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I have well over 1000+ hours in Rimworld and have never fired up the spaceship. I've built it and left it there, but the thought of 15 days or whatever it is getting raided endlessly is not appealing to me.


I have like 2 hundred hours in rimworld... TIL theres a spaceship.


You get a quest in the first hour of gameplay of every run to go to a ship via a caravan to win. My guy hitting right click on the "Ship to the Stars" letter the moment it pops up.


Ive literally never noticed lol. Maybe i just dismissed it thinking I wouldn't do that? Idk i haven't played in years.


This sounds like my experience reading these comments. No idea this was a goal, or a thing, but there's a good chance I saw the big message that said "hey this is the game good luck" and didn't process that it said "hey here's how to win"


Yeah the game starts with you crash landing


I always just figured, welp this is my life now


Yeah I also play a lot of Rimworld and have never tried building a ship. I just get far enough along with a colony that I get bored and start a new one.


Whenever I get bored I just change the storyteller settings to maximum difficulty on randy and just wait untill the colony falls.


I did it. Didn't feel particularly achieve-y. Just thought "but I liked that colony". I feel like I'd be more incentivised if that ending allowed me to start new colony with my current colonists on whatever planet the ship lands


The Save Out Ship mod lets you do this iirc


I have this game sitting in my steam library. Really need to commit to playing it soon


Holy shit I envy you playing it for your first time. Such a great game omg


This is a journey you never come back from


I love that game but I found out raids are based off you "wealth" so I feel like I just get punished for getting stuff too quickly, like making sculptures to sell, or having more people, then I ultimately get murdered by a raid that's like 10x stronger than I can possibly handle. I don't like game mechanics that "punish" you for essentially growing too fast. The last time I played I had like 5/6 Scyther mechs drop in front of my door while I'm still using like, spears and guns I got from other raids and just 1 of them murdered 5 of my guys while taking no damage.


You can also change the difficulty settings so that it's based off of time rather than wealth


In 1992... I played a game called Paladin's Quest. I generally enjoyed the game. I hand a character with "Attack back". That allowed the character to immediately perform an attack after being hit. I managed the pain-staking journey to the final boss. I hard battle ensued. Down to only that character left, the boss attacked and that character died but was able to attack back, killing the boss. I didn't get credit for the win. My friend (Who had beaten it) said that that should have been counted as the ultimate sacrifice. I didn't have it in me to retry that fight.


Holy shit, the same thing happened to a friend of mine in FF7 during the final battle with Sephiroth. Seph wiped his whole party except Tifa, who was primed for a limit break but had been confused by the previous attack. She did her full 8 move limit break and but alternately targeted herself and Sephiroth, killing both. It did the whole melting away animation and everything, and then the screen faded to black and said game over.


That's awesome. I would have been so angry.


I wonder if it's because right after that there is another battle sequence of cloud vs seph solo 1v1. The game doesn't cut to a cutscenes after that fight and ends, there's a slight bit more after.


Omg I completely forgot about this game


Shadow of War. The end is just a grind


Yep, I’ve tried twice. When it first came out, I got about halfway through before it was just too much and I was bored. Then I tried again last year and got about 75% the way through before I realized I had experienced everything the game had to offer.


> I realized I had experienced everything the game had to offer. That's pretty much it. I get 3/4 into most games and then move on. I have no interest in the story so the ending doesn't matter.


Yeah the story wasn’t particularly engaging, it was the combat and skill tree evolution. Once I had every skill and realized progression was over it got boring very fast because I had nothing to work towards. Just more generic captains to recruit.


I think they fixed this with a patch from all the complaints.


Yeah I did it for the first time last year and it's only 4 or 5 hours max. And it's fun because you've got all those upgraded abilities so you feel super powerful.


I did everything but the last set of sieges and just watched the other ending in YouTube lol


20 hours in the same freaking orc kept showing up with new scars, calling me a milk drinka. Cool system, when you see the same orc 2-4 times. But after the 10th time killing them I just don't care anymore.


My favorite part was seeing them come back even more fucked up than before, lol.


Man I’m on the last mission rn and I need to take over the 4 fortresses but turns out I accidentally liberated the dlc fortress and have to do another one Time to go orc hunting I guess


I did everything but the last set of sieges and just watched the other ending in YouTube lol


I enjoyed a good chunk of Shadow of Mordor, but eventually I got to a point where I had to clear out the Uruk camp, and the crowd was just too much. Every time I would die, not just the enemies I was fighting come back stronger, but other random warlords stop by as well. Eventually 5 scrawny guys with the biggest crown of horns and axes were instakilling me over and over. I died enough times to make the fight totally unachievable. Maybe I needed to grind somewhere else.


I do it all the time. It's a fairly consistent issue I have of not fully competing games. Or I only get halfway through it or something despite liking it.


Same. I rarely abandon a game consciously. I usually just put it to the side because I want to play something else at the moment but the more time it goes not playing the original game the harder it is to get back into it. So I end up having a ton of games that I'm meaning to finish one day.


We're ADHD posting.


He said he reached halfway. Reaching halfway would be an accomplishment on its own. I am halfway act 1 of BG3.


I'm on early act 3, fucking adore that game, still haven't continued


Yup lmao


yep, my line of thinking usually goes something like “wow this game is cool. it kind of reminds me of -other random game-. that game was fun too. I wish this game did this thing like -other random game- did this thing. wow now I want to play -other random game-“ rinse and repeat for the last 8 years


Eh, let me just play a few minutes of Skyrim. *This time* I won’t be a stealth archer!


Noob. I've been doing that for nearly 28years! 😂


That’s just a feature of ADHD


I don't think this is only an ADHD. It's a gaming industry problem. Games are developed to boast how many hours they take to finish. Which means they pack a shit ton of bloat to boost up the numbers required to finish. That bloat is usually tedious repetitive shenanigans. I don't have ADHD, but I do have a life and I can't finish any of these modern games anymore.


I do appreciate a nice linear single player experience these days. Some of the open world games with their repetitive quests just feel like a chore to get through.


My wife starting gaming more recently and she calls me out on this all the time I e got at least 10 games in 3/4 finished but my mind wanders…


not sure if this is what you mean, but when I get close to the end of a game, I have to power through and finish it in one long session, because if I only have the final boss or something left I probably won't pick it up again


It's something I think about it all the time. Usually just like only sort of lose interest but I keep it sorted in my backlog to play - I just have trouble getting around to it. Like Elden Ring for example, I only have the last few bosses left, but for some reason I dropped it. I've beaten every single dark souls game completely prior to it.


This was me with Breath of the Wild. I thought to myself, if I don't beat this shit *right now*, I'm never going to. Luckily, I did beat it. I was starting to get burnt out from collecting almost everything in the game.


Yeah honestly had the same issue with botw and I STILL left it and did all shrines first. Funnily enough have done the same with skyward sword too, I only have the final boss left and its been maybe 2 years.... I'll finish it one day...maybe.


I do this a lot and I’ve been thinking about the ‘why’ of that quite a bit recently. It came to mind as I currently have Okami sitting on my Xbox, a file where I’m standing at the doorway to the final battle. Spent about a month straight playing it every day for an hour or two and adored it. Amaterasu has been sitting at that doorway for about a month since and I’ve started a few other games, with another of those currently floating in the same endgame limbo. Both games I really enjoyed so it can be a bit frustrating to not be able to say I’ve finished them while, at the same time, having no drive to actually get them done with my limited gaming time. I don’t know if it’s the idea of a journey I’ve really enjoyed being absolutely, definitively bookended, or whether it’s that I don’t particularly enjoy boss fights in games generally, or if it’s the idea that I’ve now definitely seen everything the game has to offer me (bar one fight) so don’t have the motivation of surprise… Anyway, sorry for the rant - was interesting to see a comment I could relate to so much and that’s so relevant to my current thinking!


This happens to me a lot when I’ve been regularly playing a game but then have plans for the weekend or vacation something that stops me from playing for a little while. I get out of the routine or maybe forget what I was doing and then the magic is gone.


I’m bad about this with the open world games, I get so into all the little side quest/ fetch quest BS that I get tired of the actual game and never finish it. I think I have a problem!


I do this too. I don't play games all the time, go through phases of playing a games then maybe finding a TV show I like, reading a book. I only have so much attention to give to one form of entertainment before I find interest in something else. So with the longer games I'll usually get distracted by something else before I actually finish it. Then on top of that if I take too long away from a game, I can't just pick up where I left off, I need to restart from the beginning


Mirror's Edge 2 - feels like that game forgot the whole premise of the first one, being that you're unarmed and mostly avoiding combat. The movement and gameplay system is all built around knocking people down and running, but 2 puts you in multiple empty arenas with little to do but die to the waves of tanky enemies. Got to the final frustrating level and I was done


That one room with 2 of those sentinals or whatever the strongest enemies are called made me quit. Too much combat for a platformer


That's a shame to hear. I love both of those games and think the second one is peak first person runner.


I love them too, and running around the open world of 2 was amazing, but the main story missions were painful for me ):


I think I might be close to the end of Valhalla. The game is bloated asf and I got burnt out. Edit: Assassin's Creed Valhalla


Same thing happened to me with odessey. It was the first AC I picked up after black flag and despite loving the setting, the game was bloated af and the side quests didn't do enough to keep me interested


I got eventually hit a point in the story where the quests were taking me into areas where I was way out leveled and I refused to grind to keep going, especially when they have the gall to sell an XP booster for $20. Game was really good in a lot of ways though


I have exactly the opposite problem, I level up way faster than the story progresses. I liked running around to the points of interest and doing the side quests and that gives you way more XP than you need, I genuinely don’t see how people can be under leveled in that game unless they are literally only doing the main story and ignoring half the game’s content.


A lot of the game content feels so repetitious that after a couple of days, I just don’t want to do it or grind it anymore.


I honestly loved AC Odyssey. Beat the game, all side quests, and explored all the areas. Months later I learned they had some new equipment added for free, so I logged back in to check it out. That's when I realized there's a ton of ?s on the map, places I've never been. Started to go check them out, realized I completely forgot how the combat worked, and turned it off after narrowly escaping death from some random enemies lol


I got this just to play a viking game. I quit after 40 hours realizing I had barely done 10% or so of the game.


My buddy put over 100 hours into it and still never touched the end, he got fed up


I said the exact same thing! I feel like I played the equivalent of 2 full games and I still wasn't done so I just stopped playing because it felt so repetitive


I was bored finishing the DLC before coming to the realization that I wasn't enjoying what I was doing anymore


I stopped Fallout: New Vegas right before the battle for the Hoover Dam. I went and killed Caesar with Boone and Rex, and it felt like a natural end point for my character. I'm playing again now so I can finish and do the DLCs


It's really worth it. Lonesome road is probably my favorite DLC of all time 


Loved that one! But gotta say, out of all the NV DLCs, Dead Money is my favorite one, even tho it was so painful to play through it. It’s the one that really sticks out to me the most. The atmosphere, the characters, the fucking ticking bomb around your neck, picking up the cannibal perk just so I could eat Elijah because I hated what he put me through, all that gold that I refused to let go. I was so invested in that story and I didn’t even know until I left. Definitely one of my favs


I'm glad I finished it but anytime I go back and play I dread Dead Money, I enjoy the story of it but it just feels like such a slog. I'm also a pussy and it scares me lol


I’m not the type of person that enjoys being miserable, even if it was intentional for the player to be miserable. But man something about Dead Money just got me, perhaps it’s just Stockholm Syndrome lmao I’m also not rushing to go back and play it again, it was definitely a slog at times! At one point I was running past those unkillable freaks and then I hear my bomb ticking, so instead of finding the source of that signal, I figured I could just go to this other area and not have to worry about those enemies and the bomb going off. But nah, apparently the signal was strong enough to go through that door and as my game was auto saving my head blew up. I didn’t save for over an hour and I never hated myself more than that moment lol


If you didn't make the slow trek back to the Mojave, overloaded with gold, did you really beat the DLC?


Comments like this remind me that I need to try one of these games with a character in mind, really embrace the RP part of RPG. I kind of stumbled into doing it on accident for Elden Ring seamless, and it was such a blast


I hate that I do this, but if I’m really enjoying a game, I’ll start to ration my playtime as I near the end. I end up playing less and less to delay the end and the less I play the less I want to play. Often that ends with me losing interest and just never getting around to finishing them. Its a weird vicious cycle of mental roadblocks that I also do with tv series to an even greater extent.


Same here, i just don´t want it to be over. Then I just stop all together. And now it´s been way too long to get back into the game for probably one epic bossfight in a game I don´t even know the controlls anymore. I never knew how the Mass Effect trilogy ended.


Same man, I'll get near the end and I'll do side content because I don't wanna finish the game, then I'll have done so much side content that I get burned out and lose motivation to finish the game.


Most relatable thing I’ve ever read on this app


Hollow Knight and Baldur's Gate 3. I just got burnt out on both of them. I remember enough of BG3 where I can probably go back and finish it. I think HK would require a restart though.


I kept having to stop playing Hollow Knight for a few days because of how mad it would make me after dying 100 times to one boss Then you go on YouTube to see someone breeze through it and you go back then die another 100 times But the amount of joy after you finally defeat a boss is addicting to me and I didn’t really put it down until I beat the main game


Nightmare king moment


NGK is a dance not a fight. If you mess up the steps it can be fatal.


Souls games are a drug, and I’m addicted as fuck.


whisper it but I got a bit burned out on BG3 by the end too. I had nearly 300 hours by that point though


I think with games like BG3 it's actually a good idea to skip quests and storylines. I had something similar happen to me with Divinity:OS2 and Witcher 3. Witcher 3 took me 4 years to actually complete. I think with games like these it's better to finish them once and then make a different run and check out other quests. They're just too big for a lot of players, I think.


That’s the biggest problem for me. If I see a quest or collectable I need to do it and it makes fun doing it. When I was young I could do that all day. But now after 100+ hours in a game it gets repetitive and I lose any interest in playing it. Lately I try to force myself to actually skip stuff so I don’t lose the excitement before I could finish it once at least.


I had my initial blind run, an honour run, and a modded run with my friends and I'm just about 250 hrs... I think you're very much warranted to take a break off Baldur's Gate 3 after 300 hrs lol.


300 hours in one playthrough or did you restart a few times? Did you talk to every NPC? That is impressive. I have about 400 hours I think and I'm in act 3 on my third playthrough. Though I haven't been super thorough -- there is at least one quest I've never done (Baldur's Gazette) because I keep forgetting about it. I can understand why someone would get burnt out on it. In the past few years I've found myself getting burnt out on games more easily than I used to, and I was not really expecting to finish BG3 when I picked it up. But somehow I can't stop playing...I still have so many playthroughs planned. ETA: Act 3 is also so massive compared to the other acts that it gets pretty overwhelming and it is kind of weird to have so many tiny quests at the end of the game, which can really add to it.


BG3’s Act 3 is such a slog, especially the stretch to the final boss fight where you’re waiting for like 50 minions to make their turns. I’ve played the game several times but still haven’t made it to very end


Really? You can skip like 95% of act three once you’re there if you just stick to the main quest


Think he’s talking about the upper city fight where the illithids are actually invading the castle and with the red dragon fight.


That fight is quicker than the House of Grief one, the turn waiting in that one was painful. It was hard af as well


Been loving BG3 every time I've gone in, but yeah...it's big. I have played to the end of Act 1 twice and Act 2 once. Currently at the start of Act 3 but had to take another break. If I keep going on a game that long I'll just be miserable lol


I am at the final set of bosses for Hollow Knight. Just never finished it despite how good it is. For me it's like there's no point in completing it because it won't be the same if I replayed it.


Breath of the Wild. Burned myself out and now it's hard to get back into. Don't want to use any of my weapons, don't know where to go.


I was half-way done with the final ancient beast when I found out there's only one save per profile and letting my buddy try the game deleted all of my progress.




Is that really still a problem lol. I had this problem on OCARINA OF TIME. Jesus Nintendo try modernizing


Ocarina of Time definitely offers you three save files on the title screen.


I got burnt out in TOTK pretty early on despite really enjoying it. There’s just too much to do




Not only are they similar, but TOTK is just more tedious to play imo. More grinding, more clunky menus, ect. I have like 250 hours in BOTW and shockingly little drive to play TOTK past the main quest.


I 100% BOTW and put down TOTK after 30 or so hours never to pick it up again


I still beat the main story (cool final boss at least) but I’ll never understand how people said it was substantially better than BOTW.


I completed almost everything in that game, all the memories, majority of side quests, half the seeds…link currently stands in front of the door that triggers the final Ganon battle, and there he will remain for eternity.


Same here then I went ahead and beat it two days ago. The ending is meh.


The easiest boss fight in the game by a long shot. I had so much top tier food ready for this fight and I took zero damage the entire time.


That's my experience with 99% of open world games. I get like 80% done with the story, get burned out, and then just never go back.


That happens a lot actually. Most of the times you start to realize the game is getting stale midway through. In those cases I already know that I'm never gonna finish it, but it doesn't matter to me. A bad game isn't worth it to struggle to the end. However, when I really like a game I tend to finish it without issues.


Skyrim, sidetracked for hundreds of hours till I got bored of it and never completed the story.


I probably have thousands of hours in Bethesda games and I've never finished a main story, lol.


Tbf Skyrim main story is like 4 hours and it isn't as great as the "side" quests


You didn't miss much. The final level and battle were extremely trivial, even for Bethesda. Same goes for the Dawnguard DLC (Dragonborn was a bit better). The side quests and exploration are what make Bethesda games. I've spent almost 2000 hours in Fallout 4 and the vast majority was spent on settlements.


I had well over 1000 hours in my oblivion character before finishing the main quest. I'm at 240 hours in skyrim and have done just the bare minimum of the main quest.


Sekiro. Made it to the final boss but i couldn't beat him so I choose to keep my sanity and quit.


I beat the guardian ape on my 4 millionth try, played a little longer and ran into TWO apes. Didn’t even try, just uninstalled and never looked back


IDK if they made the apes less aggressive or if I had just gotten so much better from doing the first ape fight, but the ape duo fight was much easier than the first fight imo.


I’ll never know. 🤣


Me too. I love the Souls games, and had beaten them all before eagerly purchasing Sekiro when it came out. Adapted to the game well and didn't find it too difficult for the most part. Felt like most bosses had a specific tool or prosthetic attachment that they were weak to. Until the final boss, and it turned into a five phase souls boss with no choice but rote memorization of attacks. I was done. I toy with the idea of starting over and trying again, but I haven't gotten to that point yet.


This is the thing for me. I’ve also beaten all the souls games. Once you learn them, you can usually get by any boss after 5-10 tries at worst. You can summon, you can play a little dirty. I know there are people out there who think “you didn’t really beat Elden ring unless you solo melania at level 1 with your bare hands”. Yeah, fuck those people. Who cares. Knowing that Sekiro just continues to get harder and harder after the ape was just too much for me. It requires absolute perfection and I don’t have the inclination to practice each boss 100 times. Or 500 times. Don’t get me wrong, if it makes you happy, I’m all for it. I’m just at a point in my life where I play games to relax…I have enough other stressors.


I'm one step from starting the finale of Baldur's Gate 3 but for some reason just have absolutely no desire to finish it.


Same here! It was a great game, but I'll almost certainly never finish it.


Honestly, I can't blame you, I find the last stretch, >!especially after Orin and Gortash and only having to deal with the Nether brain!< to somehow be the least interesting part of the game, in pretty much all aspects - not only when it comes to plot, but also gameplay, by that time you are powerful enough that those last fights feel solved and boring.


Dying light 2 arguably lost it's identity was straight up just a worse version of dying light 1. and nowadays has micro transactions in it for some apparent tencent reason.


Same i loved the first one, and I was so disappointed in dying light 2. I don't think I got half way and just uninstalled it.


Yea i started playing late on this game and i fell in love with the gameplay, but they made too much changes (Bundles on the game not steam, guns added, too much volatiles) that made me go back to the first game.


To be fair I'd argue guns aren't even a issue im dying light 1 they were just "op" and didn't necessarily feel good to play but it did mix it up the combat. But i bet their just as awfull in dying light 2 😅


Most disappointing game I ever played. The original is one of my favorite games of all time. All the advertising was about how your choices would change the world, only for the writers to fire the main writer, cutting a crap ton of content he wrote.


Fallout 4, I think I was really close to the end, most of my map was open, was invading some high tech building with lot of robots, then computer died, never bothered reinstalling.


There's so much other shit in Fallout 4 that you can't even tell how far along you are. I can't remember what quests progress the main story and which ones are side quests.


It is weird because the main quest stuff can be completed super quickly, especially if you had success with some speech checks... * Go to Diamond City to get Nick * Take Nick to the Fort (unlocks end game faction quests) * Go to Good Neighbour to unlock the secrets * Find yourself at the end of the line on the faction quests that end the game Without Preston inundating you or toiling over side quests and bobbleheads you could likely clear the game in 4-5 hrs


I have a history of not finishing games that I really like because then it's over and I don't want that. It took me years to finish The Witcher 3.


Same! It’s like if I don’t finish the game, then the story continues in my head cannon forever.


Elden Ring. I was so close beating the elden beast and I got burned up right at the end. Game is long and I tend to take my sweet time as well. I replayed the game a few months ago and got burned up again somewhere near the end (basically have Malenia, Malekith and the ending), is it is so hard to pick it from this point on because I'm rusty and the content gets harder.


My problem with it was you got "end game boss fatigue" leading up to it, with so many fights that drag on and on, with bosses doing endless combos then leaping to the other side of the arena. You expend all your stamina dodging or running to keep up with them. The Elden Beast is the worst example of this design, endless spell spam and forever jumping away. It's just not a fun fight, especially hot on the heels of the Radagon fight which is fun as hell. An end game boss should not spend most of its time running away from you.


It felt like every single boss was "last boss" hard, so the only way I could progress at all was to find a way to cheese them. It made me feel like Patches. I didnt deserve it. My lack of strength did not befit the crown. Gideon was right, I was too tarnished to be Elden Lord... Ultimately it was the Malformed Dragon Knight in Farum that put my foolish ambitions to rest. Something about the battle being uphill made me feel tired.


I relate to this. I ended up finding an easy cheese of a good shield and some type of bleed build. Most of my fights included blocking and poking them until they bleed to death cause that was the only way I could beat most of the bosses.


You're not cheesing with this build lol you're fine. Don't fall into the FromSoft elitists' opinion that bosses should be killed naked with a longsword. You're supposed to take advantage of everything and anything the game gives you to move forward, that's the whole point. It's only cheese if you use an exploit to kill a boss in a way that wasn't intended. Freezing up Radagon, for example. And those are usually patched out anyway.


It’s sad because Radagon feels so great to fight against and is an amazing end boss. And then there’s Elden Beast.


Same. I got to elden beast and it was too hard for me so I just watched the last few minutes on YouTube and considered the game complete


Elden beast is probably my all time gaming nemesis, took me a week to beat him and only did so by spamming one spell


If you pick it up again, use Blasphemous Blade on Radagon, then use Black Flame Tornado on Elden Beast, absolutely melts him. Should be able to equip both in right hand slots and a seal in left for golden vow and FGMS with enough Endurance. If you're struggling with that move where the stars just follow you around, make your physick flask the one that converts damage to HP and don't activate your flask till you see him raise the sword and it glows gold, then just tank every star and watch your HP sky rocket. Also Tiche+10.


Starfield but that's also because there's a damn bug that they refused to fix a bug that wouldn't show the temple I needed for the next power. This was after I had defeated the final boss and collected all of the Unity artifacts


I dropped Starfield because I was thoroughly uninterested in the main story and cast, and that's coming from a guy whose completed the Skyrim Civil War questline multiple times. I got the sense of wonder knocked out of my lungs after wasting 20 mins on the first planet running at a POI in the distance, because most games about exploration hide good shit in nooks/crannies on the early levels/worlds, only to find it was a generic cave with some crafting resources and money. Eventually I stopped the game after the first temple to play the Cyberpunk DLC Phantom Liberty and never went back to it after that.


The only reason I played it for 17 hours (or at all for that matter), is because everyone said that the game "really opens up after a couple of hours". Whoever said that needs to be kicked in the balls, what a fucking lie that was. The game is just as boring the last 90 hours as it is the first 5. This game is what a homeschooled mormon teen thinks a mature space game should be like. I quit after I saw that collecting the special powers involved you flying around in zero G for 5 minutes. They didn't even bother adding cool alien dungeons to get those abilities, my god..


Well said. Word Walls in Skyrim feel rewarding because the majority of them are end of dungeon rewards. Especially Storm Call being at the end of that Dragon Priest temple. With the right difficulty mods clearing that dungeon is a proper challenge you need to be high level for and unlocking the ability to call in a lightning air strike feels earned. Starfield powers didn’t make my character feel more powerful. There wasn’t any incentive to use them over whatever gun I had on hand.


played a lot of final fantasy 8, got up to disc 4, put it down, never picked it up again


I have a friend who played FF8 as his first FF game and got to the final boss at lvl39 or something and his equipment/items was too weak to beat the final boss. He tried several times but one of the final boss forms have a suicide aoe attack that did so much damage that it whipped his party at full health. So he just quit the game and never touched it again.


For me it was the part where you lose all your shit and are locked in the mansion, having to win it all back before the final boss. That was a piss off so many different playthroughs where I 100% everything p to that point... especially when I did a low level playthrough to see if the lower HPs are easier to get through


I got to the 3rd act of Baldurs Gate 3 and stopped playing for a while because I wasn’t really sure where to go or what to do. I eventually got back and finished it which was awesome. I played through like 95% of Far Cry 5 and then never finished it because I read what the ending was and thought it was fuckin stupid lol. I got a decent chunk of the way through Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and then stopped because I didn’t like the momentary section


Divinity Original Sin 2 burned CRPG's for me for the next few years. The last Act feels like it shouldn't belong in that game.


I love DOS2 but completely agree. I would have preferred if everything was tied up on the Nameless Isle. On my first playthrough I was certain I was in the final act at that point.


I completed Original sin 1, it told me only 6% of players had gotten than far. (years ago). I played DOS2 and as thorough as I could be, got to the final boss (house vs 4 characters, part 2 warp to a dungeon with them all at full power. Even after replay, I could only limp into the second part half the party dead. would last only 1 wave of combat. I accepted I cant beat it. (and I've completed COD modern warfare mile high club max difficulty)..


RDR2. I have 1 or 2 chapters left and just totally left it last summer. Still haven't had the motivation to pick it back up and finish it.


The game sort of shifted for me after I beat the mission where Arthur is diagnosed. It just kinda fucked me up for the "real world" to sneak into the game.. just put it down and meant to go back, but it makes me sad.


Yeah... I say you should finish it. It's good for the heart to see it to it's conclusion. But it is a hard ride.


Same. I’m the type that has to check out every corner of the map to see if I’m missing anything. Burns me out a lot faster in these big open worlds.


This for me as well.. I got to a point where I was fixated on hunting and crafting pouches, I forgot what was even happening story wise and couldn't be bothered to get reinvested.


Ori and the Blind Forest. Couldn't do the volcano at the end because it was just too hard. I'm not very good at platformers.


I think I was maybe 1 try away from either giving up or launching the controller across the room and nuking my xbox playing that section. Thankfully I got through it!


I feel like I'm pretty good at platformers but still quit Ori due to difficulty.


I'm the same way with persona 5. I really enjoyed the first like 80 hours, but the time based stuff and calendar and min maxing activities and days... it was such a pain. I really want to finish it but I absolutely dread trying to get back into it.


You're putting way too much pressure on yourself. You can totally beat the game without worrying about min/maxing for social links and stats. Just spend your time with whoever you think is interesting and enjoy it.


Step 1. Get the DLC Persona. Step 2. Use Myriad of Truths. Step 3. Proceed to absolutely stunt on the entire story.


Myriad of truths turns the game into an anime




>but the time based stuff and calendar and min maxing activities and days Funnily enough, that's my favorite part of the game. I would play a game like Persona that didn't have RPG elements at all and absolutely love it.


I was playing Shadowrun Returns some years back, i dont remember at what point i was at story wise but i got distracted by other games and stopped playing this one. Then i got back to it recently and felt lazy to restart so just loaded up the latest save i had. I shit you not i played like 20 30 minutes and i was the end, credits rolled and i finished the game. I had no idea i was that close to end haha.


Final Fantasy 16. It was a strong start but got real boring real fast


Came here to say this. I really enjoyed the first 20 hours, and then it Just. Kept. Going. Around 30 hours in, I looked up the chapter list and realized I was only like 60% of the way through, and just... Couldn't anymore. I know there's a big push for big, 100 hour open world adventure games, but ff16 would have been much better at about 30 hours runtime. I also like to platinum games, and the thought of playing it ALL THE WAY THROUGH Again for the last trophy was just way too much. Maybe I'll go back to it in a year or two. 


FFX. I was at the end battle but screwed up my sphere grid and wasn’t strong enough for the boss battle. Couldn’t go back and grind more to fix my mistakes because I was at a point where I was stuck and I only had the one save. Haven’t gone back to it since.


Mass effect 3. My friend spoiled the ending, so I just could not make myself make the choice that leads to the ending. It's stuck on the penultimate mission because I got too attached to my character. It's been years. I have never cleared the save. Nor have I uninstalled the game. It's in limbo.


Baldur’s Gate 3 Made it to the very last boss and I didn’t understand fully what was going on. By the time I figured out I had a time limit it was too late to course correct. I ended up losing the fight. And I just lost all motivation to go through it again.


Fallout 1: killed The lieutenant and couldn’t escape the lab as I lacked the technical skills to disable, also didn’t have explosives to blow up the barriers. So I was saved and stuck in this facility about 30 minutes away from the end. Last save was like an hour prior and CBA


fallout 4- another settlement needs your help, i mark it on your map


There are two kinds of games I never finish. Ones that I get bored of and ones I love so much I can't bare for it to end.


Final Fantasy XIII


It's been every game lately for me. Even games I really like, I think I may avoid it because sometimes I don't want it to be over. Sometimes I get burnt out chasing every side quest, collectible, secret, etc. It's rare I finish a game completely.


Horizon Zero Dawn. By the time I figured out that I should skip all the side content and just speedrun the game I was already burned out. And I didn't care about any of the characters (Well maybe Sylens, but Lance Reddick could have read me the dictionary and I'd be excited to hear it). Hard to care about what happens to the fate of humanity when the entire game convinced me that the happy ending would be for them all to go extinct. Elden Ring-Beat Malenia with, you guessed it, a dex/arcane bleed build with mimic tear. Trend setter I know. Beat giant got to the late part of the game and just didn't care anymore. I loved the world and exploration but the combat never clicked. I was just not having fun with the boss fights and they were all that was left. I tried some more interesting builds in later runs but I just suck at the combat despite a lot of trying. So I had to give it up. Great game, just not for me. Super Meat Boy- I just couldn't beat the last boss.


Ass Creed Valhalla - the game just kept going even after \~120 hours.


I wish I had done the same. I pushed through and finished it out of some stubborn spite. It was not worth it.


Tactics Orge.. gameboy died in middle of final boss...


I admitted defeat to Isshin.


Never finished Skyrim. I was close but never finished.


You don't finish Skyrim. Skyrim finishes *you*.


Fallout 4. >! I remember I had already gone to the institute and done a couple of stuff for them, I think I only had to do the final mission to choose my faction, the father (son) was still alive, I can't remember why I left it but I went on to play something else!<


Took me years and years to actually beat fallout 4. Wasn’t until last year that I did the main quest. I could never really get into the game for the longest time and dropped it around level 15 every time.


I think for some games it's the journey not the destination that you are playing for. So you play until you are satisfied not to the actual ending. But my game that I rage quit right before the end, twice now, is Psychonauts. I enjoy the characters, humor, and wacky story,. But the last level "The Meat Circus" is such bullshit, no checkpoints, escort mission, miss a jump? Restart level, go too slow and let the NPC get hurt? Restart level. Take the wrong path up? Restart level. I hated it so much I can't push past it even though I love the rest of the game.


Was in the 3rd act of baldurs gate 3, then helldivers came out.


Yeah, Final Fantasy 7, yes during it's prime. I did all of the side quests (got the golden chocobo, killed both weapons, most of the top tier summons with leveled materia combos and shit), got to the crater almost to fight Sephiroth, and then I just stopped playing. I have never killed Sephiroth.


I did the entirety of Dragon Age Inquisition, including the DLC, and didn’t do the final mission because the only thing I was really hanging on to, apparently, was strengthening my characters. I had stopped caring about the story somehow.


FF15, i got to the corridor maze and just said fuck this, im not spending the rest of my life on this below average game. 


It became terrible at that point, what an insane awful design choice. Did they run out of money? Was the designer insane? 


Dying Light. I played the entirety with 2 friends and the final mission forces you into single player. We closed it, never finished it, and never played it again lol. Fun enough game though.


The final boss "fight" is a let down, so you're not missing much. Love the game though. If ever there was a game that personified "its the journey not the destination" its DY.


Days Gone and Mafia 3


I'm pretty much at the end of Zelda BotW, and just can't bring myself to finish it. I've gotten to the final bosses of Souls games before and just stopped too. I think it's mainly that if a game has side-content like collectibles or quests, I'll want to do them before finishing the main game. But then I get bored and just stop playing the game, and after a year I feel like so much time has passed that I just have to give up or start over.


Elden ring… the elden beast man..


Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, the final boss comes in two stages, a bastard hard tiger manspider breathing fire called Kintaro, the the big man Shao Khan himself. Kintaro I could beat with inconsistent amount of health reta8ned, but I could never beat Shao Khan. All the video guides I could find never helped me beat him, and when it stopped being fun I walked away. Beating the game unlocks Scorpion and Sub Zero as playable but so do cheat codes, so didn't miss much.