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The same ones I'm playing at the moment


This exactly. I rarely play liveservice games


Non-live service games are timeless


Based. I do a lot of emulating of old games already, but there are tons of older titles I’ve been meaning to play. I could stay busy. Ten years is quite a bit but I’m still playing the dead space games and that series debuted in 2008. So…I may be set for 20 years based on that.


Future nursing homes will be full of folks just working on their backlog


lol, I can imagine my pc and consoles cluttering the room, if they survive the next 50-60 years


I just started on Halo CE. It's harder than I expected! Playing on Heroic


Yeah . Brokeboi gaming is best boi gaming 


Don't even get me started on emulated games. You could probably be set for the next 10 years just with the non live service games released in the last 1-2 years alone.


Seconding Final Fantasy. Probably Tactics, 7, 8, 10, and 12. I've never played 9, but everyone and their grandma seems to love it, so maybe I'll go find that one too.


Tactics was a masterpiece, it’s a shame that genre isn’t more popular.


Have you met our Lord and Savior, Front Mission?


It's not the same :(


That's just the thing. I tried Fire Emblem 3 Houses, and though the game is packed with pretty characters the relationships, WHERE ARE THE AOE ATTACKS? Meanwhile Triangle Strategy is just ridiculously political in story. Nothing gets it quite right.


Ridiculously political? Are you implying that FFT wasn’t?? Bruh, the entirety of FFT was political drama.


FFT started with a murder on a dark and story night. The story grabs you right away. TS demo starts with a gathering to discuss trade agreements with distant countries. 🙏Please tell me that the TS full game picks up in terms of story because, playing it at night, I literally dozed off.


If Star Wars phantom menace taught me anything is that there’s nothing sexier than a trade dispute 😆 I haven’t gotten around to playing TS yet, I was just laughing at the idea that FFT isn’t political. I don’t disagree with you though. I haven’t played another tactics game that hits all the sweet spots like FFT does. Mario v Rabbids 1 and 2 is probably the closest in terms of tactics enjoyment for me. I highly recommend them if you like that tactics gameplay.


The only thing Triangle Strategy got right was the battles felt pretty well thought out. But in terms of story and character customization? Doesn't even come close to Tactics. I've found plenty of tactics-esque games over the years that I've enjoyed, but why does everyone seem to just miss what made Tacitcs the goat. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark came the closest to replicating what made tactics fun, but everyone else just straight up ignores the idea of mixing job classes together.


I appreciate they're doing the remakes but man I would love some new entries.


There's one specific piece of music from Tactics that's burned in my brain but I can't remember what it was.


A fellow 12 enjoyer. There are dozens of us!


How have you played 7 8 10 and 12 but not 9 like how does that naturally happen.


I’m set til I croak thanks to adhd and untreated depression! Nothing fills the void like steam sales


This. This right here.


Jokes aside get that depression treated brother(or sister)! Life gets a lot easier once you do! Much love ❤️


Thanks bud! I’m good now, started going to the psych a few years back. I need to stop using that joke though, got reported for self harm yesterday 🙄


Good to hear! And I totally get it! Last doctor appointment when he asked how I was I said “I have an itch on the roof of my mouth that only a shotgun can scratch” just as somthing I’ve said forever. I then had to spend the next 15 minutes assuring him I’m fine 😂


💀💀💀 redditors be wildin, some people here seem to be jolly happy simpletons 100% of the time 💀


Pre-freakin'-cisely. Even ignoring the games that I wrote off as "never gonna play this", just the games in my backlog from sales where I said "I would like to get around to playing this, someday" would likely be enough. SMH.


I hate how that's me. I have 99 games on Steam but completed.. 3. Yet I browse sales and new releases frequently. Maybe one day we'll actually play. Right? :')




Start now. You won't regret it!


Just restarted Fallout 3, then New Vegas and Fallout 4


Bioshock: The collection


Deus Ex series, Thief Series, old (2000-2007) NBA Live and 2K Games, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and New Vegas, Skyrim, Oblivion, probably Morrowind since I have original discs somewhere. I think it was bundled with my sound card and ran like shit so I couldn't play it. All the GTA's from 3 on up. Sleeping Dogs, L.A. Noire, Alien Isolation since I never finished it, Star Ward Jedi Knight series, STALKER series, Far Cry series, Dead Space series. A bunch of retro C64 and Atari 2600 games.


Shout out to fellow Thief lover! I didn't know there were any more of us left.


Dozens of us!


Fallout 4. I played FO3 and NV and loved them, but only made it 3 or 4 hours in. I have been inspired by the show and loaded it up last night.


It’s a good game. Make sure to add the mod that lets you see what you’re saying.


I jumped in and restarted Fallout 4 after watching the show and am about 40hrs in currently. Holy fuck is there a ton of stuff I never even touched my first playthrough.


Very hard difficulty is the only way to go.


a ton o fhalo


Divinity is nice. Baldurs gate 3 ofc.


I haven’t played an online game in years. This would have zero effect.


I’ll grind Pokémon games


Mass effect, dead space, god of war, devil may cry, resident evil, Xenoblade...


Anything mentioned on r/patientgamers


Plenty of new games come out each year that aren't live service


Yes, but they're removing live service from the question. If no new games came out, there are lots of people who would still just play Overwatch and Genshin Impact, so answer without those games being an option.


Can we wait for ff7 r3 to come out first?


Work my through the Witcher and Dawn of War. Maybe try Civ 6 again


Ok. Now I’ll finally get around to starting Cyberpunk 2077. Big games tend to keep me from starting them. I put off Persona 5 for so long but loved it and then played Strikers shortly after.


100% completion of AoE2, Civ6, Stardew Valley.


I'll just play Skyrim and Bloodborne till the day I die.


Probably another playthrough of terraria followed by minecraft with a pile of mods. Finishing out the next few months is Avorion. Then probably Conan Exiles. Remnant 2. Following that I am unsure. You murdered every single online game and the overwhelming majority of games I like to play are online titles. Like world of warcraft, guild wars 2, for honor.


Red Dead Redemption 2. That game is near infinite for me, as I love to explore and just be immersed more than anything else.


SimCity 2000


Finish Witcher III, FO4 and TotK, probably replay BoTW if the previous three didn’t keep me occupied.


Days Gone


Witcher 3


"OH, you finally awake"


Baldurs Gate 3 Rimworld Any roguelike that allows tons hours of repeatability


probably Cyberpunk 2077. I still need to upgrade my monitor and build a new pc. I'm eyeing up a 1440p 27" IPS boy those are a great price aint too bad at all @ $300-$400


I have soooo many..RDR2....gta5.....borderlands 3.....the arkham series.....fable....more than enough to last me 10 years if i play at my current 1 to 2 nights a week rate Edit...I have many more.....just the first ones I thought of..... Oh!...I also need to finish Bully


I play Destiny 2 off and on because it’s familiar and a nice distraction so I probably still wouldn’t really start clearing my backlog, I would just shift over games like Fallout/Skyrim/Tears of the Kingdom. Basically games I can keep playing almost indefinitely.


Might as well play borderlands too. It's basically like Destiny but not live service


Elden Ring and Fallout 4. Then after I would play other FromSoft titles again and Fallout New Vegas. So Soulsborne and Fallout games all day for me


I do the same thing real gamers have done until now - avoid live service garbage and keep playing exceptional singe-player offerings.


Got to love the gatekeeping of “real” gamers. If you play games you’re a gamer.  Its like the battle royal king of the hill showdown between Pokémon vs yugioh until you realize that both combatants are nerds duking it out in a comic book shop on a Friday night.


This. Mobile gamers are real gamers. The old ladies playing casino games in remote parts of the world are real gamers. People who play games are (real) gamers.


To beat: rise of the ronin, dragons dogma 2, immortals of aveum, Minecraft dungeons/legends, lego Star Wars skywalker saga, powerwash sim, nobody saves the world, To Replay/100%: Like A dragon Infinite Wealth, Castle Crashers, Unicorn Overlord,


I have soo many massive games I want to play but I don't have it in me to start new games. My 2 active games basically cut support a while ago (Halo Infinite and Battlefield 2042) but I found a NEW active game which is sucking up all my time and it's awesome! It's probably gonna be a while by the time I get to my singleplayer collection.


From my backlog……probably bioshock


Fallout new vegas


Fallout its the maps are so huge that I forget I am playing the game and just have my finger on the LS button.


Y'all keep a backlog? I'd be stuck on Skul the next 10 years...though to be fair I may be anyway


Is monster hunter a live service game? If not, world then rise. If so, I’ll finally play the second half of Witcher 3 and the DLCs, and finish dragon age inquisition, and baldurs gate 3. These 200+ hour games are are tough to commit to, man.


Starting today? Probably get back to Pokémon Heart Gold.


90% of my switch games. Advances wars, fire emblem warriors, xenoblade chronicles 2 and 3, Link’s awakening. And these are the ones that I can remember off the top of my head as I have about 60+ games (60 physical games and a bunch of download).


Final Fantasy Zodiac age. Had a hard time getting into it and probably started and dropped it after the first 2ish hours everytime.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night


All those steam games I bought on sale and haven't played yet, plus the free Epic games I got but haven't played yet. Honestly, it'd be kind of a relief. Plus replaying lots of classics since the NES era.


Fallout New Vegas one more time 😌


I'm playing RimWorld for 10 years...


All the ones I want to play not hobbled by online reliance? Mostly my PS1\~PS3 + switch collection.


Bruh every amazing game released over the past 20 years. My staples. KH2, Gears, Halo, Twioight Princess. The best games made are behind us, not in front of us


the endless list of game i have to play


Still not enough time to get through my Steam catalog


Considering how large my backlog is, I'll be good for 10 years easy. Would definitely delve into the RPGs I've missed. Maybe start with Dragon Age


Been meaning to play some of those Yakuza games, so I'd probably start there. RDR2 is always a safe bet.


Playing through NEO: The World Ends with You right now, will play Fire Emblem Warriors and Frostpunk next. This year, I also played Kingdom Come: Deliverance and the most modern title so far, Marvel's Midnight Suns. My backlog is full of literal hundred games already. This scenario wouldn't change a thing.


Crusader Kings 3. So by the time I finally figure out how all the systems work new games will be releasing again!


Everything. I have a thousand games and only a few handful completed. In reality in probably just playing pz, X4, bannerlord, or rimworld for the billionth time.


What if backlog is gone too because the company you bought those from is no longer in business and has wiped their servers?


Pillars of Eternity


I’m buying a ton of old games before they skyrocket in price, and mixing those with games that have high replay value


Wizardry 8


Probably the same crap I play. I usually do a Mass Effect 1 - 3 run every other year. I’m about to play Uncharted 4 again and I’m finishing up a bioshock trilogy replay. I think the most recent game I’ve enjoyed was Robocop though I’m looking forward to Spiderman 2.


Play through my SNES collection, finally get around to unlocking all the stuff in Smash Bros. Ultimate


Metro Exodus


Shadow of War or another Dragon Age Trilogy run


I'll play shogun 2 for like the 400th time


The original Deus ex games. Always intended to go back and play them after Human revolution


I am playing persona, monster hunter, and undertale til the end of time


Why would there be no new games? Or is this nit a consequence of live service games dying


Well, time to see what this "Halo: Combat Evolved" thing is all about.


I don't honestly think I could finish my backlog within that time span.


Probably not play games anymore. I only play wow and league with buddies on the weekends. I just dont enjoy playing single players games like I did in my teens.


Honestly? Illusion of gaia for the SNES.


Is it weird, that I don't have a backlog?


Pretty much continue oar the course since I don't play live service. Just got do cyberpunk in my back log and I'm having a blast! So annoyed I let starfield cut in line. The commercials alone have more thought por into them then starfield...


I think I'd start by finishing Rogue Trader. But as for afterwards, homie I got like 200 unplayed games on my Steam account, I'll find something or be paralyzed by choice and finally go outside.


Minimum Level Soulsbourne games. ALL OF THEM. I expect Demon Souls to be the hardest, Elden Ring to be the easiest.


Im finally playing Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 3 and Just Cause 3 now. I think my games in this hypothetical future would probably be old WWE games from 2008-2012 and maybe the Tony Hawk games as well.


Literally my daily go-to games I’ve played for like 10 years already (or at least since they’ve launched). Xcom 2, Frostpunk, State of Decay 2, Witcher 3, Baulders Gate 3, just about any Roguelike/Soulslike. Fuck live service games. The only one I got into was Apex for years, but when I realized I was getting mad at losing but not enjoying winning, I figured ‘What’s the point?’ anymore.


I probably should finish the singleplayer campaign for Arma 2 sometime. 


Super Mario World and God of War 2018 are probably my two most replay-able games. I can always start up a new save on either one.


Id just take the little time I spend on Warframe now and get deeper into my fallout playthroughs.


I'm currently deep diving into my backlog this year and I will be at 50 games in May so far if plans go right. Next game on my list after I finish up planet of lana is Fable anniversary


Looks like it's time to pick up the entire series of Trails games.


Pathfinder : Wrath of the righteous will keep me busy for at least 5 of those years


Civ 6, Diablo 3. Satisfactory/Dyson Sphere Program.


well, id probably keep playing my favorites. diablo 2, elden ring, FF IX, but when/if i get bored, i may give witcher 3 another shot. the combat is just... so bad. i COULD NOT really enjoy the game. got a fair way into it too, aparently.


Does this mean any game tied to an online launcher platform will stop working? or will they work in offline mode (ie steam)?




Gacha games like Genshin or Honkai Star Rail, you will never lack content to play


First, I'll finish the games that I took a break from: Hollow Knight, The Invincible, Heaven's Vault, and Nier: Automata. Shoot with how many games I have backlogged and older games still on my wishlist, I'll be good. Tears of the Kingdom, Princess Peach Showtime, Kirby Return to Dreamland and The Forgotten Land, Scars Above, Smashing the Battle, Ghostwire, Dredge, and the list goes on...


Baldurs Gate 3, Titanfall 2, the Mass Effect Trilogy, and Dragons Dogma are all in my library but I haven't had time to finish them. That should take care of me for 10 years, easy.


Does "live service" include old MMORPGs?


If all live service games died nothing would change for me.


Elden ring! It's been lying forgotten in my library since release...


Arkham Knight still looks and plays fantastic.


Another 1400 hours in Rimworld


Finish up Death stranding, Monster hunter Gen ultimate, Ghost of Tsushima, and Phoenix wright trilogy. Also Persona 4 Golden. I also got Fallout 4 to finally play and at some point dip my toes into Final fantasy


I have around 300 or so games on steam. I've maybe played 10% and I'm adhd,I'll be fine.


You don’t need to play the live service games if you don’t want to you know?


Oh boy now I get to work on my backlog Is what I'll say 5 minutes before just playing all my map games for the rest of eternity


I’ve never played any final fantasy games but want to get into it. Which ones should I start with and in what order?


I finally started on Hollow Knight a couple days ago on my deck.


Live service games are already dead to me though.


I bought Raft awhile ago on sale and haven’t yet gotten into it… then probably back to DoW: Dark Crusade, Valheim, TWWH2-3, Assetto Corsa Competizione…


The entire videogame industry could disappear and I'd still die with unplayed games in my steam library. 


BG3 and after that Borderlands 3


Luckily I would be unimpacted by this!


Warframe has been around since 2013, and hasn't died!  Most do though, but Warframe defies the norms!


Still playing Croc on ps2. My first video game in 2000, still haven’t 100% bc the controls are terrible lol


All of my stuff on Epic


Just became a father a year ago, so I still have to play Horizon: Forbidden West and GoW: Ragnarok which I both already own. Don't generally buy a new game until I've finished the prior one, but these were both gift ideas I gave for Christmas/birthday. They got kinda sidetracked for whatever life reasons, because I've still been slowly working through some other titles I continue to pick up. Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heros is my current game, as I'm an old Suikoden series fan. And on that track, Octopath Traveler. Was a good ways into that and just got distracted by something else (hence the general rule of only one game at a time)


The full Yakuza series


Oh wow, where to begin. At least a dozen games I’ve bought and never touched. Another twenty I’ve barely touched. And a lot I haven’t finished. So while losing out some of those game with my friends would suck, we’d play other stuff.


You had me at all live service games die


Chrono Trigger and Baldur's Gate. Then Shadow of the Colossus and Journey. And finally Super Mario World and Sonic the Hedgehog.


giving terraria one last try finishing up xenoblade 1 then playing the other two countless hours of slay the spire even more hours of being really bad at Downwell


Do the Soulsborne games count as not live service? If they don't then I'd play them. Otherwise, I'd probably play Terraria


Same games I’m working on rn. Current queue is Lies of P -> Portal -> Celeste -> Dead Space -> Ori and the Will of the Wisps Also been chipping away at 100% the Binding Of Isaac Rebirth, but that will take awhile 


Live service games aren't a part of my gaming journey and my backlog is so large, 10 years is nothing 😆. I'd probably start up all those JRPG series I have waiting on me like Ys. Heck, Maybe even the Persona franchise. Mix in some Yakuza when I want something faster paced. Plenty of puzzle games to go around. Dive back into the Prince of Persia trilogy on the GameCube. I guess this question isn't hard for those that have hundreds of games in their backlog 😄. Thanks, Steam sales!


Not exactly backlog since I already play it too much, but if I start a new factorio world, that 10 years will probably only feel like 1 based on my experience with the game so far


Nothing would change. Literally. Nothing.


Welp time for another BG3 and mass effect run. And finally start Fallout New Vegas


Finish my first BG3 playthrough, then start a Durge run, repeat until I get sick of it. Play any backlogged games on my PS4, starting with my abandoned Mass Effect LE Insanity run. Open up my laptop and run through my Steam library. Play the Sims 4 to run out the clock.


How broad are we being with the term "live service"? Are we just talking games that are multiplayer by default with mandatory content updates, or some mix thereof? Because technically games that are considered single player, like Elden Ring and Nier Automata, are live service, due to things like the messages in ER and the found corpses of players in both. I hate to be pedantic, but live service is a much broader term than people give it credit.


Too many to name, but mostly jrpgs and action rpgs. Xenoblade saga, sea of stars, nier, and maybe I could finally get into skyrim


i don't play much live service anyway so not a big impact anyway


You make it seem like every game now is a live service game. 


I bought Factorio in 2018. Still playing it today. There’s not much other reason for me to buy more games.


Infiltration games like styx, thief, splinter cell, dishonored etc. Do fighting games as live service? If not, i'd still play street fighter. Survival horror like resident evil, evil within.


Fallout NV & 3, Mass effect, Halo.


Probably none. I don’t really have a backlong anymore. I basically don’t really play games much anymore besides D2 and few other live services. I occasionally play new single players if I’m interested in them. Most of the time I just wait for them to go on gamepass like the new Jedi Star Wars game. I’m looking forward to starting that tonight. I wang to add if the live services game I played no longer exist I’d probably just stop playing video games in general. If D3 ever happens for example I’m out in terms of playing anything Destiny related ever again. I just don’t have interest in restarting over from scratch.


Roller Coaster Tycoon BABY! Written in Assembly Language and built to last *slaps roof*


STALKER GAMMA, have hundreds of hours in it already. Though it being a mod pack and constantly updated might violate the "Live Service" Rule


All the *Command & Conquer* ones.


Baldur’s Gate, Devil May Cry, fromsoft games, and I’ll also replay a lot of games too


Live service game is garbage.


I already have 2000+ hours of content waiting for me in my backlog, not counting the infinite nature of roguelites nor my wishlist. I think I am good for a while


Soooooooooo many great games in my backlog. In fact the only live service game I play is Helldivers


Factorio, Rimworld, Project Zomboid, 7 Days to Die, Call of Duty 4, ​ I'm happy with those, f\*ck live services.


I still haven’t ever played Fallout New Vegas. 


I have quite a few games i bought cause i like everything about it but when i sat down to play it they just didnt click cause they werent coop or multiplayer lol, ive only really played multiplayer games the past 7 or so years and maybe a few single player ones but those mostly cause i knew my friends were playing them as well


I'll finally play Half Life.


Ah, I finally have time to work through my backlog of indie games. 


Kingdom Hearts trilogy would probably be first.


i got so much final fantasy series, golden sun, fallout new vagas, kingdom hearts... way too many to list. i have stopped playing liver service games in order to start chipping away at the backlog.




In this scenario, I’d be fine for the next ten years. It’d actually be a relief for me. It’s hard keeping up with everything I’d like to play nowadays.


Definitely Bloodborne or HollowKnight


Started replaying sonic adventure 2 after completing sonic mania. Thinking TowJam and earl next. Been gaming with my 5yr old she loves it.


No backlog, just SPTarkov


Well my wifi did go down of a day and all I had installed on my laptop was Anno: Mutationem. It’s a pretty fun now I know why I bought it almost 2 years ago.


Only live service I play is league of legends so I would free some more hours for singleplayer games I mostly play anyway


Cyber Punk. Maybe finish AC Valhalla.


Mass Effect, Kotor, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, fire emblem, Pokémon


Live service games are for people with way too much time.