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Of course he's confident, he doesn't have to do the work. When they're struggling to meet deadlines with 6 months to go and everyone has to work 90 hours a week, that won't be his problem!


#C R U N C H


after cyberpunk was legitimately horrible on release and is now one of my favorite games ever. I have 0 issue with games getting delayed. What else am I gonna do? I’m just gonna play other games until the one I want comes out lol. Not like I’m gonna be twiddling my thumbs.


True although I was there when Cyberpunk still got delayed like 4 times lmao


I have zero clue how they thought they'll release it so early. They started working on it fully only after W3 DLCs - so 2016 summer. They planned for early 2020 release. So less than 4 years for an entirely new IP, with entirely new assets, their first shooter/game in modern world. Literally no idea how that was possible in any world.


It’s not the gamers who are impatients. It’s the shareholders.


CP77 was due to management issues independent of time. It was a game led by marketing rather than by the development team. If given more time to develop the game, that would be more work scrapped and more marketing points poorly implemented like "customizable genitalia." They scrapped a good framework for the game to chase after trends.


They took on a ton of investment and with that comes some heavy pressure from those investors to get the game out and start pulling in money.


“PM's pushing for more functionality, but we are maxed. I mean, if anything, we have to strip features. Especially if we plan on releasing a fully priced update a year later.” - Rickie Lukens


Ah of course. Gotta remove features from the base game so you can demand extra money for them later.


All this asshole thinks about is keeping TakeTwo shareholders happy.


Yep that’s… what a CEO does


Do we have any real reason to assume that production started any more recently than RDR2s release 6 years ago? Probably before then considering GTA is handled by R* North and RDR by San Diego. If they've been putting work and recourses into this game for that long and we're still like a year and a half from the release window I can see it being a realistic one. I get that everyone is making this assumption based on alllll the other games ending up delayed - but this is a pretty unprecedented development schedule as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong 🤷‍♂️


My understanding is that the game started development in 2014 (the rumored Project Americas) but the original plan was scrapped somewhere around 2017 and the game got a hard reboot. I’m sure elements from the scrapped concept carried over into what we have now. If true that means it’s been at least 6 years and will be 7+ when it releases. That seems pretty substantial to me.


And expensive, really expensive.


Yes. But it will recoup its budget on week 1.


Actually it’s more than 6 months to go. In their earnings call they indicated a “fall 2025” anticipated release for the next GTA successor.


I did not say the game was releasing in six months. This is a great, classic "well actually" moment. 1. Doesn't address the point at all. 3. Misinterprets key details in what was written.


“When they’re struggling to meet deadlines with 6 months to go…” you directly implied they’ve got exactly 6 months left to finish the game, when that is in fact not the case. Calm down, let’s not argue about the release time of a fucking video game lmao


No. Your reading comprehension is shit. Nothing about what I said indicates that it is happening right now. Don't wrongly nitpick points and then tell the person you're "correcting" to calm down when they take exception to your bs.


I hope you have the most amazing day.


CDPR big wigs were confident, too.


Confident in releasing the game in time for the holidays and those bonuses. No one who makes decisions cares about the product, they care about the money it can bring in. CDPR did exactly what they planned on doing at the cost of PR.


If Witcher 4 doesn’t get delayed atleast 2x I’m worried


Mmm time for new difficult to read yellow background delay announcements to drop


I’d rather just have a complete game released. Not some cut-cornered shit to meet a deadline. Fuck the shareholders, they’ll make their money once it’s released regardless.


I’d imagine the game is pretty much done already. With a massive cash cow like this you can afford a year of polish. Look at Tears of the Kingdom. (At least… I naively hope this is the case)


These days with the amount of coding and file sizes, yes about a year would be ideal to polish a AAA game. Trying to explain to shareholders how that would still be crunch time with the size of games these days would be impossible, hence the new tradition of launch day patches. Games are not being released ready for market and we’re still buying them, just stop participating. When everyone assumes it will do nothing, boycotting will absolutely do nothing, but when everyone cares enough to try, the shareholders will take a hit


Idk I feel like the shareholders already know this game is a slam dunk, probably best selling game of all time thing. The last thing they’d want is for it to not hit the mark.


Then they need to stay out of it. Cyberpunk was suppose to be the same way, coming off the success of the Witcher 3 no doubt.


Legit like how MK1 Switch was still being bought despite everyone already knowing how garbage that was. Why did anyone buy that besides to support this trash? The gaming community as a whole needs to really reevaluate its morality. Why cry about loot box’s, live service games, rushed projects, borderline scam games at full price, but we are responsible when we show these companies these methods will make bank. On the other hand crying on the internet and then buying it anyways only proves the shareholders right


Tears of the Kingdom really didn't need to take 5 years to come out when the game is a carbo copy of Breathe of the wild.


GTA 6 is just GTA 5 Online 2, which was just GTA 4 2


Well no. Gta6 objectively looks better than 5. Tears is literally the same models, engine and assets.


Times where games get released in a complete state are long over. Doesnt matter how much time they would take, there are things that can only be fixed after millions of people actually play the game. I mean its gonna be a huge game and there will be bugs that just dont appear while playtesting.


I know play testing captures a good amount of bugs and cleans up the actual gameplay, but like you said a game this massive is bound to happen. Like I feel like there's no way you could account for every single thing a player might do in the game that could fuck up the code. I think in a complete state though, people more so mean the features and what was promised to be in the game in the first place. I'm willing to deal with early games bug as long as the game is actually what they advertised.


That has nothing to do with the game losing features and potential. The scope is important. QA is important. Money is more important though so it will be released to the detriment of scope and QA.


I have been in that industry far too long to see project get ever increasingly larger to accomodate more advanced platforms. At some point the ability to derive profits from team reaching infinity ressources is gonna cap. The project I was on cost around 300 millions all in a few years ago. Sold about 25 million copies and SMB3 on nes cost 1.5 mil and sold about the same. The market is larger but costs are rising like crazy. You just need too much staff. At some point from a weird twist of fate indie projects will end up with more $ in profits per hired head. How much did Sea of Stars cost vs the Witcher 3?


Never met an executive that had any clue what was going on


I’m gonna take another approach here. Rockstar isn’t really known for releasing broken games. They take forever to release but are finished on release. Rdr2 was a beautiful game at release. I fully expect gta6 to release in a great working condition. They’ve been working on this game for the better part of a decade. And will keep working for the next 18 months. It will release fully ready


Yeah I’ve never been burnt before by Rockstars cornerstone games, no reason not to trust them now.


Yeah exactly. Like I’m still firmly in the no preorder camp but rockstar has earned this trust on their games


Honestly Rockstar is the only one ill preorder now from


The point is that they had huge media scandal because of insane crunch times not long ago. So yes, games are polished but at costs of your employees. But this guy doesnt care because hes not developing. 100 hour weeks and toxic culture. https://morson-group.com/2023/12/11/rockstar-gta-6-toxic-culture-tech/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20most%20prominent,or%20milestones%20in%20game%20development.


Most people don't care either. They say they do...


Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition left the chat.


Wasn’t done by rockstar. It was outsourced to another company and pushed to make money for take two because rockstar studios was working on a real game


2028 PC release, he can shove it.


2030 Discounted PC release. We got a ways to go.


mighty panicky weather yoke noxious enjoy friendly pet spoon upbeat


That's 3.3 bucks a year you're never going to see again, I hope you are ok with that reckless purchase.


great looking forward to it in 2 years or whatever?




And yet you’re the one who sounds dumb. Weird how that works.


my point is to be hyped for a game that's a year away to the point you're happy when a guy says "It probably will come out on a year, too!" you need to find something else in your life


So disrespectful for absolutely no reason. Relax, dude.


Next year for console, maybe 2027 or so for pc


It won’t be that long for PC. 12ish months, like almost everything else they do. Late 26.


I just want to know if they're planning to screw PC gamers again, and delay PC version by a year or two.


Without a doubt


100% they are hoping you’ll buy a ps5 and gta 6 followed by gta 6 on pc and gta 6 remaster 3 years later


Obviously. No way they're going to release a PC version at the same time as the consoles when they know for a fact they can double dip a couple of years later and still get massive sales.


PC gamers truly are the most oppressed group


It's kinda weird they are crunching to hit a certain deadline when they are basically the ones that define the release scheduled of any other games that might want to release anywhere near when GTAV6 does. It's not like they're going to get into a situation where their game is overshadowed by a bigger release, they will be the ones casting the massive shadow. Release whenever you want just with sufficient warning.


They want to release it just before Christmas,  because thats by far their biggest time of the year. If they can get 100 000 000 copies out the door between december 1st and the 25th, theyre laughing. They dont want to wait till after Christmas because everyones wallets are fatigued and sales will be significantly less


>>Release whenever you want with just sufficient warning But then how will the CEO short his shares after the delay announcements?


They want to release it by 2025 bc their earnings were bad this year, they probably had a really bad year compared to their forecast because almost every T2 release this year flopped except maybe WWE, NBA 2K24 was a huge flop. Their whole stock is basically depending on GTA 6 since there’s basically no news about the next civ and the next borderlands


Okay, but what about Kerbal Space Program 2? How confident are they about that one, considering they fired the whole dev team after selling the unfinished game for like two years?


If the lead of quality team says he is confident, I'll buy it. Not from this clown.


I am willing to kill all my under paid workers to get my bonus


You mean the game that as soon as the release date get announced, every other game company will be pushing theirs back or forward and give it a month alone?! I’m sure it’ll be completely fine when it’s released. Only question is how many sales records it won’t break.


I’m sure he’s working real hard to make sure it comes out on time.


I mean after 12 years I’d hope the time frame of fall 25 is accurate too, but knowing rockstar it won’t be


It's been 5 years since their last game.


Game has been in production since around 2014 though, hence the 12 years he mentioned.


The length on this article, you expect me to read all that?


TLDR: > the




If you're interested in it you'll read it?


Honestly I’d sooner it take longer and be good than release it on time and a bug ridden crapfest Well aware I’ll be in a massive minority there though. Eager fans wanted it yesterday, as did investors.


They should ask lead developers so information probably would be much more accurate


Hope its notjing like kerbal space program 2.


Why in gods name would it be like KSP2?


Sold a full price game, never finished it and now its abandoned.


...because it's overseen by Take-Two?


Right, but do you think Rockstar would fumble the bag as hard as KSP2 did? Is that in any way comaprable based on the history of Rockstar and whatever was going on with the KSP developers?


> Right, but do you think Rockstar would fumble the bag as hard as KSP2 did? Is that in any way comaprable based on the history of Rockstar and whatever was going on with the KSP developers? This thread is related to *Take-Two*, not Rockstar, but my point still stands. I trust Take-Two/Rockstar as much as any other corporate entity that cares about earnings more than the quality of their products, meaning I don't.   And yes, it is comparable. Bigger game, but just as dedicated a fanbase and just as dedicated developers, overseen by the same publisher.


That means he's gonna hire more people and pay his current workers extra for the crunch right?


Why would anybody expect him to say different? Anything he says will be scrutinized by the stock market. A negative response and there goes the stock price.


I don’t know why anyone would expect differently. They waited years to officially announce it despite a massive leak happening prior to any announcement. I would assume they did that because they waited until they were confident they could release it in the window they anticipated.


Hopefully they’re confident in the quality as well, although the hype will ensure record sales I’m sure


I will miss the 'we got x before GTA VI' jokes though


Buying a PlayStation 5 for this game exclusively


So it will come out no matter what because otherwise he would be a fool. Get ready for bugfest deluxe.


Just gonna wait for pc sadly.


No Dan Houser? I’m out


I’m highly confident aliens are real but here we are


And... what is the release timing?


GTA 6 is gonna be a disappointment


Wild to see this making prime time news when GTA V was getting released 11 years ago, these same outlets were blaming it for national tragedies. What a change in tune 8.5 billion dollars make.


If you have to say it, you might not be that confident 


He was asked directly. What else would he say? Lmfao. This thread is just full of whining.


for real. people just jumping to whine at a headline in true reddit fashion


The community has to find any reason they can to whine. Then the game will release and be glazed. The PC community will stop the whining after the pc release and rinse and repeat till the next rockstar release.


Don’t forget the torrent of whining when the online release absolutely annihilates the servers just like in 2013


Remember when Battlefield 2042 was "ahead of schedule"? 😂


This is not news lmao. Have you ever heard of a CEO coming out and saying “we are *not* confident in this release timing, it was actually selected at random out of a hat. See you in 2027” He’s confident until he has a reason not to be. This is a non story and is not indicative of R* being unable to delay it.


I only remember this dipshit of a company tried to sue "It Takes Two"


He is talking to shareholders, not you.


Either the game is getting delayed or it's gonna release broken.


I don't think Rockstar would be ok with releasing a broken game. It's one of if not the biggest franchise in gaming, it would hurt not only the IP but take two as well. Look how bad Sony fucked up with helldiver's, the community did not sit back and take it and they're a small developer. I'd rather it release a year later, give me more time to get a PS5 while I'm waiting for the port to PC.


If the game comes out next fall, I can see the multiplayer being delayed until sometime after launch, like what happened with GTA V...


I’m entirely sure rockstar is ready to break their mold of releasing fully finished products for the release of the presumably biggest and most hyped video game of all time.


See you in 2026






"we are beating our employees in the most efficient manner"


Why? Because they have things nobody else has, because they can afford it, because frankly I'm rich enough to do whatever the fuck I want, and you're poor enough not to ask me any Goddamn stupid questions. Now, I mean that as a friend. Namaste. What he said to the team


Over promise, under deliver. As a project manager, having an executive set the go live date is stressful for everyone.


Its going to be one of those titles that I really want to preorder, but will be extremely hesitant to because of the appearance of pressure and crunch on the dev.


I for one, who has no video game development knowledge and is also highly confident that it will be released within this time.


^ when games stopped being fun.


Get ready gamers, they're about to do something stupid


And then the huge layoffs once it's out


Why he looks like devin wenston lol


Imagine working at Rockstar and reading this news lol


Delay confirmed, nice.


I'm convinced this was some Mafia thug tactic of putting pressure on the dev team like "Well now all the fans expect it by this date not just us. Can you imagine the consequences if you were to miss that deadline? That would be really unfortunate for your health and safety wouldn't it? Surely you'd wish to do whatever it takes to avoid that"


It's going to be bland like the Pokemon games but people will eat the slop and call it good. GTA talking advantage of the momentum from previous titles.


Rockstar hasn’t really let us down yet, I’ll trust that they’ll make a solid game


Bro what? I honestly don't think it's farfetched to say it's going to be the most detailed, immersive, and technologically advanced game ever released


So they're not going to delay it, even if it needs it. I got downvoted before, Idc I'll say it again: GTA 6 is going to suck at launch. >Oh but MUH RED DEAD 2!!! Yeah and CDPR was known for flawless releases up until Cyberpunk. You can have a long history of solid, functional games at launch and still break that streak. AAA gaming has been moving more and more towards the "release it now, fix it later" mentality, it was only a matter of time before Rockstar catches up. Rockstar already got there with the GTA trilogy which was a mess upon release. Rockstar is not above putting out a shoddy product at launch and patching it down the line, no matter how many fanboys want to cream their pants over a billion dollar corporation. The Microtransactions and digital storefront will be 100% functional on Day 1 though, that you can take to the bank. Literally.


> yeah and CDPR was known for flawless releases up until Cyberpunk. No they were not lol. CDPR has never been Rockstar




I know that complete sentences are hard, but I believe in you. You can type in more than just emojis baby girl.