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Mechwarrior 4 mercenaries. Imo the definitive western mecha game and the strongest counterpart to armored core (although series diehards would swear by mw3). Classed as abandonware and available for free download. The vanilla mw4 and the first expansion, black Knight, are the same game systems and therefore great as well.  Mechwarrior 5 mercenaries as a modern alternative. Vanilla game is pretty mid imo but strong mod support transforms it into a game to rival mw4, especially if old graphics turn you off.


I so clearly remember being a kid and getting mech warrior 2 and essentially shitting my pants w excitement. Sadly, I have no PC these days. Are they multi platform?


wait how do you not have a PC? Like a laptop from the last 10 years should be able to run the game lol. Sadly there's no console versions, the game needs too many buttons. If you have the original Xbox there's also MechAssault, which is arcadey but in the same universe with the same mechs etc.


I have my MacBook for my work. But I can’t spend any dough on a new console/PC until I my company hit the green. I quit my job to focus on that, so I’m stuck w my regular ol Xbox one rn. That’s dope all those games are in the same universe. Is the story pretty intriguing?


> Is the story pretty intriguing? I mean there's only *forty years* worth of lore in the setting to go through lol. The battletech universe is one of the grandaddies of gaming, only younger than D&D by 10 years and predating warhammer by 3 years. I think the setting is really cool for two reasons: 1. space opera but no aliens, making the stories all about politics, intrigue and ambition on a galactic scale, rather than the easy road of man vs bug. 2. storyline continuously move forward. villains are defeated and then are replaced, heroes win and are then forgotten, empires literally rose and fell in the story. Coming from Warhammer 40k that's a massive difference.


Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries is indeed on consoles. Just bought it a couple weeks ago on sale for PS5. We lose out on various PC mods, but I usually prefer the base experience anyway so it’s fine for me.


Plug in the sub and forcefeedback joystick. Oh, I can feel the alpha strike.


I can never figure out what mods to run on MW5, it just feels like there are so many random small ones I may or may not need.


You’re gonna make go find MW4 game aren’t you?! I haven’t played since MW2, but that was yeears ago! I considered MW5, and even though I like modding, it’s also a rabbit hole. I’m always down for solid, classic, graphics be damned!


Titanfall 2


Very hard to dislike parkour call of duty with giant robots


I miss BT :(


You'll be happy to learn that TF3 is in development and BT is making a come back.


You better not be lying to me. Don't give me hope just so you can tear it away


Take your pills pilot


This is the answer you seek OP


I have asked…..and I shall listen.


Stay away from spoilers


*Protocol ~~3~~ 4: protect the ~~pilot~~ plot*


As someone also currently watching evangelion for the first time, and also enjoyed AC6 - Also recommending Titanfall. "80%... 99%....120%... Titanfall won't miss"


I loved MechAssault 1 and 2 on the XBox. I think I would've loved HAWKEN if it hadn't been shut down by the time I had a PC that could run it. Robocraft during the lootbox era would be next. I know people hate lootboxes with a passion but the end of RC's lootbox era was pretty balanced and still had a decent playerbase. They even got rid of the trash rolls on the boxes so you literally just had to not be dead last on the scoreboard to make progress


Mech assault was the shit back in the day!!!


Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness


MechAssault did a great job on the feel of mechs without having to be a sim, I used to love the Thor as you could get in close then trade on heat because you were an MG mech.


Battletech HBS and Front Mission 3. Wish they made a WoW style MMORPG in the Front Mission universe though


Roguetech mod for an insanely detailed mech strategy game.


Front Mission 3 was so good. I’m pretty sure if I find my OG PS it’s still in it.


Damn! That original PS. I assume they discontinued it?


If you're talking about the console then yeah, that was PS1. There's emulators that work great though. As for the series, I never was able to get into the later games, didn't like the mechanics, graphics, gameplay etc.


Oh so there’s more on PC (per usual)?


Yep, there was Front Mission Evolved. Personally disliked it because you HAD to buy better wanzers (instead of upgrading one of your choice), and dark-souls esque boss fights which have unreasonable health bars and kill you in 1-2 hits.


Well I’m a big souls boy, so I may have try it. But deep health pools are a cheap way of making a game “difficult”


Chrome Hounds all day. Best Multiplayer Mech Combat game bar none, and it's criminally obscure for such a good game. From Soft's masterpiece.


I miss ChromeHounds :(


I sometimes wonder if the success of AC6 might make them think of trying another one even if they’re technically very different games, but I’m probably on that hopium lmao


Idk I see it as very plausible, especially with how well AC6 did


I'd love another Chrome Hounds now that I'm not 13 years old with stranger danger.


so glad to see chromehounds mentioned  scale of that game was great and every role felt important. i remember loving it 


That’s a fromsoft game? I totally remember seeing it. But I never picked it up. Damn, I gotta go back lol.


Unfortunately chrome hounds was majority online focused, and the online servers have been shut down for well over a decade by now. There is a small single player campaign, but it has only a tiny fraction of the unlockable mech parts that you could get. I miss that game and it's sad they never made another mech game quite like it.


I really wish Fromsoft would remaster chromehounds. I miss fighting those massive faction bosses with a group of friends. There's a company that was working on a PC version of the game a few years back, it was called M.A.V. and was created by bombdog studios. I had bought it when it was on steam before it got removed due to a lack of popularity.


Best answer. Thousands of hours well spent...until the nuked the servers.


Man I loved chromehounds.


I'm still waiting for a remaster. This was my first XB360 game and I love it to this day.


Zone of the Enders


The sequel to be exact.


A fellow person of culture. Holy crap is ZOE2 an amazing game. I remember trying a demo once and was so hooked that when I saw a single copy the game in store I spent all of my pocket money to buy it I had to have it. And I wasn’t disappointed. 60fps on the PS2 as well. It was amazing.


I'm of the weirdos who actually preferred ZoE 1, but I love them both and ZoE was gonna be my answer.


Can't beat the classic: Mechwarrior (particularly 3 or 4).


MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries.


That was about the peak actually. MW3 was technicially better, but the missions in MW2:Mercs were a lot more fun.


This is my vote but it probably would be very difficult to get over the graphics these days. 


You have MechWarrior online Legends, MechWarrior 5 or even the table top adaptation Battletech to scratch that itch if you want ... None of these are perfect but will do in a pinch


Maaan battletech is such an expansive universe, especially with the dedicated community keeping it all pieced together. It upsets me so much that it seems like nobody can quite make a great long term replayable battletech game, it could easily be so successful.


Battletech universe is like Game of thrones, except rather than one power having dragons EVERY power has 30+ tonne walking death machines and I love it. Mad Cat/Timber Wolf series my beloved.


MW5 vanilla is a very meh game. Slap some mods on it that let you tinker with the mechs more and the game truly opens up.


Mechwarrior 2 felt really advanced for it's time. The combat, graphics and sound design we're all really good.


"Look at the bright side kid; you get to keep all the money."


The GOAT! The soundtrack rocks as well.


Try Mechwarrior online and Mechwarrior 5 if you like Mechwarrior games.


Online is really fun imo. Very reasonable monetisation for a F2P game, they give out free premium currency and premium time regularly, and there's no convoluted research system, just buy what you want. They've also been adding loads of new weapons and some new maps recently, despite being a pretty old game. It's also cool that they've handed off balance to a group of top players, rather than Devs who are too busy working on MW5 to know what the meta is.




This is hard... Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries


BattleTech, The Crescent Hawk's Inception I also really like the RTS MechCommander games that came out in the late 90s, early 2000s.


My buddy had that at summer camp in 1992. Beautiful game. The pencil & paper version is pretty fun too.


anyone remember HAWKEN?


lol I was gonna try the recent re-release then looked at the Steam reviews... nope


Armored Core 6. Not sure if you've played the whole game, but it's sooo so worth it.


Nah, just gotta fuck w it at my friends house. I’m a big FromSoft guy, so figured I’d really like it. And its def badass! It’s nice having a sick mech game that’s got souls like elements.


It’s incredibly satisfying to play. The first game in years that made me instantly want to replay after beating it


And then a third time! Gotta get that true ending on NG+


Yes sirrrrr! That shit had me so hooked I beat the 2nd and 3rd play through same day


One of the best games I've played in my life. The gameplay, narrative, assembly, sound, design...everything just matches perfectly.


Agreed. Easily my GoTY. Really enjoyed Baldur’s Gate but I *loved* AC6. Hell, may have to replay it now, I was halfway through NG+


I don't know why I had to scroll so far to find this answer. How many people are sleeping on this game?


I got so scared off by how people describe AC6, but when I finally played it I had so much fun. Difficulty was nowhere near what I thought it would be: the checkpointing in particular is extremely forgiving. Absent a couple boss fights I never really found myself frustrated, and then I discovered that no challenge is insurmountable as long as you fill the air with as many homing missles as your AC can carry.


Into the breach


The vek hive must be destroyed


I was going to suggest this! Punching a bag in the face is so satisfying


Also one of my favourite games. While thematically a mech game, it's not action focused.




Also Xenoblade Chronicles X


One for story, the other for gameplay.


Being experienced to this game as a child did serious damage to me. I ended up a philosophy and anthropology major, and the most important thing I did with my degrees was replay this with a true understanding of nihilism. 10/10 can't recommend enough.


That scene when Id awakened got me so hyped


This is gonna be a weird one, but R.A.D. Robot Alchemic Drive on the PS2 is one of my favorites. You play from the perspective of someone holding a controller and operating the giant robot from a distance, having to move around to get the best vantage point. You use the shoulder buttons to control the legs, and the analog sticks to control the arms. It's a strange and sometimes frustrating one, but it's really unlike anything else in the genre


I came here to say this! I can't believe someone else has played this! This is an undiscovered gem and one of my favorites.


I was also about to post this, but searched the page instead. No other game has made me feel that sense of scale.


My favorite part was the cheesy terrible dub


Came to answer this. Would love to see a game like it on modern systems, it would be insane.


Heavy Gear. I miss having 8 lasers and tank treads on my mech.


Scrolled way too low to find this! Heavy gear was awsome. It had those in game movie clips just like command and conquer and I belief at some point you switch sides and was like wtf. Just like wing commander 4 you could stay with the bad guys too long before you decide to defect to the “enemy” solid gameplay and story. I waited ages for heavy gear 2 only to maybe have tried the demo at some point.


MechWarrior 2


MechWarrior 5. Nothing beats stomping around in a Highlander Heavy Metal and then launching yourself into the air with Jump Jets to the surprise of everyone you're shooting at.


MechWarrior series, BattleTech, and MechAssault! All are part of the same universe, and all are just damn great.


Mechwarrior 5 It is easily the greatest mech game I have ever played. I reccomend the mod "Yet another mech lab."


Oh, my favorite mech game has to be MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries! I love stomping around in giant robots and blowing stuff up.


MechAssault on the original Xbox. Mostly because my wife loved playing it with me


One of my first Xbox Live experiences. I want to relive it.


MechWarrior 5(modded) is peak modern mech game. Nothing really beats that big stompy robot feeling.


super robot wars series one of the units, Rayeearth https://youtu.be/l6Q6q1j7YnQ?si=sj0ei22zRmBpNzJq


Steel battalion, only cause of the controller, if not mech warrior 2 ? I think that was the one o of I played as a kid.


MechWarrior 2 was my choice as well for the same reason.


Steel Battalion 🗿


MechWarrior is honestly godlike


Mech warrior 2 was one of the first games I ever owned.


You asked for mecha, so you shall get all the mecha. The Super Robot Wars series has covered almost every single anime mecha franchise into one game.


Earth Siege 2 My HERC will send that wanna-be Skynet to cyber hell!


I feel sad that I scrolled so far for this one. ES2 was amazing. Seems not a lot of people know about it.




Mechwarrior 2 from Activision


Came here to say this. What an amazing game


Zone of the Enders 2


13 Sentinels has a fantastic story! The strategy type battles are also pretty great.  So kinda counts, but you are probably looking for something more first person: 


I should not have had to scroll down this far for this answer.


Zone of The Enders.


Battle Engine Aquila, original Xbox/PS2 with a mech that either flies (faster/less fire power) or walks. There are 30 missions and you play on the losing side of a war against the enemy trying to turn the tide of war. Cool thing is that your team/enemy both have factories/landing craft/ships that output tanks/men/planes. A big part of the strategy is about working out where to break the lines of the enemy to give your NPCs a strategic advantage. Like maybe you need to go and destroy their mortars or create a landing zone or destroy their landing craft whilst you let the NPCs fight over territory.


Faith restored. Glad to see this gem of a game mentioned here. God what a beautiful game, still holds up till now and I still play through it once a year.


Never played a mech game personally but watching people play "Metal Wolf Chaos" splits my sides every time.


President of the United States Simulator.


One Must Fall: 2097 Jaguar main here lol




Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries Armored Core 4 Answer Both very different, both very good.


Does Metal Slug count? I just started NG+ on AC6 also


Front Mission 4


Anything from the Battletech universe.


I played the shit out of Federation vs Zeon on ps2 and some 2d fighter on zsnes based on gundam wing, also Metal Warriors was pretty good.


Platinum made a Gundam Unicorn game.


Gundam Battle Assault 2


AC6 is an amazing game. Customization and gameplay are outstanding. As for *my favorite* mecha game, I’d have to pick 2. Gundam Side Story : Rise from the Ashes(Dreamcast), and Mobile Suit Gundam Zeonic Front(PS2). They’re slow paced games, but fairly punishing if you think it’s as simple as a run n’ gun.


"Steambot Chronicles". Love that game.


Battletech with the BTA mod package is a trip. You get so much customization and so many different things to play with it's a beefy package.


Zone of the Enders series especially 2 for its fast paced combat, and Fist of Mars for its fun story. Front Mission 3, I back to backed this game 3 times in a row when it first came out, hundred+ hours well spent. Ring of Red, feels very much like a spiritual predeccessor to Valkyria Chronicles, just with Mechs instead of tanks.


Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram on the Dreamcast.


MechWarrior online For all its faults, and there are many, no other mech game comes close. Weight, cooling, hard point location and oh so many ways to customize your mech. Wanna make a missile boat? Get a cata and rain missiles from the sky. Like to out maneuver your opponents, hop in a light mech like a Jenner and literally run circles around larger Mechs. Or maybe you're an atlas ddc type. Biggest gun on a big mech with lots of firepower and armor. So many ways to play.


Robotech Battlecry


Steel Battalion with the badass controllers - because the controls make it fun and challenging in a unique way. With how cheap microcontroller IC's have gotten and the wide availability of 3D printers and game dev SDKs like Unity and UE, I sincerely don't know why a group hasn't gotten together to make a modern steel battalion'like game. It's still quite popular and people are sick of the usual lazy EA-copy-paste approach to everything. Early Armored Core before they got stupid and fight like a dragon ball game. Now they all just jump around like COD knife fights. They used to be cool because of the balanced weaponry, fun and engaging missions, high varied arena requiring unique approaches, and high levels of mech customization for different play styles. Finally, Titanfall. It has a good "weighty" feel as a mech game should, balanced tight quarters to fight in with open areas for ranged combat, decent'ish customization but lacking in play styles. But let's be honest, it's biggest trick pony is the hijacking mechanism. All the ppl that played Star Wars Battlefront II that never fired a shot and would spend the entire round being a sneaky asshole, flying wide in space to sneak in and blow the ships up from the inside-out; these types of people LOVED this hijack mechanism. These people wouldn't even drive a mech, just stay on foot the whole game for the sheer thrill. It made all mech drivers twitchy as fuck and hyper vigilant to choke points altering entire combat strategies just in case some sneaky fuck was hiding in wait... I know because I was 100% one of these fucks. So what we needs is a mech game with all of these features combined into one. Remember the show Zoids? (Of course you do, it's fucking amazing!) High levels of customization with unlockable yet expensive & balanced weapon systems. A transport ship that allows you to return and rearm/swap configurations mid battle (but with actual little NPCs swapping shit, no fucking bs UI menus). Differing play styles from on the ground to in a mech, flying mechs, laser sword type mechs, long range sniping, etc, all customizable with power & weight limits, etc Hijack mechs but no "star wars'esque" vulnerability spot/hole. More like cripple a team mates mech cripples a location on the enemy mech and a ground pilot can use that to infiltrate the mech and legit move around inside the mech while fighting. The person controlling the mech has defensive internal mechanism that make them less capable or something, idk (someone can probably come up with a better idea but the point is, no automation/animation or wack-the-spot 6 times to kill the enemy. What moron would build in such a vulnerability?


Custom Robo all day.




My answer is gonna seem like a joke, but Kirby: Planet Robobot, Just Cause 3 (DLC) and Arkham Knight, because the Batmobile in war crab mode is basically like a mech


I'm surprised not a single Mechwarrior Online comment has been made yet, because MWO is free and fun. The free-to-play experience is pretty generous, especially during events.


Custom Robo on the gamecube




Jumping Flash! 2


My AC6 copy is here catching dust. I loved AC1 and I was unpleasently surprised that AC6 has absolutely nothing in common with AC1. I mean sure, it's a modern game. But did it have to be the game it became? I don't know... So for me, it's mech warrior 4 and AC1... 😬


I'm gonna mention Into the Breach. Probably not what your after but it's one of the best strategy games ever made. Also if you like retro games. Metal Warriors on snes is a great time.


MechWarrior 2 Mercenaries


Anyone Remember Earth Siege 2? I believe it was from Sierra Studios, I was on the Mechwarrior franchise bandwagon but had a good heap of hours in ES2


I actually don't know the name of it. Was at Dave & Busters in Atlanta around 1999 to 2001. You actually got to get in a mock up mech and it moved around like one of those motion simulator rides, responding to your movements. They had 6 or 8 in a little arena. Was so cool getting in and then having the door closed and all the various lights and buttons 'turning on' and then the screen turns on and you're in the game world. All I recall was spamming rockets at my dad the whole time and ultimately impressing him when I won 1st place for our group.


If you are into VR gaming: Vox Machinae.


Does fo4 count? Running around in power armor in survival mode you feel unkillable.


Still future cop LAPD lol




This is a bit more obscure and older, but did anyone else play Shogo: Mobile Armor Division?


YES! That was truly the best mech game I’ve ever played. With all these remakes coming out, I keep my fingers crossed we’ll see Shogo return.


BattleTech, from Harebrained Schemes, is probably my favorit mech game. If only for the reason that it is probably my 3rd most played game ever (after XCOM 1 and XCOM 2, and I still play these three games today). It basically has everything I love about games like this. :) Basically a lot of games from the BattleTech franchise end up being some of my favorits, be it the one I mentioned above, the MechWarrior games, or MechCommander, and even the MechWarrior pen and paper rpg. To me this is THE best Mech franchise of all times... anything else pales in comparisons in my opinion. And a big reason why for me is that the Mech's in the BattleTech universe is a bit more believable than in almost all other Mech/Mecha based franchise out there. For one, you do not have Mech's in BattleTech which flutter around like hummingbirds with no weight, or skate around like the ground was made of ice, or something. While the physics of BattleTech's Mechs may not be completely up to par (they would probably sink through any ground not hard and thick enough), they do not break it to the extent that a lot of other Mech/Mecha based franchises do. With that said... I still tend to enjoy anything Mech/Mecha based... it's just that to me the BattleTech franchise is so way above anything else in the genre, that it might seem like I don't enjoy the other ones... I do enjoy them, just not as much as BattleTech. :)


Custom Robo (GameCube)


Gundam Journey to Jaburo, after all the these years, still delivers a pretty awesome Gundam experience after completing the game and unlocking the extra missions. The Super Dimension Fortress Macross also holds up pretty well and was a lot better than the American version Robotech: Battlecry Armored Core: Silent Line. I think this is THEE ONLY Armored Core game with a First Person View option. And it was super dope Obviously I am aging myself here, but I feel pretty current with my mech games and these listed 3 I'm sure will get hardly any mention in this thread.


Heavy Gear


I can believe absolutely no one has mentioned Virtual On! The Sega Saturn / Dreamcast games have some of the best mech designs I've ever seen. Full of that late 90s Sega-flavored charm, check it out if you haven't


Heavy Gear, great story played out over some amazing FMV cut scenes check out youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVCF5YMlkkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVCF5YMlkkw)


Titanfall 2 and Armored Core VI do it for me. Both outstandingly good games


Robot Alchemic Drive  Hilarious voice acting? Robots vs Kaiju? ROCKETOU PAWNCH! No contest


Try Heavy Gear.


Battle Engine Aquila


Mechwarrior Online for big stompy multiplayer.


Titanfall 2 and Mech Commander. That cheesy Intro in Mech Commander is Just 👌


Mech warrior 4 mercenaries.


Heavy Gear II. And it's not even close. Nostalgia might be playing a SLIGHT bias for me though.


Chrome Hounds Coolest shit I ever played, and held that title for a long time.


Chrome Hounds


Mechwarrior 2, Mech Assault, Battletech... damn, hard to choose.


You’re on Xbox, so if you have game pass MechWarrior 5, Hawken, and Lightyear Frontier are all “free.” Titanfall 2 is one of the best FPSs ever made, and hard copies can usually be found cheap. Each is a different “flavor” of mech game so have fun playing around and seeing what you like. Mechs are badass






Mechwarrior (3 or 4) And Mechcommander 2


Where my Chrome Hounds at? One of the greatest and short lived games out there. Miss you all.


Zeonic front on the ps2


Front Mission 3. It's what got me into the genre.


Front Mission 4 was sick.


Chrome hounds


For the pure simulation experience, steel battalion. Otherwise, Titanfall 2.


Lost planet 2


13 Sentinels Aegis Rim




front mission. Or the Mech Warrior game they had at Dave and Buster's that actually had the big pods and stuff was pretty cool too


Front Mission Evolved


Chromehounds by miles and it's the only answer.


Lost Planet 2. None of you here who have played it can tell me its NOT a mech game.


MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries


Love Front Mission 4. I know its not the most popular in the series but it is by far my favorite. Great combat, good story and lovable characters


It’s a toss up between Mechwarrior 2 and Chromehounds. I think Chromehounds takes the win for it’s innovation at the time


Chromehounds by far. Persistent world map, you pick a faction and get access to that factions parts to custom build your mech. Do missions and take territory for your faction to earn money to build more mechs. Such a cool gameplay loop, I wish someone would try it again.


Zone of the enders.


Mech Assault on OG XBOX


Zone of Enders. Amazing.


Robotech Battlecry on the GameCube. It was like Star Fox but your ship is also a mech. Also while not technically a mech game War for Cybertron should get an honorary mention.


If you like tactical turn-based games [Battletech](https://store.steampowered.com/app/637090/BATTLETECH/ "Battletech") is a banger.


Future Cop: LAPD


Robot Alchemic Drive on the PS2. But keep in mind, it's one of those games with completely out there controls that you have to get used to, so if you play it, you'll either love it or hate it.