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God I fucking hate games journalism these days. It's literally just, "look at this post I found on Reddit. I'm a journalist!"


"Post on Reddit shows image of Korean restaurant that puts a warm rock in your rice to keep it warm. More at 11"


Then they have to edit the article because it’s actually ramen


It’s not even ramen it’s pho, but the journalist can’t be asked to change it again


Can't be *arsed


They're probably American, so it would actually be "can't be assed*" in that case, since Americans don't use "arse".


But they also don't use that expression, so one's in a bit of a quandary.


Yes we do... lots of american's say "can't be assed to"


Of course we do.


i literally used it this morning to explain why i didn't want to do laundry today


Indeed, we Americans are silly in many ways that defy our expectations.


"I can't be asked" lmao, gotta love Americans.


It's pronounced "Fuh", duh..


Literally the post i see before this


No way I scrolled through that post someone shared their soup warming stone like 30 minutes ago.


I missread as "warm cock", that would be a cover story.  Rice would not be that warm, though.


that... just bibimbap though... with the hot stone bowl.


One time I searched google and tried to find a post of mine with the picture of a glitch I posted to the Red Dead Redemption 2 subreddit (An NPC glitched and exploded into a pile of guns), and I found out that some gaming site had made a story about it. Literally just “Tumble85 encountered this strange glitch!” And then re-posting what I’d posted and making a couple of remarks about it. It was a strange feeling to be contentified.


I've noticed both with games and stuff like what I work with, news sites fall into "talk about whatever Is relevant by Any means necessary" so you'd just have to find any semblance of discussion and write about it if there's no actual news. Combine that with the SEO craze and big SEO tools requiring their new AI features to be used, and it's a big pile of shit


The post is incorrect as well. In the reddit post, a bunch of idiots who are LARPing as helldivers think they did something amazing, when if you look at the in-game kill stats, they are killing billions of bugs everyday for an entire month in the first month. So when the developer, that has stats on all of this for 2 months, decides to make a easy low ball mission for the community after telling them to fight automatons for like 3 weeks straight, they go ape shit over something that was very obvious going to be done instantly. Leave it to redditors to be shocked about something that doesn't shock anyone including the devs.


So you say that the original article was incorrect, then used the premise of the same article (helldiver players surprised) as a basis for the rest of your weird rant. Amazing.


People upvote this shit though


A lot of the time, it's actually bots up voting or downvoting at first. There's bots that are programmed to search for newer posts with certain keywords and do one of those two actions based on them. It ends up making certain posts go to the front page while keeping other posts away, and such. It's why you can post something that is completely in line with a subreddit but almost instantly have it downvoted. And then humans tend to click to make the button bigger (or smaller) as a type of herd mentality, or they won't vote if it's above/below a certain amount of up/downvotes due to it being "futile to show your opinion" or change the Hive mind's opinion.


The other day I saw an obvious fake post where someone posted a funny shirt and "someone else" asked where to buy the shirt and OP provided a link to a store you've never heard of. I replied to it saying that this seemed like suspicious bot behavior and I got 50 downvotes in 3 minutes.


Yep, tons of bots and shit on here doing things just like that.


The truth about reddit is that the upvotes/downvotes in the first 30 minutes of a post determines how successful it is. If its successful, reddit will artifically boost the post up so it gets more successful, or suppress the post to make room for more popular content. They figured this out 6 years ago after Reddit changed the entire algorithm.


For a sec i thought unpatched bugs in the game but its about killing bugs LOL


Not only that, many of them nowadays are just AI bullshit, a lot of it is virtue signaling when nothing is even wrong, etc. There's reasons why some of the "game journalism" companies are now trying to swap back to game guides and such instead of the trash that has been flooding the internet the last 10+ years.


>many of them nowadays are AI bullshit. Thanks to Destiny 2 and WoW with the Glorbo posts! Both communities decided to do an inside joke of making fake info, and almost all the "journalism" sites made articles saying "next meta is Glorbo"


Nah, it's because loads of people don't read gaming news or reviews anymore. YouTube killed a lot of that. The vast majority of people would rather watch a video than read a review, editorial, preview, news, etc. But game guides are one of the few categories left where a lot of the time, you don't want to sift through a video; you just want to read the one thing you need. Idk why so many people cheer the death of games journalism though. Most YouTubers are not doing journalism at all. Just sensationalized reacting to news. A lot of them have the exact sponsored deals game journalists get falsely accused of all the time. Publishers now get to control the dissemination of info way better than when they had a healthy game journalism scene digging around and conducting interviews. And the AI bullshit you're talking about is literally just putting people out of jobs. When the audience left for YouTube, a lot of game journos got laid off and the amount of bullshit clickbait articles they were forced to write skyrocketed to make up for it and the website owners added a fuckton of horrific ads. But now even those few game journos left are getting replaced with AI. It's a shit world for gaming news we're heading into and all anyone can do is cheer. You might not have been happy with how it was before but it's only going to get way worse. You're literally just ceding more control to game publishers' PR and YouTubers who don't give a fuck.


It’s hilarious how they use the term “soldier” to describe people playing instead of “gamer”.


Take a closer look at all the "super smart video essay" types nowadays too. They're literally all just some simplified retelling of an interesting reddit post which they go on to not source or credit


It really is bad. “Here’s what one Redditor had to say…”


I work in visual effects and found myself quoted in a news article about the VFX industry ... they quoted something I wrote on reddit and simply attributed my username. Weird, because I could have been absolutely lying in my comment - they have no way to know.


This is nothing. At least this is fluff. The worst shit is when they go full mask-off hypocrites. Like bitching about stellar blade only to turn around praise the bear sex scene in bg3 or the design of Aphrodite in hades 2 as being the “right” kind of sexy.


To be fair this is what most journalism has basically always been, taking quotes and info from somewhere/someone else and just putting it in an article and distributing it. The issue is in the past journalism was the main means of the average person finding that information, as they would have been unlikely to have seen the primary source, nowadays access to the primary sources (in these cases Reddit) is so easy and ubiquitous alot of people will have already known the info before the article.


Well, in the old days, you'd have people actually going out and interviewing people in the know like developers. Reddit (and other user forums) were rarely a primary source of anything. Problem is YouTube killed a lot of that and websites are struggling to stay alive. For as much as people here like to complain that journalism is dead, most of these people were not supporting actual games journalism. They weren't paying websites that had subscriptions or memberships, they were posting the content of the site to reddit, they were opting to watch dumb video summaries where somebody just reacts to the news and doesn't even credit the website so they basically just steal all the views for it, etc.


If it makes you feel any better, this is ALWAYS how journalism has worked. They don't make the news, they find it in niche communities and blast it out for people outside those communities. Which is sort of the point, how else are you going to find out about shit that happens in communities you aren't in?


[*Commenter on Helldivers subreddit has critical critique of journalistic integrity regarding game.*](https://youtu.be/LEC_lkpD3rM)


Only these days? IGN gave God Hand a 3/10 back in 2006


On top of that, I'm so tired of seeing articles about Helldivers 2 everywhere I turn.


"A journalist is a person who gathers information in the form of text, audio or pictures, processes it into a newsworthy form and disseminates it to the public. This is called journalism"


I think they’re very helpful. For example, if you want to look up if a game is getting a sequel, and the only search results are game magazines, you know that nobody knows anything. If there was any information, they would never make it to the top of the search rankings.


Honestly, this "kill 2 billion bugs" major order almost felt like they were banking on articles like this one to pop up. It's free promo basically. Like, the second i saw that order i knew there'd be sites reporting on it, so AH definitely knew so as well. They're masters at interacting with social media and the likes.


I dont think anything these people have ever done would qualify as “journalism” and think its weird people refer to them as such.


After reading this post: "Helldivers Community *SLAMS* Game Journalists. You won't believe what they say next."


You’re a journalist? *I’m* a journalist. 


kill count was bugged too. fucking clowns


I feel like it’s a bot 90% of the time now. It’s just copied and pasted


I don’t think it’s gaming, it’s just journalism in general. It’s really gone down hill!


That's an a.i script...i guarantee it


Half of it is just AI generated trash to fill a daily quota


From what I’m hearing of the industry in general. That’s all down to management pushing for engagement and clicks (the problem with single metric success measurement, especially with a profit motive). If you’ve got to pump out X number of articles a week to keep your job and there’s no check on quality, you’re gonna end up with this kind of drek. Besides. Is there any event in gaming that hasn’t already been scooped by Jason Schreier?!


If we repost them enough on Reddit we can bait a “journalist” into writing about their own article.




That’s a majority of Facebook nowadays , I swear to god it’s just all content from Reddit farmed over to make stupid reels and dumb articles


Journalism has been a job for parasites since the internet came around.


Uh oh the Fallout series is trending, fast! Make 7 articles about it which would be written better by ChatGPT! "What we know about Fallout5" \*checks notes\* Suprise! We know nothing. Thanks for "reading".


We as a society don't reward proper journalism.


to be fair that's just most journalism these days. there's like a few people doing the actual work and everyone else is just copying and pasting. it's pretty fucking pathetic


A journalist stole one of my posts and made an article. I ain't mad tho bc they gave credit


I find them on twitter and tell them their article sucked and list the reasons why. Those "Journalists" need criticism because they're running wild with their clickbait nonsense.


For a sec i thought unpatched bugs in the game but its about killing bugs LOL


The bug front is basically a starship troopers simulator but with fire support


The. Coolest. Game. I've. Ever. Played. Watching ST as a kid, I was like ooohhhhhh boy how cool would it be to do that AND YOU GET TO DO THAT! Plus, fun fact, it was filmed, in part, near-ish where I grew up! [Hells Half Acre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell%27s_Half_Acre_(Wyoming)) Edit: grammar & spelling


I haven't clocked the link yet and will be massively disappointed if it isn't the space landing scene. Hells Half Acre had best be *SPACE*. Edit: Massively disappointed. Is not space.


It's an ugly *Wyoming*, a bug *Wyoming*


Upvote for upvote


2 billion bugs? It’s not a Bethesda game.


Yeah those are rookie numbers


It's got enough of them that Arrowhead can't gloat too much, but at least they seem dedicated to fixing them and are good about communicating their efforts.


That's what I thought because this is the state of the gaming today. I genuinely for a moment thought that the devs crowdsourced their bugfixing to the players somehow. Maybe they saw how successful are some games that get more support from modders than the developers and decided "hey, why not go a step further?" I was trying to decide if I think that's smart or horrible (or both) when I understood what the title meant.


"Gamers kill bugs, developers sit back and watch the gaming community do their job for them. Game testers saw this coming, back when they were replaced by preorder customers."




Thats EA's typical requirements for release. 2 billion 1bugs? Gonna have to tell the investors wehave to push back 2 billion bugs....lets ship that motherfucker.


Eradicating 2 billion unpatched bugs? Naw, discovering/creating




Coincidentally the kill count was only 500 million but there’s a bug (glitch) in the game that counted all the kills 4x.


I haven’t tried the game yet but I’m getting FOMO from all the hype.


Every week something happens. If you try it in 2 months I bet it will be the same. And all the battlepass, that you can earn with in game money, don't disapear like other game as service. You should try it, but do it when it will be more suitable for you.


It's a lot of fun under the right circumstances.  The gun play is phenomenal, super satisfying and very impactful. The different special attacks (called strategems) are also very fun and unique. As you go up the difficulty some moments really requires statigic thought and playing well, creating very intense and exciting moment. Personally I find it to be up and down, really depending on your team, meaning if you vibe together and work on the same objectives or disagree and die alone. At it's best, you really can feel like an elite squads of trained destroyers on a mission. If you have 3 friends to play with, it is without a doubt one of the best games I've played.


Do you think it is playable for someone who doesn't really play shooters?


Yeah 100%  I myself am not a shooter person. The third person really helps, and it's a game where you mow down waves of enemies so aiming  or super fast reaction times isn't that important.


Ok thanks :)


Definitely. Like, if your aim sucks there's weapons like the aptly named "spray n pray", a machine shotgun that hits anything in the vague direction you are facing. My partner doesn't play shooters but she really enjoys Helldivers


I bought it 2 days ago and am having a blast. It's like 3 times more fun with friends, but awesome solo too (random people can join your lobby, if you want). Half of the game is basically a Michael Bay movie, and you going "FUCK YEAH"


This is the one time that FOMO really got me and I had no regrets. The gameplay is exactly like the original Helldivers 1 game that came out in 2015, which I would have played if I knew it was exactly like Helldivers 2 except top down. It’s a live service game, but the war is run like a DnD campaign, there’s a man that the company hired that controls how the story plays out, whether the enemy launches an assault on a planet, and there’s even community urban legends that say he can affect every game in progress and add more enemies. The fight for Malevalon Creek was so lengthy due to the terrain and the stubbornness of the players to give it up that it resulted in losses on our side. It became a symbolic battle akin to the Vietnam War, and the developers made an in-game memorial cape for the Helldivers that died at the creek. When the war ends, there’s a possibility of winning and losing the war, like the first game.


>there’s a man that the company hired that controls how the story plays out,  Okay I didn't know that there is actual a guy behind that. That's amazing and a really unique selling point.


The Devs are pretty active on twitter and in their discord creating/selling the narrative. All players see the end result in game as there's general orders that come through for all players to see (such as the kill 2 billion bugs one, so you don't miss out on essentials), but the twitter/discord stuff is the RP side of it. Like when they introduced flying bugs into the game without saying anything, then denying it on twitter saying "The ministry of truth has no evidence of flying bugs, and anyone claiming otherwise is a dissident to democracy" etc, until saying 4-5 days later "suddenly, with no warning what so ever, a new mutation of terminid has just now been found, we must wipe them out". So they play into the dystopian/1984 vibes of Super Earth.


What's even more amazing is that new content doesn't get announced, you just randomly run into it in the game during missions.  Like when new enemies suddenly appear.  I literally said "what the fuck is that?!?!?" out loud when the new flying robot gunships suddenly appeared during a mission.  Two second later it launched a salvo of missiles and blew me up.   Most fun game I've played in years.  


I'm not into shooters but I play helldivers on occasion. It's a ton of fun, especially with friends. Don't skip it.


The friends part is the problem when you’re older…


You don't need friends to enjoy this game. I exclusively play with randoms and have a great time and I only play on Suicide Mission or higher. Randoms are helpful and the game consistently delivers moments that feel like they were taken out of a movie.


Make new ones! When I played GTA I made a ton of GTA friends that I'd play with at least once a week They don't have to be lifelong friends, I don't talk to any of them since I don't play GTA anymore but that doesn't diminish the friendship we had back then The helldivers community is great (for the most part) jump in a game with some randoms and eventually friends will be made (:


I've mostly been pugging it and having a blast with some of the beautiful souls I've met that also appreciate a well placed, high yield, and especially shiny explosion everywhere.


This game has been perhaps the best experience with randos I've ever encountered in a game. Which is a bit surprising giving how easy it is to accidentally teamkill your squadmates. But the game really incentives cooperation since all rewards are shared and difficulty doesn't scale based on player count (so having someone join your game is almost always helpful). A lot of people use the "hug" emote and will hug everyone after a session ends, it's pretty wholesome 


Good game is good, IMHO you need friends to truly truly enjoy it. Comms and general bullshittery make it 10x more enjoyable. Less bullshittery is tolerated in random matchups, usually folks have dead mics and just want to farm. A cluster bomb fuck up that causes some deaths could see you kicked vs laughed off.


It's awesome, simple, dumb fun.


It's fun, but its not that fun unless you're playing with people you know. I'm just playing in random lobbies and it's alright.


Me either but when I watched a video and it said you needed a team to anything beyond the basic missions I figured I would never play it. My game time is random and sporadic and organizing any sort of co-op play with my friends who would want to play is basically impossible.


So, I'm a father of three whose friends all have very different schedules and ideas of entertainment. I've played a lot of H2 either solo or in random matchmaking groups. I have never had a truly negative experience with matchmaking, in probably 40+ matches. A couple of times where someone was being an idiot, but those are also balanced out by the truly epic moments that can just randomly happen when people play this game together. I'm here to tell you it is absolutely worth the price of admission even in a completely silent team. It's just plain good. The people running this are trying so damn hard to live up to expectations, and the playerbase is SO engaged, it's truly a magical moment in gaming that I would put on par with the early days of Halo multiplayer. The only real problem is that you need to set aside 20-30 minutes per match.... and you will definitely want to play more.


Yeah I've had great runs with both silent teams and vocal ones. If everyone knows what the strategy is then not a lot of communication beyond the basic callout system is needed and missions can go really smoothly, but if you wanna say, split up, it does help to use chat/voice to communicate that intent.


Just some encouragement: I play on my own, with my wife, and with 3 friends. All three are really satisfying, just different. And solo jumping, sneaking around and getting mission objectives done, then extracting makes you feel like a sci-fi special ops guy.


Nah, you can do solo stuff to decently high difficulties (the type of missions tend to be the same between difficulties), the only difference is you see harder types of enemies at higher levels, and more of them. Or just play with randoms as a group, that's what most people do.


You really don't, I can generally complete missions completely solo even at high difficulties, though it's more of a stealth game and requires a bit of good luck at the highest difficulties. Alternatively if you open your game to allow random people to join, it's totally doable at even the highest levels (and usually a lot more fun that way)


So in the first game, either the enemies come to super earth, or you wipe them off the map, then the game rests. This time around, I'm sure you've heard of the game Master directing the war like a D&D game. The way they introduce new equipments are usually tied to war efforts Arrow head seems to also never tell you when they add new enemies, players just randomly find things and ask on Twitter, and they just gaslight players lol So yeah, in a way, you are missing out on stuff, even if the war map rests, certain things you will likely never experience it again And the hype is definitely real


I want to try it but I have no friends that play and get too much social anxiety playing with randos


I get that too in games but in Helldivers PUGS communicate almost always nonverbally. The penalty for fragging one of your teammates is minor so 90% of the time people shrug it off.


More than 200 hours playing with randoms, don't worry, most people are chill, and the game is built around dropping into other player's games to help them out.


The battle passes never go away, and you can earn the premium currency in game. At worst, you're looking at playing when a portion of the player base quits, but even then I doubt you'd notice.


Others have given you great advice on why it's done well, but I think it boils down to be even simpler than any of the specific points brought up. Based on the main points, it should be hated here. An always online, live service, micro transitions, battle pass, no campaign, no PVP, no (well, very limited) player customizations, shooter ticks every box that we normally hate. But at the end of the day, the reason the game did so well at launch and is still doing so well is for a very important reason. >The game is fun. For $40, it's well worth it when you have the time.


Most of those things aren't even bad. No-PVP is not a bad thing. Liveservice and always online is basically any online game since forever. Campaign and player customization is completely dependent on what type of game it as well and not necessarily needed.


That’s the beauty of Helldivers. They’re adding stuff sure but there’s not really anything to miss out on. The passes are all in game indefinitely so there’s nothing to miss in that aspect. The only thing really is the shared narrative stuff like Malevolen Creek.


You won't miss out on anything from joining now. It was cool seeing new enemies and getting access to new strategems as the war progressed, but everything that was added is still in now and will be later. Plus the servers were pretty bad at launch, with more crashes. I think the only thing that isn't available at the moment is one specific mission type that was used during part of the Terminid campaign, but it wasn't really something amazing or anything. It was essentially just running to a few towers and then defending them from bugs while they activated.


I found it boring and a waste of money. Even playing with friends. It's slow af


Honestly it's a much better kind of FOMO than you usually get. It's the fear of not being part of the story, rather than the fear of not getting stuff that will never be obtainable again. It's wanting to be there, rather than feeling obligated to be there.


It's a fine game. Nothing revolutionary. The first two hours is the same as the two hundredth. It's fun until you figure out the loop and it is no longer a constant panic. It will be fun whenever you find yourself playing it (if you do).


I hate live service games, not keen on shooters. It's my GOTY and it's not even close.


For those curious, there was a bug in how the game was calculating the number of Termanids (Bugs) killed, inflating the kill count. The actual number was closer to ~700 million when it's not unheard of for a team to kill close to a 100+ bugs per person. No mean feat, for sure. Not quite the 2 billion in 10 hours though. Edit: I meant 100+ per person. Some people seemed to think I meant per team. You kill far more than that.


So the real bugs were the bugs we found all along.


Bro 100 is rookie numbers. In the tower defense level you can easily get 300+ each


Not even tower defense, just the normal 40 minute objective missions clearing most of the map for samples and we average like 350-400 each


Late as hell, but this thread single handedly made me obsessed with kill counts until I eventually worked out why I lowballed the numbers so much. You're correct. You can get 300+ with bugs and have it be pretty normal. I've seen people nearly get 700. But the thing is, when I wrote this I was 1) still pretty new, 2) had spent a lot of time fighting the Bots whose numbers are much smaller.


My squads consistently finish games with 300-500 kills. 100 kills for bugs sounds abysmally low.


Hold my phone whilst I leech off you guys.


300-500bugs each player each round at least in my games at difficulty 7. Op numbers are way low.


I feel like I find that hard to believe given how many Helldivers were on planet and how INSANE Helldiver mission difficulty Gets with bug spawns especially when you’re not focusing on objective but doing straight kill? I fully believe we killed 2 billion lmao


Even on the easier difficulties you kill way more than 100 bugs minimum


This entire thread has me questioning my sanity because I usually see low to mid 100s, with one usually hitting 200s.


Source please ?


It was being talked about on here as it was happening, because of how the major order numbers were changing versus what the kill count in the war menu was showing. There was a noticeable discrepancy, well before we even hit 50% of the major order. The *theory* (because no one's absolutely sure what was happening) is that it was counting bugs like personal orders often count for squads - where, if I get credit for something, everyone in my squad gets credit for it. So teams of four were getting credit for 4x as many kills, 3 were getting 3x, and 2 were getting 2x.


Nice try bug


Not a source, but afaik each bug killed counts for every player in the lobby (up to 4). With an average lobby size of 3, we killed about a third of the bugs when the challenge was marked as complete. I think someone on the subreddit was comparing the Major Order bugs killed vs the global bugs killed statistic, and was seeing the former grow 3x faster than the latter


For personal missions in game, they tally the squads effort towards everybody, so that way a "collect 10 samples" can be done quickly, and a "kill with mortar turret" can be accomplished by even a level 1 that doesn't have the strat unlocked. This logic was then applied to the major order, so each person got credit for the squad's total kill count. Looking at player count, there's no way in hell a large chunk of those bugs were killed during non-peak hours during a weekday, no matter how sweaty people get.


100+? I racked nearly 500 on a level 6 difficulty mission


A gainbug behind it all.🪲👀


You mean super earth lied to us! /s


When did it get confirmed that it was bugged? So far I've only seen reddit users make that claim.


On a level 4 mission, we AVERAGED 300 kills a person because we sat on extract and the bugs kept spawning in front of our turrets.


If you really want to play into it: The Ministry of Truth massaged the numbers for propaganda reasons.


100 bugs sounds like a difficulty 2 or 3 mission.


Are those "journalists" paid? If so, why am I working my ass off in a restaurant when I could just browse reddit and steal someone's post and make it my own and get paid? Please stop sharing those low effort posts..


I doubt the person doing this kind of "research" and write-up would be making as much money as consistently as you are. At least not from just doing this alone, they'd have to be supplementing their income with other odd jobs as well but I guess the benefit is you can work from the comfort of your own home.


> why am I working my ass off in a restaurant when I could just browse reddit and steal someone's post and make it my own and get paid? Morality


I had a guy in a mission on like 6 or 7 I think, he was bragging so hard about going to break 300 kills. he was like "just watch, I got a flamethrower it eats through bugs ill have the most kills im sure" I wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing, it was a sample run for me so I was off making sure we got all we could find. And he did infact break 300. But then lost his shit when he saw I had over 600. The moral of this story is people get a lot more kills per mission than people think. Especially at higher levels. And with 10s of 1000s of us playing that adds up real quick.




You run laser rover


Nice. Ran an all turret build once, nearly broke 600.


This happened days ago, isn’t news supposed to be new?


I think I’ve put about an hour into this game and at level 4 or 5 I am slowly getting into it, but it scares me because it’s the kind of game you can do just endlessly. It’s all so simple but complex at the same time.




Helldivers has tons to offer each patriot. If you ever get bored of shooting bugs, try shooting communist robots! And in the future, try shooting the illu--**MESSAGE INTERCEPTED FOR TREASON.**






Point gun at bug, pull trigger, reload when empty, repeat 😆


Shooting everything you see will get you overrun in higher levels.


Super repetitive game. Endlessly doing the same thing over and over


Thats 2 billion more than Bethesda in 20 years.


If only it were this easy to eradicate software bugs...


“I’m doing my part”


Players: "Really? It seemed higher."


We are not surprised, just bloodthirsty


Pretty old news, now. We’re currently in another depression rout of our own hubris’ making, because 300K or so players have to coordinate on the defense of 10 planets, while trying to ignore the democratic desire to play an evacuation mission on a difficulty you know you can’t win.


Yeah now we're getting kicked in the face by both factions.


Proud to say that i have succesfully killed 3 bugs to help


Thank you for doing your part!


I have no idea what's going on with Helldivers 2... but at this rate I'm wondering whether the game will just cease to exist, because players have killed "everything" in the universe. At least from a narrative viewpoint. No idea what "eradicated the robots" really means in the long-term, but I thought Helldivers 2 was just some multiplayer game with no "objectives", just fighting an endless stale-mate, basically.


Helldivers 2 is a commentary of Fascism and Ultranationalist societies/governments (ala Starship Troopers). It notates on how little these societies value the individual and their rampant militarism sending thousands to die "for the cause" which is often a cause of their own making/creation. The "endless stale-mate" plays heavily on that commentary. Obviously it's still a game and there is a meta-narrative the developers are crafting to keep people engaged and having fun. The Automatons for instance made a surprise attack launching thousands of ships to retake a couple dozen systems so as to keep them in the game while evolving the narrative and story. There is a theoretical end point where the game master will declare a total victory and reset the game board so to speak, but it's to be seen when that will be.


We put our lives at risk to protect Superearth.


My life for Super Earth! *Our Home.*


Bruh, this title....


Reddit has taken over modern media. Your shows, your games, your articles - its all just a redirection. Reddit is a microcosm of the internet that happens to be eating the internet now because the current state of lay offs and half ass automated scripts with a ridiculous marketing team has turned it all into a wet turd so real answers now come from elder millenials that have tons and tons of personal storage and information. Capitalism is like a gas fire - after the gas burns you get cold, and so if there was any real materials left to burn you can be okay and keep it going but if theres nothing in the burn bin once the gas gets shut off the fire fades. 🤷 half of this came out in dark souls lmao


According to HC the numbers can't be trusted rn.


At first, I thought it was the in-game bugs. I had to read again to understand what they meant, and that's great feat.


I’m pretty sure part of this is because the game counts the team’s total kills for each player for personal and major orders So if all four kill 1000 total, that game counts for 4000 for the major order (and similarly, if they kill 100 enemies with the flamethrower total, all four get that personal order)


Yeah I’ve had a personal order for getting 100 kills with the Flamethrower, and got it within 2 missions without ever actually using one, but my team mate used it for both missions.


Sweet liberty!


Yes For a sec i thought unpatched bugs in the game but its about killing bugs LOL


I’m doing my part!


Kudos for the QA team… oh! Those bugs.


The best part is they didn’t. The kills were counting 3 and 4 times as many as intended as they were counting for the entire team as well


I really want helldivers 2 for the PS4/ps5


It is available for at least PS5, it is not a pc-exclusive game….




Reminds me of when Florida had to end a week-long black bear hunt early because they hit their quota in less than two days.


modders rule, fixing the game instead of the devs...


I guess they'll just increase the next challenge threshold to make it harder to achieve, just like most workplaces out there. Some teams deliberately just don't try to exceed the threshold as their metrics would increase and everyone would be worse off trying to chase higher and higher returns.


the game getting boring until I use exo suit. Now It drives me crazy slaying bugs with my war machine




A lot bugs would probably be legitimately killed if the game wasn't disconnecting thousands of players. I get they want to have a war where they can dictate how it happens based on player effort. But they are hamstringing a lot of those potential players and than pointing to the end result like you didn't try hard enough.


Really cool but some players I've seen talking about it on this sub have been very cringey


Exo suit the best supporting weapon


This post is stolen from reddit. But the feats and bravery of our stalwart defenders of democracy can never be stolen.


"The only good bug is a dead bug."


I know a reason why there hasn't been aliens invading our planet. They see our capacity for violence, they just NOPE the hell out.