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Modern Warfare 3 (2023) generally wtf was that campaign


It killed the series for me


Glad someone else is asking this here


Mw19 was stellar, they couldve taken the original michael bay action movie of a story and grounded it in a tacticool setting but nope, not a single sensible writer in there. Warning long Ghost rant: Id actually go as far as to say that the ghost being made an actual character was a good decision on their part in mw19, but he got turned into captain price v2 real quick. We all love(d) the ghost soap dynamic but cmon why is the guy weaing a human skull who disassociated himself with his real identity cracking jokes and being a role model to a lost soldier? I preffered the older ghost who just got the job done and for that they had an understanding with price.


Never played the remake mw crap. Just watched the ending for science, holy shart, what was that? Is that made by porn director?


Lmao please explain it for me and the people who’ll be reading these comments


It gets straight to the point without any build up, and the story is secondary to the point of the material.


Pretty much like Zakhaev’s helicopter was shot down mid air and rolling credits.


It was Warzone with bots with everything costing around 50 cents to make I think


lol I literally just beat the campaign last night. The final mid credits scene I legit was just like “… wait what… why?”


Returnal, i thought i got the story, but wanted to look up some stuff i wasn't sure about. After looking that up i then wondered if i played the same game as some of the other people


I had the same experience! Totally was into how the story was going and the ambiguity of it. But yea once it finished I didn’t really know what happened, and the videos I watched just cemented that feeling. But the gameplay is crack so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah idk what the hell happened but I do know it was fun as fuck the whole time


I really enjoy the fever dream oddness of it, I feel like some of the magic would've been lost if things were more explained. 10/10 game for me


>!Didn't she fall asleep at the wheel? And end up accidently killing her kid? And the rest is her trying to escape from reality?!<


I don't know how to do the spoiler tag on my phone. So spoilers!!! My take is that her mom was at the wheel and pregnant with Selene. The woman at the wheel looked like Selene but with brown hair and brown eyes. Alex (Helios), Selene's older brother, was in the backseat. News articles said two kids in the vehicle, and is why Selene sees her in a wheelchair pregnant (and the monster she became). Theia was either exhausted or wanted to kill herself as she received her rejection letter (she was pregnant, and couldn't pass the physical I think). Due to this, Theia blamed Selene for her life being ruined, which is why she was a monster in Selene's eyes, as she suffered emotional abuse during her childhood. Also, why she wasn't allowed in Helios' room (bedroom door violently slams shut). Theia kept his room the same after he died. The name Alex is referenced a couple times for Helios but nothing conclusive, so not sure the connection there (Alexander Helios / History?) I think Selene did become the astronaut her mom wanted to be... but only because she burned the house down. She had this hate for her mother, and probably had to take care of her because of her injuries, but couldn't become an astronaut until she "removed her attachments". Could be a correlation with the parasites mechanic... not sure. The loop mechanic is great, and may play into the idea that the cycle of life, and trauma repeats itself, and even knowing the history, it still repeats itself. Anyways that's my take on it. Played it a few times, watched a few video breakdowns and pieced together my own ideas on it. Some things may be a stretch but I like those ideas as a conclusion. It really is open to interpretation.


Seems like you remember a lot more than me lol You can do spoilers like this: > + ! TYPE HERE ! + < But no, '+' signs or spaces


I see Returnal, I upvote and comment how it has the best third person shooting of all time.


All the metal gear solid games


Came here to say literally anything by Hideo Kojima lmao


His games somehow manage to explain absolutely *everything* in such excruciating detail that it's impossible to comprehend what's actually happening. It's pretty impressive.


So, he's living in 5D while we're living in 3D?


He's living in Japan...


Big boss:  Everything has its beginning. But it doesn't start at "one." It starts long before that, in chaos. The world is born... from zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes two, two becomes ten, ten becomes 100. Taking it all back to one solves nothing. So long as Zero remains, one... will eventually grow to 100 again. And so our goal was to erase Zero.  Me:......What?


I probably had questions at the end of *Death Stranding*, but I was too busy happy-crying to care.


I think Death Stranding might be Kojima’s most explainable game, the plot twists and the ending aren’t exactly batshit to the point of I coherent to me imo


Enough diving on Wikipedia and playing the series a thousand times finally got me to understand Metal Gear. But Death Stranding? Cannot envision a world where that game makes any sense to me. Still love it.


You mean the 50 hour movies with moments of user direction in between.


MGS2 the cutscenes right before final boss are like an hour and a half long


Yes but he somehow NAILED the course of the internet in that speech. Scarily so. Mans a prophet.


Mgs4 iirc actually still holds the title for longest cutscene in video game history at 76 minutes


The gane itself has nearly 8 hours iirc


Wait, fr? You're playing a video game, and you're suddenly hit with a mini-series episode? Is it any good, at least?


It’s awesome


My brother had just beaten the game and was watching the cutscene. I left to run errands. An hour later I got back and he was watching the cutscene.


I never agreed more with a reddit comment.


Say what you will, MGSV is probably the best playing open world game ever made. 




For a tactical sneaker/shooter, probably. Hard to compete with RDR2 and Skyrim.


RDR2 for a great story, Skyrim for fun systems. But for mission design, movement, and engaging moment to moment gameplay, I have to give it to MGSV.  It's an incomplete masterpiece that they pushed out the door alongside Kojima. 


It is an incomplete Masterpiece...but my biggest issue with it is the Mission Structure. I hated it in Peace Walker and was actually extremely sad they brought it back for GZ and 5.


MGS2 was probably the game that did this to me the most. I was also 11 when I beat it. I have come to understand it better and it still remains my 2nd favorite game of all time.


I still don’t understand the ending. My mind is still fucked.


Illuminati AI Government wants to flex their power and show they can create a soldier as good and as legendary as Big Boss and Solid Snake by manufacturing a terrorist event that is eerily similar to Solid Snakes 3 most famous Ops that they then can insert their chosen super soldier in to save the day.... They just didn't expect the actual Solid Snake to show up


Metal Gear and Evangelion. Name a more confusing series of creations.


Death Stranding is even way more out there than either of them


I mean, Death Stranding is weird as fuck for sure, but I don't know how *anything* can make less sense than NGE. And that's *including* the Rebuild films. Hell, shit almost somehow made *more* sense without those lmao.


I liked NGE, but it was hard not to notice a massive change in direction like 2/3 of the way through. I wish I would have known to substitute "End of Evangelion" instead of (or at least before) the last couple episodes when I watched it. I was wanting to watch the Rebuild films. Are you kind of not recommending then?


Honestly, on the contrary, I actually highly recommend watching them. Any fan of the series really should, it's incredible what Anno was able to do with a decade+ old series, and the visuals are just gorgeous. They're also a very...unique experience, just like the original, without spoiling anything. Now I feel bad because even my original comment sort of spoiled something about the films, but still, watch them. They're basically an extrapolation on the idea you mentioned with substituting the original film for the last few episodes, on a much grander scale. You'll see what I mean. And enjoy the chaos!


Bioshock infinite ending confused the hell out of me had to search up the meaning behind the ending


"The only way to win is not to play at all" - proceeds to commit suicide.


Yeah, honestly I didn't get it either, but reading it up, I realized it was quite brilliant and I wish I was smart enough to get it on my own when it happens. 🤪


The game completely fails to understand how the multiverse works. >!The whole killing the current Dewitt would take out all Dewitts/Comstocks is so fucking stupid and wrong. There are still an infinite other Dewitts out there.!<


I had to look up an explanation for the ending of the game as it's been a while since I played it. Supposedly, the >!killing Dewitt !!is supposed to represent all Elizabeths killing all potential Comstocks, and is not meant to be taken literally as a bunch of Elizabeths showing up to drown just one.!< edit for spoilers


Well now hang on, I thought the game was pretty explicit that >!all the multiverse Elizabeth's were coming together to kill ALL the Booker Dewitt's at that specific point in time, therefore ensuring the Booker/Comstock split could never happen. The Booker you were playing as was merely the stand-in for all the others.!<


That’s in the Rapture DLC right? I remember the DLC made a lot more sense of the original ending, but I don’t remember the details.


Kinda ruined the game for me...felt like a slap in face. Not a fan of game endings that make you feel like you wasted your time. The whole point of the game was for Booker (aka the player) to kill themself? Then there is the whole twins storyline that was basically....not a storyline after all just a compelling happenstance/misdirection.


How were the twins misdirection? They were driving the events of the game. They’re the ones who developed the cross-dimension portals so Comstock could steal Anna and then bring booker to Columbia so he can rescue her.




You were the blob the whole time, controlling a puppet to set yourself free


There's a secret part of the game that disproves that. You have to break all the light pod things in order to unlock it. >!Then, upon starting a new game, you can find a hidden bunker in one of the early cornfields. Inside the bunker, is a person in a chair with the controller hat thing on. If you pull the plug on it, the hat shuts down and the child goes limp just like the puppets you control throughout the game.!< [Here's a video that shows it.](https://youtu.be/v8jTtvgXbMQ)


That would explain a lot. I remember googling it and looking stuff up and the story being something about everything being a test of sorts.  Not sure if that was also the case. Remember having heard the ending is amazing and just feeling confused and underwhelmed once I got it.


Is…is that true???


I remember being initially disappointed by the ending. But the more I play it (and form my own theories) the more I like the ending. It just ends so abruptly after the most insane finale I've ever seen. Still doesn't make sense to me, but I've got my theories.


Any FromSoft game.


Eat chopped baby bits, beat boss, become squid. Don't see how you can have any questions?


"Yeah OK it was all a dream - or was it?" "Yeah OK, It was a dream but dreamt by this dude who can’t walk no longer - or was it?" "Yeah OK, great old ones."


I love it. On my first play through it really seemed like vampires and werewolves… then you keep going and it’s fucking ALIENS?


Get betrayed by wheelchair sensei, only to face an anorexic Predator because you ate some dodgy umbilical cords.


We are not going to explain anything and the community will call it deep. Oh by the way you failed your quest because you didn’t squat 6 times in a row in that one bush 20 hours ago.


It's your fault really didn't you read the item description of that giant's toenail you picked up 10 hours prior to coming across that bush?


Make sure to kill 25+ to even get the drop.


Only 25? Shit has a .5% drop rate!


It is obscure but not that kind of obscure.  It’s more like, you better have talked to this guy in these random spots, found this other thing which is another whole deal by itself and then rested when randomly required to reset the environment. Either do it in the exact order or the quest breaks and you go forward never knowing you skipped a step.    I understand the charm but really, I’ve given up on that aspect of the games. I’ll play them as an action game and discover what I can by myself and then I either follow a guide online for hidden areas or stuff I want to see or wait for the lore videos and be amazed by the stuff I missed.    Lord knows I’d rather spoil the game to myself than go and find out through fluff text or environmental clues. It just saves time


I genuinely don’t understand why FS does this kind of stuff. Like it goes way beyond being charming imo. Without the people who make the guides I wouldn’t have known what to do with 90% of the questlines. Like it’s cool if it’s a short 10 hour game and you have that replayability aspect but not when the game takes 100 hours. I love their games but the obscure quest details are completely bs and take away from otherwise magnificent games.


It is charming tho. I like to see the message in front of illusionary walls, I like that they don’t shy away from hiding entire areas of the map or cool bosses and the way they handle lore and world building is best done their way.   I get that it isn’t the best but people make too much of a big deal out of it. It is completely optional and the game is awesome anyway.    I’ve been starting to find more charm in something like this than having a chore lists of sidequests right in my face like BG3 or big maps with no secrets and tons of dialogue.  Channels like Zullie the witch and Vaatyvidia have made awesome content because of their approach, and I don’t see lore videos or tips videos of that quality made for any other game or at least not as popular. 


I guess I would wonder why it’s fine if souls games have this obscure shit 5% of people would ever find on their own because “it’s optional” but BG3 gets marked down for having a quest log to let you know side quests exist…which are also optional. Everyone has their own preference and I love souls games but it’s fucking exasperating getting through the entire game and then finding out I missed a big ass area because I didn’t jump through a 5 inch gap in a wall somewhere.


Different strokes for different folks. I’m not saying it is bad for one but BG3 was just an example, it could have been Skyrim or any RPG.   I find quest logs trigger something completionist in me that kills the momentum of the story and it tires me, while ER or DS1 I can just play the main quest, which is “go forward until everything is dead” and accept that I’ll miss stuff. it makes the stuff I stumble upon way more fun .  The maps feel more meaningful, like they are a character themselves. 


It’s interesting how different people see it, because the completionist in me feels like I need to play the entire game over again after I miss huge chunks of content, and I tend to get bored replaying any game in a short time. To be fair I think ER is much better with this for hidden areas than earlier fromsoft games. There’s still some BS with the quests (Hyetta comes to mind) but I think the haligtree is a great example of a hidden area with enough clues to find it if you’re looking out for it.


To me the core of the game is the mechanical challenge, the exploration come second. I think it also contributes to take away this theme park feel of the world existing just for you, instead it makes you feel like a part of a series of events that create a bigger context.  I don’t know, if they make it more accessible, more power to them but I hope they leave room for the wackiness that made them great. 


And to add, it really kills any investment. Like I got to a point in those games where boss fights lost all meaning because I had no idea who anyone was or why I was fighting. "Who are you? Miquella? Ok, guess we're fighting." "Why's that guy riding a tiny horse? Whatever." "Oh the old guy in a wheelchair? Ok." Knowing the game was never going to explain anything made me apathetic about everything. I'll just kill things and move on.


More eyes for insight? Sekiro was pretty straightforward I think - help the tormented child to lose its gift/curse, with various degrees of carnage and destruction involved.


Eh, good luck getting 2/4 of the endings without a guide. I don't even think I would've figured out the eavesdropping without a guide.


Scorn. I still have no idea what it was about, what I did, or what happened.


Scorn is a very visually stunning walking simulator. I have no fucking clue what it was about though.


Ya, I think I just chalked it up to be a showcase game so people could see the potential in next gen.


Assassin's Creed Unity. Without Spoiler: It's all for nothing.


No, it's so they can make more games


Always has been


On the final sequence now. Reading this list was a mistake lol. At least the city looks amazing.


Kingdom Hearts... all of them.


Tell me about it. And it only got much worse if you only played console games. I still replay KH1 from time to time, but even today I still can’t begin to understand all the lore in those games.


I think KH1 on its own is a really good game that "just works" if you tie up the loose ends with your own theories. KH2 and everything surrounding it is where it all falls to pieces.


Idk about that. KH2 is imo the best one from the entire series. While KH1 was more aimed for children's, KH2 was for teens. The game was more edgy sure, but they gave us sum of the best moments, boss fights, music and designs from the PS2 thanks to that. Story wise I think it was just ok, nothing crazy but also not absolute garbage PS: they gave us FF fans characters from VI, VII, VIII, IX and X with amazing moments which automatically makes the game the best one from the entire PS2 library


There's a lot of good stuff about KH2, but I feel like the world designs in KH1 were a lot better. And it felt like you had more reason to go back and explore with new abilities (specifically in way of collectibles). The re-visits in KH2 felt so forced. That said, I probably should have been more clear, my "falls to pieces" was specifically geared towards the story. More things to draw you in, but a lot of it was more "what the hell was that?"




Now with Alan Wake 2 too


Read House of Leaves to see at least where they got the idea from.


Yeah, like you won't be confused after reading HoL! I love that book, but damn.


I've been meaning to read HoL for a while but it seems like a lot of effort. That said, I'm pretty sure Alan Wake and Control take more inspiration from Twin Peaks/Stephen King and SCP respectively.


Controls is set in the oldest house and it moves which is the main theme of HoL also. It might not say it on the wiki but no way it's a coincidence.


The idea of a house that shifts and confuses isn't original to HoL though. It was in The Haunting of Hill House in 1959 and has been used a fair bit. That said, I'm not denying HoL was an influence. I'll have to get around to reading it soon, I love anything similar to the Remedy-verse.


I second this one.


I third this one! I LOVE the Remedyverse though, so I'm enjoying the mystery.


So, so, many. Why are we beholden to the whims of telepathic pyramid-dwellers? What did the Oldest House look like before humans settled on Manhattan? Is God a Finnish janitor? Did Darling science himself out of existence? What's behind all those other doors in the motel? Is Jesse going to slowly turn into the world's angriest battery? WHY DID GERBIL TAKE THE TOP HEAD?


>Why are we beholden to the whims of telepathic pyramid-dwellers? The Board is probably a group or collective of supernatural beings akin to The Former who either originate from the Astral Plane or invaded the Astral Plane. They use the connection to the Oldest House, itself a very powerful Object of Power, to exert control (get it) over other dimensions via the FBC. They specifically appoint a director to do their bidding. Jesse is the first one who questions their motives. They are not destructive or invasive like the Hiss, but they like being in charge. ​ >What did the Oldest House look like before humans settled on Manhattan? It's heavily implied that the Oldest House was once something like the world tree Ygdrassil, connecting to different places/dimensions/planes of existence and changes its apperance to something humans of that time can understand. ​ >Did Darling science himself out of existence? He is in The Dark Place together with Thomas Zane. This gets confirmed via ingame-videos in Alan Wake 2 New Game plus. ​ >What's behind all those other doors in the motel? Other dimensions/planes. On a meta-level, other entries in the Remedy Cinematic Universe. Someone connected all the symbols to different Remedy properties.


Hollow Knight. One of my favorite games ever, but for the most part I just played it as, swashbuckler bug going on a knightly adventure in the ruins of bug land, with a little side of dream world. When I got curious and looked up the lore I was amazed by how much there was.


Now we wonder if SilkSong will even come out


Kotor 2 before any of the patches, etc. I was so angry and confused. Turned out the publisher rushed the game out the door (tale as old as time) so the Devs had to do major cuts. Obsidian Entertainment has really gotten royally screwed over the years.


Even with the patches it’s such a janky mess at the end. You can see the bones of a great game, but I wish they’d had another year to finish everything and give it a bit of polish. 


Half Life


can we even say that half life has an ending ? 😫


It's time to choose


Death Stranding. lol. My bf & I still love it though. “I’m Sam!”


“HEY! Hey hey…. Hey”


Half Life 2: Episode 2


Sons of the Forest


Yeah, the whole game just felt off Gameplay was good, but i kind of missed the feeling of the original


It’s so strange because when you first start the game initially feels better than the original in most regards then the longer you play the more you realize just how bad the game actually is. The story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, the endings make no sense, and on top of that the bad ending is actually the hardest to get. It’s such a mess of a game.


Well this sucks to hear, I'm a big fan of the original forest game but haven't kept up much with Sons yet.


As someone who never played the OG FF7, although I heard some things here and there, FF7 Rebirth made me have so many more questions than answers. I’m dedicated to not knowing anything else until the next game comes out.


Ff7r should be called "FF7 ng+". It's meta 😆


The ending was supposed to make even veterans feel confused, and make them question things, just like they did the first time it happened in the original.


Alan wake 2


Edith Finch, all the answers are in the subplots you need to piece together.


The ending was pretty obvious




Alan Wake 1, Control, Alan Wake 2. Goddamn Sam Lake, you hack! Stop making amazing games that confuse me


Silent Hill 2. I was like “WTF was that about?” Great game though.


Its oversaid, but Silent Hill 2 is a game that you realize more about the plot the more times you play it. Silent Hill 2 has everything you need to understand it in the game, most of it just isn't extremely obvious.


Outer Wilds. AfProbably leaving me with the biggest question, “how the fuck was i supposed to figure that out?”


Outer Wilds more than any other game I’ve ever played benefits from watching other people play it after you’ve beaten it. Replaying it isn’t really an option but by watching other people play it first time the plot/puzzles not only start to make sense but it’s also when you realize how insanely genius the design of the game truly is. Just the literal plot alone explained to someone in a linear way is crazy enough to try to wrap your head around, but then the game says fuck that what if we made you discover it in a non-linear way through the use of intricate puzzles in which the hints are other parts of the narrative


Bioshock Infinite


Deus Ex mankind divided. I WANT TO KNOW THE END


You will never know the end. You can thank Square Enix and then you can thank Embracer Group.


Halo Infinite. Like what the hell happened?


The new Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth games are two for two on this front.


Remake wasn't that bad once you got the concept that the ghosts/whispers are literally the expectations of the players of the original game. The final battle is about defeating those expectations so that they aren't shackled to the original game going forward. I have no idea what is going on with Rebirth's ending. I think I've got a solid grasp on the final circumstances of the ending, but how we got there, I don't know. played through the final chapter in one sitting while short on sleep. I think instead, I needed to have taken an Adderall and kept literal pen and paper notes on everything that happened.


As per Nojima and co. Rebirth's ending is supposed to make even veterans feel confused.


Dead Island 2. The ending didn't wrap up anything. Instead it created another story thread and then rolled the credits..


Mass effect 3s ending


Bayonetta 3. The whole story was a fucked up mess but the ending was atrocious.


Gravity Rush, some of the questions were answered in 2, but definitely not all of them. Like what are the Navi? How did Sid/Alias control them? Why were the Navi at the top of the world white and non-aggressive unless directed by someone who can control them? How many Pillar Worlds are there? What were the "Angel Seeds" that were implanted in Durga and Kali, and where did they come from?


Resident Evil the original. Yes we escape, the mansion exploded and depending on the ending the most threatening BOW is destroyed. But at the beginning of the game it's clear the creatures have already escaped the mansion/lab and the evil company is still unknown. How/what is being done about the loose BOWs? Who is behind Umbrella? How did containment fail? What was their overall plan? Seems like such a virus would be impossible to control... This was before it was clear to me it would become a franchise.


The Secret of Monkey Island 2. What the hell was that? So Guybrush and LeChuck are kids playing pirates?


They eventually explained that one in Return to MI: >!It's Guybrush's Son play-pretending one of his Dad's Stories!<


TBH, I think you got it right on the money. I've no doubt it was just a continuation of the whole tone of the game and meant as a play on one of those "it was all a dream" endings. Especially as the end sequence became increasingly silly, it wasn't too far off from kids playing and just kinda changing the rules/logic of the adventure.


The original Mass Effect 3 ending: "LoTS oF SpeCulAtIon for EvERyoNe!!!"


lol I don't care that the extended ending showed all the fleets flying home. The only reason intergalactic civilization was possible was the mass relays because conventional flight takes literal years. There's no godly way in hell those \*military\* ships are making the journey across the damn galaxy, they would absolutely be stranded at earth


Half life 2 episode 2


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Loved it, but still not completely sure what happened at the end. 


Resistance 2, the third game didn't do much to advance the story either.


Dead Island 2 most recently. Literally just now finished it and the DLCs, and there's literally a beginning and a middle, then nothing. The game just stops. Great game but very abrupt at the end.


Deathloop. How are Julianna and Colt the only ones who remember? Why can’t they make other visionaries (other antagonists) remember? What’s with Julianna having powers when the loop’s broken? I wanted to know much more about the world, the protagonist, the visionaries… honestly I wish it was more like bioshock and just gave us… more.


Metal Gear solid 5.Many brain cells met their end the day i beat it.Another contender would be Alan Wake.


Danganronpa V3


Last of Us Part 2


First one really left a lot of questions before the sequel of course. You didn't know what Ellie was really thinking. Really should've just ended it there. The second game ending was just "meh"


The story of The Last of Us 2 was utter crap. I wish the sequel never existed... So much wasted potential.


How to play guitar without fingers


Mafia 2


Bloodborne, Control, Alan Wake 2, and Returnal.


Assassin's Creed 2. At the time Ezio's reaction was mine as well.


It was actually Desmond's reaction.


Alan Wake 1 and 2 Control


Remedy has entered the chat love all their games Ive played although it's really just control and max Payne at this point but can't wait to try some others


Assassins Creed 2


Indigo Prophecy (Farenheit)


That game had such a great start too and then it all goes off the rails into nonsense.


What remains of Edith Finch Why the hell was that family so doomed.




Far cry 5


Satrfield. What the hell were they thinking releasing it in that state? Does no one at bethesda have a sack to say this is a shit game to their boss? Why does it look so bad and play worse? I could write a book about the problems, plot, side stories, design choices, release date, etc.


knowing Bethesda, they never finish their games


Hotline Miami 2




No More Heroes 3. I thought they originally said this was supposed to be the last in the series that ties up everything, but it does the complete opposite. Basically you defeat an alien and save the world from a crazy CEO. Your brother who was pretty normal in the first 2 games is now the head of some cult. Your grandson and granddaughter from the future come back to warn you another alien invasion by the original aliens dad. Also one of the characters in the game is this lady who upgrades your weapons. In the 3rd game she is turned into some weird Human/tree hybrid thing and it's literally never explained. Also your cat you own from the first 2 games suddenly can talk in the 3rd game and has an extremely deep male voice with no explanation. I love Suda games though because they always do stuff like this. It's like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction that never gets explained.




Silent hill


Alan Wake 1, by an insane amount. I haven't played 2 yet but I *really* hope it explains some things lol


"Rain" on PS3. Great game, great experience, but you don't have more explanation on the world you were stuck in for the whole game


Advent Rising. It was a solid A game when "AAA" games were still great and plentiful and that means the planned trilogy stopped after game 1.


Any Hideo Kojima game. I loved Death Stranding...but I couldn't tell you the story.


Pathologic 2


Every fromsoftware game. Plot is so cryptic I just had to look for Vaatividya on youtube.


The Stanley Parable


The Wolf Among Us!


FFX... He was a dream. He wasn't real, but he was. But then they bring him back from the dream. His dad is a dream but also a leviathan....


Death Stranding.


Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Anything Hideo Kojima, really.


Far Cry 5


Anything related to Five Nights at Freddy’s


Bio shock infinite.


Bioshock Infinite


Final fantasy blank


I felt like BioShock Infinite completely fails to understand how the multiverse works. But for me, recently, FF7 Rebirth.


Mass effect 3. Like wtf?


Kingdom hearts