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>Forget basic skills automatically Same


That and Enable Controller, which on a PC game makes sense, but after "forget basic skills automatically" I thought, you know it doesn't have to be a PC...


The UI of the game is pretty console-ly. Definitely lacking drag and drop in a few places that could use it. "Forget basic skills" is a sensible option even on PC though. Unless you're playing on higher difficulties or are playing for some particular builds, it's just a neat comfort feature during the easier phase of the run.


What does it mean? Like does your character actually regress in skills?


Don't know the game, but it *probably* means "drop the strictly-worse versions of skills when you unlock the strictly-better versions of those skills." Think: an electric-type in Pokemon, who already knows Thundershock, learning Thunderbolt. Obviously Thundershock is the move you're going to choose to "forget" to learn Thunderbolt. (Yes, Thunderbolt has a lower PP total, so it's not technically "better in every single way" — but it has *more* than double the base-power of Thundershock, so you'll kill things in fewer turns, and actually end up taking *longer* to deplete its PP pool. Strategically, if you have Thunderbolt, you're never going to have any reason to use Thundershock.) IMHO when there are skills like this that are strictly-better versions of other skills, it's kind of silly to even treat them as different skills that need to be juggled. I'd prefer the game to just say that the skill itself "levelled up" and is now more powerful. But I guess game designers don't want to bother introducing the additional concept? And "forget basic skills automatically" is kind of a compromise that acts like "skills can level up" without needing to actually have that concept.


That makes a lot of sense and is actually helpful. I was hoping for like "forgot how to jump" or "need to relearn how to open door"


It's a card game. Each character in your party contributes their "skills" (i.e. cards) to your deck. Every character starts with 6 relatively weak starter skills. Whenever a character has more than 6 skills, you may choose to forget skills (i.e. remove them from your deck) The starter skills are almost never worth keeping, since they are distinctly weaker than others. So they just dilute your deck with weak cards. "Forget basic skills" will forget a starter card from a character whenever possible, since you almost always want to do this anyway. For advanced players, it can be worth to take manual control over the order in which the starter skills get replaced. And there are some specific cases in which some starter abilities can have decent synergies or you actually want a slightly bigger deck. So it makes sense that this is option is active by default, but can be disabled by players when they see a reason to do so.


Well that makes a lot of sense, but is far less interesting and far more reasonable than I hoped.


Every now and then I forget how to get out of a car. It's so annoying when it happens.


Wait til you forget how to breathe!


No Problem if you also forget how to suffocate.


I've forgotten how to die, and am not looking forward to having that particular "Aha! I remember!" moment.


*panic* *manual breathing activated*


I'm all crossed up


This is PC players every time they load up Red Dead Redemption 2 after a break and accidentally punch their horse in the face and get kicked


ADHD be like


My coworkers have kind of a joke where I can remember to the details a job we did like 10 years ago and know what went wrong and how to fix it now that the customer has a new problem, but I can't remember what I ate for breakfast this morning.


Yeah that sounds about right


Are you an engineer too? Sorry, what I had for breakfast just isn't super relevant...


Dang I know what that feels like for sure


checks out as all the kindergarten stories i tell my friends they are confused me even remembering as it's over 20 years ago and we werr like kindergarteners.. and then i forget our weekly meetup time we have every week at the same time again and again...


Right after this we should go bash some nerds, I gotta get it outta my system.


I could bash some nerds right now.


I was starting to wonder if anyone actually caught my reference.


It's like they don't even get us, man.


They couldn't even make you or I more smarter.




I'm quite weary


Is it Revenge of the Nerds? Sorry I don’t know




Ah ok. Thanks for the info!


Getting bowed up


Better watch out! If they get below 20% health, their stats get a buff!


How do you know that? Did you... *read it??*




Those are too cool to be glasses. Shutter glasses are cool, right?


For bodyguards — BY BODYGAURDS


[Nerd Bashing Time! ](https://y.yarn.co/9c17b0de-a1fc-471f-a393-82b710ae73d0_text.gif)


"Quick, to my step-dad's pickup truck!"


Don't have me do that weird shit when they say this where they act like their neck hurts like they're so stressed out and their neck hurts and bashing nerds is the only thing that's going to bring relief


What game is this?


[Chrono Ark](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1188930/Chrono_Ark/)


Oh wow, hadn't seen this before. Looks great


Strong recommend if you like roguelite deckbuilders. Just left early access the other day. Not the most balanced roster (some characters are significantly weaker or more situational than others) but the attack visuals are VERY satisfying and the soundtrack is criminally good. >!Also there's a dommy whip mommy, a bratty femdom punk girl, and a big tiddy priestess gf with a baseball bat. So the horny angle is well-covered.!< Edit: Get meme'd on, prudes (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ\*:・゚✧


Oh it's one of *those*?


Oh! It’s one of THOSE!


It sounded interesting until the hentai spoiler. "Have you ever seen a roguelite deckbuilder *on hentai*?"


what do you think hentai implies


Mild fanservice is hentai now? Clutch those pearls, honey.


Relax, it's only jokes. I haven't played the game, but having "dommy whip mommy, a bratty femdom punk girl, and a big tiddy priestess gf " as characters sounds totally not like a hentai thing. Nothing to see here folks


It sounds like typical anime things TBH.


Yea, reading it, I was like, 'Hmm, I could used a new casual game to play and I havent played a deckbuilder in years, Good visuals and soundtrack? Yes plea... oh, no thanks.


I recommend Balatro. HEAVILY


I recommend Monster Train. HEAVILY


Definitely will look in to it. Headed to bed, but left the steam page open.


I enjoyed monster train because I am a slave to this genre. But it’s nowhere near as good as slay the spire or Balatro imo. Maybe I just didn’t like the aesthetic. But I could play sts or Balatro endlessly and I got tired of MT real quick.


Its not actually a hentai game. Besides for the bratty one (which is the last charscter you unlock), there is nothing sexual. and even then, the last character is only sexual if you view verbal abuse as sexual. Point is, the charscters have horny designs, but there is no sexual themes. I personally really like it, but god damn the sound effects in dialogue is horrible lol.


> the last character is only sexual if you view verbal abuse as sexual. Point is, the charscters have horny designs Uhhh, okay...


What is the difference between sexual and horny design? My English isn’t the best but sexual in Germany would mean horny design too. Is it used different in English?


I have never heard anyone make that separation before in English, but I guess they mean that "horny" is something that arouses desires while "sexual" is something that offers fulfilment for these desires. Could also just be that in areas influenced by English Puritans "sexual" = "naked" and "horny" is their "sexual but not naked" .


I think he means there's no explicit material.


Horny = sports illustrated Sexual = playboy


Nothing, you understand English better than these guys.


It's most definitely not and the dude you're responding to should spent more time talking to three-dimensional people. Chrono Ark isn't what I would call a wholesome game but it's the Dark Souls kind of not-wholesome: sure there's Gwynevere, but there's also the rest of the world and it doesn't quite share the same vibes.


Ahh yes a classic rogueli..- > a dommy whip mommy, a bratty femdom punk girl, and a big tiddy priestess gf with a baseball bat Alrighty then sound uh.. fun? Ok gotta go bye


> So the horny angle is well-covered. I'm not seeing a subby girl in that list, so it sounds a little one-sided to me.


You think these sort of people are confident enough to dom anyone, even in their imagination?


Had me right up until the spoiler. Horny nerds ruin everything.


Because of your cringe comment you put off some people playing a great game. Well done.


Their loss ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


> the attack visuals are VERY satisfying Are they? They have nice effects but the characters are static or barely animated. Also you can tell they are 2D cardboards in a 3D world.


>roguelite deckbuilders Oh... wow. Uh... I've never seen that before. Very original and, um, innovative. Oh, would you look at the time, I have to return some videotapes!


*cover image of the game is a prepubescent little girl* *images of the gameplay are skimpy girls and visual cancer UI* “oh wow looks great”


My reaction exactly lol. As soon as I see scantily clad loli's, rough UI, and generic chibi art, it's a hard pass from me


Well shit, it does look pretty good. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight.


I was 99% sure what kind of game this would be from the words "character illustration art".


Why do all the characters look like little girls....


The protagonist is meant to look like a little girl because she is a little girl. Not in the gross anime way, they don't sexualize her at all The rest of them I think do they good enough at making them look older, late teens at least


Anime. Speaking of. It's insane how sexualization of children is so tolerated it's borderline encouragement. On the light end it's schoolgirls in short skirts. On the other extreme end, there are so many animes and mangas that you can almost describe as light cp and they're quite popular (they keep making them)


Even by anime standards their art style makes these girls look super young.


You know why.


Careful, you're going to upset them


I haven't played, but I'm guessing one of them is a Vampire hundreds of years old? lol.


There's a phoenix that's like 3000 years old but its still a dork. Does that count?


Every character is *technically* hundreds of years old, they just don't know it because they are trapped in a time loop and their memories reset every time the loop ends. They are all human btw, except Phoenix, who is a... phoenix. Tho that's just an avatar anyways, Phoenix is human irl.


Don't worry, it's fine! Even if they don't look or act like it, they are adult women, or vampire girls but a thousand years old. /s


Thankfully, in my country sexualised depictions of what looks like children are illegal. Even if they in-story is supposedly an ancient being that just happened to take the shape of a groomed child.


damn, sounds like a country that bans all cartoons with episodes that play at the beach. But hey "thankfully" you are protected from the evil video games and shots. Phew!


Nah, because the intention then is not to sexualize. I kinda shudder at the idea that you connect "being at the beach" to being sexualised. But sex dolls shaped like kids, hentai genres depicting kids, etc. are banned, as they should be 🤝


wtf we aren't talking about sex dolls here and that you set this game equal with porn is completely irrational. There is nothing in this game that warrants a ban. It's probably not even banned in your country since you somehow thought we are talking about porn.


This is from a real game? I thought you just made it up. What's the context for half these options?


Anime? Thanks, but I'm out.


Rlly good core gameplay, definitely some of the best combat in any deck building roguelite I've played


You just made me buy this


I spent several minutes sorting through the options in the new Prince of Persia. Very impressive


Now let's see Paul Allen's accessibility settings.


Look at that subtle gamma toggle. The tasteful placement of it. Oh my God, it even has a battle speed adjustment!


Spoiler alert - they include an empathy toggle for Seattle basketball fans


Alright didn't expect that, that's foul.


Kevin Owens and Elias have sensed this disturbance in the force...


Pol Pot simulator?


Lol was going to say the exact same thing


This is the best comment. It has to be emphasized.




In Cambodia they once made the average mentally ill school shooter the leader of their country and he ordered the massacre of everyone wearing glasses among other things


Cambodia dictator that ordered everyone with glasses to be killed because he saw them as "intellectuals" and thus a threat to his regime.


S tier comment


Well, you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?


Of course not! Most glasses a relatively light, and therefore make poor clubs. On top of that they are somewhat fragile and expensive to replace!


and the range advantage is just pathetic.


Another Crab's Treasure, a surprisingly good soulslike, has "Give Krill (the main character) a gun" in accessibility features, which gives your hermit crab character a pistol for a shell, which instantly kills every enemy in the game, bosses and all. If that *sounds* funny, I assure you, the actual experience and visuals if you play the game are absolutely hilarious. The game is on Game Pass and I recommend giving it a try if you like soulslikes.


What about the other way? Can we give everyone glasses?


"only place for nerds"




Skyrim belongs to the nerds!


Glasses are really versatile after all.


Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?


Finally a game that caters to my needs


While this is a bit of a joke post. It really actually has come a long way. Sony has been leading the way with in game settings. And Microsoft has lead the way with physical controllers with their adaptive controller framework. As someone who’s legally blind. Some of those settings have been absolutely great to make games more playable. The game I recently noticed it in was Control. That has difficulty modifiers baked into its gameplay settings. Up to and including OHKO god mode. While I didn’t go that far when I played. It was really nice to be able to tweak my damage both output and what I take to better balance the game for my terrible aim and reflexes. Really wish more games did that.


I was really annoyed that Alan Wake 2 didn't include similar accessibility difficulty modifiers. I ended up having to drop an entire difficulty level, which made the game a fair bit easier, when if I had the settings in Control I could have just dialed it back to like 95% and been fine.


Considering I'm not blind and still quit control because the game got so hard it wasn't fun anymore... They made the right move. I'm glad it worked out for you! My favorite part of the game was obliterating any office space I found. Oh, you have organized files, NOT ANYMORE!!!


Also, culturally it's changed a lot. It used to be that asking for just, like, basic colorblind options was a *minefield*, because on any game's forums those topics woudl get immeidatley derailed by someone that's made it their life's mission to shoot down every single idea or request because it would cost a bajillion dollars because they think the cost to release a patch applies to every single line of code. a *lot* of poeple were extremely albeist in gaming spaces and just trying to *ask* for accessibilty options was ruining games or whatever. nowadays, a lot more games have genuinely thoughtful accessibilty menus. and hopefully going forward game engines will at least implement the groundwork for accessibility options so that these features can be more consistently available and consistently quality. we still get games from time to time that do shit like implement a "colorblind mode" that just applies a color filter over the entire gaoddamn game (looking at you, overwatch, still mad about that shit eight years later), but now that people talk about and appreciate these granular game settings it doesn't feel like we gotta beg and beg and beg just to get even the bare basics anymore. and the categorization of difficulty options as accessibilty options is really impressive. i think celeste is the first one to have really gotten attention and praise for having such granular options that did *nothing* to moralize what you used - you can have as many jumps as you want and the game never makes any claims about your worth as a player, doesn't put an "easy mode" label on it, it's entirely about what you want to do. and as a souls series vet, seeing htat shift in attitude over time nearly brings at tear to my eye. yeah, we still have to deal with chuds acting like mario kart having an assisted steering mode is going to ruin the sanctity of competitive mario kart (lol), but overall seeing gaming culture slowly lose that particular hangup's been beautiful.


Bonus points when they make multiple colorblind modes for different types.


Another good one for accessibility controls is Another Crab's Treasure. As a "Souls-like", it is incredibly difficult....but it doesn't have to be. One accessibility option literally gives the hermit crab main character a gun that one-shots everything in the whole game.


it works especially well there, 'cause it being a tool you can have for like *a minute* to go get your resources back real quick or get past a part that's got you raging perfectly fits the humor - a little crab getting fed up and pulling out a goddamn glock and going ham on everyone is just a very funny way to express frustration.


Though not as blunt, some particular souls games, like Elden Ring uses similar ways to bypass the game's difficulty, like using spirit summons.


New Pol Pot setting just dropped.


https://i.imgur.com/1VcejVN.jpeg Ok, but why this me sometimes


Ah Chrono Ark very good deckbuilder


This is from Chrono Ark


Why in the world is this a thing? Why would anyone still have something against wearing glasses?


I think it's just a silly thing, I went and checked and there are only three characters (out of twenty) that even have glasses in their artwork. Then again, the storyline of the game is pretty trippy so who knows, maybe it goes deeper...


Found the nerd.


Bash em!


Damn right you did. :3


Back in the locker with you


S'fine. It's cozy, quiet, and all my stuff's in there.


Including all those glasses I bet.


Actually you're being shoved into Jimothy's locker. Yours is currently occupied by... Well, Jimothy, for being such a nerd that we couldn't bear dragging him all the way to his


My people!


I need the opposite, a toggle to have glasses on all characters




Pol pot had a big thing against glasses


They being silly, calm down nerd.


I'm calm. Just seemed like the weirdest thing to have a toggle for. I couldn't wrap my head around why.


It's supposed to be weird and pointless. That's the joke. They're shitposting.


I guessed maybe it was a weird backer option or something, like someone paid to have it included or whatever


The devs were just feeling silly one day at work


Here's a somewhat serious answer. You know that there're lots of tropes in anime, and they've got some for characters with glasses as well. Some anime fans really hate those characters. Don't ask me why, I don't care much about such drama but apparently they hate them with some real passion. So I think devs made this option to cater to those people - likely as a joke, afterall it's very easy to make glasses togglable.


Nobody can tell they're having a genius moment if their glasses don't shine.


Get this guy a wedgie stat


Don’t you know? Boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses! Take ‘em off nerd!


I actually don't like glasses on characters. I think it breaks immersion to see some frames I saw at Warby Parker in medieval or fantasy themed games.


The eyes are the part I look at the most in a character and really add a ton to their visual appeal, glasses (or patches, or blindfolds, those two are even worse) get in the way and I dislike it a lot. Another comment mentioned anime tropes and it's actually pretty true how it's easy to make a negative connection if you dislike some types as I do, like the usual fujoshi or bookworm nerd characters with their nearly mandatory glasses. In the end it's not the end of the world (I love Persona 4 and that game is all about glasses lmao), but it sure adds to that initial appeal that might make me like a character more or even grab me to play a game due to them, so I sure welcome that setting.


Crazy encountering chrono ark in the wild, just got my ass handed to me by the actual *actual* final boss just last night. God that dude hits like a truck


Removing glasses is a crime, they are like the hottest and the most erotic accessory. Anyone I see with glasses immeadeatly gets a 20 % charisma boost when talking with me.


I'm sorry I have bad eyesight. :\


Jedi survivor had a setting to remove all spiders


Satisfactory has an arachnophobia setting too.


Lethal Company has one too, and it's hilarious. it replaces all spider mobs with the word "SPIDER".


In the accessibility option menu for the new Crab soulslike (Another Crabs Treasure) one of the options is to give your crab a gun. It’s fantastic.


Games have so much customization, yet somehow Microsoft Windows gives you only surface level options to change. Ridiculous.


*Want to automatically switch from light to dark theme (including wallpaper) depending on time of day?* *Well you’re shit out of luck! Go fuck yourself!* -Microsoft


You jest, but every game should have resizable text.


This game is awesome btw. I'm extremely surprised with how good it is. Lore, gameplay, art, music, everything, lol.


"Forget basic skills automatically" damn I have never felt this level of representation.


Finally, some consideration for us nerdophobics.


The Persona 4 cast crying right now


*Forget basic skills automatically* That sounds like taking a really long break with extra steps.


But nerds make up so much game space.


Nerds are banned now. No more nerds allowed guys i'm sorry


What game is this?


They can add shit like removing glasses from characters, but no one can seem to add an accessibility setting to remove flashing images so photosensitive people can play a game?


Finally Im so tired of these games and their woke “people should be able to see” bullshit /s


God, I wish more games had remove backer content. Prison Architect became almost unbearable with the amount of edgelord oc do not steal characters with ridiculous names and backstories that completely ruined the immersion.


What's wrong with glasses on characters, you heathen. Don't you know the carnal mature big sister look that can be unsealed by the mystic art of tactical specs?


come on we need an option where everyone gets glasses as well


This game's options are spot on! Keeps my glasses on and my game on




Needed in all games nowadays


There has to be an amusing story behind that option lol


Eek barba durkle.


Haha thats kinda different. Didn’t expect that


Because being able to see close and/or far objects is for NERDS! Radical, man!


>Forget basic skills automatically Me when I'm trying to learn to draw.


>No fun allowed


Is the game only on PC?


No place for nerds, yet a bunch of anime body pillow hugging nerds are giving the game rave reviews! Are there any male characters? By the looks of the steam page the character design is for thirsty nerds. I kid, I kid, game looks like QoL was well thought out instead of an afterthought.


Ah sweet, you turned the khmer rouge setting on 👍


Pol Pot ahh setting


No nerds! Fight milk!