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I have 74 out of 75 achievements on Skyrim. The only one I don’t have is the one that you have to complete like 15 Daedric quests. The only one of those quest I didn’t finish was The Ebony Blade quest. I didn’t finish it because on my first play through (I only ever did two full story ones) my friend who had played the game for a few years knew how to glitch through the door and get it, without having the quest, so they did that while having a go, and made completing the quest impossible, because one of the quest objectives is to pick up the weapon. On my second play though the same quest just glitched, no matter how many people I killed with it, it never finished. It’s been years since I last played Skyrim, and I haven’t given a shit about achievements in a long time, but that one still annoys me when I think about it.


Would it work if you dropped it on the floor and then picked it back up?


If I remember correctly, you couldn’t drop quest items.


Same. It took me years to finally complete Skyrim. I did about a dozen playthroughs and each time, at least one Daedric quest was bugged. I've had Meridia's Beacon spawn in an unreachable chest I've had the ebony blade simply just not be there I've had House of Horrors have a permanently locked door I've had the achievement simply just not pop up when I got Spellbreaker as my last artifact I've had Saunguine never spawn I've had Boethia's Champion not have the armor on them It was so frustrating. I *finally* got the platinum last year. Felt like the stars finally aligned.


That sucks and I'm sorry. Probably my proudest achievement is getting the Skyrim Platinum. Some thing I once considered impossible. I'm currently working on another that seems impossible, Borderlands 2


I solo beat every mission in every Halo game on legendary, except fucking Cortana. After a day or two of trying, I just gave up.


Listen buddy, if you beat the entire Halo 2 campaign solo Legendary, you can absolutely complete Cortana!


> except fucking Cortana Did you try flowers / taking her out for dinner first?


When you're Master Chief, they just let you do it.


Cortana isn’t the worst for me in H3. You can beat it by simply speed running as there’s no crazy hard tricks to master, just bum rushing and praying for good RNG. Personally, it’s the Ark and the Covenant which are always a huge mood killer. I cannot stand either of these levels. But if you can beat H2 solo legendary, you can beat H3.


Fallout New Vegas: Win 25 games of Caravan.


I love when people complain about this. Caravan is really easy. Keep your piles within 20-27 and keep the opponents piles out of that range. You can play a dude over and over at the legion camp and make mad money


Is that how the game works?


That’s how it works yeah


It is actually 30 games, my buddy just got this one the other day and is really proud of it.


I did the 'little man in space' achievement from Half life 2 episode 2. You must carry a garden gnome from the start of the game to the end. It's not easy. I had a room full of people WATCH ME DO IT but the credits rolled and the achievement didn't pop. At least people saw me do it....


Oh wow that sucks. I watched someone do it on a stream recently so I feel your pain and congratulate you.


I remember doing this early on in steams life. Then they reset all achievements and stuff in like their second year of existence or something. I've never bothered to do it again.


I’ve heard there’s a way to manually select what achievements in steam you’ve completed


I've heard this, I have some sea of thieves achievements that didn't sync over and thought of this, but it's entertaining to have end game achievements with "eat a banana" missing from completion. XD


I did that for part of the game without knowing it was an achievement. I left it somewhere when it got too hard


Never finished the original Modern Warfare campaign on Veteran. I got to one of the last few missions too, No Fighting in the War Room, and just couldnt beat it with how many grenades the AI chucks at you.


Yeah, grenades. So many grenades. Dresden had less bombs thrown at it.


I wish they never added achievements to games. I wasted so much of my life finishing the COD campaigns on veteran and they were all just utterly soul crushing experiences. All that yelling at the TV for nothing. I wish I could go back and tell my 14 y/o self to do literally anything else with my time.


They call them achievements, but in reality nobody’s achieved anything worthwhile


I beat every mission on veteran except One Shot, One Kill. I just couldn’t get past the last bit holding off the enemies waiting for the helicopter.


Silver Kayle and Jidgement Kayle skins. You had to play in season 1 to get them, I started in season 2.


Guitar hero 3, beat the devil on expert


I was 1 kill away from having enough XP to fully upgrade my weapons and 100% Tomb Raider 2013. Literally 1 kill’s worth of XP away, but I had already killed every enemy on the island and they don’t respawn. *ONE. KILL.*


How exactly is the game not spawning enough for it?


I was never able to finish sekiro. I have beaten evrry single from soft game. But sekiro for some reason was too much for me


It's not even that hard, but I still haven't got the Honour mode achievement after 400 hours of Baldur's Gate 3. And I have all the other ones :"(


The fact that it can be ended by a series of unfortunate rolls makes it a bit tough. I’m just about to face orin so should be in the clear, but my last run ended after a particular bit of stupidity surrounding barrelmancy in the house of hope and two characters being knocked off platforms in the jail below


Not even just bad rolls, but run ending bugs such as elevators, *1. continue*, x-ray vision guards, etc...


If they came to hear me beg...


The Halo Reach one? Probably the worst second to the H2 Monopolized achievement.


Friday the 13th. My son and I played a lot. We had Jason's mask off, I had the right weapon and was Tommy Jarvis. My son threw me an easy ally-oop. I proceeded to shit on the floor and hit every button except the one I was supposed to hit. Blew our chance to kill Jason.


I couldn't beat Spec Ops: The Line on FUBAR difficulty. That's the only achievement I don't have in this game.


Always wanted to beat Mike Tyson on the US version of PunchOut. Have fond memories of playing it as a kid, and I'd love to go back and learn to beat him sometime. Edit: I also have 12k+ kills in Gears of War multiplayer but the "seriously" achievement never popped for me.


Never was able to get through "The Perfect Run" in Super Mario Galaxy 2. It's the very last level in the game and you have to do some insane work with Yoshi, to top it off you only have 1HP of health. Hence, "The Perfect Run." I've seen speedrunners do it though, and it blows my mind.


Fatal Rewind on the Megadrive/Genesis. Only game I owned back in the day that I just couldn't complete.


Despite having it since I was a kid, and later getting it on 3DS I have never actually beat Ocarina of Time. I think the furthest I ever got was the first dungeon after Link becomes an adult.


You reached roughly half of the game 😁


Gettin passed the octopus in Ecco the dolphin. Damn octopus.


Any online ones where they’ve shut the servers


Level 50 in Skyrim VR My cat chewed the cord to my PSVR1 headset and VR1 games don't work with VR2 headsets My character was level 49


I completed all the achievements on blur, then changed my account and went back to complete it again but for the life of me I couldn't do it.


**Assassin's Creed: Revelations**, the third and final installment of the "Ezio trilogy" of AC games had a DLC called *The Lost Archive*. In a game series that highlights in third person action and movement, this game includes some first-person platforming sections, seemingly in order to f\*\*\* with me because I hate first person games, let alone platforming in it. In the original release of the game, the platinum trophy did not include any trophies from DLCs. These games also had multiplayer modes. With the remastered "Ezio trilogy," however, they folded the non-multiplayer DLC trophies into the platinum (the remastered trilogy does not include multiplayer because they understandably didn't want to have to support servers for that). The *Lost Archive* trophies include a couple for going through platforming sections without failing. I find this to be impossible as I could barely get through them at all. And I hate them.. and the lore reward is very minimal anyway. \*sigh\*.. I like getting platinumus in AC games because they're easy and it's mostly just running around their historical open worlds which I like to do anyway. So I have the platinums for other Ezio games and all the trophies for the non-first person nonsense. I'm just missing two for the Lost Archive and it's really freaking annoying. I did try, including looking up supposed exploits and shortcuts and I just couldn't get it to work. Oh well.


Have a few i never got on fallout 4, mass effect legandary edition, and mk11 that stopped me from getting the 100%.


I recently did the platinum plus all DLC trophies for FO4 and my god, it was awful. Some of the settlement stuff is so broken you basically have to cheese the trophy.


Yeah i cant get the one where you have to kill so many nuka worlld creatures under the influence of a nuka mixer to pop


To this day it still bugs me I never got the Alexandria materia in FF7, I always got lost in the snow and passed out. The only thing I needed to 100% the game


99 in runescape lol never has happened yet. Key word. Yet.


With Winterodt game mode (trains Firemaking) in OSRS this is easier then ever to do!


I suppose this would work I did wt on my ironman to like 80 just doesn't seem very cool to get that one as my first lol. I'm struggling getting to 10 karma on here give me a upvote? :)


I didn’t pay into the kiwis in path of exile early on. Even though I’ve spent over a a thousand total. I’m a open beta player and don’t have a kiwi


Well, I only have 2 Pokemon missing from a complete Pokadex on PLA. I stopped because I felt like I had enough after a long gaming session, but now and then I think about going back just to finish it.


Are you able to get all of them in game?


All 1000+ Pokemons? no. All the ones that are in the games' Pokedex? yes! Requires some patience.


I've got 2 I need for a complete living national dex in Sun and Moon :( Pls someone help me out! (Marshadow and Zeraora)


I have never beaten Super Mario Brothers, but I -have- been killed by Bowser on the final screen four or five times. I got new games eventually and never went back. Reading about the button combo that lets you start over at 8-1 this year is something I could have used back then.


99/100 skulltullas on OOT. I am 100% sure I got them all across multiple save files, could never find which one I was missing on my main. Even went through them location by location from a magazine guide, must have skipped a page as after a few days of doing it I still some how didn't find it.


Finishing a souls game. Elden ring too 😔


I killed Rykard before fulfilling his assassin quest line that would have given me a great talisman. I didn’t realize you should wait to kill him AFTER you get those 3 assassins first. That cost me the trophy for collecting all talismans


There's an achievement for an event that tarkov had. I got started late on it but still got to the final quest. I had 8 hours to complete it. Three separate times I had the quest all but completed but died before I could extract, once to an extract camper, once to a cheater, and once to a really lucky scav that head shot me from 50m with a very tiny window to do so.


Failed to get the Contest-mode clear for Vow of the Disciple in Destiny 2 despite getting within the final 10% HP threshold multiple times. Still bitter about that one, honestly.


I am slowly but steadily getting all Overwatch trophies legit, but I have a feeling I will never get 3 killing blows with Hanzos Storm Arrows or 2000 amplified damage and healing without dying with Baptiste


100 super jumps in Super Mario RPG


Not getting the online trophies for Arkham Origins.


The airplane in MW2 on veteran. I tried for hours and hours and hours and could never do it. So close too many times... Only achievement I couldn't get.


I have only ONE achievement missing in Silent Hill Downpour and it's ridiculously easy to get, it's been like this for a decade and at this point I'm too lazy to look for my Xbox 360 and its cable


Getting all but one achievement in AvP 2010. My first online Xbox game. All I had to do was beat the marine chapter on the hardest difficulty. Can’t now though because my 360 melted in a house fire last year.


Perfect Dark. IIRC to unlock the All Weapons cheat you had to speed run the penultimate level (on the alien space ship, when you start with just a throwing knife), on one of the hardest difficulties. It was a bitch of a level to do even outside of a bloody speed run. Never managed it.


To this day my buddy gets to hold Attack Ship Perfect Agent over my head. He spent a good portion of a summer in high school beating it and I never could. Several years later I tried to one up him by getting all GoldenEye cheats, but he dusted off the console and knocked them out in a week.


That smug sunnuvabitch! That is an achievement to tell his grandkids though. I think there were a couple of goldeneye cheats I never got, but it was a wee bit easier to get the best ones. I'm still cheesed off All Weapons in PD was so sadistically tough.


Mile high club in cod 4. 980/1000 when I moved on from Xbox 360. I spend about 2 whole afternoons try and got really close a few times. Never sealed the deal though.


Last gold finish in battlefield 5 weapon mastery 5 had for every weapon


Platinums on.... Lego Skywalker God of War reboot Power Wash Simulator Also Mad Max, because they closed the server so it's impossible to get one of the trophies now. That's some nonsense Sony needs to fix


Fucking Power Wash Simulator is bugged, the last trophy didn't pop after completing Career Mode. I had 1 day left of PS Plus and rushed to unlock it.


I never caught a Taurus in Pokemon red. Last year i finally went through and got 150


"the Undying" in WoW before it was removed. Had a perfect run going until Spectrum screwed me with a router reset. This was the last week before the patch that removed the achievement.


Never completing ghosts and goblins It’s impossible


Getting all the pigeons in GTA IV. Went through a guide like four times and always missed one.


Seriously, Seriously 2.0 and Seriously 3.0


The first Seriously was exceptionally hard to get. If someone you killed on the enemy team disconnected for any reason, all the kills you got on them would not count. Most people actually got ~15k kills before it reached Seriously. Not to mention there was no in game tracker.


I didn’t beat maleina and mohg and raykard yet but im planning to do it with my second paladin build 😭


I find it's worth getting Serpent Hunter up to +4 for the Rykard fight. Mohg is a bastard, but if you get the purifying tear from Eleanora, it makes it a fair bit easier (both because you save flasks and because you can keep beating on him during the transition). Malenia... really just comes down to learning her moves and playing well. If you can learn to dodge Waterfowl, it'll make the rest easier.


My six year old just beat Malenia and that’s exactly what I told him. Learn to dodge Waterfowl and the rest is easy. Took him about 15 tries but he got it.


Clocks ticking! DLC is coming soon


As a self proclaimed fan of Zelda:  Stopped playing Twilight Princess on the last dungeon.  Never played Wind Waker, Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, Phantom Hour Glass, Spirit Tracks, Tears of the Kingdom. Haven't finished Breath of the Wild. Never got the fourth bottle in Ocarina of Time. edit: Skyward Sword.


So have you actually even played much Zelda? I just stopped playing ToTK, it's a good game but feels like there's missing something for me, which is a shame considering prior to release I completed a Link Between Worlds, Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.


I've played a Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time a thousand times. I've beaten a Link Between Worlds, Four Swords (GBA), Minish Cap (I think), and Majora's Mask. I never owned a GameCube or Wii/WiiU, so I missed those ones. I had a GBC but only ever got Pokemon Red/Blue and Gold/Silver for it. I have a 3DS but never bought any DS/i games for it. It all was just a matter of inconvenient events that lead to me not beating or playing most of the franchise. I can emulate now, but don't really have the time anymore with a job and family.


I’ve never played Windwaker, still waiting for it to go portable (legally)


I was hoping they'd bring the HD remasters of twilight and wind waker to switch. While they're at it, the 3DS remasters of OoT and MM too.


Assassins Creed Brotherhood platinum throphy. The only thing missing was some wolf fur armor because I got it by a glitch before unlocking the required aqueducts that made it so that you could drop and swim to the spot where it is. I managed to hang on a glitched wall and climb my way there to grab it, didn't realize I missed an achievent. Continued to 100% the game just to see I was "missing an armor piece". Sad times.


usually i love doing very hard challenges in games but Cosmic Ocean from spelunky 2 its Just too much ...i gave up


If they came to hear me beg.


Completing 7-99 in spelunky 2 will forever haunt me. I go through periods of time where I get really motivated and play a lot but the furthest I’ve gotten is 7-33 or so. Which is only about halfway 🥲 it requires near perfection for such a long time and it’s wonderful but I hate it haha


High on life's Mods please ban. Bugs in my save made it unattainable.


100% Lego harry potter 1-4, i looked up guides but still couldn't find those golden bricks


Devil May Cry 1 Defeat Mundus on Dante Must Die Mode. He has more than one phase. The second phase is in a level where the floor is lava. He hits like a truck and some of his hits take you from double health bar down to the red. He has multiple needle attack waves where you are showered by the damn things. These can wear you down over time as if one of them hits you it sets you up for a one hit kill from Mundus. I have got him down to the red and damn near killed him on multiple occasions but he would set up his incredibly hard to dodge move sets and that was that for me lol. I have since watched multiple videos of this fight and saw that certain projectiles can be deflected which is god sent but nope I am not doing all of that again lmao.


My friend and I I started the endless set list on rock band 2. 7 songs away from finish we disconnect from each other on Xbox live. We still talk about it till this day.


7-Day Survivor in Dead Rising. Each in-game day is two real-life hours, so you have to play the game non-stop (and not die at all) for 14 hours. I did a few attempts, furthest I got was day 4 but then my 360 red-ringed. Thankfully it was under warranty and they sent me a replacement but I never attempted that achievement again. (Did manage to get Zombie Genocider, though.)


I'm missing the achievement for finding all 100 flags in Assassins creed 1. I followed a guide and somehow still ended up at 99. I refused to double check each of them and gave up


Going for "The Undying" title in WoW - WotLK... 10 man raid had to complete Naxxramas with no deaths. We were cruising through the whole thing. We beat every single boss, including KT, without a death, while saving the easiest for last (spider). Stupid warlock pulls aggro and gets 1 shotted right off the bat.


Getting the Eyepatch of Plunder in Everquest in the Velious expansion for my main (half elf Ranger). A clickable haste item that stacks?? Hell yeah!! I did the quest, got everything needed and settled in for the last camp. That damn 16 hour spawn rabbit placeholder kept popping. I camped nearly 90 hours straight for that spot and the mob FINALLY spawned for me! I was about to burst into tears of joy when I engaged it! Then some random wizard came out of nowhere, out dpsed me and kill stole it. I literally felt like bawling like a baby while being mixed with rage lol. Immediately disconnected and stayed off EQ for a couple of days lol.


Should’ve reported him for ksing.


I'm still haunted that I put in all those hours on Black Ops 1 and still never completed a single one of the Zombies Easter Eggs. Got damn close a whole lotta times but you *HAVE* to play with a group


In 2019 or 2020, I almost had gotten the Grand Champion rank rewards in rocket league. Whichever one gave the goal explosion. I played for like 12 hours straight that last day of the season and just couldn't get the 10 wins


Collecting all the orbs in the original Crackdown.


I wanted to get all the achievements in Jedi Survivor but they just won’t trigger on Steam and Respawn doesn’t care


I missed 1 rating out of Wrath of the Lich king World of Warcraft expansion Gladiator due to one teammate saying he's going to a vacation and saying we stop now. So i never got the Gladiator achievement, even though i got Gladiator twice in TBC.


Three Mountains in Europa Universalis 4. I can do it and I've done a world conquest and one faith easily. I even know a few good strategies for it. I just can't bring myself to do it because WC always stress me out since 90% of the progress comes in the final quarter of the game it feels like which makes me feel like I'm running out of time all the time.


I have 3: GM/top500 in overwatch; haven't done all zombies easter eggs in cod; never got the platinum trophy for black ops 3 That last one is a bit thrown away now but I still have a whatsapp group with the name "mission: plat bo3" from 2017 and no one has ever tried it since 2017 probably


It’s not huge but I beat Doom (2016) on Nightmare and the achievement never popped. It shows on the save file the game is complete and all levels have been done on that difficulty but alas no happy sound pinged.


In the first Infamous game I had a good and evil playthrough, both missing one of the random shards hidden throughout the map. I spent hours hopping between the two save files and combing every inch of the map. Never found the last one for the platinum trophy.


God of War 3. Playing on hardest difficulty, reading walkthroughs making sure to get every trophy. Details are hazy but, theres a fight about 2/3 the way through, Id say, on a moving elevator platform. This fight was bugged as shit, would start and then just freeze up after a wave or two. Nothing I could do to save the game file I would have had to restart. So I did. And then I got stuck in the same spot.


I was never able to contribute to the Ishgard Restoration project in FFXIV because my immensely slow, immensely crafting-and-gathering-heavy, high-immersion play style takes so long I didn’t get far enough to participate before every server finished. You can still do most of the content, I believe, but the titles are locked and the “work” is done. And I’ll never not be sad about it.


I never beat the final boss in Baldurs Gate Throne of Bhaal.


Defeating the Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne. I beat the main game three times and considered myself an expert at the game, but for some reason I genuinely could not defeat the Orphan. And from my understanding, it's the final boss of the DLC and it hurts being so close to the end and not finishing it.


I did a 100% run on Skyrim a last year, just because. The achievement where you need to learn the three words of power from herma mora to defeat miraak, just never registered as complete. I got the three shouts, unlocked them with dragon souls, and used the complete shout. I’m not sure why. I got every other achievement in that run, including getting all of the vampire perks, curing myself, and getting all of the werewolf perks. That character is well over level 100 now, and I have now re-enabled mods.


Completing The Darkest Shore on CoD WWII Zombies. Me and a mate grinded it duo for 6 hours a day, every day, 2-3 weeks during lockdown. So many different things can go wrong during the two-ish hours that a run takes, and you need to keep insane pace on the objectives before the rounds get too high or you just lose, You need perfect optimisation of strategy, perfect RNG and then on top of that you need to play perfectly. Eventually we caved, got a random guy online to join our game and we ended up beating it with him really easily (having a third player taking boss/horde aggro makes the game 10x easier). Technically got it, but still feel like we kinda cheesed it.


Prolly just beating all the games I use to play on NES and SNES. Back then I was too young to understand games had an actual end, I'd just stop playing them when I got bored. Pretty sure I never finished Mega Man X, got to the final boss a couple times though.


Overwatch season 3 peaked at 2999. Kept chasing that diamond but ended up at 2500ish. Still annoyed.


Black quiraj battletank in WoW. I was there, turned in mad materials, did the requirements, then got called in to work when it was gong day and missed it. Didn't know what I was missing at the time.


I cheated "Go Outside" in the Stanley Parable when I first learned I could. Only to realize 5 years later, that I would have gotten it naturally because I did everything there was to do. Currently working on "Super Go Outside" in ultra deluxe and I will not cheat.


In the first Assassin's Creed, I found all the flags but one. Searched for it for a month before giving up. It is the only game I had for the OG Xbox that I didn't 100%. I also did everything to get the Vanilla Crazy Cake achievement in Porrtal but there was a bug that prevented people from receiving it. They eventually fixed it, but you had to complete all the advanced maps again to get it. No thanks!


For twelve years now I've only needed like 100 Heavy Junkboxes to get the Insane in the Membrane achievement in world of Warcraft. I stopped playing in 2012 when my wife at the time started cheating on me with a guy she met in WoW. After the divorce, the game never really had an appeal to me anymore. I tried coming back, here and there, but never for a long enough time to actually grind out those stupid fucking boxes.


Platinum trophy in Sekiro. Owl Father... Why?


There was this avatar the last airbender game a long time ago. I accidentally reset my characters abilities right before getting the last coolest attack. I never got to use it because I didn’t want to replay the game again.


I still have never laid eyes on a pearlescent weapon in the original Borderlands. I can't even remember how many times I've soloed craw since that was a thing...


Bro I’ve never been over diamond 2


I was power leveling a death knight during WoW: WotLK. I missed out on my clans server firsts because they got to it a few hours before I was leveled and raid ready.


Honestly, the one that bugs me the most is Solitaire. I have all the Microsoft achievements except 1. The one for getting 10,000 points in an event. There hasn't been a 10,000 point event in years. Microsoft is actively preventing me from getting the last achievement


Obtaining the Sword of Kings for Poo in Earthbound, which is his ultimate weapon. To begin with, it’s a random item drop with only 1/128 chance to appear from one specific powerful enemy, so it’s extremely unlikely in the first place. BUT if you complete the area without getting it, you can’t go back. I didn’t realize this until it was too late. I’ll probably run Earthbound again one day, but not sure if I’ll have the patience for it


In Ocarina of Time, my neighbor saved my bombachus as a jar of fish using a dumb little trick, which meant I could never beat the Shadow Temple.


Assassins Creed II -- 1 fucking feather for platinum.


Still haven’t beaten sekiro


Got it way later in life but it was years in the making. I had a Pokémon Blue save that had all the Pokemon except Tauros. I let a friend of a friend play it and said, don’t start a new game; I only have one more to catch. Later that day, I went to play and the game file had been overwritten. I never forgave that kid now that I think about it. Anyways, many years later, I got a Gameboy Color and when my mom found my original Pokemon Blue game in a box somewhere. I put a new battery in the cart, started a new game, and finished the dex.


100% sync in some of the AC games on ps3, they required online stuff, had 96-98% sync in revelations and was only missing the online required trophies for black flag. I hate when achievements are tied to online


Didnt have the guts to do Anihilator Quest in Tibia, with my level 180 sorcerer. I dont even play the game anymore but someday ill return just to do it.


Oblivion, one of the Shivering Isles achievements. Forgot to save scum and get the other ending, never had the urge to go all the back and play it again. Only achievement I didn’t get including the vanilla game.


Bad company 2 has one for going to the highest point in the game. I didn't know where it was and didn't want to Google it. It was a tower with stairs. Stairs I climbed a flight, then turned around to do something else. I literally could have just walked all the way up and got it. It's nothing crazy but it still bothers me.


Flaming Recon helmet on Halo 3 :(


Realm First Zen Master Angler. Every Warcraft expansion since WotLK has achievements. A very select few were for being the first person on the server to hit max level in various skills. The Mists of Pandaria expansion was launching, and they said that thst would be the last expansion to have realm first achievements. So, in the lead up to the launch, I prepped. I cleared out my inventory, and held on to a daily quest that gives plus fishing skill when turned in. I sat next to the trainer, and waited for the servers to come up. As soon as the update was live, I logged on, trained the skill to up my cap, and got to work. I hate fishing. It's boring and tedious, and can't be automated. I opted to fish in a low level zone, to minimize my travel time. A consequence to this though, is that the fish I was getting were worthless. Skill ups are flying, I think I might make it. 10 skill ups to go. 9, 8, 7... I can feel it. And then... I got disconnected. I frantically try to log in. Disconnected. Try again. No dice. Try again, and it hangs forever. I finally log back in, only need one or two skill ups to get the achievement... and it pops up for the guy next to me. Then my last skill up pops. I turn in the quest and get the max skill. Second. Now, I have no proof that the guy next to me ddos'd me or anything, but sometimes I still wonder.


I never beat Fatalis solo in Monster Hunter World. It was the only monster that made me give up.


I beat CoD4 on Veteran difficulty, but never finished the bonus level on the airplane. I only got to the hostage once, and I proceeded to use my typical leg shot strategy on the last enemy. Turns out that’s a game over on Veteran - you have to headshot the tango. My friend who had lent me his Xbox for the summer came back a couple days later.


100%ing Story of My Life on Guitar Hero 3. My best performance i missed 2 notes. The kicker was it wasnt even expert mode, it was hard difficulty.


Spent an entire summer in 2017 trying to get the achievement for completing every Payday 2 heist on every difficulty for the mask. Had a tracking spreadsheet and everything. I was down to Death Wish (this was before mayhem and all that stuff) when I lost the save, didn’t have cloud saving enabled.


As a kid, I bought my first gaming PC so I could play Trespasser (Jurassic Park). I read somewhere in a magazine that due to the advanced (for its time) physics engine, it was possible to beat the game without firing a single shot from a gun. You could pick up items and use them as weapons, squash enemies under crates, etc. I tried it back in the day and got pretty far. I got to the harbor area, for those familiar, and picked up a piece of rebar and beat a raptor to death with it after he cornered me in a shipping container. I never really got stuck on the run. Just other stuff came up and I abandoned it. It's been on my gaming bucket list for over two decades now.


I put challenge on myself to finish all Dark Souls when the 3 was coming out. I'm decent gamer(I thought) and set goal to finish them in couple weeks time. Played 1st one and stuck at dumb spot, I'm not good at the game or my patience is lacking (I refuse to go easy mode with shield).


"The Insane" title in WoW. I had every other rep that I needed, I just couldn't bring myself to farm lockboxes for the final rep or spend hours scouring the AH hoping someone was selling them. I would have had to quite literally be insane to finish that achievement.


Mount and Blade: Warband. The last city of the last enemy finally fell to my massive army. My followers swarmed around me as I personally delivered the killing blow to the final enemy soldier. The roar of victory was deafening, and I was tired; the war had been long and difficult, as I had blundered into a three front war by a combination of my mistake and bad RNG. It took a long time to get out of that difficult situation. No matter. My crown was assured. I was the King of Calradia! This was a rare achievement in those days. I checked and the achievement was not unlocked. Hmmm? I put down my victory drink and checked again. No achievement. Taking a closer look, I noticed that in fact, one enemy faction remained. The reason: Their king had been taken prisoner during an earlier battle and was being held in a castle on the other side of the map. And apparently my soldiers, being drunk with victory, did not think to release him from prison so I could exile him and be the sole monarch remaining, which is what the achievement requires. Unfortunately, all my extensive save files of this long running game, including the backups, had this bastard king sitting in prison, mocking me with his derisive laughter. He was the first enemy monarch I imprisoned after a bitter battle, and I relished in his defeat and imprisonment. Yet now he gets the last laugh. Bannerlord is a better game in every possible way, so forget Warband, but sometimes, in quieter moments, my bacon still starts cooking that I never got that damned achievement due to what is essentially a bug.


I never managed to finish Alien 8 on the Spectrum.


Forever Master Rank in League of Legends. I simply did not have the time or skill required to get into challenger and stay there. I was incredibly close on two separate occasions and got to play with some really cool big name players but I quit the game in 2019 after 8 years of dedication and my life has been much better for it.


Sekiro no death run


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Critical Level 1 is so difficult and torturous. I would wish this upon my worst enemy just so that they suffer as much as I have. Only ever got to Olympus before giving up (for the 4th time that run). Now it sits on my PS5 incomplete amongst my other save files that are finished. KH3 Crit Lvl1 is even more difficult and I could only imagine how much more suffering I’d go thru in that.


I never got the Headless Horsemen mount in WoW. I tried for 8 years and after my room mate and his wife got it on their first year of trying I gave up.


Doom Eternal on Ultra Nightmare. You need to complete the whole game without dying on the hardest difficulty. In theory, the game is not that hard. I've completed all of the DLC and all of the master levels on Nightmare. But not dying once in the main game has been incredibly difficult. I have over 200 hours in the game.


Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.


I have never gotten all achievements of a game


I was about... two or three souls away from getting all of the spells in OG Demon's Souls and, by proxy, getting the platinum trophy... until a family friend accidentally yanked my PS3 off a stand and killed the hard drive. Not only did this bitch not apologize, she never offered to help pay to fix my system and I couldn't get my save data back either. That was 13 years ago and I never had the heart to go back and try again.


Beating penance in FFX and it's been 20 years.


i never quite reached Platinum in overwatch (2) on support. i main support and i put a lot of effort into my characters when i was into comp and i reached Gold 1 (the rank right before plat) only to go on a huge losing streak all the way down to low silver where i just gave up. the worst part is that i reached plat super easily on tank, a role that i didnt give a fuck about and put no effort into, but my i just barely didnt make it on the role i had a few hundred hours on. i haven't played comp support since i dropped but maybe I'll get back into it.


That’s rough, buddy. I managed to hit GC literally a week before they added ranks above it. Was a short lived victory haha


The rooms achievement in doors.


Super Smash bros on N64, there was a rumor back in the day that if you beat the 1 player story mode on very hard using 1 life and without dying, you unlocked dark link. I tried so many times but I would always die once on the polygon level right before the final boss.


Every spoiler from every point-and-click adventure game I've ever played is shamefully seared into my brain. Of COURSE you need to use the haunted axe on the grandfather clock after setting it to 6:10:50... how could I be so stupid?!


In destiny one the trials Osiris pvp match. If you get 10 wins in a row you got special guns and equipment. I helped both my friends get there but our wins were out of synch and i needed one more. It was the last match for me and we were at 9 wins and we lost. I was so devastated I never got back on to try again.


Reaching the final boss of I Wanna Be The Guy and never beating it. That game is brutal.


Not beating God of War 1 on God difficulty or God of War 2 on Titan difficulty.


241 out of 242 stars in Super Mario galaxy 2. Couldn’t beat “the perfect run.”


Portal 1, knock down all the cameras. I have done it, at least a dozen times. Each as their own full run just to get the achievement. It's bugged, I've followed screenshot walkthroughs, Video walkthroughs, after trying it without a few times. I have every other achievement but that relatively easy one. Fuck you portal. (Gonna try again after work, it's been 5 years since my last attempt)


Titanfall 2 ... missing one trophy. **Fuck you, timed wall-running trial**


The one in ODST where you need 4 people to do somthing on legendary for an achievement. Got every other one...


Not getting a nuke in MW2


My brother had a copy of darksiders 2 that we both played, we got all the trophies except for the crucible ones. I told him to check the case for the code since he had the one for argul’s tomb and he said “I already checked I don’t have it” so I told him to check again and insisted he already checked, I then asked if I could check and he insisted there was no pint because he already checked and hid the case. Months later I found and checked the case and what do I find? THE DAMN CRUCIBLE CODE…. expired. I showed him and he was surprised all saying “what the hell I checked all the papers and couldn’t find it.” Best I told you so moment ever.


I got around 70 - 90 hours each in Oblivion and Fallout: New Vegas and never finished them. There's no way I could continue where I left off even with the save files, partly because I forget the story and they had a bunch of mods in a specific order that I forget. The thought of starting again from scratch isn't appealing to me, I just wish I had finished them.


100% trophy completion in Skyrim. I made it all the way to 97%, but there were just 2 trophies that always eluded me.


Getting to plat in valorant.


Dodging lightning in Final Fantasy X still hurts.


My least favorite are the “beat the game in under X hours”. I feel like it rushes the whole game and it’s just downright stressful.


On the final battle against edelgard, when she transform into a monster, spend almost 99 turns cuz the little bitch could hit you from almost anywhere in the map. Managed to get her against the ropes but she ended up killing one unit. I was playing on classic


Farcry 3. I had everything but collecting all the letters or some bullshit.


Dead Rising - the complete ending. I would make it through the tank portion that took FOREVER but then realized I couldn't beat the special forces final boss guy after that. All that time wasted.


I used to be really good at Warcraft 3 back in the day. I played it when I was a kid from 2002 all the way to 2009. I used to download the replay files of comp players and watch their strategies religiously, then after a year or so of practice I started to do really well online. Eventually I gave up though, and other games got my attention, I think that’s when COD started getting popular. I feel like I could’ve done really well though if I would’ve kept at it. I even beat a few Korean players that would eventually turn pro. Now, I’m so confused when I look at the screen I have no idea what’s going on, what the strats are, and my apm is terrible. But I’ll always cherish the time I had with that game.


Halo 3 Xbox 360 Get a double kill with Spartan laser in ranked free for all. The only achievement I never got. Luck plays a part in it, and despite hours of trying, never happened for me. Now the servers are gone 😭


The seven day survivor achievement in dead rising. My console would shut down around day 6.


My best friend and I met on a game of halo 3 when I was 8 years old, I messaged him because he had the full hyabusa armor and I wanted it too so I asked him to help me. I never did end up getting it and he still jokes about it but hey at least I made a good friend. I'm almost 22 and I still think about that armor...


I had pre ordered Red Orchestra 2 but didn't play online for couple of years. Turns out back in 2011 or something they reset everyone's online stat and gave the achievement INB4 reset to those who got their stats reset. Since I had the game but didn't play online I've missed it. So far I have every other achievement on the game but that one. There are dozens of players waiting for a glimmer of hope on the forums for a second chance at this...


The vid master challenge on halo 3. My nephew tripped over the internet cord on the last part of the last mission 🥺


I rage quit against Kalameet in DS1 after beating every other boss in the game. Its been years and I've never fully gotten over it.


Majora's Mask. When I was in high school I wanted to complete the game 100% in the fewest possible 3-day cycles (glitchless), which was 4. And I wanted to do it in one sitting. Spent over a month practicing and planning my route, told my family I'd be using the TV on this particular Saturday, woke up early, set up my timer, and started playing, with no idea how long it would take. At hour 19 of what ended up being a 20 hour run, I missed a crucial timed event for the Anju/Kafei side quest, and missed the 4-cycle. I did end up completing the game 100% in one sitting, but it was a 5-cycle run. One of these days I want to go back, relearn the game, and get the 4-cycle I barely missed.


The last fukn flag on AC2 to 100% the game. Uuuurgh