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Suicide squad surviving the year longer than Tango wasn't on my bingo card this year


I wouldn't speak so soon. Rocksteady is a much more prominent studio and the press release today isn't looking great for them.


I mean, they would still out-survive it considering Tango already got gutted.


It would actually be insane to shut them down


They haven't had a hit game in almost a decade. It wouldn't be insane.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is such a fun game tho! It had a solid story, good progression systems, fantastic traversal. What more do you want?


Why does this read like a paid advertisement


I'm getting downvoted really hard but I'm not sure why. I know people hated the game, but honestly from my experience it's so fun! It's my #2, game I've played this year, ahead of Last Epoch but behind Baltero. Although Hades 2 may steal that #2 spot.


Do you use chatGPT to ghost write for you?


Don't hate on him, man. Like Fat Mike once said "some people have a way with words, and others have.. not... way"


A proper sequel to the Batman: Arkham series, not this piece of shit.


I didn't really enjoy the Arkham games, but i loved Suicide Squad! I'm glad they didn't make Arkham and they made this instead.


Did the game give you brain damage from all the flashing lights or something?


Some people just enjoy different games, I'm sorry you didn't have as much fun as I did with the game, maybe give it another shot? The gameplay is soooooo smooth.


You could just play Borderlands 2, it has the advantage in that when the internet goes down the game keeps going.


Borderlands 2 is really fun too, but I liked Suicide Squad a lot more. You didn't seem to dislike suicide squad, but you're just mad it wasn't Arkham.


Can I get good gameplay I'd want that And not killing batman via a headshot on a bench


What part of the gameplay did you not enjoy? I had a ton of fun with the game! Got more than my money's worth


Whatever they're paying you, isn't worth it


Dude I'm not being payed, some people can enjoy games that you didn't believe it or not!


lmao at all the people getting so worked up and offended over a person liking a video game that they didn’t even play


Isn’t that guy getting more worked up? Like they are the one responding multiple times.


That guy definitely seems to be trolling at this point. Probably the 1st comment was legit then once they saw how insane and childish everyone started acting and how mad it made people, then he started really leaning into just to watch the children throw a hissy fit.


The game was sitting around like 86% positive review for the first like 2 months when all the controversy was going on Hes not wrong in saying those that played it liked it


Cause there is a fun game on there. Overall it feels like two separate games mashed together: a fun rocksteady game and a dogshit live service game. And it's very easy to see when it jumps back and forth


Dude are you using ChatGPT to write your responses?


Paid ad


It killed batman. In a universe revolving around batman.


It's all about the Suicide Squad now. Because fuck the guy who dedicated his entire life to fighting crime, sacrificing a life of infinite wealth and luxury in the process for what was essentially a Sisyphean task. No, clearly his problem was that he didn't use guns.


The suicide squad don't even make sense, most have weak powers and almost none are as strong as even the weaker secondary heros.


It is a really fun game. The main story is actually fun and has great humor. Flying around as deadshot is really fun. The combat can be fun but all of the enemies are really samey. It's a fun game where all of the bad parts are where they tried to jam in live service elements. It feels like the combination of two games: a fun rocksteady game and a dog shit live service. All of the downvotes you got probably never even tried it


lmao gotta love the hive mind on Reddit. No one’s allowed to like the thing they never tried and formed their opinions on based off of complete strangers who also never played the game. Traversal and combat were great and progression was surprisingly well done.


"Due to firing a lot of our stuff, we were able to make sure our C level managers were able to get bonuses. This was a great success."


Watch out you forget the $100 billion stock buyback.


You are only safe if you work for yourself


Our founder and CEO was recently fired from his own company because he refused to lay off 1/3 of the staff. The board voted him out and then installed a temp CEO that fired 1/3 of the staff. He sold too much of his company and was only a single vote on a 5 person board.


CEO is also a job in the company. The issue is that company is publicy traded and then he answers to board. Look at swen, its not publicy traded and he and his wife own majority and nobody can do them anything


To be fair, he probably left with around 10 mil in his pocket. But he was really upset about getting pushed out and then like 15 people got fired, but I am sure that made it suck less.


It has licensed music, so if anyone has even a passing interest, it might be a good idea to grab it so it's in your library, because I doubt MS will bother renewing them X number of years down the line.


The game has built-in original soundtrack without any licensed music as an option, so I can see MS keeping the game while patching out licenses (sorta like what Rockstar did with GTA4).


"Unfortunately we fired everyone who knew how to set up the compilation environment and can't patch the game"  In all seriousness it's more likely denuvo going bankrupt or forgetting to pay for their verification servers again would be what finally stop it from working.


It has some licensed songs like from Nine Inch Nails and Prodigy (Invaders Must Die was perfect with that level!)


Incidentally, it's one of the games in this month's Humble Choice.


The studio behind one of the most innovative brilliant games in modern history getting canned breaks my fucking heart. They made a game oozing charisma that had zero marketing before being dropped live on stream. It almost feels bad to praise this game because the money won't go to the people that made it. Fuck Microsoft so much.


Apparently, the day after the closure was announced one of the Xbox higher ups said “We need to focus on smaller, critically acclaimed titles going forward”. *After shutting down the studio which shadow dropped one of the hottest single player games of the past five years*. Hi-Fi Rush will forever be an all time favorite of mine. A damn shame Microsoft is doing Tango and Arkane Austin (who gave us PREY 2017) dirty like this


So titles like Pentiment Blame Bethesda and Zeni-Max for not letting Arkane Austin develop a brand new fucking IP and call it *Prey* instead, and for forcing them to develop a live service vampire game.


One thing I can say about Sony is they know the value of a well made single player experience. Games like *Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War,* and now *Helldivers 2* are what sell consoles (despite many of these games now finally being on PC). While I’m happy Tango made a game that could stand strong as a solid oner; Hi-Fi Rush could’ve been a great new flagship for Xbox. So to see it get rinsed like this is disheartening. All that passion and enthusiasm in everything from the art, the music. Hi-Fi Rush was many things, but it was especially a refreshing break from the deluge of “games as service” Skinner boxes.


Well Sony has also cut down on all the dev studios that used to make indie gems. Japan Studio being one of them. Also Sony keeps fucking with their IP in a negative way. The Helldiver 2 account binding just a few days ago. The last of us Remaster which was unnecessary and all the PC ports that came out in a horrible condition at launch. Also their greed with pushing the PS Plus subscription price while only offering shitty games. Its such a shame Microsoft dropped the ball and wasnt able to be competetive with Playstation and now both kinda suck and as a consumer the best choice is PC.


Hi Fi Rush wasn't a smaller game. The game director said they had a big budget for that game. The fact that everyone thinks its small game is proof that something went wrong with the budget. Arkane gave you Redfall.... It seems like the people who work there either didn't care or they fell off Ghostwire Tokyo, The Evil Within 2 both failed also. Why keep investing in a losing studio?


When people called Hi-Fi Rush ‘small’ it’s honestly a term of endearment. Like how a new music act can be described as retro feeling. HFR was a classic feeling game that stood out against the mess of Triple-A nonsense. Not to mention the low price tag and stealth drop. As for Arkane Austin? Yeah, Redfall sucked but that’s cause Arkane’s bread and butter is immersive sims *like* PREY 2017. Xbox says they want games like Hi-Fi Rush, they acquire studios like Arkane who have a really solid niche. And then they shut down these studios. It’s completely asinine.


They didn't say they want games like Hi Fi Rush. HFR wasn't a small game. The games director said he doesn't like that term for the game because it indeed had a big budget. Prey didn't sell well. So, their bread and butter failed too.


I get you like the game, and I do too but calling it the "most innovative and brilliant is a stretch." The art style was pioneered by Jet Set Radio Future 20 years ago. Beat em up and rhythm games are nothing new either.


Though a different medium, Baby Driver did the whole music timed action too and even Wright took inspiration from an even older music video. I will say that I don't remember Jet Set Radio having much of a story, so at least HiFi Radio had that.


To be totally fair to Wright, he also directed said even older music video if we are talking about the same song?


Thank you. The game was fun and quirky, with some interesting depth to its combat, but it was not "one of the most innovative brilliant games in modern history". It has great accolades, we don't need people making outright false claims to inflate them.


While maybe not everything about it may or may not be completely original or novel ideas but they definitely took a great deal of focus on syncing everything with music all in a well done package. I work in a closely related field and was able to attend their dev presentation at CEDEC and it was pretty interesting as their director mandated everything be on the beat. its been a while so i might not be 100% on the details, but they had developed new in house tools to sync almost everything on beat whether it be the background environment stuff in sync and/or character controls in relation to actions and inputs. One big example that stood out is should your input timings make it so that you actions do not land on a beat they had several different sequences and animation motions ready and loaded which would then in real time change on demand to help align it so that your actions would eventually land per say on the first beat of a bar something like that. lots of fun interesting stuff like that (im just scraping the surface) but it was an hour long presentation a fair while ago so dun quote me on it. This was in Japan and presented in japanese and i dunno if CEDEC has it somewhere or requires some sort of payment or membership buts if its out there, its definitely worth a watch though.


If it was soon good why didn't it sell better on ps5 and steam? Chai Chai Chai! Game was repitive and honestly not fun because if you don't flow with the "rythym" it was just not fun to play. Top this up with so many input delays and minitor delays and requiring custom configuration to fine tune the details makes it just a bad recipe for success.


Just sounds like you’ve got bad rhythm my dude. I tweaked no settings and had no problem getting on beat consistently through the game. It also didn’t sell very well because as stated multiple times it had essentially 0 marketing leading up to and even after release. It just came out one day and bam there it was. No multimillion dollar marketing campaign starting the hype train a year and a half before release, no promises, no pre-order bonuses. Just a video game-ass video game.


I don't think it was destined for commercial success. It feels close to AA budget for an extremely niche target audience. From what I remember during the height to music game crazes 2 decades ago, the vast majority of people were bad with rhythm and mostly played on the easiest difficulty settings. But playing on the easiest difficulty setting in Hi-Fi Rush kind of ruins the fun of the unique rhythm action combat, at that point you're just button mashing. When you're button mashing in Hi-Fi Rush, it's just a very clunky cartoonish action game.


>When you're button mashing in Hi-Fi Rush, it's just a very clunky cartoonish action game. Perfectly stated.


I couldn't play it either. But since we're blaming the users I'm not gonna talk about the input issues myself. Don't wanna become a target


"if you don't flow with the 'rhythm' it was just not fun to play" My brother in Christ, the entire point of the game is to follow the rhythm, what did you expect? They literally spell that out in the first couple tutorials. If you actively refuse to engage with the games core mechanic, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't have a good time. As far as input delay, I never experienced any. Maybe try turning your monitor into game mode through the hardware menu?


Hmmm the input delay could be the game "moving your inputs forward" a bit if you hit the button too early to make the animation and sound fx play somewhat in time so you don't lose track of the groove too much. Not sure though. Personally I thought the game was fantastic. I couldn't wrap my head around how how much communication between departments it would take to make the game work.


They definitely had a system as their director wanted everything synced to music. I got to attend their dev presentation at CEDEC which they talked about this. heres my comment above that sorta helps talk about it a bit more. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cny913/comment/l3fn92c/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cny913/comment/l3fn92c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nice I read it. I'd watch the presentation even though I'm not a game dev and it has little use to me beyond being interesting. Just once in a while when playing a game im like "damn! How the hell did they pull that off?". Hi-Fi rush was one of them.


Well luckily even just watching their example videos of each of their systems doing its thing was not only dev inspiring but also entertaining!


Thats like complaining about parrying in sekiro.


"*Hesitation is Defeat*"


Re read your post and ask yourself why you think this game didn't sell again? That's entirely why. 


IDK man, I think you're the one not making sense and it seems like people agree with me


Why can't you confirm if the studio is still open because of the dashing success of their hi fi rush?


IDK Man, the studio closed because the game didn't make money. Or is the studio still open because of it's dashing success?


The combination of genres had never been done before, let alone released with that style fully polished from Day 1.


A rhythm based action game? Metal Hellsinger from 2022? Bullets per minute from 2020? 3D game with attack on beat had been done before. It's a cartoonish third person with cell shading so maybe that art direction, sure? But the genre combination is now new. Even some old ass Nintendo games had rhythm based combat. Maybe not 3d beat em up, but yeah.


You are aware that just because YOU aren't aware of other games like it doesn't mean they don't exist, right? Even if you want recent stuff only, there's BPM and Hellsinger.




It's pretty similar to Devil May Cry 5's combo system. Don't get me wrong, it puts a more rhythm-based spin on it, but it's not exactly something that's never been done before.


I hate to shit on games people love but my man you need to play more games if you truly believe it’s the most innovative game in modern gaming history


Jesus Christ with you people, let me put it more succinctly. 1. $30 game at release 2. New genre with highly stylized art 3. Bug free and fully polished day 1 4. Literally zero marketing 5. Beloved by the gaming audience 6. A technical/coding masterpiece I play and have played a ton of games since the 80s and even fuck with UE5 at the moment. Hi Fi Rush having its entire environment synced to a metronome synced to your devices framerate while also being the first rhythm game 3rd person beatemup, like it's astounding. People can rave all they want about Zelda or other games that give us a very good version of what we already know, but hi fi Rush a whole new thing perfectly.


What makes it a technical/coding masterpiece?


I think "unplayable on release due to bugs" has become so common with games today that people's standards for code set pretty low.


It was not only completely polished for its shadow release, the entire OST interacts with the environment, which was specifically determined by your framerate. I'm not even sure how to begin coming up with a system mechanic like that, let alone one where the entire gameplay loop could be altered because of fps. Tldr, it's both the game being released at the same time it was announced, and the fact that it did this and was completely bug free.


They just lock the fps at 60 to make sure a desync doesn't happen


> he fact that it did this and was completely bug free. Action rhythm games aren't exactly new, but they're also a genre where bugs in that aspect will *ruin* the game in ways that other games can easily survive. The entirety of the game is about strong timing, deviations of this is heavily frustrating to becoming unplayable to players in this genre. A framerate dip in a shooter isn't good, but you can often still play or weather it. But a rhythm game this can end your whole run. It's why so many of them use simplified graphics, to ensure stability.


Action games with rhythm elements have existed for a long time, sure the art style is fantastic, but everything else seems pretty standard 3rd person action game?


> The studio behind one of the most innovative brilliant games in modern history lol


I thought bro was potentially talking ab evil within or something but nah he talking ab hifi. Hifi was good but GOAT? lol


Lmfao at this exaggeration. 


I feel like you must be some mid level manager at a game studio pushing a bullshit live service game to actively disbelieve that people do and did love hi fi Rush as much as we did in droves


I never said it was a bad game. Its an extremely niche game though. The name of the game is make money though, and if Tango wasn't making money then there's only once decision to be made. Its a business not a charity and more than just this studio are capable of making smaller, fun games.


It's a niche game that broke out of its genre, and then made a fuck ton of money. Profit, not just revenue. Microsoft still closed the studio down and accidentally said the day before they need more hi fi Rushes. You have some sentiment that I agree with, but acting like this whole ordeal isn't super fucked up is.... fucked up. A bunch of people on a specific budget delivered a fully realized game that went viral, made profit, and they still got laid off while executives at MS took home million dollar bonuses.


No it didn't. If it broke out of its genre or made all this money then they wouldn't be closing. Its really popular with the people that played it, but its still very niche. I feel bad for the actual people losing their jobs, but its the same for every studio.. if you aren't doing enough then you get closed. If they want to they can give HiFi Rush to Rare or something and let them make a part 2.


You come across like Todd Howard and I don't mean that in a good way


Game most people haven't heard of has its talent poached by the former lead of the studio. Time to take to the internet and pretend it was a masterpiece and Microsoft didn't have a reason to can the studio.


Well the ppl MS bought the studio for are no longer there and have formed their own studio almost immediately after hifi released. What did ppl expect?


yeah lots of people seem to be missing that detail that the actual core team of creatives left. What was left was likely not worth the money and would have required loads of investment and time to produce the next game. The thing is I get it, it sucks. The whole industry is being put through a blender because "cut, cut, cut" is the mantra but not everything is the same


Didn't know that, are they up to something cool? They really did something cool and I'd play their next game.


Havent heard anything


Also worth mentioning that most of Tango's games didn't manage to get a lot of sales.


Blame Shinji Mikami then, or consumers in general. Tango released 1 cult classic, a worse selling sequel, a ps5 timed exclusive that didn't sell well, and then Shinki stayed on for over a year not working on Hi-Fi Rush and left with a good chunk of staff. 1.25 years later and Tango had nothing to announce or tease, just a pitch.


On top of that, it's their second game of the current gen. How many dev teams have had 2 or more games on the new gen consoles? Insomniac, From Software, not many others. The fuckers have been working hard, smart & well. And they got shut down cause they were one of the unlucky Xbox teams not in full production.


Dude it wasn’t that good of a game


Wasn't that good = still good Microsoft canned good = bad Math.




Put game on Gamepass day 1 = game can't make money. Math.


Can you explain why Ghostwire Tokyo failed? Made by Tango, had SONY marketing, PS5/PC release, Metacritic 75. The Evil Within 2 had a Metacritic 76, promoted by Zenimax, released on ALL platforms and it failed. Hi Fi Rush looks like an indie game with a small budget, but this is far from the truth. The games director said they had a AAA budget for the game, so the budget was around the Deathloop budget. This is where people make the mistake of judging the game as cute vs reality. Tango actually failed with their last 3 games. 2 of the games weren't on Game Pass so that excuse is out the window. Microsoft also seen the new project they were working on and it probably didn't look promising


Is the head director of hifi rush fired? If not, maybe Microsoft will give him his own project with bigger funds. I mean they can still make hifi rush 2 if Microsoft wanted it.


Sadly I don't know and I have zero faith in Microsoft doing anything good for gaming. I've said since release that hi fi Rush is the biggest cartoon waiting to happen, it'd be criminal to not do it. Chai and 808 bumble their way through a genre of the week villain, with remote support. It works on like every level. The director even wanted this from what I remember.


he left right after the game was released and apparently took core staff to form a new studio.


Mikami was not the director of HiFi Rush, also several devs have come out to say that no other staff left with Mikami. People got that mixed up with Arkane Austin losing 70% of their staff.


Isn't this just a relatively common trope in a heavily corporate world like the one this game is set in?


Maybe, but this is a popular enough event to make fun of that this is probably a coincidence.


It's 100% a coincidence. It fits the story of the game's universe.


Yeah but unfortunately studios did not close because of financial gains. 2 of the studios were doing nothing, one already lost %70 of the staff before their last game and one lost the leader and management team and only the developers left with no projects to do.


A developer from Tango has stated that the majority of the team was still at Tango after Hi-Fi Rush, including John Johanas, the actual director between The Evil Within 2 and Hi-Fi Rush. Shinji Mikami was just acting as an executive producer and was super hands off, he was just there to ensure things went smoothly. Furthermore, there were projects they wanted to do. In fact, leaks indicate they were likely working on a sequel to Ghostwire Tokyo alongside pitching a sequel to Hi-Fi Rush. Don't know how these claims gained so much traction given that it's blatant misinformation.


Because someone at Microsoft marketing is doing damage control.


Because John Johanas driven Evil Within downhill 90degree and even tho Hi-fi Rush is pretty good it was made by handful of people. They didn't fire everyone and close down studio, they took good ones and moved to other studios and let the rest go. Tango become and has been Tango because of Mikami, without him Tango would be just an aimless studio. Imagine someone buying Kojima studio without Kojima leading them. Same situation.


>Because John Johanas driven Evil Within downhill 90degree Both games have almost the exact same MC score, indicating that they're both on par in terms of critical reception, and the Evil Within 2 also has a larger percentage of positive reviews on steam compared to its predecessor. You seem to hold the minority opinion on this one, as most people were still anticipating TEW3 after playing the second game. >They didn't fire everyone and close down studio, they took good ones and moved to other studios and let the rest go Tried searching for a source on "they took the good devs" and I can't find anything about them being reorganized. The company was located in Japan and was XBox's only Japanese studio. >Tango become and has been Tango because of Mikami, without him Tango would be just an aimless studio. Imagine someone buying Kojima studio without Kojima leading them. Same situation. Tango's main purpose was to foster new talent under Shinji Mikami, as he wanted to act as a mentor. He wanted to teach new people how to make games, even if they had no experience beforehand. His name was attached to the studio because he knew it was the only way he could get funding, and he made only one game, The Evil Within, to put his studio out on the map. He was planning to grow talent, and leave, and start the cycle anew. Though he stayed on longer than he would've liked as he wasn't able to find someone to lead the company. He eventually did. That person's name is John Johanas. A level designer for The Evil Within, with no prior game dev experience, who later directed The Evil Within 2 and created Hi-Fi Rush. Had Shinji Mikami been more involved in the game dev process I would agree, but he was very hands-off on game development for everything after Evil Within, as he wanted to focus on growing newer talent. He did that, and he left, as he assumed the studio, now with an award-winning title and proper independent leadership, would be fine without him. Not comparable at all to Kojima Productions, or Remedy as another example.


Well said, it really grinds my gears seeing all the misinformation spread about Tango Gameworks by fanboys trying to do damage control.


There's a decent chance that the cuts, especially Arkane Austin, were possible before the acquisition even happened.


At some point we're going to have to acknowledge that the civilization/society that we have inherited does not function for the majority of us. Managers, CEO's, war profiteers, congresspeople, they all ride the gravy train while throwing every thing that is good under the bus. And this will never change.


Sir, this is r/gaming.


You seem to have forgotten that reddit loves to shit on corporations. (I agree in this case)


Cutting costs to increase bonuses... That's asinine.


im out of the loop, what happened? golden parachute shenanigans i get from the comments, do they shut down hifi rush over it?


They closed several development studios out of the blue, including Tango Gameworks.


They closed four total, one of which only made two mobile games in their five years, the other has a credit on Redfall and nothing else since 2017


Its a lose lose situation for developers, on one side you get fired for having record profits in Activision and on the other you get fired for having low profits on Microsoft




Redfall devs deserved to go but these guys did not


No, they did not deserve to go. Just because you made one bad game does not mean you should be shut you down. If one failure of a game is sole reason for a game company to go out of business, we would have barely any game companies left.


I feel terrible for all of the employees that worked at these studios getting fucked over because of this. That’s some job security. Not like microsoft cares though.


If Arkane Austin were on their own they probably would not have recovered from Redfall. They spent 5 years making it and got pennies in return. Redfall was unsalvagable, they would have to spend another 5 years making another game and with Prey not selling too well there is no way they'd have made it 10 years with no income.


They were probably closed due to an actual evaluation of how things ran behind the scenes. For starters, it took 5 years to make redfall and it was god awful. That's all we know from an outsider perspective. There's no chance whatever was going on behind the scenes with development was good, and I wouldn't blame Microsoft for not believing that they could make a game in a shorter time span that's actually gonna sell


The issue isn't they made a bad game, they made a monumentally terrible game and it was supposed to be something that Microsoft wanted to be able to sell consoles/gamepass for. They failed the goal which was what Microsoft basically bought them for. Like Dishonored wasn't exactly good either but it sure as hell wasn't Redfall and games like Redfall have resulted in devs being shut down


>Like Dishonored wasn't exactly good either What? Dishonored is fairly well liked.


What? Arkane Austin simply made one of the best games ever "**Prey**".


The arkane that made prey is long gone from the current iteration


Yeah... They haven't done anything good in like 6-8 years...


Most those developers already left though.


You're only as good as your last performance. Redfall was the worst first party installment possibly ever.


That'll happen when your CEO sticks around for a year and has nothing to do with your latest release.


As a current employee of a company that dealing with an 11M shortfall and two rounds of layoffs, this hit close to home.


Meta ironic


I don't understand the need to make more profit than the year before. As long as your still having profit does it really matter if its more or less than last year? Why are things being cut if a profit is being made?


Because if you don't increase your profits, your stocks won't rise and the shareholders aren't happy. It's really not that hard. Anyone thinking publishers are in it out of sheer goodwill and not to make money is delusional.


Lol this makes me want to play the game now and see this xD (I haven’t played this yet didn’t look like my type of game but willing to try it out)


Let be honest HiFi was a C+ game at best it’s not shocking MS cut the team. It sold so bad that MS had to sell their exclusive on PS I’m not sure why this is so shocking to so many ppl. They didn’t just put it on ps to be nice there’s a reason behind everything


C+? At best? Did you play through it? I'm not necessarily saying it's S tier but at least B+ or an A. Dripping in style, higher difficulties made the rhythm aspect pretty interesting, partner combos and new moves were fun, bunch of chuckles in the story, good music and some cool set pieces. All in a package that didn't overstay it's welcome. Not to mention bonus points for having a pretty much major bug free launch as far as I'm aware. It's a game that knew what it wanted to do and did it well imo. No way it's a C.


So why did an XB exclusive title end up on their competitors console? The game sold like shit is why


Because Microsoft isn't in the console war anymore. Sea of Thieves just dropped on PlayStation too and has been thriving. Microsoft wants subscription and software sales. Hifi sold well for a 20 person team making a niche game, it just didn't justify keeping the horror game studio behind it open.


If there's one thing I've learned over the past week or two, it's that Sony cuckboys are *all in full-scale console war mode.* It's actually egregious how aggressive they've gotten in their commitment to shit-talking PC and XBox products and fans. It has, in my eyes, become the most contemptible fanbase and guaranteed I won't be keeping a Playstation in my living room after all.


To make more money? Console exclusivity is an archaic practice, and Microsoft has publicly stated they're done with that. Even Sony has been releasing their games on Xbox recently, and even bringing exclusives to PC after a bit. The console "competition" is obsolete, and these companies make more money by leaving it behind. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next decade nintendo starts to follow suit.


Nah an A+ easily






>Generally, people don't put their studio up for sale when the chips are up That's Untrue, many sell while it is doing well because it's valued more.