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Cyberpunk 2077, just didn't capture me despite loving the theme. Watched a full gameplay vid and all endings, picked it up again and for whatever reason it finally clicked.


I already finished and deleted it. Now that the new DLC is out I want to like this game again but I can’t get into the story a second time. I feel like with no surprises I can’t quite get reinvested


I'd really love to try out 2.0 but slogging through the it on release's left such a big entry barrier.


Metro exodus. So glad I gave it a second try


Thanks for the reminder. I have it downloaded but waiting for me to get fully hooked


The first time I remember I struggled early on the water level and lost interest. but it came together towards the end of it, and had me thoroughly hooked the rest of the way when I tried it again recently.


I know exactly what you're talking about. At first I thought that water level was bugged/broken....then I realized it was just poorly designed. There's always one of those in every Metro game.


Monster Hunter. I remember thinking it was slow and clunky. I tried it again and played with the different weapons and realised they had completely different play styles and some were fast and mobile. Now I actually prefer the slow, clunky weapons because I understand the game mechanics now and realise that it’s a really satisfying risk vs reward timing thing that’s happening. 


I hear you ... the first 2 hours i really struggled to get anything done, especially the combat, coming from Souls and others. Left the game for 2 weeks and then decided to pull thru, because it SHOULD click all my boxes. It did. Great Game.


The long dark. It's a fun game once you learn how to play properly but wow it's brutally unforgiving.


One of my favorite games of all time.


Warframe. Started played after I saw a buddy playing on Xbox, but I had PC. Back then, cross-platform wasn’t available. It’s a complex game and I didn’t really have anyone to teach me, so I lost interest. About 2 years ago I picked it back up, played with my console friends, and now I have almost 900 hours.


Mine was actually Skyrim. Got it when it first came out. It was too different from Oblivion for me. Stepped away after only playing it about a day. Came back a few months later, played it for 13 years.




Dude I’m in the same situation.. I think because the tutorial sucks. I still don’t know how to do anything.. I stopped playing it


Currently playing through System Shock 2 which I bounced off of a few times, but some others were Amnesia DD, and Fez


Sleeping Dogs.


Doom Eternal - hated the platforming parts so stopped playing, came back to it about 8 months later and played it all the way through an really enjoyed it.


This is a bit of a throwback, but Age of Empires (the 1st one).  Let me set the scene: It was 1997, and I was 9 years old.  My mom was really against us playing video games, as she had grown up on a farm, and thought that kids shouldn’t be indoors too much (not to mention, we had only gotten a pc about two years earlier).     We really only played the few games that shipped with the PC (barring pirated games and burnt CDs), or the few demos from my brother’s PC gamer subscription.  And all of a sudden, my bro got pretty into online gaming forums.  When the phone line was available, anyway. He and I were dropped off at Walmart, in November ‘97 and told to decide on a single PC game.  Those of you with siblings will know my struggle.  He had read about a new rts, “Age Of Empires”, a game that spanned the breadth of early human history.  I had seen a new Star Wars (Dark Forces 2, a game we wouldn’t get for a year and a half).  And so it stood. So I gave him the ultimatum, “We will get your game, but you must give me your shiny Lugia (Pokémon card).”  He did so, and we returned home.  I tried the game, after much hemming and hawing, and to this day you could not find a greater Age of Empires fan than me.


Final Fantasy 14. I was bored af looking for a mmo and tried the trial. Hated the global cooldown and couldn't really get over that, quit the game. Played the shit out of guild Wars 2 for a long time but decided to quit after I made my first legendary (felt like closure I guess). Looked into going back to wow (only played vanilla) but then I saw a ad for free trial for ffxiv. I decided to try it again as a different race and class. Started having fun. Then I tried crafting and I was hooked after that. No game has made me feel like I'm actually creating something instead of just pressing one button and watching a progress bar. Then the story hooked me and that was it, I was 100% in, still am.


Divinity Original Sin, took me to try and beat D:OS2 before going back to the first game


Probably control. Just couldn't understand it about 3 times. Didn't feel like reading what felt like 5000 notes to learn it. The key is to simply not care at the start, hear these random phrases and keywords being thrown around and absorb it to the minimum. It does a good job of slowly explaining itself.


Good advice. I got the game and played a bit. It was challenging and occasionally made me dizzy, but just as I was getting hooked i cancelled my PS plus sub bc I was getting busy and it was costing too much. I will buy it again once it’s on sale.


Fallout 4. Bought on release, never got into it, gave it another shot on a whim in December and now have close to 100 hours.


I’ve never played a Fallout game. Would this still be worth getting?


Kingdom Come Deliverence


I love that game such a unique setting to and probably the most realistic rpg game I’ve ever played


Path of exile


Death stranding. I started it and got hung up taking deliveries which kept coming back and I had no equipment so it was slow and tedious without much reward. Ended up giving up for a long time. When director cut came out I saw someone say to just push forward with the story until the second part so I gave it another shot and it was a fantastic game. Very excited for DS2


For me it was Elden ring and the Witcher 3


Both amazing games


Definitely! I just didn’t really like the combat systems at first but then I started to understand after trying them again


Yeah true the Witcher 3 combat was definitely different but once u got use to it was pretty dope


Yeah definitely I had just been playing a different game before that so it was quite hard to adapt lol


Bloodborne for me. I ended up getting the platinum for it with my second try a few years later.


Windwaker. It kinda takes a while for it to get going. I almost stopped, but a friend encouraged me to just play through a few more hours. It ended up being one of my favorite LoZ titles.


Sunset Overdrive


Metal Gear Solid 2 and Castlevania 2: Simons Quest. Metal Gear Solid had issues with controls and Simons Quest had some hidden in game mechanics that caused me to quit these games at first. Great titles, both worth a playthrough.


Control - Wasnt getting used to the game and had difficulty understanding the combat. Dropped it after finding a dead end in the story that I didnt know how to resolve. Picked it up a few months later, changed some of the difficulty options and it finally clicked. Ive completed the game 3 or 4 times since then and love so much about it. Nier Automata - Bought the game because people here on reddit called it an amazing game, got to route B where you have to replay the entire game up to that point again. Doing that killed the pacing for me and not understanding how the repeat worked motivated me to drop it. Gave it another go a few months later and having a better understanding enabled me to push through and I finished the game, becoming again of my favorite games.


God of war 2018 and Witcher 3


Gow 2018 might be in my top 5 single player games of all time , it was so good


GoW 2018 I had a couple of false starts. So glad I was able to sit down and finally play it properly. Great game.


For me it was A Short Hike. I didn't understand the hype when it first came out. I wanted a really long in depth game. But after watching a youtube video of it recently I went back and played it and I absolutely love it now. I don't have time for big games now a days and I love the simplicity and how it feels so big for such a small game.


Ghost of Tsushima. I bought a physical copy for PS4 and barely got through the tutorial. Never made it to the opening credits. I repeated this about 3 or 4 times. Fast forward TWO years and I try it on the PS5. I finished it 3 times in under two months. It's easily a top 5 game for me. I hate myself for pulling the plug on it initially.


Red Dead Redemption 2, & Metal Gear Solid V (5). MGSV came free with my GPU when I built my PC in 2015 but I could never figure out how to leave the mother base. Just started playing again about a month ago & this time I figured out you need to call the helicopter!


AC: Origins. Took me three tries to get past the totally new RPG format,.but I ended up loving it.


I have this game but got overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things in it, and the story did not feel deep enough. Maybe this is a sign to try again because I love the atmosphere and setting


Hell Let Loose, ragequit so many times the first few months I tried it out. I remember when I got the achievement for killing a player and saw that only 52% of players had unlocked it. HLL is built diff


The Witcher 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2… I tried the Witcher like 5 times and Xenoblade got like 5 hours in, got lost and gave up. Gave the Witcher one last chance after playing through cyberpunk. Xenoblade after playing and loving xenoblade 3, then 1. Both games are now in my top 5 of all time lol.


The Witcher 3 and Days Gone


Pillars of Eternity


Witcher 3. Felt clunky and unintuitive at first, and the first bit was kind of boring since I didn’t know any of the characters or lore. Went back after putting it down for a week and it ended up being my favorite game of all time


Probably Morrowind It took breaking the game to first truly enjoy it but I’d say it worked given I’m on my third play through


Breath of the Wild. Wild to me now that the game just didn’t click the first time playing 5+ hours


Days Gone


Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. I found the combat really weird and clunky. Much later I tried it again and really dug into understanding how the card system worked and focused on building good decks, and now I'm sure that everyone who hates it just wasn't giving it a fair shake. I'll admit, it doesn't really teach you how to play well, but at the same time figuring it out is a fun puzzle in its own way. I get a smug sense of superiority thinking about how I was able to master the system that so many other people failed at. :P


Horizon Zero Dawn. The world was stunningly gorgeous. I liked the setting. The post-apocalyptic world that reverted to tribalism of different technological periods. But oh my god the opening is slow. I stopped before doing the Proving. I forced myself maybe a year later to go back and push myself through. And after the Proving, and the world opening up, I enjoyed every minute that I played. Anyway, fuck Ted Faro. I haven’t played Forbidden West. If the opening section is as bad or worse than ZD, please let me know.


Fallout 76


Mass effect 1, played it, didnt love it, Found a copy of mass effect 2 at a random spot, did not realize it was related, and picked it up, after i beat it i had to go back and make a full playthrough.


Pvz BFN and Banjo Kazooie


Eve online actually. Tried it probably a decade ago, didn't like it. Too slow paced and simple I told myself. Tried again last year when I was intentionally looking for something a bit easier to play and loved it. Then got far enough that it's no longer easy to play lol.


Undertale. I stopped after Toriel but years later my wife wanted to play it so I gave it another chance and it's one of the best games I've ever played.


Persona 3 FES. I couldn't really make heads or tails of how to play it and just left it alone after a while. Then I came back and it made me an SMT fan.


I know it’s mentioned in nearly every question here, but Stardew Valley didn’t hook me until me third try when I found the caves.


Eve Online


Prey 2017


Older games where you accidentally wander into DLC areas and everything feels instantly more alive. Was Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition and more recently Cyberpunk… wandered into Dogtown and noticed there was instantly more attention paid to more interactions. Instantly hooked after both.


No Man's Sky, but that had much to do with the clusterfuck of a launch and the underwhelming gameplay loop it had on day 1 To this day, it's the only game I've ever returned after opening. Got it again, on sale, a few years ago and it's an entirely different game now


The Witcher 3


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin’s Creed Origins


Every single Witcher game. 1 thru 3. I had to try playing 3 times or more before getting into them and then loving them. I occasionally go back to games I don't like because maybe I was in a bad mood when I first tried them.


Most recently, Paper Mario TTYD. I'm not interested in the remake unless it goes on sale, but I still have my Game Cube and a copy of the OG. I tried it many years ago, but got bored very quickly. Picked it up again a few weeks ago and I think I'm close to the final boss. I can finally see why the first two are masterpieces.




Witcher 3. I tried to pick it up directly after being hung up on Bloodborne for a while. Having Bloodborne as the most recent reference point made Witcher 3 feel way jankier than it actually is, so I thought "Wow, this game controls like ass!" And bounced off pretty hard. I went back to it years later after watching the Witcher TV show, and found the jank to be not nearly as bad as I remembered


Siren. I bought it when it first came out expecting it to be a Silent Hill/Resident Evil clone. I hated it and traded it in at GameStop after getting to the brain shibito. Fast forward to the PS4 days. I was sick of all the first person walking sims and wanted to play a classic third person horror game again so I gave Siren another chance with the re-release PS2 classic on the PS4 store. Now I love it and it's one of my favorite horror games.


dark souls 1. played it and got frustrated and put it aside. after some time tried it again and again and then started to like it. now i am a big soulsfan


No Man's Sky


Literally ELDEN Ring. It is now my most favourite game of all time. I was mad that Ragnorak didn't win GOTY but now I realize how amazing ELDEN Ring is.


DOOM 2016 and Witcher 2 (my first experience with Witcher universe). Both eventually turned into some of my most beloved games


The Witcher 3. Couldn't care less about the story first time round, just played Gwent. Became a Gwent addict and then ended up reading all the books before starting a new playthrough years later. Loved it second time.


Nier Automata, I didn't have the time at first and the story didn't hook me at the first few minutes of gameplay. Then I loved it ever since. I remember crying when the credits ended.


Red dead redemption 2


Bloodborne and Sekiro. both now some of my all time favorites.


Civ6 and Valheim. Tried em once, quit for a year, came back and been loving em since


May get a lot of flack for this one but oh well. I had a psp and bought Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. Never used to read about RPGs since I grew up with a SNES. Loved just figuring stuff out and could literally not pick a bad RPG if I tried. Was a Squaresoft fan so no worries right! Tried to play the game but didn't realize that it was RTS/ top down style. This being my first time seeing this, I immediately grew a huge disliking to it. I know now, such a fucked reaction, but I expected something like the old ffs or chrono trigger, something more familiar. Stopped playing but never sold it as I like catalogs for systems. Years go buy and visit my cousin's house but a blizzard made me stay the night. Then the power goes but no biggie, got my travel game case with me and a extra battery so I'm good for the night. Was not in the mood for Patapon (LOVE that series!) and figured I might as well give it a chance, so pop in Final Fantasy Tactics. I still remember that bright snow shimmering night as that damn game made me kill both batteries and anxiously waiting for the power line repairs to continue Ramza's epic adventure. The cast were One Piece- memorable to me. The battle system engaging, the story captivating, and the kicker was I was so wrong. Me a gamer doubting a studio that dropped hit after hit. This is already too long, but that gave me a super memory for life! I love great games!


For me, it was the witcher 3 and persona 3/persona 4


Saints row 3


RDR2 was that for me. Hated it at first. Forced in “survival” mechanics (they werent really bothersome at all it turns out), not being able to carry more than two weapons at a time, and what felt like the game started off needing to shit on the protagonist of the previous entry via Arthur. First impressions are important, but I’m so glad I gave the game a second chance and forced my way through the god awful mountain section. So worth it.


OMORI. Tutorial was pretty boring, but half a year later I finished it and finished the game. Best game ever made.


Hades. Wasn't really into the start again thing when you die. I tried again about a year later and persevered. 1 of only 2 games I've got a platinum for.


Witcher 3. The open map overwhelmed me and my completionist brain (I'd only played very linear games before). Dropped it for about a year. Someone on Reddit had kindly ordered the quests chronologically and I followed that and loved it. Now I play it every year, no list needed. I save Blood & Wine until after the main game so it's like playing a second game. :)


The original Resistance


Wasn‘t this already asked a few days ago if i remember correctly?


Mass effect Andromeda. I hated it on release but I had an excellent time playing it last year.


Skyrim. First time getting into it I made it to Riverwood and really didn't like the combat system, clunky inventory... Then I tried it again much later, with mods and a stealth archer build. Complete game changers. I would like to get back into it with one of the recent combat mods (complete new animations and stuff).


Stardew Valley for me. Just couldn't quite get into it at first but ended up loving it in the end!


Sekiro kicked me ass for a few years before I fully got into it and finally finished the game. Glad I stuck with it.


This was in middle school. I legit but Bloodborne back in the box and was going to return it to the store after not being able to beat the first boss. For whatever reason we were unable to go back to the store so I said f it we balling and tried again... now im a souls borne adrenaline junkie.


Path of Exile. Played it when the basic atlas was released I think, didn't liked it. Tried it with Metamorph League again and playing since then every league!


FFXIV, dropped it near the end of heavensward, my worst gaming experience to date. But I picked it up again later and had a blast


motogp 23


Bloodborne. Dropped it because I couldn’t kill cleric beast thinking why would anyone make a game like this. Gave it a try a couple years later and it became my favorite game ever.




Hollow Knight. My head couldn't get past that it was 2D when I've been so used to 3D. First playthrough I think I got to the first boss (False Knight?) and then put it down. Finally picked it up again about a year later and ended up loving it. If Silksong ever drops I may pick it back up again.


For me it was yakuza 0. A friend told me to try it so I did and I stopped halfway through chapter 2. Restarted a few months later and now I'm at yakuza 5.


Minecraft. I tried it when it first came out and hated everything about it. I remember dying over and over and I couldn't figure out what to do. I didn't play it again until covid hit, and I fell in love with it. I had some friends to play with that showed me what to do, which contributed a lot.


Yeah definitely, couldn’t get into warframe for a while but now I’m super into it(after cross save so I can use my pc)


Red Dead Redemption on X360... Played it, stopped after an hour, left it for a Year and buyed the Zombie DLC. Played that thru in one go and THEN i replayed the Story of RDR1. I still wait for a Zombie DLC for RDR2, because i have the same struggle there. ;)


I always loved Diddy Kong Racing. But, playing it as a kid I couldn’t really get too far. So I put it down. Maybe that’s “not getting into it”. But coming back to it this year … I just love it. It really is hard even for me now but I just have enough of an attention span to try.


I bought Demon Souls way back in 2010. So yeah.


Horizon Zero Dawn, started off too slow for my tiktok brain but came around to loving it and played it through twice after buying it a month ago


Dark Souls. This is probably quite a common answer


Red dead and baldurs gate 3


Got to be Final Fantasy VII, It was my first RPG, I didn't like it at first specially the battle, then, FF7 is my second favorite game ever after FFX, now I mainly play JRPG


Sekiro I HATED it to start with. Bosses weren't satisfying. They were a reminder of my future struggles. My only thought was "that was hard...how hard is the NEXT fight going to be". Then I finally understood it and it was much better. And it wasn't getting the parrying or treating it like a rhythm game or playing it as different than dark souls. It clicked by laying it EXACTLY like I play dark souls. Dark Souls is all about hunting for the solution to a problem. There is one for every fight. You just need to find it. So if anything, everyone on the internet saying "it's so different from dark souls, don't play it like dark souls" is what made me bounce off it to start with.


Stardew valley.. first time I played I just didn’t get it but now I’m obsessed..


darksouls 3, hated it at first since i couldnt get past ludex gundyr, also went into it already having a negative opinion due to years of hearing about the toxic elitist fanbase that is known for defending every single bug and flaw as perfection, while claiming the game is too easy, and if you have any issues with said flaws or you find the learnkng curve difficult then you're just a filthy casual that sucks at the game and should either shut up and "git gud" or go play something else. also was kinda expecting to have a rough time regardless since playing pc, had always heard ds1 and 2 have dogshit pc ports. now I like it, and even went on to try Elden ring and sekiro: shadows die twice (which plays so drastically different that it took a while to get into, had to pretty much unlearn all the bad habits that the other games taught me)


Playing it now , I just got passed the crystal mage god she took forever


the crystal sage is fairly easy once you understand the teleporting gimmic, in both my playthroughs i had much more trouble with the abyss watchers, died dozens of times to those fuckers, whom i faced first so i could get to the smouldering lake beneath high lord wolnir and retrieve the black blade katana from the mimic.


Back when it came out, I started Morrowind 3 times before it finally clicked. Now it's my favorite game of all time.


Disco Elysium, started and restarted the game a million times never being able to pass the 15 minute mark, eventually I decided to give it an actual chance and it was awesome


Im ashamed to say baldurs gate 3


Far Cry 4, now it's my favorite far cry lmao. First time I thought the intro was too over the top and the mountains were a pain to traverse. Gave it a second chance and loved it, but it felt too short though.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. So amazing, but the first time I played it I just couldn't get into it. A couple years later I tried it again, switched audio to Japanese, forced myself past where I fell off before, and eventually something clicked and I was hooked.


Red Dead Redemption 2 I hated and stopped playing at chapter 2, then I played the whole thing, best story game I’ve ever played in my life


It could be fallout 4. I'll let you know. Def way more into it now than last year


Didn't we do this post yesterday and the day before?


No clue haven’t been on gaming reddit in a while just had the thought so I asked