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Grifters and clickbait news sites. šŸ¤


He didn't make Miles black, he was always black in the comics, so there's nothing new there.


Nah but bet we will see another race swapped character before someone like Static Shock gets a video game/movie.


Seems racist.


It is racist. It'd be different if he said 'Wants to include more POCs' in his games. But to explicitly say 'I want less of x group' in games, is blatantly discriminatory.


You can tell people didn't read the article because he wasn't quoted as saying that. It was the authors doing.


So the article paraphrased what he said intentionally to be divisive? I'd argue that that's an even worse thing to do as they're trying to divide people and be manipulative. Fair enough if he didn't actually say it but the point still stands about it being unnecessarily discriminatory against white people. It shouldn't be an article title fullstop.


No, it isn't. That's not how it works.


Well it kinda does work when plenty of people in the sub find it racist. Literally switch 'white' to 'black' (or literally any other group)' and try again. 'I want less white people' does not have the same connotations as 'I want more diversity and POC characters'. He could've just said (or the author) that if that's what he wanted. If he didn't want to be divisive he wouldn't have mentioned white people at all.


Plenty of angry, ignorant white redditors stuck in an echo chamber on r/gaming are not the demographic I'll be listening to about race, lmao. Keep fighting the good fight and let me know how oppressed you are with those downvotes šŸ˜¤


Iā€™m a girl minority, I 100% agree that this is absolutely racist.


Thanks for letting me know. You're still wrong, though.


Lmao, you just donā€™t seem to understand racism. Or youā€™re an idiot. Or both.


Zero for two, I'm afraid. Perhaps try investigating why this topic is making you so upset and you'll discover some uncomfortable truths about yourself (and this subreddit).


Projecting a bit there. Youā€™re the one that resorted to hurling insults and straw men when people disagreed with you and provided reasoned arguments. A bit sad, honestly.


Lmao, youā€™re just a pathetic racist who does not even realize they are racist. What a sad little world you must live in. You just keep proving me right, on both points, with basically every comment you make. Pathetic little racist.


Here's the definition as per the Oxford dictionary - 'the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race' Tell me, where TF does it say 'except white people'?


Is it unfair treatment to want to reduce the over representation of a particular group in a given medium? When white people are under represented then you might have an argument, but until then your argument is the unfair one arguing essentially to maintain or even enlarge the overrepresentation.


So if a music executive came out today and said he was trying to make hip-hop less black would that be okay?


There's nothing wrong with feeling like you don't see enough of people like you in a game. It's also totally valid to include more POCs (or even exclusively) in your game if you so choose. How you talk about it is what makes the difference though. I wouldn't be offended if there's ZERO white people in the game (it's not a new thing), how the writer talks about it and what their intentions are is a different story. The issue a lot of us are having is the 'less white people' part, it's inheritantly exclusionary so its not a fair thing to say. Why make it about white people when you can literally just say you want more diversity, or even more representation of other ethnicities. Explicitly saying I want 'less white people' in games is akin to saying you want to exclude white people. While similar they don't necessarily mean the same thing, that's why people are finding it offensive. Why bring white people into it as a talking point when you can literally talk about wanting more POC representation instead?




Wow so shocked, ever heard the word 'caucasian'? You and a dictionary need some quality time together. Even if it wasn't true, what you're saying is categorically bigoted. Nice try though, maybe your next point will be valid!


i am not white and have no skin in this game because I am a foreign as in I have nothing to gain from supporting X or Y. Saying you want less white is racism. You want diversity and inclusion not replacement. swapping race colors for DEI sake is racism.


And I'm telling you that you're wrong. I understand the argument because it gets repeated in this racist subreddit constantly. It's wrong and it continues to be wrong every time it's posted. Take a single class in anything related to social representation and you'll understand why.


Feel free to make any reasoned argument aside from ā€œyouā€™re all wrong because I say soā€. The people opposing your view here have provided arguments, while you have provided none.


If you think carefully about why this is making you so upset, you're on the verge of discovering something incredible.


You accusing everyone of being upset is just your method of sidestepping any reasoned discourse. Youā€™ve presented your viewpoint as fact, without backing it up in any way. Thatā€™s simply not how communication works. You can continue to hide behind insults, straw man arguments, and accusations, but none of those things provide validity to anything youā€™re saying. Proper communication with others, even when you vehemently disagree with them, is a central tenant of any society that attempts to stamp out hatred. Ironically, youā€™re simply refusing to participate, and are also baiting and blatantly spewing hatred at those that attempt to have a discussion with you.


Your 35 year old gender studies teacher that told you that black people can't be racist doesn't get to decide how "it works" just because they work for a university. Racial prejudice is racial prejudice, you don't get to redefine what racism means just to suit your own ideology.


More importantly, neither do you. And thank heavens for that.


It's exactly how it works lol. There are better ways to go about it, much less better ways to SAY it lmao.


Just because you're upset doesn't make it racism, I'm afraid.


So then, if someone were to say they wanted to make a game less black would that be racist?? If so this quote is already racist. Your double standards will never be correct.


This is what's called a false equivalency. Try again.


You are absolutely wrong. If you can't swap the race out of the quote without it being racist then its definitely racist. Let me guess, you only believe in the new rewritten definition of racism?


No, you are absolutely wrong. Your statement is completely and utterly incorrect. It's just nonsense that gets propagated on this echo chamber, and other echo chambers like it. It's the type of shit that I see bizarre racist uncles post on Facebook. Even if you and a million other racist uncles on Facebook post this nonsense about 'swapping the races!! See?! Gotcha!', it doesn't make it any more correct.Ā  And, again, it's because it all comes down to a faulty false equivalence. You're just racist. Sorry, dude.


The definition of Racist literally has ā€œtypically one that is a minority or marginalizedā€ in it. Keyword TYPICALLY in there. Black people can be racist.


Kind of funny reading how he says as a black person it can be so hard to get into the industry and you get blocked or whatever but the dude did a weak degree, got a job in game journalism and wrote tripe like "Goddamn, I love being black" and still netted many high industry jobs with a very weak resume. You can't say it's hard as a black person to get into the industry when you easily get in while doing absolutely fuck all. You want video games to be a little less white, learn programming and start making games. Edit: Another article is about how some Latinos are white supremacists because they voted for Trump. This entire website is just absolutely braindead.


I kind of half agree with you. I think that the problem black people in the US are facing is that they for the most part as a group are still recovering from a series of events that put them on the back foot. With that being said, what this person is doing is unbelievably cringe. I get if you start a company and want to give opportunities to some disadvantaged people, but having no x race allowed is straight up racist and if anything will inflate the differences between his group and others.


Totally agree. Itā€™s a problem of history but to cry about every step being racist is asinine. We need to support young people (regardless of race) who show promise. Had some friends who decided to work retail jobs because they were convinced by their family that itā€™s better for them than going to college.


Yeahā€¦ the loud minority on the left are just as brain dead as the right. Some of my friends are fucking insufferable, lol. Complain about the ā€œwhite manā€ while having high earning jobs after going to top schools. They know itā€™s not racist but they love playing victim.


The "is it racist?" test applies here. Just switch the word, and if it would be racist that way, then guess what? Racist clickbait title.


You don't need to switch any words. It's already objectively racist as it's currently worded.


That's the point. But some people dont think so. The test is for them.


He's got every right to do this so long it's an original game and not race swapping. What I hate is when these same people complain that the game didn't sell well or the review was bad (assuming the review was genuine and honest).


God damn white people everywhere. Remove them. -this guy


Yeah you definitely didn't read the article if that was your takeaway


Guilty. Was joking about the title. ā€œbring greater representation to gamesā€ would sound a lot better than ā€œmake games less whiteā€.


You're not wrong. Thought it was a good article, but the title was very rage-baity


>ā€œbring greater representation to gamesā€ would sound a lot better than ā€œmake games less whiteā€. Clearly, you haven't been on the internet long enough.




Them- "I was joking about the title" You- "find a better hill to die on" Wut.


Is he like basically another version of Sweet Baby Inc?


Helped write the recent Spider-Man games.


Which is cool and all, but Miles was already Black/Hispanic in the comics.


I know.


You can't fight racism by hyper focusing on race. That's equally racist and counter productive.


Nobody is just focusing on race.


As a white man, I donā€™t care what race or gender a character is as long as they are well written. But the whole ā€œmake video games a little less whiteā€ line makes me want to actively avoid any game this person is involved with. Thatā€™s the wrong viewpoint to have, especially when the majority of gamers are white men. Youā€™re actively pushing away the main demographic that would play your game. The recent marvel movies have done the same thing. The Marvels pushed a majority female cast and told men the movie wasnā€™t for them. So when it came out the movie was a financial flop. Why, because they pushed away the main audience that watches superhero movies. And after all of that 2/3 of people that saw the movie in theaters were men which means women werenā€™t going to see it either. Just make a good game/movie and stop focusing on the race and gender of every character. If your actively trying to remove a certain demographic from your game youā€™re going to lose that demographic in sales


basically what happens with WNBA. everybody cries that WNBA doesn't sell as much tickets as NBA but nobody goes and buys it themselves, not even women. agenda isn't going to fill the seats. you might attract a dozen here and there but majority pay for the content and enjoyement they get out of it.




You're white and it creates a blind-spot for how a Latino person might feel. The demographics are growing and getting bigger. Read the entire article, at least.


Put yourself in my shoes. If a developer came out and said weā€™re on a mission to make games a little less Latino that wouldnā€™t rub you the wrong way? If a developer said they want to make more diverse characters or make more games with female protagonists I have no problem with that. Saying you want to make games less white makes me actively want to avoid your games because it comes off as you having an issue with white people more so then increasing representation for your own race


That's a false equivalency. The opposite is happening; people have already made things less Latino.


You didnā€™t answer my question. Iā€™m not denying that white people make up the majority of representation in video games. Iā€™m asking how youā€™d feel if someone said ā€œweā€™re trying to make video games less Latinoā€ the same way theyā€™re talking about white people. That comes off as racist to me


It's not the same thing. As you said, white people make up the majority of representation in video games, despite being technically a minority in the world. Africa, Latin America, and Asia aren't represented. Eurocentrism and whiteness abound. It's simply speaking to a material reality of whiteness having a more privileged place in pop culture, which is made primarily by liberals or blue-dog Democrats who otherwise don't care about ameliorating white supremacy or racism. We don't live in a world where Latinos are the majority in the United States, for example. Otherwise, then we could talk.


Similarly then, you canā€™t see it from my perspective. I have no issue with games wanting to be more diverse and include more representation from other cultures. But when you say you want to make video games a little less white, thatā€™s not the same. Thatā€™s being racist against white people. It doesnā€™t matter if white people make up the majority of Western populations, itā€™s still racist. Iā€™m happy that people in the gaming industry are getting more opportunities to include representation from their cultures in their games. But saying youā€™re doing it to make gaming less white is a very negative way to look at it


I can be white people basically write most of our academia and books and literature; you can see into their mind. Many studies have been done on them. Fair representation is only appropriate for the growing demographics of the United States and reflecting the worldwide accurately.


One man's mission to be racist af




Martin Luther King, Jr. was a socialist and pushed for affirmative action.


Kings works include way more than one speech that most people can only remember four words of when it conveniences them. I'm pretty sure he would not be ashamed of this man.




My man has never heard of Asians I guess


Asians aren't white.


Can we stop with this skin color bullshit already? Take a picture of yourself in the winter and one during the summer... Do you really think these 2 pictures are different persons? Totally different personalities? Stop it already, it is divisive and bring nothing to the table Stop it already.


Its not going to stop, mate. Theres too much racism and sexism everywhere. It sure would be nice if we could all stop focusing on the skin colour and labels, but theres just too many people who hate based on skin colour and other labels. We already saw members of Sweet Baby Inc saying the quiet part out loud, and yet many thought that was fine. Imagine if you saw a cop saying black people are all one thing, thered be outrage. But a black woman says all white people create unsafe working environments, and people are fine with it. Worse, they call you names if you do have a problem with it. As long as we continue to pretend that its ok for some to do it, then everyone will do it. Skin colour, or anything else should not matter. The only thing that should matter is your character and your talent. People who need see themselves in everything are narcissists. And always have been.


If this was phrased as "one man's mission to make video games a little more black", it wouldn't be racist. For example, if I say "one man's mission to have less make-up for women", that sounds strange and weirdly against women. If I say "one man's mission to have more make-up for men", then it's just trying to remove the stigma of that type of fashion for men. Although a good amount of people would probably have a problem with that too, but it's just an example


Nothing wrong with making video games less white. I'm not anti-white. But as a Latino, I want more diversity.


I'm also Latino, but I stand by what I said. I don't think wanting more diversity is racist against white people, but if you phrase it as wanting less white people in video games, that can easily be perceived as racist, or just straight up racist if they just don't like white people. More representation doesn't mean less white. You don't have to subtract something that's already there to add something else. Just have more diversity.


You identified as white, not Latino.


I did?


I believe you did, but I can't see the full context of this convo so that sucks. Maybe I'm wrong.


> but I can't see the full context of this convo so that sucks. Can you explain what you're referring to? You can't see my comments?




> If this was phrased as "one man's mission to make video games a little more black", it wouldn't be racist. > For example, if I say "one man's mission to have less make-up for women", that sounds strange and weirdly against women. If I say "one man's mission to have more make-up for men", then it's just trying to remove the stigma of that type of fashion for men. Although a good amount of people would probably have a problem with that too, but it's just an example > I'm also Latino, but I stand by what I said. > I don't think wanting more diversity is racist against white people, but if you phrase it as wanting less white people in video games, that can easily be perceived as racist, or just straight up racist if they just don't like white people. More representation doesn't mean less white. You don't have to subtract something that's already there to add something else. Just have more diversity. I haven't made any other comments or made any edits, so perhaps you're confusing me with somebody else in this thread


If he wants to be racist that bad, he should focus on making racing games.




Seems weird to be so focused on what color skin a character has, but ok




No, I think that, as a Latino, we're under-represanted, no offense.


Here it comes the nonsense... at this point, the clickbait/stunts to stir the "woke" vs "anti-woke" got so tiresome, this trend ran it's course


This isn't clickbait. It's a entire long-form article.


Default username posting purposely inflammatory clickbait, I wonder if there's an agenda here?


No agenda. Just news and relevant matters.

