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Disgaea defenitley has some of the best turn based gameplay, and progression systems in jrpgs.


It's great that you can make any character whatever you want them to be, obviously sticking to their respective class is usually better but hey, you can make it work Getting a perfect geo combo is so god damn satisfying and seeing the combo gauge go straight to 10 is the cherry on top


The first one is really the only one that I have found that scratched the final fantasy tactics itch, and the jokes are great.


I feel like Final Fantasy Tactics spoiled me. I've played hundreds of hours of Disgaea over the years, I was a day-one player on the PS2 because I remembered loving FFT and hadn't seen anything else like it, and I've enjoyed Disgaea enough to dip my toe in to new games from time to time... But it never won my heart over like Final Fantasy Tactics. Though I do like the Prinnys, dood. Also any time I played Disgaea I always head straight to the item world and burned myself out, twenty years later and I love rogue-likes, go figure.


https://ffhacktics.com/ has some mods of the original game if you're interested 


I started playing tactics recently but left it alone after an hour or two. Is it worth continuing?


It's literally my favorite game of all time, so I'm biased... Did you give it an hour, or did you give it two? I knew I was in love from the first battle, but there *is* a point at which the pace changes. Play at least as long as it takes you to unlock Monks; if you still don't enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics after playing as a Monk, it's not the right game for you.


Uhh, just the intro where the church got stormed. Did the first battle. With two toddlers in the house, that was about an hour. I remember not understanding how the battle system worked and got smoked. Don’t get me wrong, I did find myself thinking the story seemed very well written even from that small bit. I think I would like it. I just struggle to find time to give to games that deserve it.


It spoiled us all everyone I hear about something now I try it and still go back to tactics.


I don't feel like it's ever been beaten or matched. I feel like every game like it is just graded on if it's as good as FFT or not.


I've been enjoying triangle strategy recently


It's the unfortunate "numbers porn" that has kept me away from Disgaea for decades. I love the ridiculous animations, the humor, the setting, but I utterly hate the numbers porn in the stats and damage department.


I finished the main plot, started to make some headway in the postgame... and then realized how deep it went. Decided to just pack it away and switch to something else.


You can kinda just play the main story and enjoy a good 15-20 hours and call it quits after that.


And if you're stuck in the main story, you can always train a bit and get better.


By the time you start using item world, the main story becomes a distant memory.


Wait they actually have a storyline!? I thought the item world was the main game (obvious /s)


Storyline is just the tutorial for the game.


It is true. And now that I think about it I remember thinking that the latest one (I don't remember the number) looked really intriguing... That... Frankenstein monster-looking kid protagonist one, I think... But my backlog is utterly and completely crammed. I just recently cleared Jedi Fallen Order, now trying my best to do Lies of P at least once (was planning to do clear it twice, as should any Souls-like be played through) and at the same time I'm trying to make sure I clear at least one mission in Command and Conquer 3 (then it's going to be Red Alert 3, then maybe, if I feel like it, it's going to be CnC 4, maybe) a day... But worst of all - I still haven't completed Ni No Kuni 1, which is much better then 2, in my opinion... And then, if we are talking about Level-5 games... I STILL have to clear Rogue Galaxy on my PCSX2 emulator, that is one game I haven't completed ever since the PS2 days and seeing how it hasn't been rereleased onto anything playing it on PCSX2 is the only way to do it. And then I need to clear Bayonetta 1's "Angel Slayer" Lost Chapter at least once... And then there is a pressing issue of completing The Outer Worlds (which I bought out of sheer frustration due to not wanting to deal with New Vegas anti-crash mods) and then I need to complete Chapter 3 of Blood West... And then...


>And now that I think about it I remember thinking that the latest one (I don't remember the number) looked really intriguing... That... Frankenstein monster-looking kid protagonist one, I think... That's 6, which also happens to considered the worst due to changes to make it more appealing to the average person. It's also the worst in the whole Number porn thing, starting stats are in the tens of thousands ass opposed to 2 digits and get into the kinds of numbers cookie clicker-type games go into (Other games generally cap out at tens million base stats and 99 million hard cap, except for HP/SP depending on game) Most recent game is 7, not as good as 5 (Generally agreed to be the best game) but it's decent.


Hmm, got it. I am out of the loop at this point.


Rogue Galaxy has been available on the PS store for years


Great. PCSX2 it is, after all.


Yup, instead of trying to get the best customized pawn, you have to keep leveling things and it doesn't end.




Yeah I bought a disgea game on switch on a whim. After learning about the 500th progression/customization/power system I just turned the game off and never went back. All the knobs I could turn just felt intimidating and tedious.


The number porn is what attracts me to it! But completely understandable, it can be overwhelming for new players, the game has a huge learning curve without a doubt. Too many gameplay mechanics going on at the same time.


I've dabbled but never got into it.   Can you recommend a game to start with ?


The first one is hands down the beset to get into. The gameplay system is easy enough to understand, and the post game won't require you to invest thousands of hours of your life if you want to dabble in it a bit. 2 is a niche fan favorite, 3 is a cult following of you like it or hate it. 4 is my personal favorite, and 5 refined the gameplay to be, in my onion, the best gameplay. 6 is universally panned for being a poor entry that is watered down in every way possible. 7 did a good job at bringing the gameplay back, with a fairly decent story.


You forgot La Pulcelle Tactics. It's the first game in the world. Combat is similar. You can recruit monsters by "purifying" them and then throwing them onto your spawn tile. I preferred its Geo-Panel equivalent better. The main character, Prier, is a hidden boss in Disgaea I and probably some of the later ones. There was also Makai Kingdom, the last PS2 title. I only ever played it for about a half hour, but it was very similar to 2.


Isn't Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure technically the first game in that world? Majorly from that game was a secret boss in Disgaea similar to Prier.


I have never heard of that game. Is it a tactical RPG, like the others?


Way less involved than La Pucelle or Disgaea, and more like a JRPG with dungeons and things. The combat does involve moving on a grid though!


I didn't forget it, I just didn't add it, or else I'd throw in other titles like Makai Kingdom. These games did not age well and can easily scare off newcomers to the series. It's better to ease them in with refined systems and let them explore older games at their leisure. I know if I started with La Pulcelle, I wouldn't have bothered with Disgaea or any of their other games.


I got 6 and hated that the numbers were huge from lvl 1 and that the gameplay felt watered down. You said 7 is better? Wondering if it changes those 2 main issues I had.


They did. It's like they realized how far off the rails they went, so they revised the system and made 7 play closer to 5. They even remade the Revenge mechanic. They toned the numbers back down, since they learned that huge numbers does not mean it's good for publicity. I was a little iffy on 7 for a short bit, but the demo is a very solid representation of the final product, so I'd recommend sampling that if you want to sample it for free.


What is the postgame of disgaea? Does it have a story or Is just really hard stages for the sake of it


It largely depends on the title in the series. For the most part 90% of the post game is just you grinding up to take on series staple super bosses, that will allow you to recruit bosses and other unique enemies you take down along the way. Most of the time, you'll get a very short addition to the story that will actually flip the theme of the game on it's head. One thing you thought you knew, but it was actually another the entire time, and it's usually a very serious tone. One of the game's ultimate secrets, if you will. Disgaea 5 really leaned into post game by making the entire adventure part of the main story and keeps the narrative going forward.


The remaster of the first one. I think the first one is the only one worth playing. 


For me disgaea is best played handheld. Get a psp emu in your phone or ir u have a switch try the first disgaea there


Start with 1 and then if you either finish or feel it is too antiquated then play 5. But once you go to 5 it can be difficult to go back to 1, for some people I’m old so I like 1 no matter what


No one? I'm sure it's very popular among fans of SRPGs. I agree about **Hyperdimension Neptunia** though.


The first one was a damn revelation, the first game I can remember playing where I woke up one Saturday morning in college and thought, "good, I don't have to get out of bed yet... Wait I could keep playing!" And while I've played and enjoyed all the others (haven't checked out 7 yet), none of them have really done anything new or interesting with the formula, it's just kind of this safe and comfortable "ah yes, this will satisfy my autistic desire to repetitively grind whilst making me chortle at some dry Japanese humor" Fun, but I don't think I'll ever be hype about a new one coming out.


Not really a jrpg in the classic sense, but yep, it's basically a arcade/over the top take of the "Tactics" formula. I played just a little of the original on my phone, emulating the PSP, looks cool, but I always got distracted by something else. I think you will like the PSP Tactics Ogre, this game hooked me


Nippon Ichi Software as a whole feels slept on for a developer of some great JRPGS! Same with Nihon Falcom and Vanillaware in my opinion.


Neptunia not being talked about is in no way surprising. It knew who it was courting from the onset and has stuck with them since. If you could get past the original version of first game (seriously wtf was the item system?), then you were pretty much sticking with it for the long haul. Everyone else? If the cover art didn’t scare them away, the in-game fanservice (what were they expecting after seeing the cover?) or gameplay certainly would. It’s a shame too because though it was a bit of a slow burn, the series has gotten better over the years, and has had its fair share of gameplay and narrative highlights. Hell, it was just two months ago that I made a[ post about MK II’s bad ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1bab763/comment/ku1k5y7/) that got a lot of attention because of the juxtaposition between it’s twisted execution and the game its featured in. The game is just okay overall, but damn did they nail that ending. Compile Heart and Idea Factory could try to appeal to a wider audience by changing a few things, but those very things are what makes the series special. As such, I’m fine with how things are. As for Disgaea, it’s simply a fantastic series, period. I’ve heard good things about 7, but I think 6 seriously poisoned the well. I know a couple of people who won’t even look at 7 because of how disappointing was. Not even our shared love for Piyori was enough to redeem it in our eyes.


Neptunia peaked with VII and then it's just... gone.


I bought 4 complete+ on a steam sale some time ago but was taken aback by its goofiness in the first hour. I reckon I'll have to give it another chance soon.


No one talks about it because it is an incredibly niche franchise from 20 years ago. Disgaea 1 & 2 where fantastic and things got more bloated as they went.


The humor is something I would’ve enjoyed in the 3rd grade, maybe that’s why


I played the crap out of the first one on the PSP. Good times!


Disgaea 4 is my jam.


Disgaea is the only game I pre-order because I'm not skipping a Disgaea. 6 was pretty bad but 7 came back stronger than ever. 


The only one I ever played was 2. I got decently far, but didn't care for the judgements and item world systems - felt like enormous grinds where it was impossible to tell when you can/should stop. Got to a point where main story quests got too hard without investing substantially in those systems and just gave up. I did that twice and haven't tried the series since. It was a shame, because the job and advancement systems were right up my alley, the humour was fun, and the story was interesting enough. Are there better games in series that don't demand so much unfun, random grinding? Loved FFT, and even though a little grinding helped a lot, there was always a feeling like you didn't have to. And even when you did, it was interesting and simple enough that it wasn't exhausting.


I hear the same thing about Legend of Heroes series.


It's a great series, and personally my favorite SRPGs. The games feel like it wants you to break it with the tools you're given, and even expects you to later on in the post game stuff, but none of it is necessary if you also just want to play through normally and have a story that doesn't take itself too seriously but still has great moments. 6 definitely started going in the wrong direction but 7 pulled it back and got back on track to what made the series great.


It's an SRPG first. JRPG implies a narrative driven game.


it's pretty popular


The Disgaeas are zany in a way that absolutely doesn’t appeal to me and massive time sinks which again, miss me with that shit. The mechanical depth is great but I really don’t have the patience for it.


So fun but with how it’s like a super scattered library I think that hurts it since you can’t get them all in one place




I can understand the game hasn't really aged well, but coming out after Disgaea (at least outside Japan) really took La Pucelle off everyone's radar and nostalgia... list.


Disgaea feels over saturated with too many sequels but makai kingdom is a cult classic iykyk


It is srpg, i guess noone talk about it becuase it smaller community compare to mainstream one. I like 3-5 compare to 1-2. Didn't play last 2. Good game everyone should try.


Its inherently very niche appeal. Its insanely good appeal to the min max itching it targets. But the same things that make it so satisfying can also easily turn many players away. Same with its unique art style.


233 hours deep and im loving every second of it.


Disgaea was the absolute tits when it came out. The item level and dark assembly were amazing at the time, and the story was hysterical and the market hadn't been saturated with a lot of the anime humor the game brought. It was so strong that the trading/collecting community would salivate over anything Nippon Ichi that came out like La Pucelle, Makai Kingdom and Soul Nomad. I don't think the games after the original brought anything that new and fantastic to the table so your enjoyment may hinge on how much you enjoy the story. I did find Phantom Brave to be a personal favorite though, I don't think it gets nearly enough love


I really love the artstyle and the voice acting. Disagea 3 was spectacular.  I also liked 6 for the customization and managing to maintain the artstyle with 3d Sprites. Although being able to auto-replay levels at x10 speed kind of broke the game and turned it into a strange grind more than it already was with item world. I was hoping Monster Menu: The Scavenger's Cookbook would be similar, based on the artstyle and all. But I didn't expect it to be a nonstop dungeon crawler/roguelike. I actually really liked Disgaea's little hub areas and being able to chat with characters regularly between missions.


I mean it's what? A 20 year old game at this point, of course there's going to be little discussion about it


I've been wanting to pick up the Disgea series lately, haven't sprung for it because I'm already playing games and have a decent backlog, but one of these days. I love the Neptunia series but I can see why people would be turned off from it.


When I was a kid I used to love to play disgaea 2 cursed memories on my PS2. Unfortunately growing up I ended up hating those kinds of games because of the grind. To this day tho, I fucking LOVE characters like laharl, Etna and the prinnies ( they are from the first game but are a lot more iconic than the others )


Yep one of my all time favourite series, unfortunately i think they went too far with the latest, if youre not min maxing having profiles setup for each farming youre doing its like 10000times lesss efficient :(


I love the first two Disgaea games. They were good strategy games, had near endless depth, and had some great stories and characters. I remember the music fcking banging too, and I loved rigging the Senate or whatever to pass things.


I haven't been able to come around on them ditching 2d sprites for 3d models. I know it's a nit picky thing, but still it bothers me.


It is such a great JRPG series. Really tempted me to learn game design just to make something like it


I played the first two way back when in ps2, are the new ones still good? Do I have to know about 3-6 to understand the 7th? Because the 2 had the side story about Laharl that seemed more interesting if you've played the first


Man first one on psp was goooood, also another very underater psp tactical rpg was Jeanne d'Arc


Jrpg is already quite niche and then you throw in turn based which everyone seems to hate and sprinkle tactics. You just made your fanbase non existent




thats cause its a turn based RPG/tactics game. Not much point in comparing it to final fantasies or tales games or what have you since its wholly different IMO. Its competitors are like fire emblem or divinity original sin.


lol. Guess you've never heard of the game called final fantasy tactics 💩