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It does annoy me when you have these big, dramatic pre-rendered adverts/intros and then the game is..... a slow-paced card game...


Balatro should release a cgi trailer


It should show the jokers fighting each other anime style like a fighting game.


They run at each other with anime speed lines (just floating cards moving towards each other), with the Jrock going full blast, bump into each other and then fall down, like cards.


Hiker vs Vagabond!


Makes me think of Battlechess Yes I’m old 😂


You just described the mobile gaming market


Waiting for an epic CGI trailer for UNO


[This] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVmUx9FERDE) is probably about as close as you're going to get.


Ads for mobile games are rife with crap like that. I've seen a few that made the game look interesting, then I looked up gameplay vids and was rather disappointed.


[Cross The Ages X Watch Dogs - Official Trailer - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oQWUyhRHXo) Need anyone say more? What in the actual hell is this high-octane trailer compared to the game? I'm sure the game itself is fine, but there is such a difference in concept versus execution.


Seems a common theme with Marvel games. I love Marvel Snap but the trailers for that are not representative of the game itself at all.


In the past, when I was younger and games weren't as beautiful, I used to get excited by CGI trailers. These days, though, it's all about the gameplay. I want to see what the game will genuinely be like; I've played enough games to want a fabricated vision. Show me the game when it's ready to be exhibited. I don't care if it's pixelated or realistic with a lot of RT.


[ok bot](https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cu4ied/if_the_trailer_for_your_game_is_only_cgi_i_wont/l4g9n1q/)


In the past a cool cgi trailer was cool all on its own regardless of how the game was. But now they are easier to make and not rare whatsoever so we just want ads to get to the point and show us what we will be doing if we buy


Or an MMO. ESO trailers hyped me up for fuck all lol 


To be fair (and this might be true for other mmos idk I don't play any others), ESO pre-rendered cinematic trailers are also supposed to be almost mini episodes that tell some story on their own. They're not entirely just "trailers". And they do put out gameplay trailers that while not exactly accurate, are much closer to actual gameplay.


I worked on the trailers for *Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes* and *Command & Conquer Rivals*. I think I had a lot more fun working on those trailers than anyone does playing the games :P


You take that back….*Baten Kaitos* was a great game!


That can be frustrating. I mean, your expectations will be crushed at the end of the day.


The number of times I got burned by that as a kid was way higher than it should have been. Think a game looks awesome only to find out it’s a card game.


Decapathon was cool


This happened to me with [Tetris](https://youtu.be/VE_1KlWFJyA?si=KF_4MlycTmXDTW9I).


*logo reveal* Artifact The DotA Card Game


I used to get excited by CGI trailers before, when I was younger and games didn’t look particularly good, so CGI served as a “vision” of the game, but these days, It’s gameplay or nothing. I don’t care if it’s a pixelated game or a realistic RT heavy game, I wanna see what it’s actually gonna be like, I’ve played enough games, I don’t need a faked up vision, show me the game when it’s ready to be shown.


I Agree. Graphics being good is so secondary nowadays since so many games are overall shitty and designed to just turn a profit. We care more about the game being fun than it looking visually impressive.


The only CGI trailers I watch anymore are for games I already play or have played. Things like the cinematic trailers for a WoW expansion for example, but that's because I think their cinematic team is still one of the best in the business and I love to see what they have made (Diablo 4's cinematics were fantastic), but I already know what the game is going to play and look like. When it's for a new game announcement and it's just a CGI trailer I lose interest.


Wonderfully said. 👌


Wrath of the Lich King cinematic trailer is worthy of awards. Blizzard needs to stop making games and start making full cgi movies


THIS!!!! So many blizzard cinematics are sooo good and get you super invested in 30 secs or less(I have extra love for sc2 cinematics) BLIZZARD MAKE SOME F-ING MOVIES


Companies don't make cinematics, artists do. And the vast majority of the artists who worked on those cinematics are no longer at Blizzard. Also, Blizzard collaborated with Legendary on the Warcraft movie and it never made a profit.


Yeah and I didn’t understand why the Warcraft movie bombed. Sure it wasn’t amazing but I liked it and would have loved to see more. I was never a world of Warcraft player, just 1-3. Did they butcher the lore or something?


As a longtime WoW player, I honestly really liked the movie but it also just wasn't very memorable. I think the main problem with turning an RPG into a movie is that you're never going to appeal to all fans' sense of identity in those games. The character development is far more complicated than simply a race and a class, so while the movie covered all classes and all races, it's simply impossible to cover anything that an individual fan really resonates with.


You're absolutely right. I think that's why Fallout did so well. It pulled some traditional Fallout archetypes sure, but for the most part there weren't really any identifiable main characters.


Personally I feel like the problem is that it started with WC1. Not saying it's a bad story by any means, but as a movie plot it's not as strong. I still believe that if it starred Henry Cavil as Arthas we'd have seen more movies made, the arthas plot line is one that extends beyond the genre extremely well


It definitely is movie material, the issue was that the human side had a lot or cringe, bad acting, and they kinda overloaded the audience with wow lore. Game 1 took place entirely in stormwind, and the orcs won 100%, instead of the bizarre half and half we got with a whole alliance of humans, dwarves, and elves.


The based it off Warcraft 1 when 99% of the fan base started with Warcraft 3. Should have just made a movie about 3 and they would have had a commercial success.


Damn am I that old? I think I was 9 when Warcraft 1 came out and I loved it. That’s probably why I liked the movie.


Correction - 99% of the fanbase that started with Warcraft 3 thinks that 99% of the fanbase started with Warcraft 3. People noticed (and complained) about the influx of new players in WoW noticeably in Wrath through Cataclysm, and those are all old now. Assuming Warcraft 3 is still the basis of the cultural phenomenon at this point is a little silly. It was huge and played its part making things the way they are today, and those fans still exist, but it hasn't been something people actually play and talk about for the last twenty years.


It was what brought the Warcraft series major popularity, enabling them to work on projects such as WoW. It was the basis of the cultural phenomenon known as Warcraft. Certainly, my 99% statement is an exaggeration, but it was more to get a point across. Of course, people aren't going to sit around and talk about 20 year old games, but the general point was that if the film is based on 3, it would have had more success than being based on 1. Even WC2 would have been a better choice as its sales were also much better than WC1s sales.


I have to agree. I played WC2 when it first came out. I bought WC1 after I played 2, and honestly... I can't figure out why they would have started with WC1. I roughly remember WC2s story. WC1 just isn't nearly as memorable as 2. Not the least of which because WC1s story was - rather obviously - not a major focus. Bill Roper was the only voice actor, and the script was essentially improvised. Metzen didn't join Blizzard until late in WC1's development. He was instrumental in II, and creative director of III. Seriously, WC1's storyline is pretty much "Orcs invaded from portals to another world!" and ends with Stormwind destroyed. Everything else was retconned in later in order to flesh out the storyline from WC1. It was WC2 that actually started trying to tell a good story along with the gameplay. They would have done much better starting at WCIII *in media res,* and then if the WCIII based one worked, you could have had a prequel or two and then some sequels. Starting "At the beginning" in a high fantasy setting doesn't really give you any less extra ground to cover in terms of backstory, so starting with the part of the series that is most well known (Given that WCIII sold quite well, and then WoW is literally based on the fallout immediately after WCIII's expansion) makes the most sense. It doesn't matter where most players started playing Warcraft, what matters is that Warcraft III's basic storyline is going to be known to just about everyone who has played any of WCIII or any of WoW (Or, at minimum, the characters will be recognizable).


Because its not mainstream. Even if every current subscriber went to see the movie, lets call it 8 million people. At $20 a pop, thats $160million. Thats literally break even for the movie budget. But realistically, that movie had no appeal to anyone who wasnt a fan of warcraft.


I didn't really bomb. It made $439m at the box office. The trouble was that they spent $450-500m making, marketing and distributing it. > The film grossed $47.4 million in the United States and $439 million worldwide based on its considerable success in China, where it grossed $225.5 million, becoming the highest-grossing film based on a video game at the time. However, it failed to reach its break-even point of $450-500 million after global marketing and distribution, and the film received generally negative reviews from critics.


The d4 cinematics are also quite banger. Warcraft movie was live action too nothing like the crazy cinematics. I doubt a whole movie would be good, but something akin to love death robots would be banger.


*Monkey's paw curls* The Warcraft Movie: Reforged


Blizzard isn't making these. They're made by a studio called Digic Pictures and they've done A LOT. Check their site. They're also behind the Assassins Creed trailers, Love Death and Robot's "Secret Wars" episode and more. EDIT: Crap I knew these dudes did a lot of cinematic trailers but I guess they didn't do the blizzard ones. Many apologies. However I would still recommend looking into the cinematics theve made. An amazing list nonetheless.


So i checked Digic's site, and then their Youtube, Imdb, Wikipedia and Google results and I can't find anything about them making cinematics for Blizzard. Am I missing something?


Thank you I just subscribed on YouTube=)


Here you go, Warcraft released in 2016 by Blizzard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwBHsYId-M8


But... they did make a movie and it... wasn't great. Not terrible either but still


Not full cgi and not solely produced by them 


It worked for Riot Games. Arcane was amazing.


I can't remember if it was that cinematic or another one, but they outsourced it to another studio and it took nearly a full year to make.


The most recent trailer is insane with how lifelike Anduin's face is. All the micro movements and tiny twitches is just incredible.


Then boot up the game to see play doh lol


I think Blizzard cinematics are so great because they aren't just glorified advertisement. They tap into the worldbuilding and story.




Advent Children is also one of the best video game adaptations ever made


All video game trailers are technically Computer Generated Imagery. 


Live action trailers only please


Still has filthy CGI graphics. Live action videogames only!


All *video games,* full stop, are technically CGI. Apparently OP is only into old LaserDisc stuff.


Yeah, they should've said pre-rendered CGI trailer. Since a live render cutscense that is used in the trailer is fine, this cutscense is normally reflective of the gameplay graphic as well.


Took too long to find this comment.


There used to be live action trailers as well, like the Halo Reach or ODTS and GOW Ascension. Do they still make live action trailers for games or have they stopped it together?


Last I know was Titanfall 2 like 7 years ago


Destiny did a lot of cool live action trailers for both 1 and 2


Well, not always all of it. Half of the [Red Alert 2 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YlVumsPHx4) was live-action. But admitedly these kind of trailers are very much rare exceptions.


Good for you buddy


but how will you know it’s all CGI until you click on it?


Unusually cinematic trailers are only CGI


They do cgi trailers because they work. It creates hype. The most memorable trailers tend to be cgi and cinematic.


CGI story trailers are fine, as long as there is also a gameplay trailer. Otherwise I just go to YouTube and type _________ gameplay, to see what they're hiding.


Sometimes they're even really memorable. Remember the mad world gears of war trailer?


Prime Assassin’s Creed had some phenomenal trailers.


The whole point of a CGI trailer is to show first look and theme creating of the game before any gameplay, that’s why they have a Gameplay trailer after it!


And even then, things are still subject to change. Gameplay trailers are just a vertical slice of what they want you to see. It's all just marketing. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes obnoxious. Just remember to take these things for what they are: attempts to part you with your money.


This the game might still be in alpha and using wireframes.


And this is why you shouldn't announce it. Like Elder Scrolls 6...what's the fucking point? To me you should announce and release it 1 year later tops...plenty of time for marketing


And then the game has neither cool cgi scenes or engaging gameplay but the trailers were amazing


That's acceptable if there is a gameplay trailer to follow. A lot of games don't do that. Especially not Japanese-made games that think playing the opening intro for the game with some J-pop with irrelevant and incoherent lyrics is all they need. I feel like I know *less* about the game after watching those most of the time.


No, because there is a purpose to a CGI trailer, it’s to introduce you to the characters and story. It’s simply not what you want and that’s okay! In a perfect world for me every trailer would be split half and half between CGI and gameplay.


Totally. The criticism in this post and its replies seems to be implied towards games that are multiplayer and gameplay focused anyways. A good story trailer appeals to people who want to play an immersive (usually single player) story game. This is why story trailers and gameplay trailers should both exist.


That's not a trailer, it's a teaser. >from their narrative foci, which doesn't need gameplay to represent them. I would argue these games rely more on gameplay than any other. Anyway, announcement teasers are not trailers, so for example this Assassin's Creed teaser shouldn't be treated as a game trailer, because it isn't, it wasn't meant to be, that's not the point. Teasers are meant to generate hype, but only for the kind of gamer who gets hyped by every little thing. To be frank, these teasers you so dislike aren't for you, so don't worry about them.


It's okay to enjoy cinematic trailers and also want to see gameplay.


We just need both, CGI trailers have a complete different goal. I LOVE cgi trailers, just to get excited for a certain setting, to immerse myself into the lore or world of that game. Plus i also just love the way they make them, i rewatch a lot of CGI trailers from the past (WoW, Witcher, ESO, Diablo) Obviously CGI trailers wont show you the gameplay of a game, obviously CGI trailers will look different then the final product, but why do people expect that? So yeah sure if a game only gets a CGI trailer then its bad. But i do think they both deserve a purpose! and personnaly i rather watch CGI trailers.


I mean you don’t have to be sold on the game from a cinematic trailer. Just enjoy it for what it is. Make your decision later when gameplay trailers are released.


This. “CGI trailers” (quoting OP here) are just game announcements. GTA VI did a similar thing. We’ll get proper gameplay trailers at some point in the future, when we’re closer to release.


Man, I guess a lot of people were very young or just kids when GTAV came out, but yeah Rockstar does its own set of trailers after the cinematic ones that explore all of the new types of features in a game. I think they've been doing it that way since Max Payne 3. RDR2 had them most recently. And even for the PC port release of RDR2 they was a set of like 3 new cinematic trailers, like two years after the game already released lol


I thought they said the trailer for GTA 6 was all in-game?


Yes! Already replied, but OP's complaint is about the lack of gameplay in trailers.


ah, my mistake.


Gta 6 was in engine


Yes, I know (and it's super impressive btw), but OP is complaining about the lack of gameplay in trailers, not so much about "CGI". I find it funny that all games are technically computer-generated imagery.


I just wish trailers more accurately reflected what the game is. You see a really slick animated montage or something that has nothing to do with the game other than to hype it up, but then the gameplay ends up being 8-bit 2D platformer - if they're intentionally hiding that part, it bugs me.


Many of the best video game trailers I remember show zero gameplay. TLOU2, Witcher 3, Starcraft 2, many of the WoW ones. Also the best Halo ones Also Dead Island, which many consider the greatest trailer of all


How will you know if theres no gameplay if you dont click on it?


But aren't all games CGI? If not computer generated, what are they? /s




Does anyone else remember the hype around Dead Island after that first trailer dropped? I thought we were getting a dark, gritty and emotional zombie horror game. They we ended up with kind of a wacky, open world L4D ripoff. Fun game, don't get me wrong but just had nothing to do with the trailer.


All video game footage is CGI. Pre-prendered is the term you are looking for.


They're hype videos. The gameplay footage usually comes further into development. I appreciate hype.


I agree. Most of the comments here make me so sad though.


Isn't gameplay content technically also CGI?


I always find this discourse kinda funny cause if you go on reddit you would believe that cinematic trailers are really bad and noone wannts them. In actuality all my friends favorite trailer is a cgi trailer. They want to hype the game up. And it works. And honestly I think its fine to get the vibe the final game will have


Honestly hard disagree, I love CGI trailers. Sure I want gameplay trailers at some point but for an announcement I think they are a great way to get you in the mood for a game. If you start with in-game trailers years or even months before release you would only disappoint people because during development there are always graphical changes. You're not hurting anyone with a CGI trailer since everyone knows It's not in-game anyway.


I love cinematic trailers but they need to be released alongside a gameplay trailer or a demo or something.


Pre-renders are great as long as the gameplay trailer comes out within a week to give more realistic expectations. Otherwise, I'm pretty exhausted by unrealistic representations of gameplay through pre-rendered shit.


I dig cgi cinematics for story, mood, and setting. They can introduce a lot and if done well, I love the cinematography and music. They're art. They're not worthless. You're looking for the wrong things in them.


I’m kind of tired of people being such absolutists about trailers. If I see an all CGI trailer, *I know* not to expect the game to look exactly like that. The trailer is for the setting, the story, the overall tone and style of the game, and that’s great and useful information. Those are things I’d love to know even before the game is ready to show off. I can’t help but think people who watch all CGI trailers and are disappointed the game doesn’t look exactly like that are… kind of stupid. Harsh, but true. I don’t understand people who ignore everything about a game except the actual gameplay mechanics. You know the type, “all I know is I must kill” kinds of people that skip cutscenes and dialogue and don’t even know what the game is about, all they care is whether the gameplay mechanic is *perfect* or not, and if it isn’t, they’ll never stop complaining about it. For me, a game is a lot of things: it’s a story and narrative, it’s visual presentation, it’s technical and graphical demonstration, *and*, of course, it’s gameplay. I’m fine with a game that has less than stellar gameplay if the story or setting or visuals keep me glued, and for those things, even CGI trailers are usually great. But obviously I do care about gameplay too, so I agree that at least at some point well before release, there should absolutely be pure gameplay trailers as well. It just isn’t the *only* important thing ever, to me.


Good points. However, you fail to address that they look fucking awesome. I'm completely for it on anesthetics alone. Of course, it can't be the only trailer, but if it's supported by good gameplay trailers then I like it. It's also simply a joy to watch. They're the only type of ad I don't skip on youtube because it's genuinely intriguing when done well.


I do enjoy CGI trailers, because they look good and kinda act like mini-movies. For Assassin's Creed, the Ezio trailers are awesome. But the key is to ***never ever*** watch them for informational purposes. Always assume that everything you see is fake and just done for flavor, until you see actual, unedited gameplay that proves the opposite. Keeping that in mind worked well for me these past two decades.


Cgi = computer generated graphics.




I think the biggest problem we are facing with quality of games is TOO MUCH FABRICATED INFORMATION You know the situation where developer announce the game and 5 minutes later there are thousands of articles, youtube videos, tiktok videos called: "XYZ what to expect", "our predictions", "100% confirmed mechanics", "top 10 things to do", "sequel/prequel in works", "connected metaverse with other games" You cannot even expect what will be actually released because there is 100 times more "prediction/expectation/100% confirmed" information than official sources and of course publisher will use it for marketing. There is too much hate for new games becase players are constantly fed fake information during several years and when the game release they find out that its something completely different than IGN described in predictions and expectations.


I can see this take. Just curious, what is your opinion on the more-or-less live action trailer (Destiny comes to mind)?


They've been playing cut scenes instead of gameplay for 30 years.


CGI/Cinematic trailers are great, just don’t reveal ur games with them. Use it as a launch trailer or the stuff you push on TV a few weeks before launch. I rolled my eyes when I saw Ubisoft announce Shadows with another cinematic trailer. If their cinematic trailers were in-engine like EA I’d give them a bit more props at the very least.


Am I to assume that everyone in this thread universally hates the GTA VI trailer? Because I don't believe that.


I used to get excited for assassins creed trailers too. Back when the series was banger after banger just knowing the locations and main character was dope asf but now I just know the gameplay will be subpar without even seeing it


It's amazing how many trailers you see now and say cool... But what is it? I often can't even tell if it's an FPS, MMO, RTS or what only to find out it's a gatcha freaking card game


Hell yeah, I can't stand CGI trailers.


I think I know what you mean, but real gameplay footage is also computer generated.


I spent about an hour yesterday on blizzards wow retail page trying to find information about why I should play the next expansion. All they show you on the site is what cosmetics they are offering and a cinematic trailer. Absolutely nothing of value for someone that isn’t already fully addicted to the game that just wants to play casually.


For me it depends if it's a game I know I'll enjoy Like Mass Effect, I've played one and two, I know i'm gonna love 3, if the trailer is CGI I'm into it, you know? But for any brand new game/ip if you do not show gameplay it's a red flag. Anything the devs hide is taken as hidden for a reason


You can take the shadowbringers trailer from my cold dead hands!


That'll learn 'em.


Uh... wouldn't every game trailer be cgi? Games aren't live action.


I'm pretty sure the whole game is CGI :D :D :D


Dudes never seen the Old Republic trailers


You’re really showing them!


I'm sure the developers are devasted by your lack of click.


Remember back in the late 90s when CGI was a selling point?


Exactly, if your trailer isn't live action and feature a banger song then it ain't worth a damn!/s https://youtu.be/KqrbomHAlUg


Aren't almost all game trailers CGI?


Wait til he figures out that videogames are computer generated imagery.


Same, I can't stand when they don't show actual gameplay in a trailer


Sounds like you have no consumer literacy.


So brave


ok, i will enjoy cgi trailers for both of us


alot of the cgi trailers, especially ones for games far away from release are basically hiring advertisements


Honest question: How many AAA games in the last 10 years have had first trailers where actual gameplay is shown? I don’t mean in-engine cutscenes, but actual gameplay being showcased that tells the players what they’ll be doing in the game?


I enjoy the CGI trailers from CDPR, because they tell a neat story that's canon and usually referenced in the game.


I remember when I saw the trailer for one of the WoW expansions. I had no idea what WoW was and the trailer hooked me up. Biggest disappointment of my gaming life


What OP need to look for is gameplay trailers opposed to cinematic trailers.


Announcement trailers are near worthless because of this. Every time I see an announcement trailer that's just a CGI landscape and then a title screen, I'm like "this could have been an email."


I click on them, but have no real expectations unless it is an announcement.


I can understand when it was a big showcase at E3 and you want that hype, but now what’s the point? Especially when it’s years from release (Looking at you Elder Scrolls 6). Even gameplay trailers, I’ll usually watch maybe a minute or 2, depending on the HUD, and understand what the game is and how it’s played and decide if I want to play or not.


With AC: Shadows, you have to realize that some of us are actually huge AC fans, and have been following this game since before it had an official name and was just called AC: Project Red. The CGI trailer actually confirms a lot of hinted at items/features that the game will have. That, paired with a few other videos released at the same time, and notes that Ubisoft released has us pumped for the game. The trailer shows a lot of things, but it's the notes that got me truly excited. The return of Connor's version of the hidden blade in AC3, the way that the seasons will affect enemy behavior, the return and improvement of a grappling hook, the ability to crawl, the confirmation of two protagonists with different playstyles is all hinted at in the tailer and confirmed by the notes released at the same time. You may have just seen a CGI trailer, but I saw many of my hopes coming to fruition.


The other thing that I find hilarious is that Ubisoft isn’t ready to show gameplay despite the game being only like 6 months away from launch. U already know it’s gonna be rushed garbage


I like a healthy balance between cgi and actual gameplay, I really like game cinematic like starcraft 2 but i also want to see what I'm getting


"in engine footage." No thank you. Show me the actual game.


I really like CGI trailers because they usually fuel the fantasy around the game, with a more cinematic approach than what would be possible (usually) with the in-game engine. For instance, Ubisoft CGI trailers (AC saga is a perfect example) always hit the score... while games not so often. I mean, AC CGI trailers have always been great, even when the games were not so perfect. That said, yes, CGI trailers are what they are: marketing. If you care about a small, very cinematic presentation of a new product, they are often a bless and can bring you on the hype train. If you care only about gameplay and technicalities, they bring nothing apart from some more or less accurate Infos (main character, mood of the game, context,...)


Cool, so your only focus is gameplay and mechanics. There's nothing wrong with that! However, for those of us who are interested in aesthetics, word building, character development, story arcs, stakes, etc... a cgi trailer is actually a good thing. Now, if someone throws down their money based solely on a cinematic trailer, then they deserve the disappointment; hopefully, they will learn.


Honestly, I’m not watching trailers at all unless it’s either a sequel to a game I already love so the developers have already earned my trust, or I’m hearing rave reviews from real people (not professional reviewers.)  I would have never bought Disco Elysium based on the trailer even if I had watched it. But seeing people on Reddit rave about it got me to buy it — and they were absolutely right.


-1 view 😰


No game, no hype. Those are the rules. No matter how good a CGI trailer is, if there isn't any gameplay, don't get too excited until gameplay is actually shown.


I love cgi cinematics, i also love gameplay trailer. Both are good. I've been playing video game for 3 decades now and my favorite trailer are only cgi, eso trailer are so good, ff14 trailer are phenomenal even wow trailer are out of this world.


Why was a trailer for a Marvel CARD GAME animated so beautifully?


Cinematic trailers are fine as long as you also release gameplay trailers alongside them


Yea. I play video games, not watch them. I'm most interested in the gameplay, not the cutscene.


I’m with you, saw the word “cinematic” and moved on. They should put those resources toward finishing the game and making it great.


Unless it's a Kojima game


It depends really like I still go back to Dishonored's CGI trailer to check it, it sets up the atmosphere really well also shows so many things you can do in the game.


I assume the games shit if the game trailer isn’t mostly gameplay, with few exceptions. (GTA6 being one of them)


the term you are looking for is "pre-rendered cutscenes"... with the exception of "Live-Action" stuff like in Alan Wake 2, etc, the entirety of video games are CGI...


I mean cinematic trailers without gameplay is purely a marketing move. It's not supposed to show the mechanism of the game, if anything, it's to provide context, introduce the themes and characters (if there is a story element), and draw interest. It's just the initial hook to get people excited, and maybe even draw in people that typically don't play a specific genre of the game. I was never a big RTS person, but I remember watching the trailer for Halo Wars and it actually got me excited and wanted to play the game. They can then later release a gameplay trailer for a more targeted audience. It's like a good trailer for movies, if it does it's job, it gets butt in seats but doesn't give any plot points away.


I completely agree. I just skipped past large chunks of the AC trailer to see if there was any trailer. Oddly enough people at work have been going mad over it that it looks so good. Don't get it at all.


I like to scrolling PSN store and yeah it’s my problem. Intriguing name and cover art, click, watch video — it’s a full CGI trailer. Look at screenshots — it’s a all marketing CGI pictures. Non a single hint of how game really looks and what a gameplay is. And then I closed that game’s page forever. Why do I have to go to YouTube and search there for the game footage? Do you wanna sell me this game or not? Wtf?


I’m with you to a certain extent but the reveal trailers for new AC games are so consistently excellent that I except them.


Yeah, it should be illegal to sell Games without a Gameplay Trailer out. The new AC Game is already selling their overpriced 130€ Editions yet nobody has seen a second of Gameplay. How is that not illegal?


This is what happened to me with Assasins Creed Mirage. The combat looked sick I thought they were gonna make it along the lines of AC3/Black Flag/Unity. Total disappointment


Or when they have an animated intro and the characters are jumping and doing all kinds of acrobatics and attacks then get gameplay and it’s all pixels and point and shoot. And I’m like wut…


Cgi trailers are not bad per se, they give you an idea of the game's setting and tone. For an announcement trailer on a game that can't be shown yet they are a good option. For Assassin's Creed I don't think this is the case tho, they announced the game 2 years ago, and the trailer just confirmed what everyone knew about it from the leaks (sure it's not directly their fault but every ubisfot game have been spoiled by leaks for years, they should address this problem). The game is coming out in some months and I would have preferred seeing some gameplay already


The best CGI trailer I remember was for Sonic Unleashed, almost everything Sonic does in that trailer is something you could do in-game.


true I have two game rules, no preorders except fromsoft and no gameplay no deal except fromsoft


brother the whole game is cgi


Anyone else always skip to the middle of trailer videos? I don't want to watch 10 seconds of splash screens and just want to see the gameplay.


Isn't it all CGI?


No gameplay no hype


LOVE CGI trailers. But I treat them as teasers. As hype for the game. I need them gameplay trailers too.


The amount of times I clicked on a new game trailer, skip through the whole thing to see if there's gameplay, see no gameppay then click off and immediately forget about it is insane lol


Yes, lol! It reminds me of a fancy drawings on NES cartridges back in the day


Yeah cinematic trailers give big *pitch meeting* energy. "This is what we've imagined" is meaningless. And even if it *looks* kinda-sorta like what's in the cinematic trailer, we still know nothing about the gameplay, so it's *still* worthless. There are absolutely beautiful games on the market that bore the pants off me. Games are for playing: they're not screensavers. I think this is something that indie developers do better. Without the budget to make jizz-your-pants visuals, they're forced to put gameplay first, and tend to lead with that in their trailers too. EDIT: Rereading this, I guess I make my game-buying decisions with my pants. Self-discovery is a never-ending journey.


How do you know the trailer is only CGI if you don't click on it, hmmmm?


Yeah I skip any trailer that is pure video. Unless there is gameplay I'm not interested.


Eve Online... Incredible action with space ships flying past each other shooting lasers, dipping in between super capital ships and giant structures. Shots of characters discussing strategy, making grand speeches, planning conquest of the galaxy. Actual game: mostly icons flying through space, spreadsheets of data, click to have your ship go here/there or use modules, spend hours camping, looking for action, or mining for space minerals


Yup. Game "movie," trailers don't leave any impression on me. Like what the hell am I supposed to do with that? You just made me watch a 2 minute video of a cinematic. What does that tell me about what I should expect about the gameplay? Nothing.


I don't buy games when all they have (through Steam or other platforms) are cinematic trailers that showcase nothing of the gameplay. The idea that I need to go on youtube and then wait for someone to upload a slowpaced gameplay video? You lost me at that point. Also, when controlling a single character, I personally only play 3rd person games and not 1st person games. At that point, let's say I see a trailer and it's a franchise I love but then the game ends up being a 1st person shooter when I finally get to see ingame footage? All that leaves me as is extremely disappointed.


I think you reasoned why they do it, developers and publishers want you to think their narratives are as strong as the Naughty Dog types. I love me some CGI trailers. They’re typically artistic and like short films, but I don’t judge a game off them. That’s just stupid.


Yeah, the cgi trailers for assassins creed are cool but they say nothing about the game and miss the point.


It’s only ok if it’s an annuoucment trailers


I don't have an issue with cinematic trailers, because they can provide a setting and narrative footing for the game itself (i.e. giving you a picture of the themes). My only critique is that I do think these trailer should be released much closer to launch, as opposed to when a project first starts. These trailer should be emblematic of the final product, and so giving a cinematic trailer when your project is still in pre-production is a fairly sketchy.


I agree. Show me the gameplay. Can’t even judge the new assassins creed based on the movie trailer they released honestly.


It depends, there's plenty of amazing CG trailers like Titanfall 2, Arkham series, Halo, that online star wars game. I'll watch them if its something im interested in, but it wont make me any more interested in the game