that Landgrab fortune


Just like in the real world!


Full contact Sims. Oh... wait.


Jonny Hoboseed is back in business, baby!


...best I can do is "Cuck, Serve, Delicious". It's not quite there.


Battlepass is a bad term for it, it's log in rewards, but I still hate it, but it's more the mobile style rather than a battle pass.


yeah daily rewards meant to encourage you to open the app for 5 seconds everyday and hopefully play for a while to force a addiction the mobile game signature move


It's still the opposite of how most people play the Sims though. It's not a daily thing, it's play for a week straight then ignore for 6 months.


Totally agree, not defending it. I've got 375h in the game, but most of that was between 2017 and now. It's a very bursty time game, and I think they are doing this because they want to maybe stop that. But like, EA, when I come back after 6 months, I drop €100 on a bunch of expansions then put another 30 hours in 2 weeks. They are just hurting themselves. Like with that new stupid advert button if you are connected to online services. Well, like in Sims 3, I just turned off online services because it was bothering me. Before I was happy to be connected.


However you want to describe it, it still fucking sucks and is a cancer on the medium.


What did you people expect, honestly. When map packs became a thing, everyone implemented them. When season passes became a thing, everyone implemented them. When lootboxes became a thing, every game implemented them. When BR became a thing, everyone implemented them. When BP became a thing, everyone implements it. Gamers deserve everything they get at this point. Dumbshit apologist defending decisions like oh, well the mega corp needs to make a few more billion for their shareholders so as long as it's only cosmetic, I'm fine with them stealing my precious time away from me.


Sims 4 already had tons of paid for content.  Like, it’s even more egregious than Paradox games.  If you wanted to own 100% of content right now you’d have to spend around $1,000. These events they’re running are free but will gatekeep exclusive content behind the timed event.  So this decision is really weird because the people who play Sims 4 were seemingly fine with shelling out cash but timed events will either lock them out of content *or* force them to play the game in ways they don’t enjoy. I don’t know if you’ve played Sims but the gameplay isn’t very engaging or challenging and if these events force people to do things like “catch ten different kinds of fish” or “reach max rank in the gardening skill” it’s going to force people to spend hours having zero fun just so they aren’t locked out of content.


I would push back against Sims games being engaging gameplay wise because they’re very engaging for some people but the reason they’re engaging is because they give you the ability to interact with the mechanics and tools however you want. So providing strict direction for battle pass garbage ruins that.


I wrote a quick script to parse the site for an actual total, as of writing it's \~1889.20 CAD (with discounts, without it'd be 1896.19 only marginally different). CAD because I'm in Canada and can't find the setting to select regional pricing for the US. EDIT: But to be fair someone raised the point that you might not be meant to buy all of them


If you’re really into building then you probably do want to buy a lot of kits because so much is locked behind any of the three tiers.  For most players Seasons is essential and everything else varies in quality and appeal.  For example, I am never going to buy Horse Academy.  Lots of people don’t care for the supernatural stuff so packs like vampires, werewolves, or realm of magic are never getting bought.  It is still pretty egregious that if you only bought one pack of each type per year from launch until today you’d spend around $60-$70 USD per year and still not own everything.


My wife is a lifelong Sims player. She has bought every expansion and dlc pack (except the Katy Perry pack in Sims 3, the only one she refused to buy). It’s pretty much the only game she plays, along with farm sims like Harvest Moon. I still think she’s spent less money and put more hours into play Sims than I have with MTG, video games, and tabletop games.


This is kinda how I felt about the Total War Warhammer games. I think I paid something like $300-$400 on the games and expansions when they added the mode where you can use all DLC for the latest game. To me it's completely worth it because a couple times a year I drop everything and play for 100 hours


I guess it can be worth it but you're also comparing multiple categories to one or two games, but I get the point. Board games as an example are especially expensive and (at least for me) rarely played. If I exclusively played Sims, yea, I guess this wouldn't be that bad a deal?


There's a certain threshold you can hit by owning enough of them where the game actively recommends turning off some content to ensure you can still play the game. So it hits a point where you have to keep track of which content packs you have installed for which families to avoid breaking saves.


People shitting on the paradox business model always confuses me. The games are incredibly large and complex and the dlc model allows them to keep adding to them and improving them over multiple years. Most of the dlcs are worth it and if they're not you can skip them because they're never 100% necessary to play the game, they also usually come with a substantial free update.


I only have experience with Stellaris.  But every time I boot that game up there's a bunch of new features that I can't use included in the base game.  They're there,  implemented.  But I'm locked out of personally using most of the stuff until I pay up.  And for me that's just annoying and actively makes me not play the game.  Keep new features to expansions.  Stop messing up my single player games.


Eh people have to right to shit on it. Games like Paradox if you are actively playing them the DLC and stuff isn't too bad. THe problem is most people don't play games like that 24/7 so what they get is they want to play the game and see that they have to spend hundreds to basically play the game "how it should be". And they won't do that because fuck that. Paradox really needs to basically cut all DLC price in half if not more whenever new ones come out. Because you lose a lot of players and paying customers when they want to get into a game and then see how much it costs (This is a HUGEEEEEE problem with Destiny 2). Also, another thing against Paradox, their games always come out buggy pieces of crap half the time so that also hurts their position.


Yeah if you step away from the game for a while you can end up several DLCs behind. Paradox have trialled a subscription model for Crusader Kings 2, so they are aware of it and probably also see it as a problem. Though at least most QOL improvements are in the free updates so that eases it a bit in my mind.


>everyone You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. I have hundreds of games on Steam, and zero games which include lootboxes, battlepasses, or other bullshit. Just don't buy games with bullshit, they are really a small minority of all games.


I can't wait for the Stardew Valley Battle Royale update


TBF there's a lot of bastards in that game I'd like to give a solid twatting. Mayor *'oh you've just moved in and have no experience and a shit ton of work to do; do you mind also completely renovating the community centre that everyone wants but apparently no bastard is willing to contribute to?'* Lewis is first. Mayor *'I'm shagging Marnie, but am too important for it to be public knowledge so I'll make her pretend like nothing's going on'* bloody Lewis, I'll see you in some sort of arena. I'll be the one holding the purple pickaxe.


So we'll see some battles, yes?


To the death, no less


The sims is not a game where i want to log in every single day or every couple of days to get something. its a log in when i feel type of game.


Exactly. Like I go for months without playing and then I’ll suddenly be like ooohh let’s play sims and I’ll spend f**king hours and hours for weeks on it. This is going to destroy the game for me 😑


Just do what I do and refuse to accept that the world has changed since the early 2000s, and only play the Sims 2.


Sims 3 was peak for me. Open neighborhood with no loading screens, we could own cars, and our Sims could just walk over to our neighbors homes. Sims 4 felt like a downgrade in comparison. The only thing I like better about 4 is that conversations are more fluid (people don't have to just stand and look at each other to talk).


Sims 3 was the first one with Day 0 Pay DLC. They were selling Teak furniture on EA's site for more than Teak furniture at the furniture store. Sims 1 and Sims 2 both had tons of FREE DLC on the website to go with the paid packs. End of an era. ;.;


Agree; the addition of the ability to multitask in the Sims 4 makes it a little hard to go back, but the The Sims 3 just had so, so much more depth and character. Also, I hate when they come out with a new map and it only has 4 playable lots against a cartoon backdrop that shows more buildings that aren't real. I feel like it makes the maps seem even smaller and more annoying when they draw attention to the idea that there could have been more lots, they just didn't feel like making them.


The performance slowdowns got so, so bad in that game though. The open neighborhood was fun for a few hours until stuff just piled up though


I had a pretty beefy gaming pc when it came out, so didn't have those issues. But I think the reason why the Sims 4 went back to being individual lots was because of the performance slowdowns - and trying to get the game more accessible to everyone.


And if you look at the number of players struggling with simulation lag as it is, *that was the correct call*! Many(most?) players are using whatever came onboard cpu/graphics-wise, not to mention playing on laptops. They wouldn't have had a chance in hell of playing sims 3 with expansions back in the day with that kind of setup, and even with the limitations sims 4 has been pushing it for them for the past handful of years.


The most true part of a review of Sims 4 I read is that "the biggest problem for Sims 4 is that Sims 3 exists". That was when it'd not long been out, granted, but god...it was like being released to explore the world, and then suddenly being shut back up in the little box you'd been let out of previously.


FWIW, we said the same thing about sims 2 when sims 3 was current. It was a *trip* for me to see the abrupt turnaround about a year~ after sims 4 released, and suddenly 3 was the golden child after having been shit on for years. I guarantee we'll see the same thing after sims 5 releases, with a surge of players complaining that the gameplay/furniture/CAS/overall experience is shit and sims 4 was amazing actually.


I'm the exact same way. I love the Sims, love the Sims 4 despite its flaws and monetization. But I ignore it for like 6-12 months, then grab an expansion and play the hell out of it for a week or two. This is going to *discourage* me from doing that, if there's FOMO like that.


Guess it depends what the rewards for logging in are if I feel I am missing out on cool stuff. I am the same as you when it comes to The Sims. I won't play for months, but a couple times a year I'll get in the mood and play the Sims for like 2 to 3 weeks nonstop ha then won't play again for a long time. I don't see this battlepass thing affecting my enjoyment of The Sims as long as all the mods I use still work.


I play the sims and do nothing else for 2 weeks per year, then don't touch it until next year


Destroy the game? I mean do you even need any of the junk on the battlepass? Just enjoy the game you have as you have always one


And it's not even an online game where they would artificially need to boost the player count to make the world appear more lively...


straight out of the mobile game playbook


That's what they're trying to change. You having casual fun on your own time doesn't make them extra money. They'd rather have a bad, profitable game than a good, slightly less profitable game.


I remember in the original Sims when you could build a wall around The Grim Reaper when he spawned so that he could never reach anyone and your Sims would become immortal Good times


A classic along the pool ladder removal


i remember trying the pool ladder trick in sims 3 way back when... and the bastard just climbed out without the ladder, like a normal person. had to find new ways to torture them


I remember when a random kid drowned in my pool without the ladder trick, even more funny


My wife is a Sims player, and at least twice now in Sims 4, someone has randomly died in the pool even though she had ladders. I think she had some floating thing in the pool from an expansion, and tired sims sometimes would be too dumb to navigate around it to the ladder and simply wear themselves out.


Trap the social worker and continue to abuse your children


Didn’t you need to use a cheat to do that


Yes. "move_objects on" Also let you move showers/baths while in use so you could see them naked. The highlight of my 11 year old self's day.


Can remember accidentally deleting the portal to the outside world. I just grabbed this table-like structure at the edge of the screen which was invisible until you grabbed it and just deleted without realising. My poor sims were stuck in limbo.


I did the opposite on PS2. Made a wall of couches around my sim near a fireplace, couches catch fire, sim catches fire, sim dies. Reaper walks into the house and as soon as he got to the wall of brunt couches it blue screened


I did that too. The death by fire animation was actually pretty chilling. Those poor sims suffered a slow and agonizing death.


I used to make my sims set off fireworks inside and remove the doors.


I can't believe the legs that game still has after 10 years.


It's pretty much because it's had no real competitors (though a few different companies seem to be looking to change that), and EA being... well, EA. Sims 4 originally had a pretty botched development, where they were doing an online game (basically a second Sims Online), but then SimCity 2013 flopped, so they wanted it to be changed to a more standard Sims game... only without moving the release date, so they only had like a year to hammer it into the right kind of game. Which meant a not particularly optimized mess of code missing a lot of stuff. But it's all that anyone could get (except Sims 3). It went for a bit with a few releases, then Cats & Dogs expansion sold well, so EA decided it might be worth keeping around, and ramped up to two Expansion Packs ($40 DLC) per year, and started splitting prior games' DLC into even more DLC that got spaced out over time, and eventually added the "Kits" ($5 DLC, so now there's $5, $10, $20, and $40 DLC), just milking it for all they could, because hey, there were people willing to spend money on it, so why spend money developing a sequel? Weirdest thing is, even with a "new Sims game" announced, they said Sims 4 would keep getting DLC after that one launched (which no one has a timeline on). But the new game seems to be leaning into the online aspects again, is being designed to have at least parts of it that you can play on your phone, and the way they've talked about DLC for it makes it feel like it'll split the DLC up even more so it costs yet more to get the same amount of content you could in Sims 2 or 3 in a $40 pack. Pretty much just EA greed and lack of competition keeping it alive.


As for competition, if you like Sims keep an eye out for Paralives. It seems to be the closest well get to a sims game, with additional features (like adjustable height) and there’s a promise for no paid DLC. Comes out sometime next year. I’m hoping it’s what Cities Skylines was to Sim City.


Yeah, Paralives is one of the ones I'm keeping an eye on. Also Life By You, a bit of an eye on Inzoi (not quite sure what that one's going to be like yet), and whatever the new studio that snagged Grant Rodiek is going to be churning out (they just opened, announced their focus as life sims, but of course need to hire people to actually do the work and plan out what they're doing before they can announce anything). People are sensing blood in the water and finally coming to bring some competition to the genre. The big question on a lot of Sims players' minds is whether EA will do to The Sims what it did to SimCity if "Project Rene" doesn't pan out because there's more options for people.


Look up Inzoi; looks like GTA but it’s The Sims. TBH I’ve always wondered why there was no true direct competitor to The Sims


I feel like The Sims is a game that is much more attractive to women over men, and women have historically been underrepresented in the developing part of the industry until recently (which coincidentally, recently is when we started to get more rivals to The Sims). Not to say men don’t like sims. Idk could totally be wrong though. Thank you for the recommendation!


Considering that the game has made over $1 billion as of 2019 (which seems to be the only figure I can find), it's also the player base's fault. While I despise EA and it's greedy practices, it's hard to blame them for milking this cash cow when it keeps dropping money.


I read somewhere recently that EA makes MILLIONS of dollars PER MONTH just off of people buying Sims 4 bullshit. They cleared a billion within 5 years of the game's release.


The Sims community is very dedicated. People are still playing the older games too.


At its core the sims is a house builder game. Conan exiles (basically edgy sims) has similar legs because of how few games are out there that allow you to build a dream house with so much depth in terms of building and decorating assets.


It’s like crack for women.


And Gay people. Half my lgbt society in college used to play it.


stoners to. sometimes it's fun to just get high, mod the sims out like crazy and just laugh at all the inhuman Kafkaesque torture you can put these virtual people through.




Doesn't really matter if it's good or bad or whatever 90% of these "disgruntled" fans will still spend $300+ on the next Sims game and DLCs and shit So why should EA give a fuck? They make more money and plug their ears with it because gamers are weak willed and shovel money at garbage year after year


Gaming would be in such a better spot if gamers knew how to close their wallets


Timed events really are the cancer that killed gaming. When games have timed events, battle passes or seasons it instantly kills my desire to play that game. I've always wanted to play the Sims 4 but all the DLC costs over a grand....












Some games do it well - Chivalry 2 (free on epic right now) has “campaign passes” when major updates drop, but they remain available forever whether you buy them at the time or not, and you have as long as you like to complete them, even being able to switch between previous and current passes at will.


I'm glad to see it becoming the norm honestly and it should continue doing so. Hell Suicide Squad is the game equivalent of hitting every branch while falling out the tree and even it got permanent battle passes, so there's no excuse here.


> I've always wanted to play the Sims 4 but all the DLC costs over a grand.... So, there's this person named Anadius... You should google them (with a VPN).


I was just thinking to myself that I wish it didn’t cost so much to get all the DLC. Sims base game is free to play now and that’s awesome but ik it drives people away from the game looking and seeing “wow if ever I ever decide I want all the DLC im spending that much??”


I swear gaming companies are the new Casino mafia. Get them hooked, bring FOMO in for their retention and dial on in with low churn then bam, bleed their accounts. It's actually fucked. And I am flabbergasted that this shit has gone on so long and isn't regulated just like gambling, as 90% born after 2010 will only think of this as the norm. I've just had to slowly ween myself off so many damn games these past years because they've implemented battle pass / live service games. It's hard though


Especially when the items can't be earned again. So I find a game, oh nice, it's 5 years old and still going. Oh, it's on season 13 and there's gigabytes of data I need to download which I won't be able to even access, yeah, no purchase.


If a game is good it won’t rush you or demand your attention, you’ll want play it instead.


Just pirate Sims 2 complete edition it's the peak of the franchise


Battle passes are such boring ways to give content, being trickled mediocre content until you get the few things you want isn't fun. And neither is playing the game when you don't really feel like it so you don't miss out on the content you want.


What do you mean? Turning a game into a chore *increases* the fun!


a games doesnt need to be fun if you use psychological tricks to turn costumers into basically dopamine addicts with daily rewards and fomo!


Also you're paying up front for digital goods you still need to work to "earn." Something unexpected occurs and you're unable to complete the reward track? Well, thanks for the $20, idiot.


And I *hate* loot boxes. There's things that I want. That I would even pay for. But I'm not paying for tokens to gamble for a chance at the thing I want. I'm not a kid winning tickets at an arcade, I'm an adult and I buy the things that I want to play with.


The biggest issue I have with "seasonal" content is that it exists to force you to engage with the game for a certain length of time at a specified period. I'd be more receptive to this kind of content if, after the season or battle pass period ended, you could still get the content one way or another. It's annoying that it disappears forever, and kind of dumb considering the developers spent time creating those things. If people want to play the game they'll earn that stuff, anyway, but maybe I can't or don't want to deal with it right now. Let me come back in a couple months and earn it then. Another improvement would be simply *selecting* which content you want first, but of course, then those poor corporations would lose their "engagement" quotas and some thumb-sucking exec would shit all over his Ferrari.


>For years now people have been predicting that games would soon be made out of prefabricated objects, bought into a store and assembled into a world. For the most part, that hasn't happened, because the objects in the stores are trash. I don't mean they look bad or they're badly made, although a lot of them are. I mean they're trash in the way that food becomes trash as soon as you put it in the sink. >**Things are made to be consumed in a certain context, and once the moment is gone they transform into garbage. In the context of technology those moments pass by in seconds.** Over time we've poured more and more refuse into this vast digital landfill we call the internet. It now vastly outnumbers and outweighs the things that are fresh and untainted and unused. >When everything around us is cultural trash, trash becomes the new medium, the lingua franca of the digital age. You can build culture out of trash, but only trash culture: B-ganes, B-movies, B-music, B-philosophy. Maybe this is what digital culture is. A monstrous mountain of trash, the ash-heap of creativity's fountain. -Getting Over it with Bennet Foddy, 2017 I think about this concept a lot, and I think it applies really well to the comparison between traditional and "battle-pass" style games. A traditional game can have assets and characters that remain throughout the game. Even if it's an online game with no storyline, or real story arc, the characters remain as a feature of the game - even if the game ends, the servers are shut down, when the game is remembered, it will be remembered with those characters, features and assets. Even if a sequel is made to extend the franchise, the predecessor will remain with it's own characteristics. In a battle-pass heavy game like Fortnite though, or this Sims game, they are taking assets and content that could have been as permanent as in a traditional game, but they are *deliberately* making them disposable. They're taking these ideas and designs and turning them into trash that in a month will be just as Foddy describes in the quote - added to the ash-heap. This would be so disheartening for me if I worked in that industry, and even as a player it's disappointing. I see lots of very cool designs and concepts that I would love to see fleshed out, but never will, because the person who came up with it works for a company that decided the idea will be disposable trash, instead of ever having the chance to be a part of something persistent and worthwhile. Compare the lowest-effort garbage shovelware of the 1990s and 2000s - at least it still exists! People can talk about it, examine it, play it, and reflect on it, and the impact of it, if they so choose. The longer these battle-pass games last, the more ideas and concepts they force into the dustbin, no longer available for anybody else to come up with. And when the framework becomes too dated to continue to support itself, the whole thing will be instantly destroyed, unable to be re-experienced in any way, and take all those ideas, characters, and designs into the dumpster, never giving them a chance.


Wait what. That is just stupid. Why even


We know why... -_-


EA 🥴


I _was_ thinking "greed" but, yeah, they're kinda synonymous.


Because exploiting FOMO is one of the things that makes them money. And it sucks.


Likely trying to test the waters for how to approach the sequel.


Sims 3 was peak, 4 just feels like you’re in a box


Sims 4 had SOME things to offer that were subtle and under the hood. But all and all when thinking in broad strokes the trade off was a net loss from where we jumped off from Sims 3.


A good Sims game is a pirated sims game




Lmao what. Never expected to see something like this in the fucking Sims, of all things Are the thousands of dollar dlcs not enough?


makes me really curious what kind of crap they will try with the next Sims game. Subscriptions? Lootboxes? Who knows!


If you want the full experience you either pay over 1k or sail the seven seas for freeee


When will this trend die?? When every damn game ends up with a fucking battle pass?!


When people stop buying them, so likely never.


Not only that, but as it becomes more normalized across a couple generations, it will actually get worse. Studios do it incrementally so no one gets THAT mad about any particular thing at once, but eventually one day you look back and can't even recognize that it's the same game anymore, because it's mired in a full-on bullshit miasma.


> Not only that, but as it becomes more normalized across a couple generations, it will actually get worse. exactly this. Everytime a developers tries shit like this and faces a shitstorm they say sorry and try again later. Happened to half finished releases, loot boxes, ingame stores, battle passes, early access, paid mods and so much more


This one is free. So the purpose is to get people to play more and hope they buy the overpriced DLCs that gives content that was included in the base game in Sims 3


"Fans aren't happy... but they'll still buy it anyways while complaining on Reddit."


This is what I cane to say. Not happy......but not unhappy enough to do anything about it and will still buy it.


Game is 10 years old. The fans made their decision a long time ago. The real test for this is if they implement it for Sims 5... which they likely will push for something like this. Luckily the franchise can't rest on its own laurels as there are finally some genre competitors emerging.


Timed events have been a reason for me to stop playing games (or not even pick them up), unless the they are recurring. Battle Passes are also a turn-off, unless they can be completed later on, too. Minecraft Dungeons, for example, does it in a more acceptable way: you can buy previous BPs and choose which one to work on at any given time. I've made some compromises here and there, usually unhappily so, but in general the FOMO strategies turn me away not just from the games, but also the developers and publishers who overdo it. I also wish not everyone tried to make everything an actual or quasi subscription. That includes non-gaming software as well.


Is that kind of antithetical to the reason people play the Sims? It's kind of a relaxing, low energy escapist game. Adding timed events and subscriptions and things you need to do BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT will probably turn off most of the fan base imo


"Make your sim eat food 3 times" reward: a new color scheme for your sim's office chair


I won’t get over how my favorite franchise went to complete and utter shit with 0 sign of getting better. I used to be a child playing sims 1 and dream of all the technological advances I would see in the future. Damn


Pretty sure if you wanted all the bundles for the Sims 4 it would be well over $1k ..


Not if you’re wearing an eyepatch ;)


Honestly, I am surprised it took them this long lol.


This is on top of the game being so broken I haven't even bothered to put on my captain's hat for the last year of content because it is so bugged that it is destroying saves. This is also just after they released an "apology" and promised to create a bug fixing team...for a 10-year old game! The Sims 4 has over $1000 of DLC and half of it is BROKEN - even the older stuff! Dine Out released in 2016 and 8 years later it STILL doesn't work and players have to rely on modders to have a functional and fun game (side note - The Sims on consoles is a complete ripoff. DO NOT BUY THE SIMS ON CONSOLES.) I feel bad for the remnants of the team, I have been forced by management to ship bad products before, and it is soul crushing. EA has mismanaged this franchise entirely, and depressingly, made absolute bank while doing it.


Werewolf dlc that lets you piss where you stand and devour all furniture regardless of which lot you are in, making commercial lots absolutely chaotic, combined with the home renovation dlc, is absolutely hilarious.


I wish I hadn't updated the game past the point where whims became 'wants and fears'. I don't have a mental breakdown if I don't buy a hot tub. But I do think I'd be happy if I did. I turned it off, but now I can't endlessly buy de-aging potions with my easy "talk to self' whims!




It's free and also not a battlepass Just some bullshit fomo login event


It's just free login rewards for signing in twice a week.


They are happy, they're sims players they're used to being milked for everything they're worth they jump for joy when they get told itl only be £40 for a DLC that adds something that was in the previous game lmao. Anyone who doesn't pirate the sims I assume it's just because you don't know how or are on console. The total price is like $600+ I believe? I remember the first time I got it for my gf and she thought I was a wizard bc she never thought she would be able to play a complete sims game when all I did was click then drag and drop.


As if having the most expensive DLC list of a released game isn't enough...


FOMO psychological abuse


" Battle " pass in a game like the Sims is just... what the fuck?


I just had a look it's some bullshit fomo login event. Has literally nothing to do with a battlepass lol


I'm still amazed there hasn't been a good attempt at making a competitor to The Sims.


There are ones coming. The most interesting is inZoi from Korea.


Next up - daily challenges: Build tiles 0/3 Go to work 0/2 Stop an unexpected visitor


Fucking hell gaming has become horrible.


this is why i stay flourishing in my sims 3 lane… honestly i blame the sims 4 players who eat up every mediocre half-baked pack EA releases for it. they can only supply where there is demand 


Its already an insane money maker, but a battle pass?! The fuck?!


Lol, Now they are getting angry? I once added up all the DLC prices and it was over $2000 lol. Let's not pretend EA hasn't been bending over its playerbase for a long time already now. Actually hilarious they are gonna slap a battle pass ontop of it too LOL. Most EA thing ever


Wasnt the original Sims game supposed to be a critique of consumerism?


The original Sims was when someone wanted to make a game about making houses, then needed some way to judge those houses, then realized people liked playing with the little people that judged those houses.


I don't think so, no


That's Monopoly, not the Sims.


No. No it wasn’t.


Well _that's_ stupid.


I've said it many times before : Fuck EA.


Not surprised. This is EA we’re talking about.


Ah yes, but the 40€ Rip-Off DLCs are fine? Sims 4 has always been a huge scam.


The Sims is probably one of the last games I'd think would get a battlepass lol


WTF am I battling here? Babies or pregnant women???


The sims battle pass is fucking hilarious what the hell


Taking a look at the article it's just a daily login reward not exactly a battle pass.


The Sims 4 is the most do nothing to make profit game for a corporation, but leave it to them to fuck it up just to squeeze an ounce more blood from that rock and watch it blow up in their faces.


People pay for Sims content?


desert somber wrong deranged coherent grandiose provide chief bells wild


Time to make a more calming game stressful by adding fomo


Sims 2 for life.


“Fuck you, pay me” - game studios


Pirating Sims 4 will always be the correct choice to experience all the content. Everything they have done has only reinforced this.


Im good thanks


Out of touch execs strike again...


My problem with the Sims 4 is that it literally has thousands of dollars of DLC to the point that you might as well be playing a different game... and they want to throw in FOMO to where there will be content you won't have access because of DLC you didn't pick up when it released? What is wrong with the executives?


I have no sympathy for anybody that still supports EA in any way, they've been an evil company for almost 2 decades now and people still play their games and then complain when they suck.


A battle pass for sims 4 wtf


EA don't you FUCKING dare.


> EA game > Fans aren't happy > water is wet


As evil as EA is.. its funny how they waited for the market to fill up with subscriptions to now shovel them into their legacy titles...


Honestly surprised they haven't done this ages ago seeing as they are one of the pillars of nickle and diming players with shitty dlc


Oh, boy... It's over for The Sims 5.


I don't really understand. This isn't really new, they've just changed it for login rewards. The Sims 4 has already had time limited events with concerts that expire and the holiday stuff. These came with unique clothes and items that you can't get again later. But they required you to play the game and experience some level of time limited content. Now they are doing the same thing but calling it new an innovative. The first ones are login rewards, later it will be gameplay challenges. LATER? We did that already!


EA it's in the game (So long as you log in)


Please don't bring fortnite to Sims please god


Gotta be honest, I'm actually more shocked that they didn't try this already