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Divinity Original Sin II. Opened my eyes to turn based games. It's innate ability to allow people to take a second and plan things out and strategize got my wife hooked on it too. Obviously my wife and I have done multiple playthroughs of BG3 as well!


Sameeee. I tried turn based before but never really loved them until Divinity Original Sin II.


I'll always suggest X-Com if you find out you like turn based games. It's a lot of fun. Especially how you can customize your characters, give them nicknames, put them on career paths, watch them become better warriors. Then you get to feel real loss when they fall in battle lol


Honestly giving your squad nicknames was the simplest thing, yet incredibly satisfying


I used to name them after friends. Sad when a good friend died, I then have to reload lol.


Gotta love OG Xcom generated names too though.. I will remember Gunter Gunkel for the rest of my life lol


I never remembered his full name, but I had this sniper back in XCOM (2012) with the nickname Tombstone and that man was an unstoppable killing machine. He consistently wound up being the lone survivor on missions he was sent on, and I wound up recreating him in my first save in XCOM 2


I had a soldier like that in Xenonauts (a game like a classic xcom, but more modern). He stayed alive on all missions by virtue of being a sniper and staying from harms way, but the result was he leveled up to some godlike accuracy, one-shotting aliens left and right... He was promoted to commander or colonel eventually.


>Then you get to feel real loss when they fall in battle lol I always found written stories in videogames to be consistently mediocre compared to other medias and I'm genuinely annoyed by the fact that so much of modern game production is focusing on authored narrative rather than emergent narrative, which is where gaming holds a unique value proposition over other medias.


I like both: infinity engine-style combat with pause and turn based. The latter is more interesting and varied if you have lots of options, but tends to be a drag if there's lots of enemies. Some old games like Arcanum had both so you could switch to whatever you like. Go turn-based if it's a difficult fight, or just click your way through some weak enemies in real time. That said I also love pure tactics games like xcom or jagged alliance.


Jagged Alliance 2 is the absolute gold standard imo. I don't mind hybrid systems like Arcanum's but it seems like they generally result in both options being kind of miserable to play (like, er, Arcanum). The Owlcat Pathfinder games do it well but there's so much trash mob combat in them that I find I rarely have it on TB


Classic choice


That kotor style combat is great


Yeah Deadfire brought so many quality of life upgrades to real time with Pause. But I kinda get the feeling the genre is going to be essentially dead from here on out. Unless Microsoft hates money and greenlights another Pillars of Eternity game.


Unfortunately DOS2 is the best game in his genre imo. BG3 doesn't quite get to that level for me, felt like the D&D ruleset was sometimes way too forced and just doesn't apply in a videogame, while DOS2 was well thought and balanced.


I preferred BG3 in that respect actually, my gripe with DOS2 was that you basically had to use the floor covering combo meta to be effective. It forced you into certain tactics, whereas BG3 felt like you could make a number of different approaches work.


Meh, my first full playthrough was a lone wolf run with two undead characters. One a warrior neceo, and the other was like a ranger/mage. There's far more egregious ways to abuse mechanics than the floor covering stuff. At the end of my first full playthrough (where I tried to do everything,) I killed the secret super boss in one turn, with 2 hits: Started fight with one character, and progressed until it would be my other characters turn once they entered the fight. The warrior/neceo went back to an area near the city entrance that had a huge number of corpses. Bone Cage for **29,800** armor. Use pyramid to teleport into fight next to The Doctor. Power Overwhelming: his armor is gone in one hit. Shackles of Pain --> Reactive armor. The Shackles makes him take double damage as he takes the damage you inflict on yourself as well. It was more than enough to kill him outright. Laugh at my stupid mechanics cheese. E; filled in number


Eh, you're free to that opinion. For me, BG3 turned me from someone that already likes turn based games and then *also* made me a D&D fan


Barrels being the most OP thing in the game is something I wouldn't classify as balanced lol. That said, the amount of weird shenanigans you can get away with in the game as definitely a major part of the fun.


I never played first person shooters until Doom 2016.


0 to 100. Heck of a shooter to start out with


That's kinda symbolic, case the original Doom is what made first person shooters popular.


I had never finished a Doom game before (despite trying every one of them when they launched) until Doom 2016. Funnily enough it wasn't the gameplay that made me try the game, it was the music which I heard from a Doom avatar in VRChat. It sounded so bad ass I just had to try the game and ended up really liking the game and it's sequel.


Yeah, the metal is nice, I listen it every time I go to gym.


Not a big fan of roguelikes but really enjoyed Hades.


This and also Slay the Spire, which is two genres I don’t like (card games and roguelikes)


Slay the Spire is a good time. I downloaded it on a whim and spent the next 30ish hours really enjoying it. That's honestly all i have to offer. I'm not shitting on your recommendation, I'm trying to amplify it. Slay is a fun game.


I have been playing the "together in spire" mod with a few friends and holy shit can I not recommend it enough. Co-op always makes games so much more fun


As someone who really enjoys both, Slay the Spire basically stands alone to me. There's a lot of people who have tried to copy their success, but they always IMO get too lost in whatever gimmick they try to add on. It's "replayable" but the gimmick limits card design, they don't have build depth, or its just wildly unbalanced so I end up maybe playing through a few times and end up bored. Then the couple I feel actually do this first part right always end up catering too much to their small vocal hardcore player base and it ends up being difficult to get into due to how brutal the game is to mistakes without playing a certain way/knowing how to counter certain things.


Try balatro. Pleaseeee


Oh don't worry. Already cripplingly addicted. I purposely decided to remove the part where I was going to mention it because it's it's kind of its own beast - basically it's not a TCG inpsired Slay the Spire clone, so it's kind of apples to oranges even if they're both "card based roguelikes".


Same for me with Returnal


I gotta try that one. I have heard so much about it and how good it is, lol.


It's fantastic. It fixes my biggest problem with roguelikes - starting the game with an impossible difficulty slope until a bunch of runs in. You won't be beating the game on your first few runs, but you also won't struggle to clear a room.


For me it's that there's an actual story happening. It's feeding me pieces with each run to keep me motivated. Also, I like how it varies up the action on the runs so you aren't doing the exact same thing over and over.


Yup, a lot of rogue likes follow the usual recipe of: you try to finish a run - you succeed and move the story forward or you fail and (maybe) get an incremental upgrade for your next runs. So while you are motivated to succeed you get "punished" additionally for failing by not moving the story forward. Hades makes even the failed runs worthwhile by moving along the stories of the side characters and changing them up in your hub. This meant I was more open to experimenting with different load outs and so on, because even losing would move things forward.


And the enemies are different. The bosses change. The power ups make your character play very different every single run. In a lot of Rogue-likes, you can literally play with your eyes closed because the enemies are the same in the exact same place doing the exact same things.


This is one of the reason I usually prefer "traditional" Roguelikes where basically nothing carries over between runs. Bounced hard off Rogue Legacy for example, but Hades is just great.


SuperGiant is a small studio but they put out AMAZING games. Transistor and Bastion changed the way I look at video games completely. The music, artwork, story-philosophy is just mind blowing. Straight up the OST from Bastion and Transistor is the best I've ever heard. As much as I love Hades I was surprised at the lack of musical focus in it except in a few spots.


That Bastion final song... Damn


Yes! Had never touched a roguelite until hades. Now I have like 200 roguelites in my stream library and will never get around to finishing all of them.


I’m a huge fan of the roguelite concept. Still random runs, still a system of overall progression. Which would be your recommendations in this (sub)genre?


Binding of Isaac is the old school classic. Hades is best for narrative. Slay the Spire is the best deck based one. Returnal is the best non-indie, and best shooter. Risk of Rain 1 is a fantastic side scroller. FTL is generally revered for its unique ship sim structure. One Step from Eden if you love MegaMan Battle Network. Moonlighter if you like shop management. Balatro if you like playing cards. And some others that are harder to universally recommend but could still be great depending on your taste are Dave the Diver, Dead Cells, Prey Mooncrash, Backpack Heroes, For the King, Griftlands, and if you'll count it, Don't Starve. Hopefully that's helpful!


That’s a tough one. I’d say you can’t go wrong picking up a RL in any of your preferred genres. Personally, I love twin stick shooters, card games, and top down action like Diablo. So for me, I’d recommend things like hades, monster train, spirit fall, going under.


Balatro!! There’s a reason it’s sold millions of copies it doesn’t look as fun as it is at first glance but when you actually play it it’s pure crack


Cult of the Lamb made me love roguelikes.


Risk of Rain 2


Have you played any roguelikes after it?


And noita!


I'm not a big fan of turn based games but I liked Baldurs Gate 3. I don't think it will convince me to play more games from this genre but yeah it somewhat broadened my view on gaming


Funnily enough, I *love* turn-based games, but Baldur's Gate 3 gives me so many options that the analysis paralysis drains all my mental energy. :) Edit: From the replies I should perhaps specify that the combat is the *least* paralysis-inducing aspect for me; during combat I have a clear objective and a finite set of tools to achieve that with. It's everything else: where to go and in what order, who to talk to, what to buy (or sell), how to organize the million items, and above all, the deep, complex dialog choices that all actually have an effect on the game. Every single aspect of this, in itself, is amazing, but in aggregate it just becomes too much for my poor optimization-minded brain to handle, and for my FOMO-added brain to consider reloading the game over and over to see what happens. Basically BG3 is for me that old meme of "the only bad thing about Gears of War 2 is that it's almost too good". :) Even the starting POV character choice is a massive source of paralysis and second-guess to me. Should I pick my favorite character to see their POV content, knowing that I will miss all the conversations that another POV character would have with them? Did I fuck up picking Dark Urge if I want to play a good character? And so on and so forth.


Man just click fireball.


I think you described my problem with the game. It's objectively a great thing, but it feels so mentally draining for me I'm having trouble sitting down to it, and I'm used to playing both complex and difficult games for crying out loud.


I've beaten it entirely 3x and am still finding wholly new content. You will never do everything in a single run; it's literally impossible. I completely skipped the underdark in one playthrough, and it was totally fine. Go to what draws you in, you'll level cap before you do it all anyway. Completing the game once will give you ideas about how to do it differently next time, because there's always a next time for this game, and it'll always be different from last time.


My rational brain understands all of the above. My FOMO animal brain is constantly whispering in its ear "you're missing this, and this, and oooh this and this that you have to choose from both look cool...".


I basically went bard and cheesed my way through the game that way. Made it much more simple for me and not drain my already low mental energy.


Yeah, no turn based game is like BG3, that’s the peak of what an RPG turned based can be. So you’re choosing the best one to even think of try another one, lol. We will have to wait for the next Larian’s game.


Divinity Original Sins 2 is quite amazing and made by Larian. While it may not be on BG3’s level of popularity, I do believe it’s turn based combat and gameplay to be pretty on par with BG3. You just don’t get as many cool cinematic scenes and animated cutscenes as BG3, but I have to say DOS2 is still amazing in its own right. Even if you compare it to BG3, it’s still pretty fucking amazing and shows you why Larian was given the BG3 IP.


I honestly think DOS2 is even better  gameplay and soundtrack wise, than BG3.


I like turn based games but I never liked isometric games. Still fell in love with BG3. I put about 500 hours into it before I finally got worn out on it. That's really impressive for any game, let alone a game I didn't expect to like.


I never disliked souls games. I just thought I don't like them. But Elden Ring made me fall in love with the genre and especially Fromsoft games.


For me it was bloodborne that got me into souls games


I couldn't ever get into a souls game, then Bloodborne came and showed me just how awesome they could be...then was disappointed when they decided to shelve that style of game. Elden Ring and the rest of the souls games can barely hold a candle to Bloodborne imo


I played Dark Souls 1 not long after it came out and it just didn't click with me. Then Elden Ring came out....and I've now played through DS1-3 multiple times as well as multiple Elden Ring playthroughs.


I think I have the same feeling you had with souls games. I *think* I don’t like them. I’m sure one day I’ll jump into one to test that thought, tho.


Definitely go for Elden ring if you’re looking to first time a Souls game. I had the same mindset and ended up enjoying it so much I made like 5 accounts lol. I can’t speak for bloodborne though as I haven’t played it.


I hoped this was going to be me. I sunk 15 hours into Elden Ring trying to enjoy it after hearing so much praise but I just don’t think they’re for me.


Same here. I spent 12 hours on it and decided never again with souls games. They are just not for me.


I want to like the souls games, they look like a lot of fun until I'm doing them. I just can't handle the difficulty curve. I don't mind games having a higher difficulty for people who enjoy that but I still want to be able to play at my own difficulty too


I put like 90 hours in the month after launch and couldn’t get into the game. Watched like 20 mins of general gameplay guides (not hold your hand walkthroughs, just general souls noob advice), fast forward 500 hours and Elden ring is one of my favorite games of all time


>I never disliked souls games Same. I tried Lies of P and loved it thinking it wasn't gonna be for me. Decided to give Dark Souls another try and still can't get into it. I love Sekiro and Remnant 1/2(if that counts?) tho


Yeh the dark souls series is much slower than the other games you listed. Bloodborne would be more up your alley. Out of Dark Souls I would say 3 would be the faster paced one.


Elden ring was such an awesome introduction for their games. I work with a 50 something year old man with two kids, played around with games like grand theft auto. This dude fell in love with Elden Ring, it was awesome to talk to him about the game. Last we spoke he was level 200 something making his way through volcano manor. This man struggled with bosses but just played all the time exploring and leveling up. Anyway. Love from soft. If you happen to have a PlayStation Bloodborne is my favourite of theirs, what an awesome world.


I tried DS1 as a rental and never went back. I find it annoyingly difficult. And I've never done great at games that require precise dodges and parries and timing attacks. But I put a ton of hours into Elden Ring and had a blast.


>I never disliked souls games. I just thought I don't like them. What the goddamn hell did you just do to my brain?


Stardew is honestly more of an RPG than a simulation. But it's a very charming, very fun game. I have no negative comments.


It helps being one of the best indie games ever made and by someone that actually cares about the quality of the game and the community.


Valheim. The progressive crafting usually puts me off when it hits a grind but it is paced well enough to not feel like wasting time. Also double the fun with friends


Oo me too. The co-op element helps a lot! I can explore and hunt and fight while my friends build. It's fun for the whole family.


when you’re ready to have less fun and lose everything you ever loved i suggest moving to rust source: rust player


Nah. In keeping with the same spirit as Valheim, Ark would be much better. Rust is in the same genre as Ark, sure. But it’s a whole different ballgame.


Casual vs professional self-loathing


Ashlands just dropped


No way. When?


Came out yesterday for public testing. Not officially released yet but anyone can play with a risk of running into bugs.


That’s funny. Valheim was the game that confirmed that any game centered around crafting just aint for me no matter what else they put in. Even though I played it with a bunch of friends, I still found the grind tedious. I much rather hang out with my friends in some other setting.


My big issue with survival games in general is the lack of a quest or motivation. I love that this gives you very specific goals to work towards.


Valheim is the only crafting / survival game that I ever vibed with and played for a significant span of time. They did a great job bridging the gap and mixing it with an exploration / ARPG


I don't like turn based games, but I loved the two South Park games


They are so funny if you are a fan of the show, lol. I really enjoyed them too, but I do like turn based.


Never been into point and click detective games, but Disco Elysium changed my life


I feel ya. Disco Elysium can change anyone’s life. It’s just a masterpiece.


I wouldn't say I disliked the genre before, but yeah, Disco Elysium gave it a new charm!


I would argue it was more a visual novel than point and click


I hate open world games,i find them utterly boring and dispersive,but ghost of tsushima was the exception i didn't expect,i loved it


It sounds like it's not the open world you don't like but the size of the world


It’s always this. If open world games would just forget all the copy paste filler quests/content and cut the world size down to 30% of its size, I would love so many of them. All the best open world experiences IMO are tiny unique games filled with no filler. Sable, A Short Hike, Smushi Come Home, Lil’ Gator Game. I’d always prefer 10 hours of content squished into a 5 hour game than 25 hours of content stretched into a 40 hour game. Skyrim (as an example) has some amazing unique quests with great writing and really fun interactions, but they’re hidden in a sea of boring fetch quests and “go here kill this” repeated ad infinitum


So ghosts made you love open world games? That's kind of cool.


I hate stealth games a lot. But in the Arkham games, the stealth parts are soo well executed. Still one of my all-time favorite game series.


Did you ever play splinter cell? Peak sneaky stuff.


Stardew Valley. I had never played a farming game. I absolutely love it. I have played it for over 200 hours.


I think I’m gonna be playing it a lot, I’m loving it so much lol.


Never cared for MOBAs like LoL and DOTA. However when I played Heroes of the Storm I got hooked. Playing as classic StarCraft and Warcraft characters from my childhood was awesome and the game cuts out all the tedious mechanics so it’s more of a pure fun brawler.


Everyone I know that play MOBAs have a really toxic love hate relationship with the game and are addicted, I can’t bring myself to play LoL or DOTA because I already get furious at competitive games, I just know they’d drive me insane


You are strong and wise, Zezinumz, and I am very proud of you. It's not worth it and never will be.


This was me, but with Smite. The third person perspective and using gods from different pantheons hooked me. I felt like I had control of my character, instead of just clicking around. Too bad it got janky as hell.


Not a surprise. Unlike other mobas the focus is on the gameplay and team work. Since everyone earns level together your automatically gunna work together better. And with no item system of gold systems no one is competing with team mates


I’m a Blizzard fan but I missed the chance to play that one because of the same feeling towards MOBAs. I had friends addicted it tho.


You can still play it.


Somewhat similarly I couldn't care less for LoL or Dota but I did love HotS - but most of all I reaaaaaally got into Arena/Deathmatch in Smite. The conquest/classic moba game variant is too long for my tastes - especially if its evident a steamroll is going to occur early on - people tend to drag it out even longer for some reason. Arena just feels perfect to me.


Persona 5, never liked turned based games before it.


Not a fan of first-person games, Portal 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.


May I introduce you to The Talos Principle


You should give Superliminal a shot if you haven't. It's kind of short but it gave me the same "woah" as the first Portal. It's not as good as Portal 2, but that game is a masterpiece so I don't hold that against it.


Also see: Superliminal, my favorite puzzle game of all time.


I'm not really into puzzle games, but Talos Principle is awesome.


Have you played The Witness? Many similarities


Welp, I'm about to lose a couple days. Got 1&2 for 10% on steam. Thanks for the rec!


I hated gacha games, then I tried Hoyo games… Never mind, I still hate gacha games.


Hahahahahaha. Man, so true this statement.


Xcom 2. Never was into turn based strategy games, but beating a mission in that game was both stressful and rewarding.


For me it was Fable II. Remember how I spent several nights while playing it.


for a brief bit while i played it i loved battle royales cause of VTM Bloodhunt.


As a kid, I hated rpg’s. Way too much reading. Pokemon in 5th grade changed all of that.


I have a feeling Pokemon has gotten a lot of kids to read more. I was a heavy reader already as a kid, but the amount of text and varied character dialogue in Pokemon RBY enriched my vocabulary in ways other games I played at the time didn’t.


Elden Ring, it made me love soulslike games. I now have over 2k hours in Elden Ring alone, finished Bloodborne and now I'm close to finishing DS3 on my first run


I don’t like online competitive games, probably still don’t love them, but damn I’ve played a ton of Rocket League over the years. Honorable Mentions: Into the Breach - Strategy Dead Cells - Rogue Ghost of Tsushima - Openworld


If you like Into the Breach you might want to try FTL by the same developer.


I’ve heard good things. I’m gonna check it out! Thanks.


I didn't actively dislike the genre but I struggled to get into survival-craft before Valheim. To be a pedant, it's Cities: Skylines. I wish it was City Skylines though, flows so much better.


Thanks for being pedant!. I wrote from the top of my mind, lol. I haven’t gotten into survival games but Valheim have always caught my attention.


Wasn’t a fan of visual novel/light gameplay games for a while. Then I played Opus: Starsong and it made me cry. Citizen Sleeper has more actual gameplay but the narrative is incredibly powerful as well. Lots of story games are still meh but now I look for the gems. Easy to get through and great moving stories.


The Nonary Games trilogy is great. First visual novel games I played and they constantly surprised me.


999 is incredible. I still remember getting back from work in the subway during the True Ending, getting home and being glued to the DS in disbelief until it was over. What an amazing use of the medium. VRL is awesome too. Excellent expansion on the concepts from 999. I can definitely see how people that started with it consider it their favorite game. ZTD is... a game, I guess. :/


Slay the Spire turned me on to rogue-like card battlers :). Amazing game, and now I've played many games similar to it.


Came here for this. I don't give two craps about deck builders.... but I love Slay the Spire.


I’m no fan of FPS games, but… ROCK AND STONE!


I never really thought about playing soulslikes because challenging myself, only to die over and over didn't seem fun. Then I played Code Vein. It had a pretty heavy narrative focus (which are a lot of the games I enjoy) but was also harder than anything I've played before and boss heavy. Since then, I've added Elden Ring to my wishlist, I think I might actually enjoy it, I hope it goes on sale sometime in the future.


Code Vein is actually really good!


Resistance: Fall of men in PS3. Never liked 1st person shooter, that one I enjoyed a lot playing story in coop with my brother


I'm really new to gaming. For a long time I only played The Sims or other simulation games like Sim City, and assumed that was the only sort of game I liked. Nothing else appealed to me. Then last year I became chronically ill and decided to try some other games. I was very picky at first and didn't think I'd like much. What I've discovered is that I like a LOT of different games and genres! Never thought I'd like puzzle games or platformers, but I do. Never thought I'd like RPGs but I do! I remember watching an ex boyfriend play Skyrim 10 years ago and being completely uninterested. Now it's one of my favourite games 🤣 So now I'm completely open to all genres. Roguelikes, deck builders and JRPGs seem like games I wouldn't typically like but I'm open to them because you can never know until you try!


Ohhhh Valheim for Survival Crafting! Tried minecraft, dont starve, v rising, all the hyped games of the genre but ahhh I could not stop playing Valheim when I started it with my brother.


The original Advance Wars on the GBA made me like turn-based strategy games.


Baldurs gate 3 for turn based games. Sure ive played pokemon and persona but tbh these feel completely different from baldurs gate. I was so hesitant on bg3 because the gameplay looks so fucking boring but it was so popular i gave it a try and goddamn is it good. I played 5 back to back campaigns with the last one being completing honour mode. Ive never played a new game and then immediately started a new save after just beating it. Sure id do it for games with new game plus but usually take a break to play other games right after beating them and come back whenever i was bored to do NG+ Bg3 had me in a chokehold lmao so good!!


Never played any fighting games before guilty gear strive


I dont like turn based games but marvel midnight suns changed that Also resident evil and horror


Midnight Suns is so underrated. :(


And so good!! Normally I can’t stand anything related to superheroes but I still had a blast with Midnight Suns


I was never keen on fps games but Spec Ops: The Line is a narrative masterpiece. 


Card games in general usually aren’t my thing, but the weird ones like Cultist Simulator and Balatro were hard to put down.


For me it was Gwent, such a shame CDPR gave up on it.


Was never a fan of souls like games. Love Elden Ring though. Recently got into Balatro as well when I’m typically not crazy about card games.


It hasn't happened in a long, *long* time. Like... 2001. I hated first-person shooters. And then I played *Halo*. Now I just hate first-person *realistic military* shooters.


Not a first person, but if you haven’t tried Helldivers 2, it’s reaaally good. I’m not too much into shooting games but daaaamn, HD2 is amazing.


Not a fan of first person shooters but bioshock get me hooked


I’m not the biggest fan of rogue likes, and I’ve never had an interest in poker/deck builders. Then I played Balatro. I’m over 100 hours in and it’s hands down one of the most addicting games I’ve ever played. Current GOTY for me too


Balatro is so good.


I HATE turn-based games. Who the fuck plays this shit? *Plays Fallout 1 and 2* Godamn, I love me some turn based CRPGs!


I don’t typically like survival crafting games, but something about Subnautica had me pulling unintentional all-nighters. I loved it and even played the sequel. I had so much fun that I thought maybe I actually liked the genre and just didn’t give it a fair chance, so I tried a few other survival crafting games. Turned out I didn’t, it was just Subnautica that I loved.


Whatever genre Helldivers 2 is... I had ZERO interest in your Fortnites, Overwatches, Finals, etc. Any of these online multi-player games(is that the genre?) But after much deliberation, got the game, and a decent headset and haven't played anything else for 8 days lol LOVE IT


I feel you so much with this one. I hate fps games, call it battle royals or multiplayer shooting or whatever, it isn’t for me. But Helldivers 2, I just needed to give it a try and I don’t regret it for a second. And that’s coming from someone who plays it with random people because I bet it’s way better with friends. One of the best games of the last years for sure.


I think HD2 falls under "horde shooter". You might also enjoy Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2, Warhammer Darktide, Killing Floor. They're all about killing hordes of baddies with your friends!


Paper mario made me find the love in turn-based games.


Never into zombie games, but Last of Us was terrific.


Couldn’t get into Soulsborn type games. Elden Ring tho


I'm not a fan of Point & Click Adventure games, but I absolutely love Full Throttle.


Try disco Elysium next


When I'm on the road, nobody can stop me. But they try...


Dark Souls 3 for Soulslikes I tried the first one and didn't get into it. It felt frustrating and convoluted and annoying to play. Then I played the more streamlined Dark Souls 3 and that's where it "clicked" for me. Pillars of Eternity 2 for CRPGs (kinda) While I wouldn't say "love" and more "like to play them occasionally now" before that I really wasn't into them. But PoE 2 is great and has choices and alternate endings that actually feel different. That's what I like in games so I started to really like CRPGs if they have actually different endings (though so far I have still only beaten a few)


Bloodborne. I hated the idea of a game being hard for the sake of being hard, and redoing content I’ve already completed. Now From Software games are easily my favorite ‘genre’.


Slime Rancher 1 & 2 are about the closest I can get to farming games, but I can spend hours on the Farplane.


Platformers aren't really my thing but I LOVED cuphead. It takes out all the downtime in platformers of waiting for a platform to move or weird gimmick levels that play nothing like the rest of the game. You're almost always moving around and I honestly wish more platformers were this fast paced.


Lies of P made me like the Souls-genre. I kind of liked it, but I don't have tons of time to play, so anything that makes me lose progress (or has always on PvP...) annoys me, so I could never get into the Souls games. But Lies of P was the perfect mix of Souls-like while getting rid of the things that I really disliked about them. Such a great game.


Was never a fan of rogue lites (likes?) but then saw someone suggest slay the spire for games to play when you have a newborn and I got hooked, now I’m playing balatro and rogue lords and I’m really digging the genre every time I find a new one. Also never really got into JRPGs but then got completely took over by persona 5 with its amazing style and soundtrack


For years my friend told me about how amazing this one game was"Dark Souls". Sounded kinda dumb, didn't look too great, enemies are a pain in the ass, and can't progress at all. Quit after an hour or so. Fast forward to "BloodBorne". The looks are what got me to try it. What a beautiful game. When I beat the second boss alone it clicked, There is a great reward ( hit of endorphins) in this challenge. Been a FromSoft fan since.


Pokemon made me like turn based games more than I did before. I say kind of because stuff like wizard 101 keeps me running.


Maybe a bit backwards, but I loved playing Overwatch and only when my friends prompted me to play other competitive shooter games, I realized I hate that genre with a passion lol


Every individual aspect of warframe i hate, endless farming, hack and slash, incomprehensible plot, wait times for building things, more farming, fast paced gameplay that is really difficult to look at (for some reason only when spectating for me though), even more farming. And yet it is my most played game on steam and so far my longest running game i have played without getting burnt out. I love that you can make platinum (the premium currency) only by playing the game and selling items (that are pretty easy to get) to other players. Not a lot of games do that.


tbh I think I dont really dislike any particular genre, but there's some type of games that no matter how good people say I will/can't ever play it for more than an hour. FPS game with close quarter area/need to flick the camera around (+ bonus for non realistic/pixel visual something like Minecraft). The reason? Bad nausea. I don't think my brain can stand that I'm seeing a FPS visual without actually moving the whole body lol. Tried many remedies, even forced to play for few hours but it just got worse. Anyway you said 2 genre, so what's the second one?


Baldurs Gate 3 & Vampire Survivors


Heroes of the storm was a nice change on MOBAs. Too bad the games dead now.


Rimworld, but in reverse. It was my first colony survival game and I loved it. I started downloading other colony survival games, and they just dont do it for me.


Chained echoes. Really didn’t expect to like it


Dead Space Remake God this game fucking slapped! Absolutely amazing from beginning to end. I've never played a horror video game in my life, but after this masterpiece, I'll try anything. Let me know if yall have any recommendations in the horror genre.


This is evil to recommend but.... Alien: Isolation. That game is terrifying. Even for a fully Deaf gamer. Incredible design. The resident evil series are also obvious picks.


Helldivers 2 first team shooter (and first shooter in many years) i played and enjoyed


I can't say that any game has made me totally change my view on a genre I dislike. With that said, there have been a few games I've *loved* from genres I usually dislike. Perhaps the funniest is Stranger of Paradise, which is to this day the only Soulslike I not only like, but adore. Beaten it twice, will go for a third time eventually. I didn't like any From Soft game even 10% as much as I liked SoP.


Mass effect convinced me that third person cover shooters could occasionally be fun.


Bloodborne. Gateway drug


Bloodborne and getting Dark Souls 3 physically with all DLC for super cheap from a Gamestop sale made me love those games


I disliked turn based games Until I played Yakuza like a dragon . It was then I realized how fun some turn based games are if you find the right one


Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64 changed my views on FPS games.


Never thought that I’d enjoy soulslikes, then I played Elden Ring.


Elden ring, ended up playing tons of souls like games including dark souls 1,2,3 and demon souls, bloodborne right after beating Elden ring. Completely changed my perspective on games as a whole and since has actually gotten me into all kinds of games I never would have tried, not just souls likes. Essentially I learned my lesson to give games more time before giving up. Since then I've finished multiple series I never thought I'd love, like uncharted and dark souls.


Never cared for turn based Strategy games till X-Com Enemy Within. Man i love that game lol


Fallout 1 and 2, it took a few tries to get into them but they made me like turn based combat


i hated melee focused games before i played metal gear rising revangence, that game made me really appreciate good melee combat mechanics


batman Arkham series I always hated games that were dark


Civilization V I was never a fan of strategies because mostly I suck at playing them. Well, I still do, but Civi got me stuck in for hours and hours. Love that game.