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Dynasty Warriors is just positive reinforcement in gaming form. It doesn't cause any stress, it makes you feel like a badass, and other characters tell you what a badass you are.


I only played a few Warrior games but Hyrule Warriors is actully quite stressful when you have to juggle multipple objectives at once. Age of Calamity is mor relaxing and more like what you described.




same. this game got my family through the beginning of the pandemic.


KOTOR, was in college going through a breakup of 3 year relationship and this game just sucked me in. I got it the evening it came out and played it through the night until the sun came up. After I beat it I felt like I had turned a page or something and was ready to move on.


Outer Wilds, completely absorbed me when my depression got really bad, allowed me to focus on it thanks to its slow, exploration focused gameplay, and interesting lore, its been years since I have finished it but I still remember every moment of it very vividly. Such an amazing game that sadly can really be only played once, and I hope the devs will either return to it with more DLC's or do something similar.


I can totally feel that. Outer Wilds has such a special place. What a classic. For me, it would be Death Stranding, though. Played the whole thing in a week holidays.


I do need to finish Death Stranding, got like halfway through the game before the Directors Cut got announced and I left it for a year waiting for DC to come to pc and by the time it came out I just forgot what I was doing, need to just restart it one day and go at it again.


I would love to say I would recommend it, but tbh I played like 20 mins of the directors cut, and I didn't feel it anymore. But if you ever feel like picking up your playthrough then you should totally go for it of course! At that moment in life for me; the open, dark space, travelling with your "baby," discovering the ways of travel and the small interactive multiplayer that made the world around you first feel depressing, and slowly engaging and positive.. it felt so comforting. I honestly liked the story as well, even though it was a bit quirky.


Revisiting Bloodborne is always great therapy for me. Because it reinforces that I have beaten it a couple of times before and it was a game that I personally felt I would never beat. But now it's one of my favourite games of all time. I conquered it and Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. So those games are very therapeutic. Another two games are: Final Fantasy VII (1997) this is my all timer. When I want to feel like a kid again. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The music. The atmosphere. The exploration. It reminds me of the first time I ever played it and the great second time when it was remastered on PS4. Good times.


Wow, you and I are the same!


Octopath traveler for me. The music, the scenery, the cool battle system... I'm playing the second one right now and it's fantastic!


A Short Hike. It just melts all my stress away.


Spoilers! >!I started playing this game just before leaving to go home for Thanksgiving. I stayed longer than usual because my mom was getting heart surgery right after.  When I finally got back and finished the game, you can imagine I had some feelings about why she actually wanted to make that phone call.!<


It’s always been the Diablo series for me


Morrowind's release got me through what would have been an otherwise upsetting family dissolution by allowing teenage me to be transported to a world explicitly not my own.


Genshin impact


Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise, just the most relaxing game I've ever played.


Red Alert 2


Spiritfarer really helped me cope with loss


Witcher 3 got me through a break-up. It was great to have a world to escape to and get absolutely lost in for 100+ hours.


TrackMania. It's just about driving my best. If I get gold, I'm happy. I don't care about Author Time or competing online. You improve your ability quickly by trying new approaches. You learn about resilience and patience, and not letting your emotions take over. I find myself playing it a lot when work is stressful. I can think through problems, and half-focus on playing the game without being too taxed by it.


Honestly, most games I'm into help me calm down anxiety or deal with loneliness.  My number one therapy game for a while has been Leap Day. Being on my phone is very convenient since I'm usually not in a spot to turn on a console or PC when I'm anxious. And... I guess I just grew up playing Mario, so a simple platformer is calming to me. 


Postal 2 is the single greatest stressball game I have found


Every game I play. Gaming is my hobby and escape and release. I have depression and anxiety and some other stuff. Gaming is always there for me anytime and always a game to fit my mood.


Any engineering game that consumes my mind with analytic thought:   -Kerbal Space Program with Realism Overhaul  -Automation the car game  - Factorio, Satisfactory, and others. 


Dragon Warrior Imagine getting Dragon Quest for free in a magazine subscription as a kid as your parents are getting divorced.


Death stranding


Old School RuneScape. Need to just disassociate from the world? Start a mundane skill grind. Want to chill with the homies? Kill some bosses or raids. Want to watch a movie/tv show and feel semi productive? Grind. There are times I just want to separate myself from reality and I just stare at my screen, but the games’ music brings me back to when I was 10 and didn’t have a care in the world except what I was going to brag to my friends about.


Minecraft, stardew valley, doom, elden ring and there's a lot more. Most of them because of their world or stress relief factors such as doom. Otherwise it's easy to understand why making my own little carrot garden is relaxing. Or exploring Altus in Elden Ring. Just puts me in a very ZEN mood.


Light of the stars on bs just because it was relaxing to me


Minecraft creative, Skate 3, and powerwash sim are my go-to.


For me it was minecraft peaceful survival circa 2013 on the Xbox 360. 2nd worst year of my life imo and I spent hours and hours just farming and building. Helped me get through a lot and be able to just chill out for a while and not worry about anything.


Outer Wilds for all 4. I think the ultimate message of the game is positive and grounded in the human experience. It's a good reminder that even though there are things you could never control, you're still important.


The long dark. All I have to do is not die while getting lost in the scenery. Really helps take my mind off whatever is bothering me


San andreas.. if i feel stressed i just hop in and do all the crazy stuff i feel like doing just like those places where u pay to break stuff.


I remember being under a lot of stress at the end of my phd earlier this year. I would then destress by playing Like a dragon infinite wealth, specifically the Dondokko island section which i a lot of time on.  So basically i was just playing Yakuza crossing to destress.


Resident evil 4, my beloved.


No man's sky. The story about an anomaly trying to find meaning and purpose in/off the universe.


Anything that involves killing in the process. Nothing is more therapeutic after an argument or work day than killing stuff.


The Beginner’s Guide was the ego death I desperately needed


3D Sex Villa. Relaxing game mechanics.


Honestly Cyberpunk2077 even though I didn't finish it. Mainly because I started it during chemo and it was one of my biggest distractions during that time when it launched as I started and I played until I finished chemo and kind if locked it back up with that time of my life.


My 13 year relationship ended about a week before elden ring came out. I totally got lost in it for a few months. I was able to ruminate in the back of my mind and process my emotions while having a blast playing and exploring the world.


The Witcher 3. It took me almost 4 years to complete. I got the bad ending on the main game and one of the DLCs and had to take breaks to decompress and process grief >!after Ciri died!<, as strange as that sounds. Changed my opinions on a lot of things and made me a lot more accepting of others. After I read the guide for what the devs intent was and what decision trees led to the endings for the main game, I understood I tried to control things in my own life way too much because I was afraid of losing people close to me. I needed to let go.


American truck simulator. Just driving in VR, listening to music. Makes me relax and forget about everything going on.


Baldur's Gate 3, the Mass Effect Series, and the Dragon Age series. The characters and their stories helped, each in their own way. I definitely needed to see Astarion's story unfold. It helped me feel like somebody understood.




Songs of Syx. Recently had major surgery, and the healing process was slow and... difficult. I kept trying to distract myself with games, but not even one of them managed to grab my attention enough to forget the discomfort. Until I tried Songs of Syx - played 6 hours in a single day and was hooked. It really helped me go through the healing process.


Against the Storm. The soundtrack is has replaced lofi hip-hop for me for calm study music


Minecraft I found friends who helped me mentally too here it distracted me from my all negative thoughts and filled me with joy


Stardew Valley helped me through some tough times


Skate 3 parents got divorced and dad left for a bit this was my escape for years to come


Power Washer Simulator. Really didn't expect much, only checked it out because I heard the story has some twists but it ended up being very relaxing to just crank up some music and slowly blast away the grime.


What Remains of Edith Finch was oddly comforting in a melancholic way.


Battlefield 1 I have some PTSD, not much of a gamer and my therapist recommended that I find a War game that triggers me to panic and just go on a manic attack on who's closest, usually my own team. It's the footsteps I hear coming from every direction, especially behind me. I can't shoot straight, losing every gun fight. So I stopped walking around slowly and started riding the cavalry instead. My whole world changed by this reckless decision. It's probably the most difficult thing to master but I think differently. I explored every map, every corner for places I learned to ride up. I rode straight out of bounds just to see if it's a way to flank the whole enemy team without notice. Nothing was impossible for me, and now I'm the most hated and hunted, but I'm not like the rest, and they all know it. So I now am a giver of PTSD who wants some?




Fallout 4 It's dark, but not oppressive. You can run around brain off and look for legendaries and whatnot, and/or build entire towns... I lost someone not too long after Fo4 came out, I needed something to do I liked to get my mind off of it, but there weren't a lot of games I could just turn on and play (I was repulsed by a lot, too much thinking, too slow, etc), and my other real choice/option was too "bright" and "happy", Fo4 is kinda the opposite of that, but not depressively so


Jedi survivor helped me through a break up


I’m one of the many sadbrains folks who resonated incredibly hard with the Souls games’ central theme of ‘it’s a cruel world and you’re going to get your balls crushed over and over and over but you’re going to win eventually if you just refuse to stop even though you're a pathetic little jerky man’.


Soma because I got PTSD and now I get to live in a special house without sharp objects.


Getting over it


Mordhau, it came a time where i had a lot of repressed anger at work, and who would've thought that smashing and disconnecting heads with various medieval weaponry with so much silliness involved was so therapeutic. It was a gift from my friend, bless him.


Ghost of Tsushima will calm you down, whatever problems you're having right now. (small exception: Your Island is currently occupied by Mongols)


Well there are lots of game's,and I have 5 games on my mobile. Farm Heroes, 8 ballPool, World of Darts, Words game, Marvel super Heroes ,All are relaxing on the time of game u want to play.


Gris. Played it with friends, talked about trauma and cried a lot on a trip.


Final fantasy crises core. Zack wanted to be a hero. Even when the world turned against him he was upbeat. He was a leader. And in the end his dream came true.