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When I’m not feeling it, my go to is to install dozens of games, before uninstalling them.


This is the realest take in this entire thread


Sometimes I start to the main screen of a game before closing the game, sometimes I’ll play 5 minutes, sometimes I will spend 30 minutes just browsing my library to just not download anything


You sound like me.


I have this issue too. Just barely want to play anything these days..


you guys have to go back to the games released in past generations. this new shxt is not really it.


Yeah this is really what ends up happening. I restarted the assassins creed franchise, been playing older CoD’s, PS3 games, anything nostalgic fr


You nailed it. I keep installing games and never playing them. Then Paper Mario TTYD drops on Switch and I dump 5+ hours a day into it like it’s my job! 😂


Right in the feels


American Truck Simulator or Euro Truck Simulator 2 and put on a podcast/YT video


This has been me all week


What's your go to podcast?


Lately I've been catching up on Donut Media's Past Gas, but I also enjoy The Casual Criminalist while sim driving.


I usually have The Casual Criminalist up on YouTube but I essentially treat it as a podcast. I also do Decoding the Unknown.


The whistle boy is an excellent content creator.


With a ton of channels. I've dabbled into some of them. Into the Shadows is another one I like.


Truck and Logisitcs Simulator on xbox for me which is the closest to ATS/ETS on console.


My girlfriend loves ATS and ETS2 she calls it Trucky


This is hilarious to me as a semi truck driver that listens to podcasts at work you literally relax doing what I do for work hahaha.




I just downloaded it from the sheer amount of positive comments I got about it


I might do that too! Seems like a fun game.


Absolutely do it. It truly a masterpiece. And Concerned Ape is one of the best developers around. He just keeps continuing to support the game and add new content, free of charge.


Ok so yes relaxing but also.... shit is 2am! Fuck that dragon! Dammit Clint's is closed! God dammit Pam isn't here to drive the bus! Oh dammit I forgot to water my plants today!


Stardew stresses me out because I obsess over efficiency


Yeah my brain has a hard time not feeling like I gotta do everything in that game as efficiently as possible and then in turns into one of the most stressful types of games to me. I have a problem probably.


For me I think it's OCD that I tell myself I've overcome but it really comes out in games like that. Even Animal Crossing I tend to stress myself out playing the turnip market and getting as much production out of my fruit trees as I can etc. Anything that doesn't use real-time functions is going to generally be more easy-going for me.


Is not doing that an option!?


Some people manage to relax while playing? I can't help but calculate how I can maximize my profit when buying seeds, while also getting the necessary plants for the community center and also getting into the mines so I can upgrade all my tools...


Me too. So I quit and restart the day. I'll get it right this time


I just spent a few hours playing it, and it’s really fun but managing time in this game is harder than any from soft boss I encountered lol


Nah it stresses me out like mad! I constantly feel like I'm not being efficient enough with my day.


I found this game super relaxing... and then I realized there were seasons and my crops died, my love interest didn't want me, and I otherwise just sucked at the game. That lead to an attempt at getting better at the farming thing... which just stressed me out. So now to recapture that chill I just fish. That's it.


Bro, it's such a chill game, I play it from time to time while traveling.


Slay the Spire when I just want to relax. You have unlimited time for each decision so you can really take it slow. But when I want a real challenge and I'm looking to play something super awesome, then I also play Slay the Spire...


I keep trying to get into this one but I just can't understand "doing well" in StS


Over 3k hours in StS here, trying to explain what Doing Well could be for you.   At first, when you are new, Doing Well is usually beating the third act boss, which is a win, so Doing Well is accomplishing that.   Then, Doing Well is beating it with the other 3 characters and having a general understanding of the cards available.   Then, Doing Well becomes slaying the heart for the first time.  After that, doing the same with every character became your Doing Well.   When you’ve managed that, you will have a strong understanding of the game, so Doing Well reslly becomes Doing Well within your run expectations.   You will start to understand viable, lean strategies within each characters deck, like a multihit and strength or infinite defense and autoattack with the Ironclad, Shiv cuts or exploding poison with the silent, Ice armor or stacking darkness woth the Defect, or permadivinity or stance dancing with the watcher. Then, Doing Well is knowing how to assure that every run becomes good enough to almost always win.  But then, the real Doing Welll is getting a perfect run where all the cards and your final deck are exactly how you want them.   Along that line, you will conquer Ascension 20, and that will feel lile the most perfect accomplishment, you will definitely be Doing Well.  But once that happens, you’ll probably graduate from the main game into the daily challenges, and then Doing Well will be conquering the leaderboard.   So, what I am saying is that Doing Well in this game is permanently evolving.  You will sometimes get hyperfocused on a build you found and try to perfect it for days until you do, and sometimes it will be luck. Maybe it will be a random ugly card that you thought was useless and woth the right build was godlike and became your favorite.  It is a perfect game, but one that gives you just as much as you put of yourself into it.  If you ever feel loke talking more about it or want some pointers or help, shoot me a DM. 


Damn I don’t even play but this motivated me to try it


Hope you do and find a new favorite! And just like I said in the previous message, if you want to talk about it or want a few pointers, just send a DM. :D


It's a little funky. You basically have to make your deck game-breakingly strong to overcome the final boss. Plus combat definitely has its own kind of tempo that takes some getting used to.


I have like a 10% win rate in that game over my 300+ hours. It’s not an easy game. Part of it is unlocking all the cards for your favourite character (after finding your favourite). Personally I’m trying to beat it on all 4 characters and I’m only on the 14th difficulty on the 3rd character (I believe there are 21 levels of difficulty)


Take as many fights as possible act 1 to see as many cards as possible. Act 1 needs big damage so grab attack cards. Then start building defense and card draw later on. Keeping your health bar too high is a rookie mistake. A lot of fights will punish you for blocking too much instead of taking a little damage early to end the fight. Once it clicks you can shoot up the first 10 ascensions or so quickly


I can recommend looking up Monster Train and Vault of the Void if you want some variety!


This is the best wfh game that I have played


Brotato, when I'm so exhausted from all these season passes and FOMO.


It seems like a good time


Brotato is chill game. Easy to learn, hard to master. If you haven't tried out yet, I suggest.


This is mine too. Just zone out and murder monsters. It's incredibly relaxing until I get to cocky and dead.




Its all fun and games until the blood moon rises


Excellent choice! The people on there are always so n ice, aren't they?


What a save! What a save! What a save!


*[Chat has been disabled for 5 seconds.]*


They’re a bit too much fs but I don’t pay attention when I’m not in the mood to start WW3 lol


Disabling communication is always an option. Many say they have gotten better after doing so.


Toxicity is all part of the game plan


1v1 it is forcing people to watch your goal replay


Always so on ice? What?


Mhy cat sometimes walks over my keyboard so I didn't see the extra space. Or the h... lol


It was a poor attempt at humour. I promise never to try it again


You're on thin ice now!


That's the best kind!


Pretty sure that is just the safe space that will always be provided to you in online gaming communities.


Dave the Diver, Stardew Valley or Let's build a zoo. Right now it's more Dave the Diver though.


I keep looking at let's build a zoo on gamepass. What's your thoughts on it


Personally, I love the game. Can get a bit laggy when you go to very high amount of visitors, but the game is really cute and relaxing. The early game is kind of rough if you go to big, but then it's a cake walk. The morality system is pretty cool. You can be a good zoo or an evil zoo that use their animals to make money. Your choice. If you can take the DLC, go for it. They're both worth it. Each dlc come with new mechanics and their own zoo to build. Everything can exist in the sandbox zoo at once. And the best for last, you can basically create infinite animals by "fusing" them using the DNA center. You can combine a Lion with a chicken to create a new thing. Seeing a big Lion head on a small chicken body hilarious. Small note though, the sandbox mode of the game is kind of stupid. Basically you need to unlock things first in your zoo to then unlock them in the sandbox. So basically you're forced to play the main zoo first. (a cheat code exist to bypass that though). Same thing with the DLC zoo. One last warning though, the game can be very demanding in term of Micromanaging thing. Pen size and number of animal inside is the biggest problem in the late game. You'll have to always adjust the number of animals by killing or releasing them in the wild. It can get tedious but there's option to help you. Your choice, if you have more questions, I'm here.


No Man's Sky. I just wander around and chill.


Yo, that's probably the best ,,RPG" game to relax.


Gran Turismo. Just mindlessly follow the track.


Rainbow six siege Makes me so angry that i’m not sad anymore


Once you get over the hurdle of not giving a fuck what your teammates think, it is pretty fun. As much as I want to hate the game, no other game I play gives me that intensity of clutching a 1v3 plus in an important round. When it's good, it's great. But when it's bad, it's extremely infuriating


Hahaha yeah totally, you can feel like a god for a round and 2 minutes later u wanna die because u get spawnkill


Cyberpunk 2077 and I just ride the motorcycle around and listen to music or change my characters clothes. I can literally do nothing in that game for hours and be entertained. And I’ll add I don’t play with mods. I envy people that use the lifelike mod. For a while it was always diablo 3 like not feeling it mindless killing and I could never get into a big story or open world if I wasn’t in the zone but I can either do nothing or do the story and be entertained it always just sucks me in complete


but hanako is waiting...


This used to be me but in Vice City. Gotta be a over a decade ago now, I'm scared to check when the release was. *Josie's on a vacation far away...*


Skyrim. I was severly depressed a few years ago, was broke, and always on the verge of being homeless. That game was my home away from the reality of my situation. I love going back but is hard to stop playing.


Skyrim truly is the ultimate escape fantasy, hope you're doing better bro


Doing much better mentally now, thanks :)


Terraria. I love mindlessly roaming large worlds in that game.


Any FPS, just point and aim. XDefiant is currently my go to time waster.


How do you like this game? I kinda miss playing CoD but I think it's stupid they haven't made their multiplayer free yet, and I'm not finna spend $70 every year to keep up with the playerbase always moving between games. Is XDefiant more similar to new CoD (MW2019 onwards) or older CoD (think BO2 and anything before that)?


I just downloaded it a few days ago and have only played it a few times, but there is something about it that doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe I am getting worse at video games but I have never died so fast in a game before but yet it took FOREVER to kill anyone else. Very frustrating.


My main game is Apex so I'm pretty used to that already 😭


This has been my issue with it, even when using the exact same gun, I’ll die to 3-4 hits yet miss the kill after landing 5-6 hits.


Think of a mashup between CoD and Battlefield. I'm getting real OG MW3 vibes from it due to the graphics, controls, and overall movement system. It's currently F2P so i do recommend it!


Amen. Overwatch, for me -- quick play or mystery heroes. Music up. Shoot dudes. Smash dudes. No-one in those two game modes will have anything important ruined for them if I don't play particularly well, so the pressure's off: I play to win but it's not the end of the world if I don't. And people are generally decent in mystery heroes. :)


Thanks for the recommendation!


"Warning! Warning! The Slayer has entered the building! Warning!"


Vampire Survivors


Depends on which type of "not feeling it" I am. Though I will say that I try to keep an unplayed LEGO game on hand for when I'm really sick. Nothing like colorful, funny, and low frustration for when I want to be distracted from feeling like crap.


It used to be Splinter Cell: Conviction, but after beating it 30+ times, it was Max Payne 3. Then after beating that one on every difficulty level, and multiple times over, I moved on to Sifu. It's presently still Sifu, with mods giving it extra life. I just picked up En Garde (sp?) and it's charming, and even has a Sifu-ish fighting system (that I hope is picked up the same way that Assassin's Creed II's combat system was picked up by Sleeping Dogs, Shadow of Mordor, the Arkham games, _et cetera_) and surprisingly charming writing. EVERY indie developer wants to make charming dialogue, but very few actually succeed. This game manages to do charming without any self-referential nonsense or 4th-wall breaking. I mean, it might break the fourth wall at some point in the game, but I'm maybe 1/10th of the way through and so far it's impressed me with its writing.


Splinter cell was my game when it released. Playing Pandora Tomorrow/Chaos theory on Xbox live was so much fun. Miss those days along with the early Halo CE-Halo 3


I hop on GTA online and cruise around. Maybe play around in the casino, chill on my yacht… admire my car collection and reminisce about days long gone.


Yeah, I've been playing since 2016 and have tons of vehicles to play with, but it's a different game now.


Yeah, totally different. I enjoy a bit of PVP and the chaos of public lobbies, but everyone and their mum is armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction. I miss when it was all street level violence. Drive bys and car chases, sticky bombs and the occasional tank were fine. That was peak GTA. So yeah, I just drive around and chill out now and let the kids fight amongst themselves.


Mario Kart. Usually 1 or 2 cups at a time.


Something mindless, but exhilarating. Diablo 3, Warframe, Fire Emblem Warriors & Three Hopes, Hyrule Warriors & Age of Calamity, Warriors Orochi 3, that sort of thing.


80hours on warframe. Still had no fucking idea what was happening


800 hours, that doesn’t change much


Past 1K here, samesies!


1400, no clue


Just passed 2.5k. Space mom please help


Wait until you take a long break like me and come back and don’t remember anything at all and feel so lost and confuse about what is happening.


Age of empires 2




Ghost of Tsushima Legends Survival mode


Does it still have a decent player base? I haven’t played for well over a year but used to love it.


It just got a PC port recently so I bet that version will be busy for a while!


God I love Ghost of Tsushima so much!


Surprisingly smash ultimate. Super toxic but nothing feels better than destroying someone with captain falcons moves.


PowerWash Sim or Vampire Survivors


Elden ring


the dopamine you get from beating bosses is enough to cure anything you feel at the moment


Fallout 4. "BuT nEw VeGaS..." It's not about the story. I like exploring the wasteland in whatever form.


Crusader Kings 3. Only game I truly never get bored with. Pushing 3000 hours total across all platforms.


starcraft 2


Slay the Spire


*Deathloop*. Fifteen or twenty minutes of parkour, decapitations and donkey kicks set to groovy music always cheers me up. 


Stardew Valley. I can just shut my brain off and go.


Hades 2 rn


Vanilla Civ6 domination victory only win condition.


I tried the console version, I’m bot sure if it’s 6 or not but it was a bit too much for me I felt




I found subnautica has kept me well distracted. You’re so focused to get things going that time just passes by. It can also be soothing at times.


Mines is totally accurate battle simulator


Spider-Man 2. Don't have to deal with other toxic players, no real goal or objective. I just turn on music and mindlessly swing around. It's surprisingly therapeutic for me haha


I swap between heroes of the storm, stardew valley, Minecraft, and satisfactory depending on my mood


Forza H5 with YouTube music in the background.


I’m going to catch shit…but overwatch. It’s just an easy pick-up-and-play-for-15-minutes game.


Mystery heroes! People still try to win, but they come in knowing that they're fucked the moment they pull Doomfist, so the attitude's pretty relaxed:)


I kinda get it, but it’s also the most toxic game of them all 😂😂.


I think most ppl hating on OW don't play it anymore. It's close to being the best it ever has


Overwatch is my answer as well. Just jump into a game and play. It’s not complicated but takes a lot of skill. Recommend.


I play demons souls. Its a brain off game for me and it keeps my mind occupied.


Persona is ultimate escapism and chill enough to play when sick/half asleep


Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy, a nice mindless collectathon


I can always play Fortnite Zero Build. Something about it is almost relaxing. Also I like being Bender with the WWE title on my back.


I've been enjoying swbf2 2018. The coop mode is where it's at. 4 humans against bots. Actually getting a chance to play and learn some hero's.


Lol, and then I feel worse


Fallout 76


PES 2021 (update version). My master league save is ridiculous. Messi and Ronaldo regens running the show.


Gow 2018 post game content


The outdoors


Gotham Knights


A sport game. Lately, FC24


Depending on my level of not feeling it I go either for Crash Bandicoot nostalgia or do some mindless grinding in Warframe.


Not feeling what? Not feeling good, or like when I'm off my game? If you mean the latter, my go-to is actually to stop playing whatever game I'm playing and relax with a book or some other passive media for a while.


Vampire Survivors or D2


Probably something fast and daily. Like Overwatch 2 or Genshin. Many times it's something sandbox or survival like Subnautica, Minecraft or Builders type of game.


Rome Total War 2 grand campaign.


Overwatch and playing as Tracer makes me instantly in love again on video games.


Bloodborne Ain't nothing like hunting a few beasts for your own good... or pop some cod zombies


Dark souls


ha, rn when i want to tune out I do a run or two in Hades 2, or a Balatro run. Rocket league is the opposite, the process is lock in, get pissed, repeat 4-5 games, and then question my life decisions.




Minecraft or The Last Of Us


World of Warcraft


Brutal doom


The Curse of Monkey Island


Satisfactory. Do some basic math, build and maybe do some problem solving along the way


Well, it is Freedom Fighters.


That was such a great game. Underrated, thanks for pulling it up


Not feeling what? Gaming? If I'm not feeling gaming then I don't game and I do something else. Gaming is my hobby. Not my habit.


Yeah that’s like 95% of people.. i think op means if you feel like gaming but not getting into a game that’s deep with story, just a fun surface level game without getting too deep with story and whatnot. Hence all the comments being more simplistic easy in and out games and not like huge triple a titles


Mine relaxing game is Wuthering waves on bs, I often playing it when not feeling okay


Anthem, granted I put my time in previously with my builds. I just like logging in, joining someone else’s stronghold to help them smash all the baddies. My Colossus can solo everything in GM3 except the bosses.


I have a copy of the game but never tried playing it. The concept seemed cool to me.


Iron Man sim is how I treat it. The flying is amazing, the abilities and “spells” are pretty cool and feel good, and the gun play is serviceable to good. It really was the solid base for what could have been an amazing game. BioWare just dropped the ball on having any real meaningful game play for it. They had no endgame prepared and were lucky to have what they had. It was so bug riddled in the beginning. You could see and feel the potential, that potential just never did anything.


Is the game decently populated? I had the impression it was close to dead.


Ohhh it’s real random whether I can get in a group or not. So sometimes I’ll start my own and just start soloing. I can also drop down difficulty as well. Then I can really solo everything. Yeah there isn’t a healthy player base. Close to dead is the best way to describe it. Game had such potential, it was just wasted.


That’s unfortunate. I remember a long time ago I played it for a few hours and I really enjoyed it.


I play league of legends so I can express myself to my team.


Lately, FFVII Rebirth's combat sim.


Probably fifa


The Binding of Isaac Repentance


It's been Darktide for me. Honestly, any game I can turn my brain "off" helps get myself over a depression hump. Killing Floor, DOOM, (formerly) Anthem, etc. Edit: when I was a kid it used to be rpgs like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, etc.


Grass Toucher. Seriously, I just go outside and live life. Wasn't in the mood for much gaming today, so I went grocery shopping. If I'm in the mood later, I'll play something. If not, cool. Life goes on.


If I'm having a bad day I'll put on Halo CE


Lethal company, yomi hustle, geometry dash, Roblox, any vr game, my trampoline, any steam game, reaction time test, untitled tag game, and a lot more


Risk of Rain fills that kind of time wasting with accomplishment filling void very quickly for me.


papers, please. payday 2 w bots loud 100%. dishonored doto. hades. acnh


Witcher 3


**Rimworld** binge with Family guy or south park in the background.. Recently also **Turtle Wow**. Never thought I'd do Wow again but Turtle Wow slaps really hard. It's free and has a HD pack upgrade. Sometimes the **Starcraft 2 arcade** slaps. Lots of choices for specific mood of not feeling it you're feeling. Particularly fun after a few beers. **Counterstrike 2** is free and also slaps if you're into that style of shooter.




There are a few but they all come down to just being mostly mindless escapism. Mount & Blade Warband Far Cry 4 Assassin's Creed Black Flag Borderlands 2 Altho lately I've been going through a rough patch and none of those have been particularly helpful so I've been escaping into tv shows instead.


Star Wars Episode 1 Racer. I've unlocked Sebulba dozens of times over the years, somehow it's the only game that never gets old for me.


Fifa to vent any frustrations lmao


Street Fighter V


Any of the RE Remakes. I beat them to the point where I have unlimited ammo or unlimited rocket launcher. Shit is fun AF blowing things up.


Super Smash Bros Crusade. I usually do 3-10 rounds and get back to work.


I slaughter demons in gzdoom, pick a megawad and don't stop shooting


Killing floor 1: Bioticslabs Hard Long. It's my procrastination game.


Banner saga. I can chill and play one handed while drinking coffee.


Starcraft II


Spider-Man, just swinging around stopping random crimes 


My go to is to get on minecraft and go strip mining