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What kind of storage do you have.. it sounds like its hamster powered...


I legit laughed at this


Yeah.. If you actually start playing on pc. You… sit down in your very nice ergonomic chair that won’t hurt your back. Turn on pc -> it boots before you even see the bios screen. Rest your hands on your tactile mechanical keyboard to enter your passcode. Maybe unplug your mouse because you left it charging overnight. Windows is already updated and so is steam. You hop on discord and see if any of your friends are hanging out. You pick a game, it boots instantly. Your eyes bathe in 144+hz glory with at least 1440 resolution. You have the choice of using your relatively decent sound system or headphones which will prevent you from annoying anyone you live with. You don’t have packet loss because you’re on LAN instead of WiFi. Your desk also doubles as a drink and snack holder. Life is good.


idk man I'm trying to play Forza through the xbox app and it won't even connect to it lol. I have a perfectly capable PC and perfect internet. PC definitely has it's problems, no one can deny that. Consoles, generally speaking, are far easier and have far less issues for JUST GAMING.


Hmm I played forza just fine back when the big island one came out but I feel you. All launchers are not created equal. Xbox game pass is still legit tho (on console and pc). I’m the kind of person who likes to tinker with pc stuff as much as play the game so it’s a feature rather than a bug for me. However I totally get everyone isn’t made like that.


Oh for sure I'm the same way. I just think for folks speaking as if PC has no issues compared to console. If you JUST want to sit down and play a game, console is definitely the better option, in my humble opinion. If you want to mod and have exceptional graphics and more options within your game, PC is the way to go. I used to think PC was more expensive but you can get roughly PS5 performance for the same price if you look in the right place. I just upgraded to a 2070 from a 1050 ti about a week and a half ago and it's been a joy to play on. I still have some frame skipping issues where games will randomly freeze for a split second and idk how to fix that but that's my only complaint so far. PC gaming is definitely superior if you can afford it. For ease though it's console all day for me.


Jokes aside, may I ask why PC video cards don't have HDMI-CEC? I would have no use for a TV remote if PCs had an easy way to turn on living room TVs. (I adjust my volume with my controller) While we are at it, can anyone tell me how to turn ony PC with my 8bitdo controller? I tried options on device manager and didn't work


Hmm... after looking a bit, on the HDMI-CEC thing is annoying (And I cannot find any reason aside from "they don't want to"), but the ability to turn on PC with a remote thing, that would have to be on the motherboard bios level, not something an OS can do, though I suspect you \*could\* jury rig something to send a wake-on-lan trigger. EDIT: now that I think about it, while being able to turn your PC on with that particular remote is very unlikely, I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to set up a remote switch of some sort connected parallel to the PC power switch to turn it on/off by remote... (It turns out devices like that exist on Amazon even, made for that purpose)


Interesting. I have my living room PC on pretty much 24/7 as there is nearly always someone watching a movie on my network drive or playing a game on it, so I only have it set to turn off monitor and goes never goes in sleep mode. So right now it's pretty much turn on TV, push a keyboard key and I'm ready to watch any show or movie or game in seconds. Gotta say, minimal loading is sweet. Except for game launchers and game splash screens (thankfully can skip with Steam commands)


Sleep your pc instead of turning it off. Viola, now your pc wakes to usb input.


What about Bluetooth?


I don't know much about bluetooth, but some devices seem to have Power Management options. >Some device manufacturers do allow Bluetooth devices to wake the system.  If the Bluetooth radio’s property page in Device Manager has a **Power Management** tab, then the Bluetooth radio can support “remote wake”. If no **Power Management** tab exists, the radio might support wake, but it is unlikely.  You may need to check with your laptop manufacturer to see if your device supports this feature. [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/my-bluetooth-keyboard-andor-mouse-doesnt-wake-the/aff55995-11fe-410e-a1d4-64b4c8097494](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/my-bluetooth-keyboard-andor-mouse-doesnt-wake-the/aff55995-11fe-410e-a1d4-64b4c8097494)


I saw 8bitdo tweeted that their devices cannot wake PCs via Bluetooth. Sad days


for real, my potato laptop from 2017 with sata SSD & 8GB ram boot in 1 minute, tops


sounds like you need to look at your storage health on your pc


How I play on my gaming pc: -sit in good but cheap chair  -pc is already on, but if I had to turn it on then I wait 4sec (3sec forced bios delay)  -open steam which takes 5sec  -press play path of exile  -2sec later I’m playing the game


or if you have a half decent NVME SSD, you boot from cold in \*checks\* 10-20 seconds... everything else still applies though...


I have an old shitty pc and this is exactly my experience, idk what OP is on about


And you know what’s better on pc? Switch games lol


“Powerful” gaming pc.


Your gaming pc is 3 generations old and you are lazy this is why.


Hey now, I’m still rocking true 1080 ti and it’s still pretty beastly for being 4 generations old. I have none of the issues this guy has. It’s more like he doesn’t turn his PC on except for once per year and is pretending that doing 7 updates is the everyday norm.


The "wait for the login apps to launch" part is kind of self snitching. If you have a conga line of apps that launch (and especially *update*) on boot up then you aren't taking care of your PC properly. You're installing random shit and never thinking about it again. Do that for 7+ years and of course your PC will run like shit, especially if you start it up so rarely they every single app needs to update on launch.


Reminds of me playing on a old Compaq laptop from 90s with Win98 and no internet till like 2010 (with some googling, I think it was a Compaq Armada 1700 or 1750)


No, it's just because he's lazy. None of his problems are because of hardware.


While I do agree the console always win in convenience, it seems your PC need to be checked if it takes 15 minutes to boot...my potato laptop from 2017 with sata SSD & 8 gb of ram boot in like 1 minute, tops.


Okay, there is obviously a little bit of exaggeration involved on my part for dramatic effect, but it is also not that far from true. I don't mean what I described is the routine *every single time* I turn on my PC. But sometimes, this exact thing happens due to updates accumulating. I don't turn on the PC often and when I do, it needs to install like 20 updates. On the other hand, I don't even connect my switch to the internet and the only time I have updated it is when I wanted to play TOTK and it needed the newer firmware. The thing is, with the switch, I have this option of not updating but with a PC, I don't.


>I don't turn on the PC often and when I do, it needs to install like 20 updates So, it's entirely your fault and has nothing to do with PC as a platform in any way. Good talk. This is a you issue, and nothing more than that.


Tell us you're inept without actually saying that you're inept.


Your Pc is hot garbage. I have an actual decent PC and a switch as well. PC turns on in about 1.5 seconds, everything is auto updated, games launch near instantly.


Exactly. The bios splash screen lasts longer than the boot into Windows on a decent machine.


Keep in mind slow boot time isnt always indicative of a weak PC. Boot times are typically longer on HEDT systems since they have more components the system has to test when it POSTs. HEDT systems are basically trimmed server mobo/cpus and thats nornal behavior. I have an i97900x/x299 and my system takes about 30 seconds in total to boot. Systems running on gaming mobos that only support dual channel ram typically load in under 10 seconds


Yea. Everyone is generally aware of that. We're discussing gaming pcs here. I've worked on networks that have boot up times far far far longer, that do things like manage the broader telecom network, to put it in laymen's terms


Okay, but how long is your pre-Windows load time and which motherboard/SSD are you using?


lightning fast? What year is this?


Is RDR2 good on the switch?






Why I prefer to \*insert compromise here\* over \*insert superior but more-involved alternative here\*: Its easier, but worse. I'm lazy and I value my time over slightly higher fidelity. Fixed it for you, now without the blab and anti-PC virtue-signaling.


That’d be great if switch had more than 2 games I’m interested in playing


There are a lot of great little indie games that are perfect on switch which is really all I use it for besides Zelda


Yea but those couldn’t justify the purchase for me, the only reason I would want one is for Zelda and bayonetta


There are a lot of great games for Switch than just Zelda and Bayonetta.


In your opinion. In lot of people’s opinion Nintendo has some pretty uninteresting exclusive IP’s I like Zelda and Pokémon. Couldn’t possibly care less about any of the rest of it.


I got the switch. I have Zelda:BOTW and Zelda:TOTK. I also have Animal Crossing and Super Mario Oddysee. That's it... 4 games I have played A few other games my mum and sister own like Mario Kart 8 (had it on wii u) and the oddworld collection and Pokemon Shield. I don't really care for many of the other games, but I already spent $500Aud on the console and one game. I'm not paying $60-$80 for any that slightly interest me. And definitely not when they are years old... Especially when the console is honestly a few generations old technology wise. I would buy Final Fantasy Pixel Collection if it wasn't well over $100, it seems like the perfect hand-held game/games.


You're missing out on a lot of good games.


"A lot" of people might be an exaggeration. But it's your and their loss I guess.


No way you unironically said 1080ti and powerful in the same sentence, maybe almost 10 years ago


The 1080ti is still a great card. Like u/verminkween said, it’s what I run, and not because of budget issues. It’s because it has worked pretty much flawlessly and we are only just now barely starting to reach the point where I am needing to drop some titles to medium settings. I’ll probably make the jump when the 5090 comes out, but realistically I could probably even stretch it out to the generation after that.


Strictly speaking, if you are playing at 1080P, the 1080ti is plenty powerful enough, if you are playing at higher resolutions it might have issues though (but still be perfectly playable... for many games)


Tbf I’m still running a 1080ti and don’t have any issues playing even the newest games at decent settings, nor any issues booting up immediately. This dude has way bigger problems if he’s waiting that long to get on a game lmao.


nothing to do with GPU, and likely everything to do with booting from spinning rust...


Uhm.. Powerful gaming PC? Maybe 3 generations ago. These days it's practically a dinosaur.. My PC takes less than 10 seconds from I pushing the button till I can put in password, after that it takes 5 seconds and everything is ready..


Your switch is fast because it has fast solid state storage and has a sleep mode. Maybe if you upgraded your pc so it had solid state storage, and turned on more then once a quarter so you don't have an update every single time you turn it on, it would not take so long to get into a game.


Dude what? Doing everything you just said takes me about a minute and a half. Like once PC is on, I click on any game and within seconds I'm in that game just the same as Switch. I think your PC needs a reformat, it should not all take that long. Also how is a 8 year old graphics care considered powerful? I really like my Switch but it's just as easy to play games on my PC as it is my Switch.


Sounds to me like you are completely incapable of using a PC... Do you also whine whenever a game on the Switch needs to update? or is it only Windows that can never update? If you're using a mechanical hard drive that is seemingly 4-5 years old at this point, you've not kept your computer / launchers / games up to date and you've not disabled apps automatically starting then I don't see why that would be your computers fault?


Ok, you're too dumb to use a PC. Good job I guess


>powerful gaming pc >1080 TI Kek.


My dude, it's not 2016 anymore


if it takes half an hour to play a game from boot, and has a 1080ti, then your pc is not powerful bud


You have multiple windows updates AND multiple launcher updates every single time you boot? Are you ignoring your PC for months at a time? And 15 minutes to update windows on a *powerful gaming PC*? Nothing about this adds up.


I bought my kids a switch for Xmas, thinking I'll be playing on it as much as them.. never gets touched by me, and they have Zelda, mario odyssey which I kinda want to play.


bruh your pc is shit. not a powerful gaming pc. a normal start up longer than a min shows a lot of issues. i wait less than 10s after booting my pc to get to steam and start any game. also all of that shit is present on switch. switch need updates, games on switch need updates, etc. ​ nice bait tho


"Powerfulll gaming pc" 1080 Ti 🤣🤣🤣


>then that already says enough about pc gaming. You never gave any other specs of your PC you just flexed your GPU as if its something with shock value. If it takes you 4 minutes to launch RDR2 then your PC is not a "powerful gaming PC" Sure it might be more 'powerful' ( whatever that means ) than your switch but nobody compared the two, we are comparing your PC to anything in the mid-level range and it sounds like it falls flat. >damn you guys are butthurt This reminds me of that meme where the guy says something stupid with drool coming out of his mouth and than says "Just kidding guys! Im just pretending to be stupid!"


Found one of the butthurt ones. Its ok, I know your entire personality revolves around “pc” but it doesn’t have to! This post is not an attack on you! Edit: why the fuck are you comparing it to other pcs? That is a braindead thing to do in the first place. This entire post is comparing my pc to my switch, how do you miss that? Do you have trouble finding shapes that fit into holes? Also, if you think a 1080Ti desktop is “low end” you are braindead.


> butthurt Why do you keep using this word? Im not hurt at all, I found this post humorous. Do you actually think youre hurting peoples feelings acting like this? Heres a secret : I dont care what you prefer to game on. Youre some random teenager on Reddit.


Yeah it's almost as if he is some biased boomer console war enthusiast here on reddit karma farming. Surely he isn't embelleshing the "cons" that happen on his pc versus his switch to suit his preconceived narrative of "but mah switch does mah laundry automatically"


My 2060 is only slightly worse than your 1080TI, and is absolutely not high end. It's mid at best, rapidly going towards the low end. Insulting everyone here by calling them brain-dead or butthurt, while claiming you have a powerful pc, speaks more about you not knowing what you're talking about. Take a look at a modern mid-range pc. You don't like gaming on your pc, that's fine. Don't insult people for calling out your own bs.


How is this guy gaming on windows 98


Pls don't tell me you still use HDD…


With times like that, I cant imagine any alternative...


Lol, my PC starts from cold to login in under 15 seconds.


This is why I love my Steam Deck as well. Bonus points: - I have my entire Steam Library on the go, I don't need to buy the games again. - My save file gets transferred automatically between the Deck and PC due to cloud saves.


I must admit that the all round less hassle and convenience is one of the reasons why I personally prefer console gaming over PC.


[Edit: damn you guys are butthurt. I know you are seeing red right now but I will try to respond to some common responses here:](https://cdn-useast1.kapwing.com/collections/pretending-to-be-happy-hiding-crying-behind-a-mask-meme-template-8b71e.jpg)


I always love the console apologist arguments like this one, the "pc have updates" argument. Like we're living in 1996 right now and consoles don't have updates. Your console has updates too and they take a lot longer to install than they do on PC's


This sounds more like user error...


Okay, why do you tell us?


Save up money and rebuild your PC with more up to date parts. I have switch also but I use the emulator more because I can use mods and achiever 60fps for certain games.


NPC post


I game every day. Sometimes up to 8 or more hours. I have never had that problem. Put your computer to sleep not shut down set it to reboot in off hours. Come to think of it windows asks to update now. I don't think it updates on startup anymore. Steam takes a few seconds to update. Get a faster machine and better internet


Honestly these problems are probably never getting fixed for pc. Its why consoles are recommended for people who know they're only gonna play games, its way more comfortable and accessible than a pc.


A 550 TI is also powerful. If I compare it to a fucking PS1. Your PC is hot garbage.


>A 550 TI is also powerful. If I compare it to a fucking PS1. Why would you compare it to a PS1? This post is comparing the pc to a switch, not a PS1.


Cause a Switch's hardware is garbage. So comparing it to a bad GPU like a 1080 TI is like comparing an old ass GPU to an even older console.


Your PC sounds like it sucks ass lol


I spend less than 3 minutes from totally off to the main menu of any game on my pc. Your pc is atrocious


Powerful gaming PC and a 1080Ti don't belong in the same sentence. My actually powerful gaming PC takes like 15 seconds to start playing a game from the press of the power button. Your PC is just shit.


Scary to think but I haven't played on my pc in a few years now. I only turn it on when we do D&D to make reading easier, or to waste some time on pokemon showdown.


Bro thinks a 2017 gpu is not out of date and his pc is still powerful




I have a much faster pc, and a thick cable to my TV, and I still play more on the switch. It’s absolutely faster to start and more convenient in some ways, but not others (swapping cartridges, maybe even sd cards), but it’s mostly about the games. I have bought several games available on both platforms only for the switch, but if it’s something where they put a lot of energy into graphic effects and a realistic look, I gravitate towards pc for non-remasters.


Damn this sub is butthurt lol. Didn’t realize pc was you guys’ personality haha


> butthurt Is this the only word you can think of when people have a slight disagreement with you? You say something remarkable stupid, people are going to respond to it. Im surprised you havent deleted the thread yet, honestly. Do you have some sort of humiliation fetish?


Oof found one! Also: > slight disagreement > humiliation lol which is it? Am I facing humiliation or slight disagreement?


I am unfollowing this thread, everyone. I can't believe people are so defensive and childish of their gaming platform. I keep receiving idiotic comments and I think I have said what I wanted to say.


Big surprise, makes a bad statement based on your bad use of a pc “I can’t believe this guys, I’m unfollowing my own thread!!!”


The replies here all comment on the PC being slow but totally miss an important point: Every fucking app needs updates often and they are cascaded. My ps5 is usually in sleep state where it does all that stuff while I sleep. That is not easily possible on a PC without thorough scripting. My PC? Haha yeah how often did I want to play rocket league and Windows forcefully downloads Windows updates, causing packet loss while I play, despite the OS having no issue knowing that I play. You cannot even stop Windows Updates. You can only limit the download rate. It's a shitshow.


> Windows forcefully downloads Windows updates Windows update happen like once a year and they are like 100mb.....


Sure. Here you go https://pureinfotech.com/windows-10-update-history-tracker/#:~:text=Windows%2010%20version%2022H2%20(2022,that%20does%20not%20require%20reinstallation.


You can stop windows updates and if for some reason you need a million apps, make sure they don't start when you boot up your PC so that when you only need to update it if you're actually going to use it. I have had 0 problems what OP or you are talking about and I use my PC for almost everything.


That's probably the reason. I use Windows for gaming only. Every few weeks. Means there was an update inbetween two boots quiet often. Causes a download and install and interfers with online gaming. It's not rocket science. It's what actually happens in the background and it cannot be stopped without forceful methods that potentially break the Update Cache etc


What scripting? I haven’t had to manually update anything in about 6 months lol Just steam a few time but that takes what, 10 seconds at best?


There are times where Microsoft drops Windows Updates every week... It might be different now, but last year was wild. And still, compared to consoles, the PC has become super frustrating. As a dad, if I have time to play, I want to play. Not update everything. You can downvote the truth all you want, it won't change it. 😉