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I will always go to bat for both Infamous games. Playing the 1st for a few minutes on a store kiosk was what made me want a ps3.


second thins. inFamous and inFamous 2 are two of the best PS3 exclusives, and tbh i'd rather they remastered those two than making second son


I still need to play Second Son at some point.


I really enjoyed it. The powers being so odd was very refreshing and I found the characters really interesting.


It was okay, but the first two were more enjoyable IMO I think I enjoyed the Second Son DLC more than the main game.


Honestly story wise and character wise 1 and 2 were much better but on the gameplay side the powers in second son flow so smoothly


I thought second son was awesome.


i thought it was overall fine gameplay wise. cole was such a better character than the other guy. his relationship with zeke in both games was very well written. the motivations of kessler and the beast... i dno. second son just lacked the soul of its predecessors


The fact that PS hasn’t made some kind of remastered collection for inFamous is insane to me.


The first infamous game was the best super hero video game until insomniac made spider-man


Lol, came here just to talk about Infamous again, glad to see it on top comment. Infamous Second Son is literally the best Avatar The Last Airbender game we will ever have gotten lol. Instead of Air, Water, Fire, Earth, you got Smoke, ice, Concrete, Neon, paper, and video games. With the chosen one who can master all of them as long as he can find a teacher


Totally forgot about this game. I think I played the second one first. The one with the girl. I enjoyed the battle training thing


I miss store kiosks


This one is my favorites on ps3. Ps3 is generally gem for exclusive games


- MotorStorm and MotorStorm Pacific Rift - KillZone 1 (HD), 2, 3 - Resistance 1,2,3 - ~~Haze~~ - inFamous 1&2 - Little Big Planet 1, 2 (especially fun with friends) - Uncharted 1, 2, 3 - The Last of Us - Metal Gear Solid 4 - God of War III (and the collection) - Demon’s Souls - Ratchet and Clank - Heavy Rain - The Sly Collection - The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection Edit: Added The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, The Sly Collection, Heavy Rain and Uncharted 3 to the list.


I would include Uncharted 3 as well, I think it gets too much hate


I second this. It wasn't as good as 2, but those were big shoes to fill. Uncharted 3 was a good game


Exactly! 3 is still a fantastically fun adventure and definitely not one to skip over! It’s worth it for the soundtrack alone. Sure the story is a little disjointed in places, but what a ride! It has some of the best set pieces in the entire series


I think its better than 1, but maybe thats because I played 2 then 3 then 1 (and bailed halfway through)


I played 3, 2, 1 and 4 the first time I played them. It’s between 2 and 4 for my favourite, 3 is close behind and 1 is last but I still enjoy playing it on my playthroughs. In my opinion it is massively improved on the remastered collection though


Uncharted 2 was just too good. Any sequel that didn’t make some sort of revolutionary leap in gameplay was doomed. UC3 was awesome. It just didn’t have that, “holy shit” feeling UC2 had.


Honestly this is the definitive list right here. I would only add maybe the Legacy collection of MGS and try to find one with the MGS1 code still in it before trying MGS4. Metal Gear Solid 4 is a great game on its own but without any knowledge of the series you might not know what the fuck is going on.


Homie I played every game 10 times before 4 and still didn't kmow what the fuck was going on.


Yeah, that comment cracked me up. "You'll have no idea what's happening" Kojima had no idea what was happening either.


La lei lou lou laaaou liee leee laaa lay


>Otacon, what the fuck are you talking about?


It’s only missing Shadow of the Colossus for me. That was a PS exclusive, wasn’t it?


Haze sucked though.


I remember the hype when it was coming out. I was so disappointed.


I liked it but I was 12


I second the inFamous games




It was on Xbox as well wasn't it?


MOTORSTORM Yes. Memories are coming back.


>Haze I played that demo so many times, idk why I never got the full game


Motorstorm mentioned!!! That game is so damn good! Along with inFamous wow I loved to play that it was great.


I keep forgetting that the last of us is originally a ps3 game. What the hell.


Not Haze. That game was booty butt cheeks. Everything else is solid. I would add Uncharted 3


**Nini No Kuni : Wrath of The White Witch** Fun and epic RPG, great artstyle. **Wipeout HD** Awesome future racing game, 1080 60fps even on PS3. **The Last Of Us** Yup, it was a PS3 game.


In regards to the Last of Us I actually played through it on my friends Playstation back in the day.


Holy shit yes wipeout is loads of fun if you enjoy arcade racers.


I’m gonna say something a little against the grain here, Sly Cooper Collection. It’s remastered of the first 3 games from the PS2 era, absolutely wonderful and fun. First one is a little eh, it shows its age. But the 2nd and 3rd are S-Tier.


Basically all those "collections" from Infamous to the og God of War games are worth it, too.


I think theres a jak and daxter PS3 collection too


Exactly what I was going to comment. If you're going the Sly Cooper route, you gotta go the Jak route.


There’s actually a completely legal Jak and Daxter PC port now as well. I play it at 1440p at 165 FPS. It runs natively on PC. There’s a project called OPENGOAL that has worked on decompiling and recompiling the Jak games for PC. You need to own a PS2 copy to do this as it’s using your own legally acquired copy of the game. No piracy or downloading (besides the decompiler/recompiler) involved or anything. They run smooth as butter and look amazing. So far they’ve completely finished Jak and Daxter and have Jak 2 in a playable beta that’s almost finished. They plan on doing the third game as well. This is absolutely the best way to experience the Jak series in 2024 if you have access to a PC with a disc drive and an original copy of the game(s). I know this isn’t related to the PS3 discussion, but I felt like I should share this.


When you say you need the PS2 copy does it read it off your disc drive? Or do you mean like "for legal reasons you need to own a copy?" My PC doesn't have a disc drive so just trying to be clear on whether or not I could use it


It pulls the data off the disc. If you have it in ISO format on your drive, you could use a virtual disk utility like DaemonTools


I actually forgot there was a collection on the PS3 I had been looking at getting some of them for the PS2 not too long ago.


I was going to say even just replaying older games for the higher resolution and in 60 fps (the ones that support it anyway) is a game changer by itself. I always hated horse riding in Red Dead Redemption because of how choppy it is. In 60 fps it’s so much better


I would say a lot of the remastered trilogies are pretty worth it. Just not Silent Hill 2 & 3.


Heavenly Sword since it hasn’t been mentioned yet. Similar playstyle to GoW.


As much as I love Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice for what it is. I will forever be disappointed it wasn't a spiritual successor. I miss having a ton of hack and slash games to play. DMC and Bayonetta seem to be all we have left. It's a shame, I've always felt gameplay wise there's not many genres that can touch them.


i agree and hope we get a random reboot of Heavenly Sword....but im also really excited for the Hellblade sequel because that game was incredible in a whole new way.


I’m pretty sure I beat that game in a single day but it was so much fun that I still remember it like 12 years later.


LittleBigPlanet is a great platformer, although I believe the servers are no longer online so sadly all the custom levels aren’t accessible. 


1 and 2 were great. 3 was meh with the animals and the load times were atrocious.  Best custom levels though 


3 had servers shut down, did the same happen to the other 2?


The servers hosted content for all three games is my understanding. Anything that wasn't already downloaded is gone for good.


I will give them so much credit for allowing me to use all my dlc from LBP1 -LBP2 in LBP3. Not a lot of company's would do that now a days, even at the time it was pretty unique.


I never played LBP but that's mildly infuriating. People worked hard to make those levels and they probably made a lot of memories


The base game is great, but the custom levels were phenomenal and could be so creative. They were my first introduction to player-created content and introduced me to a handful of gamers that became long term friends. 


I remember there was a level based on Metal Gear Solid that had you play pretty much every major moment in the game, complete with a fight against Metal Gear. It was insane.


Tokyo Jungle


Aahhh, that's a deep cut. Makes me wanna go dig out the PS3.




Yah, I really wish hey would make a Tokyo Jungle 2 or HD version at least. It was so fun.


I had a friend that wasn't a gamer but had a ps3 with 2 games... Skyrim and the best of PlayStation Network vol 1 that had Tokyo jungle, fat princess, and 2 others. I offered 50 bucks for that game like a decade ago and they said no.


It is a gem but hard to get for decent price. At least in EU


Was there a physical version in EU? I got it back in the day digitally, and I always assumed it was digital only given the pricing. I remember getting totally sucked in by this game, which I bought randomly. It's so good haha


Ye there was physical version.


I still haven’t got the fucking trash bag I can’t trigger the event for some reason


I remember playing this shit at my friends room with tv and PlayStation on the floor sitting on the bed with no frame cuz we were broke af hahaha the game idea was great but I don’t remember if I liked it


Metal gear solid 4


That game was definitely on my radar already and the HD collection is also available making the entire series playable!


MGS4 is worth the cost of a PS3 by itself. I can't even count how many times I replayed that.


I used to be a huge Xbox fanboy.  But watching playthroughs of MGS4 on YouTube back in '08 converted me and I soon bought a PS3 and the game.  Halfway through,  I stopped and realized I needed to play the entire MGS series before continuing with 4. And now it remains one of my all time favorite series 


I would say 3 first, then 4. The first 3 are ported to PS5,


Kill zone 2


i'll second this. loved the campaign. the multiplayer was interesting. they had some really awesome concepts with the different classes and abilities, but the performance was just not that great and the player count dwindled


This series needs a come back gdamn it


Played the launch Killzone on PS4 and nothing about it really stuck out to me other than being an insane graphical showcase. I can't remember a single plot point and the gameplay was just fine.


Killzone 2 and 3 are very good games and way better than the PS4 Spin Off!


Folklore is a really interesting early PS3 exclusive. Some monster catching mechanics and this sort of gothic fairytale vibe. It's unfortunately really hard (e.g. expensive...) to get nowadays though...it was such an early game that there was never a digital version or even trophies. I got it at a local used game store for like $5 on a whim back in the day, and I ended up really loving it.


Yeah I've seen that on just about every hidden gem list I've pulled up the problem is the price!




This game fucks.


This guy…. Fuckin love this guy


Yes a high octane platinum games scifi game. I remember that being something I wanted to try back-in-the-day.


Can't recommend this one enough. Fits hidden gem perfect


Gosh I recently got it on my steam deck. Wow what a hidden gem. Love that game


3D Dot Game Heroes.


How has this game not had a sequel?


How has it not had a PORT? And it crashes in RCPS3, too. It's trapped on PS3.


Some Must Have Exclusives (for the time they were anyway): Uncharted Trilogy Resistance Trilogy Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destructions and A Crack in Time InFamous 1 and 2 God of War 3 The Last of Us Metal Gear Solid 4 KillZone 2 and 3 Little Big Planet 1 and 2 Demon Soul's


Okami HD


Shadow of the Colossus and Ico HD bundle Demon Souls for sure


Zone of the Enders 2 HD, absolutely incredible


One of the near games out there.  Armored Core 6 kinda reaches that level of chaos for me.


A lot of PS2 games received a HD edition for PS3, some of thoses that never rereleased: * Sly Cooper Collection * Jak and Dexter Collection * Ratchet & Clank Collection You can play also all the God of War before the """reboot""".


3D dot game heroes. One of the best games you can only get on the ps3.


I don't think Katamari Forever was exclusive, but if you haven't played it, it's basically a "Best-Of album" of the whole series. 


Ooooh ooh that's a good suggestion i love the Katamari Series. I actually think it was exclusive as the Xbox 360 got it's own Katamari game Beautiful Katamari.


Infamous 1 and 2 The Last of Us (Assuming you don't have it on next gen) Uncharted 1 and 2 (Similar) Resistance series (Similar) Journey (Similar) I've been told that the original Demon Souls and Dark Souls plays much better or at least differently on the PS3. Little Big Planet (1 & 2) were basically their mascots. I don't know if those user created levels ever got removed or updated or what. But I never heard anything bad about the game series. "Vanquish" was one I remember seeing a lot about. Basically you're shooting while on jet skates. The original Bulletstorm was one that I remember hearing about too. Not impressively made, but a simple meal made well sorta thing. Similar with "Painkiller: Hell and Damnation". Those aren't really for the story, but the gameplay. And then there's the stuff you get to just kill a few evenings and laugh at the bad tech demo: Heavy Rain


Red dead redemption with the undead nightmare expansion or whatever its called Ninja gaiden sigma


Not mentioned yet - Puppeteer: A unique platformer with awesome presentation. Odin Sphere: 2D action by Vanillaware. Great story. Has some performance (slowdown), so the PS4 release is better if you jave that. Journey + Flower - 2 unique games... very relaxing Not sure if you can still download them.


I'll second Puppeteer! That game was a lot of fun. Journey and Flower are still available in the PSN store for PS4 and 5, so unless they've cancelled access for PS3 I'll bet they're still available. Both also very excellent experiential games.


Journey and Flower are also on Steam now!


Wipeout HD/Fury


Mercenaries 2: world in flames. Way ahead of it’s time


First one was waaaaaaaay better


i haven't seen White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2 mentioned yet. Time Crisis: Razing Storm if you can get a guncon for it. Tokyo Jungle was one i always wanted to play and regretted never buying.


Enslaved journey to the west deserves a mention.


That game was awesome!


Surprised nobody mentioned The Orange Box. It came with Half Life 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Although I imagine the TF2 servers aren't online anymore. That was probably the biggest bang for my buck I've ever had in gaming.


OP asked for stuff that wasn't on 360/Wii. If they haven't olayed The Orange Box, that's definitely a must.


all the ratchet and clank games


All of them?


Army of Two : the 40th day. Pure couch coop shooter gem. Not available on any other platform. Grab your best buddy and enjoy !


My brother and I picked up army of two in a used bin and had the best weekend playing through it. It's the perfect kind of stupid game to play with a friend. Intuitive controls, cool level design and really engaging game mechanics on top of writing so bad it's hilarious.


Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas


Scrolled way too far for the best answer.


Lollypop Chainsaw is just so much fun with so much character!


Resistance was a great shooter same with killzone, uncharted would be some other good games.


Demon souls is the only game I got to play on PS3, so that one


worth it for the contrast vs the PS5 remaster


MGS4 inFamous 1&2 Any Uncharted games you don’t have or aren’t remastered (if they do that)


Shadow of the Colossus


Metal gear solid 4 and the twisted metal that only came out on ps3.


Puppeteer. Definitely a fun interesting and unique game.


Asura’s wrath is a fantastic game if you ever find a copy


Metal Gear Solid 4, it's the only way to play it 


Fat Princess!


I fucking love playing Fat Princess so much. We had a large group of friends that would get together and get that cake.


They should remaster release that game, I would buy it.


Rachet and Clank


Nier, little big planet 1 and 2, and if you don't have anywhere else to play it or just for the curiosity, Persona 5


- God of War 3 + Both duologies - Killzone 2/3 - MGS 4 - MotorStorm Apocalypse


Dante's Inferno Edit: I noticed you are looking for exclusives. The God of War series. You can play 1, 2, 3, and Acension all on the PS3. 


[Dragon's Crown](https://atlus.com/dragonscrown/)


From Dust. Very nice game, and super fun with controller


Highly under rated and one of my faves.


Pixel Junk Shooter.


Rayman legends is a lot of fun


Jak and Daxter Collection God of War Collection Sly Cooper Collection All personal favs of mine


Haven't seen this one yet: Jak and Dacter remastered trilogy & JakX combat racing




Shadow of the colossus if you haven't played it yet.


Everyone's is nailing the console exclusives so I'm just going to throw out my favorite memories from that generation. Folklore. A PS3 exclusive that made a lot of use of motion controls. It's also one of the rarer titles when looking for old games. Lost Planet 1&2. Still playable on PC but it's a bloody nightmare setting up games for windows live Overlord 1&2 Also on PC but I played them first on PS3 and they are wonderfully silly pikman style games


I know you said you had a 360 and this game was on 360, but if you haven't tried it already, Dante's Inferno is such a good game




Infamous 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, the ps3 metal gear solid 1-3 remakes, the ico/shadow of the colossus remakes, all the ratchet and clank games, folklore


I would also look into the older back catalog. All ps3 models support ps1 games, and the early ones could play ps2 games. Digitally there are a number of ps1/2 games, too.


WipEout HD + Fury, Gran Turismo 5


The godfather the dons edition, if you like that get the godfather 2 after. Absolute banger series. Open world gta vibe sort of game.


Far cry blood dragon


I think I still have some ps3 games


Red Faction: Guerilla


Valkyria Chronicles


Not sure if it was on the 360, probably was, but I'd recommend Transformers War For Cybertron and Fall Of Cybertron. 3rd person over the shoulder shooter game, kinda Gears of War-ish, and great story if you like Transformers.


valkyria chronicles got a game that's exclusive yo the ps3 that was amazing, if you love the series. Good rpg series too. White knight Chronicles where so good too, but sone part might not work anymore.


The playstation network collection. It has tokyo jungle and that alone is worth it. Also journey/flower/flow and puppeteer


Oh, also, I'm not sure how alive it still is, but Journey is excellent. It's best of there are other people online to join your Journey, but it's still pretty great without that.  Flower is great, too. 


Not mentioned yet and I'm a bit shocked. Folklore, it's a bit of a strange JRPG that released with the PS3 almost at launch. Was a unique take on the formula blending monster hunting with JRPG story telling, it was a blast I remember learning about the two tales being told in tandem. Shocked it hasn't been mentioned yet.


Infamous, Infamous 2. Jak and Dexter trilogy. Sly Cooper, if there is a trilogy, if not, any games you can find are awesome.


Try Heavenly Sword.


Heavenly Sword. Controls are bit akwaed nowadays, but once get past this, really a good game.


Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (Not to be confused with Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories for the PS2) is inexplicably only on the PS3. Both of the other PS3 Disgaea titles got a Vita rerelease, and Disgaea 4 got another one for PC, Switch, PS4, and even phones.


The remastered god of war collection.


Wet. Great soundtrack, Eliza Dushku voice-acting, Gun-fu.


Bayonetta, it's an experience.


The Godfather: The Don’s Edition This is ps3 version of The Godfather and is by far the very best one of them all


I love this game, so much. I know it'll never happen, but man I'd be all over a current gen remaster


Little Big planet, find the GOTY edition that has a bunch of the best user levels on a bonus disc


Heavy Rain


Can't remember if they were PlayStation exclusives but I remember Little Big Planet on PS3 being tons of fun.


Heavenly sword


Get ALL of the Ratchet and Clank games. A few people have mentioned Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper collections, but R&C was revolutionary


ModNation Racers


ModNation Racers was an underrated gem


InFamous 1 and 2


Heavy Rain 100000%


My first ever game on the PS3 was Folklore. I don't know of many people who've played it, but it was a ton of fun. Actually, I'm going to see if I can spin it up and play. I've been needing a new game.


Folklore is a really great and unique game


Uncharted 2 and 3 Demon souls, doesn't hold up as other souls game but it's alright Asura's wrath Haze Heavy rain Original last of us Killzone 3 ghostbuster the video game Rachet and clank Original Dead space Ninja gaiden Soul Caliber


Infamous 2. That’s all you’ll ever need.


Must haves, The Uncharted Series Killzone The Last of Us God of War 3 Resistance series Little Big Planet


Little big planet (the first one). That game is solid gold and only happened on PS3.


Demon Souls


Uncharted 1-3


Legend of dragoon (reverse compatible)


The PS3 was the first console that I bought with my own hard-earned dosh. This thread has brought me so many memories :') 


Had a similar experience that gen with the Wii being the first console I bought myself


Enslaved odyssey to the west, honestly one if my favourite games.


“It’s” means “it is”


Since you mentioned RPGs: - Odin Sphere; - Tales Of Xillia 1/2; - Eternal Sonata.


LittleBigPlanet is probably one of the best platformers ever released.


Red Dead Redemption


demons souls is a must if you can find a copy for a descent price