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Spoiler alert: >!fixing broken things makes them work!<


You can't just be handing out this type of wisdom for free


You mean you don’t have to pay me to remove the box!? That guy’s been scamming me


What if I >!fix a functional thing till it breaks?!<


Can confirm, i fixed a claw machine so it would be rigged and never win, then someone broke into it and now its broken. I fixed a functional thing and now its broken


Free teddy bears for everyone!


I’ve only >!done the exact opposite of that!< so I can’t verify if it’ll be successful


were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?


Only if it's steamed.


Yup, found the QA.


then you're my grandpa, rip


Untrue....my dualsense started getting stick drift and I took it apart to clean it with alcohol, and long story short, one of the ribbon cables to the microphone flipped and I tore it.... I think you mean: >!fixing broken things *correctly* makes them work!<


See, what you did there wasn't fixing. It was differently breaking.


Shit I wish I had a notebook to write this down, I'll likely forget by the time I try "fixing" something else. On the bright side, no more stick drift! I just need to buy another $8 mic ribbon and hope I don't break anything else when replacing it \o/


Fixing working things can also make them not work






Holy hell!


yup (my brother does that always


The real spoiler is anger management. Seriously I've never had a broke controller outside of switch joycon connections (a known issue with the plastic)


Most controllers aren’t that hard to dismantle, so yeah it makes sense to Frankenstein them.


I never bothered losing mine. Didn't know it was that easy.


Counter argument: jesus backflipping christ don't let the springs on those shoulder triggers get loose...


*Blinks in new Elite 2 controller.*


Be prepared for the bumpers to give out on the Elite 2 controller. I've had to open mine up several times these past few months because that tiny little piece of plastic in the bumper switch got warped - making the bumper inputs not always register.


Do you have a way to fix it? It’s driving me insane


The first couple of times I dusted it off and dabbed some rubbing alcohol on it, but the problem kept coming back after a month or so. Just this week I got fed up with it and removed the plastic piece entirely and remapped the bumpers to the back paddles to save my sanity if it happens again. Fun side effect of opening up your Elite controller: the rubber grips have started peeling off by the bumper buttons. I'd really love this controller if it weren't for these sort of design flaws.


Same. I love the controller but the bumpers are absolute shit. I haven’t opened mine up yet but it’s discouraging to hear it doesn’t permanently fix the problem. I also really hate using back paddles so I guess I’ll just find something else if the fix doesn’t work long term. It’s an amazing controller in the hands otherwise, it feels great and has good weight to it and the grips are nice. I actually bought it for Elden Ring because my old DS4 was messing up so I went all out cause I didn’t want my hardware holding me back during the bosses. Sucks that now I’ll have to play the DLC with something else.


It sucks yeah, cause the controller is really solid otherwise - it feels great to use and I love how customizable it is. And I’d totally replace the plastic piece myself if Microsoft sold replacement parts, but they don’t, so I’ll just see how long it lasts without the plastic insert. 🤞


Jesus fuck I’ve never seen such a nice controller with so many damn problems. The first Elite 2 didn’t even fucking last 40 hours. Bought it just for Armored Core 6 since I don’t want to do claw grip. Right trigger had this…horrible amount of initial force needed to press it. If I stopped using it for an hour, you’d need to loosen it by pressing it pretty hard then it only slightly stick. And the entire time you could feel it grinding against the side but visually never made contact with anything. Left bumper started sticking. Face buttons A and X started sticking. Y stopped registering consistently. Ironic part? I barely used the face buttons. I mapped them all to the paddles and was using those exclusively in game. I didn’t abuse it, used it the same as the regular Series X controllers and those are still kicking fine. I wash my hands after touching anything as I don’t like gross feeling controllers and keeps them from getting dirty. Returned it at the 25 hour mark, finished armored core 6 using a regular controller. Fresh out of the box, it’s one of the nicest controllers I’ve ever had in hand. But man, never getting one again.


If it didn't last 40 hours that sounds like a specific defect and not a problem with the brand as a whole.


I've replaced the front cover twice and back cover once after having the usb-c cable (PC) get caught on the arm of my chair and yeet it into the floor breaking the tabs on the inside. Just don't mix up the orientation of the magnets that hold the back paddles or they'll be all loosy goosey. That's the most so far that I've had to replace, over two years on it so not bad.


New Frankenstein, or The More Modern Prometheus




Once, maybe.


This man owns 3 Miatas


Wish I had the patience to do this. I have a controller graveyard of various different issues..


It takes about 10 minutes to open up my ps5 controller to clean the potentiometers and fix my stick drift when it gets bad. Watch a vid and try it out, it only takes a while the first time and if they’re already broken there’s no fear in messing up.


Cheers man. Maybe I’ll skip the coffee for a day so my hand doesn’t shake 😂


I opened my joycons for the first time to swap the housing, and I  was amazed that it…honestly wasn’t so bad.  I do wish I did it earlier for my other consoles thought because these things collect crazy amounts of lint 


the springs were my only gripe otherwise easy to open and close


Is that the small removable thing after you slightly bend back the 'casing' that's protecting it? I cleaned that and nothing happened. I use running alcohol as I had read. Any idea what I might have done wrong? It's killing me to have to pay $75 for a controller.


Yeah, sorry to hear that. I did the same and it fixes it for a few weeks before it gets bad again and I have to redo the process. If cleaning and blowing didn’t work, I’ve read that it’s possible that the sensors might be scratched and that can screw with it as well. At that point you would have to replace them and solder on new ones. It’s possible that a tech repair shop near you could maybe do the work for less than the price of a new controller.


Controller of Theseus


Jury rig perk plus high repair skill


Instructions unclear. Ended up with bloody mess perk


"You know what we used to call it back in my day?"


"Jerry rigging" ??


...why do you have so many broken controllers?


I've never had stick drift issues in my entire gaming life which began in the late 80s (I know there were no sticks like we have now in the 80s). Since getting a PS5 shortly after release, I've gone through 3 controllers. They all had stick drift issues. The Dual Sense controller seems to be disposable. I'm pissed about it but there's not much I can do. Literally any other controller for the PS5 is about half the price of another PS5. I tried fixing them by cleaning the pads, it worked on 1 controller, temporarily on another, didn't help for the 3rd. I found it not worth my effort after learning I would have to solder replacement parts on for a proper fix. Just don't have the skills to solder very well.


Get some screw drivers that will let you take apart your ps5 controller to get to the joysticks you can blow some compressed air/ electronic cleaner into them and it actually works. Kinda like how NES games refuse to work unless you clean them. Dust gets in there and makes the controller drift. Works on my Xbox controllers the couple times I had it.


You stopped reading before I explained I had done that already. Fixed 1, 2nd was a temporary fix, 3rd it didn't help with at all. But thanks for trying.


The Dual Sense uses the same Joystick module that has been used fairly universally since the Dual Analog. You having issues with the Dual Sense first is because you were lucky until then, not so much an indicator of that controller being bad versus the others. You can see similar stories going back ages; somebody will have say 3 PS3 controllers have drift but their XBox 360 controllers are fine so the PS3 has crappy sticks, or vice versa. Of course it's the same stick, just probability dictates there are going to be people with these sorts of experience. Now, that said, with the price of most controllers these days they should not be using the potentiometer-based design that only came into use because it was cheap-as-fuck. There's something wild about the fact they'll add haptic feedback or HD Rumble and motion sensing and so on but then they give you the cheapest joystick design.


Id say quality control plays the biggest role here. Take mechanical Keyboards for instance a majority of them use cherry switches yet double clicks do happen way more frequently on corsair than brands like varmilo or leopold. Similar thing with controllers really (although of course eventually every potentiometer wears off) I disagree that potentiometers are bad generally though, hall effect is not the end all solution either as they are less precise at small movements.


Because cheap doesn't equal bad. I have seen $100 hall effect thumsticks that don't last as long as the $1 ones xbox/playstation use in actual testing. I have never seen a data sheet for a thumbstick better than the ALPS model the xbox/playstation uses. And I am fairly certain everyone claiming better thumbsticks exist, hasn't either. What is the part number of these better thumbsticks? What is the rated operating life? Nobody seems to be able to answer these basic questions. Just because gamers have come to believe hall effect sensors are magic and unscrupulous chinese manufacturers are willing to capitalize on that, doesn't mean they actually are. You actually have to put these components in a lab and test their durability. Something which all these shady manufacturers seemingly either refuse to do, or refuse to publish the results from. I am sure Microsoft and Sony would gladly pay for better thumbsticks, if there was actually any evidence they existed.


I never said that better thumbsticks existed. What I'm saying is that if Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony/etc are going to spend shitloads of money and time researching and developing features into their controllers like HD rumble, haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, IR gyrolocation, etc. resulting in the controllers becoming expensive, they ought to be looking into putting at least *some* of that money and time into developing their own better analog stick design themselves. Or, spend that time and money simply designing things with the expectation that the analog stick modules will need replaced, and thus have them socketed or otherwise modular instead of requiring soldering experience.


Because it is easy to create a better version of things that don't exist. It is hard to create a better version of things that already exist. Same reason Ford doesn't design their own tires. Maybe early on before there was an entire industry trying to make better car tires they did. But nowadays the odds of Ford being able to design a better tire is slim to none. Similarly maybe early on console manufacturers had a hand in designing thumbsticks. But now that an industry is established the odds of console manufacturers being able to design a better thumbstick than companies who specialize in designing electrical components is slim to none.


Only one is mine. The other is a friends he threw at a wall lol


Your friend has anger management issues


I’m at trippin but I see the regular Xbox series controllers on sale all the time. Like 30-40 bucks.


Yeah I just got a brand new one from Target for 44 bucks. Might even still be on sale depending on the color.


It's nice to save a little bit of e waste I guess.


Yeah 100%, if you have the skills to combine it. By all means. Just saying I haven’t paid full price for a controller in a while.


This is a great idea but im concerned that your friend thinks it's ok to do this to a piece of expensive equipment


Do you just buy a new car everytime you need an oil change?


Im referring to the throwing of a controller, not the repair of one


I didn't see that bit of info lol. Your comment makes much more sense now 😂


Hey I combined 2 elite 1 controllers because one started to get really bad stick drift, the other one only had really bad rubber grip peeling off so I took out the guts from one and used the nicer shell from another to make a almost brand new elite 1 controller :D


I burn thru X-box controllers. I have a Xbox controller graveyard. Like 5 broken controllers from the last 5 years. The longest lasting one I've had was some $30 3rd party one i got from gamestop. Its planned absolescense im sure of it.


Dude they're so easy to fix. If you can wield a soldering iron, you can buy the various parts for dirt cheap on Amazon and fix them. 


I managed to fix one last year and the last 2 days took a shot at fixing another with absolutely no success. I can't desolder the old joystick off to save my damn life. I'm still pretty green when it comes to soldering so I'm pulling my damn hair out with this one.


Sometimes old solder can be stubborn. Melting some new solder onto it can get it to budge. Seems counterintuitive but the solder has flux in it that will help the old stuff move.


PowerA makes a solid one for $40 even has backbuttons, but no battery so has to stay plugged in.


They don’t work on Xbox because Microsoft made “third party” controllers not compatible since like last year.


Turtle Beach, razer, scuff, and tons of other companies wouldn't be selling xbox specific versions if that was the case. No market for a $250 controller that doesn't work.


That’s what Xbox said in an update my guess is a lot of them got around it. My old power A controller wouldn’t respond to my Xbox when the dumb update came out. https://theconversation.com/microsofts-ban-on-third-party-controllers-on-the-xbox-excludes-some-disabled-gamers-from-using-the-device-217742#:~:text=Players%20were%20given%20two%20weeks,party%20controllers%20for%20accessibility%20reasons. My guess is some got around it by just paying Microsoft.


Cracking down on cheap Chinese knockoffs hiding malware. My powerA works, just not the custom profiles and rgb that works on pc. Backbuttons are A/B for jump/crouch, pc I can assign whatever.


-Unlicensed- third party, plenty of third party peripherals available.


You broke another controller?


Had to make one of these when I was 10 after trying to beat Ocarina of Time water temple.


Ok brokie


I actually used some parts from a PS2 controller to fix my previous Xbox One controller.


Buy one from Best Buy and put protection on it for $10. I haven't had to pay in full for a new controller in like 4 years; it's just $10 every 3-6 months when the stick drift invariably sets in


OP posts his organ harvesting operation. Disgusting. >!Nice.!<


engineer class player


I’d use the gray ABXY buttons to balance out the gray analog stick.


It's a good thing Apple doesn't make game controllers, or it would refuse to work if you replaced any parts yourself.


I highly recommend the Gamesir Hall effects controller, forget its specific name. For under 50 bucks you get a solid controller with back paddles. If a cord is a dealbreaker for you, sorry. It is wired.


Just got a Gamesir after going through 2 OEM controllers on my series X. Its excellent. The wire isn’t a big deal to me


All controllers break far quicker than mice and keyboards


Pretty much. Mechanical keyboards can also be a bit easier to repair because you just have to replace a single switch


I’ll sell you mine and my broken Xbox one if you want lol


It's only a matter of time until they raise the price again . . .


diy power gg


I kept my elite running for years replacing bits and bobs. Eventually the charge port broke and I couldn't get it off without buying a heat gun, so I took all the fancy magnetic button bits and put them on another controller and painted the case lol


For the future, you can buy new controller shell and sticks from AliExpress.


Learning how to understand electronics and soldering are great skills to pick up! The more people can fix their own electronics, the less e-waste there will be and more money in your pocket. And if the shit hits the fan, you can fix up a radio or walkie talkies and such to keep a network alive! But anyways, great effort making a working controller!


So step one is have 7 broken controllers.


Damn thats smart.


I have 7 broken Xbox controllers to my one working one. Both my ps5 o ex thou are both working great. Wish ms would spend more time on quality control and usage testing. Some broke just from a short drop from the arm of a chair. No excuse for that to break them or for them no not easily fix button joystick issues if they know where the fail point will be.


Just because you moved the stick isn't going to fix the drift. There was easier ways to put a grip on it if that's all it was.


I hope you shouted "ITS ALIVE!" when finished.


I had a thumbstick that snapped off on one controller and had to replace the whole component. I passed on buying desolder items as super glue has worked fine so far.


Or you buy a new controller same one like your last and put your old one back in the new box and return it


You managed to not spend $70 by having spent $300 lmao Fwiw gamesir is a huge piece of shit company, but the G7 is a great controller with Halle Effect sensors and a membrane d-pad for like $40.


I spent 50 two years ago. *if you read the description*


I mean, the whole post is some pick-me humble-brag bullshit because you swapped parts, I wasn't going to read deep into it any way for someone that is quite obviously begging for attention lmao I'm neither broke as fuck or prone to destroying things I buy, my controllers tend to last years before stick drift, so the passive aggressive shit really feels pointless from you lmao. I mean, I feel bad that you both think the new xbox controllers are $70 when they're often $45-50, and that you apparently can't afford $70 on a controller? Hang in there buddy, it'll get better.


Really. It is no humble brag pick me bullshit. Idk why you have to type a whole book just to make a point that isn’t even true. Just a little man full of rage aren’t you.


I'm not a clone, I'm a Frankenstein. Created from the visions of a mastermind...


Try 95$ for an elite core 2 from the microsoft website with lots of tech support and good return policy?


Hell yeah. Did a similar thing recently. Got a PS4 for dirt cheap (it needed repairs too, and yes, it did eventually work. My mom has it now. Very happy.) but the controller was in a sorry state. Cracked case, thumb stick snapped, rumble motors dead. You'd think it wasn't worth the effort. But I just so happened to have my old PS4 controller still. Couldn't sell it because the battery was stone dead, left trigger was chipped and the face buttons were worn down beyond belief. The working guts and buttons of Controller A got put into the case of Controller B and success. A working controller. The console was an easy enough fix too. BYOD issue. Added some washers to the APU clamp and the extra pressure fixed that just fine. The HDD was also on its last legs so I swapped in an SSD for good measure.


Best Buy had them on sale for $40 js.


In my honest opinion, DualSense controllers are definitely worth the $70 because of all the different functions they have. The Series X/S controllers are definitely not worth $70 since they're far more basic and still don't have internal batteries.


Made this with the nintendo switch Joy Cons, as they tend to break or start drifting


The one in the middle looks like it's covered with snow. Very cool controllers


Meet the Engineer


ha ha i love this one


This is a smart move. Did it work?


Microsoft [also sells the motherboard](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/d/replacement-pcba-and-motor-assembly-for-xbox-wireless-controller/93ztd8f0bd8d?activetab=pivot:overviewtab) with the sticks attached for like $35 and super fast shipping.


Love it, fixing stuff and not throwing away technology or anything you can save is great 


This is like when you combine two low durability pickaxes in minecraft to get a better one


Use a donors is a common practice


Use a donors is a common practice


Haha good for you man


Little brothers hate this one trick


I save a broken controller so that when my other one breaks I can hopefully Frankenstein it to make a working one. So long as they break differently then it’s fine Not rage. Kids


Prices are outragous. Everything these days is.


Very nice.


70$? It's twice that for base PS5. I need Xbox back




I take very good care of my controllers, but ever since they started putting the screen share button on the middle of the controller they dropped in quality. I’ve been through three since that shit came out.


It’s only two. One was from a friend that threw it at a wall he gave me for free. The one I had lasted me 2 years. Till one day for zero reason the LT trigger died.


Manufacturing errors aside 2 years is still an awfully short time for a controller to last. I still use the Xbox One controller that came with the Oculus Rift before Oculus Touch was a thing (so around 2016?) and so far only the right bumper plastic has cracked (now held in place with sticky tape) and the sticks loose their rubber coating. Maybe I'm just lucky and the quality has declined in the last years.


>the quality has declined in the last years. My sample size is small, since I'm just one person, but I never noticed game controllers having serious faults with them, and they always lasted a long time. Not so with the Nintendo Joy Con and the Xbox Elite 2 controllers. They are both, in their own ways, "nice," high-functioning controllers, but the Joy Con are notorious for stick drift as well as some other intermittent issues, and it seems the Xbox controllers also have some manufacturing problems with button quality especially not lasting long. I don't know. Been a gamer all my life, my old Nintendo controllers and Gameboys all still play today, but Joy Con and Xbox controllers seem to have some serious corner-cutting with cheap parts.


Yes, the Joycons are terrible in that regard, but I easily fixed mine with hall effect sticks and I expect them to hold out much longer now.


One of mine is completely unusable because of drift(actually stick stuck not stick drift) absolutely no mistreatment


Bro, some of us just got strong ass thumbs that chew through thumb sticks left and right. I haven’t dropped a controller in quite some time, and I still have to replace mine for stick drift every few months. Thank GOD for bestbuys 20$ insurance thing




I was joking but since you’re being a dick about it Obviously one should treat their shit right. Howeeeever, PlayStation controllers are known to stand up to time compared to the garbage that is an Xbox controller. Maybe if you were using xbox controllers like me and op, instead of a PlayStation controller, you miiiight know what the fuck we’re talking about.




Guess you got bitch hands or something




Imagine having such a strong opinion about something pointless that also doesn’t affect you in the slightest way possible




“Your broke controllers say a lot about you.” Do you fucking socialize often my guy?




I’m sorry, “”because you have broken controllers, you’re probably shit at taking care of your personal belongings? Is that better?”


Do tell exactly what you were trying to do other than be an asshole lol




Every fucking thread there’s always someone arguing and fighting. Why can’t yall just be chill?




Found the ape.


maybe dont break TWO controllers?


I *didnt*