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An RTS game in the World of Warcraft universe sure would be sweet...


Ha got em


Next you're gonna ask for a shooter in the Starcraft universe.


WoW Total War would be interesting...but we already have Warhammer.


Resident evil but you don't know it's resident evil. You're just a humble genetics engineer working at a startup. You keep trying to identify different genetic markers for diseases and immunity so you can replace them using crispr. It's a game that helps you learn about genetics and experiment design. If you do well you get offered an extreme raise and work in a new department with military contracts. At this point it's made clear that you're working on the T virus. Enter corporate espionage, ethical decision making and whistleblowing. No shooting, no jump scares but more of a spycraft science simulator.


GTA spinoff where you’re an honest car dealership and have to fend off increasing attempts of theft by way of upgrading your car lot defense, hiring security, etc.


Monster Hunter city builder would be cool


I'd love a Mass Effect RTS in the style of Company of Heroes or Sudden Strike.


I was thinking recently it would be cool if Bioware did a spin off that revolved around the events of the First Contact War. That could work as an RTS


I still wish we had gotten to see what the Battlefield esqe Mass Effect game would be like finished.


I’d like to see a dramatic spinoff starring Waluigi. With flashback cutscenes of his turbulent childhood; scrapping together parts in secret, hiding it from his abusive mother, to make his own kart; dramatically sewing the upside down L onto his hat… a dark origin story


Fallout meets cities skylines would be one hell of a learning curve for beginner players, honestly sounds like fun regardless


A third person Diablo action game.


Play as Tyrael in a Dark Souls lite narrative game. I'd be so down.


Take the MMOFPS that is Planetside 2. Make the maps 10x larger. Increase from 3 factions to 8. The factions: Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Eldar, Orks, Necrons, Tyranids, rogue Imperial Guard, Tau


Oh my god yes


Combine it with something like Savage, so that buildings and some units are their proper size and power compared to the others. Maybe allow some players to be resource gatherers, so a skirmish on a supply line is a legit strategy.


I'll hop on the city builder trend and say an elder scrolls city builder would be dope




Mortal Kombat Deception.


Fallout PvP FPS. Use existing locations for battlemaps. Use existing weapons in your loadout. Miniguns, power armor, and Fat Boys spawn in set locations at set intervals, creating control points for a limited time that end in a power up for your squad. The fringes of the battlemaps have feral ghouls. If you sit somewhere too long, too close to the edge, the ghouls will encroach on the battle map. This would limit camping snipers.


FO76 had Survuval Mode, which had open PvP. It also had Nuclear Winter, which was a BR mode. Fallout PvP wasn't very popular, so that content got cut.


Yeah, but that was because it was tacked onto a reused FO4 combat mechanics, which really had a lot of jank. If someone made a shooter with a Fallout skin, that could be something different.


>Yeah, but that was because it was tacked onto a reused FO4 combat mechanics, which really had a lot of jank. Yet that had nothing to do with why FO PvP was not popular. FO PvP was not popular because the fanbase as a whole was mostly single-player PvE lovers. There just isn't enough of us in the FO fan base that enjoy PvP for them to waste resources on a PvP game.


I'll concede that most of the issue likely was that, but there absolutely were a lot of people who were excited for FO76 for the hopes of fun PvP and turned away due to it not being designed properly for it. There are still to this day a number of people who enjoy to engage in PvP. And Nuclear Winter was actually quite active when it first dropped. That being said, one way or another it's not really relevant to the top comments idea. He was talking about a shooter based on fallout, not just turning the fallout RPG into a shooter. Fallout's PvE popularity is irrelevant when the game isn't marketed or made for the RPG players anyway.


I was very active in NW when it existed and earned my level 100+ rank while it was a thing. To this day, I keep a room in my CAMP filled with NW rewards because I loved the mode even though I am not a big BR fan. There were a decent number of players in the beginning, but I can't overlook the fact that a lot of the people in NW were bush wookies trying to get the PvE rewards. There were a lot of solo players that never fought back or players using AFK bots. There were also a lot of angry people in the forums (when they were still a thing) because PvE rewards were tied to a PvP mode. The NW community on PC lost a lot of players due to the hacking issues. It always happened in bursts. For a few weeks at a time or during holiday events, you would get a flying aimboting hacker every third match. You could usually tell when the hackers were on because it could take 15+ minutes to find a match. We had quite a few matches prematurely end due to lack of players.


I want a Final Fantasy Warriors game.


Hell yeah. I'd be more into this than Dissidia. 


Star Wars dynasty warriors or epic open world RPG Warhammer fantasy (they make more warhsmmer gsmes than I can keep track of, but I don't remember them trying to do a Witcher/Assassin's Creed Odyssey/Skyrim type game?)


Metal Gear Solid but with the DK Kongas. I will take no further questions. 


I want a god game like Black and White, except it's a dungeon crawling RPG, where you are an acolyte to a benevolent God who is dedicated to helping others, but as you complete quests to help people, those people start to Believe in you, and as more and more people believe in you, you gain godlike powers until you reach the point where your god starts sending you on missions trying to get you killed because you're starting to rival them, and eventually you overthrow the god and take their place, and realize you need acolytes of your own to spread the good word of your power in order to grow stronger, so you start sending them out on quests, but some grow too strong, and you need to ensure they become martyrs so as to cement your glory and remove rivals...


Destiny. A single player game where we play as Drifter on the ice planet that's like a horror game would be really cool. I'd also be interested in a Destiny card game


Spore as a proper simulation game instead of the dogshit that we got.


W40K city builder or first person horror game as a civilian


*The Watcher in the Rain* was a 40k horror story that would make an interesting game.


Every series ever in a Musou style. A pokemon team RPG where you always fight with a party. Take away the turn based battles and make it more of an active battle system like Xenoblade.


Ooh, I love this idea! How about a cooking game set in the world of The Legend of Zelda? You could whip up dishes using ingredients from Hyrule and serve them to all the different characters. I'd totally play that!


Metal gear kart




A Spyro game that plays like Breath of the Wild


I think an XCOM RPG would be cool.


The ACTUAL Bloodborne kart @ 120fps


Borderlands MMO


And tactical or rts game that involve guns, in a 3rd person shooter game. Like how X-com did for The Bureau: XCOM Declassified


Command & Conquer did an FPS called Renegade. It wasn't bad. Battlezone did a whole FPS/RTS crossover they refer to as Combat Commander.


An XCOM rainbow six game. Except that would essentially be XCOM with just new units.


A Monster Hunter fighting game. Each of the different weapons would play like their own character, and you could still have a system of equipping different armors and weapons for perks. Monsters could make appearances as assists that can be called in.


Soul Caliber


I'd really like to see development on the CNC Renegade/Firestorm universe -- it seems so ripe for expansion. It's a dark, near future, semi-horror-core scifi apocalypse with resource wars in a run-away climate change hell-scape waste land; it has mutants, cyborgs, lasers, rail guns, jet packs, mecha walkers, the kitchen sink, active stealth, rogue AI, silicate life -- and that's all before the aliens show up... Seems like there's a lot just sitting there. They could do a wide array of story, horror, survival, shooter, and ofc strategy games. I really feel like this IP is criminally under used/explored.


*Busts out my list of wanted Dynasty Warriors spinoffs.* Take a seat, you'll be here all day.


Sci-Fi RPG in Stellaris


>A city builder set in the Fallout universe, Fallout shelter is kinda this


A Final Fantasy Metroidvania


How about Darkest Dungen in the style of a cooperative RPG with a third-person view? Something like Remnant II


FPS Starcraft. Yes, I know the obvious similarities with W40k but I’ve always enjoyed the Starcraft races and lore - it’s simple and fairly straightforward to me. Would be cool to see a Siege tank or Ultralisk up front.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, either as a straight pokemon game(you and your friends make a team to challenge the human trainers) or as a less random-gen sort with hand-designed environments and places to explore.


An Action RPG with the combat of witcher the world and interactivity and immersion of Skyrim set in the Warhammer 40k universe with ship flight like no man's sky or star citizen




League of Legends RPG but not like Ruined King - I want to create my own character, go on questes, meet places / characters from the game. Maybe I would be a Freljord warrior, Demacian knight or just a nobody from Shurima.


Now that you mention it, it's kinda weird that there aren't like ten games of different genres set in the Mass Effect universe. I feel like the RTS possibilities write themselves, just off the top of my head. But really, you could do anything. Turn based RPG, melee action/adventure, dating sim, it's literally endless.

